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American Journal of Mechanics and Applications
2019; 7(4): 71-87
doi: 10.11648/j.ajma.20190704.11
ISSN: 2376-6115 (Print); ISSN: 2376-6131 (Online)
A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in
Metal Cutting
Mst. Nazma Sultana
, Nikhil Ranjan Dhar, Prianka Binte Zaman
Industrial and Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka,
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To cite this article:
Mst. Nazma Sultana, Nikhil Ranjan Dhar, Prianka Binte Zaman. A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting.
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications. Vol. 7, No. 4, 2019, pp. 71-87. doi: 10.11648/j.ajma.20190704.11
Received: December 7, 2019; Accepted: December 23, 2019; Published: December 31, 2019
Various types cooling/lubrication techniques are used in machining processes for enhancing machining
performances. Conventional way of cooling/lubrication requires higher coolant cost, waste and disposal cost. Not only has that
it had many negative impacts on environment and operators health. For attaining highest efficiency of cutting fluids with
minimum quantity, different sustainable strategies are tried to develop. In recent decades researchers are worked out on
different cooling/lubrication strategies alternative to conventional cooling. This paper represents a comprehensive review of all
presently practiced cooling/lubrication strategies and their effects on different aspects such as surface quality of machined
component, tool wear, tool life, cutting temperature, cutting forces etc. through analyzing selected papers. The influence of
different cutting fluids such as solid lubricants, nanofluids, ionic liquids etc. with their positive and negative impacts is also
discussed. The research gaps are also identified for further research works. From review it is clear that the machining
performance is highly affected by cooling techniques and coolant types. Selection of proper cooling technique with suitable
cutting fluids depends on work material, tool material and cutting variables.
Flood Cooling Conventional Cooling, Mist Cooling, High Pressure Cooling (HPC),
Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL), Nanofluids, Ionic Liquids, Cryogenic Cooling, Hybrid Cooling
1. Introduction
Dry machining or machining with no cutting fluids is the
most common and clean manufacturing approach but higher
cutting variables restrict the applicability of this process. Work
hardening, plastic deformation of chips, higher tool wear, poor
surface quality are some of the major negative impacts of dry
cutting. In dry machining an enormous amount of power is
lost due to heat generation between tool surface and
workpiece by plastic deformation and by friction between
tool/chip on the rake and flank faces. It has been observed that
about 20-30% power is lost due to generation of heat [1]. So, it
is clear that necessity of metal working fluids is unavoidable
in machining. The major functions of metal working fluids are
shown in Figure 1. But in conventional cooling/lubrication the
requirement of cutting fluids is approximately 10-100 L/min
[2] that is needed to minimize for attaining sustainability. In
recent years for eliminating or reducing this harmful effects
and attaining sustainability, researchers have been trying to
improve cooling/lubrication technology alternative to
conventional cooling techniques.
Near dry machining (NDM) or minimum quantity
lubrication (MQL), cryogenic cooling are some efficient
cooling/lubrication techniques alternative to conventional
cooling. Applicability of these alternative techniques is
described in following sections in brief. Very earlier stages of
cutting process, cutting fluids are considered as a substance
such as oil or water that can cool/lubricate. Taylor applied
water as a cutting fluid in 1907 for machining hard to cut
metals with 40% increased cutting speed [3]. But now many
types of cutting fluids such as oil based fluids (straight cutting
oil), water based fluids (synthetic, semi-synthetic or emulsion
type), gaseous based fluids, solid lubricants, nanoparticles,
gels, paste, and aerosols etc. are used for cooling/lubrication.
Selection of cutting fluids depends on the complexity of
process, workpiece and tool material, cutting variables etc.
Cutting fluids having higher heat dissipation ability, proper
72 Mst. Nazma Sultana et al.: A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting
wetting capability, proper formation of lubricating film is
considered as a better coolant/lubricant. Gaseous coolants are
kept in gas form at room temperature but they are used in
machining as high pressurized fluids.
Figure 1. Major functions of metal working fluid (MWF).
Normally argon, helium, carbon-di-oxide, nitrogen are
used as gaseous [4]. Higher cost of gas based lubricants
restricts its use.
In recent decades researchers have given their focus on
increasing the use of biodegradable, nontoxic, environment
friendly lubricants/coolants. Recently mineral oils or
petroleum based oils are tried to replace for their higher
toxicity, non-biodegradability and harmful impacts on
environment. Synthetic oils, vegetable oils, solid lubricants,
nano lubricants are highly used by researchers. Ionic liquids
are tried to use as lubricant additives in cutting processes.
Many researchers have already discussed different
cooling/lubrication techniques in various machining processes.
Chinchanikar and Choudhury [5] provided a literature review
on machining hardened steel using coated tools under dry or
other cooling/lubrication techniques. Chetan et al. [6]
represented a detail review on sustainable techniques to make
cutting processes environment friendly and cost effective.
Debnath et al. [7] pointed out vegetable oil as bio-based oil
and reviewed its development. Minimum quantity lubrication
(MQL) and cryogenic cooling are also reviewed. In another
review Sharma et al. [8] concluded that systematically
application of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) with
nanoparticles can improve productivity and enhances the
cutting quality. Benedicto et al. [9] presented a detail technical,
economic and environmental impact analysis of cutting fluids
in cooling/lubrication in machining. They recommended
employing vegetable oils as sustainable cutting fluids with
proper treatment. Krolczyk et al. [10] performed a
comprehensive analysis on balanced use of cutting fluids for
difficult to cut metals such as Titanium, nickel and chromium
based alloys machining. They represented a review on
ecological trend in machining processes. But this paper
presents a comprehensive literature review on recent
advancement of alternative cooling/lubrication strategies to
conventional cooling with newly developed cutting fluids
such as nanofluids, ionic liquids and their effects on
machining performances. Moreover hybrid
cooling/lubrication techniques are also described in brief
which are not available in other previous review works. The
reviewed cooling/lubrication approaches are illustrated in
Figure 2 and all the short form of used terms are listed in Table
6 with their correct abbreviations.
Figure 2. Classifications of discussed cooling/lubrication techniques.
2. Conventional Cooling/Lubrication
Cutting fluid is used as an additive in machining processes
for increasing productivity. Various cooling/lubrication
approaches are followed for applying cutting fluids into
cutting zone. Conventional cooling/lubrication can be grouped
into three classes-wet/flood cooling, mist cooling and high
pressure cooling (HPC) [7] which are described below.
2.1. Flood Cooling
Flood cooling is also named as wet cooling. This process
requires cutting fluids approximately 20 L/min [11] and in
general the tool is flooded with steady flow of cutting fluids in
the clearance face under 300kPa pressure or more for
achieving better results [12]. But it is found that operators who
are in physical contact in cutting fluid suffer almost 80%
diseases [13]. Flood cooling is now tried to avoid in
machining due to higher cost of coolants/lubricants for
massive use, negative effects on operators health and
environment, complexity of huge waste disposal.
2.2. Mist Cooling
In mist cooling water based coolants are mainly applied
through a nozzle with high pressurized air to the cutting zone
for reducing cutting temperature and increasing tool life.
Babic et al. [14] tried to remove the cost and disposal of
expensive coolants by mixing air and water as coolant in
grinding process. They proved that mist jet cooling is an
effective alternative to flood cooling and easier to clean. An et
al. [15] studied the effect of cold water mist jet (water at 0°C
and high pressurized (0.6MPa) air (-20)) cooling on turning
Titanium TC9 alloy. They compared this cooling technique
with flood cooling and cold air jet based on cutting
temperature, tool wear and surface roughness. The higher
forced convection, high pressurized jet impingement and
vaporization effect accelerates the heat transfer in cold water
mist jet cooling. Lv et al. [16] applied pneumatic mist jet
cooling in milling burn resistant Ti40 alloy. The required
quantity of mist coolant is 96ml/min which is smaller than
total flood cooling (2.52 L/min). At variable cutting speeds
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications 2019; 7(4): 71-87 73
(30, 60, 80,100 m/min) total flood cooling and pneumatic mist
jet cooling was compared based on flank wear, cutting
temperature, tool life and material removal volume. All types
of wear such as adhesion, micro-chipping, notch wear, coating
delamination were reduced except cracks in this new cooling
technique. Nandgaonkar et al. [17] performed dry drilling and
ester oil based water oil mist spray (WOMS) drilling of
Ti6Al4V alloy at 50m/min cutting speed with 167mm3
material removal rate using TiAlN coated twist drill.
Approximately 66% higher tool life was achieved in water oil
mist spray cooling than dry drilling.
Mist cooling requires less coolant flow so its environment
friendliness and efficiency is higher than flood cooling. Now
researchers are trying to introduce new type mist coolant such
as nitrogen oil mist cooling, cold compressed nitrogen mist
cooling etc.
2.3. High Pressure Cooling (HPC)
In flood cooling improper penetration of cutting fluid to
cutting zone generates higher temperature in machining
difficult-to-cut metals at a higher cutting speed. Kaminski and
Alvelid [18] pointed out that this higher temperature generates
vapor barrier through vaporizing the applied coolant so the
cooling effect is reduced. High Pressure Cooling (HPC) is a
technique to penetrate the coolant at the cutting zone at higher
pressure (5.5~35MPa) through nozzle [7]. Ezugwu and
Machado [19] used HPC supply of coolant at 14MPa pressure
for machining Inconel 901 alloy for eliminating the built up
edge chips formations and after successful implementation
better tool lives with no built up edges was found. The
equipment’s required for HPC installation are high pressure
pump, high pressure tubing and an outlet nozzle attached to
side of tool holder. The high pressurized jet can be applied in
two ways: external cooling and internal cooling [20]. Colak
[21] applied high pressure cooling in Ni based alloy
machining and found that pressure of coolant has a strong
relationship with flank wear. The author also pointed out that
high pressurized coolant flow reduces temperature and cutting
force through proper penetration at deeper cutting zone so tool
wear is reduced. Colak [22] again studied the performance of
HPC in turning of Titanium alloy in respect of tool life,
material removal rate and surface roughness. Only tool life
was almost 112% higher in HPC at 300bar coolant pressure
than flood cooling. Kramar and Kopac [20] conducted an
experiment for showing the effect of jet pressure and flow rate
in machining C45E steel and Inconel 718. For both metals
machining, conventional cutting speeds and coated tools were
used. Under these conditions HPC increased tool life and
chips breakability. Xu et al. [23] experimentally showed the
cooling mechanism of high pressure cooling (HPC) using
finite element modeling (FEM) and the effect of pressure on
tool wear, cutting force and chip structure. It is pointed out that
with increasing pressure rate air bubbles disappear from tool
surface and 22% temperature was reduced with 89% increased
tool life at 10MPa jet pressure. Alaxender et al. [24] concluded
that HPC minimizes 50% consumption of cutting fluid and
also reduces cutting temperature and cutting force. Cayli et al.
[25] designed a special jet guidance geometry tool for
increasing energy efficiency of HPC in machining hard to cut
metals Inconel 718 and Ti6Al4V. The experimental results
revealed that the modified jet guidance geometry reduced 41%
tool temperature than conventional tool. The authors pointed
out that efficiency of energy consumption can be achieved
through proper adjustment of flow rate and pressure of coolant
with minimum consumption of hydraulic power and electric
power. Alagan et al. [26] checked out the performance of HPC
using different textured carbide tools. The results showed that
combination effect of texturing at both rake face with dimples
and flank face with pyramids provides 30% better tool life in
machining alloy 718 under experimental conditions. Busch et
al. [27] performed a comparative analysis among HPC,
cryogenic cooling and aerosol dry cooling (ADL). The
researchers noticed that at higher cutting speed highest tool
life was achieved using HPC but in contrary energy
consumption was highest in HPC so this cooling was
suggested for roughing operations. Sørby and Vagnorius [28]
claimed that HPC cooling technique is unable to increase tool
life, minimize notch wear and edge chipping as well as to
reduce cutting force in machining Inconel 625 using ceramic
insert under 5-15MPa coolant pressure at 200-300m/min
cutting speed. They concluded that HPC technique is not
suitable for machining using ceramic tools. Ezugwu and
Bonney [29] performed HPC at a pressure of 11-20MPa on
Inconel 718 machining with SiC-whiskers reinforced ceramic
tools. The result concluded that HPC is responsible for severe
edge notching, shorter tool life, increasing cutting force with
improving chip breakability. In another paper, Ezugwu et al.
[30] performed HPC repeatedly under finishing conditions
and showed that tool life is increased within 11-15 MPa
pressure and dropped at a pressure 20MPa with cutting speed
From discussed review it is clear that due to higher pressure
HPC facilitates breakability of chips, reduces tool wear and
cutting temperature, increases tool life and productivity. HPC
is mainly suggested for machining hard to cut metals due to its
higher cost. Tool geometry and texturing are also influential in
3. Alternative Cooling/Lubrication
The development and effect of different cooling/lubrication
techniques alternative to conventional cooling are discussed in
this section.
3.1. Dry Machining
The growing demand of sustainable machining drives
researchers to find out promising cooling/lubrication techniques.
In today’s manufacturing world dry machining is gaining more
importance for avoiding health hazards caused by coolants or
lubricants. But in most practical situations tool wear is drastically
increased with increasing cutting speed because of higher heat
which is generated from 99% energy consumption of tool during
74 Mst. Nazma Sultana et al.: A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting
plastic deformation [31]. Raykar et al. [32] investigated the
comparative effects of dry cutting and cutting with suitable
coolant on surface topography of EN8 and found no significant
difference for surface roughness between these two techniques.
They pointed out that dry cutting may be performed under
favorable cutting condition. Rubio et al. [33] performed dry
machining and MQL with different flow rates on magnesium
UNS M11917 pieces for comparative analysis based on surface
roughness. At low feed rates MQL provided better surface finish
with 4.5ml/h flow rate but with increasing feed rate dry
machining produced better surface quality than MQL. Dry
machining of Aluminum alloy is another critical task because of
its low melting point and higher ductility. Aluminum adheres to
tool material and built up edge is formed in absence of cutting
fluid. During dry cutting of Aluminum alloy wear such as
adhesion, built up layer (BUL), built up edge are formed more
drastically at higher cutting condition [34]. So special attention
must be provided for selection of tool materials, tool geometry,
coating materials in case of machining difficult to cut materials
where extreme heat, tool wear is generated. C. Bermudo et al. [35]
performed parametric analysis of dry turned UNS A-97075 alloy
using uncoated WC-CO insert. No regular relation between feed
and ultimate tensile strength was observed. In recent years
coating technology is becoming more attractive alternative to
conventional cooling/lubrication not only for assuring
sustainable machining but also for increasing tool life and surface
integrity of work materials especially for difficult to cut metals.
Davoodi B. et al. [36] claimed that using coated carbide insert for
aluminum alloy can be turned without use of cutting fluids
through experimentation. Devillez et al. [37] demonstrated that
dry machining of Inconel 718 by coated tool at 60m/min cutting
speed, 0.1mm/rev feed and 0.5mm depth of cut can provide
better surface quality with acceptable microhardness and no
significant microstructure alteration was found. Venkatesan and
Thakur [38] investigated the surface integrity of Nimonic 263
alloy in dry machining using Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) coated carbide inserts.
From experimental results it is proved that PVD coated carbide
inserts perform better than CVD coated inserts at medium range
values of cutting parameters. Besides this coating technology
many researchers adopted surface engineering approach for
enhancing the property of tool materials by textures. Sugihara et
al. [39] developed dimple texture on noncoated WC-CO insert in
face milling and represented the comparative analysis between
conventional cutting tool and newly designed tool. Experiments
were also performed for different textures with their various
directions, percentage of area texture, sizes of micro dimples.
The results indicated that micro dimples texture provides more
versatility. Niketh and Samuel [40] performed drilling under
margin textured, flute textured and non-textured carbide drill
tools and 10-12% reduced thrust force was found in dry drilling
using margin textured tools.
From above described review results it can be summarized
that sustainability of dry machining is highest because no
cutting fluid is used. But some limitations such as high rate of
wear, higher friction, and poor surface quality, built up edge
formation motivate researchers to modify dry machining. Use
of different textured tools, application of PVD or CVD coated
tools and surface engineering are some of the improvements
of dry machining.
3.2. Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL)
Dry machining is most sustainable but it has some
limitations which are already discussed. Minimum Quantity
Lubrication (MQL) or Near dry machining (NDM) is one of
the most promising solutions to meet this requirements
because in Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) or near dry
machining (NDM), a minute quantity of fluid (10-100 ml/h) is
sprayed to cutting zone with compressed air [41] which is
middle between flood cooling and dry machining. Some
researchers [42-43] worked out on optimizing MQL
parameters such as droplet size, wetting angle, wettability,
nozzle distance, nozzle angle, flow rate etc. are also influential
factors for enhancing the spray quality. Many researchers
have been analyzing the effect of MQL on tool life, tool wear,
surface integrity of work materials, cutting force, specific
energy in various machining processes for different materials.
Sarikaya and Güllü [44] focused on Taguchi method, RSM
and desirability function for identifying the effect of cutting
parameters and cooling conditions on surface roughness of
AISI 1050 steel. The results narrated that cooling condition
has greater impact on surface roughness. Rahim et al. [45]
investigated the efficiency of MQL over dry machining in
turning of AISI 1045 at higher cutting speed 250~350m/min.
The results revealed that in MQL the cutting temperature was
reduced 10%-30% and as well as tool chip contact length was
reduced 12% due to proper cooling effect of air consistent
aerosol flow, cutting force was reduced by 5% to 28% due to
lubrication effect of synthetic ester and also thinner chips were
produced than dry turning. Better surface quality was
achieved in MQL at 200m/min cutting speed. Dureja et al. [46]
suggested MQL as an alternative to dry and flood cooling for
sticky material stainless steel in case of minimizing tool wear
and surface roughness based on experimental and numerical
results. Sankar and Choudhury [47] employed dry air cooling,
flood cooling and lubrication using minimum quantity cutting
fluid in turning highly alloyed steel. Emulsion type mineral oil
was used as lubricants. The experimental results revealed that
lubrication using minimum quantity cutting fluid may be an
economic and eco-friendly alternative to flood cooling.
Similarly Nouioua et al. [48] compared the performance of dry,
wet and MQL cooling for machining X210Cr12 using CVD
coated carbide insert and 23~40% improvement of tool life
was found under MQL. After experimentation they also
concluded MQL as a greener, cost effective and safe approach
of lubrication. Ekinovic et al. [49] presented an statistical
report of costing related to manufacturing and found
approximately 15% cost is related with application and
disposal of cutting fluids represented in Figure 3. Using oil on
water droplet (mixing ratio 10 ml/h of oil and 1.7 L/h of water)
MQL 17% reduced cutting force in turning of low carbon steel
St52-3 was achieved. In drilling chip extraction is a major
problem which adversely affects the surface integrity of
drilled holes. Brinksmeier et al. [50] applied MQL with
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications 2019; 7(4): 71-87 75
variable pressures in low frequency vibration assisted drilling
and observed chip breaking technique under dry condition,
compressed air with variable pressure and compared with
MQL. They found that MQL with 6 bar pressure provided
highest chip extraction index at lower feed and higher
amplitude of low frequency vibration assisted drilling.
Tamang et al. [51] analyzed sustainability of dry machining
and MQL for machining Inconel 825 alloy. MQL reduced
surface roughness, tool wear and power consumption by
10.41%, 16.57% and 8.47%, sequentially than dry machining.
Figure 3. Distribution of manufacturing cost in conventional cooling
(Redrawn: Ekinovic et al., 2015).
Khatri and Jahan, [52] investigated different types tool wear
in milling Ti6Al4V alloy under dry, MQL and flood cooling
techniques and found comparatively less tool wear in MQL.
MQL enhances the environmental sustainability as well as
other economic aspects. Magnesium alloy is used in
aeronautical sectors for its lightness property but its
machining is very critical. Water based lubricants may
generate flammable atmosphere and higher speed may burn
the generated tiny chips. Viswanathan et al. [53] performed
turning of magnesium alloy using uncoated carbide insert
under dry and MQL and analyzed the results using Taguchi
technique and Grey Relational Analysis method. From both
statistical analyses better outputs were obtained for MQL.
Chetan et al. [54] developed a mathematical model of
measuring specific cutting energy under MQL. Validation of
model was checked out in case of turning Ni based Nimonic
90 alloy under MQL and it was found that 250ml/h flow rate
of MQL reduced specific cutting energy 50% per unit volume
of secondary shearing zone due to high pressurized droplet
flow into shear zone.) Besides the benefits, MQL has
limitations in deep hole drilling, energy intensive processes
such as grinding, machining hard to cut metals, proper cooling
and chip evacuation process applications [55]. Some
researchers found some limitations of MQL in cooling
purposes which are also reviewed. Sakharkar and Pawade [56]
concluded that MQL provides better lubrication, reduces
surface roughness, tool wear but it is not a suitable cooling
technique at higher speed. Hadad and Sharbati [57] formed
finite element model (FEM) and also experimentally showed
that MQL is not able to reduce temperature of grinding
process significantly. Chakule et al. [58] performed grinding
of high carbon chromium D3 steel under flood cooling and
MQL and used soluble oil in both cooling techniques. The
authors found that cutting force, cutting temperature and
specific energy was lowest for wet cooling than dry and MQL.
But better surface quality was achieved in MQL.
From above review results it is clear that MQL is economic
and safe lubrication technique but its cooling effect needs to
be improved. For enhancing cooling property of MQL in
recent years some modifications are executed such as MQL
with ionic liquids, MQL with modified vegetable oil, MQL
with solid lubricants, MQL with nanofluids and MQL with
ionic liquids etc which are described in next sub-sections.
3.2.1. MQL with Vegetable Oil
Vegetable based cutting fluid has opened a path to enhance
MQL sustainability because it is nontoxic, renewable and
easily biodegradable. The anti-wear and friction properties
can be increased by proper use of additives. The synthesized
vegetable oil has better cooling and lubrication properties.
Triglycerides of vegetable oil provide strong lubrication film.
Vegetable oil is also a good coolant because of its high heat
conductivity (0.17W/m.K) which is greater than mineral oil
(0.125 W/m.K) [59]. All the discussed research works with
findings in this section are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Summary of published research works on Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) using vegetable based oils
MQL using coconut oil (wetting
angle 33.7°) significant decrease in
friction coefficient, tool wear, along
with favorable chip morphology and
better surface quality of the
Tool life for flood cooling, MQL is 314s
but for air blow is only 40s
Tool wear rate is almost same for MQL
and flood cooling so MQL be an
alternative to flood cooling.
Ultimate Tensile strength
is increased 28% at
MQL condition with
260m/min. The grain size
is finer at MQL than dry.
Wear is reduced in
MQL with
150m/min speed.
Environment MQL, dry and flood cooling MQL, flood cooling and air blow Dry and MQL Dry and MQL
Process Turning Drilling Milling Turning
Coolant types
Coconut oil; Soluble oil Soluble oil, Synthetic ester, palm oil Rapeseed oil LB 2000
materials AISI 1040 Ti6Al4V Friction stir welded Al
6061 SAE 1045 steel
Authors Vardhaman et al. (2018) Rahim and Sasahara (2011) Al-Wajidi et al. (2018) Sampaio et al.
76 Mst. Nazma Sultana et al.: A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting
Table 1. Continued.
Surface quality was
enhanced by MQL with
aloe Vera oil than MQL
with mineral oil.
Better tool life with
less cutting force was
found in MQL with
vegetable oil.
MQCL reduced cutting
temperature and friction
between tool/chip and
tool/work piece.
jatropha oil
may be an
alternative to
synthetic ester.
Modified jatropha oil with
0.05% hexagonal boron
nitride (hBN) reduced
surface roughness, tool
wear, cutting temperature
and cutting force.
Environment MQL MQL Dry and MQCL MQL MQL
Process Turning Milling Down milling Turning Turning
Coolant types Aloe vera oil Vegetable oil Bescut 173 Jatropha oil,
synthetic ester Jatropha oil and synthetic ester
Used materials M2 steel Waspaloy Inconel 718 AISI 1045 AISI 1045
Authors Agarwal and Patil (2018)
Yildrim et al.(2017) Zhang and Wang (2012) Talib and Rahim
(2015)) Talib and Rahim (2018)
(Rahim and Sasahara [60] analyzed the efficiency of MQL
using palm oil over MQL with synthetic ester and flood
cooling in High speed drilling of titanium alloy. The study
enlightened the efficiency of MQL over air blow and flood
cooling. The study also pointed out that heat generation;
torque and cutting force are lower for MQL using palm oil
than MQL using synthetic ester because of higher viscosity of
palm oil (40mm2/s). Yildrim et al. [61] compared the
efficiency of vegetable oil over synthetic, mineral and
mineral-synthetic oils with different flow rates in milling
using Taguchi approach.
Analytical results showed that vegetable oil provides better
tool life and less cutting force than other selected oils. In MQL
tool life was 314s which was only 40s for air blow cooling.
Actually this result proves that proper penetration of small
quantity of oil can reduce the temperature highly than air blow
where lubrication and cooling effect is very poor. Cooled air is
supplied as add-ons in MQL for improving its cooling
properties. Zhang and Wang [62] performed end milling of
Inconel 718 under dry condition and MQL with compresses
cooled air or MQCL using vegetable oil as a base oil. The
experimental results showed that tool life is approximately
1.57 times larger of MQCL than dry milling and lower cutting
force is achieved due to superior cooling and lubrication.
Al-Wajidi et al. [63] evaluated that MQL with rapeseed oil
improve the microstructure of friction stir welded (FSW) Al
6061 alloy and increases the ultimate tensile strength almost
28% than dry machining. Sampaio et al. [64] have been doing
their experiments on MQL with LB2000 vegetable based
cutting fluid for induction hardened SAE 1045 steel
machining and found reduced wear. Agrawal and Patil [65]
experimentally investigated the performance of non edible
aloe-vera oil and compared with mineral oil in turning
molybdenum high speed steel M2. Experimental results reveal
that MQL using aloe vera oil provides 0.14% reduction of tool
wear and 6.7% reduction of surface roughness. Vardhaman et
al. [66] applied coconut oil as a cutting fluid in MQL and
performed a comparative analysis among dry, wet, and
coconut oil, MQL with soluble oil and MQL with coconut oil.
The researchers also concluded that the lubrication property is
higher for coconut oil because wettability area of coconut oil
droplet is more than the rest of oils in experiment. Various
types of vegetable oil are available in commercial market so
selection of suitable one is critical. For plain grinding of nickel
base alloy GH4169 seven types of vegetable oil such as castor
oil, palm oil, corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil
and peanut oil are analyzed. Noticeable point is that viscosity
has significant influence on heat transfer and energy ratio
coefficient. Talib and Rahim [67] chemically modified crude
jatropha oil to trimethylopropane ester (modified jatropha oil)
and proved that this modified oil be a substitute of synthetic
ester in MQL. In another research, Talib and Rahim [68]
added hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) in different percentages
and achieved better machining performance from modified
jatropha oil with 0.05%wt. additives.
Growing demand of biodegradable cutting fluids enhances
the application of vegetable based MQL which may be an
alternative to conventional cooling/lubrication. Vegetable oils
provide better lubricant film layer due to its triglycerides
structure. It also reduces frictional coefficient and accelerates
wear resistance. But the thermal instability and higher cost of
vegetable oils are some of the remarkable drawbacks.
3.2.2. MQL Using Solid Lubricants
One of the main limitations of MQL is sudden vaporization
of cutting fluids at cutting zone before proper cooling and
lubrication which affects highly tribological performances. So,
effective cooling and lubrication is required at higher cutting
speed, feed and depth of cut. In industrial applications higher
productivity with environment friendly cutting fluid in
economic way is the main concern. Application of solid
lubricants such as MoS2, WS2, TiC, TiN, TiB
, graphite, HBN,
boron oxide, PTFE etc. is one of the remarkable
improvements of MQL [69]. Many researchers studied the
influence of solid lubricants in MQL and analyzed their
performance on various machining aspects. Some selective
studies of researchers are shown in Table 2 Paturi et al. [70]
analyzed surface quality of Inconel 718 under pure MQL and
MQL with micron sized WS2 particles (0.5%wt.) with
emulsifier oil in MQL (200ml/hr) at a mixing ratio 20:1 and
observed 35% improved surface quality than MQL in turning.
The anisotropic layer structure and the presence of transition
metal dichalcogenide in WS2 reduced tool chip contact
friction and heat generation which effectively lubricated the
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications 2019; 7(4): 71-87 77
work surface. Gunda et al. [71] performed a comparative
analysis among dry, flood cooling, MQL (flow rate 42ml/hr)
and high pressurized (0.6MPa) solid assisted MQL (flow rate
60ml/hr). This high pressure helps to penetrate cutting fluid in
the closest zone of tool/workpiece and tool/chip interfaces.
Solid lubricants formed a thin lubrication film layer at higher
temperature and flow of solid lubricants at cutting zone
reduced plastic contact between tool and workpiece. As a
result better surface and less tool wear with higher tool life
(34min) was achieved in high pressurized solid assisted MQL
at 100m/min cutting speed turning. High pressurized cutting
fluid also improves chips breakability. Marques et al. [72]
applied two types of solid lubricants 20% (MoS2, graphite)
with vegetable oil LB2000 in MQL (0.5MPa pressure and
40ml/hr flow rate) for turning Inconel 718 at higher cutting
speed 250m/min and concluded that MoS2 solid particles
assisted MQL would be better lubrication than graphite solid
particles assisted MQL. In reality, for both solid lubricants
reduction of flank wear, surface roughness and no residual
stress was found due to lamellar structure of graphite and
. Sterle et al. [73] measured coefficient of friction
between AISI 1045 and uncoated carbide tool pair using an
open tribometer. Different cooling techniques were applied
and compared based on coefficient of friction at different
cutting speeds (50, 100, 150, 150, 200m/min). More robust
result was found for MQL with solid lubricants (10µm sized,
particles suspended into isopropyl alcohol flow rate
From review analysis it is clear that solid lubricants help to
reduce friction between interfaces, improve tool life through
reducing tool wear, increase material removal rate,
productivity, and enhance the quality of final product. High
cost, apply and disposal complexity limit the use of solid
lubricants to specific machining processes. More studies are
needed for improving the performance of solid lubricants.
Table 2. Summary of published research works on Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) using solid lubricants.
35% reduction of surface
roughness is achieved in
solid particles assisted
Solid lubricants reduce
tool wear and surface
roughness than wet,
dry and MQL.
Vegetable oil with graphite particles improves
lubrication quality and reduces surface roughness
but higher wear rate is due to lack of oxygen.
MQL with MoS2 solid particles may be considered
as an alternative to dry turning.
Solid lubricants
reduce tool wear
and surface
roughness than
wet, dry and MQL.
MQL, solid lubricant
assisted MQL
High Pressure Minimum
Quantity Solid Lubricant
MQL, solid lubricant assisted MQL
Dry, wet, cryogenic
cooling, MQL with
cryogenic, MQL
with solid lubricants
Process Turning Turning Turning Sliding
Coolant types
Emulsifier oil based cutting
fluid, WS2 solid particles 20% MoS2 with SAE oil
Vegetable based oil with graphite (25-27µm) and
MoS2 (5-7µm) MoS2
materials Inconel 718 Mold steel Inconel 718 AISI 1045
Authors Paturi et al.(2016) Gunda et al.(2016) Marques et al.(2019) Sterle et al.(2018)
3.2.3. MQL Using Nanofluids
In case of high speed machining conventional fluids
perform as better lubricants but their poor thermal properties
restrict their use [74]. To overcome this problem nanometer
sized particles are used as additives with conventional cutting
fluids [75]. Suspending nanoparticles in base oils enhance the
properties of cutting fluids such as viscosity, wettability, heat
conductivity and convectivity [76].
This newer cutting fluid provides better thermal properties
and creates better chemical tribofilm between interfaces of
tool and workpieces that enhances the anti-friction or
anti-wear performances. Some published research works on
nanofluids are selected in random and listed in Table 3 Uysal
et al. [77] conducted experiments in milling of martensitic
stainless steel under pressurized air mist with MoS2
nanoparicles at different flow rates. The experimental results
proved that MQL with MoS2 nanoparicles enhances the
reduction of initial tool wear than MQL without nanoparticles
and higher flow rate of air mist provides better results in all
MQL. Proper selection of nanoparticles is an important issue.
Rabiei et al. [78] investigated the properties of six types water
based nano cutting fluids. TiO
, SiO
and Al
are efficient
as lubricants and CuO, NiO, Multi-walled carbon nano tube
(MWCNT) are suitable as coolants. Al
was found the best
nano lubricant among these six types for grinding 52100
hardened steel. Minimum grinding force and grinding
temperature were achieved for Al
nanoparticle assisted
MQL. Wang et al. [79] analyzed the effect of workpiece
material and nanofluid types on grinding performances. The
results revealed that Al
nanofluid is suitable for hard
material Inconel 718 and MoS2 is better for soft carbon steel
AISI 1045. Eltaggaz et al. [80] performed a comparative
analysis between pure MQL and MQL with nanofluids. In
experiments 0.4%wt. Al
gamma nano particles were added
with vegetable oil. These nanofluids provided better thermal
conductivity and lubrication properties than pure base oil and
flank wear rate was also reduced in nanofluid based MQL.
Gutnichenko et al. [81] added graphite nanoparticles (~30nm,
0.2% vol.) with rapeseed vegetable oil in turning alloy 718.
This modified vegetable oil increased the efficiency of MQL
in terms of process stability, surface quality, cutting force and
tool wear. Sustainability assessment is a qualitative
optimization tool for assessing the sustainability indices of
experimental trials. Hegab et al. [82] performed MQL with
additives at different weight percentages and without additives
78 Mst. Nazma Sultana et al.: A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting
for assessing sustainability based on power consumption,
surface quality, personnel health, safety and environmental
effect in turning Inconel 718 alloy. Slight differences are
found between experimental optimum results and sustainable
optimum parameters.
Better lubrication and heat dissipation qualities may be
enhanced by using hybrid nanofluids. Zhang et al. [83]
analyzed the effect of different sized (70, 50, 30 nm)
nano-particles (2% vol.) for grinding Inconel 718. Mixing of
30nm sized Al
with 70nm sized SiC provided better
surface quality than other mixing ratios. Zhang et al. [84]
studied the effect of pure nanoparticles (pure MoS2, pure CNT)
and mixture of two or more nanoparticles (MoS2/CNT) with
different mixing ratio (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1). Due to synergistic
effect 6%wt. hybrid nanoparticles MoS2/CNT with mixing
ratio (2:1) provided minimum surface roughness and
coefficient of friction. Normally tool wear progresses highly at
the initial stage of machining that has a detrimental effect on
the process. Sharma et al. [74] mixed graphene and alumina at
volume concentration ratio (10:90) and tested for different
volume concentration of nanoparticles. Hybrid alumina
graphene nanoparticles reduce cutting temperature, improve
surface integrity and also minimize tool wear. Lv et al. [85]
investigated machining and tribological characteristics of
MQL in milling process using hybrid (graphene oxide
(GO)/silicon dioxide (SiO
)) nanofluids in different
concentration. After investigation mixing concentrations of
0.02% wt. GO and 0.5% wt. SiO
with vegetable oil provided
best lubrication with minimum worn scar diameter and
coefficient of friction. In another research (Rabiei et al. [86]
achieved 27.3% reduction of friction coefficient for hybrid
/ multi-walled carbon nano tube (MWCNT) nanofluids
in grinding of 100Cr6 hardened steel. It is clear from review
that nanofluids improve machining performance significantly
but more studies are needed for finding the optimum size of
nanoparticles and its concentration ratio in base oil.
Table 3. Summary of published research works on Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) using nanofluids.
MQL with
and tool life.
Higher percent
nano additives
increase tool
wear due more
internal colloidal
2% weight
better results.
Smaller size of
better surface
quality but
material removal
rate is increased
for larger sized
mixing with SiC.
Pure Molybdenum
disulphide provides
better lubrication
than pure carbon
nano tube.
disulphide / carbon
nano tube provides
better lubrication
due to synergistic
MQL with
40ml/h flow
rate reduced
by19.9% and
roughness by
Hybrid nano
generate less
tool wear and
roughness than
pure alumina
Worn scar
diameter is
reduced and
surface is
with NFs MQL with NFs MQL with NFs MQL with NFs
Dry, MQL,
MQL with
MQL with NFs MQL with
hybrid NFs
Process Turning Turning Grinding Grinding Milling Turning Milling
/SiC MoS2 MoS2
with alumina
materials ADI Inconel 718 Inconel 718 GH4169 Ni based
alloy AISI 420 AISI 304 steel Ti6Al4V
Authors Eltaggaz et
al.(2018) Hegab et al.(2018)
Zhang et al.(2017)
Zhang et al.(2015) Uysal et al.
Sharma et al.
Lv et al.
3.2.4. MQL Using Ionic Liquids (ILs)
In recent years it is tried to innovate newer types cutting
fluid and MQL with ionic liquids is one of the newer
innovative approaches. Ionic liquids are normally liquid salts
(<100°C temperature) and consist of organic cation and
inorganic anion. Like other additives ionic liquids are mixed
with base oil at various ratios for enhancing the properties of
base oil. Several researchers have already studied the
performance of ionic liquids as an additive of cutting fluids
and some of them are discussed in Table 4. Davis et al. [87]
studied ionic liquids as additive with minimum quantity
lubrication for titanium machining and also compared with
dry machining and water based MQL (MQL with H2O). Ionic
liquid was prepared by adding 0.5%wt. BMIM-PF6 with
deionized water in experiments. In this study 60% tool wear
improvement, 15% lower force in tangential and radial
directions was achieved. In another research, Goindi et al. [88]
machined AISI 1045 using 1% wt. three different types ionic
liquids BMIM-PF6, BMIM-BF4, BMIM-TFSI individually
with vegetable oil and better tribological properties were
achieved than dry cutting, dry cutting with compressed air and
MQL with vegetable oil. Pham et al. [89] evaluated the
process capability and sustainability of ionic liquid. Two types
of ionic liquids: EMIM-TFSI and BMIM-I were compared
with dry milling, other conventional cutting oils cooling and
distilled water cooling. In this experiment BMIM-I provided
better surface integrity than others. Sani et al. [90] tested the
performance of ammonium based (AIL) and phosphonium
based (PIL) ionic liquids with modified jatropha oil (MJO) in
machining of AISI 1045 under MQL environment and
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications 2019; 7(4): 71-87 79
observed that a small quantity of ionic liquids enhances the
machining performance highly. The better results were
obtained from MJO+ 10%AIL and MJO+1%PIL cutting fluids.
Now it can be concluded that ionic liquids enhance the tool
wear resistance through tribo-chemical reactions between
ionic liquids lubricants and workpiece/tool surface. This
lubricant acts as an additive to form a tribo-layer for reducing
tool wear and coefficient of friction. Application of ionic
liquids as neat lubricants or additives of different base oils is a
newer technique of cooling so more detail study is needed.
Table 4. Summary of published research works on Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) using ionic liquids.
Tool wear is reduced by 60%
in MQL with ILs than dry
cutting and 15% than MQL.
A minute quantity of ionic
liquids significantly affects
the tribology of machining
BMIM-I ionic liquid
shows less volatility
and provides better
MJO+10%AIL and
MJO+PIL provide better
performance than synthetic
Machining Environment Dry, MQL with water and MQL
with ILs
Dry, MQL, MQL with ILs
and flood cooling
Dry, Flood cooling and
MQL with ILs MQL, MQL with ILs
Machining Process Turning Turning End milling Turning
Coolant types BMIM-PF6 with water
Vegetable oil with
Modified Jatropha oil (MJO)
with Ammonium based (AIL)
and Phosphonium based (PIL)
ionic liquids, synthetic ester
Used materials Titanium AISI 1045 Al-5052 AISI 1045
Authors Davis et al. (2015) Goindi et al. (2015) Pham et al. (2014) Sani et al. (2019)
3.2.5. Some Other New Features of MQL
Some other newer techniques such as Contact Charged
Electrostatic Spray Lubrication (CCESL) [91], variable time
controlled pulse [92], Electrostatic Minimum Quantity
Lubrication (EMQL) [93], Ranque Hilsch Vortex Tube
(RHVT) in Nitrogen gas assisted MQL (RHVT-NGMQL) [94]
are also experimented for enhancing cooling/lubrication.
3.3. Cryogenic Cooling
Cryogenic cooling is another alternative sustainable cooling
technique. In cryogenic cooling Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) at
-196°C, carbon dioxide (CO
) or dry ice at -78.5°C are used as
coolant in cryogenic cooling process. These coolants easily
evaporate to atmosphere without any harmful effects. In recent
years, effective cooling with clean environment makes this
technique popular. Some limitations of cryogenic cooling are -
the cost of cryogen is high and the performance highly
depends on the reliable supply of cryogen. Another important
limitation is this technique is better for cooling but not for
Based on cryogen type cryogenic cooling has two operating
methods-cryogenic cooling with liquid nitrogen (LN2) and
cryogenic cooling with dry ice or CO
3.3.1. Cryogenic Cooling with Liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
Since 1950s liquid nitrogen (LN2) was used as a cryogenic
coolant but now its use is increasing rapidly because of its
easily evaporation characteristic in nature (79% of air is
nitrogen) and environment friendliness.
Researchers have been performing many research works on
various aspects of cryogenic cooling using liquid nitrogen in
different machining processes. Dhar et al. [95-96]
experimentally proved that cryogenic cooling by liquid
nitrogen jet reduced more chip-tool interface temperature,
surface roughness and tool wear for different materials
machining than dry machining. Fredj et al. [97] used
cryogenic cooling for ground surface improvement of AISI
304 steel. In cryogenic cooling 40% reduction of surface
roughness, better resistance to stress corrosion and pitting
corrosion, higher level of work hardening were achieved.
Umbrello et al. [98] investigated the effect of cryogenic
cooling on the surface integrity of hardened AISI 52100 steel.
Research results showed that better surface roughness, finer
grain size, reduced white layer regions were achieved in
cryogenic cooling than dry machining. Manimaran and
Pradeepkumar [99] performed a comparative analysis among
dry, wet and cryogenic cooling. The analysis concluded that
specific energy, grinding force and surface roughness were
reduced satisfactorily in cryogenic cooling than dry and wet.
Another remarkable result was that, increasing pressure of
cryogen improves surface quality 12% in cryogenic grinding
for this wheel work-piece pair. Dinesh et al. [100] conducted
turning experiment on AZ60 magnesium alloy under various
cutting parameters and investigated the positive influence of
cryogenic cooling on surface integrity, hardness, cutting
temperature and cutting force. Shokrani et al. [101] employed
cryogenic cooling for cobalt chromium alloy machining and
found 71% reduced surface roughness with 96% improvement
of tool life than conventional cooling. Cryogenic cooling is
also proved as better cooling process for hard machining. Chip
morphology has an impact on machining performance
because long, highly curled chips deteriorate surface quality.
Aramcharoen [102] investigated the influence of cryogenic
cooling on tool wear and chip morphology in turning titanium
alloy. Using conventional cooling at 100 m/min cutting speed
built up edge was generated after 3min turning but within this
range of time no built up edge was found in cryogenic cooling.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis results showed
that helical chips were produced in cryogenic cooling turning
but in conventional oil cooling most snarled chips were
produced which are highly undesirable. Yousfi et al. [103]
focused on the influence of coated tools in cryogenic cooling.
2µm thick CrN coating provided better results for roughness
0.8µm but unable to prevent adhesion to titanium work
material. Isakson et al. [104] agreed with previous other
researchers that cryogenic cooling may be applied instead of
80 Mst. Nazma Sultana et al.: A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting
flood cooling without sacrificing surface integrity of titanium
Mia [105] carried out milling of AISI 1060 steel using HSS
insert instead of carbide insert using internal cryogenic
cooling. ANOVA results revealed that surface roughness,
cutting force and specific cutting energy are highly influenced
by cooling followed by feed rate and lastly cutting speed.
Internal cryogenic cooling with cutting speed 26m/min and
feed rate 58mm/min provided optimum experimental results.
Nie et al. [106] performed hard machining of AISI 52100 steel
under dry environment and cryogenic cooling. In dry
environment white layer formation is drastically increased at
higher cutting speed but in cryogenic cooling white layer
formation is almost same in varying cutting speeds Mia et al.
[107] conducted turning operation of Titanium alloy under dry
condition and cryogenic cooling with mono jet and dual jet of
liquid nitrogen. In that research, life cycle assessment of
cryogenic cooling was performed and the observed result
pointed out that the cooling technique has a direct relationship
with environmental aspects. In another research, Sivaiah and
Chakradhar [108] applied MQL and cryogenic cooling in
turning 17-4PH stainless steel for comparative analysis based
on tool wear and surface roughness. Cryogenic cooling with
liquid nitrogen provided less tool wear and surface roughness
and researchers concluded the cryogenic cooling as a clean
technique because liquid nitrogen easily evaporates after
penetration that agreed with previous described review results.
Dhananchezian [109] studied the mechanical characteristics
of difficult to cut metal Ni based Hastelloy C-276 under
cryogenic cooling and dry turning. This cooling technique
reduced cutting zone temperature 61~68%, cutting force and
surface roughness by 8-33% than dry turning. Cutting tool
performance was also improved through controlling the wear
Researchers also discussed some negative results of
cryogenic cooling in machining processes. NALBANT and
YILDIZ [110] reported cryogenic machining as a poor cooling
method for milling AISI 304 steel based on their experimental
results. Cutting force, torque is higher in cryogenic cooling
than dry technique for used work-piece tool pair in
experiments. It is also found that if cutting speed is lower than
200m/min then frittering occurs in cryogenic cooling. It can be
pointed out that better performance of cryogenic cooling
depends on tool/workpiece pair. Cryogenic cooling using
liquid nitrogen enhances rapid cooling, reduces built up edge,
abrasive and chemical wear highly. Besides that cryogenic
cooling is highly clean and environment friendly cooling
3.3.2. Cryogenic Cooling with Dry Ice or CO
Applying CO
flow in liquid form is another technique of
cryogenic cooling. Murugappan et al. [111] implemented
precooling cryogenic using dry ice and two different types
cutting inserts in turning Al 6063. The experimental results
showed that insert type and cooling techniques have
influential effect on productivity and product quality.
Biermann and Hartmann [112] used CO
cryogenic process
cooling for reducing burr formation in drilling of quenched
steel 34CrNiMo6 and aluminum alloy AlMgSi1. Cordes et al.
[113] performed cryogenic CO
cooling in which the flank
wear was reduced by 63%, cutting temperature was reduced
by 55% and material removal rate was increased by 72% than
dry milling at cutting speed 320m/min. Rahim et al. [114]
carried out experiment on orthogonal cutting process of AISI
1045 under MQL and super critical CO
cooling. It was found
that super critical CO
cooling is more efficient for reducing
cutting force, tool chip contact length, specific energy, chip
thickness and cutting temperature than MQL. Finally, it can be
noted that cryogenic (CO
) cooling reduces burr formation,
minimizes tool wear with uniform wear length, removes white
layer formation and improves tool life.
3.4. Hybrid Cooling/Lubrication Techniques
Researchers are now aiming to combine two or more cooling
strategies for attaining the better synergistic effects of cooling
techniques in cutting processes. Pereira et al. [115] proposed new
nozzle adapter for combining the effect of MQL and cryogenic
(-80°C). This new method achieved 93.5% efficiency of
conventional cooling for increasing tool life. Park et al. [116]
applied cryogenic cooling (using liquid nitrogen) with MQL
using exfoliated graphite nano particles with vegetable oil as base
oil for machining titanium alloy and found that this hybrid
cooling reduced cutting force and tool wear than conventional
cooling. Hybrid cooling (cryogenic cooling with MQL) is
considered as a promising alternative to conventional cooling but
some research results revealed that th hybrid cooling may be an
alternative to MQL not to conventional cooling. Hanenkamp et al.
[117] combined CO
(-78.5°C) cryogenic internal cooling with
MQL for investigating surface roughness and tool wear in
drilling of Ti6Al4V alloy using a rotating tool 50CrMo4. This
hybrid cooling reduced 64.5% surface roughness than MQL but
increased 11% than conventional cooling. Not only that hybrid
cooling (cryogenic CO
with MQL) also provided finer surface
zone with no crack and white layer formation and tool wear was
also minimized. Iturbe et al. [118] performed turning operation of
Inconel 718 for 8-20minutes under dry, conventional cooling and
(cryogenic cooling (LN2) + MQL). Results revealed that almost
four times larger surface damage was found in hybrid cooling
due to higher flank wear rate than conventional cooling. The
authors concluded that surface quality depend not only cooling
process but also tool flank wear. From the review results it can be
concluded that hybrid cooling/lubrication technique is now in the
introduction stage and further research studies are needed for
improving the performance and robustness of hybrid
cooling/lubrication techniques.
4. Conclusions
In this study, first of all, various cooling/lubrication
processes and cutting fluids are introduced and then, effect of
this cooling/lubrication processes and cutting fluids on cutting
parameters such as, tool- workpiece temperature, cutting
forces, surface roughness, tool wear are reviewed. Present
analysis shows that not only cooling/lubrication processes
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications 2019; 7(4): 71-87 81
influence on machining parameters but also type of base fluid
and additives, size of additive particles and concentration of
additives in base fluid are important too. Review results have
shown that dry cutting is environmentally safer, most
sustainable and less costly than cutting process with
coolants/lubricants but dry cutting is not suitable for cutting
processes with higher heat generations. So, further research is
needed to remove these limitations of dry cutting. Positive and
negative effects of all presently practiced cooling/lubrication
strategies are listed in Table 5. To eliminate the bad impacts of
conventional cooling methods such as flood cooling, mist
cooling and HPC, researchers have tried to apply MQL with
different types less toxic and biodegradable cutting fluids.
Elimination of mineral oil and other toxic cutting fluids are
successfully done by using vegetable oils, nanofluids, ionic
liquids etc. Cryogenic cooling is another alternative to
conventional cooling which is green, safer, sustainable and
efficient but initial cost is higher that limits its use.
5. Future Scope of Research
Some points are narrated below for improving
cooling/lubrication techniques in future by more research
1. Proper selection of coated tools in dry machining of hard
to cut metals need to be investigated.
2. Research and development for modifying vegetable oils
to overcome its limitations such as low thermal stability
and higher oxidation.
3. More and more research is needed for improving the
performance of nanofluids through optimizing the size of
nanoparticles and mixing ratio into base oils. Hybrid
nanofluids are another attractive scope of further research.
Table 5. List of positive and negative impacts of various cooling/lubrication techniques.
Huge quantity of
cutting fluid is
applied. Not a clean
cooling technique.
Responsible for
many diseases of
workers. Higher
cost of cutting
Mist cooling provides
wet cutting environment
that makes the working
space slippery. Skin
diseases may occur.
Higher amount of fluids are
needed. Surface roughness may
be raised. Recycling cost of
cutting fluid is involved. Fluids
from chips need to be separated.
Cooling environment is not
clean. Inhalation problem may
occur. Energy consumption is
Poor surface finish and
higher tool wear rate is
found. Increased cutting
temperature. Difficult to
machine hard to cut
metals. Higher cutting
force is found so specific
energy requirement is
Cheap breakability is poor.
Inhalation problem may
occur through MQL spray.
Proper cooling is not
achieved. Not suitable for
grinding process.
Positive impacts
Highly applicable
for energy extensive
processes such as
Cheap cooling process.
Cooling ability is higher.
Reduces cutting
friendliness is higher
than flood cooling.
Tool life is increased highly.
Cooling rate is higher. Easy chip
breakability. Cutting force is
Suitable for hard to cut metals
No cutting fluid is used
so cost is minimum, no
risk of operators health.
Clean machining is
achieved. Easy recycling
due to cleanliness of
Less consumption of
cutting fluid. So economic
and ecological impact is
minimized. Specific
energy requirement is
minimized. Improved
surface quality and more
sustainable technique.
Clean and green process.
n processes Flood cooling Mist cooling HPC Dry machining MQL
Table 5. Continued.
Negative Impacts
is responsible for global
Set up and tooling cost, price
of cryogen are higher.
Equipment cost is
higher and set up is
complex than other
Costs of vegetable oil
are comparatively
higher than
conventional fluids.
Oils must be separated
from chips.
Without addition of
any coolant its
performance is
Production process
is costly
Higher cost of
Synthesis of ionic
liquids as neat
lubricants or
additives with base
oil is a complex
process. ILS are
Positive impacts
Clean and environment
friendly cooling process with
lubrication through forming
a gas layer between
interfaces. Completely
harmless to operators health.
Improves surface quality,
reduces tool wear and
cutting temperature rapidly.
It also improves chip
Cooling and
efficiency is
expected be higher.
biodegradable and
environment friendly
Better cooling and
Improved tool life
with less tool wear
can be achieved.
Improves tool life,
reduces shear angle
and tool chip
contact length.
Improves surface
roughness. Reduces
tool chip interaction
through forming
tribofilm between
penetration of
nanofluids can
be achieved. So
temperature at
the cutting zone
is highly
Tool wear and
coefficient of
friction is highly
reduced. Ionic
liquids is recyclable
and in most cases
Name of
n techniques
Cryogenic cooling Hybrid
Vegetable based oils Solid Lubricants Nanofluids Ionic liquids
82 Mst. Nazma Sultana et al.: A Review on Different Cooling/Lubrication Techniques in Metal Cutting
Table 6. Used short terms with proper abbreviations.
WOMS Water in Oil Mist Spray
HPC High Pressure Cooling
MQL Minimum Quantity Lubrication
MQCL Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication
SQL Small Quantity Lubrication
PVD Physical Vapor Deposition
NDM Near Dry Machining
VO Vegetable oil
NFs Nanofluids
CNT Carbon nano tube
MWCNT Multi walled Carbon nano tube
hBN hexagonal Boron Nitride
Super Critical Carbon-di-oxide
LN2 Liquid Nitrogen
NiO Nickel oxide
Silicon dioxide
UAG Ultrasonic Assisted Grinding
ILs Ionic Liquids
BMIM-PF6 1-methyl 3-butylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate
AIL Ammonium based ionic liquid
GO Graphene Oxide
Silicon dioxide
MoS2 Molybdenum disulfide
WS2 Tungsten sulfide
CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition
TiC Titanium carbide
TiN Titanium Nitride
Titanium diboride
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
Aluminum oxide
CaF2 Calcium fluoride
CuO Copper oxide
SiC Silicon carbide
BMIM-BF4 1-methyl 3-butylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate
BMIM-TFSI 1-methyl 3-butylimidazolium trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl imide
EMIM- TFSI 1-ethyl 3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl imide
BMIM-I 1-methyl 3-butylimidazolium-iodide
EG Ethylene glycol
PEG Polyethylene glycol
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