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Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp Stickers Through Machine Learning Algorithms


Abstract and Figures

WhatsApp stickers are gaining popularity among university students due to their pervasiveness, specifically in educational WhatsApp groups. However, the acceptance of stickers by university students is still in short supply. Thus, this research aims to empirically examine the determinants affecting the acceptance of WhatsApp stickers through a proposed theoretical model by integrating the technology acceptance model (TAM) with the uses and gratifications theory (U&G). A questionnaire survey was circulated to collect data from 372 university students who have been engaged in a “Group Talk” in WhatsApp. A novel approach was employed to analyze the hypothesized relationships among the constructs in the research model through the use of machine learning algorithms. The results pointed out that IBk and RandomForest classifiers have performed better than the other classifiers in predicting the actual use of stickers with an accuracy of 78.57%. The research findings are believed to provide future directions for stickers developers to better promote stickers in educational activities.
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Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp
Stickers Through Machine Learning
Rana A. Al-Maroof, Ibrahim Arpaci, Mostafa Al-Emran, Said A. Salloum,
and Khaled Shaalan
Abstract WhatsApp stickers are gaining popularity among university students due
to their pervasiveness, specifically in educational WhatsApp groups. However, the
acceptance of stickers by university students is still in short supply. Thus, this research
aims to empirically examine the determinants affecting the acceptance of WhatsApp
stickers through a proposed theoretical model by integrating the technology accep-
tance model (TAM) with the uses and gratifications theory (U&G). A questionnaire
survey was circulated to collect data from 372 university students who have been
engaged in a “Group Talk” in WhatsApp. A novel approach was employed to analyze
the hypothesized relationships among the constructs in the research model through
the use of machine learning algorithms. The results pointed out that IBk and Ran-
domForest classifiers have performed better than the other classifiers in predicting the
actual use of stickers with an accuracy of 78.57%. The research findings are believed
to provide future directions for stickers developers to better promote stickers in
educational activities.
R. A. Al-Maroof (B)
Department of English Language, Al Buraimi University College, Al Buraimi, Oman
I. Arpaci
Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Tokat Gaziosmanpasa
University, Tokat, Turkey
M. Al-Emran
Department of Information Technology, Al Buraimi University College, Al Buraimi, Oman
S. A. Salloum
Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
K. Shaalan
Faculty of Engineering and IT, The British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
M. Al-Emran et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems
and Smart Applications, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 295,
210 R. A. Al-Maroof et al.
Keywords WhatsApp stickers ·Technology acceptance model ·Uses and
gratifications theory ·Machine learning algorithms
1 Introduction
Social media technologies have become part of our daily lives [15]. Online commu-
nication through these technologies enables individuals to interact away from time
and space limitations. Online communication is a replacement for writing messages
and post them on the chat rooms [6]. Stickers represent one of the up-to-date tools
in online communications. Recently, stickers become a way of communication that
encourages people all over the world to discuss various social, education, and polit-
ical issues. One of the benefits of stickers that sets it apart from other mechanisms
in online communication is that it encourages users to create their sticker forms that
meet their personal needs [7]. The mechanism of creating stickers adds a new expe-
rience to the users that connect them emotionally with stickers. It raises the idea of
belonging and feeling of possessing [8,9]. Stickers have their own unique features,
such as size, uniqueness, and animation. In this respect, it is argued that stickers are
bigger, static, and animated [10]. They can be added or deleted and could be sent
separately without insertion in text messages. This paves the way to another impor-
tant benefit of stickers, which is motivation. Users feel that they are being motivated
whenever the question of stickers is raised. Motivation affects the frequency of using
stickers and makes them more pervasive. Users do not only send stickers to represent
emotions but also use them for strategic or functional purposes [11].
Even though emojis have been investigated by researchers and attracted the atten-
tion of academic and non-academic situations [1214], a few studies have focused
on the role of stickers in online communication. More specifically, Ghobadi and Taki
[15] examined the role of stickers in Telegram. The study aimed at examining the
impact of using Telegram stickers on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. The results
have proven that teaching vocabulary through Telegram stickers could assist the
learning process and provide learners with a variety of advantages. In addition, Van
De Bogart and Wichadee [16] focused on the usage of stickers in LINE networking
sites. The results showed that perceived usefulness and attitude toward using stickers
by college students had a positive relationship with their intention to use.
Although previous studies have highlighted the importance of emojis in social
media [1722], there is a scarce of knowledge regarding the understanding of the
factors affecting the use of stickers in everyday communication in general, and educa-
tional activities in particular. To verify the usage of stickers in online communications
by university students, this research adopts the technology acceptance model (TAM)
and the uses and gratifications theory (U&G) by integrating them together to measure
the students’ acceptance of stickers. The reason behind the adoption and integration
of these two theories stems from several causes. First, previous studies have shown
that these two theories have been successfully adopted to pinpoint the acceptance or
adoption of several technologies. Second, each theory handles certain features that
Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp Stickers … 211
are critical to understand the acceptance of stickers and their features among uni-
versity students. More specifically, the TAM takes into account the characteristics
of the technology itself, whereas the U&G focuses on the experiences generated by
that technology. Third, based on the existing literature, the integration of TAM and
U&G has not been experienced to examine the usage of stickers through WhatsApp
text messages among students at the university level. In line with the aforementioned
reasons, this research aims at integrating the TAM and U&G to understand the factors
affecting the students’ acceptance of WhatsApp stickers at the university level.
2 Theoretical Framework and Research Model
2.1 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
TAM is considered as a model to predict the acceptability of technology as it is
governed by two main variables, namely “perceived usefulness (PU)” and “perceived
ease of use (PEOU)” [23]. PU refers to “the degree to which a person believes
that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance”, whereas
PEOU refers to “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system
would be free from effort” [24]. Many researchers have emphasized the importance
of these two variables in predicting the acceptance or adoption of technology. In
that, these two variables were shown to have a significant positive impact on the
adoption of Google classroom [25], e-learning [2628], m-learning [29], e-payment
systems [30], social networks [31], metamodelling [32], and search-based software
engineering techniques [33], among many others. Based on that, the TAM is adopted
in this research as it focuses on the “ease of use” and “usefulness” variables, which
are closely related to the powerful features of stickers, including animation, size, and
social or emotional connection with other users.
2.2 Uses and Gratifications Theory (U&G)
The uses and gratification theory (U&G) has been used by many scholars in the
domain of media and communication [34]. The theory has a functional approach that
is grounded within the concept of “functionalism” [35]. The U&G theory is generated
to measure the usage of media by users to gratify their needs. It is believed that users
of media have certain needs, motivations, and expectations that can be fulfilled and
gratified through the use of media. The U&G focuses on individuals’ motivation,
which is one of the influential factors in using the media [36]. Gratification can
cover various aspects, including hedonic, content, utilitarian, and social gratification.
212 R. A. Al-Maroof et al.
Within each aspect of gratification, multiple dimensions may be found, such as
self-documentation, self-expression, social interaction, and information sharing. The
main aim behind using these features is entertainment and spending time [37].
Further, the main essential factors that are embedded inside the U&G theory are
the inclusion of both “novelty” and “being there” [17]. Novelty is considered a funny
way to create innovation, whereas “being there” refers to the social media users who
may click social buttons to feel immersed in a mediated reality. The two factors are
crucial to the usage of stickers in communication Apps. Given that stickers are one
of the featured additions in WhatsApp, users may use it to fulfill the sense of novelty.
Besides, the U&G theory pays attention to the feature of “being there” as it is one
of the distinctive features behind using stickers. Stickers can be used in different
religious and social situations to reflect the idea of the uniqueness of being there.
Accordingly, the U&G dimensions can serve the basic aim of this study. It has a
close relation with motivation and entertainment, which in turn, are considered as
influential features that urge users to use stickers. Furthermore, social interaction
and information sharing are critical aspects that can measure the importance of using
stickers by students.
2.3 Research Model
Due to the narrow applicability of TAM concerning the “usefulness” and “ease of use”
variables, the U&G comes as an assistant theory that provides more insights into these
variables. The U&G provides an in-depth understanding of learners’ perspectives
with respect to the extension of TAM [38]. The U&G consists of three core utilities,
which were believed to have a significant relationship with the TAM constructs, such
as “social utility”, “hedonic utility”, and “functional utility”. Social utility is used
to reflect the interpersonal use, which has a close correlation with PU. WhatsApp
users can design stickers that indicate their social attitude towards different social
events in their life. Similarly, the hedonic utility is related to the PU from the novelty
and enjoyment perspectives. Users invented various forms of stickers to arouse the
feeling of fun and amusement through WhatsApp communications. When the users
of technology use a specific form of stickers to accomplish a specific task, it is then
related to the functional utility.
Based on the above discussion, the research model of this study is constructed
as depicted in Fig. 1. In that, this research suggests that social utility (including
socialization and self-presentation), hedonic utility (including enjoyment and nov-
elty), and functional utility (including unique function) are significantly influenced
by both PEOU and subjective norm. It was also postulated that the students’ intention
to use stickers are affected by PEOU, subjective norm, social utility, hedonic utility,
and functional utility. Further, the actual use of stickers is suggested to be influenced
by the students’ intentions. It is important to report that social, hedonic, and func-
tional utilities are embedded in PU. In line with this, the following hypotheses were
Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp Stickers … 213
Fig. 1 Research model
H1: PEOU has a significant effect on (a) socialization, (b) self-presentation, (c)
enjoyment, (d) novelty, and (e) unique function.
H2: Subjective norm has a significant effect on (a) socialization, (b) self-
presentation, (c) enjoyment, (d) novelty, and (e) unique function.
H3: socialization (a), self-presentation (b), enjoyment (c), novelty (d), and unique
function (e) have significant effects on students’ intention to use stickers.
H4: Subjective norm has a significant effect on students’ intention to use stickers.
H5: PEOU has a significant effect on students’ intention to use stickers.
H6: Students’ intention to use stickers has a significant effect on stickers actual
214 R. A. Al-Maroof et al.
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Procedure and Sample
To understand the students’ intention to use stickers, a self-administered survey was
circulated to several groups of university students who have been engaged in a “Group
Talk” in WhatsApp. The use of questionnaire surveys in such type of research studies
is considered the best tool as it can effectively analyze the relationships among the
constructs in the proposed research model [39]. The sample was collected from the
University of Fujairah located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The purpose of
selecting this sample is attributed to the reason that most of the selected students have
already experienced the use of stickers in their daily university lives. It is imperative to
mention that the majority of the discussed issues in the WhatsApp groups are related
to educational matters such as courses, assignments, exams, and social activities. The
data were collected between February and March 2019. A total of 400 questionnaires
surveys were distributed. Among those, 28 responses were discarded due to the large
number of missing values, and thus, a total of 372 responses were retained for further
3.2 Research Instrument
The research instrument consists of two main parts. The first part is dedicated to col-
lect students’ demographics, whereas the second part involves the items that measure
the constructs in the proposed research model. The second part was measured using a
five-point Likert scale ranging from “1 =strongly disagree” to “5 =strongly agree”.
The items used to measure the actual use, intention, and subjective norm were taken
from Shao and Kwon [17]. The items used to measure the PEOU were adopted from
Davis [24]. The items used to measure the enjoyment and self-presentation were
adopted from Gan [40], whereas the items used to measure novelty were taken from
Sundar and Limperos [41]. The items used to measure socialization were adopted
from the previous relevant studies [42,43].
4 Results
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
The participated students were selected from different faculties, enrolled in different
majors, and different levels. 53% of the participants were females, and 47% were
Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp Stickers … 215
males. The majority of the respondents were aged between 18 and 29 years old with
66%, whereas the rest were above 29 years old.
4.2 Hypotheses Testing Using Machine Learning Algorithms
The current study employs supervised machine learning classification algorithms
through a wide range of methodologies such as decision trees, if-then-else rules, meta
classifiers, Bayesian networks, functions, and neural networks in order to examine
the relationships among the constructs in the proposed research model. Weka (version
3.8.3) was used to analyze the data by employing the percentage split (66%) test mode
based on the following classifiers: a bayesian classifier (NaiveBayes), a logistic-
regression classifier (SMO), a lazy-classifier (IBk), a meta-classifier (Bagging), a
rule-learner (PART), and a decision-tree (RandomForest) [4446].
The results shown in Table 1indicate that RandomForest had a better performance
in predicting socialization by the attributes of PEOU and subjective norm. The clas-
sifier predicted the socialization with an accuracy of 84.92%. The classifier also had
a better performance in TP rate (0.849), ROC area (0.949), and precision (0.846).
Thereby, H1a and H2a were supported.
TheresultsshowninTable2indicate that both RamdomForest and IBk performed
better than the other classifiers in predicting self-presentation by the attributes of
PEOU and subjective norm. The classifiers predicted the self-presentation with an
accuracy of 84.92%. Further, they had a better performance in TP rate (0.833), ROC
area (0.952), and precision (0.856). Thereby, H1b and H2b were supported.
As per the readings in Table 3, the results suggested that RandomForest performed
better than the other classifiers in predicting the enjoyment by the attributes of PEOU
and subjective norm. The classifier predicted the enjoyment with an accuracy of
76.98%. Further, it had a better performance in TP rate (0.770), ROC area (0.918),
and precision (0.784). Thereby, H1c and H2c were supported.
Tabl e 1 Predicting the socialization by PEOU and subjective norm
Classifier CCIa
Precision Recall F-Measure ROCd
NaiveBayes 69.05 0.690 0.194 0.690 0.690 0.665 0.804
SMO 62.70 0.627 0.243 0.649 0.627 0.659 0.712
IBk 83.33 0.833 0.087 0.828 0.833 0.829 0.956
Bagging 72.22 0.722 0.156 0.708 0.722 0.710 0.885
PART 74.60 0.746 0.141 0.738 0.746 0.734 0.900
RandomForest 84.92 0.849 0.082 0.846 0.849 0.844 0.949
aCCI Correctly Classified Instances, bTP True Positive, cFP False Positive, dROC Receiver
Operating Characteristic
216 R. A. Al-Maroof et al.
Tabl e 2 Predicting the self-presentation by PEOU and subjective norm
Classifier CCI
TP rate FP rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC
NaiveBayes 64.29 0.643 0.236 0.666 0.643 0.636 0.823
SMO 63.49 0.635 0.251 0.684 0.635 0.620 0.774
IBk 84.92 0.849 0.104 0.856 0.849 0.848 0.952
Bagging 80.95 0.810 0.124 0.814 0.810 0.810 0.909
PART 83.33 0.833 0.117 0.843 0.833 0.833 0.907
RandomForest 84.92 0.849 0.104 0.856 0.849 0.848 0.952
Tabl e 3 Predicting the enjoyment by PEOU and subjective norm
Classifier CCI
TP rate FP
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC
NaiveBayes 51.59 0.516 0.305 0.543 0.516 0.517 0.716
SMO 56.35 0.563 0.289 0.634 0.563 0.559 0.648
IBk 78.57 0.786 0.113 0.829 0.786 0.788 0.923
Bagging 72.22 0.722 0.164 0.794 0.722 0.718 0.873
PART 75.40 0.754 0.137 0.789 0.754 0.757 0.889
RandomForest 76.98 0.770 0.136 0.784 0.770 0.772 0.918
The results shown in Table 4indicate that both SMO and PART performed better
than the other classifiers in predicting novelty by the attributes of PEOU and subjec-
tive norm. The classifiers predicted the novelty with an accuracy of 52.38%. Thereby,
H1d and H2d were supported.
The results shown in Table 5reveal that SMO and PART performed better than
the other classifiers in predicting unique function by the attributes of PEOU and
subjective norm. The classifiers predicted the novelty with an accuracy of 42.07%.
Thereby, H1e and H2e were supported.
Tabl e 4 Predicting the novelty by PEOU and subjective norm
Classifier CCI
TP rate FP
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC
NaiveBayes 50.00 0.500 0.479 0.393 0.500 0.416 0.510
SMO 52.38 0.524 0.524 0.524 0.524 0.688 0.500
IBk 38.89 0.389 0.362 0.388 0.389 0.388 0.552
Bagging 50.00 0.500 0.472 0.456 0.500 0.416 0.534
PART 52.38 0.524 0.524 0.524 0.524 0.688 0.500
RandomForest 38.10 0.381 0.362 0.391 0.381 0.385 0.548
Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp Stickers … 217
Tabl e 5 Predicting the unique function by PEOU and subjective norm
Classifier CCI
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC
NaiveBayes 38.89 0.389 0.420 0.273 0.389 0.282 0.491
SMO 420.07 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.592 0.500
IBk 37.30 0.373 0.382 0.356 0.373 0.353 0.547
Bagging 40.48 0.405 0.407 0.427 0.405 0.372 0.532
PART 42.07 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.592 0.500
RandomForest 38.89 0.389 0.398 0.3691 0.389 0.356 0.528
The results shown in Table 6suggest that RandomForest performed better than
the other classifiers in predicting the intention. The RandomForest predicted the
intention by the attributes of all dependent variables with an accuracy of 88.89%.
The classifier also had a better performance in TP rate (0.889), ROC area (0.981), and
precision (0.894). Therefore, H3a, H3b, H3c, H3d, H3e, H4, and H5 were supported.
The results shown in Table 7indicate that IBk and RandomForest performed bet-
ter than the other classifiers in predicting the actual use by intention. The classifiers
Tabl e 6 Predicting the intention
Classifier CCI
TP rate FP rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC
NaiveBayes 56.35 0.563 0.240 0.573 0.563 0.560 0.728
SMO 55.56 0.556 0.309 0.745 0.556 0.501 0.660
IBk 69.84 0.698 0.170 0.708 0.698 0.698 0.768
Bagging 74.60 0.746 0.141 0.767 0.746 0.744 0.903
PART 81.75 0.817 0.109 0.822 0.817 0.817 0.920
RandomForest 88.89 0.889 0.065 0.894 0.889 0.890 0.981
Tabl e 7 Predicting the actual use by intention
Classifier CCI
TP rate FP rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC
NaiveBayes 73.81 0.738 0.178 0.735 0.738 0.736 0.846
SMO 68.25 0.683 0.297 0.761 0.683 0.651 0.754
IBk 78.57 0.786 0.135 0.787 0.786 0.786 0.862
Bagging 75.40 0.754 0.130 0.773 0.754 0.756 0.854
PART 78.57 0.786 0.135 0.787 0.786 0.786 0.840
RandomForest 78.57 0.786 0.135 0.787 0.786 0.786 0.862
218 R. A. Al-Maroof et al.
predicted the actual use with an accuracy of 78.57%. The classifiers had a better per-
formance in TP rate (0.786), ROC area (0.862), and precision (0.787). Accordingly,
H6 was supported.
5 Conclusion
5.1 Research Implications
WhatsApp stickers have recently become widely accepted by students. This research
was designed with the aim of understanding the factors affecting the students’ accep-
tance of WhatsApp stickers. To serve this purpose, this research integrates the TAM
with the U&G theory to understand the determinants affecting the students’ decisions
to accept these tools.
Drawing on the research results, this study offers several implications. First, this
study is believed to be one of the few that attempts to understand the students’
acceptance of WhatsApp stickers in the UAE context. Second, this research integrates
the TAM with the U&G theory to understand the determinants affecting the students’
acceptance of stickers. Thus, this research validates the applicability of TAM and
U&G in predicting the acceptance of stickers by students. Third, this study employs
a novel approach in analyzing the hypothesized relationships among the constructs
in the proposed theoretical model through the use of machine learning algorithms.
This approach was rarely used in the previous literature, and thus, it is believed
that this approach would add a significant contribution to the IS literature. Fourth,
stickers developers can gain more insights from the research findings of this study
by considering the prominent factors and take them into account while developing
future stickers specified for educational purposes.
5.2 Limitations and Future Research Directions
Despite the results achieved, this research was limited in some ways. First, this
research examined the factors affecting the stickers acceptance by students and did
not evaluate the academics’ acceptance of these tools. Therefore, what is now needed
is another research which could consider the role of academics in using these stickers
and understand the determinants affecting their acceptance. Second, the data were
collected from only one institution in the UAE. Thus, the generalization of the results
to the other UAE institutions should be treated with caution. Third, the data were
collected through questionnaire surveys only. Therefore, it would be interesting to
use other qualitative methods such as focus groups or interviews to further enlighten
the quantitative results.
Examining the Acceptance of WhatsApp Stickers … 219
Acknowledgements This is an extended version of a conference paper published by the
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2019.
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... Various other research studies assessed the positive influence of social influence, perceived enjoyment, and computer self-efficacy on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and E-learning acceptance. A continuing critical concern is the cross-cultural perspective related to the acceptance and use of education technologies and the integration in countries where there are issues related to bandwidth or other connectivity (Al-Maroof, 2020). ...
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Infrastructure for open, distance, and digital education (ODDE) needs to have the capability to dynamically develop to accommodate varying models for the delivery of the curriculum and the changing needs of students and institutions. The capability to dynamically develop can be instilled within the institutional infrastructure for ODDE which includes areas such as information technology (IT), emerging technologies, marketing and recruitment, student prospect lead management, registration, educational materials, libraries, and student supports. Organizationally, infrastructures to support affordability, scalability, sustainability, and support must be developed. Open questions and directions for future research on institutional infrastructure for ODDE along with implications for ODDE practice that arise from this research are included.
... Previous research trials have confirmed the significant positive impact of subjective norm on the behavioral intention to adopt smartwatches (Bautista et al., 2018), smart-connected sport products (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014), e-learning (Tan, 2013), and mobile Web 2.0 (Dalvi-Esfahani et al., 2020). Moreover, Al-Maroof et al. (2020) indicated that subjective norm positively predicts the intention to use WhatsApp stickers using machine learning classification algorithms. Hence, this research proposes the following: H8: Subjective norm has a significant positive impact on students' behavioral intention to use smartwatches. ...
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The emergence of wearable technologies, including smartwatches, has received a considerable attention from scholars across several sectors. However, there is a scarcity of knowledge regarding the determinants affecting the adoption of these wear-ables in education. Therefore, this research aims to propose a theoretical research model through the integration of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and protection motivation theory (PMT) to understand the students' behavioral intention to use smartwatches in learning activities. Through the use of machine learning classification algorithms, the proposed model has been validated using data collected via an online survey from 511 university students. The results indicated that perceived severity, perceived vulnerability, self-efficacy, response efficacy, subjective norm, attitude, and perceived behavioral control have a significant positive impact on stu-dents' behavioral intention to use smartwatches for educational purposes. Besides, response cost was found to have a significant negative effect on students' behavioral intention. The evidence from these findings provides the policy-makers in higher educational institutions with a clear vision of the most effective policies and best practices to enhance the capacity and potential use of these wearables in educational activities. The theoretical contributions and practical implications were also discussed.
... Various other research studies assessed the positive influence of social influence, perceived enjoyment, and computer self-efficacy on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and E-learning acceptance. A continuing critical concern is the cross-cultural perspective related to the acceptance and use of education technologies and the integration in countries where there are issues related to bandwidth or other connectivity (Al-Maroof, 2020). ...
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Infrastructure for open, distance, and digital education (ODDE) needs to have the capability to dynamically develop to accommodate varying models for the delivery of the curriculum and the changing needs of students and institutions. The capability to dynamically develop can be instilled within the institutional infrastructure for ODDE which includes areas such as information technology (IT), emerging technologies, marketing and recruitment, student prospect lead management, registration, educational materials, libraries, and student supports. Organizationally, infrastructures to support affordability, scalability, sustainability, and support must be developed. Open questions and directions for future research on institutional infrastructure for ODDE along with implications for ODDE practice that arise from this research are included.
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The development of technology and information in the Industry 4.0 era, especially the internet, is experiencing very rapid progress. Searching for information through new media will increase human resource capacity and work efficiency. Using technology acceptance model (TAM) theory, this study aims to identify social media usage as a communication and information medium and analyze the influence between constructs in social media acceptance. A cross-sectional survey was used in this study design. A structured questionnaire from previous related studies was used as the instrument. One hundred and eleven sheep farmers from several villages in Sukabumi, West Java groups, participated in this survey. Stratified sampling was adopted to select and interview the respondents. The findings show that social media usage as a channel for communication and livestock information is quite adequate. Many farmers already use WhatsApp and YouTube. However, only a few farmers use Facebook and Instagram. The results of the TAM analysis (limited to only the WhatsApp application) indicate that perceived ease of use positively influences perceived usefulness (PU). A positive relationship is also shown between PU and behavioral intention to use. The theoretical implication is that this study proves how social media adopts in disseminating messages and seeking information. Regarding managerial implications, the findings suggest that stakeholders in the agricultural industry across the value chain could enhance their services by fostering a broader ecosystem of social media applications.
This study explored the intricate connections between environmental attitudes, global social responsibility, digital literacy, and green purchasing intentions in emerging adults. A total of 662 participants were actively engaged by completing the Environmental Attitude Scale, Digital Literacy Scale, and Global Social Responsibility Scale. The confirmation of scale validity was established through confirmatory factor analysis. To investigate the proposed connections, we employed both linear regression and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling. The findings from the regression analysis unveiled significant predictions for green purchase intentions, demonstrating that these were influenced by environmental attitudes, global social responsibility, and digital literacy. These endogenous variables collectively accounted for a substantial variance (R2 = 0.51). In addition, our ANN model exhibited noteworthy predictive accuracy, boasting a 71.2% accuracy during the training phase and a 74.8% accuracy during testing. A sensitivity analysis was executed to evaluate the significance of exogenous variables and gauge the neural network’s performance. The results highlighted that global social responsibility exerted the most substantial influence on green purchase intentions, closely followed by environmental attitudes and digital literacy. By integrating both regression analysis and ANN modeling, this approach afforded us a holistic understanding of the complex relationships between these variables. It allowed us to discern not only linear but also nonlinear relationships, which is crucial for obtaining a comprehensive grasp of these intricate dynamics.
This research presents a novel, integrated model that blends elements from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with critical factors determining Chatbot efficiency. Utilizing TAM as a foundational framework, the study explores what drives the adoption of Chatbots, with a specific focus on their use in educational settings to improve interactions between educators and students. Our model emphasizes the direct relationship between perceived ease of use and usefulness in TAM, and their impact on user satisfaction. Moreover, flow theory is incorporated to assess user engagement and control in using Chatbots. Data was collected from 293 participants in the educational field, including teachers, administrators, and students. Findings reveal that both user satisfaction and flow experience play crucial roles in fostering the intent to adopt Chatbots. Theoretically, the model provides an in-depth understanding of the variables influencing the intent to use Chatbots, particularly in the context of individual internet service factors. Overall, the study points to a strong preference for Chatbots in educational settings, highlighting their importance as a communication tool between teachers and students and their effectiveness in streamlining information exchange.
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Evolving technology has facilitated our lives in a variety of ways. Especially, Artificial Intelligence-enabled virtual assistants play a significant role in managing multimedia files in smart devices, including laptops and computers. This research focused on multimedia file management in Cortana-facilitated laptops and personal computers used by university students in Pakistan. The researchers used Structural Equation Modelling to test the proposed conceptual model supported by the theory of reasoned action. Data was gathered from n = 290 students from n = 2 public sector universities in Islamabad, Pakistan. Results revealed that Beliefs about Artificial Intelligence are significantly affecting Behavioral Intention (p > 0.053), leading to Cortana Acceptance (p > 0.000). However, the relevant effects are also mediated by the Atttuides (p > 0.0001) and Subjective Norms (p > 0.023) to affirm the effect of Artificial Intelligence on the Cortana Acceptance. Thus, virtual assistants have become a mainstream product and are accepted by many users due to the useful outcomes attributed to their adoption. They provide maximum benefits to their users, indicating their design and implementation as linked with gratifying human needs in the best possible manner. Hence, this research adds to the literature regarding technology acceptance and the theory of reasoned action in Artificial Intelligence. Finally, the researchers have highlighted the study limitations and discussed practical and theoretical implications accordingly.
Several studies have been conducted on the relationship between technostress creators and burnout in employees of business organizations. However, there is limited literature on the impact of technostress creators on students’ burnout and academic performance in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). This study aims to address this gap by examining the relationship between individual technostress creators, students’ learning burnout, and academic performance in an HEI. To achieve this, a new research model was proposed using constructs based on technostress creators and learning burnout to predict students’ academic performance. Data was collected from 371 students across various faculties and academic levels of Koforidua Technical University (KTU), Ghana, using an online questionnaire. The study employed the partial least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) method to evaluate the reliability and validity of the proposed research model. Machine learning algorithms were used to examine the relationships between individual technostress creators, students’ learning burnout, and perceived academic performance. The findings of the study suggest that techno-overload (TO), techno-uncertainty (TU), techno-invasion (TN), techno-complexity (TC), and techno-insecurity (TI) predict students’ learning burnout. Moreover, it was established that students’ learning burnout predicted perceived academic performance. The study’s results offer insights to both course instructors and HEI management on effective ways to support students in managing technostress creators.
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Social media have been developed as a vital source of information for millennials worldwide, including in India. The present study identifies the influence of the various social media traits on the perceived usefulness of social media by Indian millennials and its subsequent impact on their online accommodation booking decisions. A conceptual model based upon the Stimulus-Organism-Response model was proposed for the study that was empirically verified using sample data from 476 Indian millennial respondents with prior social media experience. The study reveals that Indian millennials consider the usefulness of social media as an essential factor in their online booking decision for hotel products and services. The usefulness of social media primarily depends upon various characteristics such as information quality, source credibility, visual presentation, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and perceived curiosity fulfilment. Further, the study results indicate that the relationships among these factors are moderated by gender. The present research work extends the extant literature by examining the influence of social media on the online booking decisions of Indian millennials. In addition, this study will give practical suggestions to marketers for addressing new markets through social media activities.
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This study aimed at investigating the effect of using Telegram stickers on EFL learners' vocabulary learning. To this end, 60 Iranian intermediate EFL learners (30 males and 30 females) at Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch studying in the second semester of the academic year 2016-2017 were selected through the convenience sampling method. They were then assigned randomly to the experimental and control groups. Then, a pretest was administered to measure the learners' vocabulary knowledge in both groups. The experimental group received their lessons via Telegram while the control group experienced the conventional teaching techniques. An approved posttest was then administered to both groups in order to check the participants' possible progress. Results indicated that teaching vocabulary through Telegram stickers could lead to outstanding advantages for the learners. In other words, social networking had a positive impact on learning new vocabulary items among Iranian EFL learners. Findings have illuminative implications for language learners and teachers as well as materials developers.
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To the best of our knowledge, much research has been conducted concerning the topic of mobile learning (m-learning) adoption or acceptance. However, examining the continued use of m-learning is still in short supply and calling for further research. To bridge this limitation, this study develops an integrated model through the integration of three different theoretical models, namely technology acceptance model (TAM), theory of planned behavior (TPB), and expectation-confirmation model (ECM). To examine the proposed model, a questionnaire survey was developed to collect data from 273 postgraduate students enrolled at The British University in Dubai in the United Arab of Emirates (UAE). The partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is used to analyze the collected data. The empirical results indicated that perceived ease of use, attitude, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms are significant predictors to explain the continued use of m-learning. Nevertheless, perceived usefulness and satisfaction were shown to be insignificant determinants to continuous intention. Further theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
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Social learning refers to the learning delivered through social media applications. The examination of students’ attitudes towards using social media applications for learning activities is still not fully understood. For this reason, this research is carried out with the aim of measuring the students’ attitudes towards using social media from the lenses of several attributes, including gender, age, governorate, year of study, social media application, experience, and interest. The population of this study is the students enrolled at eight different universities and colleges located in eight different governorates in Oman. A total of 1307 students took part in this research through the use of an online survey. The results showed that gender, age, governorate, experience, and interest have significant impacts on students’ attitudes. Nevertheless, the study years and social media applications did not expose any significant effect on students’ attitudes. Additionally, WhatsApp was found to be the most predominant application used for educational purposes. Further, the study reported the barriers faced by the students while using social media applications for learning purposes. In response to these barriers, the study also provided a number of suggestions for improving the overall usage of social media in higher educational institutes.
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Studying the factors that affect the e-learning adoption is not a new research topic. Nevertheless, exploring the effect of knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing on e-learning adoption is a relatively new research trend that has not been featured in the existing literature. Thus, this study was conducted to build a new model by extending the technology acceptance model (TAM) with knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing to examine the e-learning adoption. A total of 403 students enrolled at Al Buraimi University College (BUC) in Oman was surveyed. Using the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to evaluate the proposed model, the results suggested that knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use have significant direct effects on the students’ behavioral intention to adopt e-learning systems. The findings also suggested that knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing have a significant positive influence on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The evidence from these results provides holistic insights which could assist the policy-makers and educators to better understand the factors affecting the adoption of e-learning systems. The implications for theory and practice, limitations, and future work are also discussed.
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Social media use by university students attracted the interest of several scholars worldwide. However, a limited amount of research articles was published to investigate the students' attitudes towards social media usage in the Arab world universities. As a case study, the core objective of this research is to measure the students' attitudes towards the use of social media at an academic institute in Oman. The study intends to examine the differences in these attitudes from the lenses of several attributes, including gender, age, year of study, and social media application. A total of 198 students took part in the study through an online survey. Although the findings showed no significant differences in attitudes with regard to the aforementioned studied attributes, it is imperative to report that all the participated students were mutually interested in using social media applications in learning practices.
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There have been several longitudinal studies concerning the learners’ acceptance of e-learning systems using the higher educational institutes (HEIs) platforms. Nonetheless, little is known regarding the investigation of the determinants affecting the e-learning acceptance through social media applications in HEIs. In keeping with this, the present study attempts to understand the influence of social media practices (i.e., knowledge sharing, social media features, and motivation and uses) on students’ acceptance of e-learning systems by extending the technology acceptance model (TAM) with these determinants. A total of 410 graduate and undergraduate students enrolled at the British University in Dubai, UAE took part in the study by the medium of questionnaire surveys. The partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is employed to analyze the extended model. The empirical data analysis triggered out that social media practices including knowledge sharing, social media features, and motivation and uses have significant positive impacts on both perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). It is also imperative to report that the acceptance of e-learning systems is significantly influenced by both PU and PEOU. In summary, social media practices play an effective positive role in influencing the acceptance of e-learning systems by students.
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Extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for studying the e-learning acceptance is not a new research topic, and it has been tackled by many scholars. However, the development of a comprehensive TAM that could be able to examine the e-learning acceptance under any circumstances is regarded to be an essential research direction. To identify the most widely used external factors of the TAM concerning the e-learning acceptance, a literature review comprising of 120 significant published studies from the last twelve years was conducted. The review analysis indicated that computer self-efficacy, subjective/social norm, perceived enjoyment, system quality, information quality, content quality, accessibility, and computer playfulness were the most common external factors of TAM. Accordingly, the TAM has been extended by the aforementioned factors to examine the students acceptance of e-learning in five different universities in the United Arab of Emirates (UAE). A total of 435 students participated in the study. The results indicated that system quality, computer self-efficacy, and computer playfulness have a significant impact on perceived ease of use of e-learning system. Furthermore, information quality, perceived enjoyment, and accessibility were found to have a positive influence on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of e-learning system.
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Numerous topics in software engineering can be formulated as optimization problems. Due to the large scale of modern software systems, the methods of mathematical optimization have high computational complexity, and their application in many cases is not possible. To overcome this problem, search-based software engineering (SBSE) develops and applies metaheuristic search techniques to find the near-optimal solutions. Despite the significant development that SBSE techniques (SBSET) achieved in the last years, the level of SBSET use is very low. Therefore, this paper proposes and tests a model which evaluates and predicts the acceptance of SBSET by software engineering practitioners. The model is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and extended by the SBSET desired properties. A total of 163 practitioners participated in the study. The perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and organizational and team-based factors were all found to have significant positive effects on the actual use of SBSET. This study also analyses the obstacles of SBSET acceptance and provides several proposals for its improvement in the software industry.
This study investigated drivers of the online self-disclosure behaviour on social media by employing a complementary structural equation modelling (SEM) and artificial intelligence approach. The study developed a theoretical model based on the 'theory of planned behaviour' (TPB) and 'communication privacy management' (CPM) theory. The predictive model was validated by employing a multi-analytical approach based on the data obtained from 300 undergraduate students. The model focused on the role of security, privacy, and trust perceptions in predicting the attitudes toward the selfie-posting behaviour. The results suggested that privacy and security are significantly associated with the trust, which explains a significant amount of the variance in the attitudes. Consistently, results of the machine-learning classification algorithms suggested that attributes of the security, privacy, and trust could predict the attitudes with an accuracy of more than 61% in most cases. Further, mediation analysis results indicated that privacy has no direct effect, but an indirect effect on the attitudes. These findings suggested a trade-off between the privacy concerns and perceived benefits of the actual behaviour.
Conference Paper
Although social media usage in higher education has been frequently examined, little is known regarding the differences in students’ attitudes towards its use in the Omani higher education. Therefore, this study provides an opportunity to advance the understanding of these differences in attitudes by focusing on three different attributes, namely age, gender, and social media application. A total of 169 students enrolled at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Oman took part in the study by the medium of an online survey. The empirical data analysis triggered out that there was a significant difference in attitudes with regard to age groups, in which students aged between 18 and 22 years old are much interested in using social media than the others. Nevertheless, the findings also showed that there was no significant difference in attitudes with respect to social media application and gender. More interesting, the outcomes pointed out that WhatsApp is the most frequent application used by students for educational purposes.