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Article Type: Research Article
Received: 10/06/2020
Published: 26/06/2020
Haben Fesseha¹* Yonas Getachew²
¹School of Veterinary Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, P. O. Box 138, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
²College of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa University, PO Box 34, Bishou, Ethiopia
Management of Superficial Skin Abscess in Cattle- A Case Report
*Corresponding author: Haben Fesseha, School of Veterinary Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, P. O. Box 138, Wolaita
Sodo, Ethiopia
Copyright ©All rights are reserved by Haben Fesseha
DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.01.000037
An abscess is an accumulaon of pus that hollows out a cavity in the ssues by destroying and expanding them and surrounded
by brous ssue. Successful management of the abscess was presented in six cale of dierent sex and age group. All the abscess
swellings were located subcutaneously and one at the base of the ear, two between the mandibles, one at the cranial surface
of the shoulder region, one in the le ventrolateral abdomen area and one at the dorsal surface of the gluteal muscles. Clinical
examinaon revealed the masses were warm, hard, and painful in the inial stages, and become uctuang and so for maturaon.
All animals were successfully treated by regular drainage of pus along with a daily ansepc dressing of ncture-iodine, parenteral
administraon of anbiocs (PenStrip® for 5 days), and oxytetracycline wound spray. All treated animals successfully recovered
aer 10 days post-intervenon without any other complicaons.
Keywords: Abscess; Anbiocs; Cale; Surgical drainage
An abscess is a collecon of pus in conned ssue
spaces, usually caused by a bacterial infecon. Abscesses
can develop anywhere in the body. A skin abscess, also
called a boil, is a bump that appears within or below the
skin’s surface and it is one of the common types of abscess
that appears externally as a swollen, pus-lled lump under
the surface of the skin. Internal abscesses develop inside
the body, in an organ, or the spaces between organs [1,2].
A skin abscess most commonly develops on the head,
neck/dewlap, back, chest, and limbs. Abscesses of the
lymph nodes in the head and neck region (oen referred to
as grass seed abscesses), and of the skin (skin abscesses),
are commonly seen in the export process as a consequence
of abrasions or penetraons of the oropharynx or skin from
grazing prickly plants, seed penetraons or vaccinaon
needles [3-5]. The symptoms of an abscess depend on
where it develops in the body. However, it's more dicult
to idenfy an abscess inside the body. The symptoms
of abscesses include redness, tenderness, pain in the
aected area, a high temperature (warmth), and swelling
(if abscesses are near the skin layer) or constuonal
symptoms (if abscesses are deep). The swelling may feel
uid-lled when pressed. Moreover, the area of redness
oen extends beyond the swelling [6].
A supercial abscess should be dierenated from other
swellings by an exploratory puncture which reveals synovial
uid in bursis; serous uid in cysts; blood in hematoma;
nothing or intesnal content in the hernia. In most cases,
it is recommended to double-check that the swelling is
uid-lled, and not an indurated brous lump, hernia, or
hematoma before incising [7]. Most skin abscesses are
harmless and may go away without treatment. However,
there are cases in which an abscess can lead to serious,
potenally life-threatening complicaons if le untreated.
Somemes, skin abscesses are more dicult to treat and
may require laceraon or drainage [8].
Most subcutaneous abscesses are the result of traumac
skin penetraon with resulng infecon. For example,
facial subcutaneous abscesses are common in cale eang
roughage containing foxtail grass. Several animals in a herd
may be aected at one me [7]. Besides, most abscesses
are caused by a bacterial infecon. Bacteria especially,
Staphylococcus species is the most common bacterial cause
of skin abscesses and occurs when Staphylococcus aureus
bacteria enter the body through a hair follicle or through a
Citation: Haben Fesseha, Management of Supercial Skin Abscess in Cattle- A Case Report. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 2(2)-2020.
DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.01.000037
wound or injury that has punctured or broken the skin. In
rare cases, an abscess may be caused by a virus, fungi, or
parasites [9,10].
When bacteria enter the body, the white blood cells
aack the bacteria and some nearby ssue dies, creang a
hole which then lls with pus to form an abscess. The pus
contains a mixture of dead ssue, white blood cells, and
bacteria. The abscess may get larger and more painful as the
infecon connues and more pus is produced. Some types
of staphylococcal bacteria produce a toxin called Panton-
Valenne leucocidin (PVL) which kills white blood cells. This
causes the body to make more cells to keep ghng the
infecon and can lead to repeated skin infecons [11].
Abscesses can be treated in several dierent ways,
depending on the type of abscess and how large it is. The
main treatment opons include anbiocs, a drainage
procedure, and surgery. Proper physical and chemical
restraining of the animal (crush, and sedaon) may be vital
before starng manipulaon. Besides, asepc procedures
should be followed during the procedure to reduce infecon
and increase the prognosis of the condion. A small skin
abscess may drain naturally, or simply shrink, dry up and
disappear without any treatment. However, large supercial
abscesses may need to be treated with anbiocs to clear
the infecon, and the pus may need to be drained through
an incision. This will usually be done by creang a ventral
drainage hole and thoroughly ush with clean water under
moderate pressure from a hose or syringe using a gloved
nger to gently aid the removal of pus [8,9]. Thus, ensuring
a clean, healthy, and largely free of bacteria can help reduce
the risk of developing skin abscesses [1,12]. The present case
report discusses the successful management of supercial
abscess in cale.
Case History Clinical Examinaon and Preoperave Animal
A total of six cale were presented with an abscess at
Veterinary Teaching Hospital, College of Veterinary Science,
Mekelle University, of which the sex representaon was
four males and two females, the age representaon was
ve adults and one calf. All the abscess swellings were
subcutaneously located in dierent parts of the body of
cale that included one at the base of the ear, two between
the mandibles, one at the cranial surface of the shoulder
region, one in the le ventrolateral abdomen area and one
at the dorsal surface of the gluteal muscles.
On clinical examinaon, the masses were warm, hard,
and painful in the inial stages, and become uctuang
and so for maturaon whereas their history revealed the
gradual reducon of feed intake and water consumpon.
All physiological parameters were normal in all the animals
presented. To dierenate it from other types of lesions
causing swelling like a tumor, hematoma, hernia, etc.,
aspiraon of the content from the swollen mass was
performed using a 16-gauge sterile needle that revealed
creamy discharge in all cases that were diagnosed as an
In one of the cases, the maturaon of the abscess
was done by the applicaon of Ichthammol daily which
completed by the third day. The exploratory puncture was
again done on 3rd day with 16-gauge needles on the swollen
mass which revealed thick, yellowish, creamy pus came out
either through a needle or the punctured site. Accordingly,
based on history, clinical ndings, and exploratory puncture
the cases were diagnosed as a case of supercial skin
abscess in dierent parts of the body. Finally, surgical
evacuaon of the pus was conducted to relieve the cale
from this condion.
For physical restraining, the bull was handled with
rope-assisted by personnel to adequately restrain it in
the ventrolateral posion. Chemically, the animals were
rst sedated with Domidine® (Detomidine hydrochloride,
manufactured by Dechra Veterinary Products Ltd., United
Kingdom) with a dose of 20µg/kg intravenously.
Surgical Correcon
Following proper physical and chemical restraining and
asepc preparaon of the surgical site, surgical evacuaon
of the pus was performed aer proper restraining in
lateral recumbency. The hair surrounding the swelling
was asepcally prepared by clipping, shaving, scrubbing,
washing with water, and salvon® (Cetrimide 3% and
Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.5% soluon). An incision with a
disposable sterile scalpel was made around the p of the
abscess. A large quanty of pus was drained and the cavity
lled with dilute (0.5%) ncture iodine. The cavity was then
lled with packed with gauze soaked in ncture iodine (5%)
with a set on protruding out of the incision to allow pus
drainage. Finally, the animals were admied home.
Post-operave follow-up and Result
Post-surgery, small skin bleeding was noced but it
is normal and helps to heal the wound unless connued
for a long period. The wound asepcally was cleaned
for successive ve days post-operaon. Besides, the
animal was kept on anbioc Penicillin (24mg/kg) and
dihydrostreptomycin sulfate (30mg/kg) (PenStrep®
Norbrook UK) I.M was administered for ve consecuve
Citation: Haben Fesseha, Management of Supercial Skin Abscess in Cattle- A Case Report. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 2(2)-2020.
DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.01.000037
three days. Meloxicam, at a dose rate of 0.5mg/kg, IM)
was given twice daily for three successive days for pain
management. Moreover, oxytetracycline wound spray
was used for three successive days. The owners were also
advised to clean the wound daily using homemade saline
soluon and subjecvely assess for discomfort, unpleasant
discharges, pain, and inammaon at the wound site. The
postoperave evaluaons showed good healing progress of
the surgical wound. All wounds successfully recovered aer
10 days without any other complicaons and no signs of
recurrence were seen during this period.
Discussion and Conclusion
An abscess is a circumscribed inammatory lesion, which
consists of purulent exudates. Causes of abscesses formaon
are variable and include a breach on the surface of the skin or
mucous membrane and entrance of pyogenic microorganisms
through it, infected foreign bodies migrang from the lumen
of the digesve tract, the non-sterilized needle used for
intramuscular injecon, punctured or penetrang wounds
All the abscess swellings were subcutaneously located in
dierent parts of the body of cale that included one at the
base of the ear, two between the mandibles, one at the cranial
surface of the shoulder region, one in the le ventrolateral
abdomen area and one at the dorsal surface of the gluteal
muscles. This result was in agreement with that reported by
Misk [6] who stated that the predilecon sites of abscesses in
dierent animals depend mainly on the way of entrance of the
infecon. Abscess cases were higher in males than females,
due to the use of males for draught purposes in the area and
ghng between them. Cale are the species predominantly
used in agriculture operaons to pull agricultural implements
(e.g. plough, weeder, puddler, etc) [14]. This is in agreement
with the current case report in terms of sex-wise incidence of
the case.
The exploratory puncture was highly diagnosc in case
of abscesses. Besides, size, consistency, nature, and color
of the contents play a considerable role in the diagnosis
and dierenal diagnosis of abscesses. Treatments of all
cases depend on maturaon and evacuaon. A thorough
examinaon of the abscess cavity was essenal to extract
any migrang foreign bodies; otherwise, the abscesses will
connue to discharge pus aer its opening. Treatment of
large abscess was performed by evacuaon of pus from the
abscess cavity along with anbacterial therapy. A similar line
of treatment was followed by Thorat, Sahoo and Ganguly
[15,16] and Hassan [9]. Drainage is essenal to prevent
dead space and seroma formaon. Simple dependent stab
incisions, passive drains, or acve drainage systems were
used depending on the wound [17,18]. In conclusion, it
could be concluded that at eld or farm level, successful
management of supercial skin abscess in cale can be
aained through proper/regular drainage of the pus followed
by ansepc gauze packing to allow drainage of pus so
that the parental administraon of anbiocs is eecve.
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Citation: Haben Fesseha, Management of Supercial Skin Abscess in Cattle- A Case Report. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 2(2)-2020.
DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.01.000037
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*Corresponding author: Haben Fesseha, E-mail:
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