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Abstract and Figures

Despite the rising interest in the use of portable force sensors during isometric exercises to inform on neuromuscular performance, the design of practical field-based methods to obtain reliable measures is an ongoing challenge. We aim at identifying the intra-session and test-retest reliability of a rapid, isometric knee extension test to evaluate the maximal voluntary concentric force (MVC), rate of force development (RFD) and impulse following a field-based approach. On two occasions, 14 athletes unfamiliar with the test completed three sets of 2 s ballistic contractions (as fast and hard as possible) with 30 s rest. Raw and filtered data were collected in real time using a portable force sensor. RFD and impulse were highly reliability during “late” phases of the contraction (0–250 ms) since the first session (coefficient of variation (CV) < 9.8%). Earlier phases (0–150 ms) achieved a moderate reliability after one familiarization session (CV < 7.1%). Measures at 0–50 ms did not reach sufficient reliability (CV ~ 14%). MVC was accurately assessed. Dominant limbs were not importantly altered by the familiarization. In opposite, non-dominant limbs showed large variations. New evidence is provided about the positive effects of a single familiarization session to improve the reliability the isometric knee extension test for rapid force production assessment. Coaches and practitioners may benefit of from these findings to conduct practical and reliable assessments of the rapid force production using a portable force sensor and a field-based approach.
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Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4499; doi:10.3390/app10134499
Familiarization and Reliability of the Isometric
Knee Extension Test for Rapid Force
Production Assessment
Javier Courel-Ibáñez *, Alejandro Hernández-Belmonte, Alejandro Cava-Martínez
and Jesús G. Pallarés
Faculty of Sport Sciences, Human Performance and Sports Science Laboratory, University of Murcia,
30720 Murcia, Spain; (A.H.-B.); (A.C.-M.); (J.G.P.)
* Correspondence:
Received: 9 June 2020; Accepted: 25 June 2020; Published: 29 June 2020
Featured Application: A list of variables to inform on neuromuscular performance were easily
and accurately collected using a portable force sensor and a field-based approach. Practical
guidelines are provided to collect reliable rate of force development (RFD) and impulse measures
of the knee extensors regarding the contraction time, preferable signal and familiarization.
Abstract: Despite the rising interest in the use of portable force sensors during isometric exercises
to inform on neuromuscular performance, the design of practical field-based methods to obtain
reliable measures is an ongoing challenge. We aim at identifying the intra-session and test-retest
reliability of a rapid, isometric knee extension test to evaluate the maximal voluntary concentric
force (MVC), rate of force development (RFD) and impulse following a field-based approach. On
two occasions, 14 athletes unfamiliar with the test completed three sets of 2 s ballistic contractions
(as fast and hard as possible) with 30 s rest. Raw and filtered data were collected in real time using
a portable force sensor. RFD and impulse were highly reliability during “late” phases of the
contraction (0–250 ms) since the first session (coefficient of variation (CV) < 9.8%). Earlier phases (0–
150 ms) achieved a moderate reliability after one familiarization session (CV < 7.1%). Measures at
0–50 ms did not reach sufficient reliability (CV ~ 14%). MVC was accurately assessed. Dominant
limbs were not importantly altered by the familiarization. In opposite, non-dominant limbs showed
large variations. New evidence is provided about the positive effects of a single familiarization
session to improve the reliability the isometric knee extension test for rapid force production
assessment. Coaches and practitioners may benefit of from these findings to conduct practical and
reliable assessments of the rapid force production using a portable force sensor and a field-based
Keywords: biomechanics; strain gauge; strength; power; muscle activation; resistance training
1. Introduction
Isometric strength of knee extensors has been widely assessed since decades due to its close
relationship with functional performance [1–3] and as effective tool for monitoring injury
rehabilitation success [4,5]. In recent years, the use of the isometric knee extension exercise during
explosive or ballistic contractions has attracted increasing attention as an effective method to test and
improve force production during rapid muscle activation, with positive transfers to sport-specific
performance such as jumping or sprinting [6–8]. Despite its practical implications, however, the
stable measurement of rapid force production remains of ongoing concern [9,10]. Hence, further
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understanding of best-practice and testing procedures that can aid the development of effective
assessment continues to be of importance.
Current resistance training practices involve the use of technology to obtain real-time data about
neural and muscular determinants of performance [11,12]. Muscular determinants during isometric
exercises are conventionally assessed by the maximal voluntary concentric force (MVC), which refers
to the highest force the individual is able to produce during the test [7,13]. The MVC is demonstrated
as a reliable and easy-to-obtain variable during the isometric knee extension test with portable force
sensors [14,15]. However, while most of sport-related movements (i.e., jumping, sprinting, kicking)
involves rapid contraction times (50–250 ms), the MVC is typically reached at later phases 300 ms,
which may limits its ability to explain performance for rapid actions [13,16].
In turn, the ability to produce force rapidly (< 250 ms) mostly relies on neural determinants such
as motor unit recruitment, discharge rates and force twitches [8,12]. Neural factors are commonly
assessed during isometric tests by the rate of force development (RFD) exerted within the early phase
of rising muscle force, and the contractile impulse that can be produced within a given contraction
time [16,17]. Despite the rising interest in the use of isometric testing to determine improvements in
ballistic sport-specific movements [6,7], the design of practical field-based methods to obtain reliable
RFD and impulse measures at different phases of the contraction is an ongoing challenge [18–21].
This is further confounded by the fact that the measurement of both RFD and impulse is highly
dependent to the testing procedures [9,10], the signal filtering [19] and the warm-up [22]. Hence, a
further examination of the quality and consistency of the RFD and impulse measures is of critical
To provide these insights would have practical implications for coaches and therapists, since
nowadays one can easily collect automatically RFD and impulse data while providing real-time
visual feedback using low cost, portable force sensors attached to a bench or table [9]. To the best of
our knowledge, only one previous study has examined the reliability of rapid force production
variables during the knee extension [21]. Albeit showing promising results, the fact that they
conduced time-consuming testing procedures (separate tests for MVC and RFD which doubled the
time required) makes difficult to transfer their results into the sport daily practice thus requires a
field-based replication. Furthermore, despite side-to-side asymmetry in quadriceps RFD has gained
interest as a screening tool for injury management [23], little is known about the differences between
dominant and non-dominant limbs when testing the rapid force production during the knee
extension test in athletes. Besides, there is no quantitative data describing the influence of a
familiarization session to maximise the reliability of RFD during the knee extension strength test [9].
Therefore, the current study aimed to determine the intra-session and test-retest reliability of a
rapid, isometric knee extension test to evaluate the MVC, RFD and impulse on both limbs in young
athletes unfamiliar with the test, following a field-based approach. Based on the existing literature,
we hypothesize that late contractions > 250 ms would reach sufficient reliability since the first session,
whilst earlier phases would require a previous familiarization.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Design
Participants completed the isometric knee extension test in two testing sessions (with 48 h rest)
according to the evidence-based standards for RFD measurement [9]. Before each session,
participants completed the same specific warm-up including rapid response neuromuscular
activation to maximize the isometric knee extension performance [22]. Evaluations were performed
under similar climatological conditions (21–24 °C and 45–55% relative humidity) at the same time of
day (16:00–19:00 h). All participants were previously screened to ensure they were able to complete
the tests safety. However, they were unfamiliar with the isometric knee extension test. After the initial
screen and the warm-up, participants completed three trials per leg of the aforementioned test.
Measures for the force-time curve were automatically obtained using a portable strain gauge.
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2.2. Participants
Fourteen male athletes (Mean ± SD: age 22.4 ± 3.9 years, body mass 81.2 ± 6.9 kg, height: 179.9 ±
5.2 cm) volunteered to participate in this study. All participants were fit, uninjured and not taking
medications that could alter performance. To ensure they initiated the study with a comparable
training base, all participants completed a one-maximum repetition test (1RM) for the full-squat
exercise the week before to the experiment (1RM = 121.2 ± 14.5 kg; relative strength ratio = 1.5 ± 0.2
kg/body mass). However, they were unfamiliar with the isometric knee extension test. Participants
signed a written informed consent form. The study was conducted conform to the Code of Ethics of
the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) and approved by the Bioethics Commission
of the local university.
2.3. Rapid Isometric Contraction of the Knee Extensors
Participants performed a specific warm-up including 2 sets of 6 s of three rapid response
neuromuscular activation exercises: base rotations, side to side over line and 2 inch runs [22]. After
the warm-up, participants sat on a custom-built bench, 70 cm high (Figure 1). A portable strain gauge
with incorporated software (Chronojump, Barcelona, Spain) sampling at 80 Hz was secured at one
end to the bench at 45 cm from the floor, and attached at the other to a chain connected to a resistant
padded anklet, specifically designed for maximal isometric testing, to guarantee the mechanical
rigidity and minimize joint movement [9]. The chain length was adapted to each participant’s
anthropometric characteristics to achieve the mechanical rigidity with a comfortable knee joint angle
of 110°. Before each trial, knee flexion was measured using a handled goniometer (Nexgen
Ergonomics, Point Claire, Quebec, Canada). The strain gauge was calibrated prior to each session
using a 5 kg Eleiko disc (Eleiko, Halmstad, Sweden), according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Participants completed three rapid contractions with 30 s rest [24]. Baseline conditions were
standardized and monitored using real-time visual feedback provided by the manufacturer’s
software, to avoid alterations in the measure due to initial pre-tension and countermovement
[9,10,25]. Participants were instructed to contract as “fast and hard” as possible with the emphasis on
the explosive/ballistic phase of contraction during 2 s with strong verbal encouragement [9,26].
Figure 1. Isometric knee extension test set-up. The portable strain gauge secured at one end to the
bench at 45 cm from the floor, and attached at the other to a chain connected to a resistant padded
ankle. Visual feedback was given in real time using a computer software.
2.4. Force Variables
Measures for the force-time curve were automatically obtained using the manufacturer’s
software for windows (Chronojump 1.9.0, Barcelona, Spain). Results from each of the three trials were
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used for the intra-session analysis, whereas the trial with the highest values was used for the test-
retest reliability analysis [9]. This software provides values in raw (original signal) and fitted (inverse
monoexponentially function that better fits the raw data). This fitting is made by adjusting the Fmax
(maximum force, i.e., MVC) and tau (τ, the time necessary to reach the 63.2% of the Fmax), as follows:
F = Fmax x (1 e^(1/τ))
The following variables were calculated (Figure 2):
Maximal voluntary contraction force (MVC): instantaneous maximal isometric muscle strength
in Newtons (N).
Rate of force development (RFD): the contractile RFD was obtained from the slope of the force-
time curve (ΔForce/Δtime) expressed in N·s
; thus, the instantaneous RFD peak (RFD
) was
the highest slope of the curve [17]. Average RFD was calculated for three overlapping periods in
milliseconds to collect measures in three different phases of the contraction: 0–50 ms (RFD
), 0–
150 ms (RFD
) and 0–250 ms (RFD
) [9,27].
Impulse: the impulse was calculated through integration of force over time (i.e., cumulated area
under the force-time curve) expressed in N·s [17]. Average impulse was calculated for the same
three overlapping RFD periods in milliseconds (Impulse
, Impulse
and Impulse
Figure 2. Example (screen-capture obtained from the force sensor software) of some parameters for
the force-time curve during the maximal isometric knee extension test. Raw data (original signal) are
in black. Fitted data (inverse monoexponentially function that better fits the raw data) are in grey.
Note: Fmax is named as maximal voluntary concentric force (MVC) in the present manuscript.
2.5. Statistical Analysis
Reliability and level of agreement between the force variables within (intra-session) and between
(test-retest) sessions were determined by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error
of the measurement (SEM) and coefficient of variation (CV). Two-way mixed-effects, absolute
agreement model in ICC was conducted according to guidelines for test-retest and intrarater
reliability [28]. The SEM was calculated from the square root of the mean square error term in a
repeated-measures ANOVA to determine the measurement error and between-participant variability
[29]. The CV was calculated relative to the SEM as a percentage (CV = 100 SEM/mean)[29]. Criteria
for acceptable reliability were set for very high (CV 5%, ICC 0.90), high (CV 10%, ICC > 0.90)
and moderate (CV 15%, ICC > 0.80) according to previous studies testing the reliability of RFD and
impulse during isometric exercises [19–21]. Inter-limb asymmetries > 15% were considered as high
[30]. Normal distribution was verified by Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests. Student’s t-test for paired
samples was performed to identify significant differences (p < 0.05) between the test and retest
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conditions. Effect size (ES) was calculated [31] to estimate the magnitude of the differences using the
Hedges’ g and interpreted as low (0.20) medium (0.50) and high (0.80).
3. Results
3.1. Intra-Session Reliability
Tables 1 and 2 show the intra-session reliability in raw (original data) and fitted (filtered data),
respectively. MVC, RFD0–150, RFD0–250 and Impulse0–250 were moderate-to-high reliable since Session 1
in both raw (CV ranges: 7.0 to 13.3%, ICC ranges: 0.887 to 0.976) and fitted (CV ranges: 5.9 to 12.2%,
ICC ranges: 0.921 to 0.958) data. These results improved in Session 2 up to showing a high reliability
in both raw and fitted (CV 9.3% ICC 0.958). Additionally, Impulse0–150 reached an acceptable
reliability in Session 2 (CV 11.9% ICC 0.954), with slightly better results in fitted data. RFD0–50 was
readable with a moderate reliability (CV 13.6% ICC 0.941) in Session 2 with fitted signal. Impulse0–
50 showed nearly reliable readings in Session 2 with fitted signal (CV 15.8% ICC 0.929). RFDmax
achieved moderately reliable records in Session 2 but only in dominant leg raw data. Fitted data were
equally reliable for dominant and non-dominant legs, whilst raw data showed particular differences.
Asymmetries trended to diminish after the familiarization, especially during early phases of
contraction (0–50 ms), with all the participants showing optimal values < 15% in the second session.
Table 1. Intra-session reliability in maximal voluntary contraction force (MVC), impulse, and rate of
force development (RFD) variables for original data (raw).
Raw data Dominant Leg Non-Dominant Leg Diff%
Session 1 649 (115) 9.1% 59.9 0.887 598 (91) 5.8% 34.0 0.869 8.9%
Session 2 676 (117) 5.0% 33.9 0.966 618 (102) 4.4% 26.9 0.975 8.3%
Impulse 050 (N·s)
Session 1 7.1 (3.7) 37.8% 2.6 0.788 6.2 (3.3) 29.3% 1.8 0.896 10.2%
Session 2 7.6 (3.1) 30.3% 2.2 0.798 7.3 (3.3) 21.5% 1.6 0.815 2.4%
Impulse 0150 (N·s)
Session 1 48.6 (15.1) 16.0% 7.8 0.910 42.9 (14.0) 11.9% 5.1 0.956 13.1%
Session 2 49.5 (14.0) 10.7% 5.3 0.954 45.8 (13.5) 16.6% 7.6 0.909 8.0%
Impulse 0250 (N·s)
Session 1 102.8 (26.2) 11.7% 12.0 0.928 93.4 (24.8) 8.2% 7.7 0.969 10.0%
Session 2 105.1 (25.1) 6.7% 7.0 0.976 96.6 (24.1) 12.7% 12.2 0.926 8.8%
RFD050 (N·s1)
Session 1 4446 (2275) 34.8% 1548 0.802 3959 (2209) 26.9% 1064 0.914 12.4%
Session 2 4667 (1951) 21.8% 1016 0.901 4256 (1989) 32.1% 1367 0.816 9.7%
RFD0150 (N·s1)
Session 1 3074 (695) 8.3% 254 0.956 2771 (706) 13.3% 369 0.934 10.9%
Session 2 3087 (760) 8.0% 247 0.966 2881 (677) 9.3% 268 0.959 7.2%
RFD0250 (N·s1)
Session 1 2122 (426) 7.0% 148 0.959 1954 (430) 9.6% 189 0.950 8.6%
Session 2 2211 (491) 7.7% 170 0.958 2010 (393) 6.0% 122 0.968 10.0%
RFDmax (N·s1)
Session 1 6988 (2278) 16.2% 1135 0.912 6118 (1933) 21.3% 1302 0.944 14.2%
Session 2 7098 (2346) 12.7% 899 0.952 6800 (1858) 24.4% 1660 0.874 4.4%
SEM: standard error of measurement, CV: SEM expressed as a coefficient of variation, ICC: intraclass
correlation coefficient. Diff %: percentage of difference between dominant and non-dominant leg.
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Table 2. Intra-session reliability in maximal voluntary contraction force (MVC), rate of force
development (RFD) and impulse variables for filtered data (fitted).
Fitted data Dominant Leg Non-Dominant Leg %Diff
Session 1 628 (111) 5.9% 37.7 .887 568 (93) 6.2% 35.2 .869 10.5%
Session 2 646 (117) 5.6% 35.9 .969 597 (96) 4.7% 27.9 .975 8.2%
Impulse 050 (N·s)
Session 1 7.6 (2.9) 22.6% 1.7 .788 7.3 (2.6) 25.8% 1.9 .815 15.9%
Session 2 7.7 (2.8) 15.8% 1.2 .798 6.5 (2.6) 15.1% 1.0 .896 5.3%
Impulse 0150 (N·s)
Session 1 48.4 (14.6) 15.7% 7.6 .910 43.1 (13.5) 10.6% 4.6 .956 12.3%
Session 2 49.3 (13.8) 9.8% 4.8 .954 46.1 (12.7) 15.0% 6.9 .909 6.8%
Impulse 0250 (N·s)
Session 1 102.8 (26.4) 11.7% 12.1 .928 96.4 (23.8) 12.6% 12.1 .926 8.8%
Session 2 104.9 (25.3) 7.1% 7.4 .976 93.3 (25.0) 8.4% 7.8 .969 10.2%
RFD050 (N·s1)
Session 1 5465 (2000) 21.2% 1161 .802 4801 (1756) 13.6% 651 .914 13.8%
Session 2 5589 (1840) 13.6% 761 .901 5308 (1637) 18.7% 991 .816 5.3%
RFD0150 (N·s1)
Session 1 3315 (850) 12.2% 406 .956 3119 (766) 11.5% 358.2 .934 6.3%
Session 2 3411 (808) 6.8% 232 .966 3042 (790) 8.1% 244.9 .959 12.1%
RFD0250 (N·s1)
Session 1 2318 (463) 8.1% 188 .959 2120 (457) 8.5% 181 .950 9.3%
Session 2 2365 (484) 5.3% 126 .958 2142 (448) 5.9% 126 .968 10.4%
RFDmax (N·s1)
Session 1 7561 (3447) 28.8% 2179 .912 6363 (2892) 18.9% 1202 .874 21.3%
Session 2 7721 (3340) 21.3% 1644 .952 7459 (2763) 24.9% 1856 .944 1.4%
SEM: standard error of measurement, CV: SEM expressed as a coefficient of variation, ICC: intraclass
correlation coefficient. Diff %: percentage of difference between dominant and non-dominant leg.
3.2. Test-Retest Reliability
Results from the test-retest reliability are shown in Table 3. MVC, RFD0–250 and Impulse0–250
maintained a high reliability among sessions for both raw and fitted data (CV 9.2% ICC 0.904).
However, RFD0–150 and Impulse0–150 were highly reliable in fitted data (CV 10.8% ICC 0.879).
Likewise, RFD0–50 and Impulse0–50 were only deemed reliable in fitted data and particularly in the
dominant leg (CV 13.3% ICC 0.898). RFDmax was best in the dominant leg, with similar results in
fitted and raw data (CV ~ 17% ICC 0.799). Dominant limb records were not importantly altered by
the familiarization (ES < 0.13) except for the RFD0–250. In opposite, non-dominant limbs showed large
variations in the majority of the variables but the RFD0-250.
4. Discussion
The main findings of this study indicate that: i) RFD and impulse during the isometric knee
extension tests can be assessed with high reliability during “late” phases of the contraction (0–250
ms) since the first session, following a field-based approach, in young athletes unfamiliar with the
test; ii) earlier phases of the contraction (0–150 ms) can be measured with moderate reliability after
one familiarization session; iii) in contrast, measures at 0–50 ms requires larger sampling rates and/or
longer familiarization to reach sufficient reliability; iv) the results confirm previous findings that knee
extension MVC can be accurately assessed using portable force sensors [14,15].
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Table 3. Test-retest reliability (values of the highest trial conducted in Sessions 1 and 2) in maximal
voluntary contraction force (MVC), rate of force development (RFD) and impulse variables for
original (raw) and filtered (fitted) data.
Test-retest Dominant Leg Non-Dominant Leg
MVC (N) 5.7% 38.0 .948 +2.5% .290 0.14
5.4% 33.4 .939 +2.7% .248 0.17
Impulse050 (N·s) 19.7% 1.8 .801 +1.1% .882 0.03
24.1% 1.9 .713
19.6% .075 0.50
Impulse 0150 (N·s) 10.0% 5.4 .908 0.6% .891 0.02 11.4% 5.6 .955
6.5% .154 0.26
Impulse0250 (N·s) 9.2% 10.2 .904 < 0.1% .994 0.01
7.4% 7.5 .929
3.5% .265 0.17
RFD050 (N·s1) 15.6% 868 .848 1.1% .870 0.04 23.7% 1184 .742 7.6% .497 0.19
RFD0150 (N·s1) 8.7% 283 .914 0.1% .980 0.01 10.4% 313 .840 +2.9% .530 0.14
RFD0250 (N·s1) 7.3% 165 .938 +5.0% .081 0.24
5.7% 120 .952
0.1% .982 0.01
RFDmax (N·s1) 17.2% 1349 .799 0.8% .918 0.03 22.0% 1658 .212 +14.5% .095 0.67
MVC (N) 6.1% 40.0 .938 +2.4% .306 0.13
5.0% 30.2 .947 +2.5% .261 0.15
Impulse050 (N·s) 13.3% 1.2 .901 0.5% .932 0.02 17.1% 1.4 .810
16.4% .030 0.49
Impulse 0150 (N·s) 10.5% 5.6 .900 0.4% .937 0.01 10.8% 5.3 .879
7.0% .146 0.28
Impulse0250 (N·s) 9.1% 10.1 .904 +0.3% .942 0.01
7.5% 7.7 .925
3.5% .311 0.16
RFD050 (N·s1) 12.4% 778 .898 0.6% .906 0.02 14.8% 841 .823
10.5% .115 0.38
RFD0150 (N·s1) 8.9% 318 .907 +0.4% .923 0.02
6.5% 218 .940
2.6% .411 0.21
RFD0250 (N·s1) 7.1% 173 .930 +0.3% .925 0.01
4.6% 102 .967
0.1% .958 0.01
RFDmax (N·s1) 16.9% 1548 .891 0.2% .975 0.01 22.9% 1864 .717 17.3% .106 0.45
SEM: standard error of measurement, CV: SEM expressed as a coefficient of variation, ICC: intraclass
correlation coefficient, Diff: percentage of change between the average records of each session, p-
value: t-test significance, ES: Hedge’s g effect size.
The development of practical methods to obtain reliable RFD and impulse parameters from
sport-related actions is an ongoing challenge in sport practice [9,10], since they may inform about the
neural efficiency of motor skill performance [8]. According to our findings, RFD and impulse at 0–
150 ms and 0–250 ms can be measured with sufficient reliability (CV < 10 %) after one familiarization
session during the isometric knee extension tests, with better results if filtering the data. These good
results were automatically obtained using a portable low-cost force sensor at 80 Hz which make
possible to easily reproduce this assessment in both athletic and clinic (e.g., hospitals, rehabilitation
centres or nursing homes) environments. In contrast, the lower reliability even with fitted data (CV
~ 14%) found in earlier phases of contractions (0–50 ms) suggests the need of higher sampling rate
equipment and/or experienced participants. This is in line with Buckthorpe et al. [21] who found
good within-participants reliability from 100 ms onward but high variation up to CV = 19% at earlier
phases (RFD0–50 and impulse0–50) during a rapid, isometric knee extension test after familiarization.
Since we used a much lower sampling rate (80 Hz vs. 2000 Hz), the current improvements could be
attributable to methodological differences such as the inclusion of a rapid-response warm-up [22].
Further, in light of our findings, to collect MVC and RFD together from the same trial via evidence-
based guidelines [9] seems advantageable as may increase performance and reduce fatigue as a result
of performing less trials while saving time. Of interest, adopting an external focus of attention (e.g.,
“try to touch this target”) seems to be beneficial when testing rapid contractions of the knee extensors
[32]. Future studies should examine whether the use of external attentional focus may have an acute
impact on the reliability of rapid force production measures during the isometric knee extension tests,
specially at early phases of the contraction (0–50 ms).
A main practical resource herein provided for a better understanding of the isometric knee
extension test reliability is the reporting of intra-session and test-retest differences in absolute terms
(i.e., SEM). This information assists in the interpretation of results from a practical viewpoint. A large
SEM relative to the between-participant variance contributes to poor reliability. In other words, if we
would like to compare the differences after a training program, changes greater that the SEM would
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4499 8 of 10
be likely to be a result of the intervention rather than a measurement error [29]. Accordingly, taking
the Session 2 fitted readings and the dominant leg reference (Table 2), the current field-based method
would permit us to identify, at least, changes in MVC over 35.9 N or changes in RFD0–250 and Impulse0–
250 from 126 N·s1 and 7.4 N·s respectively. Hence, despite we cannot deny the existence of a high intra-
individual variability during an isometric leg extension test [21], the use of evidence-based protocols,
rapid-response warm-up and visual feedback make it possible to obtain a reliable RFD/Impulse
measurement with field-based, portable and low-cost equipment. This is particularly relevant for
coaches and sport clubs dealing with athletes with similar strength status than our sample (MVC
from ~ 500 to ~ 850 N; 7- to 10-fold their body mass).
The implications of these findings are that using a portable force sensor under proper
measurement guidelines allows to collect reliable RFD, Impulse and MVC data (altogether from the
same trial) to evaluate the rapid isometric contraction of the knee extensors in young athletes. Such
knowledge, along with the interpretation of the measurement errors, will aid both in the assessment
of performance at a given time-point (e.g., pre-season, tapering, diagnostic analysis) and the
identification of true changes due to training-induce adaptations (e.g., training program, injury
rehabilitation). In addition, we provide new quantitative data describing the influence of
familiarization during RFD assessment [9], with some variables reaching sufficient reliability since
the first session and the others requiring just a single previous session (Table 2). Of final note is that
important inter-limb asymmetries were identified, with non-dominant limbs describing lower
records and larger variations during rapid force assessment. Although these differences could be
anticipated [30], it seems to be the first time presenting data about asymmetries and RFD performance
during a ballistic knee extension test in athletes. According to our findings, this test would allow to
identify severe asymmetries > 15% but requiring a previous familiarization. All in all, given that
improvements in RFD can be expected within the first weeks of training [6], and the benefits of a
previous familiarization, it is advisable to evaluate the rapid isometric contraction of the knee
extensors since initial stages of the season and conducted frequent monitoring to verify short-term
5. Conclusions
New evidence and practical guidelines are provided to collect reliable RFD and Impulse
measures of the knee extensors regarding the contraction time, the preferable signal and the influence
of familiarization (Table 4). The use of a portable force sensor and a field-based approach may benefit
coaches and practitioners from these findings by conducting practical and reliable methods for rapid
force production assessment outside the laboratory. Under proper methods, coaches and clinicians
dealing with rapid force production training and/or assessment might rely on both MVC and
RFD/Impulse at 0–250 ms since the very first session if a familiarization is not possible. However, it
seems necessary to complete at least one familiarization session to collect RFD and Impulse 0–150
with moderate reliability. In turn, very rapid contractions (0–50 ms and RFDmax) would require longer
preparation. Frequent unilateral monitoring over time is advisable to determine side-to-side
asymmetry in quadriceps RFD.
Table 4. Recommendations on maximal isometric knee extension force assessment based on reliability
(intra-session level of agreement), preferable signal (raw: original; fitted: filtered) and the influence of
a familiarization session (test-retest differences).
Isometric knee
extension force Reliability Preferable
Influence of
MVC (N) High Raw / Fitted Low Low
RFD0-250 (N·s-1) High Fitted Low low
Impulse0-250 (N·s) High Raw / Fitted Low Moderate
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4499 9 of 10
RFD0-150 (N·s-1) Moderate Raw / Fitted High Moderate
Impulse 0-150 (N·s) Moderate Fitted High High
RFD0-50 (N·s-1) Moderate Fitted Very high High
Impulse0-50 (N·s) Low Fitted Very high Very high
RFDmax (N·s-1) Low Raw Very high Very high
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.C. and J.G.; methodology, J.C., A.H., A.M., J.G.; investigation, J.C.,
A.H., A.M., formal analysis, J.C., A.H.; writing—original draft preparation, J.C., A.H.; writing—review and
editing, J.C., A.H., A.M., J.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Paco and Pedro for their valuable technical contribution in the
development of the custom-built bench, and thank the participants for their involvement in this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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... Advances in technology allow nowadays the use of portable sensors to collect data in real time and obtain information on the neuronal and neuromuscular determinants of performance, assisting in a better design and control of exercise plans [23][24][25]. In addition, these systems may increase adherence to the training program by providing instant feedback on the screen or smartphone, while ensuring that the volume and intensity aims are being accomplished [26]. ...
... An important contribution of this study is the identification of expected errors from a given test. This information is useful as it allows coaches to determine whether the changes in performance after an intervention are due to strength improvements (i.e., when changes are higher than the test error) rather than a technical error [23,24]. According to our findings, one can expect errors below 20 N or 0.25 N·kg −1 when performing the unilateral row or Pallof press tests in people with chronic low back pain. ...
... However, this may prove that the current results can be used without the need for pre-testing sessions, thus saving time and is more customary in practice. Furthermore, because errors can be reduced after familiarization [23], it seems advisable to conduct several measurements during the training period to track performance. ...
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Exercise is a front-line intervention to increase functional capacity and reduce pain and disability in people with low strength levels or disorders. However, there is a lack of validated field-based tests to check the initial status and, more importantly, to control the process and make tailored adjustments in load, intensity, and recovery. We aimed to determine the test–retest reliability of a submaximal, resistance-band test to evaluate the strength of the trunk stability muscles using a portable force sensor in middle-aged adults (48 ± 13 years) with medically diagnosed chronic low back pain and healthy peers (n = 35). Participants completed two submaximal progressive tests of two resistance-band exercises (unilateral row and Pallof press), consisting of 5 s maintained contraction, progressively increasing the load. The test stopped when deviation from the initial position by compensation movements occurred. Trunk muscle strength (CORE muscles) was monitored in real time using a portable force sensor (strain gauge). Results revealed that both tests were highly reliable (intra-class correlation [ICC] > 0.901) and presented low errors and coefficients of variation (CV) in both groups. In particular, people with low back pain had errors of 14–19 N (CV = 9–12%) in the unilateral row test and 13–19 N (CV = 8–12%) in the Pallof press. No discomfort or pain was reported during or after the tests. These two easy-to-use and technology-based tests result in a reliable and objective screening tool to evaluate the strength and trunk stability in middle-aged adults with chronic low back pain, considering an error of measurement < 20 N. This contribution may have an impact on improving the individualization and control of rehabilitation or physical training in people with lumbar injuries or disorders.
... Thus, tracking changes in RTD might be a relevant measure in patients undergoing bariatric surgery, not least due to the increased fracture risk in this patient population (Lu et al., 2015;Yu et al., 2017). In healthy young recreationally active males and females RTD can be assessed with good-to-excellent reliability (Buckthorpe et al., 2012;Courel-Ibáñez et al., 2020;Kozinc et al., 2022;Tillin et al., 2011). ...
... Overall, the KE RTD CV in the present study is higher compared to young recreationally active males and females who had been familiarized with the RTD assessment. CV values for KE RTD for young recreationally active males and females ranged from 12.8% to 37.2% for early phase RTD and from 4.5% to 10.2% for late phase RTD (Buckthorpe et al., 2012;Courel-Ibáñez et al., 2020;Kozinc et al., 2022;Tillin et al., 2011). The present ICC values for late phase KE RTD were comparable to previous findings (Buckthorpe et al., 2012;Courel-Ibáñez et al., 2020;Kozinc et al., 2022) or slightly lower (Mentiplay et al., 2015). ...
... CV values for KE RTD for young recreationally active males and females ranged from 12.8% to 37.2% for early phase RTD and from 4.5% to 10.2% for late phase RTD (Buckthorpe et al., 2012;Courel-Ibáñez et al., 2020;Kozinc et al., 2022;Tillin et al., 2011). The present ICC values for late phase KE RTD were comparable to previous findings (Buckthorpe et al., 2012;Courel-Ibáñez et al., 2020;Kozinc et al., 2022) or slightly lower (Mentiplay et al., 2015). It has been shown that adolescents with obesity have attenuated volitional muscle activation capacity and poorer motor performance compared to their nonobese counterparts (Blimkie et al., 1990). ...
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Background The aim of this study was to examine the test−retest reliability in lower limb muscle strength and rate of torque development (RTD) using isokinetic dynamometry in adults with obesity, with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2. Method Thirty-two adults with a BMI of 43.8 ± 6.6 kg/m2 eligible for bariatric surgery were enroled in the study. Isokinetic and isometric knee extensor (KE) and flexor (KF) strength were assessed in an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex 4) during three test sessions separated by 3−7 days. Results There were no statistical differences in peak KE and KF torque for any test modalities between sessions. Intraclass correlation (ICC) was 0.91−0.94 between sessions 1 and 2 and 0.94−0.97 between sessions 2 and 3. Standard error of measurement (SEM%) and coefficient of variation (CV) ranged across test sessions from 4.3% to 7.3%. KE RTD showed high test−retest reliability following familiarization, with ICC, CV and SEM% values ranging from 0.84 to 0.90, 13.3%−20.3% and 14.6%−24.9%, respectively. Conclusion Maximal lower limb muscle strength measured by isokinetic dynamometry showed excellent test−retest reliability manifested by small measurement errors and low CV. Reliability was slightly improved by including a familiarization session. KE RTD but not KF RTD demonstrated high test−retest reliability following familiarization. The present data indicate that isokinetic dynamometry can be used to detect even small changes in lower limb muscle strength in adults with obesity.
... As regards to CV%, acceptable thresholds were determined as < 10%. Overall repeatability was classified as very high (CV ≤ 5%, ICC ≥ 0.95), high (CV ≤ 10%, ICC ≥ 0.90) and moderate (CV ≤ 15%, ICC ≥ 0.80), in accordance with previous reliability studies [41] including intra-session repeatability studies of maximal isometric lower limb testing in older adults in care homes [35]. The reliability sections of this study are described based on the guidelines for reporting reliability and agreement studies [42]. ...
... It is interesting to note that reliability for knee flexion measures in this study was less consistent than other reported measures with large confidence intervals, showed notable differences between right and left leg reliability, and differed from previous research findings [52]. Possible explanations for this could be the small sample size, unfamiliar movement pattern and unilateral action [43] or protocol differences with other studies which identified the participants dominant and non-dominant limb [38,41]. Limb dominance was not recorded as part of the current study and may be a useful consideration for further research. ...
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Background Lifelong strength is fundamental to physical function, health, and quality of life. Reliable appropriate strength assessment measures for older adults play an important role in effective evaluation of baseline ability and exercise prescription to counter disease and disuse. This study aimed to investigate the within-session reliability of maximal isometric knee extension and flexion, hip abduction and adduction, and handgrip strength measures in frail and pre-frail older adults. Method The study was conducted at a residential care home in Birmingham, UK. All care home residents aged ≥ 65 years; pre-frail or frail according to the Fried Frailty phenotype criteria; able to speak and read English; not currently involved in any other clinical trial; without severe sensory impairments; and with a predicted life expectancy greater than the trial length were eligible. Maximal isometric lower limb testing was performed using specialised resistance training equipment and a portable measurement device, and grip strength was assessed using a portable dynamometer. All eligible participants attended a single testing session and performed three trials per measure. Peak force measures were obtained for analysis. Within-session reliability for each measure was calculated from repeated-measures analysis of variance, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), and coefficients of variation (CV) with 95% confidence intervals. Results Eleven frail and eleven pre-frail older adults participated in the study. Within-session absolute and relative measures were found to be reliable with the highest overall repeatability indicated between trial 2 and trial 3 for knee extension, hip abduction, and handgrip (CV ≤ 4.65%, ICC ≥ 0.96) with variation evident across all measures, except knee extension, from trial 1 to 2. Conclusions Overall, maximal isometric strength in frail and pre-frail older adults with no previous testing experience can be measured with good to high reliability within their first testing session. An initial two familiarisation trials followed by two measurement trials is recommended to achieve the highest level of overall repeatability. Trial registration The trial was registered with NCT03141879 on 05/05/2017.
... The maximum force exerted at any given attempt will be considered as the participants' KES. 38 Physical activity and functional capacity Habitual physical activity levels will be determined using the validated Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) questionnaire, 39 which will be self-administered. The PASE assesses the frequency, duration and intensity of leisure, household and occupational activities performed over the past week. ...
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Introduction Ageing is associated with physical and cognitive declines, which may be further exacerbated by poor nutrition. Nuts are energy and nutrient dense, and their consumption is associated with better physical and cognitive functions in older adults, but data from interventional studies are limited. This 6-month randomised controlled trial is designed to investigate the effects of consuming 43 g/day of peanut butter (equivalent to 1.5 servings of nuts) on physical function, including walking speed (primary outcome), standing and dynamic balance, upper and lower body strength, lower body power and endurance, and associated factors including muscle mass, cognitive function and DNA telomere length in community-dwelling older adults. Method and analysis A total of 120 participants aged ≥65 years will be recruited and randomly allocated (1:1 ratio) to either the intervention group (n=60) that will receive individually packaged sealed containers containing 43 g of peanut butter to be consumed once daily for 6 months alongside habitual diet, or the control group (n=60) that will maintain their habitual diet. Primary and secondary outcomes will be assessed at baseline and at 6 months. The primary outcome is walking speed assessed using the 4 m usual gait speed test. Secondary outcomes include other physical function assessments: standing balance, chair stand time, timed-up-and-go test and four-square step test; and hand grip and knee extensor muscle strength; cognitive function assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and trail making tests; body composition; nutritional status; and DNA telomere length from participants’ buccal cell samples. Linear mixed models will be used to compare changes in outcomes between intervention and control groups. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol is approved by the Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee. The trial is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12622001291774. The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations and media. Trial registration number ANZCTR12622001291774.
... Excluding the first effort from the analysis led to improvements in all reliability estimates. Practice or familiarization efforts have been used by several investigators [22,23] in order to produce more reliable and accurate isometric measurements using hand-held dynamometers. During strength measurements, familiarization should be incorporated as part of the routine process in order to enhance confidence and facilitate tissue compliance around the area of interest [24]. ...
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Background: Pole dancing is a physically demanding sport that combines dance and acrobatic movements on a vertical pole. Despite its highly growing popularity, there is currently limited research in the field. The aim of this study was to create and evaluate a strength assessment protocol for athletes in pole dancing, with a specific focus on functional positions on the pole. Methods: Thirty-two female pole dancing athletes participated in this study. Maximal voluntary isomet-ric contractions (MVIC) were measured at three different sport-specific positions on the pole (shoul-der abduction and adduction, and hip adduction), on two separate days (test and re-test) with a five to seven day interval between them. A hand-held dynamometer (Activ5-Activbody) stabilized on the pole was used for this study. Results: The intra-session reliability was good to excellent for all sports-specific positions and for both sides of the body, across all different movements (ICC = 0.837-0.960, SEM = 5.02Kg-2.24Kg, and SDD = 27.46%-14.92%). Slightly better results were found regarding inter-session reliability (ICC = 0.927-0.970, SEM = 3.72Kg-1.97Kg, and SDD = 22.86%-15.19%). There was not a statistically significant difference between the MVICs between the left and right or dominant and non-dominant side in shoulder abduction (p = 0.105) and hip adduction (p = 0.282), in contrast to shoulder adduction (p = 0.00). Conclusion: The strength assessment protocol developed in the current study has proven to be a reliable and functional tool, with the potential for utilization in clinical practice as part of objective strength testing. Further studies are needed in order to expand the protocol to other muscle groups and positions and to generalize the results in all pole dancing populations such as male athletes.
... For the leg extension, participants sat on a locked leg extension device with a portable strain gauge with its own software (Chronojump, Barcelona, Spain) sampling at 80 Hz secured at the end of the device. The other end was connected to a chain linked to a padded anklet, designed specifically for maximal isometric testing to ensure mechanical rigidity and minimize joint movement [36]. The chain length was adjusted to each participant's anthropometric characteristics to achieve mechanical rigidity with a comfortable knee joint angle of 90 • . ...
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Background: Resistance training (RT) has been recognized as a beneficial non-pharmacological intervention for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, but its impact on neurodegeneration is not fully understood. This study aimed to investigate the effects of high-intensity RT on muscle mass, strength, functional capacity, and axonal damage in MS patients. Methods: Eleven relapsing-remitting MS patients volunteered in this within-subject counterbalanced intervention study. Serum neurofilament light-chain (NfL) concentration, vastus lateralis thickness (VL), timed up-and-go test (TUG), sit-to-stand test (60STS), and maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) were measured before and after intervention. Participants performed 18 sessions of high-intensity RT (70-80% 1-RM) over 6 weeks. Results: Significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed post-intervention for VL (ES = 2.15), TUG (ES = 1.98), 60STS (ES = 1.70), MVIC (ES = 1.78), and NfL (ES = 1.43). Although moderate correlations between changes in VL (R = 0.434), TUG (R = −0.536), and MVIC (R = 0.477) and changes in NfL were observed, only the correlation between VL and MVIC changes was significant (R = 0.684, p = 0.029). Conclusions: A 6-week RT program significantly increased muscle mass, functional capacity, and neuromuscular function while also decreasing serum NfL in MS patients. These results suggest the effectiveness of RT as a non-pharmacological approach to mitigate neurodegeneration while improving functional capacity in MS patients.
... Additionally, we provided all subjects with visual and verbal feedback after each trial in order to improve performance and minimize potential bias. 15,37 Another limitation was that our study was not sufficiently powered to perform any subgroup analyses such as sex-based or sport-specific differences in the relationship between isometric RFD and jump performance. We also acknowledge that this study was conducted on individuals 1 to 5 years out from ACLR, primarily with bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts, limiting potential application to other populations. ...
Purpose : To determine between-limbs differences in isometric rate of force development (RFD) measured during open- (OKC) and closed-kinetic-chain (CKC) strength testing and establish which method had the strongest relationship to single-leg vertical-jump performance and knee mechanics after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Methods : Subjects (n = 19) 1 to 5 years from ACL reconstruction performed isometric knee extensions (OKC), unilateral isometric midthigh pulls (CKC), and single-leg vertical jumps on the ACL-involved and -noninvolved limbs. Between-limbs differences were assessed using paired t tests, and the relationship between RFD, jump performance, and knee mechanics was assessed using correlation coefficients ( r ; P ≤ .05). Results : There were significant between-limbs differences in OKC RFD ( P = .008, d = −0.69) but not CKC RFD. OKC RFD in the ACL-involved limb had a strong association with jump height ( r = .64, P = .003), knee-joint power ( r = .72, P < .001), and peak knee-flexion angle ( r = .72, P = .001). CKC RFD in the ACL-involved limb had a strong association with jump height ( r = .65, P = .004) and knee-joint power ( r = .67, P = .002) but not peak knee-flexion angle ( r = .40, P = .09). Conclusions : While both OKC and CKC RFD were strongly related to jump performance and knee-joint power, OKC RFD was able to detect between-limbs RFD asymmetries and was strongly related to knee-joint kinematics. These findings indicate that isometric knee extension may be optimal for assessing RFD after ACL reconstruction.
... Before the intervention, each participant signed an informed consent form. Participants visited the laboratory on two different occasions: on the first testing day, they familiarised themselves with the experimental procedures by performing a series of MVICs in unilateral (operated and non-operated limbs) and bilateral exertions [30], whereas in the second testing session, separated by at least 48 h [31], they underwent the experimental session, which included MVICs and sEMG activity recorded in the leg muscles. ...
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Simple Summary: Only the two-third of athletes who undergo anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) return to their pre-injury level and to sports participation. The timing for a safe return to sports participation plays a crucial role in reducing reinjury risk, which implies sensitive and reliability neuromechanical assessments to understand whether the deficit or alteration in motor control persists. The changes following ACLR are considered neurophysiological dysfunctions and not a simple peripheral musculoskeletal injury, and, consequently, the brain activation that influences bilateral lower extremity function may have occurred and the neuromechanical alterations could affect not only the operated leg but also the contralateral leg. Our study investigated the maximal voluntary isometric contractions synchronised with surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity of the thigh muscles during unilateral and bilateral knee extension in individuals with ACLR. The results showed that asymmetries between the two lower limbs were found only during bilateral exertions. Therefore, bilateral exertions are essential to underline neuromechanical alteration following ACLR. These findings could be helpful to define guidelines of expected longitudinal adaptations to reduce asymmetries and optimize functional recovery. Abstract: Despite the advancement of diagnostic surgical techniques in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and rehabilitation protocols following ACL injury, only half of the athletes return to sports at a competitive level. A major concern is neuromechanical dysfunction, which occurs with injuries persisting in operated and non-operated legs following ACL rehabilitation. One of the criteria for a safe return to sports participation is based on the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) performed unilaterally and a comparison between the 'healthy knee' and the 'operated knee'. The present study aimed to investigate MVIC in athletes following ACL rehabilitation during open kinetic chain exercise performed unilaterally and bilateral exercises. Twenty subjects participated in the present investigation: 10 male athletes of regional-national level (skiers, rugby, soccer, and volleyball players) who were previously operated on one knee and received a complete rehabilitation protocol (for 6-9 months) were included in the ACL group (age: 23.4 ± 2.11 years; stature: 182.0 ± 9.9 cm; body mass: 78.6 ± 9.9 kg; body mass index: 23.7 ± 1.9 kg/m 2), and 10 healthy male athletes formed the control group (CG: age: 24.0 ± 3.4 years; stature: 180.3 ± 10.7 cm; body mass: 74.9 ± 13.5 kg; body mass index: 22.8 ± 2.7 kg/m 2). MVICs synchronised with electromyographic (EMG) activity (recorded on the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and biceps femoris muscles) were performed during unilateral and bilateral exertions. The rate of force development (RFD) and co-activation index (CI) were also calculated. The differences in the MVIC and RFD between the two legs within each group were not significant (p > 0.05). Vastus lateralis EMG activity during MVIC and biceps femoris EMG activity during RFD were significantly higher in the operated leg than those in the non-operated leg when exertion was performed bilaterally (p < 0.05). The CI was higher in the operated leg than that in the non-operated leg when exertion was performed bilaterally (p < 0.05). Vice versa, vastus medialis EMG activity during RFD was significantly higher in the right leg than that in the left leg when exertion was performed bilaterally (p < 0.05) in the CG. MVICs performed bilaterally represent a reliability modality for highlighting neuromechanical asymmetries. This bilateral exercise should be included in the criteria for a safe return to sports following ACL reconstruction.
... Maximum force had good reliability demonstrated by withintrial coefficient of variation (CV) of 2.7% and a between-trial CV of 4.4%, similar to previous reliability work (Place et al., 2007;Todd et al., 2004). Impulse of 0-100 ms and 100-200 ms had within-trial CVs of 11.6% and 5.8% and between-trial CVs of 14.8% and 8.6%, respectively, which is similar to previous reliability work (Courel-Ibáñez et al., 2020). ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of mouth rinsing and ingesting unpleasant salty or bitter solutions on cycling sprint performance and knee extensor force characteristics. Eleven male and one female trained cyclists (age: 34 ± 9 years, maximal oxygen uptake 56.9 ± 3.9 ml·kg ⁻¹ ·min ⁻¹ ) completed a ramp test and familiarization followed by four experimental trials. In each trial, participants completed an all-out 30-s cycling sprint with knee extensor maximal voluntary contractions before and immediately after the sprint. In a randomized, counterbalanced, cross-over order, the four main trials were: a no solution control condition, water, salty (5.8%), or bitter (2 mM quinine) solutions that were mouth rinsed (10 s) and ingested immediately before the cycling sprint. There were no significant differences between conditions in mean power (mean ± SD , no solution: 822 ± 115 W, water: 818 ± 108 W, salt: 832 ± 111 W, bitter: 818 ± 105 W); peak power (no solution: 1,184 ± 205 W, water: 1,177 ± 207 W, salt: 1,195 ± 210 W, bitter: 1,184 ± 209 W); or fatigue index (no solution: 51.5% ± 5.7%, water: 50.8% ± 7.0%, salt: 51.1% ± 5.9%, bitter: 51.2% ± 7.1%) during the sprint. Maximal force and impulse declined postexercise; however, there were no significant differences between conditions in knee extensor force characteristics. The present data do not support the use of unpleasant salty or bitter solutions as an ergogenic aid to improve sprint exercise performance.
Introduction: Lower-extremity external rotation, commonly known as turnout, is a fundamental skill in dance. Limited data exist regarding joint range of motion and strength in pre-professional young dancers and non-dancers. This study aimed to evaluate the differences in hip range of motion and hip strength between pre-professional ballet dancers and non-dancers. Additionally, the study assessed the variations between the left and right sides within each group. Methods: This observational study assessed 60 pre-professional ballet dancers and 31 non-dancers with an average age of 11.91 ± 1.49. Evaluation included passive hip rotation, tibial torsion, total passive turnout measured with digital goniometers, and total active turnout (both static and dynamic) through standing on paper and rotational discs. Hip rotation strength was measured using a force sensor device. Statistical analyses encompassed student t-tests, Pearson’s correlations, and ANCOVA with age and body weight as covariates, applying the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Results: Ballet dancers exhibited greater passive hip external rotation and lower passive hip internal rotation compared to non-dancers. They also demonstrated superior total active turnout (static and dynamic). After adjusting for age and weight, dancers demonstrated significantly higher hip external rotation strength than non-dancers. Hip internal rotation strength did not differ significantly between the groups. Ballet dancers displayed inherent asymmetry, with the left side showing greater tibial torsion and standing active turnout, while the right side exhibited greater hip external rotation during dynamic active turnout. Non-dancers did not show significant side differences. Conclusions: Young pre-professional ballet dancers exhibited significant hip rotation differences compared to non-dancers, including notable right-left asymmetry. These findings should be considered when planning training, aiming to optimize musculoskeletal attributes and promote balanced hip rotation. Recognizing these asymmetries and addressing muscular imbalances is vital for injury prevention and performance enhancement.
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Background Muscular rate of force development (RFD) is positively influenced by resistance training. However, the effects of movement patterns and velocities of training exercises are unknown. Objectives To determine the effects of velocity, the intent for fast force production, and movement pattern of training exercises on the improvement in isometric RFD from chronic resistance training. Methods A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted to 18 September, 2018. Meta-regression and meta-analytic methods were used to compute standardized mean differences (SMD ± 95% confidence intervals) to examine effects of movement pattern similarity (between training and test exercises; specific vs. non-specific) and movement speed (fast vs. slow vs. slow with intent for fast force production) for RFD calculated within different time intervals. Results The search yielded 1443 articles, of which 54 met the inclusion criteria (59 intervention groups). Resistance training increased RFD measured to both early (e.g., 50 ms; standardized mean difference [95% CI] 0.58 [0.40, 0.75]) and later (e.g., 200 ms; 0.39 [0.25, 0.52]) times from contraction onset, as well as maximum RFD (RFDmax; 0.35 [0.21, 0.48]). However, sufficient data for sub-analyses were only available for RFDmax. Significant increases relative to control groups were observed after training with high-speed (0.54 [0.05, 1.03]), slow-speed with intent for fast force production (0.41 [0.20, 0.63), and movement pattern-specific (0.38 [0.17, 0.59]) exercises only. No clear effect was observed for slow-speed without intent for fast force production (0.21 [0.00, 0.42], p = 0.05) or non-movement-specific (0.27 [− 0.32, 0.85], p = 0.37) exercises. Meta-regression did not reveal a significant difference between sexes (p = 0.09); however, a negative trend was found in women (− 0.57 [− 1.51, 0.37], p = 0.23), while a favorable effect was found in men (0.40 [0.22, 0.58], p < 0.001). Study duration did not statistically influence the meta-analytic results, although the greatest RFD increases tended to occur within the first weeks of the commencement of training. Conclusions Resistance training can evoke significant increases in RFD. For maximum (peak) RFD, the use of faster movement speeds, the intention to produce rapid force irrespective of actual movement speed, and similarity between training and testing movement patterns evoke the greatest improvements. In contrast to expectation, current evidence indicates a between-sex difference in response to training; however, a lack of data in women prevents robust analysis, and this should be a target of future research. Of interest from a training program design perspective was that RFD improvements were greatest within the first weeks of training, with less ongoing improvement (or a reduction in RFD) with longer training, particularly when training velocity was slow or there was a lack of intent for fast force production.
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The purposes of the present study were to assess the inter-session reliability of force-time variables recorded during isometric back squats and also to assess the effects of applying a filter to the data prior to analysis and assess the effects of different starting force thresholds on the force-time variables. Eleven resistance trained men (age: 22.5 ± 1.9 years; body mass: 90.3 ± 13.5 kg) attended two sessions where they performed isometric squats on force plates allowing the determination of force-time variables of maximal isometric force (Fmax) and different measures of the rate of force development (RFD). The force-time variables were calculated from both raw and filtered force signals. The start of the force application was determined using force thresholds of 1% or 5% of body mass (BM). Inter-session reliability for the force-time measures was assessed by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the coefficient of variation (CV) of the measures. The ICC and CV ranged from 0.03 to 0.96 and 4.6 to 168%, respectively. The application of the filter significantly reduced Fmax and peak RFD (p < 0.004) and increased the reliability of the peak RFD. The use of the 5% BM threshold increased the magnitude of many of the RFD measures (p < 0.004) and resulted in slight improvements in the reliability of these measures although the resulting temporal shift in the force-time signal would preclude accurate assessment of the early phase of the RFD (< 100 ms). The use of a 1% BM starting force threshold without a filter is recommended when using the isometric back squat protocol presented here. Furthermore, the RFD calculated within specific time intervals is recommended.
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Isometric training is used in the rehabilitation and physical preparation of athletes, special populations and the general public. However, little consensus exists regarding training guidelines for a variety of desired outcomes. Understanding the adaptive response to specific loading parameters would be of benefit to practitioners. The objective of this systematic review, therefore, was to detail the medium to long‐term adaptations of different types of isometric training on morphological, neurological and performance variables. Exploration of the relevant subject matter was performed through MEDLINE, PubMed, SPORTDiscus and CINAHL databases. English, full‐text, peer‐reviewed journal articles and unpublished doctoral dissertations investigating medium to long‐term (≥3 weeks) adaptations to isometric training in humans were identified. These studies were evaluated further for methodological quality. Twenty‐six research outputs were reviewed. Isometric training at longer muscle lengths (0.86‐1.69%/week, ES = 0.03‐0.09/week) produced greater muscular hypertrophy when compared to equal volumes of shorter muscle length training (0.08‐0.83%/week, ES = ‐0.003‐0.07/week). Ballistic intent resulted in greater neuromuscular activation (1.04‐10.5%/week, ES = 0.02‐0.31/week vs. 1.64‐5.53%/week, ES = 0.03‐0.20/week) and rapid force production (1.2‐13.4%/week, ES = 0.05‐0.61/week vs. 1.01‐8.13%/week, ES = 0.06‐0.22/week). Substantial improvements in muscular hypertrophy and maximal force production were reported regardless of training intensity. High‐intensity (≥ 70%) contractions are required for improving tendon structure and function. Additionally, long muscle length training results in greater transference to dynamic performance. Despite relatively few studies meeting the inclusion criteria, this review provides practitioners with insight into which isometric training variables (e.g. joint angle, intensity, intent) to manipulate to achieve desired morphological and neuromuscular adaptations.
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Background: Visual feedback may help elicit peak performance during different types of strength and power testing, but its effect during the anaerobic Wingate test is unexplored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of visual feedback on power output during a hockey-specific intermittent Wingate test (AnWT6x6) consisting of 6 stages of 6 s intervals with a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. Methods: Thirty elite college-aged hockey players performed the AnWT6x6 with either constant (n = 15) visual feedback during all 6 stages (CVF) or restricted (n = 15) visual feedback (RVF) where feedback was shown only during the 2nd through 5th stages. Results: In the first stage, there were moderate-to-large effect sizes for absolute peak power (PP) output and PP relative to body mass and PP relative to fat-free mass. However, the remaining stages (2–6) displayed small or negligible effects. Conclusions: These data indicate that visual feedback may play a role in optimizing power output in a non-fatigued state (1st stage), but likely does not play a role in the presence of extreme neuromuscular fatigue (6th stage) during Wingate testing. To achieve the highest peak power, coaches and researchers could provide visual feedback during Wingate testing, as it may positively influence performance in the early stages of testing, but does not result in residual fatigue or negatively affect performance during subsequent stages.
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This narrative and literature review discusses the relevance of Rate of Force Development (RFD) (the slope of the force time curve) for Return To Sport (RTS), its determinants and the influence of training practices on it expression, with the purpose to enhance clinicians' awareness of how RFD training may enhance RTS success. RFD is considered functionally more relevant than maximal muscle strength during certain very fast actions including rapid joint stabilisation following mechanical perturbation. Deficits in RFD are reported following conventional rehabilitation programmes despite full restoration of maximal strength, which may contribute to the less than satisfactory RTS outcomes reported in the literature. RFD determinants vary as a function of time from force onset with a diminishing role of maximal strength as the time available for force development decreases. Factors such as neural activation, fibre type composition and muscle contractile properties influence RFD also and to a much greater extent during the early periods of rapid force development. Conventional resistance training using moderate loads typical of most rehabilitation programmes is insufficient at restoring or enhancing RFD, thus incorporating periodised resistance training programmes and explosive training techniques in the final stages of rehabilitation prior to RTS is recommended. Level of evidence: V.
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Rate of force development (RFD) refers to the ability of the neuromuscular system to increase contractile force from a low or resting level when muscle activation is performed as quickly as possible, and it is considered an important muscle strength parameter, especially for athletes in sports requiring high-speed actions. The assessment of RFD has been used for strength diagnosis, to monitor the effects of training interventions in both healthy populations and patients, discriminate high-level athletes from those of lower levels, evaluate the impairment in mechanical muscle function after acute bouts of eccentric muscle actions and to estimate the degree of fatigue and recovery after acute exhausting exercise. Notably, the evaluation of RFD in human skeletal muscle is a complex task since influenced by numerous distinct methodological factors including mode of contraction, type of instruction, method used to quantify RFD, devices used for force/torque recording and ambient temperature. Another important aspect is our limited understanding of the mechanisms underpinning rapid muscle force production. Therefore, this review is primarily focused on 1) describing the main mechanical characteristics of RFD; 2) analyzing various physiological factors that influence RFD; and 3) presenting and discussing central biomechanical and methodological factors affecting the measurement of RFD. The intention of this review is to provide more methodological and analytical coherency on the RFD concept, which may aid to clarify the thinking of coaches and sports scientists in this area.
The ability to produce rapid forces requires quick motor unit recruitment, high motor unit discharge rates, and fast motor unit force twitches. The relative importance of these parameters for maximum rate of force development (RFD), however, is poorly understood. In this study, we systematically investigated these relations using a computational model of motor unit pool activity and force. Across simulations, neural and muscular properties were systematically varied in experimentally observed ranges. Motor units were recruited over an interval starting from contraction onset (range: 22-233 ms). Upon recruitment, discharge rates declined from an initial rate (range: 89-212 pps) with varying likelihood of doublet (inter-spike interval of 3 ms; range: 0-50%). Finally, muscular adaptations were modeled by changing average twitch contraction time (range: 42-78 ms). Spectral analysis showed that the effective neural drive to the simulated muscle had smaller bandwidths than the average motor unit twitch indicating that the bandwidth of the motor output, and thus the capacity for explosive force, was limited mainly by neural properties. The simulated RFD increased by 1,050 ± 281 %MVC/s from the longest to the shortest recruitment interval. This effect was >4-fold higher than the effect of increasing the initial discharge rate, >5-fold higher than the effect of increasing the chance of doublets, and >6-fold higher than the effect of decreasing twitch contraction times. The simulated results suggest that the physiological variation of the rate by which motor units are recruited during ballistic contractions is the main determinant for the variability in RFD across individuals.
Purpose: To investigate the test-retest reliability and criterion validity of the isometric horizontal push test (IHPT), a newly designed test that selectively measures the horizontal component of maximal isometric force. Methods: Twenty-four active males with ≥3 years of resistance training experience performed 2 testing sessions of the IHPT, separated by 3 to 4 days of rest. In each session, subjects performed 3 maximal trials of the IHPT with 3 minutes of rest between them. The peak force outputs were collected simultaneously using a strain gauge and the criterion equipment consisting of a floor-embedded force plate. Results: The test-retest reliability of peak force values was nearly perfect (intraclass correlation coefficient = ∼.99). Bland-Altman analysis showed excellent agreement between days with nearly no bias for strain gauge 1.2 N (95% confidence interval [CI], -3 to 6 N) and force plate 0.8 N (95% CI, -4 to 6 N). A nearly perfect correlation was observed between the strain gauge and force plate (r = .98, P < .001), with a small bias of 8 N (95% CI, 1.2 to 15 N) in favor of the force plate. The sensitivity of the IHPT was also good, with smallest worthwhile change greater than standard error of measurement for both the strain gauge (smallest worthwhile change: 29 N; standard error of measurement: 17 N; 95% CI, 14 to 20 N) and the force plate (smallest worthwhile change: 29 N; standard error of measurement: 18 N; 95% CI, 14 to 19 N) devices. Conclusions: The high degree of validity, reliability, and sensitivity of the IHPT, coupled with its affordability, portability, ease of use, and time efficacy, point to the potential of the test for assessment and monitoring purposes.