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In Vitro Preliminary Evaluation of Bacterial Attachment on Grooved and Smooth Healing Abutments


Abstract and Figures

This in vitro preliminary study investigated the attachment of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis on titanium alloy healing abutments, which differed in their surface macro-morphology: one was groove-marked while the other was completely smooth. Altogether, twenty implant-healing abutments, ten of each macro-morphology, were evaluated with a single type of bacterial strain. Accordingly, four groups of five abutments each were created. The sterilized healing abutments with the cultured bacteria were placed under anaerobic conditions for 48 h at 37 °C. Afterwards, the abutments were examined with a scanning electron microscope, at a 2500x magnification. Attached bacteria were quantified in the four vertical quarters within the grooved abutments and in the two most coronal millimeters of the smooth abutments. The results were analyzed by applying two-way ANOVA, with square root transformation for a normal distribution. The bacterial attachment of both strains was statistically significantly larger in the grooved abutment areas than on the smooth surfaces (p ≤ 0.0001), twenty times so for Porphyromonas gingivalis and a hundred times so for Fusobacterium nucleatum.
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In Vitro Preliminary Evaluation of Bacterial Attachment
on Grooved and Smooth Healing Abutments
Ofer Moses 1, Carlos E. Nemcovsky 1, Israel Lewinstein 2, Hasan Zoabi 3, Miron Weinreb 3,
Shifra Levartovsky 2, *,and Shlomo Matalon 2,
1Department of Periodontology and Dental Implantology, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel; (O.M.); (C.E.N.)
Department of Oral Rehabilitation, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel; (I.L.); (S.M.)
3Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel; (H.Z.); (M.W.)
These authors contributed equally to this article.
Received: 15 May 2020; Accepted: 24 June 2020; Published: 27 June 2020
in vitro
preliminary study investigated the attachment of Fusobacterium nucleatum
and Porphyromonas gingivalis on titanium alloy healing abutments, which diered in their surface
macro-morphology: one was groove-marked while the other was completely smooth. Altogether,
twenty implant-healing abutments, ten of each macro-morphology, were evaluated with a single
type of bacterial strain. Accordingly, four groups of five abutments each were created. The sterilized
healing abutments with the cultured bacteria were placed under anaerobic conditions for 48 h
at 37
C. Afterwards, the abutments were examined with a scanning electron microscope, at a 2500x
magnification. Attached bacteria were quantified in the four vertical quarters within the grooved
abutments and in the two most coronal millimeters of the smooth abutments. The results were
analyzed by applying two-way ANOVA, with square root transformation for a normal distribution.
The bacterial attachment of both strains was statistically significantly larger in the grooved abutment
areas than on the smooth surfaces (p
0.0001), twenty times so for Porphyromonas gingivalis and a
hundred times so for Fusobacterium nucleatum.
Keywords: smooth healing abutment; grooved healing abutment; bacterial growth; SEM
1. Introduction
Healing abutments may be placed on dental implants either following implant placement or in
two-stage surgical protocols, at the time of their exposure to the oral environment. Diering from
dental implants, where micro- and macro-grooving has been shown to enhance soft and hard tissue
integration [
], the coronal portion of healing abutments is exposed to the oral cavity and, therefore,
subject to bacterial colonization [
]. Abutments’ surface characteristics and the implant–abutment
interface significantly aect supragingival and subgingival biofilm accumulation. An increased surface
roughness facilitates biofilm formation [
], which, in turn, aects the peri-implant soft tissues [
Healing abutments are placed in a surgical wound area. Enhanced bacterial plaque accumulation
leads to peri-implant soft tissue inflammation, which, in turn, aects soft and hard tissue integration to
the dental implant, especially in the crestal area [
]. Bacterial adhesion and proliferation lead to an
organized biofilm [
]; hence, rough surfaces accumulate up to twenty-five times more sub-gingival
plaque than smoother ones, also leading to more dicult removal [1012].
The consequences of enhanced plaque build-up on healing abutments are not clear; however, it is
evident that bacterial accumulation, especially in a surgical wound healing area, around implants
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 4426; doi:10.3390/app10134426
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enhances inflammatory reactions in the surrounding gingiva and alveolar mucosa as well as around
teeth [13].
Inflammatory mediators are enhanced in inflamed tissues, thus promoting angiogenesis [
] and
pro-inflammatory cytokines [
]. Therefore, this inflammatory process within the soft tissue around
healing abutments is also likely to aect implant osseous integration.
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis are well known perio-pathogenic bacteria.
Fusobacterium nucleatum belongs to the Bacteroidaceae family. It is a Gram-negative anaerobic species of
the phylum Fusobacteria, numerically dominant in dental plaque biofilms, and important in biofilm
ecology and human infectious diseases [
]. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a Gram-negative anaerobic
bacterium [
]. Infection by Porphyromonas gingivalis could modulate host immune responses and
ultimately destroy the balance between the normal cell cycle and apoptosis, thereby leading to
periodontal tissue destruction [18,19].
Most healing abutments are made of titanium alloys [
]. However, the influence that certain
alterations, such as laser markings or the machining of depth grooves on the abutment surface,
may have on bacterial adhesion has not been evaluated.
This preliminary
in vitro
study aimed to evaluate the bacterial attachment of two strains onto
titanium alloy healing abutments, from the same manufacturer, diering only in their surface
macro-morphology; while one was CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine-grooved, the other
was completely smooth.
2. Methods
2.1. Tested Materials
Two equal groups of ten titanium grade-V, 5 mm-height and 3.85 mm-diameter implant-healing
abutments (AlphaBio Tec Ltd., Petach Tikva, Israel), were evaluated:
Group I: 10 smooth healing abutments with a machined smooth surface (Figure 1); Group II:
10 healing abutments with a marked (grooved) surface roughness value (Ra) of 0.8 µm (Figure 2).
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Bacterial attachment counts were performed on the four vertical quarters of the grooved
abutments, both in smooth and grooved areas, while on the smooth abutments, they were performed
in the two coronal millimeters (surface area of 958 µm
for each quarter) using the Image J 1.4 software
(NIH Bethesda, MD, USA).
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis consisted of two-way ANOVA after square root transformation was applied
for a normal distribution. A p value 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Figure 1. Machined smooth surface.
Figure 2. Marked (grooved) surface.
3. Results
The results of the bacterial counts are presented in Table 1 and Figure 3a,b. (1) Similar bacterial
counts for both strains were found on the smooth areas between the grooves of the marked healing
abutments and on the smooth healing abutments. (2) Bacterial adherence was different for each strain,
and F.n attachment to all surfaces was considerably larger than that of P.g. (3) The most important
finding was that the total bacterial counts for both strains in the grooved areas were significantly
Figure 1. Machined smooth surface.
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Bacterial attachment counts were performed on the four vertical quarters of the grooved
abutments, both in smooth and grooved areas, while on the smooth abutments, they were performed
in the two coronal millimeters (surface area of 958 µm
for each quarter) using the Image J 1.4 software
(NIH Bethesda, MD, USA).
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis consisted of two-way ANOVA after square root transformation was applied
for a normal distribution. A p value 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Figure 1. Machined smooth surface.
Figure 2. Marked (grooved) surface.
3. Results
The results of the bacterial counts are presented in Table 1 and Figure 3a,b. (1) Similar bacterial
counts for both strains were found on the smooth areas between the grooves of the marked healing
abutments and on the smooth healing abutments. (2) Bacterial adherence was different for each strain,
and F.n attachment to all surfaces was considerably larger than that of P.g. (3) The most important
finding was that the total bacterial counts for both strains in the grooved areas were significantly
Figure 2. Marked (grooved) surface.
2.2. Tested Bacteria and Culturing Conditions
The cultured bacterial strains were Fusobacterium nucleatum (ATCC 1594) (F.n) from frozen stock
cultures grown anaerobically in Sherdler broth (Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes,
NJ, USA) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (ATCC 33279) (P.g) from frozen stock cultures grown anaerobically
in Wilkins–Chalgren broth (OXOID Ltd., Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK). Each of these strains
was cultured on five smooth-surfaced and five grooved healing abutments, thus yielding four
experimental groups.
Sterilized abutments were screwed to the inner surface of the microtiter plate cover and immersed
in a 96-well microtiter plate (96-well flat-bottom Nunclon, Copenhagen, Denmark), each well containing
250 microliters of growth medium suitable for each bacterial strain (F.n was in Sherdler broth and P.g,
in Wilkins–Chalgren broth). Into each well, ten microliters of bacterial suspension (O.D 0.6 at 600 nm),
representing 1
cells/mL, were added, and the plates were incubated under anaerobic conditions
for 48 h at 37
C and vortexed automatically for five seconds every 30 min (VesaMax, Molecular Device
Corporation, San Jose, CA, USA) in order to guarantee the homogeneity of the bacterial suspension.
After 48 h (early colonization), the abutments were removed from the plate. Close direct contact
between the bacteria and the abutment surface and bacterial suspension fluids was accomplished by
an evaporation process. The abutments were fixated with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in PBS and gold-plated
for examination with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JSM 840A, Jeol Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), at a
2500x magnification and with a 47.9 micrometer horizontal field and accelerating voltage of 25 kV.
Bacterial attachment counts were performed on the four vertical quarters of the grooved abutments,
both in smooth and grooved areas, while on the smooth abutments, they were performed in the
two coronal millimeters (surface area of 958
for each quarter) using the Image J 1.4 software
(NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA).
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis consisted of two-way ANOVA after square root transformation was applied
for a normal distribution. A pvalue 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
3. Results
The results of the bacterial counts are presented in Table 1and Figure 3a,b. (1) Similar bacterial
counts for both strains were found on the smooth areas between the grooves of the marked healing
abutments and on the smooth healing abutments. (2) Bacterial adherence was dierent for each strain,
and F.n attachment to all surfaces was considerably larger than that of P.g. (3) The most important
finding was that the total bacterial counts for both strains in the grooved areas were significantly higher
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0.0001) than those in the smooth areas. The mean P.g counts were ~20 times larger and those of F.n
were over 100 times larger in the grooves compared to on the smooth surfaces.
Table 1. Bacterial counts (mean and SD) in the four experimental groups.
Abutment Type F.n Counts (CFU) P.g Counts (CFU)
Mean SD Mean SD
Abutment Type
Smooth 10.1500 3.33791 192.1750 66.70708
Grooved Within grooves 1043.5500 397.52536 4026.3000 347.55053
Between grooves 11.4500 4.92133 175.7000 44.72210
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higher (p 0.0001) than those in the smooth areas. The mean P.g counts were ~20 times larger and
those of F.n were over 100 times larger in the grooves compared to on the smooth surfaces.
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Pictures of the grooved and smooth abutment surfaces taken under SEM are shown in Figures
4–7, and a difference in shape between the two bacterial strains may be appreciated. The bacterial
adherence of both strains is clearly larger in the grooved areas of the marked abutments as compared
to in the smooth ones.
Table 1. Bacterial counts (mean and SD) in the four experimental groups.
Abutment Type F.n Counts (CFU) P.g Counts (CFU)
Mean SD Mean SD
Abutment Type
Smooth 10.1500 3.33791 192.1750 66.70708
Grooved Within grooves 1043.5500 397.52536 4026.3000 347.55053
Between grooves 11.4500 4.92133 175.7000 44.72210
(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Fusobacterium nucleatum count on smooth surface, in the grooves and in between; (b)
Porphyromonas gingivalis count on smooth surface, in the grooves and in between. CFU (colony-
forming unit)
Figure 3.
)Fusobacterium nucleatum count on smooth surface, in the grooves and in between;
)Porphyromonas gingivalis count on smooth surface, in the grooves and in between.
CFU (colony-forming unit).
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Pictures of the grooved and smooth abutment surfaces taken under SEM are shown in Figures 47,
and a dierence in shape between the two bacterial strains may be appreciated. The bacterial adherence
of both strains is clearly larger in the grooved areas of the marked abutments as compared to in the
smooth ones.
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Figure 4. Fusobacterium nucleatum attached on the border-line between the smooth (dark side of the
figure) and the grooved parts (bright side, the left side of the figure). The larger number of bacteria
within the groove as compared to that in the machined area of the healing cap (right side) is evident
(magnification, × 2500).
Figure 5. High number of Fusobacterium nucleatum found within the grooved part of the healing cap
(magnification, × 2500).
Figure 6. Porphyromonas gingivalis growth on the machined surface. Note the low bacterial count in
this area (magnification, × 2500).
Figure 4.
Fusobacterium nucleatum attached on the border-line between the smooth (dark side of
the figure) and the grooved parts (bright side, the left side of the figure). The larger number of bacteria
within the groove as compared to that in the machined area of the healing cap (right side) is evident
(magnification, ×2500).
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Figure 4. Fusobacterium nucleatum attached on the border-line between the smooth (dark side of the
figure) and the grooved parts (bright side, the left side of the figure). The larger number of bacteria
within the groove as compared to that in the machined area of the healing cap (right side) is evident
(magnification, × 2500).
Figure 5. High number of Fusobacterium nucleatum found within the grooved part of the healing cap
(magnification, × 2500).
Figure 6. Porphyromonas gingivalis growth on the machined surface. Note the low bacterial count in
this area (magnification, × 2500).
Figure 5.
High number of Fusobacterium nucleatum found within the grooved part of the healing cap
(magnification, ×2500).
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Figure 4. Fusobacterium nucleatum attached on the border-line between the smooth (dark side of the
figure) and the grooved parts (bright side, the left side of the figure). The larger number of bacteria
within the groove as compared to that in the machined area of the healing cap (right side) is evident
(magnification, × 2500).
Figure 5. High number of Fusobacterium nucleatum found within the grooved part of the healing cap
(magnification, × 2500).
Figure 6. Porphyromonas gingivalis growth on the machined surface. Note the low bacterial count in
this area (magnification, × 2500).
Figure 6.
Porphyromonas gingivalis growth on the machined surface. Note the low bacterial count in this
area (magnification, ×2500).
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Figure 7.
Porphyromonas gingivalis growth on the inner aspect of the grooved surface. Note the high
bacterial count in this area (magnification, ×2500).
4. Discussion
The eect of depth grooves on healing abutments on bacterial adhesion has hardly been evaluated;
the present
in vitro
study reveals, for the first time, their negative eect, by significantly enhancing
bacterial adhesion. Previous reports have shown that surface modifications on dental implants
and abutments play a relevant role in bacterial adhesion [
]. The chemical and physical surface
characteristics of trans-gingival implant components significantly influence bacterial attachment.
The control of bacterial infection in the peri-implant soft and hard tissues is critical for the long-term
stability of implants supporting oral rehabilitation [
]. There are no previous reports concerning
the relationship of the healing abutment macro-morphology (machined or grooved), used in dental
implant procedures, to clinical and microbiological parameters; however, it is clear that bacterial plaque
negatively aects peri-implant tissue stability [22].
Our results demonstrate the significantly larger bacterial attachment of both strains in the grooved
areas compared to in the smooth areas of the healing abutments, especially of F.n, which was 100
times larger. Our results are in accordance with those of Bermejo et al. that showed the significant
accumulation of pathogenic bacteria (F. nucleatum and A. actinomycetemcomitans) on moderate-roughness
compared to minimal-roughness implant surfaces [23].
Peri-implantitis presents a heterogeneous microbiota, where perio-pathogenic bacteria such as
Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedius/nigrescens together with asaccharolytic anaerobic
Gram-positive rods and other Gram-negative rods may be found [
]. The treatment of peri-implantitis
is mainly based on dierent mechanical and physical means to remove biofilms from the implant
surface [25].
Healing abutments are usually placed following a surgical intervention, such as implant placement
or uncovering. In a recent randomized, controlled study, either micro-grooved or machined healing
abutments were placed. After nonsurgical treatment and the reconstitution of oral hygiene measures,
the incidence of peri-implant mucositis was found to be significantly lower at the non-grooved
abutments [26].
Bacterial colonization, as found in this
in vitro
study, was enhanced in grooved healing caps.
Bacterial accumulation following implant uncovering might induce pro-inflammatory events in
the mucosa, jeopardizing optimal healing. Epithelial cell attachment may prevent the bacterial invasion
of titanium surfaces; however, early bacterial colonization on these surfaces may, in turn, downregulate
this eect. Peri-implant soft tissue clinical maturity is apparently established as early as four weeks
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 4426 7 of 9
following implant placement in a one-stage surgical protocol, while the newly created peri-implant
crevices are colonized by bacteria within two weeks [27].
Soft tissue healing and maturation around dental implants placed in a one-stage protocol may be
at greater risk, since bacterial plaque can cause inflammation, which negatively aects osseointegration.
In the present study, only two types of bacterial lines with known morphology were tested to
avoid result masking from full plaque presenting wide morphologic variations. Since bacteria are
present within the implant–abutment connection, one-stage dental implants become contaminated even
during the first two postoperative weeks. These microorganisms can penetrate the sulcus around the
fixtures and disrupt healing and osseointegration [
]. Using machined smooth abutments, as was
demonstrated in the current study, may minimize bacterial adherence, which impairs osseointegration,
especially in one-stage dental implants.
The limitations of the present preliminary
in vitro
investigation are the number of samples, the fact
that only two types of pathogenic bacteria were evaluated and the specific methodology used to mimic
the clinical situation of bacterial adhesion and accumulation.
5. Conclusions
In spite of the limitations of this
in vitro
preliminary study, bacterial adherence was significantly
enhanced on grooved healing compared to machined smooth abutments.
The present
in vitro
study did not evaluate the biological consequences of higher bacterial
colonization on these abutments.
Further studies to investigate the dierent molecular and cellular reactions to dierent types of
healing abutments as well as their clinical relevance are still needed.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, O.M., C.E.N. and S.M.; Formal analysis, O.M., M.W. and S.M.;
Investigation, I.L., H.Z. and S.M.; Methodology, C.E.N., M.W. and S.L.; Writing—original draft, O.M. and C.E.N.;
Writing—review & editing, S.L. and S.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
The authors thank Alpha Bio Tec company, Petach Tikva, Israel, for providing both types of
healing caps used in this in-vitro study
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
F.n Fusobacterium nucleatum
P.g Porphyromonas gingivalis
SEM Scanning electron microscope
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Very few studies have investigated the influence of fish on the degradation rate of microplastic particles (MPs). It could be expected that their effect might be not only direct, through digestion and passage through the gut, but also indirect, through the alteration of the density and composition of the bacterial community on the surface of MPs. This study aims to test the short-term effects of fish presence altering the water chemical parameters and the abundance and genetic diversity of the aquatic bacteria colonising MPs, which may contribute to their faster degradation. This was tested in a triplicate experiment, with each replicate lasting 10 days in the presence or absence of spherical MPs, polystyrene (PS) or polyethylene (PE) and the presence or absence of a perch. The animal was separated from the MPs with a plankton net. We determined the chemical parameters of the water, the number of bacteria in the water and on the MPs’ surface, the taxonomic diversity of bacteria in the water and those present on the MPs using 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA) sequencing, and the alterations of the MPs’ surface using a scanning electron microscope. The exposure to fish increased the concentration of ammonium, nitrates, and orthophosphates and the number of bacteria in the water, which in turn resulted in an increase in the abundance of bacteria and the number of taxa at the family level on the MPs’ surface. The positive effect of fish exudates on the abundance of bacteria on MPs’ surface was greater in the case of PE than in PS. The observed effects did not affect the MPs’ surface in any of the types of plastic during the experiment, but they may play a significant role in MPs decomposition over a longer than applied time period.
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The surgical treatment of peri-implantitis is currently based on the removal of biofilms from the implant surface by primary means of mechanical and physical treatments. However, such approaches often determine some alterations of the implant surface with detrimental effects on re-osseointegration. This study aims to evaluate the effects of four different mechanical and physical treatments on titanium samples with moderately rough surface. Air powder abrasion (AP) with glycine powder, a titanium brush (TB) and a diode laser at 3 W (L3) and 4 W (L4) were tested. Surface morphology, roughness and chemical composition were then assessed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), white light interferometer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. The microscopic analysis revealed significant alterations in surface morphology on TB samples, while AP and L3 had only a minor or null impact. L4 samples revealed signs of overheating due to the excessive power. Nevertheless, the overall roughness of the samples was not significantly altered in terms of roughness parameters. Similarly, surface chemical composition was not significantly affected by the treatments. Among the treatments tested in this study, air powder abrasion with glycine powder and 3 W diode laser had the lowest impact on surface physicochemical properties.
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Bacterial adhesion to intra-oral, hard surfaces is firmly influenced by the surface roughness of these structures. Previous studies showed a remarkable higher subgingival bacterial load on rough surfaces when compared to smooth sites. More recently, the additional effect of a further smoothening of intra-oral hard surfaces on clinical and microbiological parameters was examined in a short-term experiment. The results indicated that a reduction in surface roughness below Ra=0.2 μm, the so-called “threshold Ra”, had no further effect on the quantitative/qualitative microbiological adhesion or colonisation, neither supra- nor subgingivally. This study aims to examine the long-term effects of smoothening immoral hard transgingival surfaces. In 6 patients expecting an overdenture in the lower jaw, supported by endosseus titanium implants, 2 different abutments (transmucosal part of the implant): a standard machined titanium (Ra=0.2 μm) and one highly polished and made of a ceramic material (Ra=0.06 μm) were randomly installed. After 3 months of intra-oral exposure, supra- and subgingival plaque samples from both abutments were compared with each other by means of differential phase-contrast microscopy (DPCM). Clinical periodontal parameters (probing depth, gingival recession, bleeding upon probing and Periotest-value) were recorded around each abutment. After 12 months. the supra- and subgingival samples were additionally cultured in aerobic, CO,-enriched and anaerobic conditions. The same clinical parameters as at the 3-month interval were recorded after 12 months. At 3 months, spirochetes and motile organisms were only detected subgingivally around the titanium abutments. After 12 months, however, both abutment-types harboured equal proportions of spirochetes and motile organisms, both supra- and sub-gingivally. The microbial culturing (month 12) failed to detect large interabutment differences. The differences in number of colony forming units (aerobic and anaerobic) were within one division of a logarithmic scale. The aerobic culture data showed a higher proportion of Gram-negative organisms in the subgingival flora of the rougher abutments. From the group of potentially “pathogenic” bacteria, only Prevotellu inter-media and Fusobacterium nucleatum were detected after anaerobic culturing and again the inter-abutment differences were negligible. Clinically, the smoothest abutment showed a slightly higher increase in probing depth between months 3 and 12, and more bleeding on probing. The present results confirm the findings of our previous short-term study, indicating that a further reduction of the surface roughness, below a certain “threshold Ra”(0.2 μm), has no major impact on the supra- and subgingival microbial composition.
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The aim of this article was to review the current literature with regard to biofilm formation on dental implants and the influence of surface characteristics (chemistry, surface free energy, and roughness) of dental implant and abutment materials and their design features on biofilm formation and its sequelae. An electronic MEDLINE literature search was conducted of studies published between 1966 and June 2007. The following search terms were used: biofilm and dental implants, biofilm formation/plaque bacterial adhesion and implants, plaque/biofilm and surface characteristics/roughness/surface free energy of titanium dental implants, implant-abutment interface and plaque/biofilm, biofilm and supragingival/subgingival plaque microbiology, biofilm/plaque and implant infection, antibacterial/bacteriostatic titanium, titanium nanocoating/nanopatterning, antimicrobial drug/titanium implant. Both in vitro and in vivo studies were included in this review. Fifty-three articles were identified in this review process. The articles were categorized with respect to their context on biofilm formation on teeth and dental implant surfaces and with regard to the influence of surface characteristics of implant biomaterials (especially titanium) and design features of implant and abutment components on biofilm formation. The current state of literature is more descriptive, rather than providing strong data that could be analyzed through meta-analysis. Basic research articles on surface modification of titanium were also included in the review to analyze the applications of such studies on the fabrication of implant surfaces that could possibly decrease early bacterial colonization and biofilm formation. Increase in surface roughness and surface free energy facilitates biofilm formation on dental implant and abutment surfaces, although this conclusion is derived from largely descriptive literature. Surface chemistry and the design features of the implant-abutment configuration also play a significant role in biofilm formation.
Objectives To compare biofilm formation on whole dental titanium implants with different surface micro‐topography Methods A multispecies in vitro biofilm model consisting on initial (Streptococcus oralis and Actinomyces naeslundii), early (Veillonella parvula), secondary (Fusobacterium nucleatum) and late colonizers (Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans) was grown for 96 h on sterile titanium dental implants with either minimal (Sa: 0.5–1.0 mm) or moderate‐roughness titanium surfaces (Sa: 1.1–2.0 mm). The resulting biofilms were studied with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and Scanning Electron Microscope. Concentrations (colony forming units per mL [CFU/mL]) of each bacterium were measured by quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) and compared by Student T‐tests. Results A biofilm, located mainly at the peak and lateral areas of the implant threads, was observed on both implant surfaces, with a greater biomass and a greater live/dead ratio in moderate‐, compared to minimal‐roughness surface implants. Statistically significant higher values of total bacteria (mean difference=2.61x10⁷ CFU/mL; 95% confidence interval ‐ CI [1.91x10⁶; 5.02x10⁷]; p=0.036), F. nucleatum (mean difference=4.43x10⁶ CFU/mL; 95% CI [1.06x10⁶; 7.80x10⁶]; p=0.013) and A. actinomycetemcomitans (mean difference=2.55x10⁷ CFU/mL; 95% CI [1.07x10⁷; 4.04x10⁷]; p=0.002) were found in the moderate‐, compared to minimal‐roughness surface dental implants. Conclusions Implants with moderate‐roughness surfaces accumulated more bacterial biomass and significant higher number of pathogenic bacteria (F. nucleatum and A. actinomycetemcomitans), when compared to implants with minimal‐roughness surfaces, within a similar biofilm structure. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objective: Oral bacteria and periodontal pathogen have been predominantly linked with early- and late- stage failures of titanium (Ti) dental implants (DI) respectively. This study is based on the hypothesis that bacterial colonization can damage the surface oxide (TiO2) layer. Early-failed DI were compared with DI post-in vitro immersion in early colonizing oral bacteria; late failed DI were weighed against DI immersed in late colonizing anaerobic pathogens. Methods: Retrieval analysis: Seven early- stage failed implants with five of them connected to healing abutments (HAs), and ten late- stage failed retrievals were subjected to surface analysis. Bacteria immersion test: Three dental implants each were immersed in polycultures containing (i) early colonizers (Streptococcus mutans, S. salivarius, S. sanguinis) (ii) late colonizers (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans). The implants were immersed for 30 days to simulate the healing period and bacterial biofilm adhesion. Optical microscope, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and electrochemical test were performed to analyze the surface- morphology, chemistry, and potential respectively. Results: Early colonizers inflicted surface morphological damage (discoloration and pitting). Even though, XPS detected thinner oxide layer in 2/3 early retrievals, XPS and electrochemical tests illustrated that the TiO2 layer was intact in HAs, and in DI post- immersion. Late colonizers also caused similar morphological damage (discoloration and pitting), while mechanical wear was evident with scratches, cracks, and mechanical fracture observed in late-stage retrievals. XPS indicated thinner oxide layer in late-stage retrievals (3/4), and in DI post-immersion in late colonizers. This was reflected in electrochemical test results post-immersion but not in the late-stage retrievals, which suggested an intact surface with corrosion resistance. Significance: This study concluded that bacteria could negatively affect implant surface with late colonizers demonstrating more pronounced damage on the surface morphology and chemistry.
Purpose The aim of this study was to compare survival rates, marginal bone loss (MBL), and peri‐implant soft tissue parameters between short and standard laser‐microgrooved implants supporting single or splinted crowns 3 years after loading. Materials and Methods 30 subjects received 1 short ( and 1 standard length ( laser‐microgrooved implant in adjacent sites of the premolar and molar regions of the mandible or maxilla. Peri‐implant soft tissue parameters and intraoral radiographs were recorded at the delivery of definitive crowns (baseline) and 3 years later. Cumulative survival rate (CSR) and marginal bone loss (MBL) in relation to crown/implant (C/I) ratio, implant length, location, type of antagonist, and type of prosthetic design (single or splinted), were evaluated. Results CSR of short implants was 98%, compared to 100% for standard implants, without significant statistical difference. MBL was not significantly different over the observation period, with an average of 0.23 ± 0.6 mm and 0.27 ± 0.3 mm for short and standard implants, respectively. No statistical differences were found between short and standard implants regarding plaque (14.7% vs. 15.7%), number of sites BOP (8.3% vs. 5.9%), probing depth (1.13 ± 0.6 mm vs. 1.04 ± 0.8 mm), and mean mucosal recession (0.18 ± 0.3 mm vs. 0.22 ± 0.3 mm). Analyzing MBL in relation to the C/I ratio, implant length, location, type of antagonist, and type of prosthetic design, no statistically significant differences were found. Conclusion Regardless of C/I ratio, implant length, location, type of antagonist, and type of prosthetic design, short and standard laser‐microgrooved implants had similar survival rates, MBL, and peri‐implant soft tissue conditions over the observation period of 3 years.
Objectives: To assess the onset, progression and resolution of experimentally induced peri-implant mucositis lesions at abutments with different microstructures in humans. Material & methods: In a randomized, controlled, interventional two-center study, a total of 28 patients had received 28 target implants and were randomly allocated to either partially microgrooved- (test) or machined (control) healing abutments. The study was accomplished in 3 phases, including a wound healing period (WH) following implant placement (12 weeks), a plaque exposure phase (EP - 21 days) and a resolution phase (RP - 16 weeks). Clinical (e.g. bleeding on probing - BOP), immunological (MMP-8) and microbiological (DNA counts for 11 species) parameters were evaluated. Results: The incidence of peri-implant mucositis at EPd21 was comparable in both test and control groups (60.0 vs. 61.5%), but markedly lower at control abutments after a nonsurgical treatment and reconstitution of oral hygiene measures at RPw16 (46.7 vs. 15.4%). At any follow-up visit (i.e. EP and RP), clinical parameters, MMP-8 levels and DNA counts of major bacterial species were not significantly different between both groups. Conclusion: The onset, progression and resolution of experimental peri-implant mucositis lesions was comparable in both groups. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background: This systematic review assesses the microbiological profiles of peri-implantitis, periodontitis and healthy implants based on studies that evaluated microbial biofilms and entire microbiomes to establish their similarities and differences. Methods: The Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, via PubMed, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched without language restrictions through July 30, 2016. Observational studies that evaluated the microbial profiles or entire microbiomes of peri-implantitis compared with healthy implants or periodontitis were considered eligible for inclusion. A descriptive summary was created to determine the quantity of data and inter-study variations. Results: Of the 126 potentially eligible articles, 26 were included in this study; 21 of these articles evaluated the microbiological profile of peri-implantitis vs. healthy implants or periodontitis using conventional microbiological techniques and five articles evaluated the entire microbiome using genomic sequencing. Teeth with periodontitis, healthy implants, or implants with peri-implantitis were colonized by periodontal microorganisms. Porphyromonas gingivalis and especially Prevotella intermedius/nigrescens were often identified at peri-implantitis sites. Peri-implantitis sites were also colonized by uncultivable asaccharolytic anaerobic gram-positive rods and anaerobic gram-negative rods, which were not frequently identified in teeth with periodontitis or healthy implants. Opportunistic microorganisms were not found very frequently in peri-implantitis sites. Conclusions: Peri-implantitis represents a heterogeneous mixed infection that includes periodontopathic microorganisms, uncultivable asaccharolytic anaerobic gram-positive rods and other uncultivable gram-negative rods and, rarely, opportunistic microorganisms such as enteric rods and Staphylococcus aureus. Sequencing methods that evaluate the entire microbiome improve the identification of microorganisms associated with peri-implantitis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the barrier function of platelet-induced epithelial sheets on titanium surfaces. The lack of functional peri-implant epithelial sealing with basal lamina (BL) attachment at the interface of the implant and the adjacent epithelium allows for bacterial invasion, which may lead to peri-implantitis. Although various approaches have been reported to combat bacterial infection by surface modifications to titanium, none of these have been successful in a clinical application. In our previous study, surface modification with protease-activated receptor 4-activating peptide (PAR4-AP), which induced platelet activation and aggregation, was successful in demonstrating epithelial attachment via BL and epithelial sheet formation on the titanium surface. We hypothesized that the platelet-induced epithelial sheet on PAR4-AP-modified titanium surfaces would reduce bacterial attachment, penetration, and invasion. Titanium surface was modified with PAR4-AP and incubated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The aggregated platelets released collagen IV, a critical BL component, onto the PAR4-AP-modified titanium surface. Then, human gingival epithelial cells were seeded on the modified titanium surface and formed epithelial sheets. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing Escherichia coli was cultured onto PAR4-AP-modified titanium with and without epithelial sheet formation. While Escherichia coli accumulated densely onto the PAR4-AP titanium lacking epithelial sheet, few Escherichia coli were observed on the epithelial sheet on the PAR4-AP surface. No bacterial invasion into the interface of the epithelial sheet and the titanium surface was observed. These in vitro results indicate the efficacy of a platelet-induced epithelial barrier that functions to prevent bacterial attachment, penetration, and invasion on PAR4-AP-modified titanium.
Background: Peri-implantitis is a complex polymicrobial biofilm-induced inflammatory osteolytic gingival infection that results in orofacial implant failures. There are no preclinical in vivo studies in implant dentistry that have investigated the inflammatory response to known microbial biofilms observed in humans. The aim is to develop a novel peri-implant rat model using an established model of polymicrobial periodontitis. Methods: Wistar rats were used for the study of experimental peri-implantitis. One month following extraction of maxillary first molars, a mini-titanium implant was inserted. Two months following implant healing, implants were uncovered, and abutment fixing was done using cyanoacrylate in order to prevent abutment loosening. Rats were separatedinto two groups (Group A: polymicrobial-infected, Group B: sham-infected). One week following healing of abutment, rats were infected with Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia for 12 weeks. Bacterial colonization, bone resorption, and implant inflammation were evaluated by PCR, microCT, and histology, respectively. Results: Three rats with 4 implants in the infection group and 2 rats with 3 implants in the sham-infection group were analyzed. PCR analysis revealed presence of bacterial genomic DNA and infection elicited significant IgG and IgM antibody responses, indicating bacterial colonization/infection around implants. Infection-induced enhanced mean distance from the implant platform to the first bone to implant contact, extensive peri-implantitis with advanced bone resorption, and extensive inflammation with granulation tissue and PMNs. Conclusions: This is the first study to develop a novel rat model of polymicrobial peri-implantitis. With modifications to improve implant retention it could offer significant advantages for studies of initiation and progression of peri-implantitis.