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Postgraduate students’ difficulties in writing their theses literature review

Taylor & Francis
Cogent Education

Abstract and Figures

This study set out to identify postgraduates’ problems in writing their theses literature review section. We adopted the exploratory sequential mixed method design. In the quantitative part, we applied descriptive analysis to evaluate 40 completed master theses based on the Akindele’s (2008) guideline. In the qualitative part, 10 postgraduate students took part voluntarily in semi-structured interviews. To analysis the interview data, the raters applied Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis. The results indicate that most students, even proficient ones were not able to synthesize, critique, or explain the literature in their writing. They mainly focused on summarizing other researchers’ findings and interpretations. Other problems dealt with lack of sufficient knowledge and time to complete their literature review, and the deliberate dereliction of some supervisors and professors who do not fulfil their obligations to provide the students with sufficient information about writing it. Solving these problems can not only change students’ negative feelings and experiences in writing their literature review section but also enhance students’ motivation to write any pieces of writing effectively.
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Postgraduate students’ difficulties in writing their
theses literature review
Zahra Shahsavar
* and Haniyeh Kourepaz
Abstract: This study set out to identify postgraduates’ problems in writing their theses
literature review section. We adopted the exploratory sequential mixed method design. In
the quantitative part, we applied descriptive analysis to evaluate 40 completed master
theses based on the Akindele’s (2008) guideline. In the qualitative part, 10 postgraduate
students took part voluntarily in semi-structured interviews. To analysis the interview data,
the raters applied Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis. The results indicate that
most students, even proficient ones were not able to synthesize, critique, or explain the
literature in their writing. They mainly focused on summarizing other researchers’ findings
and interpretations. Other problems dealt with lack of sufficient knowledge and time to
complete their literature review, and the deliberate dereliction of some supervisors and
professors who do not fulfil their obligations to provide the students with sufficient
information about writing it. Solving these problems can not only change students’ nega-
tive feelings and experiences in writing their literature review section but also enhance
students’ motivation to write any pieces of writing effectively.
Subjects: Educational Research; Higher Education; Education Policy & Politics
Keywords: literature review; postgraduates; thesis writing
1. Introduction
Although writing effectively can lead to fruitful academic upshots (Mousavi & Kashefian-
Naeeini, 2011), writing thesis is not an easy task for many students. Most of them face
with challenges of writing up their theses particularly their literature review section (Boote
Dr. Zahra Shahsavar is an assistant professor at
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. She
obtained her PhD in English Language from
University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Her research
interests include scientific and academic writing,
writing assessment, critical thinking in educa-
tion, and the use of technology for teaching and
Haniyeh Kourepaz got an M.A. in teaching
English from Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Fars, Iran. Her major
area of research interest includes teaching and
writing studies.
The purpose of this study was to identify post-
graduates’ problems in writing their theses litera-
ture review section. We applied a mixed method
design to evaluate 40 completed master theses
based on Akindele’s (2008) guideline. In the qua-
litative part, 10 postgraduate students took part
voluntarily in semi-structured interviews. The
results indicate that most students mainly
focused on summarizing other researchers’ find-
ings and interpretations. Other problems dealt
with lack of sufficient knowledge and time to
complete their literature review, and the deliber-
ate dereliction of some supervisors and professors
who do not fulfil their obligations to provide the
students with sufficient information about writing
it. The results of this study may assist both
researchers and educators to enhance their stu-
dents’ writing skill effectively.
Shahsavar & Kourepaz, Cogent Education (2020), 7: 1784620
© 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
Received: 01 February 2019
Accepted: 07 June 2020
*Corresponding author: Zahra
Shahsavar, English Language
Department, Faculty of Paramedical
Sciences, School of Paramedical
Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical
Sciences., Shiraz 71439-14693, Iran
Reviewing editor:
Sefa Bulut, Educalion Facutly, Ibn
Haldun Universitesi, Turkey
Additional information is available at
the end of the article
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& Beile, 2005; Fergie et al., 2011). According to Randolph (2009), view flaws in the literature
review may lead to view flaws in the rest of the dissertation. Hence, in every study, literature
review should be written effectively to promote readers’ understanding and awareness of the
particular and appropriate approach (Lopez, 2014).
Akindele (2008) argued that the first impression of the quality of each thesis usually forms when
thesis examiners finish the literature review as the vital part of the thesis. According to Mallett
(2004), a literature review section should evaluate and show the relationship between the past and
present work, why the researcher carries out the research, and how the researcher selects
particular methodologies or theories to work.
Lopez (2014) mentioned that writing a literature review section differs from annotated
bibliography that includes brief explanations or notes for each reference. In fact, what
makes a literature review effective is a connection between current issues and previous
findings in the same topic. This idea is supported by other studies that writing a literature
review should be clear and comprehensive. It should be prepared and organized critically in
order to compare and contrast different theories and notions. In a word, to write a thesis
literature review critically, researchers should consider various factors such as recognizing the
similarities and differences of the various findings, distinguishing gaps existed in the study,
and comparing/contrasting the obtained results in different studies (Denney & Tewksbury,
In another study, researchers believed that an effective literature review section should be
comparable with the results of the study (Bert & Banister, 2016; Musa & Khamis, 2015). Ridley
(2008) argued that the main purpose of the literature review section is to show how limita-
tions in other works create a research gap for another research. Consequently, a literature
review should involve not only the statement of personal judgment but also an appeal to
share values and ideas. It should not be simply the description of what other researchers
have published in the form of a set of summaries; in contrast, it should take the form of the
critical discussion that requires critical analysis.
According to Kuang and Maya (2015), the literature review section is one of the most
important parts of the postgraduates’ theses. Without a qualified literature review, the
students will not be able to understand their thesis topic, the keywords, and the related
studies in that area. In addition, a comprehensive literature review is required to support and
explain the discussion that may affect the result of the study.
Given the importance of writing the literature review section, many studies have evidenced
the problem that most postgraduates are not able to write their literature review section
effectively (e.g., Akindele, 2008; Fitt et al., 2009; Kuang & Maya, 2015). To fill this gap, this
study tries to identify the difficulties postgraduate students face in writing their theses
literature review section.
2. Literature review
To write an effective thesis, students require a solid grasp of the literature review. A number of
definitions emerge from the literature review. According to Cooper (1988), a literature review
should contain at least two elements. The first one is a large comprehensive database that reports
on primary or original studies. The second one tries “to describe, summarize, evaluate, clarify, and/
or integrate the content of the primary reports” (p. 107).
Later on, Cooper’s definition of the literature review was completed by other studies. For
example, American Psychological Association [APA] (2010) defined a literature review as
a freestanding article that considers the connection between current and previous findings
in the same topic. According to Fink (2005), an effective literature review is a combination of
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previous research studies presented in such a way that adds value to our understanding of
that work.
Other researchers such as Gall et al. (2007) highlighted that a literature review should show
how various studies related to each other. It should also provide a meaningful structure to
a research topic or a research problem. Therefore, a literature review plays a crucial role in
delimiting research problems, seeking new lines of inquiry, avoiding fruitless approaches,
gaining methodological insights, identifying recommendations for further research, as well
as seeking support for grounded theory.
Due to the importance of the literature review, various classifications in writing this area have
been found. Earlier studies such as Cooper (1989) classified the literature review section in five
categories: “focus, goal, perspective, coverage, organization, and audience” (p. 2). Kachru (1999)
considered individualized voice as the chief component of the critical literature review while other
researchers such as Stapleton (2002) disagreed on the point that voice itself could be considered
as the main important element in writing the literature review. They referred to voice, identity, and
critical thinking as the main elements of literature review writing. Boote and Beile (2005) created
the literature review-scoring rubric containing five categories, namely, coverage, synthesis, meth-
odology, significance, and rhetoric. Although their scoring rubric is the vital part in assessing the
literature review quality, it has some shortcomings in that it only examines dissertations using
quantitative methods. Besides, the reliability of the scoring rubric has not been fully established.
Later, Akindele (2008) provided the guideline including six components, namely: the summaries of
each work, the relationship between each work and other research, the gap in previous studies,
resolving conflicts among research, awareness of different views, and linking with the purpose of
the study.
Based on the above classifications, some empirical studies have been conducted to assess the quality of
the students’ literature review. For example, T. Moodie (1994) assessed the literature review of international
postgraduate students’ theses in the faculty of Engineering at Monash University in Australia. The results
indicated that most students did not use critical voice in writing their literature review. Later, Boote and
Beile (2005) applied their own rubrics to assess the quality of the literature review of 30 students’ doctoral
dissertations. They found a lack of synthesizing as the most common failure in writing students’ literature
review section. Fitt (2011) applied Boote and Beile (2005) rubrics to assess the quality of 30 randomly
selected dissertation literature reviews of students who studied at instructional technology. The results
showed that only a few students got high scores in the critical assessment of the literature reviews while
the majority of them had low scores.
In the same line, Akindele (2008) assessed the literature review section of graduate dissertation
at the University of Botswana by using her own guideline. She examined 30 completed master’s
theses from the University of Botswana. The results indicated that the majority of students had
serious problems in writing a literature review critically; most of them were unable to summarize
the weaknesses of the literature in other studies. Likewise, they were not able to use critical
thinking and assert their identity or voice in their writing.
Although many studies have emphasized the characteristics of a good literature review,
they lack particular debate on postgraduates’ problems in writing their theses literature
review section. To fill the gap, this study tries to identify the difficulties postgraduate
students face in writing their theses literature review section. To meet this aim, we tried to
address the following research question:
What are the postgraduates’ main problems in writing their literature review?
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3. Methodology
3.1. Research design
In this study, we adopted the exploratory sequential mixed method design. It means that the qualitative
part of data collection and analysis is followed the quantitative part (Creswell, 2003). In the quantitative
part, we selected students’ theses and evaluated their literature review section based on Akindele’s (2008)
guideline. In the qualitative part, we conducted semi-structured interviews to identify if postgraduates have
problems in writing their literature review.
3.2. Participants
To assess students’ literature reviews, we examined the literature review section of 40 completed
theses drawn from a poll of 100 master’s theses completed between 2010 and 2016 academic
years. The selection of the samples was carried out randomly.
In addition, 10 EFL postgraduate students, whose theses were evaluated, took part voluntarily in
semi-structured interviews. The age of the sample group was between 27 and 37 years old
(mean = 31, SD = 7.12). The students were not preselected; however, the consent was sought
after explaining the purpose of the study. All participants perused their master’s degree but in
different faculties such as language and education. To safeguard the interviewees’ anonymity, we
concealed their particulars. All of the students were from one university; however, to protect the
students’ anonymity, we concealed the name of the university and students’ gender, and referred
to each student as “he”. This seemed logical to encourage all students to talk freely in the
interview without being afraid of probable harmful consequences of telling the truth.
Furthermore, to avoid any probable misunderstanding in English, we conducted all interviews in
students’ first language (Izadinia, 2014). Each interview took approximately 10 to 15 minutes. The
interview questions mainly focused on the possible problems in writing a literature review.
Based on the university rules, after accepting the proposal, each student had only 6 months to
submit his thesis; otherwise, he had to pay extra tuition. In addition, to get a complete mark, he
had only 6 months to publish at least one article in a reputable journal. As for scoring, 18 and 2
marks (out of 20) were allocated to his oral defense and publication, respectively.
3.3. Instruments
We applied Akindele’s (2008) guideline to analyze students’ literature review. The model has been
applied in previous studies (e.g., Akindele, 2008; Bacha, 2019) due to providing a comprehensive
guideline to analyze the literature review (Bacha, 2019).
Akindele’s (2008) guideline contains six components linked with four issues namely, evaluation, critical
thinking, authorial voice, and identity. The first component is the summaries of each work. The second
component shows the relationship between each work and other research. The third component repre-
sents the gap in previous studies. The fourth component focuses on resolving conflicts among research,
which identifies if the writer is aware of different views to resolve conflicts among the contradictory views
with previous studies. The fifth component shows awareness of different views, which shows the writer’s
insight, and awareness of different opinions. The last one represents the link with the purpose of the study.
It shows if the literature review can support the purpose of the study (see Figure 1).
4. Data analysis
In this study, we applied the exploratory sequential mixed method design. In the quantitative
part, we selected 40 completed master theses and evaluated them based on the Akindele’s
(2008) guideline. In the qualitative part, 10 postgraduate students took part voluntarily in
semi-structured interviews.
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To analyze EFL students’ literature review section, two raters who got PhD and supervised MA students
more than 5 years were trained on using Akindele’s (2008) guideline. To safeguard the raters’ anonymity,
their gender, major, and universities were not mentioned. First, the raters randomly selected one of the
students’ theses and evaluated the literature review section based on the guideline. After reaching an
agreement on scoring, each rater evaluated the literature review of 20 students. In this study, each
criterion in the guideline was given a score from 0 to 10 points. Due to having six criteria in the guideline,
an overall score for analyzing the literature review section was between 0 and 60 points.
To analysis the interview data, the raters applied Braun and Clarke (2006) thematic analysis
including six steps namely, transcribing verbal data, generating initial codes, searching for
themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report. According
to Izadinia (2014), thematic analysis is one of the most useful forms of analysis that puts
emphasis on identifying, pinpointing, examining, and reporting themes within data.
5. Results
This study tried to identify if postgraduates have problems in writing their theses literature
review section. In the quantitative part, the descriptive analysis of the students’ literature
review shows that students focused more on summarizing of each work, linking with the
purpose of study, awareness of different views, relationship of each work with other research,
resolving conflicts among research, and filling gaps in the previous study, respectively (see
Table 1 and Figure 2).
In the qualitative part, we identified three main themes in analyzing the interviews that showed
students’ problems in writing the literature review section as follows:
Figure 1. Akindele’s (2008)
guideline for analyzing the lit-
erature review (pp. 4, 10–11).
Table 1. Students’ literature review scores based on Akindele’s guideline
Literature review component
Student # Summary Relationship Gaps Different
Total 40 331 (83%) 242 (61%) 196(49%) 259 (65%) 217(54%) 306(77%)
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5.1. Lack of knowledge of writing effective literature review
Most interviewees (80%) were not aware of the importance of the literature review. They believed that
the literature review section should only summarize other works. One student said: “the focus of the
literature review is to obtain the ability to comprehend a particular topic through learning, what
strategies were used previously to probe the topic, and what research has already been completed on
that topic”. Another one stated, “in writing the literature review section, I should mainly attempt to
evaluate and show the relationship between the previous studies. In fact, an effective literature review
should be the combination of previous research studies presented in such a way that adds value to our
understanding of that work”.
Although awareness of different views has a significant role in writing the literature review, most of
them (60%) mentioned that the author should take a neutral perspective in his/her writing. One student
said: “we should avoid using the contradictory views since this type of views may have some negative
effects on the view of thesis committee members, those who are in charge of evaluating our theses”.
Similarly, another student added, “only positive views related to the research should be discussed in the
literature and opposing views should be ignored”. In his opinion, the researcher can just parrot other
writers’ views in the literature review. Only 20% of students highlighted the importance of using different
views. One of them mentioned, “we should use different views to make the subject of our study clear”.
Few students said, “we should consider both positive and negative views of other researchers to provide
logical reasons for supporting our discussion part”.
Another problem was that most students (70%) pointed to writing the related literature reviews
without focusing on having different ideas about the inclusion of the high-quality articles in their
review. A few of them (20%) mentioned that using the high quality and update articles seem
essential in writing. In contrast, one of them said, “[to write my literature view], I just downloaded
the relevant articles regardless of their qualities since identifying and using the best sources take
a lot of time”. Another one concluded that “I used any related journals because of not having
access to most high quality journals by university”.
Some students (40%) did not have a clear conception of the literature review organization. They
stated that the organization of the literature review should be dependent on the type of data,
a quantitative, a qualitative, or a mixture of both. One of them mentioned, “I think, we should
divide the literature review into two parts in which the theoretical part precedes the empirical
one”. Another one believed: “a quantitative research should precede a qualitative one”. Only two
Figure 2. The comparison of lit-
erature review components.
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students disagreed with this view. They noted, “in organizing the literature review, cohesion and
coherence are more important than the research type”.
5.2. Time for completing theses and publications
Some interviewees (40%) referred to lack of sufficient time to complete their theses. This could
undermine the quality of their writing particularly the literature review section. Another one said,
“the quality of my literature review was not important to me. I just thought of completing my
thesis on time and starting my own businesses as soon as possible”. Another one stated, “I did not
spend a lot of time on completing the literature review. Generally, the quality of our theses is not
that important in our master’s theses marks. In our university, students’ grades usually range from
17–20 [out of 20]. I have never seen theses failure or resubmission”. In contrast, one student said,
“I tried to do my best in writing the literature review as my future carrier has been dependent on
getting my degree”.
Most students (70%) did not use high quality and update articles to write the literature review. Some
of them claimed that their supervisors rarely check the quality of articles cited in the literature review.
One of them mentioned, “since publishing in high-impact journals within six months seems impos-
sible, a lot of students especially those who do not like to pursue their PhD or find an academic job do
not think of the quality of their theses particularly the literature review section”.
5.3. Supervisors and professors’ role in writing literature review
Some of the students (40%) argued that their professors who taught them the research method
rarely focused on writing an effective literature review. This may result in writing faulty literature
review. Other students (30%) believed that they had received minor comments in writing their
literature review from their supervisors. For example, they [supervisors] asked them to check their
punctuation mark, verb tense, connection between paragraphs, text citations, or missing refer-
ences. One of them said, “my supervisor rarely responded my phone and email; he returned my
first three chapters to me after three months, without checking the literature review. Then, he just
asked me to find somebody to edit the literature review”. Another student noted, “most super-
visors do not give us constructive feedback on the literature review unless they have a vested
interest in our research outcome”. Another one said: “most supervisors do not revise our literature
review effectively unless their names appear as the first author or the corresponding author in
publishing the paper”. Except three interviewees, the rest believed that their supervisors and
committee members scarcely examined their literature review. One of them said, “my supervisor
asked me to copy the literature review from other related studies and then send it for editing
services to paraphrase it for me”. Others argued that their supervisors mainly focused on the
method and discussion in examining their theses and oral defenses. Two of the students high-
lighted that in their oral defense, the committee members asked them to skip the literature review
part to shorten the presentation time. Only two students (20%) were very thankful to their super-
visors because of giving them an accurate feedback on their literature review.
6. Discussion
This study tried to identify if postgraduates have problems in writing their theses literature review
section. Our quantitative results indicated that writing a literature review is not an easy task for the
postgraduate students; many students do not know how to develop their literature review. The
finding enhances our understanding that “writing a literature review involves a synthesis of
a complex range of analytical and rhetorical skills as well as academic writing skills, and an
understanding of what is meant by critical analysis and argument” (Turner & Bitchener, 2008,
p. 1) This idea is supported by other studies (e.g., Kafipour et al., 2018).
A critical analysis of the students’ literature review section based on Akendele’s model shows that
most students were good at summarizing each work and linking it with the purpose of their own study
though they had major weaknesses in reporting the gaps in the previous study and resolving conflicts
among research. This finding is consistent with Randolph’s (2009) idea that most researchers are not
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able to “consider contrary findings and alternative interpretations in synthesizing quantitative litera-
ture” (p. 11). Part of that reason may lie in students’ cultural backgrounds as most students embrace
only positive views in eastern countries. Most eastern societies have a teacher-dominated, group-
based, and centrally organized pedagogical culture for many years (Kashefian-Naeeini & Riazi, 2011;
Zhang, 2007).
Another finding showed that students’ literature review section was mainly based on author-
ial voice and evaluation rather than critical thinking. In a word, a majority of students just
summarized other researchers’ findings and interpretations rather than examining all aspects
of their research critically. Most of them, even with proficient ability in writing were not able to
synthesize, critique, or explain the literature. The result is consistent with other studies in that
due to having a poor performance in using critical thinking, students just report the research
method, design, and analysis in their theses without providing justification or logical reasons in
writing their theses (e.g., Akindele, 2008; Boote & Beile, 2005). This finding highlights the
importance of developing students’ critical thinking skills (Shahsavar et al., 2013; Simpson &
Courtney, 2002). If the students promote their critical thinking skills, they will be able to justify
and link different concepts and ideas. The probable reason is that the students’ competency
and familiarity with language learning strategies especially cognitive and metacognitive ones
may lead to the deep processing and mental activity (Hamzah et al., 2009).
In our qualitative analysis, some students frequently mentioned that they did not have sufficient
time to complete their literature review. As noted earlier, after accepting their proposals, students had
only 6 months to submit their theses; otherwise, they had to pay extra tuition. This finding is incon-
sistent with Gall et al.’s (1996) ideas who believed that having enough time is very important to
complete an acceptable dissertation literature review; each student needs three to 6 months of effort
to finish just the literature review effectively. Ignoring the quality of literature review, a majority of
students preferred to publish an article in easygoing journals since the deadline for publication was too
tight. They would face with many barriers to meet the expectations of reviewers if they wanted to
publish in reputable journals (Flowerdew & Wang, 2016).
Moreover, most students were indifferent to the inclusion of the reputable articles in their
review. They just downloaded the relevant articles regardless of their qualities since their university
library databases could not provide the full text of many high-quality articles while lack of
attention to the quality of articles used might affect students’ literature review section. As
Akindele (2008) mentioned the literature review is not effective unless the researcher reports
the similarities and differences between studies published in both low- and high-quality articles.
Another problem was that most students did not have clear ideas about the literature review
organization. This finding is consistent with this idea that in writing, organizing ideas on paper
seem difficult for students (Norazmi et al., 2017). Hence, identifying various types of organizations
such as preferred historical, conceptual, and methodological is required (Randolph, 2009).
In this study, some postgraduates mentioned that their research method professors did not
teach them how to write creative and integrated literature reviews and most supervisors did not
have a strong contribution in writing their literature review. The probable reason may result from
the low quality of teaching writing in EFL settings (Lap & Truc, 2014). However, it is in contrast with
Akindele’s (2008) belief in that the first impression of the quality of each thesis is usually formed
when thesis examiners finish the literature review as the main part of each thesis and dissertation.
7. Conclusion
The current study tried to identify a comprehensive understanding about postgraduates’ difficul-
ties in writing their literature review section. Our findings showed that most EFL students were not
able to write effectively. The main problems deal with students’ lack of sufficient knowledge on
implanting a critical view to write their literature review, lack of sufficient time to complete their
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theses and publish their related articles, and the deliberate dereliction of some supervisors and
professors who do not fulfil their obligations to provide the students with sufficient information
about writing a literature review.
8. Limitation and implication
One of the limitations of this study is a sample size; the power of our findings might increase if we
analyzed more theses and conducted more interviews. In addition, since students have different
learning abilities, skills, and characteristics (Kaur, 2017), the result might vary from faculty to faculty,
university to university if we changed our sample size. In this study, we applied Akindele’s (2008)
framework to analyze students’ literature review section. Applying other frameworks such as Boote
and Beile (2005) could change the result. Moreover, most students complained about supervisors’
contribution in writing their theses. This claim would not seem logical unless we include some
supervisors’ voices to analyze students’ problems carefully in writing the literature review.
Although this study highlighted the importance of developing students’ critical thinking skills,
there is a great source of frustration for students in using critical thinking skills in their literature
review. The major problem of many students is not lack of understanding what the literature
review is; rather, they do not know what critical thinking is (Schmaltz et al., 2017). There is an
urgent need for solving the problem by both students and supervisors. Unfortunately, like other
universities, most of our supervisors have received little or no particular training in critical thinking.
In this case, the supervisors cannot expect their students to be critical thinkers unless they become
critical thinker first (Tiruneh et al., 2014). To this end, the integration of critical thinking skill into
existing curricula at the universities seems essential.
This study identified some of the postgraduates’ problems in writing their literature review
section. The results may have some helpful suggestions for supervisors who like to find solutions
to these problems. They can not only identify the strengths and weaknesses of students’ literature
review but also teach students how to write their literature reviews more effectively. The results
can also help students to analyze their own writing critically. If students master the critical
analyses of their literature reviews, they can bring it in any piece of their writing.
Finally, identifying the problem without an effective solution is useless. To avoid writing
a faulty literature review, not only supervisors but also other educators such as advisors,
committee members, curriculum course designers, policymakers, and faculty members have
particular responsibilities to find out students’ problems and solve their problems. Solving
these problems can not only change students’ negative feelings and experiences in writing
their literature review section but also enhance students’ motivation to write any pieces of
writing effectively.
The authors received no direct funding for this research.
Author details
Zahra Shahsavar
Haniyeh Kourepaz
English Language Department, Faculty of Paramedical
Sciences, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz
University of Medical Sciences, Meshkinfam St., Shiraz
71439-14693, Iran.
English Language Department, Islamic Azad University
of Marvdasht, Marvdasht, Iran.
Citation information
Cite this article as: Postgraduate students’ difficulties in
writing their theses literature review, Zahra Shahsavar &
Haniyeh Kourepaz, Cogent Education (2020), 7: 1784620.
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... Unlike knowledge telling, which is a method often used by novice writers to express what they already know, knowledge transforming is an advanced strategy that involves developing ideas or reshaping knowledge into a coherent and impactful form. However, this is challenging even for native speakers of a language (Akindele, 2008;Cumming et al., 2016;Shahsavar & Kourepaz, 2020). Graduate students, particularly multilinguals, often struggle as novice writers to write LRs that meet the requirements of an evaluative LR (Walter & Stouck, 2020). ...
... As the relevant research has generally centered on the textual analysis of the completed theses or research articles (e.g., Chigbu et al., 2023, Kwan, 2006Soler-Monreal, 2015;Xie, 2016), as well as graduate students' difficulties and experiences with LR writing ( e.g., Akindele, 2008;Shahsavar & Kourepaz, 2020), there is a dearth of research concentrating on attempts to promote students' evaluative and critical writing skills. These studies demonstrate that NNES graduate students lack the necessary skills for evaluating and criticizing literature. ...
... There are numerous studies on understanding graduate students' abilities, inadequacies, and difficulties regarding writing from sources (e.g., Akindele, 2008;Cumming et al., 2018;Kamimura, 2014;Kapranov, 2023;Shahsavar & Kourepaz, 2020). For example, Cumming et al. (2018) examined the challenges university students face, difficulties in understanding and integrating sources, and a lack of familiarity with academic writing conventions. ...
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An evaluative and critical literature review in scholarly writing, which plays an important part in a scientific report, illustrates how the existing studies contributed to the relevant field and enables researchers to identify the gaps or niches that their research can fill. However, writing evaluative and critical literature reviews is challenging for non-native speakers of English (NNES). Literature reviews are frequently descriptive summaries of previous research. Beyond simply summarizing source materials, NNES academic writers, inclusive of novice academic writers, should be aware of the ways of developing evaluative and critical literature reviews by making connections between the research findings and interpretations of published studies, showing their inconsistencies, and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This study aimed to explore NNES doctoral students’ knowledge and awareness of evaluative literature review writing and enhance their knowledge with an implementation focusing on the conventions and norms of literature review writing. The study adopted an embedded quasi-experimental design. 20 Turkish doctoral students from different educational science departments participated in the study. The quantitative analysis of the literature review tasks submitted by the participants during the pre- and post-intervention phases and the themes gathered from the semi-structured interviews revealed that NNES students had several challenges when they wrote literature reviews. The supportive implementation, which aimed at evaluative and critical literature review writing, positively affected students’ skills, increasing their awareness about the characteristics of effective literature reviews and improving their evaluation and critical thinking skills. The results also offered insights into graduate students’ strengths and weaknesses in evaluative and critical literature review writing.
... For instance, Lessing and Schulze (2003) identify aspects of designing research, data collection and processing and writing of dissertations as areas of common challenges that postgraduate students mostly encounter. Likewise, Shahsavar, et al., (2020) claim that most students are unable to synthesize, critique, or explain the review of literature in their writing. ...
... Several studies (e.g., Shahsavar et al.,2020;& Fatiha, 2023) have established the challenges postgraduates encounter when writing their dissertations generally. Shahsavar et al., (2020) highlight the prevalence of deficiencies in synthesising and critiquing literature, with a staggering majority of the students failing to grasp the significance of a robust literature review. ...
... Several studies (e.g., Shahsavar et al.,2020;& Fatiha, 2023) have established the challenges postgraduates encounter when writing their dissertations generally. Shahsavar et al., (2020) highlight the prevalence of deficiencies in synthesising and critiquing literature, with a staggering majority of the students failing to grasp the significance of a robust literature review. Instead, they simply summarise or describe the findings and interpretations of other researchers. ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate common mistakes that postgraduates make in writing dissertation chapters at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, then propose corrective measures. Using a desk research design, the study reviewed 200 randomly selected master’s degree dissertations. The document review guidelines also facilitated the study’s review of examiners’ reports on the dissertations under review. The information collected was subjected to content analysis. The study found that postgraduate students struggled in stating explicitly the research problems and ended up with vague problem statements. In the limitations section, most of the postgraduates mention trivial issues that the researcher could otherwise address during the planning of logistics. Moreover, the students struggled to critically review literature and, instead, simply described the details or provided summaries of findings from other empirical studies. As a result, the literature review is usually devoid of their respective voices. Students also found difficulties in describing the relationship between the proposed methodology and their study specifically by failing to explain adequately the coherence between the methodology and the nature of the study. Furthermore, some postgraduates failed to analyse data with the required precision; for instance, they use codes and themes interchangeably. Based on the findings, the study recommends intensive and adequate orientation and training of postgraduate students both theoretically and practically on fundamental academic skills for effective writing of quality dissertations.
... Moreover, the candidates' mother tongue affected their writing ability. In recent years, there has been publications on common mistakes in research proposals and research reports for postgraduate candidates (Abdullah, 2023;Çelik, 2020;Junaid & Santaria, 2022;Magsi et al., 2023;Ooi et al., 2022;Shahsavar & Kourepaz 2020). ...
... Literature review is another complex skill where an author is expected to synthesise, critique, or explain a series of literature. According to Shahsavar and Kourepaz (2020) candidates find it challenging to appropriately write a literature review section. For instance, Li, Makarova, and Wang (2023) stressed that literature review in English can be a challenge to non-native English-speaking graduate students. ...
... Some candidates were observed to not being able to to write an appropriate literature review section in the research proposals. This agrees with the study by Shahsavar and Kourepaz (2020), who stressed that some candidates were not able to synthesise, critique, or explain when writing literature review. Too often, candidates merely write summaries of research which they claim to be literature review. ...
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Studying towards a postgraduate qualification is viewed as a booster that may usher employees towards management positions. We have found common mistakes in research proposals for masters’ degree students in a department at the University of Namibia. Our presentation shows the shortcomings in the research proposals of postgraduate students and proposes interventions to address the challenges. We collected qualitative data through the observations of nine (9) Master of Education research proposals, which were conveniently selected. Our analysis showed shortcomings in research proposals submitted to the Department of Education at the University of Namibia. Moreover, there is a need for the introduction of a writing unit at the university to supply writing services such as academic writing, proof reading and editing. We recommend that regular practical training is offered on effective academic writing to postgraduate students. We also show the need for postgraduate students to be oriented towards the plagiarism policy and referencing style of the university. This calls for the re-thinking of ways that enable effective postgraduate student supervision, which may address the quality of student research output.
... A literatura destaca que a dificuldade para sintetizar achados de outros pesquisadores está entre as principais dificuldades na escrita de teses e dissertações por discentes de pós-graduação (Shahsavar;Kourepaz, 2020). O contato com materiais de diversos autores na participação nos processos editoriais tem potencial para o exercício da leitura e, a médio prazo, aprimoramento da escrita científica dos pós-graduandos. ...
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Considerando a relevância da compreensão do processo de produção e disseminação de evidências científicas por discentes em formação profissional, assim como o potencial de atuação de pós-graduandos de programas stricto sensu em atividades de revisões por pares e equipes editoriais, tem-se como objetivo relatar a experiência de inserção de graduandos pós-graduandos em enfermagem nas atividades do processo editorial da Revista Enfermagem UERJ. São apresentadas as ações desenvolvidas junto a estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação, dos cursos de mestrado e doutorado, envolvendo o fluxo de avaliação e publicação de artigos, além da divulgação científica por canais virtuais, configurando-se como atividade inovadora, de complementação na formação e que desperta o interesse pela leitura de artigos científicos pela comunicação científica à sociedade.
... The results of research study found that students used deep and strategic approach to study more than surface approach to study still, use of surface approach was quite high. Shahsavar, Kourepaz and Bulut (2020) reported that most of the students, even the high-performers, faced difficulty to critique, synthesize and describe literature while writing their thesis document. Almatarneh et al. (2018) reported that one of the problems faced by Jordanian students in academic writing was their inability to build critical discussion on the topic. ...
The study aimed to analyze the study approach of the postgraduate students across various semesters of studies. Longitudinal survey design was adopted to conduct this study. The participants of study were enrolled in Education degree program in university (Pakistan). There were two cohorts of students who participated in this study with 12 students in cohort-1 and 10 students in cohort-2. Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST- short version with 52 items) was used to collect data from students at three different times i.e., first time at the start of the second (coursework) semester, second time at end of second semester (development of research proposal stage) and third time during the dissertation stage. Similarly, the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The study results reported that the students used deep and strategic approach to study more than surface approach to study however, the percentage of using the surface approach was also quite high. It was also found that there was no gender wise difference in the surface, deep and strategic approaches of both cohorts of the research study. It is recommended to provide the students with guidance and facilitation for shifting their study approach from surface to deep approach.
... However, postgraduate students with non-native English-speaking backgrounds often struggle with dissertation writing due to issues in language proficiency, academic writing, and academic reading skills (Bitchener, 2018;Jeyaraj, 2018). For instance, they may find it challenging to respond to academic texts, form arguments in writing, and synthesize and integrate information from multiple sources (Mohd Isa et al., 2018;Shahsavar et al., 2020). Hence, despite the increasing enrolment rates, the delayed graduation trend among Malaysian postgraduate students continues to persist (Sidhu et al., 2021), potentially exacerbated by the writing and reading difficulties they encounter, which seem to form a network of challenges (Phakiti et al., 2013). ...
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Second language (L2) postgraduate students are susceptible to experience second language writing anxiety (SLWA) in dissertation writing as they tend to find the writing process arduous. SLWA relates to the recurring negative and anxious feeling when students write which could influence their cognition, behaviour, and physical condition. This reflects the interrelationship between individual's affect and cognitive process and the negative correlation between SLWA and writing performance reported in past studies. However, more evidence is needed to establish SLWA as an independent construct that could directly affect writing performance. Therefore, this study aimed to explore how SLWA influences L2 postgraduate students' dissertation writing to have a clearer insight into the phenomenon. This investigation utilised a multiple-case study approach involving four local postgraduate students. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews, audio journals, and personal document analysis. The thematic analysis revealed the following themes: SLWA i) influences emotional states; ii) triggers emotion regulation; and iii) initiates and sustains a debilitative or facilitative psychological loop that influences students' progress in dissertation writing. Thus, the study posits SLWA as a construct that can directly debilitate writing performance and L2 dissertation writing as having affective costs that makes emotion regulation an important mechanism to restore student's psychological balance. To overcome SLWA's influences on dissertation writing, it is recommended that supervisors and language teachers discourage perception of writing inability, recognize writing improvement, identify writing competence, suggest specific solutions to resolve writing issues, and avoid manipulating anxiety to provoke writing performance.
... Uma revisão é essencial para definir questões de pesquisa, evitando abordagens ineficazes, fornecendo recomendações para pesquisas adicionais e desenvolvendo habilidades do pesquisador e procedimentos analíticos para o estudo. Além disso, uma revisão bibliográfica educa os pesquisadores sobre importantes estudiosos e organizações de pesquisa e define o objetivo do estudo do pesquisador (Alordiah et al., 2023;Shahsavar, Kourepaz, 2020). ...
As bebidas lácteas à base de soro de leite são importantes para as indústrias láctea devido ao seu valor econômico e ambiental e à grande aceitação sensorial. O objetivo do estudo é conceituar e discutir sobre a temática bebida láctea fermentada caprina em termos estrátegias e tendências através de uma revisão bibliográfica interativa. A abordagem metodológica permitiu o uso de estudos experimentais e não experimentais na base do ScienceDirect (Elsevier) e Scholar Google. Os tópicos leite caprino, soro caprino, bebida láctea fermentada, probióticos, prebióticos e desenvolvimento de bebida láctea fermentada caprina na literatura foram explorados para melhor compreensão sobre o tema proposto. A bebida láctea fermentada caprina é um produto versátil e amplamente aceito no mercado, podendo ter em suas forumulações diferentes concentrações de soro do leite, probióticos, prebióticos e insumos não lácteos. Portanto é uma alternativa viável para a indústria láctea considerando sua composição nutricional como também no aspecto ambiental se tratando do reaproveitamento e agregação do soro do leite.
... Research completion rates for graduate students are significantly improved by addressing challenges. 14,21,22 ...
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Background: Graduate education, particularly at the master's and doctoral levels, is crucial in developing advanced professional skills and fostering a research-oriented mindset. However, many students struggle to complete their research due to various motivational and institutional challenges. This literature review examines the factors influencing research completion in graduate school to provide insights into occupational therapy and related health professions, emphasizing the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors.
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Research shows that students often struggle with understanding complex academic texts, conducting comprehensive literature reviews, and adhering to the precise requirements of academic writing. One emerging tool that has the potential to address these challenges is SciSpace, an AI-powered platform designed to enhance the academic writing process through features that support reading comprehension, writing improvement, and citation management. However, its full potential is not always realized due to a lack of understanding of how to use these tools responsibly and effectively. This emerging technology report aims to close this knowledge gap, address concerns, and promote the responsible use of SciSpace within the academic community. The paper first provides a detailed overview of SciSpace’s features, highlighting their relevance for learning, instruction, and assessment in academic writing. This is followed by a review of empirical studies illustrating how SciSpace has been applied in academic contexts. The paper concludes by discussing the significant challenges of using SciSpace, particularly the risks of over-reliance and ethical concerns, and offers recommendations for balancing innovation with academic integrity.
This study examines research topic selection among LIS postgraduate students in Tanzania. A quantitative approach was used to collect the data, and purposive sampling was used to recruit a total of 105 respondents. Key findings showed that research topic selection is influenced by how extensively the topic has been researched, postgraduates’ personal interests and whether the topic has been previously researched by a student. Insufficient research knowledge, little global LIS research exposure and insufficient supervisory leading roles affect research topic selection. Findings showed male and doctorate postgraduate students face more challenges in LIS research topic selection. The study concludes that LIS postgraduates’ research topic selection is challenging due to insufficient research methodology training and foundations. The study suggests research methodology training for supervisors and students, revising LIS curricula and appropriate research guidance to LIS postgraduates would be important in addressing the challenges found. The study also recommends the establishment of an LIS national repository centre with research content accessible to all students.
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Research studies have indicated that English as a Foreign/Second Language students attending English medium universities have problems in writing the literature review, an important requirement in their term and/or research papers. It has been noted that the main challenges these students face are often little or no knowledge of the task, organization and critical analysis needed. Effective literature reviews based on the western model have shown to include evaluation, clarification, integration, synthesis and organization of the controversies in past and current research on the topic being studied and identification of the gaps in the field and the question(s)/solution(s) which the researcher is attempting to address. Although much has been written on how to write literature reviews in various disciplines, there is little or none with L1 Arabic students in the Lebanese context. This paper outlines some teaching/learning guidelines of the task based on one organizational structure, the argumentative, and a critical analysis perspective to help develop these students’ skills in writing the literature review.
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As task-based language teaching focuses on real word tasks and the learners need to complete these tasks in the process of learning a foreign or second language, it helps target language fluency and student confidence. That is why second and foreign language teachers and researchers have shown interest in TBLT. This study attempts to investigate the effects of employing task-based writing instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ writing competence. The participants included 69 Iranian EFL learners at the intermediate level and they were placed randomly into a control group and an experimental group. The students in the experimental group performed writing tasks using task-based language teaching techniques, while those in the control group practiced writing skills using traditional writing exercises. To collect the pre-test and post-test data, the researchers administered the writing sections of two paper-based TOEFL tests and analyzed the data through Statistical Package for Social Sciences using descriptive statistics, t-test, and analysis of variance. The results showed significant improvements in the writing ability of the Iranian EFL learners who practiced writing skills using task-based language teaching techniques. Besides, using task-based writing techniques improved the Iranian EFL learners’ ability significantly in terms of different aspects of the writing competence, including sentence mechanics, language use, vocabulary, content, and organization.
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Over the years, considerable success of the flipped classroom approach (FCA) has indicated its usefulness in teaching and learning. However, studies on how flipped classrooms engage students in writing remain limited in Malaysia even though the ability to write well is considered an important skill. Therefore, this quantitative study sets out to examine students’ engagement in writing in a flipped classroom through a self-developed questionnaire based on a meta-construct developed by Fredericks et al. (2004). One hundred and eighteen students involved in a writing course at tertiary level participated voluntarily in the study. The findings suggest that FCA is able to engage students in the writing process as demonstrated by high means reported for all three constructs, namely emotion (3.88), cognition (3.95) and behaviour (3.96). This study recommends FCA to be employed in all areas of language learning and offers practical guidelines for instructors and learners to maximise the flipped classroom experience.
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Purpose – This paper aims to identify the difficulties postgraduate students face in writing the literature review for their thesis and dissertation. Methodology – Seventy postgraduate students from 9 faculties in one public university in the Klang Valley consented to participating in this study. They were 49 Masters candidates and 21 doctoral (PhD) candidates attending a workshop on academic writing. Among them, 31 were Malaysians and 39 were foreigners with majority being Arabs and Africans. After an icebreaking session, participants were asked what their writing diffi culties are when doing their literature review. They were told to write their responses in English in a paper. A linguistic analysis was then applied to the written phrases and expressions which denote their diffi culties. These were then categorised under common themes and manually counted in terms of the frequency. Findings – A total of 37 categories of diffi culties were detected. They encompassed basic and advanced skills in reading and writing including ‘not knowing what to read’, ‘how to read’, ‘how to start writing’, ‘organising’, ‘doing a critical analysis’, ‘summarising’ and ‘synthesising’. Significance – The fi ndings imply that most of the participants do not possess the necessary skills of reading and writing which are required in most postgraduate programmes. Thus, it is imperative that institutions of higher learning develop stricter criteria for student selection. Alternatively, a programme providing support in reading and writing may enable these postgraduate students to raise their level before being admitted. This kind of support can help to mitigate the burden imposed on supervisors as well as develop better quality postgraduate students.
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Over the past decade, much has been done to improve students' critical thinking in education. This study investigates if applying Socratic questioning on the blog can promote students' critical thinking. It applies a generic model, which associates with three fundamental components. Participants were an intact class of tertiary level students enrolled in an obligatory course. Students practiced Socratic questioning during face-to-face and online sessions. To serve this goal, they were asked to be attentive and share their ideas or questions with other students on the blog. Students' critical thinking ability was assessed using the Cornell Critical Thinking Test before and after they were trained in Socratic questioning. The results showed that the Socratic questioning training had a significant positive change on students' critical thinking ability. If students master the art of Socratic questioning, they can bring it into various courses they take. They can also use it in different discussions they engage in, and apply it not only in raising and asking questions about what is taught, but also in making questions concerning the issues in their daily life in a meaningful way.
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The need to write for scholarly publications has triggered many investigations into research articles published in reputable and indexed journals. This paper attempts to compile and provide a review of the complete rhetorical organisation of research articles, from Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results to Discussion sections, from several studies. Though the studies revealed a general pattern in the writing of these research articles, it was also noted that different disciplines adopt certain localised structures, which characterise the discourse of the disciplines. Thus, this paper calls for the discovery of local structures of research articles from more disciplines to cater for the growing demands for scholarly publications, especially amongst researchers, academicians and postgraduates.
In Malaysia not only are our classrooms often large but they also have a diverse, heterogeneous groups of students. Teachers nowadays face the greatest challenge in meeting the different learning needs of a diverse group of students. Thus, teachers need to recognise and realise the individual learning mode of all their students and to motivate them so as to maximise the learning progress and the achievements of these students. The learning preferences of learners are based on multiple intelligences. Students come with different abilities, skills and characteristics. Furthermore, students respond positively when learning is meaningful, personalised and relevant; thus, knowing what type of learners they are and the way they prefer to learn would greatly aid teachers in the classroom. Therefore, we need to diversify the curriculum to fit the needs of 21st century learners so as to enhance the teaching and learning process.
The contributions of genre-based approach to writing have been proved in many studies in different contexts. However, empirical evidence of effects of genre-based instruction on Vietnamese EFL learners is rare. This article reports the results of an experimental study investigating the effects of genre-based approach on Vietnamese learners' ability in writing argumentative essays. Twenty EFL students at a college in a Mekong Delta province of Vietnam participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups, labeled as group 1 and group 2; each group was taught how to write argumentative essays by using genre-based approach at two different points of time. Participants' ability in writing argumentative essays was measured by three writing tests: pretest, progress test, and post-test. Participants' perception towards the use of genre-based approach in learning argumentative essays was collected via semi-structured interviews. Results indicated that participants from both groups significantly improved their writing performance after the study. Results from the interviews showed that participants held a positive attitude towards the contributions of genre-based approach to their ability in writing argumentative essays.