
ACHO: A Framework for Flexible Re-Orchestration of Virtual Network Functions

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Network Function Virtualization enables network slicing as a novel paradigm for service provisioning. With network slicing, Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) can be instantiated at different locations of the infrastructure, choosing their optimal placement based on parameters such as the requirements of the service or the resources available. One limitation of state-of-the-art technology for network slicing is the inability to re-evaluate orchestration decisions once the slice has been deployed, in case of changing service demands or network conditions. In this paper, we present ACHO, a novel software framework that enables seamless re-orchestration of VNFs of any kind, including RAN and Core. With ACHO, VNFs and resources can be easily re-assigned to match, e.g., varying user demands or changes in the nodes’ load. ACHO uses lightweight mechanisms, such as splitting the engine of a VNF from the data it requires to perform its operation, in such a way that, when re-allocating a VNF, only the data is moved (a new engine is instantiated in the new location). We demonstrate the use of ACHO in a small scale testbed, showing that (i) the proposed re-orchestration is feasible, (ii) it results much faster than existing alternatives (especially for relocation), and (iii) the framework can be readily applied to existing VNFs after minimal changes to their implementation.

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... [205] SPE plus sidecar based NFs design [206] Context and Execution split of NFs [207] Blockchain-based Data Storage [208] erability (ranging from cloud-native engines to blockchainpowered frameworks) are summarized in Table VI. Core Network Slicing. ...
... In [207], the authors propose a novel framework to dynamically re-orchestrate a virtualized mobile network by leveraging the principles of the split between the context and execution engine (c/e split) of NFs. In this way, running NFs can be reallocated on the fly by only moving the function context towards a different location, where a new execution engine is instantiated, to support flexible and rapid network management and orchestration. ...
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Mobile networks are facing an unprecedented demand for high-speed connectivity originating from novel mobile applications and services and, in general, from the adoption curve of mobile devices. However, coping with the service requirements imposed by current and future applications and services is very difficult since mobile networks are becoming progressively more heterogeneous and more complex. In this context, a promising approach is the adoption of novel network automation solutions and, in particular, of zero-touch management techniques. In this work, we refer to zero-touch management as a fully autonomous network management solution with human oversight. This survey sits at the crossroad between zero-touch management and mobile and wireless network research, effectively bridging a gap in terms of literature review between the two domains. In this paper, we first provide a taxonomy of network management solutions. We then discuss the relevant state-of-the-art on autonomous mobile networks. The concept of zero-touch management and the associated standardization efforts are then introduced. The survey continues with a review of the most important technological enablers for zero-touch management. The network automation solutions from the RAN to the core network, including end-toend aspects such as security, are then surveyed. Finally, we close this article with the current challenges and research directions.
... In [34], authors presented ACHO, a novel software framework that enables seamless re-orchestration of VNFs of any kind, including RAN and Core. According to the authors, with ACHO, VNFs and resources can be easily re-assigned to match, e.g., varying user demands or changes in the nodes load without affecting ongoing services, which can significantly improve the quality of service. ...
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Cloud services are now well established. Thanks to specific providers’ pioneering work, they offer on-site the benefit of predictability, continuity, and quality of service provided by virtualization technologies. In this context, SDN (Software Defined Networking) aims at providing tenant management of the transmission and various abstractions of the network infrastructure underlying the applications. Cloud platforms can also support virtualized network functions to complement the execution of online (web servers) or batch (compute or data-intensive) tasks. Scheduling and placing network functions into the cloud is a daunting task. One reason is that it requires time-consuming provisioning and configuration steps. This paper presents a generic framework that schedules network service function chains considering their internal dependencies. Toward this goal, our solution considers network functions’ placement, not their configuration. We are confronted with the general problem of defining the ordered sequence of service functions to be performed in a way that retains some criteria. Our framework considers dependencies within a service function chain but not between chains. We also perform experiments to highlight the benefits and properties of modeling work. The proposed generic framework can be instantiated with multiple multi-criteria decision supports and other techniques for placing final network functions. We conduct intensive experiments to find the best combination of strategies until the computing system exceeds 850 cores. Lessons learned are finally presented at the end of the paper.
... ere are two concepts and conditions, which render a network orchestrator to be flexible, which is dynamic reorchestration and fine grain reorchestration. ese concepts provide a more modular software-based architecture [52]. ...
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Optical networks offer a wide range of benefits to the telecommunication sector worldwide with their provision of higher bandwidth, which leads to faster data speed, longer transmission distance, and improved latency. Currently, the complexity associated with advancements in optical networks poses problems to network flexibility, reliability, and quality of service. Over the years, many reviews and proposals have been implemented by several literature studies to provide solutions for optical networks using software-defined networks and network service orchestrators. This study reviews the significant challenges in current optical network applications, the various solutions rendered by software-defined networks, and network service orchestration, impediments, and gaps in these software-defined networks. This study will go a step further to look into the various improvements and implementations of software-defined networks tailored to solve specific optical network problems. This study further proposes a flexible orchestration architecture for software-defined networks for solving flexibility and scalability problems in optical networks. This proposal uses an open network system (ONOS) SDN controller, leveraging on dockerisation and Kubernetes clusterisation and orchestration. This solution presents a more flexible, reliable, customable, and higher quality of service, which is an improvement upon current solutions in the literature.
... ere are two concepts and conditions, which render a network orchestrator to be flexible, which is dynamic reorchestration and fine grain reorchestration. ese concepts provide a more modular software-based architecture [52]. ...
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Optical networks offer a wide range of benefits to the telecommunication sector worldwide with their provision of higher bandwidth, which leads to faster data speed, longer transmission distance, and improved latency. Currently, the complexity associated with advancements in optical networks poses problems to network flexibility, reliability, and quality of service. Over the years, many reviews and proposals have been implemented by several literature studies to provide solutions for optical networks using software-defined networks and network service orchestrators. This study reviews the significant challenges in current optical network applications, the various solutions rendered by software-defined networks, and network service orchestration, impediments, and gaps in these software-defined networks. This study will go a step further to look into the various improvements and implementations of software-defined networks tailored to solve specific optical network problems. This study further proposes a flexible orchestration architecture for software-defined networks for solving flexibility and scalability problems in optical networks. This proposal uses an open network system (ONOS) SDN controller, leveraging on dockerisation and Kubernetes clusterisation and orchestration. This solution presents a more flexible, reliable, customable, and higher quality of service, which is an improvement upon current solutions in the literature.
... ere are two concepts and conditions, which render a network orchestrator to be flexible, which is dynamic reorchestration and fine grain reorchestration. ese concepts provide a more modular software-based architecture [52]. ...
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Optical networks offer a wide range of benefits to the telecommunication sector world- wide with its provision of higher bandwidth which leads to faster data speed, longer transmission distance, and improved latency. Currently, the complexity associated with advancements in optical networks poses problems to network flexibility, reliability, and quality of service. Over the years, many reviews and proposals have been implemented by several literatures to provide solutions for optical networks using software-defined networks and network service orchestrators. This paper reviews the significant challenges in current optical network applications, the various solutions rendered by software-defined networks as well as network service orchestration, the impediments, and gaps in these software – defined networks. This paper will go a step further to look into the various improvements and implementations of software-defined networks tailored to solve specific optical network problems. This paper further proposes a flexible orchestration architecture for software-defined networks for solving flexibility and scalability problems in optical networks. This proposal uses Open Network System (ONOS) SDN controller, leveraging on dockerisation as well as kubernetes clusterisation and orchestration. This solution presents a more flexible, reliable, customable, and higher quality of service which is an improvement upon current solutions in literature.
System Service Provider models are experiencing a developmental change driven by client requests, enormous information and mechanical advances, for example, 4G, LTE Advanced, 5G, Software Defined Networks (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). Developing situations make use of quick system services that consume system, stockpiling, and processing assets in frameworks. Organizing assets for controlling and making administrations in interconnected spaces and different innovations, in this manner, turns into an incredible test. Innovative work endeavours are dedicated to mechanizing the procedures of arranging, planning, and dealing with the organization and activity of system administrations. In this best-in-class study, we address the subject of Network Service Orchestration (NSO) by looking at the authentic foundation, significant research undertakings, and normalization exercises. We characterize key ideas and propose a scientific classification of NSO approaches and answers to prepare for a typical comprehension of the various endeavours around the acknowledgment of different NSO application situations.
Network technologies are embracing the cloud-native paradigm, following the current best practices in cloud computing. Cloud-native technologies might be applied to different types of network functions in a mobile network, but they are particularly relevant nowadays for core network functions, as the recent standard introduces the Service-Based Architecture that matches modern cloud-native technologies such as Docker or Kubernetes. In parallel, a number of open source software initiatives already provide researchers and practitioners with usable software that implements the key functionality of a mobile network (both for LTE and 5G). These software solutions, however, are monolithic and not integrated into state-of-the-art cloudnative frameworks. In this paper, we fill this gap by describing the implementation of a cloud-native mobile network, which supports channel emulation and provides an affordable and scalable way of testing orchestration algorithms with standardized VIM interfaces. Our experimental evaluation shows the applicability of our solution, which is released as open-source and illustrates its flexibility.
The softwarization of mobile networks enables an efficient use of resources, by dynamically scaling and re-assigning them following variations in demand. Given that the activation of additional servers is not immediate, scaling up resources should anticipate traffic demands to prevent service disruption. At the same time, the activation of more servers than strictly necessary results in a waste of resources, and thus should be avoided. Given the stringent reliability requirements of 5G applications (up to 6 nines) and the fallible nature of servers, finding the right trade-off between efficiency and service disruption is particularly critical. In this paper, we analyze a generic auto-scaling mechanism for communication services, used to de(activate) servers in a cluster, based on occupation thresholds. We model the impact of the activation delay and the finite lifetime of the servers on performance, in terms of power consumption and failure probability. Based on this model, we derive an algorithm to optimally configure the thresholds. Simulation results confirm the accuracy of the model both under synthetic and realistic traffic patterns as well as the effectiveness of the configuration algorithm. We also provide some insights on the best strategy to support an energy-efficient highly-reliable service: deploying a few powerful and reliable machines versus deploying many machines, but less powerful and reliable.
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The increasing consumption of multimedia services and the demand of high-quality services from customers has triggered a fundamental change in how we administer networks in terms of abstraction, separation, and mapping of forwarding, control and management aspects of service. The industry and the academia are embracing 5G as the future network capable to support next generation vertical applications with different service requirements. To realize this vision in 5G network, the physical network has to be sliced into multiple isolated logical networks of varying sizes and structures which are dedicated to different types of services based on their requirements with different characteristics and requirements(e.g., a slice for massive IoT devices, smartphones or autonomous cars, etc.). Softwarization using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV)in 5G networks are expected to fill the void of programmable control and management of network resources. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review and updated solutions related to 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV. Firstly, we present 5G service quality and business requirements followed by a description of 5G network softwarization and slicing paradigms including essential concepts, history and different use cases. Secondly, we provide a tutorial of 5G network slicing technology enablers including SDN, NFV, MEC, cloud/Fog computing, network hypervisors, virtual machines & containers. Thidly, we comprehensively survey different industrial initiatives and projects that are pushing forward the adoption of SDN and NFV in accelerating 5G network slicing. A comparison of various 5G architectural approaches in terms of practical implementations, technology adoptions and deployment strategies is presented.. Moreover, we provide discussion on various open source orchestrators and proof of concepts representing industrial contribution.. The work also investigates the standardization efforts in 5G networks regarding network slicing and softwarization. Additionally, the article presents the management and orchestration of network slices in a single domain followed by a comprehensive survey of management and orchestration approaches in 5G network slicing across multiple domains while supporting multiple tenants. Furthermore, we highlight the future challenges and research directions regarding network softwarization and slicing using SDN and NFV in 5G networks.
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The unprecedented growth of energy consumption in data centers created critical concern in recent years for both the research community and industry. Besides its direct associated cost; high energy consumption also results in a large amount of CO2 emission and incurs extra cooling expenditure. The foremost reason for overly energy consumption is the underutilization of data center resources. In modern data centers, virtualization provides a promising approach to improve the hardware utilization level. Virtual machine placement is a process of mapping a group of virtual machines (VMs) onto a set of physical machines (PMs) in a data center with the aim of maximizing resource utilization and minimizing the total power consumption by PMs. An optimal virtual machine placement algorithm substantially contributes to cutting down the power consumption through assigning the input VMs to a minimum number of PMs and allowing the dispensable PMs to be turned off. However, VM Placement Problem is a complex combinatorial optimization problem and known to be NP-Hard problem. This paper presents an extensive review of virtual machine placement problem along with an overview of different approaches for solving virtual machine placement problem. The aim of this paper is to illuminate challenges and issues for current virtual machine placement techniques. Furthermore, we present a taxonomy of virtual machine placement based on various aspects such as methodology, number of objectives, operation mode, problem objectives, resource demand type and number of clouds. The state-of-the-art VM Placement techniques are classified in single objectives and multi-objective groups and a number of prominent works are reviewed in each group. Eventually, some open issues and future trends are discussed which serve as a platform for future research work in this domain.
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The novel network slicing paradigm represents an effective turning point to operate future wireless networks. Available networking and computational resources may be shared across different (instantiations of) services tailored onto specific vertical needs, envisioned as the main infrastructure tenants. While such customization enables meeting advanced key performance indicators (KPIs) introduced by upcoming 5G networks, advanced multi-tenancy approaches help to abate the cost of deploying and operating the network. However, the network slicing implementation requires a number of non-trivial practical considerations, including how resource sharing operations are actually implemented, how involved parties establish the corresponding agreement to instantiate, operate, and terminate such a sharing or the design of functional modules and interfaces supporting these operations. In this paper, we present a novel framework that unveils proper answers to the above design challenges. While existing initiatives are typically limited to single-domain and single-owner scenarios, our framework overcomes these limitations by enlarging the administrative scope of the network deployments fostering different providers to collaborate so as to facilitate a larger set of resources even spread across multiple domains. Numerical evaluations confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented solution.
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The fifth generation telecommunication standard (5G) will make use of novel technologies, such as Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). New models are integrating SDN and NFV in a control plane entity responsible of the Management and Orchestration (MANO) of the whole system. This entity, acting as director of the 5G control plane, is known as Service Orchestrator. This work presents SENATUS, an experimental service orchestrator targeting research and testing environments. SENATUS implements a set of innovations to support the validation of the future network planner modules that will be integrated on the management entities of the 5G architecture. Furthermore, we present two testbed scenarios to show the capability of SENATUS to control the SDN and NFV technologies previously mentioned.
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Vertical markets and industries are addressing alarge diversity of heterogeneous services, use cases, and ap-plications in 5G. It is currently common understanding thatfor networks to be able able to satisfy those needs, a flexible,adaptable, and programmable architecture based on networkslicing is required. Moreover, a softwarization and cloudifi-cation of the communications networks is already happening,where network functions (NFs) are transformed from monolithicpieces of equipment to programs running over a shared poolof computational and communication resources. However, thisnovel architecture paradigm requires new solutions to exploit itsinherent flexibility. In this paper, we introduce the concept ofresource elasticityas a key means to make an efficient use of thecomputational resources in 5G systems. Besides establishing adefinition as well as a set of requirements and key performanceindicators (KPIs), we propose mechanisms for the exploitationof elasticity in three different dimensions, namelycomputationalelasticityin the design and scaling of NFs,orchestration-drivenelasticityby flexible placement of NFs, andslice-aware elasticityvia cross-slice resource provisioning mechanisms. Finally, weprovide a succinct analysis of the architectural components thatneed to be enhanced to incorporate elasticity principles
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When users flood in cloud data centers, how to efficiently manage hardware resources and Virtual Machines (VMs) in a data center to both lower economical cost and ensure a high service quality becomes an inevitable work for cloud providers. VM migration is a cornerstone technology for the majority of cloud management tasks. It frees a VM from the underlying hardware. This feature brings a plenty of benefits to cloud providers and users. Many researchers are focusing on pushing its cutting edge. In this paper, we firstly give an overview of VM migration and discuss both its benefits and challenges. VM migration schemes are classified from three perspectives: manner, distance, and granularity. The studies on non-live migration are simply reviewed, and then those on live migration are comprehensively surveyed based on the three main challenges it faces: memory data migration, storage data migration, and network connection continuity. The works on quantitative analysis of VM migration performance are also elaborated. With the development and evolution of cloud computing, user mobility becomes an important motivation for live VM migration in some scenarios (e.g., fog computing). Thus, the studies regarding linking VM migration to user mobility are summarized as well. At last, we list the open issues which are waiting for solutions or further optimizations on live VM migration.
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Testbeds are essential for experimental evaluation as well as for product development. In the context of LTE networks, existing testbed platforms are limited either in functionality and/or extensibility or are too complex to modify and customise. In this work we present srsLTE, an open-source platform for LTE experimentation designed for maximum modularity and code reuse and fully compliant with LTE Release 8. We show the potential of the srsLTE library by extending the baseline code to allow LTE transmissions in the unlicensed bands and coexistence with WiFi. We also expand previous results on this emerging research area by showing how different vendor-specific mechanisms in WiFi cards might affect coexistence.
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Software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) have emerged as the most promising candidates for improving network function and protocol programmability and dynamic adjustment of network resources. On the one hand, SDN is responsible for providing an abstraction of network resources through well-defined application programming interfaces. This abstraction enables SDN to perform network virtualization, that is, to slice the physical infrastructure and create multiple coexisting application-specific virtual tenant networks (VTNs) with specific quality-of-service and service-level-agreement requirements, independent of the underlying optical transport technology and network protocols. On the other hand, the notion of NFV relates to deploying network functions that are typically deployed in specialized and dedicated hardware, as software instances [called virtual network functions (VNFs)] running on commodity servers (e.g., in data centers) through software virtualization techniques. Despite all the attention that has been given to virtualizing IP functions (e.g., firewall; authentication, authorization, and accounting) or Long-Term Evolution control functions (e.g., mobility management entity, serving gateway, and packet data network gateway), some transport control functions can also be virtualized and moved to the cloud as a VNF. In this work we propose virtualizing the tenant SDN control functions of a VTN and moving them into the cloud. The control of a VTN is a key requirement associated with network virtualization, since it allows the dynamic programming (i.e., direct control and configuration) of the virtual resources allocated to the VTN. We experimentally assess and evaluate the first SDN/NFV orchestration architecture in a multipartner testbed to dynamically deploy independent SDN controller instances for each instantiated VTN and to provide the required connectivity within minutes.
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Cloud computing is the future wave of information technology that provides infrastructure, platform and application as on demand services with low cost and rapid scalability. Infrastructure resources virtualization is the backbone of cloud computing to meet on demand, rapid scalability and resource pooling as the main cloud computing characteristics. Live migration is one of the powerful features in datacenters virtualization. Hosts load balance, power saving, failure recovery and dynamic resource allocation are all dependent on having live migration for the virtual machines. So studying and modeling live migrations is important to predict its impact on the datacenter performance and to take the migration decision at the optimum times. In this paper, we study the impact of live migration on the datacenter resources network and power consumption for VMware environment. This overhead modeling can be used to estimate the live migration impact on datacenter resources utilization given the virtual machine and network characteristics. Based on this estimation, the network admin can be alerted with this estimated overhead in order to confirm the live migration request or to postpone it to another optimum time for minimum interruption on the running applications.
Cloud computing and network slicing are essential concepts of forthcoming 5G mobile systems. Network slices are essentially chunks of virtual computing and connectivity resources, configured and provisioned for particular services according to their characteristics and requirements. The success of cloud computing and network slicing hinges on the efficient allocation of virtual resources (e.g. VCPU, VMDISK) and the optimal placement of Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) composing the network slices. In this context, this paper elaborates issues that may disrupt the placement of VNFs and VMs. The paper classifies the existing solutions for VM Placement (VMP) based on their nature, whether the placement is dynamic or static, their objectives, and their metrics. The paper then proposes a classification of VNF Placement (VNFP) approaches, first, regarding the general placement and management issues of VNFs, and second, based on the target VNF type.
Network slicing represents a new paradigm to operate mobile networks. With network slicing, the underlying infrastructure is "sliced" into logically separate networks that can be customized to the specific needs of their tenant. Hands-on experiments on this technology are essential to understand its benefits and limits, and to validate the design and deployment choices. While some network slicing prototypes have been built for RANs, leveraging on the wide availability of radio hardware and open source software, there is currently no open source suite for end-to-end network slicing available to the research community. In this article we fill this gap by developing an end-to-end network slicing protocol stack, POSENS, which relies on a slice-aware shared RAN solution. We design the required algorithms and protocols, and provide a full implementation leveraging on state-of-the-art software components. We validate the effectiveness of POSENS in achieving tenant isolation and network slices customization, showing that no price in performance is paid toward this end. We believe that our tool will prove very useful to researchers and practitioners working on this novel architectural paradigm.
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By providing especially tailored instances of a virtual network,network slicing allows for a strong specialization of the offered services on the same shared infrastructure. Network slicing has profound implications on resource management, as it entails an inherent trade-off between: (i) the need for fully dedicated resources to support service customization, and (ii) the dynamic resource sharing among services to increase resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system. In this paper, we provide a first investigation of this trade-off via an empirical study of resource management efficiency in network slicing. Building on substantial measurement data collected in an operational mobile network (i) we quantify the efficiency gap introduced by non-reconfigurable allocation strategies of different kinds of resources, from radio access to the core of the network, and (ii) we quantify the advantages of their dynamic orchestration at different timescales. Our results provide insights on the achievable efficiency of network slicing architectures, their dimensioning, and their interplay with resource management algorithms.
The traffic explosion and the rising of diverse requirements lead to many challenges for traditional mobile network architecture on flexibility, scalability, and deployability. To meet new requirements in the 5G era, service based architecture is introduced into mobile networks. The monolithic network elements (e.g., MME, PGW, etc.) are split into smaller network functions to provide customized services. However, the management and deployment of network functions in service based 5G core network are still big challenges. In this paper, we propose a novel management architecture for 5G service based core network based on NFV and SDN. Combined with SDN, NFV and edge computing, the proposed framework can provide distributed and on-demand deployment of network functions, service guaranteed network slicing, flexible orchestration of network functions and optimal workload allocation. Simulations are conducted to show that the proposed framework and algorithm are effective in terms of reducing network operating cost.
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Emerging 5G mobile networks are envisioned to become multi-service environments, enabling the dynamic deployment of services with a diverse set of performance requirements, accommodating the needs of mobile network operators, verticals and over-the-top (OTT) service providers. Virtualizing the mobile network in a flexible way is of paramount importance for a cost-effective realization of this vision. While virtualization has been extensively studied in the case of the mobile core, virtualizing the radio access network (RAN) is still at its infancy. In this paper, we present Orion, a novel RAN slicing system that enables the dynamic on-the-fly virtualization of base stations, the flexible customization of slices to meet their respective service needs and which can be used in an end-to-end network slicing setting. Orion guarantees the functional and performance isolation of slices, while allowing for the efficient use of RAN resources among them. We present a concrete prototype implementation of Orion for LTE, with experimental results, considering alternative RAN slicing approaches, indicating its efficiency and highlighting its isolation capabilities. We also present an extension to Orion for accommodating the needs of OTT providers.
Increasing the density of access points is one of the most effective mechanisms to cope with the growing traffic demand in wireless networks. To prevent energy wastage at low loads, a resource-on-demand (RoD) scheme is required to opportunistically (de)activate access points as network traffic varies. While previous publications have analytically modelled these schemes in the past, they have assumed that resources are immediately available when activated, an assumption that leads to inaccurate results and might result in inappropriate configurations of the RoD scheme. In this paper, we analyse a general RoD scenario with N access points and non-zero start-up times. We first present an exact analytical model that accurately predicts performance but has a high computational complexity, and then derive a simplified analysis that sacrifices some accuracy in exchange for a much lower computational cost. To illustrate the practicality of this model, we present the design of a simple configuration algorithm for RoD. Simulation results confirm the validity of the analyses, and the effectiveness of the configuration algorithm.
With rapid adoption of the cloud computing model, many enterprises have begun deploying cloud-based services. Failures of virtual machines (VMs) in clouds have caused serious quality assurance issues for those services. VM replication is a commonly used technique for enhancing the reliability of cloud services. However, when determining the VM redundancy strategy for a specific service, many state-of-the-art methods ignore the huge network resource consumption issue that could be experienced when the service is in failure recovery mode. This paper proposes a redundant VM placement optimization approach to enhancing the reliability of cloud services. The approach employs three algorithms. The first algorithm selects an appropriate set of VM-hosting servers from a potentially large set of candidate host servers based upon the network topology. The second algorithm determines an optimal strategy to place the primary and backup VMs on the selected host servers with k-fault-tolerance assurance. Lastly, a heuristic is used to address the task-to-VM reassignment optimization problem, which is formulated as finding a maximum weight matching in bipartite graphs. The evaluation results show that the proposed approach outperforms four other representative methods in network resource consumption in the service recovery stage.
Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a common term for mobile network automation, critical to the cost-efficient deployment, operation and maintenance of mobile networks. This article provides an overview of SON standardization in 3GPP, including both existing and planned functionalities. It also provides an operator perspective on the relevance and use of 3GPP SON functionalities at different stages of the network design-and-operations cycle. In the long-term it is envisaged that automation will become a natural component in network operations, although the success of SON will depend on automation's benefits in relation to its cost.
Network functions virtualization (NFV) together with software-defined networking (SDN) has the potential to help operators satisfy tight service level agreements, accurately monitor and manipulate network traffic, and minimize operating expenses. However, in scenarios that require packet processing to be redistributed across a collection of network function (NF) instances, simultaneously achieving all three goals requires a framework that provides efficient, coordinated control of both internal NF state and network forwarding state. To this end, we design a control plane called OpenNF. We use carefully designed APIs and a clever combination of events and forwarding updates to address race conditions, bound overhead, and accommodate a variety of NFs. Our evaluation shows that OpenNF offers efficient state control without compromising flexibility, and requires modest additions to NFs.
Conference Paper
Developing elastic applications should be easy. This paper takes a step toward the goal of generalizing elasticity by observing that a broadly deployed class of software-- the network middlebox--is particularly well suited to dynamic scale. Middleboxes tend to achieve a clean separation between a small amount of per-flow network state and a large amount of complex application logic. We present a state-centric, systems-level abstraction for elastic middleboxes called Split/Merge. A virtual middlebox that has appropriately classified its state (e.g., perflow state) can be dynamically scaled out (or in) by a Split/Merge system, but remains ignorant of the number of replicas in the system. Per-flow state may be transparently split between many replicas or merged back into one, while the network ensures flows are routed to the correct replica. As a result, Split/Merge enables load-balanced elasticity. We have implemented a Split/Merge system, called FreeFlow, and ported Bro, an open-source intrusion detection system, to run on it. In controlled experiments, FreeFlow enables a 25% reduction in maximum latency while eliminating hotspots during scale-out and a 50% quicker scale-in than standard approaches.
Due to the growing demand of flexible resource management for cloud computing services, researches on live virtual machine migration have attained more and more attention1. Live migration of virtual machine across different hosts has been a powerful tool to facilitate system maintenance, load balancing, fault tolerance and so on. In this paper, we use a measurement-based approach to compare the performance of two major live migration technologies under certain network conditions, i.e., VMotion and XenMotion. The results show that VMotion generates much less data transferred than XenMotion when migrating identical VMs. However, in network with moderate packet loss and delay, which are typical in a VPN (virtual private network) scenario used to connect the data centers, XenMotion outperforms VMotion in total migration time. We hope that this study can be helpful in choosing suitable virtualization environments for data center administrators and optimizing existing live migration mechanisms.
The orchestration in 5G exchange – a multi-provider NFV framework for 5G services
  • Ger
Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud
  • Madhavapeddy