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Doing good when times are bad: the impact of CSR on brands during recessions


Abstract and Figures

Purpose This paper aims to determine what the brand performance consequences of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities would be during times of recession for well-known brands. Design/methodology/approach Based on signaling theory, this paper investigates if CSR activities serve to signal higher brand value for consumers via perceptions of better quality and greater differentiation, specifically during recessions. This study incorporates a representative longitudinal sample of known US firms for the analyses, which is accomplished through generalized method of moments estimations. Findings The findings empirically demonstrate that CSR initiatives during recessions are actually associated with increased perceptions of brand value. More specifically, during recessions, CSR initiatives such as charitable contributions provide a signal to customers of higher brand quality. Research limitations/implications This study did not control for the costs of doing specific CSR activities that may be less visible to consumers. Practical implications While individual firms or managers may not be able to prevent recessions from happening, they can limit the negative impact of recessions on their performance by engaging in CSR activities (or refrain from cutting back) during these times. Social implications Because CSR initiatives during recessions result in more favorable consumer perceptions of the brand, engaging in CSR aligns both social and managerial interests, owing to the economic gains from CSR investments. Originality/value During times of recession, some critics indicate that CSR may be an unaffordable luxury. On the contrary, this research shows that managers may want to consider CSR activities as a means of increasing the value of their brands, especially during economic recessions.
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Doing good when times are bad:
the impact of CSR on brands
during recessions
Abhi Bhattacharya
Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands
Valerie Good
Department of Marketing, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan, USA, and
Hanieh Sardashti
Department of Marketing, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Purpose This paper aims to determine what the brand performance consequences of corporate social
responsibility (CSR) activities would be during times of recession for well-known brands.
Design/methodology/approach Based on signaling theory, this paper investigates if CSR
activities serve to signal higher brand value for consumers via perceptions of better quality and greater
differentiation, specically during recessions. This study incorporates a representative longitudinal
sample of known US rms for the analyses, which is accomplished through generalized method of
moments estimations.
Findings The ndings empirically demonstrate that CSR initiatives during recessions are actually
associated with increased perceptions of brand value. More specically, during recessions, CSR initiatives
such as charitable contributions provide a signal to customers of higher brand quality.
Research limitations/implications This study did not control for the costs of doing specic CSR
activities that may be less visible to consumers.
Practical implications While individual rms or managers may not be able to prevent recessions from
happening, they can limit the negative impact of recessions on their performance by engaging in CSR
activities (or refrain from cutting back)during these times.
Social implications Because CSR initiatives during recessions result in more favorable consumer
perceptions of the brand, engaging in CSR aligns both social and managerial interests, owing to the economic
gains from CSR investments.
Originality/value During times of recession, some critics indicate that CSR may be an unaffordable
luxury. On the contrary, this research shows that managers may want to consider CSR activities as a means
of increasing the value of their brands, especially during economic recessions.
Keywords Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Brand value, Recession, Quality, Differentiation
Paper type Research paper
© Abhi Bhattacharya, Valerie Good and Hanieh Sardashti. Published by Emerald Publishing
Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence.
Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both
commercial & non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and
authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at
Doing good
when times are
Received 30 January2019
Revised 26 July2019
12 January 2020
27 March 2020
Accepted 29 April2020
European Journal of Marketing
Vol. 54 No. 9, 2020
pp. 2049-2077
Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/EJM-01-2019-0088
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been recognized as a key driver of rm success, with
more than half of Fortune 500 companies producing distinct CSR reports and assigning senior
executives the responsibility for CSR initiatives (Keys et al., 2009). A consistent, strong body of
evidence links CSR to future rm nancial performance (Oh et al., 2016;Kang et al., 2016;Yim
et al., 2019). Prior research denes CSR as actions that appear to further some social good,
beyond the interests of the rm and that which is required by law(McWilliams and Siegel,
2001,p.117;Lindgreen et al., 2012, p. 967). While not required by law, many rms have
embraced CSR as a major component of their overall strategy (Mishra and Modi, 2016).
Consumers and other stakeholders (such as employees, channel partners and regulators) may
pressure a rm to conduct itself responsibly and actively engage in broader societal and
environmental stewardship. Thus, businesses may engage in CSR to maintain social norms
and legitimacy in business dealings (Lindgreen et al., 2012). Prior literature demonstrates that
CSR may help consumers form impressions of the rm; hence, CSR activities may help
cultivate the customer asset (Saxton et al., 2019;Guzm
an and Davis, 2017).
Understandably, the notion of CSR has attracted the attention of diverse business
disciplines, including marketing, management, economics and business ethics. In particular,
marketing researchers have shaped much of the conversation surrounding CSR, which has
been deemed an inescapable priority(Porter and Kramer, 2006). As CSR features can be
one of the critical inuencers of a corporate brand (Rust et al.,2004), it is imperative to
understand how CSR initiatives affect various facets of brand performance. Though recent
research has provided some evidence for the positive inuence of CSR on brand loyalty (Cha
et al.,2016), global brand equity (Torres et al., 2012) and brand credibility (Bigné et al.,2012),
our understanding of the impact of CSR on different aspects of brand performance is still
equivocal, particularly during uctuations in the business cycle.
Certainly, recessions essentially dened as a signicant decline in economic activity
spread across the economy, normally visible in real GDP (National Bureau of Economic
Research, 2010)are a common occurrence in the worlds major economies. Even though a
recessionmaybetriggeredbyaspecic event (such as the subprime loan market in the USA),
rms across industries, sectors and countries feel its effects. Indeed, several studies
demonstrate how harshly recessions can impact the performance of rms and entire economic
sectors (Stock and Watson, 2012;Dekimpe and Deleersnyder, 2018). At such times, rms face
declining revenues and a shortage of cash. Some expenses are difcult to reduce (such as
certain operational expenses in a manufacturing rm). A natural tendency is to cut back on
seemingly discretionary undertakings such as research and development and advertising to
save on costs (Lamey et al., 2007). This helps rms overcome the shortfall in revenue and ward
off a decline in protability. Because CSR is often perceived as a peripheral activity and thus
discretionary (Aguinis and Glavas, 2013), rm managers also may face pressure to reduce their
CSR levels. Indeed, during the 2008-2009 [1] recession, some described CSR as an unaffordable
luxuryand suggested rms tighten their beltsand only spend on core business activities
(Franklin, 2008). However, no study to date specically looks at CSR activities during a
recession, especially their impact on brand value, which is a customer-level indicator of future
rm performance (Srinivasan et al., 2010).
This gap is important to address for two reasons. First, based on past literature, we have
reason to believe that CSR may positively affect brand value (Torres et al.,2012;Lindgreen
et al., 2012). However, past research has not disentangled the differential impact of CSR on the
various pillars that constitute overall brand value. Second, marketing activities particularly,
advertising have been shown to become signicantly more important to a rms success
during recessions (Özturan et al., 2014;Tellis and Tellis, 2009;OMalley et al.,2011). While CSR
activities may likewise follow this pattern of marketing actions that distinguish a rm from its
competitors during a recession, no research has investigated this critical issue. When faced
with decisions regarding which investments are essential to help a rm during recessions when
revenue is often restricted, managers need to know where to allocate their resources for
achieving the highest return.
To address this gap, in this study, we seek to answer the question, what are the
performance consequences of brand value when rms leverage CSR during a recession. To
answer this question, we investigate the impact of CSR on well-known rmsbrand value in
a large longitudinal panel of US rms during and after the 20082009 recession using
generalized method of moments (GMM) estimations. In doing so, we provide the following
contributions to the literature.
First, our ndings reveal that on aggregate, at least for established brands, CSR has a
positive impact on brand value during recessions, owing to a change in the effect of CSR on
brand quality perceptions. This makes CSR an important factor in forming an impression of
a companys brand, particularly during recessions. Although prior research shows that
managers face many opposing tensions from performing CSR for example, customers
often pressure rms to perform CSR activities to benet society while opposing pressures
from stockholders and top management teams exist along the lines of accountability, limited
resources and public governance (Lindgreen et al., 2012)our research provides some
evidence that investing in CSR as a strategic initiative aligns the interests of both customers
and other stakeholders during recessions, hence giving managers positive rationale for
performing CSR activities.
Second, we identify two pathways for CSR to impact brand performance. The rst, based
on signaling theory, shows that CSR efforts are a signal of quality to consumers, which leads
to greater esteemed brand quality (during recessions). The second path is through
differentiating a brand from its competitors.
Overall, we provide a more nuanced understanding of the rich literature on CSR as an
integral marketing strategy. Following our analyses and ndings, we offer an in-depth
discussion, including actionable managerial insights, as well as directions for future
Conceptual development and hypotheses
The marketing literature has proposed that consumers appreciate the CSR initiatives of
rms and feel good about the rm as well as themselves (Habel et al., 2016). In addition,
several studies have investigated the relationship between corporate social performance and
brand performance, as shown in Table 1. Consumer behavior research clearly demonstrates
that customer beliefs concerning CSR affect individual customer outcomes such as brand
preference, brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth (Klein and Dawar, 2004). However,
outside of those looking at CSR-brand t(Cha et al., 2016), extant studies highlighted in
Table 1 have not often investigated when such an effect is stronger and whether such an
effect varies across rms or even within rms over time. Because positive brand evaluations
are often a prerequisite for ultimate nancial performance, demonstrating when CSR may
inuence such a customer-level outcome such as brand value is important. Strong brands
attract more loyal customers, buyers who are willing to pay more and higher customer
lifetime value; brand value captures this added value from brands based on customer
perceptions (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). Because brand associations and strengths are more
lasting than short-term nancial performance (Wood, 2000), rms should be more attune to
these outcomes when making strategic decisions such as CSR.
Doing good
when times are
Citation Data source Theoretical framework Estimation Relevant findings in our context
an and
Davis (2017)
Surveys of 370
undergraduate students
(primary data)
Not explicitly mentioned Structural equation
modeling (SEM)
Two types of brandcause t (value and function) have
differential effects on attitude toward the brand and
ad, which in turn inuence brand equity
Sierra et al. (2017) Surveys (primary data) Various related to
business ethics
Structural equation
modeling (SEM)
CSR impacts brand equity through higher perceived ethical
image of the rm
Cha et al. (2016) Surveys (primary data) Self-expansion theory Structural equation
modeling (SEM)
CSR brand t increases service brand loyalty
Tingchi Liu et al.
Surveys (primary data) Not explicitly mentioned Regression Customersbrand preference via perceived brand quality
in Chinese hotels can be enhanced by CSR performance
Hur et al. (2014) Surveys (primary data) Resource-based view
Structural equation
modeling (SEM)
CSR impacts brand equity and the effect is mediated by
brand credibility and corporate reputation
Torres et al.
SGP database; Interbrand Stakeholder theory
Partial adjustment model CSR increases global brand equity
Bigné et al. (2012) Surveys (primary data) Pyramid conception of
Structural equation
modeling (SEM)
CSR brand tinuences brand CSR perception
Lindgreen et al.
Multiple case-based
approach from ve rms
Brand leadership
Qualitative Firms link CSR to their brand building both directly and
Lai et al. (2010) Surveys (primary data) Stakeholder theory Structural equation
modeling (SEM)
CSR impacts brand performance and the effect is mediated
by industrial brand equity and corporate reputation
Melo and Galan
Panel data Instrumental stakeholder
Panel data regression CSR positively impacts brand value and has a long-term
impact on corporate performance
Berens et al.
Surveys (primary data) Accessibility
diagnosticity framework
Hierarchical regressions CSR partially mediates the effect of corporate brand
knowledge on product attitudes
Werther and
Chandler (2005)
Conceptual Institutional theory and
stakeholder theory
Conceptual article CSR offers corporate brand insuranceagainst management
Klein and Dawar
Experimental Attribution theory ANOVA CSR increases rm performance through improved
consumer brand evaluations and protects a rm from
negative impact of product harm crises
Sen and
Experimental Congruence theory ANOVA A companys CSR initiatives will enhance consumers
evaluations of that company
Table 1.
A literature review
on CSR and brand
performance by year
Impact of corporate social responsibility on brand value
One of the largest and most widely accepted valuation models for brands is the Young and
Rubicam Brand Asset Valuator (Y&R BAV), which includes four pillars or central brand
attributes (Datta et al.,2017;Mizik and Jacobson,2014, 2008). They are (in alphabetical
order): differentiation, esteem, knowledge and relevance. Differentiation is the perceived
distinctiveness of the brand and reects its ability to stand out from competition (Mizik and
Jacobson, 2008). Esteem reects the level of respect, deference and regard a consumer holds
for a given brand based on perceptions of overall brand quality, which is related to being
reliable and a leader in its category (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). Knowledge accounts for
customer awareness, recall and recognition of the brand (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). Finally,
relevance reects the degree to which a brand is personally appropriate to a consumer (Mizik
and Jacobson, 2008).
CSR as a quality signal
The rst theorized mechanism by which CSR may lead to enhanced brand value is by
signaling quality. According to signaling theory (Spence, 1978), an informed party in a
market that is characterized by information asymmetry can use signals to communicate
unobservable qualities to the other party. To be most effective, such signals should
be visible and costly to imitate. Past literature has conveyed that signaling theory may be
useful for understanding organizational CSR activities (Connelly et al., 2011). For example,
information asymmetry often exists between rms and customers with regard to a rms
brand quality. Hence, Hult (2011) suggested that organizations can use CSR to:
[...] signal to the marketplace what type of organization they are (e.g., an organization dedicated
to sustainability practices), thus transferring information to the organizations stakeholders (most
notably its customers in the marketplace) and resolving the information asymmetry (p. 518).
Past literature has indeed used signaling theory in the context of CSR (Thorne et al.,2017;
Saxton et al.,2019;Yim et al.,2019); however, prior studies have not examined if CSR
provides a signal of greater brand quality to customers during specic times. Moreover,
articles that do involve signaling theory and CSR are rare, leading to a specic recent call for
papers investigating the impact of CSR from a signalingperspective (Zerbini, 2017).
Often, consumers may have a difcult time estimating the truequality of a brand
becauseof inexperience, lack of motivation or insufcient knowledge about the brand (Jin and
Leslie, 2003;Kirmani and Rao, 2000). While brand quality is normally experienced only
through the consumption experience, prior research demonstrates that consumers can engage
in an information search and use this information to inform their decisions and ultimately
arrive at a certain perceived level of quality, which may or may not be close to the true quality
level (Brucks et al., 2000). Therefore, past literature emphasizes the distinction between true
quality and perceivedquality, with the latter having a stronger effect on overall perceived
value and purchase intentions (Erdem and Swait, 2004). To aid consumers in their search as
well as predispose customers favorably toward a brand (i.e. increase the perceived quality of
the brand), rms engage in marketing activities that inform consumers about the brand
quality (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2006). From this perspective, rms may use their CSR activities
as a signal of higher quality to consumers, which reduces information asymmetry.
By engaging in CSR activities, rms can signal an elevated level of quality of the rms
internal processes and beliefs, thus creating a halo effecton the brand (Klein and Dawar,
2004). This may occur through two complementary signals. First, consumers may
reasonably think that taking care of society implicitly means taking care of customers
(Nicolau, 2008). CSR investments may signal the motivations of the rm and its emphasis on
Doing good
when times are
creating a better society and/or that the rm has much to lose by offering inferior brands
that would damage customer goodwill. Thus, CSR may increase consumersoverall trust in
the brand and the credibility of the brands claims. Second, CSR activities may convince
consumers that the brand is of higher quality because they signal greater management
competency and greater resources (McWilliams and Siegel, 2001). Consumers may see
investments in CSR such as a charitable donation and assume that the rm has solid
leadership and accumulated slack resources to spend and therefore must not need to save
the money on quality and safety improvements (i.e. customers perceive those have already
been well established by the rm). In combination with the denition of esteem relating to
the consumersperception of overall quality, CSR should signal a rms condence in and
commitment to its brands superior quality:
H1. CSR positively affects perceived brand quality.
Corporate social responsibility as a tool to dierentiate
Another benet of CSR initiatives is the ability companies have to differentiate their brands
(Hsu, 2012). Brand differentiation is important because it creates barriers to entry and
improved customer loyalty, as well as increased purchase frequency (Erdem and Swait,
2004). According to Kay (2006, p. 744), branding is about being differentso consumers can
make distinctions between products and services and base purchase decisions accordingly.
Past literature has shown that effective employment of CSR initiatives by managers can
differentiate brands from their competitors through excelling in their social responsibilities
(Smith and Higgins, 2000). A brand can create a certain level of association with CSR best
practices by embodying itself with CSR attributes (such as hybridcars) or by using CSR-
related resources in its production process and organizational policies (such as free trade
coffee) (Hsu, 2012;McWilliams and Siegel, 2001). These qualities may then differentiate a
brand by appealing to ethical values within and across customer segments (Van de Ven and
Jeurissen, 2005). Infact, past research has theorized that manufacturers have an opportunity
to differentiate their brand through their investments in CSR and that these CSR
investments become even more impactful for rm nancial performance as competition
increases (Madden et al.,2012;Neville et al., 2005). This makes CSR an integral element in a
rms differentiation strategies and a form of strategicinvestment under managerial control,
similar to R&D and advertising (Gardberg and Fombrun, 2006;McWilliams et al.,2006).
With differentiation dened as the perceived distinctiveness of the brand and its ability to
stand out in the marketplace, we predict the following:
H2. CSR positively affects brand differentiation.
Ex ante we do not expect an effect of CSR on either knowledge or relevance for a few
reasons. First, previous research has highlighted that to esteem a brand, it must already be
known (de Mortanges and van Riel, 2003). For the signal of CSR to be regarded, consumers
must be aware that the brand exists to be seeking or deciphering the cue. Moreover, the
brands in our secondary data sample are all well known. Thus, CSR efforts are not going to
make known that which is already known, in or out of a recession. In addition, with respect
to brand relevance, we argue that the impact of CSR may not be universal. While CSR may
make the brand more relevant to a group of customers, it may also make the brand less
relevant to other groups. Hence, the overall impact on brand relevance may be minimal.
However, to be thorough in our empirical analyses, we test for an effect for these two pillars
to conrm our suspicions that the effect on brand value is being driven by our hypothesized
relationships of esteemed brand quality and differentiation.
Overall, we expect that CSR should increase both perceived brand quality and
differentiation while not decreasing brand relevance and knowledge. As mentioned, prior
research provides some indication that to esteem a brands quality requires that consumers
are aware of and can recall the brand (De Mortanges and Van Riel, 2003). Thus, knowledge
of the brand is assumed to already have taken place. Likewise, some evidence exists
showing that differentiation and relevance can work in tandem, which has been called
brand strengthin past literature (De Mortanges and Van Riel, 2003). Because uniqueness
and specically differentiation in the consumersmemory between associations with one
brand and those of another brand has been shown to reduce brand substitution (Rego et al.,
2009), we predict that the differentiation from doing CSR activities will have a positive
impact on the total brand value. We thus presume an overall positive impact of CSR on
brand value, driven primarily by the impact on perceived brand quality and differentiation.
Moreover, CSR is increasingly becoming a core component of a brand besides a range of
traditional product-related brand featuressuch as quality and styling (Werther and
Chandler, 2005). A major assumption behind adopting CSR activities centers on the notion
that customers reward good corporate citizenship through greater, more sustained
patronage (Luo and Bhattacharya, 2006). As CSR activities create goodwill, consumers who
are a core constituent of the broader society may be directly or indirectly impacted by a
rms CSR initiatives, which may engender stronger attachment toward the rmsofferings
and brand. Taken together, we predict the following:
H3. CSR positively affects brand value.
Impact of recession
Recessions are an inevitable part of the overall business cycle. While unpleasant, recessions
can offer opportunities if handled strategically. The recession that forms the context of our
study was induced by the collapse of the derivative market and subsequently the housing
market. The so-called Great Recession of 2008-2009 (Han and Goetz, 2015) was characterized
by the most severe year-over-year decline in consumption the USA had experienced since
1945. The consumption slump was extensive (De Nardi et al., 2011) and rms found
themselves struggling to generate sales, in large part because of increases in the price
sensitivity of consumers, many of whom had lost or were struggling to retain their
employment (van Heerde et al., 2013).
Marketing actions and investments to protect or even increase perceived brand value
likely gain in importance during recessions. While CSR could serve as a strategic marketing
action, performing CSR activities during a recession could create a conundrum for rms.
From one perspective, CSR activities may act as a calculated initiative to differentiate the
rm from its competitors. Thus, CSR initiatives during a recession could predict future
brand performance. On the other hand, managers would be ill-advised to allocate scarce
resources to CSR initiatives during times of crisis without any expectations of returns.
Undeniably, a compelling reason for reducing strategic initiatives such as CSR or marketing
investments during a recession is that sales are likely to be lower than at times of economic
expansion (Tellis and Tellis, 2009). Thus, a call for future research in the marketing
literature suggests investigating the effects of CSR on rm outcomes during periods of
recession (Torres et al.,2012).
Past research shows that the economic environment inuences both purchase decisions and
brand considerations (Van Steenburg and Spears, 2011;Dekimpe and Deleersnyder, 2018).
Doing good
when times are
Extant research also suggests that the recession (perhaps extendable to recessions in general)
forced many consumers to re-evaluate the brands they buy, primarily on the consideration of
whether or not valuewaspartofthebrands promise (Raggio and Leone, 2009). Such a
re-evaluation may even be positive and benecial for brands when combined with CSR.
During recessions, consumers may nd it difcult to make decisions (Dekimpe and
Deleersnyder, 2018) leading them to seek stability, predictability and low risk rather than
change and new experiences (Erdem et al.,2004). Previous marketing research has
demonstrated that during times of economic decline, consumers typically consciously alter
their spending habits they may reduce quantities, purchase off-brands, postpone buying
or make other tough choices (Green and Peloza, 2011;Lamey et al.,2007). Rather than
unconscious consumption, customers begin actively seeking cues for greater value (both
quality and price) to reduce the risks of purchase. Consumers take more time and effort
searching for goods and search harder to determine the truequality of the brand during
recessions (Quelch, 2008). Thus, when rms use CSR to signal quality, these signals are
more likely to be discovered and contemplated during recessions when customers are
actively looking for them. Furthermore, Steenkamp et al. (2010) found that during
recessions, customers are more willing to pay a price premium for a brand only if they are
convinced of its superior quality. Thus, during recessionary periods, when value is essential
to buyers, using CSR as a signal of higher quality and better perceived value likely becomes
even more important.
Second, customers may appreciate rms for not abandoning CSR investments during
tough times. During a stable economy, consumers often expect companiesCSR actions to be
motivated at least in part by self-interest (Ellen et al., 2006), but such attributions are less
likely to be associated with the rm during recessions when consumers know that rm
resources are scarcer. For this reason, CSR during recessions may also help the rm combat
perceptions of unethical practices such as greenwashing where companies often use
claims that sound environmentally friendly, but are actually vague, and at times even false
(Laufer, 2003). Holt et al. (2004) afrm that the biggest challenge to the effectiveness of CSR
in inuencing customer perceptions is that consumers regard CSR initiative as opportunistic
and perceive those actions to be motivated primarily by self-interest and not by an interest
in the welfare of people and the environment. Moreover, research has demonstrated that
consumers will punish rms perceived as insincere in their CSR claims (Bhattacharya and
Sen, 2004). On the other hand, CSR activities during recessions (when resources are more
constrained) may be viewed as an authentic and true display of social responsibility and
consumer stewardship.
In summary, CSR efforts by rms during recessions may provide a stronger quality
signal for two reasons consumers are more likely to look for additional cues when faced
with greater risk and uncertainty in purchase as is predicated in a recession, and consumers
are more likely to consider CSR efforts to be genuine and in turn appreciate and trust a
brand more. Overall, we predict the following:
H4. The positive effect of CSR on perceived brand quality is stronger during a recession.
In addition to the signal of quality, CSR activities can pay off during a recession because
competition for customersattention is reduced because of rms cutting back on advertising
expenses (Tellis and Tellis, 2009;Deleersnyder et al., 2009). In line with research
demonstrating a positiveimpact of a higher share of voice with regard to advertising(Putte,
2009), we assert that when less clutter exists in the marketplace, brands should be able to
stand out from the competition through their strategic initiatives related to CSR and thus
differentiate more on the basis of CSR. Moreover, the 20082009 recession (the one we
observe in our sample) was attributed to the unethical activities of large nancial
institutions (Lewis et al.,2010). When this unethical side of businesses is salient in
customersminds, CSR activities may be more visible and result in stronger positive
externalities. Thus, we hypothesize the following:
H5. The positive effect of CSR on brand differentiation is stronger during a recession.
Academic research in this area generally tends to demonstrate that investments in
marketing are desirable during recessions. For example, OMalley et al. (2011) demonstrated
that strong rms generally benet from investments in marketing and suffer from cost
reduction initiatives. Likewise, a strong, consistent body of evidence conveys that cutting
back on advertising during a recession can hurt sales during and after therecession, without
generating any substantial increase in prots (Özturan et al.,2014;Deleersnyder et al., 2009;
Tellis and Tellis, 2009). To the extent that CSR be considered a marketing action,
investments in CSR, even during a recession, is likely to pay off. As detailed above, we
predict that both the relationship between CSR and esteemed brand quality and the
relationship between CSR and brand differentiation is higher during recessions, owing in
part to the stronger signal of genuineness and greater salience of such activities in the minds
of consumers. We hypothesize that in a recession, CSR investments will have an even
greater positive impact on brand value:
H6. The positive effect of CSR on brand value is stronger during a recession.
Research design
One of the most widely accepted denitions of brand equity is Kellers (1993)
conceptualization, which denes brand equity as the differential preference and response to
marketing effort that a product obtains because of its brand identication as compared to
the same product that did not have the brand identication. Although many measures of
brand equity exist, most fall under two broad measurement approaches: based on
consumersattitude toward the brand (consumer-based brand equity, hereafter CBBE) and
based on share in the marketplace (sales-based brand equity, hereafter SBBE)(Datta et al.,
2017). The CBBE is more aligned with our research context because we are interested in
changes in consumersperception of a brand. The CBBE is afliated with stated consumer
preferences more than measures that include product market (such as category likeability)
and nancial market (such as rm reputation) indicators. Hence, the CBBE is most closely
linked to the stakeholder we investigate in this paper consumers. Over the years, several
consulting companies have developed their own CBBE constructs and measures. Important
examples include Young and Rubicams Brand Asset Valuator (BAV), YouGovs Brand
Index, Millward Browns Brand Dynamics and Harris Interactives EquiTrend. These
syndicated databases use large-scale consumer surveys to measure perceptions of brands
along multiple dimensions. While each CBBE system has its own measures (and perhaps
idiosyncrasies), they tap into many of the same or related dimensions, making them largely
interchangeable, as pointed out by Keller (2001).
Thus, we chose to use Young and Rubicams BAV to obtain publicly traded mono-brand
rms [2]. Young and Rubicam collects brand-related data from samples of 1,200 or more
respondents each quarter from a panel of 15,000 US consumers, using a 45-min survey. The
BAV is one of the few sources of brand value data that span more than 10 years and has
been used in prior research (Datta et al., 2017;Mizik and Jacobson,2014, 2008). To construct
Doing good
when times are
the sample, we matched rms from the BAV metrics survey with annual social
responsibility data from Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini and Co., Inc. (KLD). KLD measures
how well the rm did on seven particular CSR categories, including product, human rights,
environment, employee relations, diversity, corporate governance and community
engagement. For each of these seven categories, KLD offers a rating of the rms strengths
and concerns. We then combined this data set with accounting data from COMPUSTAT,
which collects nancial information for all US listed companies from 10K/10Q disclosures.
The time-series unit of analysis for our study is the scal year because our social
responsibility data were only available annually. Because BAV brand metrics are measured
quarterly, we aggregated the BAV brand metrics to an annual value by simply using the
mean of the metric averaged over quarters [3].
Our nal sample consists of data for 137 public companies, including 19 industries,
during a 9-year period between 2007 and 2015 with a total of 454 rm-year observations (115
for recession years). The years of recession we study are 2008 and 2009. Our available data
is an unbalanced panel because not all brands are included in every annual edition of the
BAV survey, and not all companies appear in KLD for the duration of our sample. We dealt
with missing data using list-wise deletion.
Dependent variable. Brand Value. We use the overall brand asset metric constructed by
Y&Rs BAV as our measure of brand value. A well-established measure, the BAV, has been
shown to be an important predictor of the nancial valuations and performance of brands
and is a widely accepted metric of brand value (Datta et al., 2017;Mizik and Jacobson,2014,
2008). The BAVs overall brand asset metric is the sum of brand strength and brand stature
ranging from 0 to 36. Brand stature ranging from 0 to 9 relates to brand knowledge and
esteem, whereas brand strength ranging from 0 to 4 relates to brand differentiation and
relevance. In summary, the overall brand asset metric combines cognitive and emotional
capital of a brand with its vitality and therefore provides a more comprehensive measure of
brand value (Lovett et al.,2014). We use the BAVs measure of brand esteem (the level of
respect, deference and regard a consumer holds for a given brand) as our proxy for esteemed
brand quality and differentiation (the level of uniqueness or distinctness of a given brand) as
our measure of differentiation (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). The measures knowledge
(familiarity with the brand) and relevance (consumersperceptions of personal relevance and
appropriateness of the brand) were also used in our model to conrm our predictions that
the rst two facets were driving the effects to increased brand value (Mizik and Jacobson,
2008). Brand value is the sum of brand stature and strength (i.e. the additive total of
knowledge, esteem, differentiation and relevance).
Independent variables. Corporate social responsibility (CSR). We obtained the CSR scores
from the KLD data base. Following prior research, weassume all strength indicators as CSR
(Kashmiri and Mahajan, 2010), the sum of which provides a measure of the total CSR.
Recessionary year. We consider years 2008 and 2009 as the recessionary period on the
basis that these years showed a negative change in gross GDP (Gregg and Wadsworth,
Control variables (rm level). We used six controls to capture the ability and willingness
of rms to do CSR duringand outside of recessions.
CSR history. We consider the number of years that a rm has been part of the KLD
database as a control for a rms history of social responsibility practices. This measure is
used to account for managerial emphasis on CSR practices. A rm that has historically
practiced CSR may face diminishing returns with regard to the impact of CSR on its brand
value or may be unlikely to forgo its CSR practices even if faced with adverse returns.
For instance, research has shown that organizations experience long periods of
strategic persistence and reluctance to change (Fang et al., 2014). Such CSR persistence
may also be because of managers perceiving CSR to be a cost of competition, i.e. if the
rm reduces or stops doing CSR, there may be an adverse effect. Hence, we control for
the rms CSR history.
Firm size. We calculate rm size as the natural logarithm of a rms total assets. This
control allows us to account for efciencies of scale as well as a potential surplus of
resources, which may impact both a rms propensity to engage in CSR and the resources
the rm has to drive greater brand value. Prior research has indicated that rm size is
indeed a driver of CSR and that very small and very large rms are unequally motivated to
participate in CSR (Udayasankar, 2008).
Financial leverage. Firm nancial leverage is the ratio of long-term book debt to total
assets (Thomas, 2002). Financial leverage may determine the nancial strength and freedom
the rm possesses, which may in turn impact its ability and willingness to continually
engage in CSR through the recession.
Firm liquidity. Firm liquidity is the current ratio of the rm that measures a companys
ability to pay short-term and long-term obligations. It is calculated as the ratio of rms
current total assets to its current total liabilities. Like liquidity, leverage also may determine
the nancial slack the rm possesses (Ang and Smedema, 2011), which may affect its ability
to engage in CSR through the recession.
R&D spending. R&D spending is obtained as a line item (Item XRD) in COMPUSTAT.
Following Rothenberg and Zyglidopoulos (2007), who stated that R&D intensive rms are
likely to engage more in CSR, we include R&D spending as a control.
Advertising spending. Advertising spending is obtained as an expense (Item XAD) in
COMPUSTAT. Following McWilliams and Siegel (2001), who showed that advertising can
often be a substitute for CSR in terms of building reputation and that rms may choose to do
one instead of the other, we include advertising spending as a control. Because we already
control for rm assets (to account for rm size), we use an absolute measure of advertising
and R&D spending instead of a measure relative to the rms total assets, as has been used
sometimes in past literature (Luo and Bhattacharya, 2009).
We report the details of the databases and the variable construction in Table 2 and the
correlation matrix and descriptive statistics in Table 3.
Model development
Our data set includes both cross-sectional and temporal dimensions, and as such, it calls for
suitable panel data techniques for analysis. Because the number of rms (n) is larger than
the time period of our analyses (t), we do not use a traditional time series estimator (Blundell
and Bond, 2000). We instead estimate our hypotheses by using the dynamic panel GMM
estimation (for a full description of this method, see Arellano and Bond, 1991), which
accounts for potential sources of endogeneity, rm-specic effects, dynamic dependent
variables, heteroskedasticity and serial correlation within rms (Levine et al., 2002). Such a
GMM estimator has been used in the past literature in marketing when the data set is a
longitudinal panel and endogeneity may be of concern (Rego et al.,2013;Tuli et al.,2010). In
our context, while we include variables that may inuence both CSR and brand value (such
as rm size) as covariates, potentially endogeneity could remain. For instance, previous
research has found that the t between the brand and CSR effort has an effect on consumer
attitudes, responses, perceived brand value and brand loyalty (Bigné et al.,2012;Cha et al.,
2016) and secondary data does not easily allow us to account for such an unobserved
Doing good
when times are
variable. Further, the effectiveness of CSR may depend on if the consumer (the focus of such
activities) or indeed the market is aware of these activities yet another unobserved variable
in our context. Hence, an instrumental variable approach is necessary.
We are interested in the following equation:
where istands for rm, tstands for time in years, y
the brand value of rm iat time t,X
the set of explanatory variables (such as prior yearsbrand value, rm size and advertising
expenses), including the variable of interest CSR, icaptures unobserved rm xed-effects
is a random error term representing all unobserved inuences on CSR and brand
value, respectively. Parameter
reects persistence in the process of adjustment toward
equilibrium, whereas
gives the short-run effect of Xon ygiven y
, with the long-run
effect given by
). To eliminate rm-specic effects, we take the rst difference and
arrive at:
By construction, in equation (2), the lagged difference in brand value is correlated with
the error term, which along with the potential endogeneity of the explanatory variables
X, requires the use of instrumental variables (IV). The GMM difference estimator uses
the lagged levels of the explanatory variables as IVs, provided that the error term is not
serially correlated and that the lagged levels of the explanatory variables are weakly
exogenous. To calculate the difference estimator, the following moment conditions
must be used:
Table 2.
Data and measures
Variable Definition Data source Literature support
CSR A mean score of social strengths for
rm iat year t
KLD Kashmiri and Mahajan
(2010),Kotchen and Moon
Research and development expenses for
rm iat year t
COMPUSTAT Luo and Homburg (2007)
Advertising expenses for rm iat year tCOMPUSTAT McAlister et al. (2016)
The ratio of long-term debt to total
assets for rm iat year t
COMPUSTAT Tuli and Bharadwaj (2009)
The ratio of rms current total assets
to its current total liabilities for rm iat
year t
COMPUSTAT Luo et al. (2014)
CSR history Number of years that the rm ihas
appeared in KLD data base
Brand value BAVs brand value for rm iat year tBAV
Mizik and Jacobson (2008)
Lovett et al. (2014)
Firm size Natural logarithm of total assets for
rm iat year t
COMPUSTAT Mizik and Jacobson (2008)
We consider 2008 and 2009 as
recessionary years
Kashmiri and Mahajan
Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Brand value 5.33 5.01 1
CSR 0.25 0.21 0.419 1
R&D expenditure 1,543.46 2,348.55 0.194 0.231 1
Advertising expenditure 1,031.57 1,323.15 0.332 0.255 0.495 1
Financial leverage 0.25 0.38 0.003 0.147 0.071 0.125 1
Current ratio 1.63 0.89 0.051 0.028 0.170 0.088 0.186 1
Firm size 9.78 2.08 0.077 0.407 0.425 0.506 0.277 0.128 1
CSP history 15.60 5.12 0.400 0.327 0.032 0.156 0.090 0.130 0.110 1
Recessionary env. 0.42 0.81 0.034 0.040 0.017 0.020 0.013 0.057 0.058 0.008 1
Brand quality 0.42 0.81 0.951 0.306 0.196 0.388 0.064 0.024 0.187 0.467 0.087 1
Brand diff. 0.42 0.81 0.500 0.254 0.072 0.198 0.109 0.114 0.230 0.090 0.048 0.353
Note: Correlation provided in italics is signicant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed)
Table 3.
Correlations and
descriptive statistics
Doing good
when times are
¼0for s 2;t¼3;...T;(3)
¼0for s 2;t¼3;...T:(4)
Following Blundell and Bond (1998), the difference estimator is further combined with an
estimator in levels to develop a system estimator:
and E yXi;tþpi
for all p and q (5)
A couple of specication tests may be used: the Arellano Bond test to conrm that the
error term of the difference equation is not serially correlated, and the Sargan test to
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation within panels). Valid instrumentation requires
that the Hansen J test be consistent in not rejecting the null hypothesis (Roodman,
Because none of the variables are heavily skewed, we do not transform any of them.
Variance ination and condition indices statistics (the highest VIF being 2.71 and a CI of
14.1) are well below standard cutoffs, which indicate no particular problems with
We use the following full model specications to test the hypotheses concerning the
effect on brand value:
Nonrecession (H3):
Brand Valuei;tþ1¼
1Brand Valuei;tþ
2CSR i;tþ
3Firm Sizei;t
4CSR Historyi;tþ
7Financial Leveragei;tþ
8Financial Liquidityi;t
9Recessionary Yeartþiþ
Recession (H6):
Brand Valuei;tþ1¼
1Brand Valuei;tþ
2CSR i;tþ
3Firm Sizei;t
4CSR Historyi;tþ
7Financial Leveragei;tþ
8Financial Liquidityi;t
9Recessionary Yeartþ
10CSR i;t*Recessionary Yeartþiþ
In the equation, iindicates the rm, trefers to time (year), and
are the random
error terms that represent all the unobserved inuences on brand value. In our model, we
controlled for rm size, nancial leverage, liquidity ratio, CSR history, advertising, and
R&D expenditure that would potentially inuence both the willingness and ability of the
rm to invest in CSR and/or potentially inuence the brand value of the rm. To test our
other hypotheses, we changed the outcome variable from brand value to its composite parts
(specically, quality and differentiation). We likewise conrm no signicant effects for
relevance and knowledge in the same way.
Table 4 summarizes the estimates obtained from the models to test our hypotheses
concerning CSR.
Our results show that in stable economic conditions, CSR is positively related to brand
value (
= 0.049, p<0.1). While the relationship between CSR and brand quality did not
reach statistical signicance (
= 0.015, p>0.1), that with differentiation is positive and
statistically signicant (
= 0.121, p<0.001). The ndings do provide support for our
hypothesis that the effect of CSR on brand value is strengthened during recession, as the
positive effect is signicant (
= 0.112, p<0.001), and we nd evidence of a signicant
positive effect of CSR on brand quality (
= 0.082, p<0.05) but not on differentiation
= 0.041, p>0.1). Figures 1 and 2depict these interactions.
As predicted, we do not nd CSR to impact the brand dimensions of knowledge
=0.054, p>0.1) and relevance (
=0.025 p >0.1) nor a moderating effect of recession
= 0.061, p>0.1;
=0.010, p>0.1 for knowledge and relevance, respectively) (Table 5). A
summary of our hypotheses testing results is provided in Table 6.
Additional results
Model-free evidence: We obtain some model-free evidence to test the validity of our ndings.
We observe that the average difference in advertising spending between recessionary and
nonrecessionary years is () $52.15m. This is consistent with past literature (Srinivasan
et al.,2011) that says rms reduce advertising spending during recessions. The average
growth in advertising expenses during nonrecessionary periods is $17.99m. Interestingly,
we nd that mean growth in CSR scores is practically nonexistent during recession (0.01)
compared to periods of GDP growth (0.15). However, rms also reduced their capital
expenses and number of employees (by 8% and 7%, respectively). This suggests that rms
looked to use a two-pronged strategy saving on certain costs while maintaining
investments in others, a strategy which might have helped rms overcome the unique
challenges brought on by the recession (Ioannou and Flammer, 2019). We also observe the
correlation between CSR and brand strength is stronger during recession (0.45) than during
nonrecession (0.35).
Robustness checks
Alternate measures of recession: We obtained data concerning consumer condence in the
economy from the Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment (ICS), which is a national survey
of telephone interviews with households. Lower condence is correlated with more saving,
consistent with precautionary motives and decreases in expected future resources.
Consumer condence has been shown to be substantially lower during periods of economic
downturns (Ludvigson, 2004). Instead of our indicator for recessionary years, we use this
measure to further ascertain the robustness of our results. Doing so allows us to make our
results more generalizable and increases the power of our analyses (through the use of a
continuous variable). We nd that the interaction term is negative and signicant (i.e. the
impact of CSR on brand value is stronger when consumer condence is lower). This nding
ties in with our substantive conclusions.
Simultaneous estimations: As another robustness check, we used the same equations as
described before and used the different brand-level outcome variables. We know that the brand
outcome variables quality, knowledge, differentiation and relevance are endogenous and
correlated. Ignoring the violation of the assumption of independent observations may result in
higher standard errors and larger Type I error, requiring an estimation technique allowing
correlated errors for more efcient estimates (Cameron and Trivedi, 2013). We accomplish this
Doing good
when times are
Independent variables
Model 1a
Model 1b
Model 1c
Model 1d
Model 1e
Model 1f BV
Lagged DV
0.903 (0.016)*** 0.835 (0.017)*** 0.839 (0.023)*** 0.838 (0.024)*** 0.892 (0.016)*** 0.881 (0.017)***
0.015 (0.028) 0.010 (0.028) 0.121 (0.035)*** 0.118 (0.35)*** 0.049 (0.026) 0.042 (0.029)
Recessionary environment
0.082 (0.032)* 0.041 (0.040) 0.112 (0.033)***
Advertising expenditure
0.022 (0.067) 0.032 (0.066) 0.049 (0.078) 0.044 (0.078) 0.012 (0.069) 0.001 (0.069)
Research and development expenditure
0.054 (0.066) 0.083 (0.067) 0.136 (0.078) 0.157 (0.078)* 0.017 (0.068) 0.054 (0.069)
Financial leverage
0.122 (0.046)* 0.112 (0.046)* 0.135 (0.055)* 0.132 (0.054)* 0.123 (0.048)* 0.109 (0.049)*
Current ratio
0.013 (0.033) 0.015 (0.033) 0.037 (0.040) 0.038 (0.040) 0.070 (0.035)* 0.074 (0.034)*
Firm size
0.109 (0.090) 0.085 (0.091) 0.313 (0.106)** 0.227 (0.140) 0.156 (0.094) 0.124 (0.094)
History of social engagement
0.361 (0.087)*** 0.357 (0.088)*** 0.044 (0.097) 0.041 (0.094) 0.345 (0.091)*** 0.340 (0.091)***
Recessionary environment
0.099 (0.015)*** 0.211 (0.030)*** 0.059 (0.018)** 0.111 (0.037)** 0.057 (0.016)*** 0.130 (0.031)***
Constant 0.059 (0.089) 0.057 (0.089) 0.113 (0.099) 0.114 (0.096) 0.032 (0.093) 0.030 (0.093)
Observations 801 801 801 801 801 801
Adjusted R-square % 82.44 82.85 72.05 72.13 85.21 85.80
306.04 315.68 148.50 159.55 287.14 325.48
AR(I) test 1.78* 3.60*** 2.12** 4.11** 3.18** 1.68*
AR(II) test 1.43 0.61 1.53 0.71 2.41 0.14
Hansen-J 173.1 18.96 71.27 52.76 64.06 45.26
Hansen-C 7.96 20.31 12.18 32.18 30.86 33.34
Notes: ***p<0.001; **p<0.01; *p<0.05. Standard errors in parentheses. Industry dummies included. All coefcients are standardized. BQ, brand quality;
BDIFF, brand differentiation; BV, brand value. One period lagged dependent variable (DV) is included in the model
Table 4.
Impact of CSR on
brand outcomes
using a recursive set of three interrelated equations in which we estimate the equations jointly,
using Roodmans (2009) conditional mixed process (CMP) regression technique, as
implemented in Stata 15. The CMP technique is applied to a recursive system of equations to
maximize a higher order multivariate normal generalization of the likelihood function to
account for the likely correlation among our outcome variables. We do not nd any substantive
difference in our results.
Subgroup regressions: In addition to estimating our model parameters using a random
effects estimator, we also estimated the models using subgroup regressions. Subgroup
regressions, which are a well-established procedure in strategic management for
investigating contingencies (Peng and Luo, 2000), were conducted to test the hypotheses
concerning the effects of recession. Once again, we nd that our substantive results remain
The results of this study demonstrate some interesting ndings. First, we only observe a
weakly positive impact of CSR on brand value during stable economic conditions. We nd
that while CSR helps differentiate a brand, the impact on esteemed brand quality is
nonsignicant. We also do not nd any evidence that CSR increases brand relevance or
knowledge, as expected. Overall, the positive impact of CSR on brand differentiation is not
enough to drive a strong impact on brand value. Some past literature supports this nding.
Figure 2.
Interaction of
recession and CSR on
esteemed brand
quality (standardized)
Figure 1.
Interaction of
recession and CSR on
brand value
Doing good
when times are
For instance, Melo and Galan (2011) demonstrated that when CSR is used as an aggregated
variable combining all seven qualitative areas in one construct, the effect on brand value
was not signicant.
Interestingly, CSR does not act as a quality signal during stable economic times. This
may be because of the unwillingness of customers to look extensively for (or pay much
heed to) external quality cues during stable economic times when the stakes of making a
wrong purchase are lower. Further, during nonrecessionary periods, the CSR activities of
rms may be less salient or believable (because of perceptions of greenwashing and
greater CSR clutter). Our ndings support prior research that found no direct effect
between corporate associations (measured as CSR reputation) and product attitude
(measured as a function of appeal, reliability and quality) (Berens et al., 2005) and no
positive effect of CSR philanthropies on brand quality (Ricks, 2005). However, the results
Table 5.
Impact of CSR on
knowledge and
relevance brand
Independent variables
Model 1a
Brand relevance
Model 1b
Model 1c
Brand relevance
Model 1d
Brand knowledge
Lagged DV
0.840 (0.024)*** 0.839 (0.024)*** 0.961 (0.012)*** 0.961 (0.012)***
0.025 (0.030) 0.054 (0.038) 0.017 (0.019) 0.059 (0.032)
0.010 (0.011) 0.061 (0.042)
Advertising expenditure
0.026 (0.050) 0.017 (0.059) 0.054 (0.049) 0.032 (0.058)
Research and development
0.149 (0.049)** 0.029 (0.058) 0.114 (0.049)* 0.007 (0.058)
Financial leverage
0.061 (0.032) 0.048 (0.041) 0.058 (0.034) 0.035 (0.041)
Current ratio
0.053 (0.022)* 0.113 (0.028)*** 0.053 (0.022)* 0.115 (0.027)***
Firm size
0.539 (0.079)*** 0.301 (0.083)*** 0.304 (0.071)*** 0.274 (0.083)
History of social
responsibility engagement
0.167 (0.119) 0.206 (0.102)* 0.346 (0.099)*** 0.202 (0.101)*
Recessionary year
0.031 (0.014)* 0.054 (0.012)*** 0.034 (0.010)*** 0.061 (0.012)
Constant 0.231 (0.101)* 0.122 (0.105) 0.231 (0.102)* 0.122 (0.104)
Observations 801 801 801 801
Adjusted R-square % 85.59 77.84 85.67 77.95
267.96 251.25 263.61 247.14
AR(I) test 3.27** 1.94 2.17* 2.06*
AR(II) test 1.1 0.4 0.95 0.39
Hansen-J 23.86 42.17 27.32 91.21
Hansen-C 23.16 24.28 21.51 13.59
Notes: ***p<0.001; **p<0.01; *p<0.05. Standard errors in parentheses. All coefcients are
standardized. One period lagged dependent variable (DV) is included in the model
Table 6.
Summary of
hypotheses and
Hypotheses Direction of HResult Significance Support for H
H1: CSR on esteemed brand quality þþNo No
H2: CSR on brand differentiation þþYes Yes
H3: CSR on brand value þþAt p<0.1 Partial
H4: CSR on esteemed brand quality in recession þþNo No
H5: CSR on brand differentiation in recession þþYes Yes
H6: CSR on brand value in recession þþYes Yes
remain contrary to other research that did not specically test CSR and a recession
together but propose a CSR quality link (Benlemlih, 2017;Calveras and Ganuza, 2018;
Saxton et al., 2019). We contend that these inconsistencies could be because of two
(1) studies often do not distinguish between corporate reputation and brand quality; and
(2) a number of the studies that did nd a positive effect of CSR on brand quality do
not account for potentially unobserved rm characteristics (such as size), which
could drive both CSR and brand quality (i.e. such studies do not account for
endogeneity because of omitted variables).
Nonetheless, our analyses demonstrate that CSR becomes important during economic
recessions and has a signicant positive effect on brand value. This relationship is driven by
a positive effect on esteemed brand quality. Three potential reasons may explain this
nding. First, as we mentioned in prior sections, when the unethical side of businesses is
more salient, customers may value CSR more as such activities indicate that the rm is
aligned with customer and societal interests. Second, prior research has indicated that
during recessions, customers reject afuent materialism and an emphasis on prots and
instead value rmsaltruistic endeavors (Flatters and Willmott, 2009). Third, the
willingness for customers to look for external quality cues may be heightened during times
of recession, where customers are more risk-averse and seek to obtain the best value and for
the price they pay (Piercy et al., 2010;Bhattacharya et al., 2020).
While recessions moderated the CSR brand quality relationship, we did not nd an
effect on the CSR brand differentiation relationship. This is perhaps owing to an empirical
reason in our sample, we observe that during stable economic periods, rms tend to
consistently increase their CSR. In recession, the rms cut back by mostly maintaining
(rather than increasing) their CSR initiatives. Further, rms cut back on their advertising
expenses (which we observe in our sample) and therefore may likewise cut back on
advertising their CSR activities. The combined effect might result in rms not nding it any
easier to stand out. To further investigate this possibility, we looked at the moderating effect
for a subset of rms that continued to increase their CSR levels (where the difference in CSR
scores was at least a 0.5 standard deviation) during recession. We did nd a small but
signicant effect ondifferentiation then (
= 0.03, p<0.05).
Theoretical implications
The effect of CSR on corporate nancial performance has been extensively studied (Yim
et al.,2019;Oh et al.,2016;Kang et al.,2016;Mishra and Modi, 2016). To a lesser extent, the
impact of CSR on brand-level outcomes has also been researched (Guzm
an and Davis, 2017;
Sierra et al.,2017;Cha et al., 2016;Torres et al., 2012). Often, the theoretical bases for these
studies is stewardship (which assumes managers are motivated by nancial gain),
institutional theory (which conceptualizes CSR as a tool to gain consensus) or resource-
based view (RBV, which discussesCSR as a relational asset of the rm). Signaling theory, on
the other hand, maintains the assumption of economic rationality and conceptualizes CSR
initiatives as cueing tools that enhance the efciency of the market and the performance of
the rm (Zerbini, 2017). Moreover, signaling theory also species the underlying mechanism
further, by pointing to the cueing process that links the CSR initiatives to the market
response (Zerbini, 2017).
A call to advance signaling theory in recent literature includes examining contingency
factors related to the signal (Zerbini, 2017). From this perspective, our study extends the
understanding of CSR and signaling theory by showing that the receivers (i.e. consumers) are
Doing good
when times are
more primed to seek cues at certain times, or rather under certain conditions (i.e. recessions).
These cues stand out more when the receiver has more at risk by making a poor choice and
depending on the strength of other cues in the marketplace (such as advertising).
In addition, specic aspects of brand value that CSR can impact have not been
investigated yet, to the best of the authorsknowledge. Such a study is important because
CSR only affects the pillars of brand differentiation and quality, and each effect is different
depending on the economy.
Moreover, Zerbini (2017) emphasized that scholarly research would benet from an
empirical analysis of the consequences of signaling through CSR initiatives and the
fundamental role that CSR plays in the generation of nancial performance. This study
highlights that CSR efforts impact customer-based brand equity, particularly during
recessions, and the economic signicance of these ndings should not be underestimated.
According to Mizik and Jacobson (2008), the nancial market uses information contained
within these investigated brand attributes to update expectations of future cash ows,
which likewise impacts stock price. Additionally, Steenkamp et al. (2010) showed that in
recessions, consumer shifts in demand as small as 1% point can severely dent rm
protability, which is signicant enough to altermarket dynamics and make marketleaders
respond in tangible ways. The use of CSR under such conditions can be a valuable tool for
managers to increase and protect their brand and reap the rewards that ultimately ensue
from having a stronger brand.
Further, our combined results provide extensive evidence and support for our conjecture
that the quality signalfrom CSR becomes stronger in times of recession, when purchase risk
is higher. Somewhat counterintuitively, we nd that during recessions, by signaling brand
quality and thereby reducing customer uncertainty, CSR predicts brand value. Thus, rather
than cutting back on or maintaining consistent levels of CSR, rms may nd it
advantageous to increase their CSR efforts during recessions to increase consumers
condence in the quality of the rms brand. Overall, our ndings suggest that we can now
propose new fundamental propositions concerning CSR, including (P
) CSRs effect on brand
value is a function of the degree to which it provides signals of a brands quality and
differentiation; and (P
) The quality signal of CSR is valuable in the presence of specic
complementary economic conditions. These propositions provide new insights into the
nature of CSR as a strategic marketing action.
Managerial implications
Managers tend to view adverse business environments such as recessions as a threat
because they cannot control the situation and are likely to face nancial losses (Alessandri
et al., 2014). One of the common responses is the culling of expenses and activities not
considered to be part of the core business. Because CSR is often not considered to be a core
activity for rms, one may expect rms to withdraw their social commitments during
recessions (Bansal et al., 2015). Even though managers cannot prevent recessions from
occurring, a synthesis of marketing research conducted over the previous decade and a half
has provided evidence that the impact of business cycles on consumers (and hence on rm
and brand performance) depends to a large extent on how managers adjust their marketing
mix in response to these macroeconomic swings (Dekimpe and Deleersnyder, 2018). While
this research synthesis included many marketing actions, somewhat surprisingly, CSR was
not part of this list. Our ndings thus build upon this research and demonstrate that
managers can limit the negative impact of recessions on their brand value by engaging in
CSR activities (or refrain from cutting back) duringdifcult times.
Our results show that even when controlling for advertising spending and rm size (which
are major determinants of brand value for most rms), CSR initiatives explained signicant
variance in brand value outcomes. In bad economic times, marketers have been advised to
change their advertising content from time-sensitive promotions to more brand-oriented
messages because the economic environment does have an impact on brand loyalty (Quelch
and Jocz, 2009). CSR activities in a recession may be the answer to protecting a rmsbrand
value and ensuring a boost in consumer perceptions of quality. This is especially important
because brand quality perceptions tend to be persistent (Lamey et al., 2007), so any
improvements in perceived quality might be benecial even after the economy recovers.
During prosperous or at least stable economic periods (and to a lesser extent, even during
recessions), managers may look at CSR as a way to differentiate their brand. Companies
should recognize the crucial role of CSR and invest in CSR initiatives to enhance positive,
strong and differentiated brand value both at the brand level by imbibing brand attributes
congruent with CSR values (for instance, Sunchips has a marketing campaign Whos
Hungry for Change?and made the rst biodegradable snack bag using renewable energy)
and at the rm level through companiessocial and environmental actions (for instance,
reducing its carbon footprint has been one of Intels corporate goals).
For managers attempting to address challenges because of changes in consumer behavior
during recessions, understanding why CSR activities are valuable can help decision-making.
Economic theory posits that changes in the relationship between how much consumers are
willing to pay, on the one hand, and their perception of the value they are receiving, on the
other, underpin behavioral changes (Steenkamp et al.,2010). In times of economic prosperity,
but even more so during recessions, managers should focus their CSR investments on aspects
of CSR that lead to consumer perceptions of higher brand quality and differentiation. As such,
esteemed brands may even be able to charge a higher price for their products and services.
We also nd some support for our results from managerial literature and rm practices.
Ioannou and Flammer (2019) report that successful companies, on average, responded to the
recession by simultaneously saving their way out of the crisisby reducing their workforce and
capital expenses and investing their way out of the crisisby sustaining their investments in
marketing activities. Some strong brands did increase their CSR budgets. Microsoft increased its
corporate tax giving as percentage of pretax prot from 2.09% in 2008 to 2.61% in 2009 (Microsoft
CSR report, 2010). Disney increased its total contribution from $209m in 2008 to $227.4m in 2009 in
the midst of nancial crisis (Disney CSR report, 2008 and 2009). Perhaps not unsurprisingly, our
data shows that both Microsoft and Disney managed to slightly increase their brand values (0.8%
and 1.5% increases, respectively). Considering the fact that extant research (Johansson et al., 2012)
found that stronger global brands actually fared worse in a recession, our results provide an
important strategic action that rms can take to prevent any losses.
Limitations and future research
Apart from the above contributions, our research has several limitations which could also
serve as fruitful avenues for future research. First, we use composite CSR scores aggregated
across all dimensions, while some authors (Capelle-Blancard and Petit, 2014) argue that
rms may differ with regard to their emphasis on different CSR dimensions and one
dimension may be more important than the other depending on rm and industry
characteristics. While our moderate sample size and our desire to prevent unnecessary
complexity precluded us from separating out each individual dimension of CSR and
examine the t with rm and industrycharacteristics, future research could investigate both
the element of a strategic t and customer preference regarding each dimension. Similarly,
past research has also demonstrated the importance of t between a brand and CSR
Doing good
when times are
an and Davis, 2017;Moosmayer and Fuljahn, 2013). This would amount to a xed
effectin a model (because t can be assumed to be a persistent characteristic of the brand),
and our setup essentially just controls for it. Further, we lack secondary data concerning
brand CSR t, though we expect that brands with a greater t stand to benet more from
CSR initiatives, while there may be diminishing returns. Thus, future research may shed
further light on this important topic.
Second, our data does not contain the amount of publicity a rms CSR action generates,
whether or not through the rms own doing. While a rms advertising expenses and size
may partly proxy for this, we cannot control for CSR efforts that are less visible to
consumers. Future research may investigate whether the visibility (or lack thereof) of CSR
makes a difference in or out of recessions.
Third, although the KLD data have been used extensively in existing research (Kang
et al.,2016), the CSR measures are based on expert evaluations and not actual monetary
investments (Chatterji et al.,2009). Future research could replicate our ndings using
different CSR data, such as Sustainalytics. On a related note, our measure of brand value is
consumer based and may not strictly transfer to sales. While Datta et al. (2017) note that
such consumer-based measures align well with sales-based measures of brand value, there
are obvious overachievers (highly regarded brands that do not garner the sales they should)
and underachievers (brands that perform above their potential). Such differences could in
part be explained by other marketing mix variables such as price or distribution. Future
research may use other measures of brand value/equity to extend our knowledge.
Fourth, while we control for past CSR performance as a proxy for whether CSR is an
integral part of the rms activities, future research may identify whether rms that
proactively engage in CSR and where CSR is woven into the fabric of the company have
more to gain (or lose) by increasing (reducing) their CSR activities during periods of
economic downturn. Likewise, researchers may wish to investigate the extent to which
companies have cut back or increased their CSR during recessions and subsequent recovery
to determine the effects on rm nancial performance.
Fifth, past research has indicated that consumerscognitive and affective orientation
toward the economy, which is inuenced by the age of the customer, may have an impact on
brand loyalty (Van Steenburg and Spears, 2011). There could be other consumer
characteristics that could inuence the effectiveness of CSR during recessions. For instance,
millennials might view CSR as a necessity for rms to engage in even during recessions, and
arm particularly targeting that demographic might achieve even greater returns from
their CSR actions. Unfortunately, we do not have information involving consumer
characteristics in ourdata set, and we leave this question as an inquiry for future research.
1. The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in their January 2011 report Economics Crisis in the
United Stateslabels the period as a Great Recession in the USA. The specic months are
December 2007 through June 2009.
2. A mono-brand is a single brand that represents the bulk of the rms business (Mizik and Jacobson,
2008). Examples of mono-brands include IBM, Yahoo, American Express, Disney, Apple and Microsoft.
We select only mono-brand rms for two reasons. First, using this sample selection strategy prevents
bias because of unobservable heterogeneity. For example, some brands may present a greater twith
the CSR alignment of the rm. Second, CSR initiatives are related to corporate-level performance but not
subdivisions or business units. Hence, it seems appropriate to assume that customers associate CSR
activities to the corporate brandas part of rms commitment to society.
3. In case all four quarters of data were not available, the mean is simply that of the quarters
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Doing good
when times are
... Brand differentiation can be defined as a brand's perceived distinctiveness and ability to stand out in the marketplace (Bhattacharya et al., 2020). The ability to differentiate is crucial for a brand as it helps create market entry barriers, increase customer loyalty, and boost purchase frequency to improve financial performance (Erdem and Swait, 2004). ...
... Although the effect of corporate social performance on a company's financial performance has been widely examined, the impact on financial performance from the consumer's perspective is uncharted territory (Wang et al., 2016;García et al., 2020;Mishra and Modi, 2016;Bhattacharya et al., 2020). Brand, finance and management research rely heavily on the assessment of corporate social performance through agency ratings, with past environmental impacts and current management measures, such as the Kinder Lydenberg Domini (KLD) rating system, taken into account (e.g., Bhattacharya et al., 2020;Chatterji et al., 2009). ...
... Although the effect of corporate social performance on a company's financial performance has been widely examined, the impact on financial performance from the consumer's perspective is uncharted territory (Wang et al., 2016;García et al., 2020;Mishra and Modi, 2016;Bhattacharya et al., 2020). Brand, finance and management research rely heavily on the assessment of corporate social performance through agency ratings, with past environmental impacts and current management measures, such as the Kinder Lydenberg Domini (KLD) rating system, taken into account (e.g., Bhattacharya et al., 2020;Chatterji et al., 2009). ...
Purpose This paper aims to study the impact of consumers’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) associations on corporate financial performance and the moderating role of market competition. Design/methodology/approach The panel data set is analyzed using a random effects regression model. The analyzed data is based on the unique RepZ Responsibility scores published by the global research agency Kantar Millward Brown and contains information about consumer CSR associations. Findings This study reveals CSR associations' positive, lagged, direct impact on firms’ market value. Market competition moderates this relationship in the way that a company’s market value benefits more from consumers' CSR associations when facing high rather than low market competition. Practical implications Consumers' CSR perceptions increase the market value of a company. This effect is intensified when brands are exposed to intense competition, which allows conclusions about CSR as a differentiation strategy to be drawn: To stand out in a competitive market, brands should prioritize improving their CSR associations among consumers to differentiate themselves and increase their market value. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to test the effect of consumers’ CSR associations on forward-looking financial performance measures. Moreover, by analyzing the moderating effect of market competition on the relationship between CSR associations and firms' market value, this study provides information about the differentiating power of CSR from a brand perspective using a panel-data analysis.
... The foundation of trust is the conviction that a business upholds moral standards, handles the environment with care, and participates meaningfully and constructively in society (Khan et al 2020b; Lee et al., 2017). Because of this, businesses now devote a significant amount of money to CSR projects in the hope that they will improve their brand's perception and, as a result, increase profits (Bhattacharya et al., 2020;Javeed & Lefen, 2019). ...
... One of the main themes in today's business environment is the mutually beneficial interaction between CSR and brand image. Knowing the relationship between CSR and brand image is more important than ever as customers become more vocal supporters of social and environmental issues (Bhattacharya et al., 2020;Javeed & Lefen, 2019). This dissertation begins with a thorough investigation into the theoretical underpinnings of CSR and brand image, looks at empirical data demonstrating the practical effects of these programs, and ends with actionable advice for businesses looking to use CSR to build and maintain a positive brand image. ...
This study provides a thorough analysis of the relationship that exists between brand image and CSR. By combining existing knowledge, examining empirical data, and providing insights into the possible consequences and uses for organizations, this research seeks to shed light on this complex relationship. The objective is to undertake a comprehensive examination of the extant scholarly literature pertaining to CSR and its impact on brand image. In this research, a mixed-methods research approach was applied to completely study the relationship between CSR and brand image. The research design combined both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, providing for a holistic knowledge of the CSR-brand image nexus. Findings indicate that within the ever-changing and dynamic realm of business, CSR has developed as a strategic instrument for the purpose of defining brand image and cultivating consumer loyalty. Consumers are not solely in pursuit of items; rather, they are making deliberate decisions to associate themselves with brands that are in harmony with their personal beliefs. Consequently, businesses must prioritize the establishment of authentic and transparent CSR activities. The alignment between the ethical compass that guides CSR actions and the basic principles of a corporation is crucial. Overall, this research has provided evidence to support the notion that CSR--+ has transitioned from being a discretionary choice to being an essential requirement in contemporary society.
... Another advantage of CSR initiatives is the opportunity to improve brand attitudes and authenticity (Childs et al., 2019) and differentiate their products. Bhattacharya et al. (2020) suggested that companies can distinguish their brands by investing in CSR. Bhattacharya and Sen (2004) report that 84 percent of Americans will be willing to switch to brands associated with a good cause if price and quality are comparable. ...
... Theoretical implications. The hypotheses were developed based on the recent evidence that brand performance is positively affected by CSR (Cowan and Guzman, 2020;Wang, Yu, & Hsiao, 2021) and corporate reputation (Lai et al., 2010, Salinas, 2020, and mediated by brand credibility (Hur et al., 2013, Shin et al., 2021 and brand differentiation (Bhattacharya et al., 2020). However, their evidence is based on asking consumers about their actual behaviors or intentions toward the socially responsible actions of the brand. ...
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The top 100 brands globally in 2020 have responded to the coronavirus pandemic by donating cash, donating in kind, providing special services to their customers, and supporting their employees. The research investigates if their actions reflected on the brand value, brand growth, or brand rank change and which of the four actions, if any, significantly impacted brand performance indicators. The research showed that donations in kind and customer service responses affected brand growth. Both brand value and rank are more long-term and cannot be changed significantly by short-term responses in one year. The authors conclude with a discussion of the insights, research limitations, theoretical and managerial implications, and directions for future research.
... The authors claim that businesses who engage in CSR activities have an edge over those that don't. In the research conducted by Wang et al. (2021) on the purchasing of cosmetics, Bhattacharya et al. (2020) shown that CSR has a beneficial impact on brand equity and plays a significant role during economic recessions. ...
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The motives of the investigation is to learn more about how does corporate social responsibility matters in brand trust and brand equity in developing Competitive Advantage. Out of the 350 surveys we sent out, 330 persons answered, and 11 of those replies had unsuitable outcomes. So, we only considered the results of 309 questionnaires. Google Forms was used to create and distribute a digital questionnaire, which was used to gather data. Random sampling procedures were used to create the sample. The corporate social responsibility, brand trust, brand equity and competitive advantage were main variables of the investigation. A practical evaluation of the proposed framework is conducted by using statistical package for the social science version 26 for normality, reliability, frequency tables, standard deviation, mean, correlation and regression. Then CFA used to check model fit and validity and SEM used for hypothesized model. The corporate social responsibility has positive impact on competitive advantage by the mediating effect ABSTRACT 99 of brand trust and brand equity. This analysis helps to provide a deeper understanding of how the business engage in social activities to maintain loyalty in customer through trust and equity and gain competitive advantage. The point of this study was to examine the ways in which corporate social responsibility has affected competitive advantage by examining the mediating function of brand equity and trust across the different stages of the selected cycle.
Purpose This study aims to investigate the impact of green marketing strategy (GMS) and firms’ decision to invest in or divest from green marketing activities during a crisis on business performance. Design/methodology/approach The study collected survey data from 245 Greek firms during the 2015 Eurozone crisis to investigate the impact of GMS and green marketing investments on firm resilience during crisis. Time-lagged, objective performance data for a subset of these firms helped examine the impact of GMS on postcrisis financial performance. Findings Pursuing a GMS builds resilience, especially for companies that decided not to reduce resources allocated to green marketing activities during a recession. Beyond resilience, firms investing in GMS during the crisis experienced improved financial performance in the long run. Finally, this research proposes a typology of GMS responses during a crisis. Research limitations/implications This study does not specify which types of green marketing activities lead to more investment or divestment during a crisis. Practical implications The study offers insights for allocating resources to green marketing during recessions. Supporting GMSs during unpredictable times is important to successfully navigate performance both during and after a crisis. Six crisis response profiles are offered: green-nonbelievers, dis-investors, reluctants and cautious-, opportunistic- and strategic-green investors. Social implications The study proposes a balanced approach to environmental sustainability, marketing strategy and firm performance during a crisis. Originality/value The study argues that GMSs enable firms to survive a crisis and recover from financial shocks.
Purpose Governmental regulations aiming to protect environmental goals often require firms to increase sales prices with negative consequences on price fairness perception. Companies might therefore either justify the price increase by highlighting the good cause (environmental framing) or they could blame the government for the regulation (governmental framing). Firms might also communicate their investments in the relationship to motivate customers to stay. This paper aims to examine the impact of such communication content on price increase fairness perception and switching intention in a contractual service setting. Design/methodology/approach This paper first examines the content of 119 price increase letters from electricity suppliers in a qualitative pilot study. The main study then tests our research framework with 552 respondents using a 2 x 2 x 2 between-subjects experimental scenario design (manipulating framing, effort and regret communication). Findings Customers perceive governmental framing as fairer than environmental framing. Effort and regret communication by firms weaken or reverse this effect. They reduce customers’ fairness perception for the governmental framing, while regret communication increases it for the environmental framing. However, regret communication also increases switching intention in both framings through a strong direct effect. Research limitations/implications Cost-induced price increases are perceived on a “locus continuum” on which reason-framing and relationship investments can shift the consumer perception. Future studies may apply our framework in different industries and contexts. Practical implications The results provide guidelines for communicating price increases. Firms should prefer a governmental framing and they should also hesitate to communicate relationship investments, which signal internal locus of the firm, such as effort or regret. Originality/value Our results question the naive assumption of general positive effects of environmental framings and relationship investments on customer responses. Based on a new view on attributions of cost-caused price increases, we suggest and find several counterintuitive results. We argue that the framing and relationship investments shift the cause perception of an external cost increase on the attributional locus continuum.
Purpose The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of women in the C-suite on strategic marketing choices in general and CSR in particular is scant. To that end, this study explores whether and how firms led by female CEOs differ from those led by male CEOs with regard to the types of CSR they pursue. The study classifies CSR into two types: relational (i.e. related to employees, human rights, community and diversity) and rational (i.e. related to product, environment and corporate governance). Design/methodology/approach To create the sample, the authors combined four databases: Compustat, Execucomp, Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) and Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini and Co., Inc. (KLD). Data for the time period between 1992 and 2013 (both inclusive) were used for the investigation. The final sample comprised of 2,739 firms, for a total of 19,969 firm-year observations (an unbalanced panel). Findings Building on self-construal theory and theory of female ethics, the authors theorize and find evidence that while firms led by male and female CEOs are not significantly different with regard to rational CSR performance, firms led by female CEOs outperform those led by male CEOs with regard to their relational CSR performance. Furthermore, the authors also find that different types of CEO power (i.e. managerial power, legitimate power and formal power) moderate the link between CEO gender and types of CSR differently. Research limitations/implications This research contributes to research on CSR by introducing two new types of CSR: relational CSR and rational CSR. Further, the research contributes to the broader discussion of how senior managers inject their gender roles into their CSR choices. The authors provide important insights in this area by highlighting that at least some types of myopic management are also driven by CEO gender: female CEOs – to the extent that they are more likely to invest in CSR strengths which pay off in the long run – engage in less myopic management than male CEOs with regard to CSR choices. Practical implications To prospective managers, this research suggests that the gender of the CEO is an effective signal that can help them predict firms’ likely CSR behavior. More specifically, firms led by female CEOs are likely to outperform those led by male CEOs with regard to certain dimensions of CSR (higher relational and rational strengths and fewer relational concerns) and this effect of CEO gender on firms’ CSR behavior is likely to be more pronounced when the CEO exhibits certain kinds of power. Female CEOs may benefit by understanding their innate tendencies to focus on relational versus rational CSR, thereby taking advantage of the positive aspects of their tendencies. Originality/value This paper classifies CSR into two types: relational and rational. The findings indicate the benefits of this nuanced classification: female CEOs have a stronger impact on relational CSR compared to male CEOs, while the two types of CEOs do not show a significant difference with regard to their impact on rational CSR. The paper also shows that dividing the variable of CEO power into its sub-types, i.e. managerial power (CEO duality), legitimate power (CEO tenure) and formal power (CEO-TMT pay gap) has value as each of these power dimensions is found to impact the CEO gender-CSR relationship differently.
Purpose Over the years, the impact of the business cycle on firm strategy has been neglected in the area of strategic management and remains one of the most important but least developed research streams in management scholarship. Studies in this area are scattered across time and domains, therefore, there is a need to consolidate this fragmented literature to provide a comprehensive review and thus avenues for further research. This study aims to address this gap. Design/methodology/approach In this study, the systematic literature review (SLR) method is used to select and examine research articles in the area of firm responses and decisions during recession. This SLR examines 127 studies and carries out a thematic synthesis of the literature. Findings Based on the SLR and thematic synthesis of the literature, the themes identified in this study include – severity of recession impact (Theme 1); firm specific characteristics (Theme 2); resource adjustment activities (Theme 3); and firm performance (Theme 4), based on these themes and analysis this paper maps and proposes various relationships and linkages in this research domain that can be explored further for the development of scholarship in this field of study. Originality/value This paper fulfills the need for a systematic review of the extant literature on firms’ responses during recession. The study synthesizes literature and carries out a thematic analysis from 1980 till the period February 2024 to provide directions to advance this domain of literature.
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) positively impacts relationships between firms and customers. Previous research construes this as an outcome of customers’ warm glow that results from supporting firms’ benevolence. The current research demonstrates that beyond warm glow, CSR positively impacts firms’ sales through mitigating their customers’ perceptions of purchase risk. We demonstrate this effect across three conditions in which customers’ perceived risk of purchase is heightened, using both secondary data and two lab experiments. Under conditions of greater purchase risk (i.e., recessions, a service context, and longer-term consumer commitments), CSR positively impacts both sales and customer purchase intentions to a greater extent than in conditions of lower purchase risk. In addition to measuring purchase risk as the mediating process behind these effects, we demonstrate that the effect of CSR on sales is stronger for those CSR activities that signal a stakeholder orientation.
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Purpose The authors use signaling theory in proposing a conceptual framework that simultaneously incorporates both the mediating effects of corporate reputation (CR) and the moderating effects of marketing capability (MC) into the corporate social responsibility (CSR)–corporate financial performance (CFP) link and theorize a single moderated mediation model. The empirical results of the research confirm the theorized moderated mediation model among the four variables, where a firm’s CR plays a mediating role in the relationship between CSR and CFP, and a firm’s MC moderates the effect of CSR on CR exclusively in the first link. Both theoretical and practical implications of the moderated mediation model are discussed. Design/methodology/approach This study uses structural equation model estimations with the relevant secondary datasets collected from publicly available databases. Findings The empirical results confirm the theorized moderated mediation model in the conceptual framework that uses signaling theory. Specifically, the results identify the moderating role of MC in only the CSR- CR link (but not in the CR and CFP link), such that CR plays a moderated mediation role in the CSR–CFP link. Research limitations/implications The current research is not without limitations. These limitations mainly stem from data sets used in the empirical analyses. More details are discussed in the limitations and future research directions section. Practical implications The empirical findings suggest that a firm needs to develop a consolidated CSR-marketing program, simultaneously satisfying stakeholders’ needs for both the firm’s socially desirable business practices and value-creating marketing programs to increase its CR, which will, in turn, lead to better profitability for the firm. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the current research is the first to use signaling theory in building a conceptual framework that theorizes a moderated mediation model regarding the simultaneous effects of CR and MC on the relationship between CSR and CFP and to empirically test this conceptual framework of the single moderated mediation model. By doing so, the current research clarifies an unanswered question in the literature of whether the underlying mechanism in the CSR–CFP link is based on a mediated moderation or moderated mediation of CR and MC.
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Business cycles (BCs) may affect entire markets, and significantly alter many firms’ marketing activities and performance. Even though managers cannot prevent BCs from occurring, marketing research over the last 15 years has provided growing evidence that their impact on consumers, and hence on firm and brand performance, depends to a large extent on how firms adjust their marketing mix in response to these macro-economic swings. In this study, we review the growing marketing literature on how to attenuate or amplify the impact of BC fluctuations. Our discussion focuses on three key aspects: (1) the scope of, and insights from, existing BC research in marketing, (2) advancements in the methods to study various BC phenomena in marketing, and (3) some emerging trends that offer new challenges and opportunities for future BC research in marketing.
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The growth of private labels over the past decades has been attributed to various factors. This article formally addresses the link between private-label success and economic expansions and contractions using recently developed time-series/econometric techniques. The findings confirm conventional wisdom that a country's private-label share increases when the economy is suffering and shrinks when the economy is flourishing. However, asymmetries are found in the extent to and speed with which private-label share changes in cyclical up-versus downturns. Consumers switch more extensively to store brands during bad economic times than they switch back to national brands in a subsequent recovery. In addition, the switch to private-label brands is faster than the opposite movement to national brands after the recession ends. Finally, not only are consumers more prone to buy private labels during economic downturns, but some keep buying them when bad economic times are long over as well, leaving permanent " scars " on national brands' performance level. The authors argue that national-brand manufacturers can mitigate the effect of an economic downturn on their shares by intensifying their marketing-support activities in recessions. Such a proactive strategy is not often observed. On the contrary, available evidence suggests that many manufacturers exacerbate their predicament by cutting back on their marketing expenses when the economy turns sour. Most retailers invest more strongly in their private-label program when the economy deteriorates, making it even more difficult for national brands to catch up with the share lost during contractions.
Although prior research has addressed the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on perceived customer responses, it is not clear whether CSR affects market value of the firm. This study develops and tests a conceptual framework, which predicts that (1) customer satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between CSR and firm market value (i.e., Tobin's q and stock return), (2) corporate abilities (innovativeness capability and product quality) moderate the financial returns to CSR, and (3) these moderated relationships are mediated by customer satisfaction. Based on a large-scale secondary data set, the results show support for this framework. Notably, the authors find that in firms with low innovativeness capability, CSR actually reduces customer satisfaction levels and, through the lowered satisfaction, harms market value. The uncovered mediated and asymmetrically moderated results offer important implications for marketing theory and practice.