Conference PaperPDF Available

Visual Characterization of Anti-Reflective Coating on Solar Module Glass



Anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) are widely used on PV module glass to increase light transmission. The PV community is increasingly concerned with how long these coatings last in the field and would benefit from a simple method for quantifying performance on fielded modules. In this work, we demonstrate how a straightforward visual inspection of the color of reflected light can identify the presence of an interference-based ARC. By tracking the color shift over time a qualitative measurement of ARC degradation can be made. This method is applicable in full-sun outdoor conditions and only requires a flashlight and a standard RGB camera. We demonstrate how the physics of thin-film coating interference and color theory accurately predict the color the reflected light. This technique could gain widespread use for inspecting PV modules in the field because it is easy to perform and requires no specialized equipment.
Visual Characterization of Anti-Reflective Coating
on Solar Module Glass
Todd Karin
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA, USA
Anubhav Jain
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA, USA
Abstract—Anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) are widely used on
photovoltaic (PV) module glass to increase light transmission.
The PV community is increasingly concerned with how long these
coatings last in the field and would benefit from a simple method
for quantifying performance on fielded modules. In this work, we
demonstrate how a straightforward visual inspection of the color
of reflected light can identify the presence of an interference-
based ARC. By tracking the color shift over time a qualitative
measurement of ARC degradation can be made. This method
is applicable in full-sun outdoor conditions and only requires a
flashlight and a standard RGB camera. We demonstrate how
the physics of thin-film coating interference and color theory
accurately predict the color the reflected light. This technique
could gain widespread use for inspecting PV modules in the
field because it is easy to perform and requires no specialized
ANTI-REFLECTION coatings (ARCs) on the air-glass
interface of photovoltaic (PV) modules are widely used
to improve module performance. The most common variety of
ARC used on PV glass is a thin layer of porous silica deposited
by the sol-gel method with a thickness around 120 nm, and
can improve power output by up to 3% [1]. These coatings
reduce reflection both because they have an index of refraction
between that of glass and air and because the thickness is
tuned to provide destructive interference of reflected light at
the wavelengths most important for the solar absorber.
Recently, there has been increasing concern as to how
long ARCs last in the field [2]–[4]. Visual inspection is a
widely-used and powerful technique for assessing PV module
health [5]. Presently, it is not recognized that visual inspection
can also be used to assess the presence and quality of a
100 nm thick ARC. In fact, reflected light from interference-
based ARCs have a characteristic color shift that varies with
the angle of incidence (AOI) and is observable to the trained
eye. Similarly, an inexpensive RGB color camera can detect
these color shifts.
In this paper, we describe how to characterize ARCs on
outdoor modules using simple equipment: a low-power flash-
light, white card and either the human eye or a camera. By
Funding was primarily provided as part of the Durable Modules Consortium
(DuraMAT), an Energy Materials Network Consortium funded by the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,
Solar Energy Technologies Office. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is
funded by the DOE under award DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Fig. 1. Dependence of spectral reflectivity on the physical thickness of a
porous silica ARC (effective index of refraction 1.23) on BK7 glass at 8
degrees angle of incidence. Also shown is a spectrum of the relative irradiance
from a white LED source (iPhone X LED). Units of white LED spectrum are
proportional to W/cm2/nm. Color of plot is a saturated version of the color
observed if a white LED were reflected from the sample.
comparing to broadband spectral reflectivity measurements,
we demonstrate that these simple methods can accurately
qualify interference-based ARCs without specialized equip-
ment. Further we provide a detailed description of the optical
physics that creates this effect and explore opportunities for
quantitative ARC characterization using similar methods.
An interference-based ARC is a thin film that causes de-
structive interference of light reflected from the top and bottom
surface of the film. The film optical thickness is chosen to
be one-quarter of the wavelength where minimum reflection
is desired. At each location, the reflection properties can
be calculated using the complex-matrix form of the Fresnel
equation [6].
As an example, Fig. 1 shows the dependence of the re-
flection spectrum on coating thickness for a typical ARC
on a silicon solar cell. This simulation considers a layer of
porous silica with an effective index of refraction of 1.23 on
Fig. 2. Angle dependence for a porous silica ARC (effective index of
refraction 1.23) on BK7 glass with 120 nm thickness. Also shown is a
spectrum of the relative irradiance from a white LED source (iPhone X LED).
Units of white LED spectrum are proportional to W/cm2/nm. Color of plot is
a saturated version of the color observed if a white LED were reflected from
the sample. Color variation is similar if sunlight is used instead of a white
a thick slab of BK7 glass. The coating provides broadband
anti-reflection where the wavelength of minimum reflectivity
is related to the coating thickness. The ARC is most effective
for normally incident light.
The spectral shift at different coating thicknesses or angles
causes an observable color shift in the reflected light. Perceived
color is a complex subject, but can be calculated based on
the CIE color functions and translated into an RGB value.
In Fig. 1, we also show the relative irradiance from a white
LED. This spectrum was taken by calibrating a spectrometer
(Ocean Insight HDX) using a 2500 K blackbody spectrum
(Ocean Insight HDX) and finding the relative irradiance from
a white LED (iphone X). Fig. 1 displays each spectrum
with the color a human would observe from the reflection
spectrum. To do this, we calculate the CIE hsv color value
from the reflection spectrum and the white LED light source
[7], increase the saturation to 1 and value to 0.8 (in order
to show the more saturated color). The resulting plots show
that a significant color shift should be observable for different
coating thicknesses. The color shift is similar if 6000 K
blackbody radiation is used instead.
Similarly a coating color shift from blue to magenta to
yellow is observed as the angle-of-incidence increases from
0 (normal) to 60 degrees, see Fig. 2.
Several simple methods are available for detecting the
presence of an ARC by the color shift of white light reflected
from the glass surface. In these methods, shown schematically
in the inset of Fig. 3, a broadband white light source (flashlight
or sunlight) is reflected from the PV glass and the reflected
Light scattered
from paper
Light reflected
from glass
Fig. 3. Demonstration of simple identification of ARC on outdoor PV module.
A flashlight is reflected from the module glass, a significant blue shift indicates
that an ARC is present. Image is taken on a PV module with an ARC
(Panasonic n330) outdoors with overcast conditions. The flashlight spreads
light over a large range of angles, leading to diffuse reflection observed from
the paper and specular reflection observed from the glass, and s specular
reflection observed from the glass.
light is collected. The reflected light can be observed using an
RGB camera, a white card or directly by eye if a low-intensity
light source is used.
First, we demonstrate ARC identification by visually in-
specting the color of a flashlight as it reflected from the
glass. Fig. 3 shows that light reflected from the glass is
much more blue than the light scattered from a sheet of
white paper. This agrees with how a typical interference-based
ARC at low AOI reflects more blue light than green or red,
see Fig. 1, thus making the reflection appear blue. This is
a remarkable demonstration that a simple measurement can
detect the presence of a 100-nm thick coating.
The blue reflection for a full-thickness coating is also easily
visible by eye. When directly observing the reflected light
by eye, it is important to use a flashlight with the ability
to give a very low output intensity (1-10 lumens). If the
flashlight is too bright then the human observer can no longer
distinguish color and the measurement could pose a safety
hazard. Because the reflection from the glass is predominantly
specular, the measurement can be performed in full sunlight.
It is only important to align the flashlight and observer so
that the the specular reflection from the sun does not overlap
with the flashlight reflection. Incidentally, if a camera is used,
it is possible to use the sun as a light source instead of the
Next, we inspect in more detail the color of the reflected
light and how it depends on angle, see Fig. 4(a). Images were
taken using a consumer RGB camera (Canon 5DS R, Canon
100 mm f/2.8L lens) on a PV module with an interference-
based ARC (Panasonic n330) outdoors (overcast conditions)
and a white LED keychain flashlight (Nitecore TIP, lowest
intensity setting). The camera settings were set to a white
balance color temperature of 6000 K, aperture f/32, ISO 100
With ARC With ARC With ARC 1 cm
(a) 10(b) 45(c) 60
Fig. 4. Dependence of reflected LED (nitecore TIP) light on angle of incidence for a PV module with ARC (Panasonic n330). As the angle of incidence
increases, reflected light goes from blue to more violet to yellow. The grid lines are lightly visible.
and 1 second exposure. The small aperture setting was chosen
in order to increase the depth of field so the full reflected spot
is in focus even at higher angles-of-incidence.
The 0.1 mm scale roughness in Fig. 4(a) is visible as a non-
uniform surface glitter. A similar phenomenon of ocean glitter
has been studied extensively [8], finding that the spatial extent
and highlight distribution is related to the angular distribution
of surface normals and solid angle of the light source. These
glitter images could be analyzed in detail to determine the
local surface normal at each point in the image. Since the
distribution of surface normals affects the spectral reflectivity
and local color, a more-precise understanding of the surface
normal distribution can lead to a better prediction of how
averaged spectral reflectivity relates to coating performance.
By inspecting Fig. 4(a) more closely, we note that there
is some minimal color variability in the highlights. This is
explained by comparing with Fig. 2, where there is only
minimal perceived color variation as AOI ranges from 0 to
20 degrees. In contrast, Fig. 4(b) shows the reflected spot for
an image taken at 45AOI. In this image, some blue, violet,
magenta and orange colors are seen in the glitter highlights,
agreeing with the predicted colors for higher AOI.
At 60AOI, see Fig. 4(c), the overall reflected spot becomes
wholly more yellow, while individual highlights are mostly
violet and yellow, in agreement with the simulations. This
overall shift toward yellow of the reflected light at higher AOI
is also clearly visible by eye. We note that some of the color
variation could be due to non-uniform coating thickness (this
possibility will be explored in detail in the final manuscript).
In contrast, Fig. 5 shows reflected light from a module
without an ARC. The reflected light in these images does not
show any color compared with a white card, or a color shift
with AOI.
A broadband spectral reflection measurement can confirm
the ARC properties observed using the simple methods. In
No ARC No ARC No ARC 1 cm
(a) 10(b) 45(c) 60
Fig. 5. Reflected light from a PV module without an ARC (Megsun
B07PV6HBQ8) is white, regardless of angle. Lightsource: Nitecore TIP.
this measurement, a fiber-coupled (400 µm multimode, 0.22
NA) tungsten-halogen light source (Ocean Insight HL-2000) is
directed onto a PV module at a 45 degree AOI (Thorlabs RPH-
SMA). Light is analyzed on a compact CCD spectrometer
(Ocean Insight HDX).
The reflection spectrum is calculated by comparing the
reflected light from the sample of interest to a back-blackened
BK7 sample (Filmetrics REF-BK7). The module with ARC
(Panasonic n330) shows a broadband dip centered around
600 nm, see Fig. 6. On the other hand, a module without
ARC (Megsun B07PV6HBQ8) shows a flat response with
a reflection similar to that of glass. The offset between the
glass reflection and the reflection from the module without
ARC is due to the roughness of the glass, which reduces the
light collected. These spectral measurements confirm which
modules have ARCs.
PV module ARCs are widely used for increasing perfor-
mance. We have described an exceedingly simple method for
measuring these ARCs in the field. As the module ages and
the ARC thickness is reduced or scratched away, we predict
the reflected color will shift in a quantifiable way. This method
could easily find widespread use in field inspection of solar
Fig. 6. Reflection spectrum from PV module glass with and without ARC.
The module with ARC shows a pronounced dip centered at 600 nm, while
the module without ARC has a flat reflectance. The solar weighted reflection
(SWR) is calculated using the standard AM1.5 spectrum, the uncertainty
quoted in the legend is the standard deviation of the mean SWR for
50 measurements at slightly different locations on the same module. This
averages the variable reflection due to the glass roughness.
[1] B. M. Freiburger, C. S. Thompson, R. A. Fleming, D. Hutchings, and
S. C. Pop, “High efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass,” in
2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), June 2017,
pp. 1869–1872.
[2] N. Ferretti, K. Ilse, A. Sonmez, C. Hagendorf, and J. Berghold, “High
efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass,” in 32nd European
Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2017, pp. 1697–
[3] K. Ilse, P.-T. Miclea, V. Naumann, and C. Hagendorf, “Cleaning
resistance of glass coatings,” Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics
CSP, Tech. Rep., 2018. [Online]. Available:
Test-report-V403 2018- Cleaning-resistance- of-glass- coatings.pdf
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... Most non-residential and non-utility scale PV modules utilize silicon PV panels [34]. Due to silicon composition and the anti-reflective coating, PV panels tend to have relatively low reflectivity in the visible and near-infrared spectral bands and relatively high reflectivity in the far-infrared band [22,35]. In the visible spectral bands, the blue reflectance of PV panels is relatively high [34]. ...
... Silicon PV panels tend to have moderate to high blue reflectance largely due to their silicon composition and a low NIR reflectance due to the antireflective coating that improves spectral absorption and improves efficiency (Karin and Jain, 2020). Thus, the normalized difference between the blue band and the NIR band seems promising to delineate PV panels and indicate when the change to this impervious surface occurs. ...
Understanding agriculturally co-located solar photovoltaic (PV) installation capacity, practices, and preferences is imperative to foster a future where solar power and agriculture co-exist with limited impacts on food production. Crops and PV panels are often co-located as they have similar ideal conditions for maximum yield. The recent boom in solar photovoltaics is displacing a significant amount of cropland. The literature on agriculturally co-located PV array installations lacks important spatiotemporal details that could help inform future array installations and improve associated policies and incentive programs. This study used imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Program for object-based analysis (within eCognition Developer), and from Landsat 5 TM, 7 ETM+ and 8 OLI for temporal analysis (using LandTrendr) to identify and characterize non-residential ground-mounted PV arrays in California's Central Valley installed between 2008 and 2018. This dataset includes 210,368 individually identified panels grouped by mount and installation year into 1006 PV arrays (69% are agriculturally co-located). The most common type of mounting system is fixed-axis, and individual systems tend to be small (0.32 MW). There were fewer single-axis tracking arrays, although the average capacity per system is nearly four times higher (1.19 MW). In total, the mapped arrays accounted for 3.6 GW of capacity and generated a cumulative of 32,700 GWh within the Central Valley during the study period. For the 694 identified agriculturally co-located arrays, significantly sub-optimal installation practices were observed in the spacing and spatial field placement of the arrays. In terms of crop conversion preferences, commodity crops (pastureland) dominated the total cumulative area converted although specialty crops (orchards) also contributed to a large number of solar installations on cropland. These results provide important details of current PV placement practices; understanding these can help to inform future practices and guide future regulations that might promote solar installations while preserving agricultural production.
... In this paper, we demonstrate how to measure ARC reflectance on commercial PV modules, expanding on recent work by the authors [24]. For PV glass measurements, current standards recommend a large integrating sphere (diameter >150 mm) which typically has a large spot size (diameter >8 mm) to collect all angles of reflected light and achieve spatial averaging [25], [26]. ...
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Anti-reflective coatings (ARCs) are used on the vast majority of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules to increase power production. However, ARC longevity can vary from less than 1 year to over 15 years depending on coating quality and deployment conditions. A technique that can quantify ARC degradation non-destructively on commercial modules would be useful both for in-field diagnostics and accelerated aging tests. In this paper, we demonstrate that accurate measurements of ARC spectral reflectance can be performed using a modified commercially-available integrating-sphere probe. The measurement is fast, accurate, non-destructive and can be performed outdoors in full-sun conditions. We develop an interferometric model that estimates coating porosity, thickness and fractional area coverage from the measured reflectance spectrum for a uniform single-layer coating. We demonstrate the measurement outdoors on an active PV installation, identify the presence of an ARC and estimate the properties of the coating.
Conference Paper
Anti-reflection coatings are used on 92% of today’s module glass to reduce the front-surface reflection and increase the power output of the module. Currently, most anti-reflection coatings are designed to maximize transmittance at normal incidence to improve the power output at standard test conditions. However, in the field, where the meteorological conditions vary widely in time and space, it is not clear whether a maximum power gain at standard test conditions leads to maximum energy yield. Here, we use SunSolve Yield, a ray-tracing software, to investigate the optimum anti-reflection coating design by simulating the energy yield from a PV system under real-world conditions. We found that manufacturers could immediately provide a 0.3% increase in energy yield relative to their products today by simply increasing the ARC thickness by 20–40 nm thicker.
Antireflective coatings (ARCs) are used on the vast majority of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules to increase power production. However, ARC longevity can vary from less than 1 to over 15 years depending on coating quality and deployment conditions. A technique that can quantify ARC degradation nondestructively on commercial modules would be useful both for in-field diagnostics and accelerated aging tests. In this article, we demonstrate that accurate measurements of ARC spectral reflectance can be performed using a modified commercially available integrating-sphere probe. The measurement is fast, accurate, nondestructive, and can be performed outdoors in full-sun conditions. We develop an interferometric model that estimates coating porosity, thickness, and fractional area coverage from the measured reflectance spectrum for a uniform single-layer coating. We demonstrate the measurement outdoors on an active PV installation, identify the presence of an ARC, and estimate the properties of the coating.
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Over the last years, the development of innovative, fast and non-destructive characterisation techniques for the detection of PV-module failures and advanced analysis of yield losses in photovoltaic power plants has become a key challenge in scientific research. Besides standard on-site thermographic screening, several novel and easily applied methods were developed and successfully tested. They differ mainly in their possible field of application, their applicability in the detection of different failure types and their cost of setup and operation. In order to evaluate the boundary conditions of application for the various methods, different defective PV-modules were comparatively investigated with commercially available and innovative outdoor analysis methods. The results were evaluated with regard to error detection rate and economics. Based on this comparison, efficient operation and maintenance (O&M) measures for early and general failure detection within large power plants can be deducted.
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When light hits a multilayer planar stack, it is reflected, refracted, and absorbed in a way that can be derived from the Fresnel equations. The analysis is treated in many textbooks, and implemented in many software programs, but certain aspects of it are difficult to find explicitly and consistently worked out in the literature. Here, we derive the formulas underlying the transfer-matrix method of calculating the optical properties of these stacks, including oblique-angle incidence, absorption-vs-position profiles, and ellipsometry parameters. We discuss and explain some strange consequences of the formulas in the situation where the incident and/or final (semi-infinite) medium are absorptive, such as calculating T>1T>1 in the absence of gain. We also discuss some implementation details like complex-plane branch cuts. Finally, we derive modified formulas for including one or more "incoherent" layers, i.e. very thick layers in which interference can be neglected. This document was written in conjunction with the "tmm" Python software package, which implements these calculations.
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A method is developed for interpreting the statistics of the sun’s glitter on the sea surface in terms of the statistics of the slope distribution. The method consists of two principal phases: (1) of identifying, from geometric considerations, any point on the surface with the particular slope required for the reflection of the” sun’s rays toward the observer; and (2) of interpreting the average brightness of the sea surface in the vicinity of this point in terms of the frequency with which this particular slope occurs. The computation of the probability of large (and infrequent) slopes is limited by the disappearance of the glitter into a background consisting of (1) the sunlight scattered from particles beneath the sea surface, and (2) the skylight reflected by the sea surface. The method has been applied to aerial photographs taken under carefully chosen conditions in the Hawaiian area. Winds were measured from a vessel at the time and place of the aerial photographs, and cover a range from 1 to 14 m sec⁻¹. The effect of surface slicks, laid by the vessel, are included in the study. A two-dimensional Gram-Charlier series is fitted to the data. As a first approximation the distribution is Gaussian and isotropic with respect to direction. The mean square slope (regardless of direction) increases linearly with the wind speed, reaching a value of (tan16°)² for a wind speed of 14 m sec⁻¹. The ratio of the up/ downwind to the crosswind component of mean square slope varies from 1.0 to 1.9. There is some up/downwind skewness which increases with increasing wind speed. As a result the most probable slope at high winds is not zero but a few degrees, with the azimuth of ascent pointing downwind. The measured peakedness which is barely above the limit of observational error, is such as to make the probability of very large and very small slopes greater than Gaussian. The effect of oil slicks covering an area of one-quarter square mile is to reduce the mean square slopes by a factor of two or three, to eliminate skewness, but to leave peakedness unchanged.
Natural soiling and the subsequent requisite cleaning of photovoltaic (PV) modules result in abrasion damage to the cover glass. The durability of the front glass has important economic consequences, including determining the use of antireflective and/or antisoiling coatings as well as the method and frequency of operational maintenance (cleaning). The abrasion of coatings and glass has been explored in a field study, including the soiling-prone locations of Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Kuwait City (Kuwait), Mesa (Arizona), Mumbai (India), and Sacramento (California). Dry-brush-cleaned specimens will be compared with those subjected to artificial-brush testing. The characteristics of material integrity, surface energy, optical transmittance, surface roughness, and scratch size were examined using an optical microscope, contact goniometer (for water), spectrophotometer, interferometer, and atomic force microscope, respectively. The findings of this article will be used to provide feedback regarding the cleaning equipment, cleaning methods, and coatings used in the PV industry. The study here will also be used to aid in developing an abrasion standard for the PV industry.
High efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass
  • B M Freiburger
  • C S Thompson
  • R A Fleming
  • D Hutchings
  • S C Pop
B. M. Freiburger, C. S. Thompson, R. A. Fleming, D. Hutchings, and S. C. Pop, "High efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass," in 2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), June 2017, pp. 1869-1872.
High efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass
  • N Ferretti
  • K Ilse
  • A Sonmez
  • C Hagendorf
  • J Berghold
N. Ferretti, K. Ilse, A. Sonmez, C. Hagendorf, and J. Berghold, "High efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass," in 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2017, pp. 1697-1700.
Cleaning resistance of glass coatings
  • K Ilse
  • P.-T Miclea
  • V Naumann
  • C Hagendorf
K. Ilse, P.-T. Miclea, V. Naumann, and C. Hagendorf, "Cleaning resistance of glass coatings," Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics CSP, Tech. Rep., 2018. [Online]. Available: Test-report-V403 2018-Cleaning-resistance-of-glass-coatings.pdf
High efficiency anti-reflective coating for pv module glass
  • ferretti