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ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域での稲作と農家経営の実態 -アヘロ灌漑地区とアウトグローワーの比較-



Abstract In this study, we analyzed the rice cultivation and management in the irrigation schemes of the National Irrigation Board (NIB) and in three small schemes managed by local farmers so called outgrowers, which are distributed near the Lake Victoria in Western Kenya. As a result, we found big differences between NIB schemes and outgrowers’ schemes in their farm size and production. In NIB scheme, the average farm size per household was approximately one hector and their yield was 4.5 kg/ha which is double size and 1.5 times higher yield comparing outgrowers. Our survey suggests that this higher yield is brought by large amount of fertilizer and pesticide input and also appropriate frequency and timing of weeding. Necessarily, total production of NIB farmers is bigger, and they succeeded to sale about 3.5 ton per household, whereas outgrowers achieved only around 30% of it. The expenditure for rice cultivation of NIB farmers was about twice as large as outgrowers, but due to their big sales volume, their cash income from rice production after removing production cost at least 5 times and at most 26 times of outgrowers’. In all schemes, labor costs was the major component of management expenses. Outgrowers spent for wage labors, while they paid small cost for fertilizer and agricultural chemicals. Additionally, to meet this cash demand, many of them sold their livestock which was their important assets.
緒  言
2000 2000 2008 1970
 2.5 
2010 40
and AGRA, 20082008
5 TICADIV 4
 10 
Coalition for African Rice Develop-
ment: CARD
 
 
Corresponding author
 1, 󰏮 2 3
1 464-8601 
2 183-0057  3-8-1
3 102-8012  5-25 
要 約󰔓󰔒NIB 
 3 NIB 
NIB  1
ha  2 4.5t/ha 1.5 
 NIB 
 3.5t/  3 NIB 
 2
5 26 
 8
Actual Situations of Rice Cultivation and Farm Management in Western Kenya near the Lake Victoria: A comparison
of Ahero irrigation scheme and out-growersYuko YAMANE1, *, Yoko ICHIJO2, and Syuichi ASANUMA31International
Center for Agricultural Education (ICAE), Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan, 2Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology, 3-8-1 Harumi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-0057, Japan, 3Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),
Nibancho Center Building, 5-25 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012, Japan
AbstractIn this study, we analyzed the rice cultivation and management in the irrigation schemes of the National Irrigation
Board (NIB) and in three small schemes managed by local farmers so called outgrowers, which are distributed near the Lake
Victoria in Western Kenya. As a result, we found big differences between NIB schemes and outgrowers’ schemes in their farm
size and production. In NIB scheme, the average farm size per household was approximately one hector and their yield was
4.5 kg/ha which is double size and 1.5 times higher yield comparing outgrowers. Our survey suggests that this higher yield is
brought by large amount of fertilizer and pesticide input and also appropriate frequency and timing of weeding. Necessarily, total
production of NIB farmers is bigger, and they succeeded to sale about 3.5 ton per household, whereas outgrowers achieved only
around 30% of it. The expenditure for rice cultivation of NIB farmers was about twice as large as outgrowers, but due to their
big sales volume, their cash income from rice production after removing production cost at least 5 times and at most 26 times of
outgrowers’. In all schemes, labor costs was the major component of management expenses. Outgrowers spent for wage labors,
while they paid small cost for fertilizer and agricultural chemicals. Additionally, to meet this cash demand, many of them sold their
livestock which was their important assets.
Key words: Farm Management, Irrigation, Kenya, Lake Victoria, Rice cultivation
 
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
23 
 CARD 
 80󰔓󰔒
MOA, 2009
󰔓󰔒1950  70 
Mati et al., 2011
󰔓󰔒 6,447 ha
 3󰔓󰔒 900
ha󰔓󰔒 877 ha󰔓󰔒
 213 ha󰔓󰔒Muhunyu,
2012󰔓󰔒1950 
 1965  1998 
Mati et al., 20111999 
󰔒National Irrigation Board: NIB
 NIB 
34°48 35°020°04 0°20Niemeijer
et al., 1985 910ha 
Romano, 2009 1
25.0 Km
ティンダーレット高原 b
1a 4b
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
 1,140m 
20 
Njokah, 19841930  1940
Niemeijer et al., 19851970 
 1
Rarieya and For tun, 2010 1960
Niemeijer et al.,
19851960  1970 
NIB 󰔓󰔒 877ha
󰔓󰔒 900ha 2󰔓󰔒
󰔓󰔒 1969  3
 1.6 ha4acre/519 
1980 
 840 ha 
 11 
1980 
690 ha Niemeijer et al., 1985
Ong Orego 2002
 Gem-Rae 
Ong and Orego, 2002
 NIB Ahero-based
National Irrigation Board
2010 11 2011 2712 
󰔓󰔒NIB 
 Awach 
2011 2 12  NIB 
 4
NIB 
 4 NIB
 Ahero  Masune 
 Awach 
 Gem-Rae  5
2012 5
 17 3
 331 
 15 20
2011 
 NIB 
 77 Masune  78 Awach
 77 Gem-Rae  81 
 4
 1
 Gem-Rae 
1920 
Awach  Masune  1945
NIB 
 1969 Niemeijer et al.,
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
1󰔓󰔒NIB 
   󰔓󰔒
 
560 
1969 󰔓󰔒Niemeijier et
al., 1985)
NIB  
  
 
 
12 
 NIB 
NIB 
Masune 400 *2
1945 
Ministry of Social ServiceMISS
Lake Basin Development AuthorityLBDA
1980  Nyando 
Awach 400
1945 
 Ministry of Social ServiceMISS
 Provincial Irrigation UnitPIU
 JICA 
Constituency Development FundCDF 
 50 KSH
15 KSH
Kenya Goverment8.9  Ksh
 
  
  
 
   
Awach-Kano 
NIB  Awach-
Kano  NIB  Nyando 
 3
Gem-Rae 500 
1920 
1990 
Provincial Irrigation UnitPIU
86 *4
Ministry of Social Ser vice(MISS)  
JICA 
FAO  :
2012 FAO 
NIB 
󰔓󰔒 
 
 
Awach  500m 
Awach-Kano 
 3
 22 
 2
*1: Ahero Irrigation Scheme NIB 2011 
*2: 
*3: Ong  Orego 2002 Gam-Rae Irrigation Scheme  350ha 
*4: 1985  Small Rice Project SRP󰔓󰔒IWMI 2002󰔓󰔒 1995  The Ministry of Agriculture 󰔓󰔒
IWMI 2002)
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
 4acre1.6ha
 NIB  560 
 12 
 14
 NIB  1
 10 30 
 2
 400 500  3
1986  Ministry of
Social Service 
NGO 
Awach  Gem-Rae 
1986 Provincial Irrigation UnitPIU
1999  2004 JICA 
 1
Masune 󰔓󰔒
 NIB 
 NIB 
 Awach  77  22 
28.5 Gem-Rae  81
911.1Masune  78 
45.1NIB  77  2
 4.6 6.1 
 2
2.8 3.2 /
2.6 3.0 /
 NIB  2.2
/ Masune 
Gem-Rae  2.4 /
 2
 8 9
 0.1 0.2 /
NIB 
 0.1 /
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77 78 77 81
 5.9 6.1 4.6 5.7
 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.8
 2.7 3.0 2.6 2.9
 2.2 2.4 2.3 2.4
 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1
 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3
* 6
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
 0.2 0.3 /
 3
 9
NIB 
 4
 NIB 
 1.0 ha/ 
 Masune 
0.59 ha/  Gem-Rae 
0.44 ha/  NIB 
 3
 0.50 0.56ha/ 
NIB 
 0.27ha/
NIB  4,291 kg/ 
 Masune  2,187
kg/  NIB 
 Gem-Rae  968 kg/ 
NIB  4
Masune 
418 kg/ Awach  217 kg/ 
 3
 5.0
6.3  3
Masune  8.9 /
NIB 4.1 /
 5 3
NIB 
 NIB 
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77*78 77 81
 *2   
 *329 37.7 5 6.4 7 9.2 11 13.6
 +Mand/or S *443 56 73 94 70 92 70 86
ha/   1.01 a*70.59 b 0.55 b 0.44 b
M & S*5 0.27 a 0.56 a 0.53 a 0.50 a
kg/   4,291 a 2,187 b 1,497 b 968 b
M & S*6333 a 418 a 217 a 315 a
 /
 5.2 a 6.3 a 6.1 a 5.0 a
 4.1 a 8.9 b 5.8 ab 5.9 ab
*:  2011 
*2: 
*3: 
*4: 
*5: 
*6: 
*7:  = U-test, p<0.05
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
 NIB 
 100 
1960 󰔓󰔒
 NIB 
NIB 
NIB 1.0
ha/  20.50
0.59 ha/ 
 2
4 NIB 
 NIB 
󰔓󰔒 4.5 t/ha 
 Masune  3,880 kg/ha
Awach  Gem-Rae 󰔓󰔒
 3,190 kg/ha
2,260 kg/ha 
NIB  0.4046 ha 
 1 acre 4
 377  3 1
23 29.5 0.5 ha 
 1 acre 
26.9  21  2 acre
37.2 29  4 acre 
 1 acre  2 4
NIB 
 1 acre  4
Yamane and
Asanuma, 2015
NIB 
 1 acre 
 0.5 ha/
Masune  Awach  6
Gem-Rae  8
 0.5 ha/ 
 Awach  0.27 ha/ 
Masune  0.30 ha/ Gem-Rae 
0.31 ha/ 
 1 ha  20
 0.5 ha 1
ha/  9
NIB 
 2011 
 1
 NIB  4.5 Awach 
5.2 Masune  5.3 Gem-Rae
 5.4 
NIB  Gem-Rae 
Masune 
 46 78
 81  58 71.6 57 59
 72.8 78 811 
 1 1 6
8 1
 12 
 Masune 󰔓󰔒󰟟
 Awach  6 7
 77  97  50 51.6 
Gem-Rae  81  81  53
63.1 1
7 9 11  1
NIB  12 
 3 5
 NIB 
 1
2NIB 
77  57 74.0
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
Awach  1 1.3 Gem-Rae
 33.7Masune  5
6.4 313
 3 NIB 
 1
Becker and
Johnson, 1999NIB  1
 23 Gem-
Rae  34 Masune  35 
Awach  39 
NIB  11  16 
NIB  2
 44  1
 2
Gem-Rae  3
 IR  NIB
 989.9 IR 
4 Masune  50.5 Awach
 522Gem-Rae 
 31.9 IR 
 4 ITA BR 
Gem-Rae  ITA 
 Masune 30.6 Awach 
19.1Gem-Rae 15.0 
NIB  ITA BR 
Basmati NIB 7.6  Ma-
sune 2.7
Awach  Gem-Rae 
 27 23.518.5 16.3
NIB Masune Awach Gamerae
 77 78 77 81
        
IR 71 89.9 56 50.5 60 52.2 36 31.9
ITA 0 0.0 14 12.6 5 4.3 39 34.5
BR 1 1.3 34 30.6 22 19.1 17 15.0
Bathmati 6 7.6 3 2.7 27 23.5 18.5 16.4
NERICA 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.9 0 0.0
 1 1.3 4 3.6 1 0.9 *2.5 2.2
 79 100.0 111 100.0 116 100.9 113 100.0
        
NIB  68 86.1 *223 20.7 9 7.4 26 23.0 *3
NIB  3 3.8 0 0.0 1 0.9 4 3.5
 5 6.3 *432 28.4 37 31.7 24 21.2 *5
 0 0.0 6 5.4 5 4.3 20 17.7
 2 2.5 48 42.8 59 50.9 22 19.5
 1 1.3 3 2.7 6 4.8 17 15.0 *6
 79 100.0 111 100.0 115 100.0 113 100.0
 STD STD STD STD
kg/ha60 20.6 a*7104 68.6 b 72 51.0 a 75 45.3 a
kg/  61 35.7 a 55 52.3 a 27 18.9 b 29 31.2 b
* : 
*2: NIB  65 Ksh/kg 
*3: 142Ksh/kg NIB 
*4:  150 Ksh/kg 
*5: 263 Ksh/kg 
*6: 6  FAO 11 Mwea 3
*7:  = U-test, p<0.05
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
 4
 Nyatanga
Nyadoda 
 Gem-Rae  Ma-
sune  3 6
 ,
NIB  986.1
󰔓󰔒NIB 4
Masune 
 20.7 Gem-Rae  23.0
 Awach  7.4 NIB
42.8 Awach 50.9
 4
Masune  28.4
Awach  31.7Gem-Rae 
23.0 4
 NIB  65 Ksh/kg
 150
Ksh/kg Gem-Rae  113 
20 17.7
 6 FAO 
 4
 NIB 
NIB  60.3 kg/
Awach  27 kg/ 
Gem-Rae  29 kg/ Masune
55 kg/  NIB 
 4
 NIB 
Masune  104 kg/ha 
Awach  Gem-Rae 
 72 kg/ha, 75 kg/ha NIB 
60 kg/ha  10 kg 
 5
 5
NIB 
 11.3
Masune  67.7
 Awach Gem-Rae 
 27 35.119 23.5
 23
NIB  77 
56 72.7
 5
Masune  48.7 Awach 
33.8Gem-Rae  45.7
NIB  911.7Ma-
sune  67.7Awach  3
 6
 11.6
 5
 NIB 
 NIB
 161 kg/ha 
 Masune 
 69 kg/ha Awach 
Gem-Rae  46.7 kg/ha20 kg/ha
NIB  82 kg/ha 
Masune  68 kg/haAwach
 55 kg/haGem-Rae  62.6
kg/ha NIB 
 5
Awach  Gem-Rae 
10 15
Masune  3
NIB 
 8
 5
250  /
 6a
 6a
 NIB 
1.5 
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
 NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
77  78  77  81 
 kg ha-1 kg ha-1  kg ha-1  kg ha-1
       
 40 51.9 164 - - 10 12.8 69 - 3 3.9 47 - - 3 3.7 20 -
 6 7.8 86 65 - 6 7.7 59 57 3 3.9 25 33 - 0 0.0 - -
 7 - 79 39 - 1 1.3 40 250 0 0.0 - - - 1 1.2 59 445
 3 - 175 93 31 0 0.0 - - 1 1.3 124 124 82 0 0.0 - -
 13 *116.9 82 - - 38 *348.7 68 - 26 *533.8 55 - - 37 45.7 63 -
 2 - 46 62 - 1 1.3  50 0 0.0 - - - 0 0.0 - -
 1 1.3 247 124 - 9 11.5 62 124 2 2.6 23 303 0 0.0 - -
 0 0.0 - - - 0 0.0 - - 0 0.0 - - - 1 1.2 1 173
 3 *23.9 371 - - 1 1.3  0 0.0 - - - 0 0.0 - -
 0 0.0 - - - 0 0.0 - - 0 0.0 - - - 4 *64.9 13 -
 0 0.0 - - - 0 0.0 - - 1 1.3 25 556 - 0 0.0 - -
 0 0.0 - - - 3 *43.8 346 - 11 14.3 125 - - 2 2.5 77 -
 0 0.0 - - - 0 0.0 - - 1 1.3 180 - - 7 *78.6 240 -
 1 1.3 6 7.7 27 35.1 19 23.5
 1 1.3 3 3.8 2 2.6 7 8.6
 77 100.0 78 100.0 77 100.0 81 100.0
*1: 3 
*2: 1 
*3: 4 
*4: 1 
*5: 5 
*6: 2 
*7: 2 
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
NIB 
 NIB 
NIB 
 6bNIB 
 1ha 
NIB 
 kg 
NIB  20.5 kg/
Masune 
 10.4 kg/  Awach  3
7.2 kg/ Gem-Rae  4
4.7 kg/  NIB 
NIB 
 2
 34
NIB  NIB 
 3
 Masune 
Awach  Gem-Rae 
 Awach  1,000 kg/ha
 Awach-Kano
 9
 7
 9
 313 Awach 
 1 Gem-Rae  3 4
 󰝒      
Ahero 12 a*17 a 31 a 122 a 49 a 39 a 269 a
Masune 30 b 17 a 21 b 75 b 71 b 27 b 244 a
Awach 35 b 19 a 22 b 91 b 73 b 26 b 267 a
Gem-Rae 35 b 20 a 15 b 64 b 69 b 23 b 227 a
b ha
 󰝒      
Ahero 15 a 20 a 32 a 115 a 54 a 33 a 269 a
Masune 59 b 41 b 43 b 165 a 162 b 58 b 531 b
Awach 84 c 59 c 48 b 185 a 209 b 67 b 652 bc
Gem-Rae 93 c 52 c 38 b 231 b 218 b 64 b 696 c
*:  U-test, p<0.05
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
14 3
 NIB 
 13 
 7 8
NIB 33,510 KSh/ 
8d Masune 
26,30 KSh/  1.3  Gem-Rae 
17,638 KSh/  1.9 
 1 NIB
 1󰟟
1,600 1,700 KSh 2 3,500
KSh NIB  1󰟟
 92.5
Awach  1.3
2 NIB  32.4
 Masune  9.9Awach 
2 Gem-Rae 1.2
1NIB 
NIB 
 5,610 Ksh/ 
 Masune  3,010
Ksh / NIB 
 2
 NIB
 3,900 Ksh/ 
 1,000 Ksh/ 
NIB 
 2
NIB  Gem-Rae
7ksh 
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77*75*276*381*4
 145,586 a*653,327 b 34,813 bc 25,102 c
 *554,172 a 33,704 b 25,899 bc 21,658 c
 2,078 a 1,600 a 2,408 a 1,198 a
 33,513 a 26,357 ab 20,600 b 17,334 b
 2,616 a 2,617 a 1,232 *8b 1,369 b
 3,624 a 29 b 237 b 64 b
 *72,046 a 256 b 275 b 574 b
 73 a 19 ab 7 b 22 ab
 9,879 a 2,510 b 1,264 b 1,363 b
 339 a 210 ab 107 b 49 b
 32 ab 112 a 0 b 4 b
 91,414 a 19,623 b 8,783 b 3,492 c
*: 2 
*2: 3 
*3:  3
*4: 11 
*5: 
*6:  U-test, p<0.05
*7: 2016 6
2011 20161.46 
*8:  2016  2011 
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
8 10  *1
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77 78 77 81
1 *25,610 a*33,010 b 2,080 b 1,920 b
2 2,720 a 3,040 a 2,260 a 1,860 a
 1,890 a 2,240 a 1,560 a 1,930 a
 3,900 a 2,950 a 2,730 a 2,410 a
 114,120 a 11,230 ab 8,630 b 8,120 b
42.1 42.6 41.9 46.7
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77 78 77 81
1 4,140 a 3,980 a 4,010 a 2,430 a
2 1,800 a 460 b 110 b 150 b
 550 a 390 ab 60 b 140 ab
 40 a 90 a 20 a 10 a
 370 a 150 b 60 b 120 b
 3,410 a 3,120 a 1,680 b 1,970 ab
 210,320 a 8,210 ab 5,950 ab 4,830 b
30.8 31.1 28.9 27.8
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77 78 77 81
 *4 2,970 a 2,490 a 2,320 a 1,980 a
 3,030 a 2,300 ab 1,690 ab 1,300 b
 3,070 a 2,130 ab 2,020 ab 1,060 b
 39,070 a 6,930 ab 6,030 ab 4,420 b
27.1 26.3 29.3 25.4
d. 
NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 77 78 77 81
 33,510 a 26,360 ab 20,600 ab 17,370 b
*1: 
*2: NIB  95Awach  3.9
 3500Ksh 1600 1700Ksh 2
*3:  U-test p<0.05
*4: 
 8b
 8a, b, c
 4
3 8a, b
 8c
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
 NIB 
 Awach 
17 22.1Masune 19.2
Gem-Rae 18.5  15 NIB
 10 13.0
 NIB 
21,890 Ksh/ 
 Masune  10,150
Ksh/ Awach  7,560 Ksh/ Gem-Rae
 4,290 Ksh/ 
 NIB 
2,080 Ksh/ Masune  1,600
Ksh/ Aeach  2,410 Ksh/ Gem-
Rae  1,200 Ksh/  7
NIB 
Masune 
 7
NIB 
2,620 Ksh/  Awach 
1,230 Ksh/  Gem-Rae 1,370
Ksh/  2Masune
2,620 Ksh/ 
 4 NIB 
  7
󰔓󰔒 Masune
 30 Ksh/ 
 200 Ksh/ 
NIB 
 3,100 Ksh/acre 
 1
3,620 Ksh  7
 5NIB 
 5 9,880 Ksh/ 
 4 5
 NIB Ma-
sune  2,510 Ksh/ Awach 
Gem-Rae   1,260 Ksh/
1,360 Ksh/ 
 NIB 
 340 Ksh/   7
Bakker, 1974
NIB  77 
66 Gem-Rae  5 38
46.9Masune  26 33.3 
 Awach  21 27.3
 NIB
 2,050 Ksh/ 
Gem-Rae  570 Ksh/ 
Masune  Awach  260 Ksh/
280 Ksh/ NIB  10 
 7
NIB 
 4
NIB  70 Ksh/ Masune 
20 Ksh/ Awach  10 Ksh/ 
Gem-Rae  20 Ksh/ 
 7
 NIB 
145,590 Ksh/ Masune  53,330 Ksh/
Awach 34,810 Ksh/ Gem-
Rae  25,100 Ksh/ NIB
 3 5
NIB 
54,170 Ksh/ 
Masune  33,700 Ksh/ Awach 
25,900 Ksh/ Gem-Rae  21,660
Ksh/ NIB 
 1.5 2
NIB 
 91,410 Ksh/ NIB 
 Masune 19,620
Ksh/  4Awach 
8,780 Ksh/  10 Gem-
Rae 3,490 Ksh/  26
 7Gem-Rae  81 
11 
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
 Awach 
 1 kg
 /
NIB  1 kg 
 9.3 Ksh/kg 
 Masune  2
20.0 Ksh/kgAwach  2.5 25.1 Ksh/
kgGem-Rae  330.6 Ksh/
 1 kg 
 /
 NIB  5.7 Ksh/Ksh 
 Masune 4.5 Ksh/KshAwach 2.9 Ksh/
KshGem-Rae 2.7 Ksh/Ksh 
 3 2
NIB  8
42 54.5 NIB 
 36
46.8 2
 21 
 11 9
 2
Masune  34 
43.6Awach  22 28.6Gem-
Rae  17 21.0NIB
NIB 
 Masune  67.7
Awach  33.8Gem-Rae 
 56.1
Awach  Gem-Rae 
 14
17 Masune  4
 3
 13 16 17 2
 NIB 
 1.5 2
 NIB 
 1.5 2
 36
 Masune 
 Gem-Rae  2
 1.2 
Awac h
1月 2月 3月 4月 5月12月1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月11月
2󰔓󰔒NIB 3
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
Gem-Rae  Awach
 2
 3 1.5 2
 NIB 
 Awach 
 Gem-Rae  3
 911 
NIB  1.7 
 Gem-Rae  2.0 
 2
Gem-Rae 
 9
 NIB
 Awach 
Awach  4
 -0.33 0.1 
 -0.3 0.2 
 NIB
 Awach 
Masune 
 Game-Rae 
 9
Gem-Rae  Ma-
sune NIB 
NIB 󰔓󰔒
Awach  Gem-Rae 
9 *1
 NIB Masune Awach Gem-Rae
 1.2 a 1.3 a 1.3 a 1.6 a
 1.6 a 1.2 ab 1.1 b 1.2 ab
 1.6 a 1.3 ab 1.1 b 1.3 ab
 0.7 a 0.1 b 0.2 ab 0.4 ab
 -0.3 a -0.0 a 0.0 a 0.1 a
 0.2 a 0.1 a -0.3 a 0.1 a
 1.7 a 1.9 a 1.8 a 2.0 a
 1.4 a 1.2 a 1.2 a 1.3 a
 0.6 a 1.4 cb 1.0 ac 1.6 cb
 0.8 a 0.9 a 1.1 a 0.8 a
󰔓󰔒 0.5 a 0.1 b 0.8 ac 0.8 ac
*1: +2+1
*2: 
*3:  U-test,p<0.05
山根ら:ケニア西部ビクトリア湖東岸の稲作地域の稲作と農家経営 
Masune 
 NIB
1970 
NIB 
NIB 
 3
 1.5 NIB 
 8
 2
 IR 
 NIB
NIB 
NIB 
 1
NIB  2
Becker and Johnson, 1999
 1 t/ha
Becker et al., 2003
 2
 67kg/ha 
Johnson et al., 2004
 NIB  1
 11  16 
Bakker, 1974
NIB 
NIB 
1990 
Adams, 1990󰔓󰔒
熱帯農業研究 12(2)2019
Ong and Orego, 2002
 
 NIB 
 2011 
󰔓󰔒 NIB 
 11
Awach 
Gem-Rae 
󰔓󰔒 Masune
Awach 
 NIB 
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1  Gem-Rae
 1925 
2 2014 9
3 Ahero Irrigation Scheme NIB 
2011 
4 N IB 󰔓󰔒1
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5 
6 
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8 9
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 2 3
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9 NIB NIB 
10 2011 12  Gam-Rae 10 
11 Ong  Orego2002 Gem-Rae 
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This paper analyzes, from both economic and socio-cultural perspectives, the roles of livestock in the livelihoods of western Kenya's Luo people, who live in an area facing severe soil erosion due to overgrazing. Forty-five households within the study area were surveyed and studied through participatory observation over 10 months. We classified them into five groups depending on their livestock keeping and examined the groups' socioeconomic characteristics in order to link livestock to livelihoods. The results show that households in the two groups owning the most livestock included many paternal extended families and their widows. The former group tended to live under unfavorable economic conditions, with comparatively lower off-farm incomes and negative post-food-purchase incomes. On the centrally, the latter group did not show negative post-food-purchase income due to smaller number of family members. However, these both groups' households also obtained large shares of their livestock through socio-cultural methods, such as entrustment, gifts, and marriage payments. After obtaining higher incomes by selling these livestock, they were able to pay school fees for their children, allowing them to access to a better future through education. The results demonstrate the importance of socio-cultural methods for obtaining livestock, which work through reciprocity. This has clear policy implications: when devising countermeasures to overgrazing, policymakers must consider both economic and socio-cultural roles played by livestock.
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The effects of differing periods of weed management were studied in experiments in five farmers’ direct-seeded, irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields during the 1999 wet season (1999WS) and seven fields during the 2000 dry season (2000DS) in the Senegal River delta. Ten weed management treatments were used to identify critical periods of competition and to enable the development of more precise management recommendations. Rice yields in 1999WS ranged from 3.2 t ha−1 with no weed control to 6.3 t ha−1 in weed-free plots; a yield loss of 49%. Major weed species encountered in 1999WS were Bolboschoenus maritimus, Oryza longistaminata, Cyperus difformis and Echinochloa colona. In 2000DS, C. difformis dominated the weed flora, and rice yields ranged from 3.7 t ha−1 with no weed control to 7.9 t ha−1 in weed-free plots; a yield loss of 47%. To assess the effects of weed biomass on the rice crop over time a linear mixed model was used. This highlighted the importance of E. colona and C. difformis in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, and of O. longistaminata in both seasons. The presence of E. colona early in the crop seemed related to greater levels of rice biomass in 1999WS, while O. longistaminata always had a negative effect on crop growth even at relatively low levels of infestation. Gompertz and logistic equations were fitted to data representing increasing periods of weed-free growth and weed interference, respectively. Critical periods for weed control, obtaining 95% of a weed-free yield, were estimated as between 29 to 32 days after sowing (DAS) in the WS and 4 to 83 DAS in the DS. The lower temperatures in the early DS resulted in slower growth of rice and weeds, delaying the effects of competition. Weed competition either before or after these critical periods had negligible effects on crop yield.
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Leiden [etc.] : African Studies Centre [etc.] (FNSP Report, no. 14), p. 156, 1985. Based on a survey conducted in 1984, the authors discuss the nutritional conditions prevailing among farming households engaged in irrigated rice cultivation in the Kano plain, Nyanza Province, Kenya. The survey covered four groups reflecting different degrees of participation in and/or dependence on irrigated rice cultivation: non-rice growers, individual rice growers participating in small schemes, non-resident tenants at large schemes, and resident tenants at large schemes. The observed differences in nutritional status between the four groups were above all related to differences in their resource base. The group with the smallest resource base, the resident tenants at the large irrigation schemes (Ahero and West Kano) showed the poorest results in all respects. The survey results do not substantiate the assumption made at the start of the irrigation schemes, that the livelihood of rural families can be fully covered by means of cash farming.
There are various avenues for intensifying agricultural production, the most common being increased use of fertilizers, supplemental irrigation of crops, and adoption of high-yielding varieties. These options are rather widely known to farmers around the world, but they have not been widely adopted by smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa. The low adoption rate is related to complex technical and socio-economic issues, such as poor extension services, lack of capital, failure to mobilize the requisite water, or simply, poverty. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is in a special category of innovation in that, farmers stand to gain multiple benefits from its use, including the possibility of increasing rice yields substantially, saving water, and getting better grain quality, using differently the assets that they already have. A major impediment for the adoption of SRI in Africa has been lack of knowledge about this intervention, especially for farmers already practicing irrigated agriculture. Farmers generally have good business sense and will adopt technologies or practices once the benefits are proven and the risks are seen as minor. SRI should be attractive for these reasons, but there are various issues to be resolved before large numbers of farmers can adopt the method. This article reports on the steps taken and the technical and socio-economic issues addressed in efforts to introduce SRI and promote it in Kenya, specifically in the Mwea Irrigation Scheme. A diverse set of individuals and institutions in Kenya together embarked on the evaluation and dissemination of SRI methods in this East African country beginning in July 2009. If the new methods can perform in Kenya as in other countries, this will bring much benefit to rice farmers and rice consumers in the region. SRI is coming to Kenya relatively late, as it was the thirty-ninth country from which favorable SRI results have been reported. This means that Kenyans can learn from others’ experience and evaluations, and there is also now more of a supportive institutional framework. The initial results from on-farm SRI trials have been positive, although not conclusive. They have given impetus to Kenyan farmers and institutions to collaborate within a multi-sectoral, multi-level coalition that has provided an informal, multi-faceted platform for the evaluation, adaptation and dissemination of SRI practices. The initiative in Kenya is now gaining more formal status and more resources. This experience is presented to show the kinds of things that have been and can be done to utilize the SRI opportunity for raising land, labor, and water productivity in the rice sector.
Irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) in West Africa covers about 12 % of the regional rice-growing area, and is produced all along the agro-ecological gradient from the forest zone to the Sahara desert margins. Spatial and temporal variability of yield gaps (i.e., difference between actual and potential yield) were determined to set priorities for research and target technologies. On-farm trials were conducted on 191 irrigated lowland fields in the humid forest, the savanna and the Sahel. Farmers' yields were compared with those of super-imposed treatments of improved fertilization and weed management. Farmers' yields varied between 0.2 and 8.7 Mg ha⁻¹, with average yields of 3.4 Mg ha⁻¹ (Guinea savanna), 3.6 Mg ha⁻¹ (humid forest), 3.9 Mg ha⁻¹ (Sahel), and 5.1 Mg ha⁻¹ (Sudan savanna). Simulated potential yields increased from 7 Mg ha⁻¹ in the forest to about 10 Mg ha⁻¹ in the Sahel. Accordingly, yield gaps were large, ranging from 3.2 to 5.9 Mg ha⁻¹. Researcher weed control in the Sahel gave grain yield increases of about 1.0 Mg ha⁻¹. Improved weed and N fertilization management increased yields by 1 to 2 Mg ha⁻¹ in the forest and Guinea savanna sites. A share of 57-80 % of the yield gap could not be accounted for. Improving weed control is likely to have the highest pay-off in the Sahel while improved management of fertilizer N will be most beneficial in the forest and savanna environments.
Is doubling rice production in Kenya
  • J G Muhunyu
Muhunyu, J. G. 2012. Is doubling rice production in Kenya by 2018 achievable? Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture 7: 46-54.
In: Rice improvement in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa
  • J N Njokah
Njokah, J. N. 1984. Rice production in Kenya. In: Rice improvement in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Proceedings of the International Rice Workshop at Lusaka, Zambia, April 9-19. International Rice Research Institute (Laguna, Philippine) p.159. [Online] PNABD750.pdf (browsed on Jan 20, 2015)
Links between land management, sedimentation, nutrient flows and smallholder irrigation in the lake Victoria basin
  • C Ong
  • F Orego
Ong, C. and F. Orego 2002. Links between land management, sedimentation, nutrient flows and smallholder irrigation in the lake Victoria basin. In: The changing face of irrigation in Kenya: Opportunities for anticipating changes in Eastern and Southern Africa. (Herbert, G. B., M. M. Clifford, and M. R. Hammond eds.) International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp. 135-154. [Online] Publications/Books/PDF/Changing_face_of_Irrigation.pdf (browsed on Jan 20, 2015)
Food security and seasonal climate infromation
  • M Rarieya
  • K Fortun
Rarieya, M. and K. Fortun 2010. Food security and seasonal climate infromation. Kenyan Challenges. Sustain Sic. 5: 99-114.