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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death, and its survivors with a disability are considered to be an important global health priority. In view of a diverse range of disability and its impact on TBI survivors, the need for effective rehabilitation modalities is on a high rise. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of EEG neurofeedback training (EEG-NFT) in moderate-severe TBI patients on their clinical and electrophysiological outcomes. The study was an experimental longitudinal design with a pre-post comparison. A total of 14 TBI patients in a postinjury period between 3 months to 2 years were recruited. All participants received twenty sessions of EEG-NFT. Baseline and post-NFT comparisons were made on postconcussion symptoms (PCS) and electrophysiological variables. The result indicates a significant reduction in the severity of PCS following EEG-NFT. A consistent pattern of reduced slow waves and fast waves amplitude ratios was also noted at post-NFT, although it was not significant across all the brain regions. The present study suggests EEG-NFT as a contributing factor in improving PCS and normalization of qEEG in TBI patients, which holds an implication for clinical decision-making of EEG-NFT as a viable alternative to be offered to TBI patients.
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75 | Vol. 7(2):7583 2020 doi:10.15540/nr.7.2.75
Effect of EEG Neurofeedback Training in Patients with
ModerateSevere Traumatic Brain Injury: A Clinical and
Electrophysiological Outcome Study
Rajnish K. Gupta1, Mohammed Afsar1, Rohit K. Yadav1, Dhaval P. Shukla2, and Jamuna
1Department of Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru, India
2Department of Neurosurgery, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru, India
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death, and its survivors with a disability are considered to be an
important global health priority. In view of a diverse range of disability and its impact on TBI survivors, the need
for effective rehabilitation modalities is on a high rise. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the
efficacy of EEG neurofeedback training (EEG-NFT) in moderatesevere TBI patients on their clinical and
electrophysiological outcomes. The study was an experimental longitudinal design with a pre-post comparison.
A total of 14 TBI patients in a postinjury period between 3 months to 2 years were recruited. All participants
received twenty sessions of EEG-NFT. Baseline and post-NFT comparisons were made on postconcussion
symptoms (PCS) and electrophysiological variables. The result indicates a significant reduction in the severity of
PCS following EEG-NFT. A consistent pattern of reduced slow waves and fast waves amplitude ratios was also
noted at post-NFT, although it was not significant across all the brain regions. The present study suggests EEG-
NFT as a contributing factor in improving PCS and normalization of qEEG in TBI patients, which holds an
implication for clinical decision-making of EEG-NFT as a viable alternative to be offered to TBI patients.
Keywords: neurofeedback; traumatic brain injury; EEG; postconcussion symptoms; electrophysiology
Citation: Gupta, R. K., Afsar, M., Yadav, R. K., Shukla, D. P., & Rajeswaran, J. (2020). Effect of EEG neurofeedback training in patients with
moderatesevere traumatic brain injury: A clinical and electrophysiological outcome study. NeuroRegulation, 7(2), 7583.
*Address correspondence to: Dr. Jamuna Rajeswaran, 306, 3rd
floor, Dr. MVG Centre, Department of Clinical Psychology, National
Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Hosur
Road, Bengaluru-560029, India. Email:
Copyright: © 2020. Gupta et al. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC-BY).
Edited by:
Rex L. Cannon, PhD, SPESA Research Institute, Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA
Reviewed by:
Rex L. Cannon, PhD, SPESA Research Institute, Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA
Randall Lyle, PhD, Mount Mercy University, Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) disrupts the normal
functioning of the brain caused by a bump, blow, or
jolt to the head (Marr & Coronado, 2004). It is a
major concern worldwide, also referred to as The
Silent Epidemic (Rusnak, 2013; Vaishnavi, Rao, &
Fann, 2009). The global incidence of TBI is
estimated to be 69 million individuals per year
(Dewan et al., 2018). In India, it is estimated that
annually approximately 1.6 million individuals
sustain a TBI (Gururaj, 2002). The prevalence of
TBI increased by 8.4% from 1990 to 2016 and
accounts for a considerable portion of the global
injury burden (GBD 2016 TBI and SCI Collaborators,
2019). The major etiological factors of TBI are road
traffic accidents (60%), falls (2025%), and violence
(10%; Gururaj, 2002). From 2003 to 2013, in India
road accidents have increased by 5% per year while
the population increased by 1.4% per year,
suggesting a high prevalence of TBI (Singh, 2017).
TBI results in a large number of deaths or survivors
with impairments in a wide array of cognitive
domains such as executive functions (Azouvi et al.,
2016), processing speed (Fong, Chan, Ng, & Ng,
2009), response inhibition (Dimoska-Di Marco,
McDonald, Kelly, Tate, & Johnstone, 2011), memory
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(West, Curtis, Greve, & Bianchini, 2011; Wright,
Schmitter-Edgecombe, & Woo, 2010), and social
cognition (Spikman, Timmerman, Milders, Veenstra,
& van der Naalt, 2012). These impairments ascend
to the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and physical
changes that affect a person’s quality of life (QOL;
Langlois, Rutland-Brown, & Wald, 2006). The
cognitive functioning was found impaired in
moderatesevere TBI patients even after two years
postinjury (Schretlen & Shapiro, 2003).
Postconcussion symptoms (PCS) are the most
commonly reported sequelae of TBI, which include
headache, dizziness, fatigue, temper, sleep
disturbance, memory problems, blurred vision, poor
concentration, anxiety, and irritability (Dikmen,
Machamer, Fann, & Temkin, 2010; McLean,
Dikmen, Temkin, Wyler, & Gale, 1984; Stålnacke,
2012). A significant range of psychiatric disorders
such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder,
posttraumatic stress disorder, and agoraphobia are
found to be associated with posttraumatic injury
(Bryant et al., 2010). Population-based studies
report that patients with post-head-injury are more
liable to develop epilepsy and a binge pattern of
alcohol use (Christensen, 2012; Ferguson et al.,
2010; Horner et al., 2005).
The consequences of TBI are not only circumscribed
to these overt changes and dysfunctions but also
lead to the disruptions and alterations of brain
function, including changes in electrophysiological
patterns. These alterations have been found to be
associated with poor functional outcomes. EEG
abnormalities can be focal, multifocal, or widespread
depending upon the severity and location of the
injury (Brigo & Mecarelli, 2019; Galovic, Schmitz, &
Tettenborn, 2018). A considerable amount of
studies has been shown to correspond to
quantitative EEG (qEEG) changes after the
concussion. The most common qEEG findings of
persons with mild TBI (mTBI) are attenuated alpha
frequency in the posterior region and increased
theta activity (Arciniegas, 2011; Lewine et al., 2019;
Nuwer, Hovda, Schrader, & Vespa, 2005; Tebano et
al., 1988; Thatcher, Walker, Gerson, & Geisler,
1989). Acute disruption of cortical-thalamic
networks led to an increase in delta and theta band
and a decrease in beta band in TBI (Moeller, Tu, &
Bazil, 2011). A consequential higher theta-alpha,
theta-beta, and delta-alpha amplitude ratio and
minimized EEG coherence were also noted in mTBI
(Chen, Tao, & Chen, 2006; Modarres, Kuzma,
Kretzmer, Pack, & Lim, 2016; Moeller et al., 2011;
Watson et al., 1995). An epileptiform activity has
been observed immediately followed by a diffuse
slowing of the EEG after head injury (Walker,
Kollros, & Case, 1945).
With a diverse range of disability and its impact on
TBI survivors, new intervention modalities are being
attempted to address the TBI-related issues. One of
such modalities is EEG neurofeedback training
(EEG-NFT) that uses electrophysiological measures
of an individual to self-regulate their
psychophysiological state (Ali, Viczko, & Smart,
2020). It is a noninvasive and nonpharmacological
intervention based on the principles of operant
conditioning. EEG-NFT has shown promising
effects for ameliorating cognitive, behavioral,
emotional, and physical dysfunctions among
patients with TBI (Bennett et al., 2018; Keller, 2001;
Munivenkatappa, Rajeswaran, Indira Devi, Bennet,
& Upadhyay, 2014; Reddy, Rajeswaran, Devi, &
Kandavel, 2013; Schoenberger, Shiflett, Esty, Ochs,
& Matheis, 2001).
There are very limited to no studies being attempted
of investigating clinical and electrophysiological
changes in the moderatesevere TBI following EEG-
NFT. Therefore, the present study uses the alpha
reinforcement and theta inhibition training with the
aim to reduce theta-alpha amplitude ratio to explore
the electrophysiological alterations and the
subsequent consequences on PCS among patients
with moderatesevere TBI.
Methods and Materials
The sample comprised of 19 individuals (15 males
and 4 females) diagnosed with TBI with normal or
corrected hearing and vision in the age range of 18
50 years (mean age = 32.47 years; SD = 7.52). All
participants with TBI had a Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) score 12 or less with a postinjury period
between 3 months to 2 years.
Participants with a diagnosis of mTBI (GCS: 1315),
with extracranial injuries, having a previous history of
any comorbid neurological, psychiatric, or
neurosurgical conditions, substance dependence, or
mental retardation, and those who underwent any
form of structured psychological intervention in the
last year were excluded.
After obtaining ethical clearance from the Institute
Ethics Committee, a written informed consent form
was sought from each participant who met inclusion
criteria. Sociodemographic and clinical details were
obtained, and baseline assessments were
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conducted using the Rivermead Postconcussion
Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) and a resting-state
eyes-opened EEG recording. Following the
baseline, all the participants received 20 sessions of
EEG-NFT (those who completed 80% of sessions
were also considered as completers). To examine
the posttraining effect, the same baseline
assessments were readministered immediately after
the completion of EEG-NFT.
Rivermead Postconcussion Symptoms
Questionnaire. It was used to assess the severity
of the symptoms reporting in the postinjury period. It
consists of 16 items assessing the most commonly
reported PCS. The scores ranged from 04 where 0
indicates the symptoms were not experienced, 1 as
the symptom was no more a problem, 2 as a mild
problem, 3 as a moderate problem, and 4 as a
severe problem. The participants were asked to rate
the degree to which they experienced the
symptoms. The total score represented the overall
severity of PCS.
EEG recording. The EEG was conducted in a dimly
lit, sound-attenuated room while the patient was
seated comfortably. The recording was performed
using SynAmps amplifiers (Compumedics
Neuroscan, Charlotte, NC) with 32 Ag/AgCl, passive
electrodes, fitted in the lycra stretch cap. Sampling
frequency was kept at 1 kHz with a notch filter at 50
Hz. For eye movement, horizontal and vertical
electrooculograms (EOG) were used bipolarly. One
electrode on each mastoid was used as a reference.
Electrodes impedance was ascertained less than 10
Intervention. The participants received 20 sessions
of EEG-NFT conducted three times a week
spanning the whole intervention program over a
period of 2 months. It was carried out in a quiet,
dimly lit room using a dedicated NFT system
(Atlantis system, BrainMaster Technologies, Inc.,
Bedford, OH). Each participant received alpha-theta
training (reinforcing alpha and inhibiting theta)
activity with the aim of reducing the theta-alpha
amplitude ratio. The active sites were fixed at O1
and O2 locations as per the 1020 International
system, each reference electrode on mastoid, and
the ground electrode on the forehead. An abrasive
gel was used to clean and prepare the scalp/skin
followed by mounting the electrode using a
conductive paste. Before the procedure, the goal
and nature of the task were explained thoroughly to
the participant. The display screen was selected as
per the participants’ choice. The participants were
instructed to relax and focus on the screen. The
reward was given through visual feedback (i.e., an
increase in the score), which is displayed on the
screen. Each NFT session lasted for 40-min
duration. The training was done under the
supervision of a trained clinical neuropsychologist
(as per the norms of the rehabilitation council of
Data analysis. EEG data were analyzed using
Neuroscan v4.5 (Compumedics Neuroscan,
Charlotte, NC). Finite impulse response (FIR)
bandpass filter from 0.1 to 30 Hz with a zero-phase
shift at 12 dB/octave was applied to retain all
relevant frequencies. For eye movement and other
artifacts corrections, EEG data were marked
manually, and spatial filter transformation was
performed through principal component analysis
(PCA) using singular value decomposition (SVD).
Spectral analysis was performed on artifact-free data
using 1024 data points. The signals from all the
electrode positions underwent the fast Fourier
transformation (FFT) on 500 ms epochs with a
Hanning window of 1024 Hz. The resulting
frequency spectra were divided into frequency band
of interest: delta (0.13.0 Hz), theta (47 Hz), alpha
(812 Hz), beta (1330 Hz).
Further statistical analyses were carried out on
SPSS v20.0. To check the normality for all values of
interest Shapiro-Wilk test was performed (Shapiro &
Wilk, 1965). The data group that was normally
distributed a paired t-test was performed, while for
the data that violated the normality assumption, a
similar nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was
used. A statistical significance threshold was set at
p < .05.
From the 19 participants with TBI who were recruited
for EEG-NFT, two participants dropped out (did not
turn up for sessions after baseline assessment or
did not complete up to 80% of the sessions). From
the remaining 17 participants, three patients could
not complete baseline and/or post-NFT
Rivermead Postconcussion Symptoms
Questionnaire (RPQ)
The RPQ-total score which forms the severity of TBI
symptoms significantly reduced (p = .018) in post-
NFT compared to the baseline. The effect size
within-subjects also showed a medium effect (0.725)
on RPQ-T scores (Table 1; Figure 1).
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Table 1
Rivermead Postconcussion Symptoms Questionnaire total (RPQ-T) score (n = 14).
S. No.
(Mean ± SD)
p Value
Effect Size
Cohen’s d
16.57 ± 10.523
Note. * Significance at 0.05 level.
Figure 1. Rivermead Postconcussion Symptoms
Questionnaire total (RPQ-T) score at baseline and
post-NFT (n = 14).
EEG Neurofeedback Training (EEG-NFT)
For the EEG-NFT sessions, a ratio of an average
amplitude of theta and alpha frequency bands was
calculated at O1 and O2 locations in the first and
last session. The result indicates that the theta-
alpha ratio has reduced at both O1 (p = .665) and
O2 (p = .011) locations, although this was not
statistically significant at O1 (Table 2; Figure 2).
Table 2
Average amplitude of theta-alpha ratio at O1 and O2
locations in the first and last session (n = 14).
First Session
(Mean ± SD)
Last Session
(Mean ± SD)
0.967 ± 0.265
0.94 ± 0.252
1.06 ± 0.302
0.914 ± 0.28
Note. * Significance at 0.05 level.
Figure 2. The average amplitude of theta-alpha ratio at
O1 and O2 locations in the first and last session (n = 14).
EEG Analysis
For each electrode, EEG amplitude values were
averaged across the participants. Further, these
electrodes were grouped into five different brain
regions to examine the regional differences in EEG
amplitude. An average score of the individual
electrode in that region formed the score for each
region (Figure 3).
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Figure 3. 32-electrodes were grouped into five brain
regions (frontal, central, temporal, parietal, and occipital)
as per 1020 system.
A consistent pattern of a reduced delta-alpha, theta-
alpha, and theta-beta ratios ratio was observed
across all the brain regions in post-NFT compared to
the baseline. Although this was statistically
significant only in the temporal (p = .041) and central
(p = .038) regions for delta-alpha and in the occipital
(p = .033) for theta-alpha (Table 3; Figure 4).
Table 3
Average EEG amplitude of delta-alpha, theta-alpha,
and theta-beta ratio at baseline and post-NFT (n =
(Mean ± SD)
(Mean ± SD)
0.283 ± 0.059
0.275 ± 0.064
0.267 ± 0.075
0.247 ± 0.069
0.313 ± 0.065
0.284 ± 0.073
0.291 ± 0.086
0.27 ± 0.078
0.363 ± 0.074
0.331 ± 0.08
1.319 ± 0.399
1.184 ± 0.377
1.186 ± 0.281
1.17 ± 0.319
1.088 ± 0.452
0.97 ± 0.346
1.201 ± 0.449
1.118 ± 0.406
1.537 ± 0.371
1.432 ± 0.409
2.357 ± 1.067
2.244 ± 0.665
2.712 ± 1.265
2.597 ± 1.356
3.005 ± 1.287
2.699 ± 1.359
2.831 ± 1.388
2.726 ± 1.445
3.141 ± 1.38
2.953 ± 1.523
Note. * Significance at 0.05 level.
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Figure 4. The average EEG amplitude of (a) delta-alpha,
(b) theta-alpha, and (c) theta-beta ratios at baseline and
post-NFT (n = 14).
The current study investigated the efficacy of EEG-
NFT in patients with moderatesevere TBI on their
clinical and electrophysiological outcomes.
Participants were assessed at baseline and post-
NFT using Rivermead Postconcussion Symptoms
Questionaire total (RPQ-T) score and EEG
Effectiveness of EEG-NFT on Clinical Outcome
The findings from the study indicate a significant
reduction in the severity of PCS on the RPQ-T
score. These findings are in line with previous
studies showing that EEG-NFT leads to a significant
decrease in PCS (Rajeswaran, Bennett, Thomas, &
Rajakumari, 2013; Reddy et al., 2013). A study by
Reddy et al. suggested a negative correlation of
RPQ with QOL and neuropsychological functioning
(Reddy, Rajeswaran, Devi, & Kandavel, 2017).
Therefore, the reduction of PCS on RPQ-T might
contribute to improving QOL and cognitive
functioning in patients with TBI, which is
corroborated by earlier studies (Bennett, Sampath,
Christopher, Thennarasu, & Rajeswaran, 2017;
Hoffman, Stockdale, & van Egren, 1996;
Munivenkatappa et al., 2014; Reddy, Rajeswaran,
Bhagavatula, & Kandavel, 2014).
Effectiveness of EEG-NFT on the
Electrophysiological Outcome
EEG amplitude ratio is potentially an important
indicator of cognitive ability (Trammell, MacRae,
Davis, Bergstedt, & Anderson, 2017) and constitutes
a more reliable index to monitor electrophysiological
alterations over time in TBI (Álvarez et al., 2008).
The qEEG data reported herein suggest a consistent
pattern of reduced slow waves and fast waves
(SW/FW) amplitude ratios at post-NFT. Although
significant changes were observed only for delta-
alpha in the temporal and central regions and for
theta-alpha in the occipital region.
A positive association of cognitive deterioration has
been found with an increased SW/FW ratio in
patients with moderatesevere TBI (Álvarez et al.,
2008). A study by Leon-Carrion et al. indicates a
negative correlation between delta-alpha ratio and
functional outcome in patients with head injury
(Leon-Carrion, Martin-Rodriguez, Damas-Lopez,
Barroso y Martin, & Dominguez-Morales, 2009). An
increased theta-beta ratio has been related to higher
impulsive behavior (van Dongen-Boomsma et al.,
2010) and lower response inhibition (Putman, van
Peer, Maimari, & van der Werff, 2010). Therefore, a
reduction in the SW/FW amplitude ratio might be
related to better cognitive functioning (Álvarez et al.,
2008) and could be attributed to significantly
reduced PCS observed in our study.
These qEEG changes can be suggested by
modulation in thalamo-cortical networks that refines
the intrinsic neural network, led to the normalization
of qEEG pattern in TBI following EEG-NFT
(Munivenkatappa et al., 2014). Since, SW/FW
amplitude values negatively correlate with cerebral
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blood flow and brain metabolism functioning (Coles
et al., 2004; Nagata, Tagawa, Hiroi, Shishido, &
Uemura, 1989), a reduction in SW/FW values might
be associated with a recovery of the brain
metabolism in TBI (Álvarez et al., 2008).
The findings from the EEG-NFT sessions indicate
that qEEG changes were not due to chance, as
there were progressive changes in qEEG across
NFT sessions. It is also worthwhile noticing that
electrophysiological changes in the present study
were marked 3 months to 2 years of postinjury,
suggesting that these changes were not concomitant
by the time.
To conclude, the findings suggest EEG-NFT as a
contributing factor in improving postconcussion
symptoms and normalization of qEEG in patients
with moderatesevere TBI. The present study also
holds an implication for clinical decision-making of
EEG-NFT as a viable alternative to be offered to
patients with moderate-severe TBI. The limitations
of the present study are the small sample size,
limited variables, and lack of control group.
Accounting together these limitations affect the
generalizability of the study. Therefore, future
research would require structural, functional,
biochemical, and cognitive correlates on a larger
cohort following the intervention.
The authors thank all the participants who gave
consent for this study. We also thank Mr. Deepak R.
Ullal, Senior Technician, for providing the required
technical support during the EEG recordings.
Author Disclosure
No potential conflict of interest is reported by the
authors. This study was supported by the Science
and Engineering Research Board (SERB),
Department of Science and Technology (DST),
Ministry of Science and Technology, India, and
partially supported by the Foundation for
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Received: May 23, 2020
Accepted: June 22, 2020
Published: June 27, 2020
... The training interfaces of 10 different games were presented on a computer screen. All games displayed the patients' response scores, synchronized with auditory feedback whenever the task conditions were met to Increase the beta power (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). Inhibit the theta power (4)(5)(6)(7)(8) relative to the baseline values determined at the beginning of a training session [14]. ...
... All participants underwent twenty sessions of neurofeedback training -the training aimed to reduce the theta-alpha amplitude ratio by reinforcing alpha and inhibiting theta activity. The active sites for the electrodes were fixed at O1 and O2 locations per the 10-20 International system [15]. Each reference electrode was placed on the mastoid, and the ground electrode was placed on the forehead. ...
... Rewards were given through visual feedback (i.e., an increase in the score) displayed on the screen. Each neurofeedback training session lasted for a 40-minute duration [15]. ...
... For example, Chen et al. found that neurofeedback improved memory [8,9], attention [10], and motor skills integration [11] in TBI patients using qEEG-based positive feedback protocols [12][13][14]. Gupta et al.'s study with TBI patients demonstrated significant reductions in post-concussion symptoms and normalized qEEG readings, suggesting neurofeedback as a potential treatment for TBI [15]. Munivenkatappa et al.'s protocol enhanced mental speed, memory, and recall in young patients with moderate TBI [16,17]. ...
... AuV² (Alpha microvolts squared) measures alpha wave power (8-13 Hz), associated with relaxation, calmness, and attention [28], and Ahz (Alpha Hertz) denotes their frequency [28]. BuV² (Beta microvolts squared) captures the power of beta waves (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30), associated with active thinking and focus [28], while Bhz (Beta Hertz) represents their frequency [28]. For higher-frequency beta waves (20-30 Hz), B2uV² (Beta2 microvolts squared) and B2hz (Beta2 Hertz) measure power and frequency, respectively, reflecting heightened alertness and focus [28]. ...
... Ayers (1989) was the first to report positive effects of NF on TBI-related symptoms, finding improvements in a number of postconcussive symptoms experienced by patients, including decreased energy, depression, irritability, photophobia, attention deficit, dizziness, headache, and short-term memory loss. The role of NF in improving cognitive, behavioral, and physical dysfunctions among patients with TBI has been confirmed in previous studies (Bennett et al., 2018;Brown et al., 2019;Gray, 2017;Gupta et al., 2020;Hershaw et al., 2020;Kaser, 2020;Koberda, 2015a). ...
... Our findings are consistent with those of previous studies regarding the effectiveness of NF on mitigating TBI symptoms (Bennett et al., 2018;Gray, 2017;Gupta et al., 2020;Kaser, 2020;Rostami et al., 2017). ...
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI), by vehicle accident creates a variety of sequelae that can be very challenging for clinicians to develop rehabilitation interventions. This case report presents an example of language rehabilitation with Loreta Z score Neurofeedback (LZNFB) for a patient suffering from TBI. The treatment protocol included 15 sessions of LZNFB, focusing on language network. Before and after the treatment, QEEG/LORETA analysis as well as neurocognitive assessments were acquired and analyzed. Our analysis showed remarked improved language performance by LZNFB. We concluded that this method can be valid in treatment of language deficit in TBI patient. We also found that rehabilitation of language network, raised the performance of working memory and attention on this TBI patient. Therefore, language could not be separated from other cognitive performance. Rather it effects on other cognitive performances and affected by them.
... Ayers (1989) was the first to report positive effects of NF on TBI-related symptoms, finding improvements in a number of postconcussive symptoms experienced by patients, including decreased energy, depression, irritability, photophobia, attention deficit, dizziness, headache, and short-term memory loss. The role of NF in improving cognitive, behavioral, and physical dysfunctions among patients with TBI has been confirmed in previous studies (Bennett et al., 2018;Brown et al., 2019;Gray, 2017;Gupta et al., 2020;Hershaw et al., 2020;Kaser, 2020;Koberda, 2015a). ...
... Our findings are consistent with those of previous studies regarding the effectiveness of NF on mitigating TBI symptoms (Bennett et al., 2018;Gray, 2017;Gupta et al., 2020;Kaser, 2020;Rostami et al., 2017). ...
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Introduction: It has been shown that intelligence as a general mental ability is related to the structure and function of the brain regions. However, the specificity of these regional dependencies to the intelligence scores in the typical and atypical developed individuals needs to be well understood. In this study, we hypothesized that neural correlates of IQ should not have a fixed pattern rather they must follow a dynamic pattern to compensate for the functional deficits caused by a neurodevelopmental disorder. Therefore, electroencephalography (EEG) correlates of normal IQ in various subtypes of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) were compared with a group of healthy controls. Methods: Sixty-three ADHD subjects comprising combined, inattentive, and hyperactive individuals diagnosed by a psychiatrist using structural clinical interview for DSM-V, and 46 healthy controls with similar normal IQ scores were recruited in this study. The subjects' EEG data were then recorded during an eye-closed resting condition. The subjects' intelligence level was measured by Raven's standard progressive matrices. Then, the association between IQ and the power of the EEG signal was computed in the conventional frequency bands. Subsequently, topographical representations of these associations were compared between the groups. Results: Our results demonstrated that the association between IQ score and EEG power is not the same in various ADHD subtypes and healthy controls. Conclusion: This finding suggests a compensatory mechanism in ADHD individuals for changing the regional oscillatory pattern to maintain the IQ within a normal range.
... Specifically in postconcussion cases, our objective with ILF neurotherapy is to first address long-distance axonal connections beyond the regions of the identifiable networks like the DMN while remaining inclusive of their domains. Notably, alpha-theta training at O1+O2 (not a basic scalp site used in ILF training) has been successfully performed by many neurofeedback clinicians on patients with mTBI (Gupta et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction Concussion is a growing public health concern. No uniformly established therapy exists; neurofeedback studies report treatment value. We use infralow frequency neuromodulation (ILF) to remediate disabling neurological symptoms caused by traumatic brain injury (TBI) and noted improved outcomes with a novel concussion protocol. Postconcussion symptoms (PCS) and persistent postconcussion symptoms (PPCS; >3 months post head injury) are designated timelines for protracted neurological complaints following TBI. We performed a retrospective study to explore effectiveness of ILF in PCS/PPCS and investigated the value of using this concussion protocol. Method Patients with PCS/PPCS seen for their first neurology office visit or received their first neurofeedback session between 1 August 2018 and 31 January 2021 were entered. Outcomes were compared following treatment as usual (TAU) vs. TAU with ILF neurotherapy (TAU+ILF). The study cohort was limited to PPCS patients; the TAU+ILF group was restricted further to PPCS patients receiving at least 10 neurotherapy sessions. Within the TAU+ILF group, comparisons were made between those who trained at least 10 sessions using concussion protocol (TAU+ILF+CP) and those who trained for at least 10 sessions of ILF regardless of protocol (TAU+ILF-CP). Results Among our resultant PPCS cohort ( n = 59) leading persistent neurological complaints were headache (67.8%), memory impairment (57.6%), and brain fog (50.8%). PPCS patients in TAU+ILF+CP ( n = 25) demonstrated greater net ( p = 0.004) and percent ( p = 0.026) improvement of symptoms compared to PPCS subjects in TAU ( n = 26). PPCS patients in TAU+ILF-CP ( n = 8) trended toward significant symptom improvements compared to TAU, and TAU+ILF+CP trended toward greater efficacy than TAU+ILF-CP. Conclusion PPCS patients who received TAU+ILF+CP demonstrated significantly greater improvement as a group when compared to TAU. When used as an integrative modality to treatment as usual in managing patients with PPCS, ILF neuromodulation with use of concussion protocol provided significant symptom improvements.
... In the case of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Medici, 2018), greater improvement in executive function, behavior, and attention were associated with QEEG neurofeedback compared with conventional treatment [Methylphenidate (MPH) treatment]. In the case of traumatic brain injury (TBI), several studies have shown the efficacy of neurofeedback for improving cognition, behavior, and physical dysfunction (Bennett et al., 2017;Gray, 2017;Brown et al., 2019;Gupta et al., 2020;Faridi et al., 2021). There is active ongoing research into expanding the applications of QEEG neurofeedback for the treatment of other psychiatric and brainrelated diseases. ...
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We describe the utility of a standardized index (Z-score) in quantitative EEG (QEEG) capable of when referenced to a resting-state, sex- and age-differentiated QEEG normative database (ISB-NormDB). Our ISB-NormDB comprises data for 1,289 subjects (553 males, 736 females) ages 4.5 to 81 years that met strict normative data criteria. A de-noising process allowed stratification based on QEEG variability between normal healthy men and women at various age ranges. The ISB-NormDB data set that is stratified by sex provides a unique, highly accurate ISB-NormDB model (ISB-NormDB: ISB-NormDB-Male, ISB-NormDB-Female). To evaluate the trends and accuracy of the ISB-NormDB, we used actual data to compare Z-scores obtained through the ISB-NormDB with those obtained through a traditional QEEG normative database to confirm that basic trends are maintained in most bands and are sensitive to abnormal test data. Finally, we demonstrate the value of our standardized index of QEEG, and highlight it’s capacity to minimize the confounding variables of sex and age in any analysis.
... Munivenkatappa et al. (2014) reported a significant increase in the cortical grey matter volume, enhanced white matter integrity, and increased global functional connectivity in two patients with severe TBI who received 20 sessions of EEG-NFT. Another recent study had shown that 20 sessions of EEG-NFT resulted in reduced postconcussion symptoms, reduced delta-alpha, and increased theta-alpha ratio on quantitative EEG (Gupta, Afsar, Yadav, Shukla, & Rajeswaran, 2020). ...
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Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disturbances. The cognitive deficits are common after TBI, and a holistic approach to neuropsychological rehabilitation is recommended in these patients. EEG neurofeedback training (EEG-NFT) is a state-of-the-art technique for neuropsychological rehabilitation. There is a paucity of studies exploring the use of EEG-NFT integrated with holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation. Method: Single case design was adopted for the present study. A 25-year-old single male, diagnosed with severe TBI, presented with physical, cognitive, and emotional-behavioral disturbances after 17 months of injury. A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment was carried out. The neuropsychological rehabilitation using EEG-NFT along with psychosocial interventions with the patient and the parents was carried out for 9 months. Results: The patient showed significant improvement in cognitive deficits such as attention, executive functions, and visuospatial ability. Emotional-behavioral problems such as irritability, sadness, and overall dysfunction also improved significantly. Conclusion: The present case study highlights that integrating EEG-NFT along with holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation helps to improve cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disturbances after TBI.
Premenstrual syndrome is associated with altered spontaneous brain activity in the late luteal phase, but the fluctuation patterns of brain activity throughout the menstrual cycle have not been revealed. Furthermore, it is also unknown whether the altered spontaneous brain activity during the whole menstrual cycle is further associated with their habitual use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies. Based on the two reasons, electroencephalogram data and cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire from 32 women with high premenstrual symptoms (HPMS) and 33 women with low premenstrual symptoms (LPMS) were measured in the late luteal and follicular phases. Delta power, theta power, beta power, and the slow/fast wave ratios (SW/FW, including theta/beta power ratio [TBR] and delta/beta power ratio [DBR]) were calculated using both fixed frequency bands and individually adjusted frequency bands (based on the individual alpha peak frequency). The results showed that for the frontal and central DBR, as assessed both with fixed and individualized frequency bands, there was no difference between the two phases of the LPMS group, whereas there was a difference between the two phases of the HPMS group with a higher DBR in the late luteal phase than in the follicular phase. Further correlation results revealed that for women with HPMS in the late luteal phase, the frontal and central DBR values, as assessed both with fixed and individualized frequency bands, were positively correlated with self-blame and rumination. Consequently, HPMS was characterized by a fluctuation across the menstrual cycle in the DBR, which was further associated with maladaptive emotion regulation.
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This study aimed to confirm the effect of threshold setting on the performance of neurofeedback training. The experimental conditions used to confirm the effect of the different threshold settings on the degree of electroencephalographic (EEG) changes in the initial training conditions were unfamiliar to neurofeedback. Rewards were presented in low, medium, and high frequency groups according to the different threshold settings. The sensory-motor rhythm (SMR; 12–15 Hz) neurofeedback protocol was performed for all groups. We looked at whether the posttraining brain wave increases were significant in each group compared to the brain waves during training. The SMR protocol was performed in a single session and consisted of four blocks totaling 10 minutes. EEG data was collected before training as a baseline, during training, and posttraining. The results of the group analysis showed that the mean SMR value of the posterior EEG in the high frequency group was significantly higher than the SMR value in the first EEG block. The threshold settings affected learning in neurofeedback training. It was found that initially setting the threshold value for easy compensation was more effective than the setting for hard compensation.
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Purpose: The development of objective biomarkers for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in the chronic period is an important clinical and research goal. Head trauma is known to affect the mechanisms that support the electrophysiological processing of information within and between brain regions, so methods like quantitative EEG may provide viable indices of brain dysfunction associated with even mTBI. Methods: Resting-state, eyes-closed EEG data were obtained from 71 individuals with military-related mTBI and 82 normal comparison subjects without traumatic brain injury. All mTBI subjects were in the chronic period of injury (>5 months since the time of injury). Quantitative metrics included absolute and relative power in delta, theta, alpha, beta, high beta, and gamma bands, plus a measure of interhemispheric coherence in each band. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate methods, the latter coupled to machine learning strategies. Results: Analyses revealed significant (P < 0.05) group level differences in global relative theta power (increased for mTBI patients), global relative alpha power (decreased for mTBI patients), and global beta-band interhemispheric coherence (decreased for mTBI patients). Single variables were limited in their ability to predict group membership (e.g., mTBI vs. control) for individual subjects, each with a predictive accuracy that was below 60%. In contrast, the combination of a multivariate approach with machine learning methods yielded a composite metric that provided an overall predictive accuracy of 75% for correct classification of individual subjects as coming from control versus mTBI groups. Conclusions: This study indicates that quantitative EEG methods may be useful in the identification, classification, and tracking of individual subjects with mTBI.
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Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) are increasingly recognised as global health priorities in view of the preventability of most injuries and the complex and expensive medical care they necessitate. We aimed to measure the incidence, prevalence, and years of life lived with disability (YLDs) for TBI and SCI from all causes of injury in every country, to describe how these measures have changed between 1990 and 2016, and to estimate the proportion of TBI and SCI cases caused by different types of injury. Methods: We used results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) Study 2016 to measure the global, regional, and national burden of TBI and SCI by age and sex. We measured the incidence and prevalence of all causes of injury requiring medical care in inpatient and outpatient records, literature studies, and survey data. By use of clinical record data, we estimated the proportion of each cause of injury that required medical care that would result in TBI or SCI being considered as the nature of injury. We used literature studies to establish standardised mortality ratios and applied differential equations to convert incidence to prevalence of long-term disability. Finally, we applied GBD disability weights to calculate YLDs. We used a Bayesian meta-regression tool for epidemiological modelling, used cause-specific mortality rates for non-fatal estimation, and adjusted our results for disability experienced with comorbid conditions. We also analysed results on the basis of the Socio-demographic Index, a compound measure of income per capita, education, and fertility. Findings: In 2016, there were 27·08 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 24·30–30·30 million) new cases of TBI and 0·93 million (0·78–1·16 million) new cases of SCI, with age-standardised incidence rates of 369 (331–412) per 100 000 population for TBI and 13 (11–16) per 100 000 for SCI. In 2016, the number of prevalent cases of TBI was 55·50 million (53·40–57·62 million) and of SCI was 27·04 million (24·98–30·15 million). From 1990 to 2016, the age-standardised prevalence of TBI increased by 8·4% (95% UI 7·7 to 9·2), whereas that of SCI did not change significantly (−0·2% [–2·1 to 2·7]). Age-standardised incidence rates increased by 3·6% (1·8 to 5·5) for TBI, but did not change significantly for SCI (−3·6% [–7·4 to 4·0]). TBI caused 8·1 million (95% UI 6·0–10·4 million) YLDs and SCI caused 9·5 million (6·7–12·4 million) YLDs in 2016, corresponding to age-standardised rates of 111 (82–141) per 100 000 for TBI and 130 (90–170) per 100 000 for SCI. Falls and road injuries were the leading causes of new cases of TBI and SCI in most regions. Interpretation: TBI and SCI constitute a considerable portion of the global injury burden and are caused primarily by falls and road injuries. The increase in incidence of TBI over time might continue in view of increases in population density, population ageing, and increasing use of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles. The number of individuals living with SCI is expected to increase in view of population growth, which is concerning because of the specialised care that people with SCI can require. Our study was limited by data sparsity in some regions, and it will be important to invest greater resources in collection of data for TBI and SCI to improve the accuracy of future assessments. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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OBJECTIVE Traumatic brain injury (TBI)—the “silent epidemic”—contributes to worldwide death and disability more than any other traumatic insult. Yet, TBI incidence and distribution across regions and socioeconomic divides remain unknown. In an effort to promote advocacy, understanding, and targeted intervention, the authors sought to quantify the case burden of TBI across World Health Organization (WHO) regions and World Bank (WB) income groups. METHODS Open-source epidemiological data on road traffic injuries (RTIs) were used to model the incidence of TBI using literature-derived ratios. First, a systematic review on the proportion of RTIs resulting in TBI was conducted, and a meta-analysis of study-derived proportions was performed. Next, a separate systematic review identified primary source studies describing mechanisms of injury contributing to TBI, and an additional meta-analysis yielded a proportion of TBI that is secondary to the mechanism of RTI. Then, the incidence of RTI as published by the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 was applied to these two ratios to generate the incidence and estimated case volume of TBI for each WHO region and WB income group. RESULTS Relevant articles and registries were identified via systematic review; study quality was higher in the high-income countries (HICs) than in the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Sixty-nine million (95% CI 64–74 million) individuals worldwide are estimated to sustain a TBI each year. The proportion of TBIs resulting from road traffic collisions was greatest in Africa and Southeast Asia (both 56%) and lowest in North America (25%). The incidence of RTI was similar in Southeast Asia (1.5% of the population per year) and Europe (1.2%). The overall incidence of TBI per 100,000 people was greatest in North America (1299 cases, 95% CI 650–1947) and Europe (1012 cases, 95% CI 911–1113) and least in Africa (801 cases, 95% CI 732–871) and the Eastern Mediterranean (897 cases, 95% CI 771–1023). The LMICs experience nearly 3 times more cases of TBI proportionally than HICs. CONCLUSIONS Sixty-nine million (95% CI 64–74 million) individuals are estimated to suffer TBI from all causes each year, with the Southeast Asian and Western Pacific regions experiencing the greatest overall burden of disease. Head injury following road traffic collision is more common in LMICs, and the proportion of TBIs secondary to road traffic collision is likewise greatest in these countries. Meanwhile, the estimated incidence of TBI is highest in regions with higher-quality data, specifically in North America and Europe.
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Objective: The aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of EEG neurofeedback training on clinical symptoms, perceived stress, and cortisol in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients in the context of spontaneous recovery. Methods: The design was an experimental longitudinal design with the pre-post comparison. The sample comprised 60 patients with the diagnosis of TBI-30 patients in the neurofeedback training (NFT) group and 30 patients in the treatment as usual group (TAU) group. Half of the patients were recruited within 6 months of injury to study the role of spontaneous recovery and the other half were recruited in the 12 to 18 months postinjury phase. Alpha-theta training was given to the NFT group over 20 sessions. Pre and post comparisons were made on clinical symptom rating, perceived stress, and serum cortisol levels. Results: The results indicate significant differences in symptom reporting and perceived stress between the NFT and TAU groups. Significant differences were also seen in cortisol levels with implications for the acute recovery phase. Conclusion: Alpha-theta NFT has a beneficial effect on symptom reduction as well as perceived stress. It also has a beneficial effect on levels of serum cortisol, corroborating these findings.
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Objective: The Theta-Alpha ratio (TAR) is known to differ based upon age and cognitive ability, with pathological electroencephalography (EEG) patterns routinely found within neurodegenerative disorders of older adults. We hypothesized that cognitive ability would predict EEG metrics differently within healthy young and old adults, and that healthy old adults not showing age-expected EEG activity may be more likely to demonstrate cognitive deficits relative to old adults showing these expected changes. Methods: In 216 EEG blocks collected in 16 young and 20 old adults during rest (eyes open, eyes closed) and cognitive tasks (short-term memory [STM]; matrix reasoning [RM; Raven's matrices]), models assessed the contributing roles of cognitive ability, age, and task in predicting the TAR. A general linear mixed-effects regression model was used to model this relationship, including interaction effects to test whether increased cognitive ability predicted TAR differently for young and old adults at rest and during cognitive tasks. Results: The relationship between cognitive ability and the TAR across all blocks showed age-dependency, and cognitive performance at the CZ midline location predicted the TAR measure when accounting for the effect of age (p < 0.05, chi-square test of nested models). Age significantly interacted with STM performance in predicting the TAR (p < 0.05); increases in STM were associated with increased TAR in young adults, but not in old adults. RM showed similar interaction effects with aging and TAR (p < 0.10). Conclusion: EEG correlates of cognitive ability are age-dependent. Adults who did not show age-related EEG changes were more likely to exhibit cognitive deficits than those who showed age-related changes. This suggests that healthy aging should produce moderate changes in Alpha and TAR measures, and the absence of such changes signals impaired cognitive functioning.
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The main aim of this paper is to analyze the road accidents in India at national, state, and metropolitan city level. Analysis shows that the distribution of road accidental deaths and injuries in India varies according to age, gender, month and time. Age group 30-59 years is the most vulnerable population group, though males face higher level of fatalities and injuries than their female counterparts. Moreover, road accidents are relatively higher in extreme weather and during working hours. Analysis of road accident scenario at state and city level shows that there is a huge variation in fatality risk across states and cities. Fatality risk in 16 out of 35 states and union territories is higher than the all India average. Although, burden of road accidents in India is marginally lower in its metropolitan cities, almost 50% of the cities face higher fatality risk than their moffusil counterparts. In general, while in many developed and developing countries including China, road safety situation is generally improving, India faces a worsening situation. Without increased efforts and new initiatives, the total number of road traffic deaths in India is likely to cross the mark of 250,000 by the year 2025. There is thus an urgent need to recognize the worsening situation in road deaths and injuries and to take appropriate action.
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Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) constitutes a significant burden on health care resources in India. TBI is a dynamic process which involves damage to the brain thus leading to behavior cognitive and emotional consequences. Aim: To study the cognitive profile, post-concussion symptoms (PCS), quality of life (QOL), and their correlation. Methods: A total of 60 patients with TBI were recruited and assessed for neuropsychological profile, PCS, and QOL, the correlation among the variables were analyzed. Results: The results suggest that TBI has series of consequences which is interrelated, and the study has implications for rehabilitation of TBI. Conclusion: The study highlights the deficits of cognition, and its correlation with PCS and QOL, emphasizing integrated rehabilitation approach for patients with TBI.
Objectives Interest in neurofeedback therapies (NFTs) has grown exponentially in recent years, encouraged both by escalating public interest and the financial support of health care funding agencies. Given NFTs’ growing prevalence and anecdotally reported success in treating common effects of acquired brain injury (ABI), a systematic review of the efficacy of NFTs for the rehabilitation of ABI-related cognitive impairment is warranted. Methods Eligible studies included adult samples (18+ years) with ABI, the use of neurofeedback technology for therapeutic purposes (as opposed to assessment), the inclusion of a meaningful control group/condition, and clear cognitive–neuropsychological outcomes. Initial automated search identified n = 86 candidate articles, however, only n = 4 studies met the stated eligibility criteria. Results Results were inconsistent across studies and cognitive domains. Methodological and theoretical limitations precluded robust and coherent conclusions with respect to the cognitive rehabilitative properties of NFTs. We take the results of these systematic analyses as a reflection of the state of the literature at this time. These results offer a constructive platform to further discuss a number of methodological, theoretical, and ethical considerations relating to current and future NFT–ABI research and clinical intervention. Conclusions Given the limited quantity and quality of the available research, there appears to be insufficient evidence to comment on the efficacy of NFTs within an ABI rehabilitation context at this time. It is imperative that future work increase the level of theoretical and methodological rigour if meaningful advancements are to be made understanding and evaluating NFT–ABI applications.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a medical-surgical emergency and a frequent reason for referral to emergency rooms and for hospitalization, particularly among young and elderly patients. It is a clinically heterogeneous condition, comprising mild to severe forms. Before the advent of imaging, electroencephalogram (EEG) was used in the first assessment of patients with acute TBI. Today, computed tomography and other neuroimaging techniques have substituted EEG as first-line investigations for the diagnosis of cerebral lesions following head trauma. However, EEG continues to have a relevant role in monitoring brain functional activity in patients with TBI and in detecting post-traumatic epileptogenic foci.
Introduction Quality of life (QOL) is strongly affected following traumatic brain injury (TBI). There is a strong need to explore the use of new developments in neuropsychological rehabilitation such as electroencephalogram (EEG) neurofeedback training (NFT) on QOL in TBI patients. Objective The objective was to study the effect of EEG NFT on QOL in TBI patients in the context of spontaneous recovery. Methodology A sample of 60 TBI patients was assigned to an NFT group (n = 30) and a treatment as usual (TAU) group (n = 30). Twenty sessions of α/θ NFT at the occipital 1 and 2 scalp locations were given to the NFT group. The NFT protocol used was dependent on (4–7 Hz) θ and (8–12 Hz) α activity with the aim of decreasing the θ/α ratio. Pre- and postassessments of QOL were recorded on the World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL)–BREF. Results This study results indicate significant enhancement of QOL in the NFT group as compared with the TAU group. The improvement scores indicate that the 12- to 18-month postinjury NFT group had significantly less improvement on QOL as compared with the < 6-month NFT group. Conclusion EEG NFT helps improve QOL in TBI patients. Early intervention is more effective in improving QOL than later intervention.