
Principles and practice of phytotherapy: Modern herbal medicine



The authoritative and comprehensive modern textbook on western herbal medicine - now in its second edition This long-awaited second edition of Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy covers all major aspects of herbal medicine from fundamental concepts, traditional use and scientific research through to safety, effective dosage and clinical applications. Written by herbal practitioners with active experience in clinical practice, education, manufacturing and research, the textbook is both practical and evidence based. The focus, always, is on the importance of tailoring the treatment to the individual case. New insights are given into the herbal management of approxiately 100 modern ailments, including some of the most challenging medical conditions, such as asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and other complex autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, and there is vibrant discussion around the contribution of phytotherapy in general to modern health issues, including health ageing. Fully referenced throughout, with more than 10, 000 citations, the book is a core resource for students and practitioners of phytotherapy and naturopathy and will be of value to all healthcare professionals - pharmacists, doctors, nurses - with an interest in herbal therapeutics.
... Ginkgo leaf extract is used as a dietary supplement. It is used in the treatment of disorders of the central nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia [1]. The main positive effects of Ginkgo biloba L. leaves are increased blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, antagonistic action against platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptors, prevention of cell damage by free radicals, protection of mitochondrial function during cellular stress, increase in memory and cognitive function (especially in the elderly), protection of nerve tissue, assistance in adaptation to stressors, modulation of vascular risk, reduction in anxiety. ...
... In the case of antioxidant deficiency, concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen reactive species are often increased, which then lead to lipid peroxidation. 2 of 17 Antioxidants from G. biloba leaf extract react with reactive species and thus inhibit lipid peroxidation, so the cytoprotective activity of this plant extract is attributed to antioxidant activity and the ability to increase the activity of endogenous enzymes that remove free radicals such as superoxide dismutase and catalase [1,2]. ...
... The typical daily dose is 120 to 240 mg of standardized ginkgo plant extract in a 50:1 ratio, with 24% flavonoid glycosides and about 6% terpenoids [1]. Such an extract can be in liquid form or as part of a tablet. ...
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The present work evaluates the effect of casein, glucose, and olive oil on phytochemical bioaccessibility, antioxidant potential (DPPH and FRAP), antidiabetic potential (inhibition of amylase, α-glucosidase, and BSA glycation), and antihyperlipidemic potential (inhibition of lipase) of gingko standardized leaf extract in the form of tablets after in vitro digestion. Gingko extract formulations with protein, carbohydrates, and oil had high (>70%) in vitro bioaccessibility of quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin after each phases of digestion in comparison to moderate (35–70%) in vitro bioaccessibility from gingko water extract. Formulation with the highest in vitro bioaccessibility of the majority of the tested polyphenolic groups and terpene lactones after oral and intestinal phases was ginkgo with olive oil. High (>70%) antioxidant (DPPH and FRAP), antidiabetic (α-glucosidase and BSA glycation), and antihyperlipidemic potential were detected in almost all ginkgo formulations. Based on the results, we conclude that the in vitro bioaccessibility of individual compounds or groups of compounds depends on whether the tablets are taken with water or with foods (protein, carbohydrates, and oil).
... Germacrene-D Source: Ranade and Thiagarajan 2015 [74] [98] Anti-inflammatory Essential oil, tannins, saponins, flavonoids Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Anti-microbial Essential oil, tannins, flavonoids Kishore et al 1993 [50] , Mishra and Dubet 1994 [61] and Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Anti-nociceptive Essential oil Lorenzetti et al. 1991 [97] Antioxidant Essential oil, tannin, vitamins, flavonoids, phenols Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Antipyretic Flavonoids, alkaloids Bone Studies on karyomorphology: C. flexuosus underwent screening and was specifically selected for both morphological and karyomorphological analyses. The species showcases significant heterogeneity in its morphology, chemotype, and genotype, as highlighted in Lavania's research in 1987. ...
... Germacrene-D Source: Ranade and Thiagarajan 2015 [74] [98] Anti-inflammatory Essential oil, tannins, saponins, flavonoids Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Anti-microbial Essential oil, tannins, flavonoids Kishore et al 1993 [50] , Mishra and Dubet 1994 [61] and Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Anti-nociceptive Essential oil Lorenzetti et al. 1991 [97] Antioxidant Essential oil, tannin, vitamins, flavonoids, phenols Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Antipyretic Flavonoids, alkaloids Bone Studies on karyomorphology: C. flexuosus underwent screening and was specifically selected for both morphological and karyomorphological analyses. The species showcases significant heterogeneity in its morphology, chemotype, and genotype, as highlighted in Lavania's research in 1987. ...
... Germacrene-D Source: Ranade and Thiagarajan 2015 [74] [98] Anti-inflammatory Essential oil, tannins, saponins, flavonoids Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Anti-microbial Essential oil, tannins, flavonoids Kishore et al 1993 [50] , Mishra and Dubet 1994 [61] and Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Anti-nociceptive Essential oil Lorenzetti et al. 1991 [97] Antioxidant Essential oil, tannin, vitamins, flavonoids, phenols Bone and Mills 2013 [98] Antipyretic Flavonoids, alkaloids Bone Studies on karyomorphology: C. flexuosus underwent screening and was specifically selected for both morphological and karyomorphological analyses. The species showcases significant heterogeneity in its morphology, chemotype, and genotype, as highlighted in Lavania's research in 1987. ...
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Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus Steud) is a tropical aromatic herb renowned for its culinary, medicinal, and aromatic properties. This plant has gained substantial attention in recent years within the field of genetics and plant breeding due to its potential for sustainable agriculture, essential oil production, and pharmacological applications. This abstract provides an overview of the current state of research on lemongrass genetics and plant breeding. Genetic studies have unveiled the genetic diversity present within lemongrass populations, with a focus on its complex phytochemical profile, yield potential, and adaptability to various environmental conditions. Advances in molecular genetics have allowed for the identification of key genes involved in essential oil biosynthesis, disease resistance, and stress tolerance in lemongrass. Plant breeding efforts in lemongrass have primarily targeted traits such as improved essential oil content, aroma quality, disease resistance, and enhanced adaptability. Traditional breeding techniques, as well as modern biotechnological approaches like marker-assisted breeding, have been employed to accelerate the development of superior lemongrass cultivars. However, lemongrass breeding faces several challenges, including the limited availability of genetic resources, long breeding cycles, and the need for comprehensive genomic resources. Furthermore, the potential impact of climate change on lemongrass cultivation necessitates the development of climate-resilient cultivars. In conclusion, future research endeavours should focus on expanding the genetic resources available for lemongrass, enhancing breeding methodologies, and addressing the challenges associated with sustainable lemongrass production. This pursuit not only contributes to the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries but also promotes the conservation of this valuable tropical herb.
... Phytotherapic drugs contain a number of pharmacological properties acting through various mechanisms and pathways. The final result is a complex set of synergistic and antagonistic interactions operating at biochemical, cellular, and physiological level (12,13). This is particularly relevant in the context of the increasing use of complementary and alternative medicine, with current rates of use ranging between 26% and 91% (14,15). ...
... These effects appear to be dosedependent. Low dose VAC resulted in lower estrogen levels and higher progesterone and PRL levels, possibly caused by the inhibition of the release of FSH and stimulation of LH (13,54). In a study using different VAC doses, the highest VAC dose decreased the levels of PRL while FSH and LH remained unchanged (37). ...
... Dried, ripened, or fresh ripe fruits (berries) can be used to produce the phytotherapic medications in the form of liquid extract, dried fruit, or as a tablet or capsule. Fluid extract (40 drops daily) and tincture (35 to 45 drops, 3 times a day) have also been used (13,55). VACenriched food supplements are also available. ...
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Background Vitex agnus castus (VAC), also known as chaste tree, is a plant from the Mediterranean area, Crimea, and central Asia. Its fruit has been used for more than 2500 years as phytotherapic agent. In the last century, VAC has been mostly used for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual irregularities, fertility disorders, and symptoms of menopause. Since some degree of hyperprolactinaemia may be observed in patients with such disorders, VAC effects on hyperprolactinaemia have been assessed in a small number of studies and in some patient series or single case reports. It has been postulated that the diterpenes contained in VAC extract may interact with dopamine D2 receptors (D2R) and inhibit prolactin release via dopamine D2R activation in the anterior pituitary. Most of the published papers focus on the use of VAC for the management of PMS or infertility. However, due to its action on D2R, VAC could have a role in the treatment of mild hyperprolactinaemia, including patients with idiopathic hyperprolactinaemia, microprolactinoma, drug-induced hyperprolactinaemia, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods We have reviewed and analysed the data from the literature concerning the use of VAC extracts in patients with hyperprolactinaemia. Results Some evidence suggests a possible role of VAC for the management of hyperprolactinaemia in selected patients, though in an inhomogeneous way. However, there are not any large randomized controlled trials supporting the same and the precise pharmacological aspects of VAC extract in such a clinical setting still remain obscure. Conclusion It appears that VAC may represent a potentially useful and safe phytotherapic option for the management of selected patients with mild hyperprolactinaemia who wish to be treated with phytotherapy. However, larger studies of high quality are needed to corroborate it.
... Саме екстракти материнки звичайної (Origanum vulgare L.), чебрецю повзучого (Thymus serpyllum L.), троянди (Rosa L.), липи дрібнолистої (Tilia cordata Mill.), гібіскусу сабдаріффи (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), календули лікарської (Calendula officinalis), смородини чорної (Ribes nigrum L.) сприяють підвищенню функціональної ефективності організму, нормалізації його адаптаційних можливостей, усуненню проявів оксидантного стресу, ацидозу і гіпоксії, підвищенню апетиту, поліпшенню травлення, нормалізації ферментативної, видільної, метаболічної, дезінтоксикаційної, гемостатичної функцій печінки, імуномодуляції і можуть бути використані з метою корекції клінічних проявів поствірусного астенічного синдрому у дітей різного віку та відновлення їх стану здоров'я після перенесених ГРВІ [37]. ...
... Таким чином, на підставі проведеного аналізу властивостей, ефективності і безпечності екстрактів з рослинної сировини материнки звичайної (Origanum vulgare L.), чебрецю повзучого (Thymus serpyllum L.), троянди (Rosa L.), липи дрібнолистої (Tilia cordata Mill.), гібіскусу сабдаріффи (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), календули лікарської (Calendula officinalis), смородини чорної (Ribes nigrum L.) можна констатувати, що ці фітокомпоненти можна застосовувати дітям з відсутністю апетиту, запальними захворюваннями жовчного міхура, підшлункової залози і з метою профілактики захворювань печінки внаслідок негативної дії токсинів різної етіології (аліментарні токсини, лікарські засоби, вірусний вплив) [37]. ...
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Background. The article reviews literature data on the peculiarities of changes in the health status of children after acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) of various etiologies and the development of post-viral asthenic syndrome accompanied by physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychological symptoms that significantly impair the quality of life. The purpose of the study is to summarize the literature data on the features, mechanisms of development of changes in the health status of children after ARVI, and methods to correct these disorders, in particular by prescribing herbal remedies. Materials and methods. Bibliographic and information-analytical research methods were used. A theoretical analysis of scientific data from the search databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Bri­tish Medical Journal for the last 10 years was carried out on the possibility of using, efficacy, safety, and properties of oregano, thyme, rose, small-leaved linden, hibiscus sabdariffa, calendula officinalis, black currant. Results. According to the literature review, the incidence of post-viral asthenic syndrome in children is 36.8 %, with cognitive-emotional changes (84 %), sleep disturbances (74 %), decreased appetite (64 %), and headaches (52 %) dominating in the clinical picture. The persistence of these manifestations hinders the adequate restoration of the child’s adaptive capacity and the fight against hypoxia, acidosis, metabolic disorders due to ARVI, and post-viral asthenic syndrome. This determines the urgency of finding appropriate methods of correction with etiopathogenetic (inhibition of oxidative stress, reduction of acidosis and hypoxia, restoration of liver function), immunoregulatory (improvement of the immune system), and symptomatic (improvement of appetite) effects. The analysis of scientific data on the properties of oregano, thyme, rose, small-leaved linden, hibiscus sabdariffa, calendula officinalis, black currant made it possible to verify the possibility of using this combination to correct the clinical manifestations of post-viral asthenic syndrome in children and restore their health after ARVI. Conclusions. Phytocombination of oregano, thyme, rose, small-leaved linden, hibiscus sabdariffa, calendula officinalis, black currant can be recommended for the restoration of children’s health after ARVI, influenza, COVID-19, adenovirus infection, and children with clinical manifestations of post-viral asthenic syndrome due to the properties that provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects, a positive impact on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and immune systems.
... O nome "Harpagophytum" vem do grego 'harpago', que significa 'um gancho'. O epíteto específico procumbens significa prostrado, referindo-se aos caules rastejantes da planta [45] . ...
... Harpagophytum procubens tem sido utilizada há séculos por povos tradicionais para o tratamento de diversas condições, principalmente como analgésico, tratamento para complicações de gravidez, pomada para alívio de doenças dermatológicas, tratamento de doenças do sangue, nas dores pós-parto, dores associadas à dismenorreia e dores reumáticas e musculoesqueléticas de maneira geral [47] . Preparações na forma de unguentos são ainda usadas para feridas, furúnculos e entorses [45] . As substâncias ativas da raiz tuberosa da garra-do-diabo são os iridoides glicosilados, compreendendo aproximadamente 3% da droga vegetal [48] . ...
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are social impact disorders that lead to intense pain, deformities, and inability to perform daily and work-related activities. In Brazil, despite the National Policies for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) and Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapies (PNPMF) that have expanded access to Phytotherapy, the incorrect dissemination of the use of medicinal plants remains common, often without any scientific evidence of efficacy. The aim of this study was to select some plants popularly recommended on the internet for treating RA and OA and to gather data on their efficacy and safety. These plants include Harpagophytum procumbens, Hypericum perforatum, Miconia albicans, Uncaria tomentosa, and Varronia curassavica. A literature review covering in vitro, preclinical, and clinical trials revealed promising results regarding the action of these plants on RA and OA. Most studies emphasize the anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and analgesic effects of these species. However, as the mechanisms are not yet fully understood, further studies, particularly clinical trials, are necessary to reach a more definitive conclusion. This literature review can contribute to and alert healthcare professionals and patients seeking these products for the treatment of rheumatic diseases.
... Ischemia-induced neuronal injury is a result of a series of events including ATP loss and energy depletion, ionic imbalance, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and post-ischemic neuroinflammation ultimately leading to neuronal cell death [122]. In a study, the protective effect of different doses ( of leukocyte infiltration, it did not decrease brain edema [123]. Given that anthocyanins possess potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it seems that the protective effect of E. amoenum is, at least partially, through its anthocyanins content. ...
... There is no conflict of interest with this work. Aqueous extract for 2 weeks (oral) [110] Aqueous extract for 15 days (oral) [111] Syrup for 8 weeks [112] Aqueous extract for 6 weeks (oral) [17] Anxiety Hydroalcoholic extract, 30 min before the test (i.p.) [89] Ethanolic extract 30 min before the test (i.p.) [90] Aqueous extract for 15 or 30 days (i.p.) [91] hydroalcoholic extract 30 min before the test or for 7 days (i.p.) [92] Herbal tea for a day [93] Aqueous extract for 7 or 14 days [97] Aqueous extract for 8 weeks (oral) [18] Alzheimer's Disease/ memory enhancer Aqueous extract for 15 days (oral) [19] Total anthocyanin extract 30 min before the induction of cerebral ischemia (i.p.) [123] -Obsessive compulsive disorder -Aqueous extract for 6 weeks (oral) [16] Seizure Methanolic extract 20 min before picrotoxin (i.p.) [ ...
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Pharmacological researches in the area of herbal medicine have considerably increased over the last two centuries. Echium amoenum (known as Gol-e-Gavzaban in Persian) is a medicinal plant that has been widely used in Iranian folk medicine. In this review, databases including PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar were searched up. Data collecting was completed by January 2019 and available scientific reports regarding the processing methods, main chemical constituents, and effects of E. amoenum on different neuropsychiatric disorders are summarized. Thirteen five studies met the inclusion criteria. According to results, the important phytochemicals of the plant was phenolic compounds, fatty acids, rosmarinic acid, anthocyanidins, and flavonoids. Also, experimental and clinical studies demonstrated the effectiveness of E. amoenum in the treatment of several neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, ischemic stroke, seizure, Alzheimer’s disease, and pain. Many of these effects are, at least in part, due to its rosmarinic acid or polyphenolic compounds such as flavonoids and natural pigments such as anthocyanins. Also, fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid play critical role in neuroactive properties of this herb. Among these effects, only the antidepressant and anxiolytic properties of the plant extract have been examined both experimentally and clinically. There was some controversy over its toxicity effects. It seems that E. amoenum protects neurons via attenuation of oxidative stress and inflammation as well as blocking of apoptosis in the nervous system. However, more studies are necessary for assessing exact mechanisms of action in neuropsychiatric disorders, finding of bioactive ingredients, and processing methods of this plant. [GMJ.2019;8:e1559]
... One of them can be used to prevent degenerative diseases. This is due to the synergistic effect, where the increased performance of natural components can outperform the mechanism of action of synthetic drugs, due to the presence of a single compound that works (Bone, K., & Mills, 2013) [6]. ...
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Leaf of belulang grass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn) is one of the wild plants that is used as herbal medicine by the community because of its many health benefits for the treatment of certain diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. A materil is said to have potential as a medicine because the composition of the chemical compounds contained in a plant is not always the same and requires further testing. Differences in chemical compound content can be influenced by environmental factors and plant metabolism. The aim of this research is to analyze the metabolite profile and abundance of metabolite compounds using the GC-MS instrument analysis approach. Sampling was conducted in Sidomulyo Village, Air Kumbang District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra. Samples of belulang grass leaves obtained were dried, pulverized, and extracted with methanol solvent. The methanol extract was analyzed using GC-MS. The results showed that the highest 20 compound peaks were obtained based on the relative area percent of the 69 compounds obtained with an abundance of compounds amounting to 80.86%. At the highest peak, the compounds n-hexadecanoic acid, I-(+)-ascorbic acid 2, 6- dihexadecanoate, and pentadecanoic acid were found with a percent area of 31.25%.
... (Bunting et al., 2006). Flavonoid dapat mencegah komplikasi atau progresifitas diabetes melitus dengan cara membersihkan radikal bebas yang berlebihan (Soewoto, 2001), memutuskan rantai reaksi radikal bebas dan mengikat ion logam (chelating) (Mills & Bone, 2002). ...
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is metabolism diseases characterized by hyperglycemia and change to the cell histophatology structure of pancreas. Red betel leaves (Piper crocatum) and fragnantpandanleaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) has compound metabolic secondary that efficacious as anantidiabetic. The aims of the study were seek the best extract formulations of red betel leaves (EDSM) and extract of fragnantpandan leaves (EDPW) to lowering blood glucose level, repair the damage of islet langerhans, and comparing the effectiveness with metformin. The research was drafted by post test only control group design using male mencit (Mus musculus) for 31 days. In this research used complete random design with 14 treatment groups, they are normal group, DM group, metfomin group, EDPW 100%group, EDSM 10%+ EDPW 90%group, EDSM 20% + EDPW 80%group, EDSM 30% + EDPW 70% group,EDSM 40% + EDPW 60% group,EDSM 50% + EDPW 50%group,EDSM 60% + EDPW 40% group,EDSM 70% + EDPW 30% group, EDSM 80% + EDPW 20% group, EDSM 90% + EDPW 10% group, and EDSM 100%group. Based on in vivo bioassay showed that metformin have a lot of lowering blood glucose levels (p<0,05) than formulation of EDSM and EDPW but not better in improving islet langerhans tissue damage and treatment DM group with EDSM 50% + EDPW 50% effective lowering blood glucose level comparable with metfomin (p>0,05) and better in improving islet langerhans tissue damage caused by alloxan diabetogenic compound.
... The term "herb" refers to a plant or plant component used medicinally to promote healing during illness and disease. In herbal medicine, this practice is also known as botanical medicine or phytotherapy in Europe [1] . A wide range of plant parts, such as leaves, stems, roots, seeds, fruits, flowers, or bark, are used as herbs because of their medicinal qualities [2] . ...
... Obat bahan alam di era modern banyak digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan berbagai penyakit. Obat bahan alam memiliki kelebihan dibandingan obat sintesis yaitu mampu saling bersinergisme antar senyawa yang terkandung di dalamnya (synergy effects) (Bone & Mills, 2013). Beberapa tumbuhan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan obat karena pada tumbuhan terdapat metabolit sekunder yaitu zat aktif biologis yang berhubungan dengan komponen kimia tumbuhan. ...
Medicinal plants have been known and used worldwide for thousands of years. One type of medicinal plant that is often used is gaharu. The efficacy of gaharu leaves provides properties as a fever reducer, increases appetite, launches menstruation, and relieves pain. This study aims to determine whether there is an analgesic effect from the methanol extract of gaharu leaves in male Wistar rats using the heat stimulation method. This study was an experimental study using twenty-five male Wistar rats divided into five groups. Group I (negative control), rats were treated with 1% CMC-Na. Group II (positive control), rats treated with mefenamic acid 45 mg/kg BW. Group III, IV, and V rats were treated with gaharu leaf methanol extract suspension (100; 200, and 400) mg/kg BW. Pain stimulation was carried out by dipping the rat tail into a 40°C water bath. Data on response time to pain, stimuli were analyzed using the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) method with a 95% confidence level followed by a post-hoc Tukey test to determine which group had the same or significantly different effect. The results showed that the normal response time data for mice to painful stimuli ranged from 2.79 to 3.57 seconds. 1% CMC-Na treatment in mice was unable to increase the response time to a significant pain stimulus (p>0.05). Mefenamic acid treatment 45 mg/Kg BW significantly increased the response time to painful stimuli (p<0.05) with the longest average response time to painful stimuli, namely 8.87 seconds. Based on the method used in this research, methanol extract of agarwood leaves 400 mg/kgBW has almost the same analgesic effect as mefenamic acid 45 mg/KgBW.
... It is noteworthy that the efficacy of ginkgo preparations is emphasized, as is their safety [66,78]. GE has been shown to have low toxicity with long-term or acute administration, with no mutagenic or teratogenic effects [85], as well as an immune-enhancing effect at non-toxic concentrations on human peripheral blood leukocytes [68]. Currently, several phytotherapeutic products with G. biloba are available on the market with indications for disorders and symptoms associated with blood flow disorders in the brain [71]. ...
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Depression is one of the most common diseases in the world, and it is also the most common mental disorder. Depressive disorders are a real threat not only to individuals, but also to the general population. This disease is a leading cause of disability and inability to work. Due to the numerous side effects of conventional drugs, attention is increasingly being paid to other solutions, including herbal medicines. Many plant species are known for their traditional uses in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and depression. The clinically proven effects of adaptogenic raw materials on depression symptoms are probably related to the positive impact of some secondary metabolites (terpenoids, alkaloids, glucosinolates, phenols). Currently, it is emphasized that in many cases the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of plant substances play a protective role at the neurocellular level. Among the medicinal plants analyzed in clinical trials for the treatment of depression, the following seem to be particularly interesting: saffron (Crocus L.), turmeric (Curcuma L.), ginkgo (Ginkgo L.), St. John’s wort (Hypericum L.), and passionflower (Passiflora L.), which have broad and strong biological activity, well-documented history of action and use, and effectiveness in preventing and/or treating anxiety and depression. These plants are still in the sphere of biochemical and phytopharmaceutical research, the results of which are very promising.
... Hydroquinone glucuronide is eliminated in the urine when the pH of the urine is sufficiently alkaline (>7). If uva-ursi does not seem to be functioning, it may be due to the patient's urine being too acidic and preventing the hydroquinone glucuronide complex from breaking down (Mills and Bone 2000), (Gaedeke et al. 1996) ...
Infertility affects 8-12% of couples globally, with male factors contributing to around 40% of cases. Common male infertility issues include erectile dysfunction (ED) and low sperm count or quality, which account for over 90% of cases. These problems often result from anatomical, hormonal, or genetic abnormalities. This review focuses on natural aphrodisiac herbs commonly used to address ED, providing detailed information on their botanical characteristics, metabolic pathways, recommended dosages, phytochemical properties, side effects, origins, and traditional uses. It also reviews recent studies on medicinal herbs that boost sexual desire and treat urological conditions. By compiling reliable findings from the past decade, the study aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for individuals dealing with sexual health issues. Through careful evaluation of each herb, it offers insights into their effectiveness and limitations, emphasizing the potential of natural treatments as complementary alternatives to conventional therapies for male infertility and related conditions. HIGHLIGHTS • Anatomy, hormone abnormalities and genetic flaws may contribute to male infertility. • The most popular natural aphrodisiac herbs used in the treatment of infertility were revised. • Unique and reliable references to sexual desire and urological problems were provided. • Safe aphrodisiac herbs including phytochemical products were emphasized. • Plants were investigated for their potential as aphrodisiacs and fertility enhancers ARTICLE HISTORY
... Anethole bears a structural resemblance to catecholamines, like dopamine, and may displace dopamine from its receptors, thereby disinhibiting prolactin secretion, which may be responsible for its galactagogue effects [63]. Anethole also exhibits estrogenic activity [30]. ...
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Background: Active compounds from plants and herbs are increasingly incorporated into modern medical systems to address cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Foeniculum vulgare Mill., commonly known as fennel, is an aromatic medicinal plant and culinary herb that is popular worldwide. Methods: Protective effects against cellular damage were assessed in the H9C2 cardiomyocyte hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) experimental model. The identities of phytochemicals in FVSE were determined by GC-MS analysis. The phytochemical’s potential for nutrients and pharmacokinetic properties was assessed by ADMET analysis. Results: GC-MS analysis of the ethanol extracts of F. vulgare identified 41 bioactive compounds, with four prominent ones: anethole, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-propanone, ethoxydimethylphenylsilane, and para-anisaldehyde diethyl acetal. Among these, anethole stands out due to its potential for nutrients and pharmacokinetic properties assessed by ADMET analysis, such as bioavailability, lipophilicity, flexibility, and compliance with Lipinski’s Rule of Five. In the H/R injury model of H9C2 heart myoblast cells, FVSE and anethole suppressed H/R-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, DNA double-strand break damage, nuclear condensation, and the dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). Conclusions: These findings highlight the therapeutic potential of FVSE and its prominent component, anethole, in the treatment of CVDs, particularly those associated with hypoxia-induced damage.
... The high prevalence of herbal medicine use in female cancers may be attributed to the general widespread use of these therapies among women, as noted in various studies (Amrati et al. 2021). This trend aligns with findings from Western studies, where female gender consistently emerges as an independent factor for CAM use (Bone and Mills 2013;Dufter et al. 2021). Women, particularly those of Arab and Moroccan descent, often possess extensive knowledge of herbal medicine, making these therapies both accessible and cost-effective. ...
Objective: Gynecological and Breast Cancers (GCBC) are extremely common worldwide, including in Morocco. Patients suffering from these forms of cancer often turn to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), particularly phytotherapy. However, there has been no research on Moroccan patients using this medicine. We aim to assess the frequency and factors involved in the use of phytotherapy. Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical study. We interviewed 317 patients in an oncology unit. We calculated the 12-month prevalence of herbal medicine use and identified predictors of herbal medicine use by multivariate analysis using SPSS software. Results: The prevalence of patients using phytotherapy was 40.7%. Patients used 48 plant species. The most commonly used plants were Marrubium vulgare L., Allium cepa L. and Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. This use was associated with a cancer duration greater than one year (p < 0.05; OR = 0.414), pain (p < 0.01; OR = 2.711), anorexia (p < 0.05; OR = 2.079), the social impact of the disease (p < 0.01; OR = 4.140), the expected benefits of C&CM (p < 0.000; OR = 3.453), and the social norms of relatives (p < 0.000; OR = 3.502). Conclusion: The use of herbal medicine as CAM among women with is highly prevalent. The user profile identified in this study deviates from the patterns observed in the international literature. Further research is warranted in different regions of Morocco, exploring various CAM modalities, and employing alternative methodological approaches. The use of herbal medicine as CAM in women with GCBC is widespread. The profile of users identified in this study deviates from patterns observed in the international literature. Further research is warranted in different regions of Morocco, exploring different CAM modalities and using other methodological approaches.
... Medicinal plants and their extracts have been used as promising alternatives to antibiotics and immunoprophylactics owing to their high efficacy, low toxicity, and environmentally friendly nature (14). Currently, studies have investigated the application of herbal extracts as feed additives in aquaculture, aimed at promoting growth, modulating immunity, and preventing disease in aquatic animals (15)(16)(17)(18). ...
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Introduction This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of tea polyphenols (TP) and medicinal plant mixtures (Astragalus membranaceus + Lonicera japonica, Rheum officinale Bail + Scutellaria baicalensis + Platycladus orientalis) combined with astaxanthin (AST), benzoic acid (BA), and yeast complex on the health status of Eriocheir sinensis. Method A total of 630 crabs (male crabs: 41.51 ± 1.63 g; female crabs: 47.27 ± 0.79 g) were randomly distributed into seven groups with three replicates (male: female, 1:1). These crabs were fed as follows for 8 weeks: basal diet (M1), M2 (M1 + 100 mg/kg TP), M3 (M1 + 2.0 g/kg A. membranaceus + 20 g/kg L. japonica), M4 (M1 + 2.5 g/kg R. officinale Bail + 1.5 g/kg S. baicalensis + 1.0 g/kg P. orientalis), and M5, M6, M7 (M2, M3 and M4 with 600 mg/kg AST +1.0 g/kg BA + 20 mg/kg yeast complex added, respectively). Results and discussion The results showed that the activities of acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), and lysosome (LZM) in the hemolymph were significantly increased in M5, M6, and M7 (P < 0.05), and the highest phagocytosis index (PI) and LZM activity were observed in M7 of female crabs. Moreover, the antioxidant indicators superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) of hepatopancreas were also significantly improved in M5, M6, and M7 (P < 0.05), while the malondialdehyde (MDA) contents showed an opposite trend. Furthermore, a morphological examination also showed the improved histological structure of hepatopancreas in M7, especially as seen in the clear lumens, no vacuolation, and integrity of the basal membrane of the hepatopancreatic tubule. Taken together, these results suggested that 2.5 g/kg R. officinale Bail, 1.5 g/kg S. baicalensis, and 1.0 g/kg P. orientalis in combination with 600 mg/kg AST, 1.0 g/kg BA, and 20 mg/kg yeast complex could improve the non-specific immunity, antioxidant capacity, and hepatopancreatic health of E. sinensis.
... Eski dönemlerden beri çeşitli bitkiler hastalıkların tedavilerinde yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır (1). Günümüzde de bu tür bitkilerin hala aktif bir şekilde kullanılmasının sebebi kimyasal ilaçlara göre bitkisel tedavilerin daha etkili, güvenli, daha az toksik, kolayca kullanılabilen ve uygun fiyatlı olmasıdır (2). Bu nedenle tıpta bitkilerin tedavi potansiyelleri ve tıbbi kullanımları konusunda ciddi araştırmalar yapılmaktadır. ...
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Nigella sativa (N. Sativa), eski Mısır ve Yunan hekimleri tarafından çeşitli ağrılar ve hastalıklarda kullanılan, uzun tıbbi geçmişe sahip olan bir bitkidir. Bitkinin asıl etken maddesi ise thmoquinone adı verilen bir maddedir. Çalışmamız, farklı hastalıklar üzerine etkileri olan timokinonun, oral gavaj yoluyla farklı dozlarda uygulanmasının ardından mideye olası etkilerini in vivo olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu değerlendirme histokimyasal ve immunohistokimyasal yöntemlerle gerçekleştirilecektir. Çalışma materyali olarak Sprague Dawley soyundan 21 adet sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar, deney grubu 1 (10 mg/kg gavaj), deney grubu 2 (20 mg/kg gavaj) ve kontrol grubu olmak üzere yedi sıçandan oluşan üçer gruba ayrıldı. Deney gruplarına kırk iki gün boyunca her gün 10 mg/kg ve 20 mg/kg dozlarda timokinon oral gavaj ile uygulanmıştır. Mevcut çalışma sonucunda immun sistemde etkili olan antienflamatuar sitokinlerden IL-2 ve IL-4’ün midedeki ekspresyonları in vivo olarak gösterilmiştir. Tüm gruplardaki sıçanların mide mukozalarında farklı şiddetlerde immun reaksiyonlar gözlenmiştir. Böylelikle timokinonun farklı dozlarının sitokinleri inaktive etmediği ancak sitokin türüne ve doza bağlı olarak farklılıklar olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
... In perspective of physiological aliments including systems such as hepatic system, nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, cardiac system, skin diseases, and reproductive system, the role of herbal medicine is emphasized in any patho-physiological illness. [16]For researchers, plant exploration is still very attractive research area because of its diversity and usefulness. In future decades, medicinal plants in comparison to synthetic drugs become more popular with minimal side effects and showing eco-friendship nature. ...
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Nature has an excellent hub to open more therapeutic ways by providing diversity in phytoconstituents. To increase the patient compliance by delivering active elements in a supportive way, a specific scientific path is needed. It is quite challenging to discover a phytochemical constituent for any lead therapeutic purpose.In past, drug discovery took several years to find out any leading compound to treat some particular disease. It was considered as a complex process to understand human system. As science progress, some target specific virtual processes have been introduced, which are cost effective and time saving methods.Nano-sized drug delivery system from herbal origin where drugs have been developed to enhance drug activity and to avoid repeated drug administration. Nano based herbal medicines will also minimizing synthetic medication associated problems. For the delivery of herbal medicine, nano based drug delivery system is of high demand which may bring some better therapeutic interventions in coming year
... Glycosides, characterized by glycone and aglycone components linked via glycosidic bonds, exhibit diverse structural and functional properties. Their categorization includes Oglycosides, C-glycosides, S-glycosides, and N-glycosides, each with distinct biochemical features and occurrences in nature [2,4]. Figure. ...
Welcome to Pharmaceutical Science: Research and Innovation, a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic and ever-evolving field of pharmaceutical science. This book is intended to serve as both a resource and an inspiration for students, researchers, practitioners, and anyone with a keen interest in the development of medications that improve and save lives. The pharmaceutical sciences sit at the intersection of various disciplines, including chemistry, biology, pharmacology, and medicine. This convergence allows for the innovative approaches that are crucial to advancing drug discovery and development. The goal of this book is to provide a detailed yet accessible overview of the current state of research and innovation in pharmaceutical science. The journey of writing this book has been both rewarding and enlightening It has allowed us to delve deeply into the cutting-edge research that is shaping the future of pharmaceuticals. A key theme throughout this book is the importance of innovation. In an era where the pace of technological advancement is accelerating, the pharmaceutical industry must continually adapt and evolve. This book not only examines the current landscape of pharmaceutical research but also looks forward to the emerging trends and technologies that promise to revolutionize the industry. Topics such as personalized medicine, nutraceuticals, drug discovery, phytoconstituents used for different treatments and novel therapeutic approaches are explored in detail, providing readers with a glimpse into the future of pharmaceuticals. This book would not have been possible without the contributions of many individuals. We are deeply grateful to our colleagues, who have shared their insights and expertise, and to the countless researchers whose work has paved the way for the advancements discussed in these pages. Special thanks go to the peer reviewers whose feedback has been invaluable in shaping the final manuscript. To the students and budding researchers who are just beginning their journey in pharmaceutical science, we hope this book serves as a valuable guide and inspires you to push the boundaries of what is possible To the seasoned professionals, we hope it provides new insights and sparks innovative ideas that contribute to your ongoing work. Writing this book has been a journey of discovery and reflection. It has reinforced our belief in the power of scientific inquiry and the critical role of innovation in addressing the health challenges of our time. As you read through these chapters, we encourage you to think about how the principles and discoveries outlined here can be applied to your own work and how you can contribute to the ongoing evolution of pharmaceutical science. Thank you for choosing to embark on this journey with us. We hope you find Pharmaceutical Science: Research and Innovation to be both informative and inspiring, and that it fuels your passion for advancing the field of pharmaceutical science.
... 2. When taken orally, curcumin, a compound present in turmeric, lessens the symptoms of depression in those who are already on antidepressants. 3. Turmeric extracts, whether used alone or in conjunction with other herbal remedies, can alleviate pain and improve knee function in patients suffering from osteoarthritis [86]. 4. It is used to treat dyspeptic symptoms such as appetite loss, fullness after eating, and problems with the liver and gallbladder. ...
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The active ingredient in turmeric, Curcuma longa, and the traditional medicinal plant, Mimosa pudica, have both been the subject of intensive research due to their wide range of therapeutic applications. The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing qualities of Mimosa pudica have long been employed, whereas curcumin is well known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer benefits. The pharmacological advantages of these two naturally occurring substances are summarized in this article, which also discusses their possible synergistic effects, modes of action, and therapeutic uses. Our goal in examining the complimentary qualities of Mimosa pudica and curcumin is to present a through analysis that bolsters their application in integrative medicine and offers ideas for further research. Curcumin is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Its therapeutic success is related to its capacity to affect numerous cellular pathways, such as inhibiting NF-KB and activating AREs. These pathways play a vital role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which contribute to chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration. Curcumin's antibacterial characteristics make it a promising medicinal agent with broad-spectrum applications. Mimosa pudica, often known as the "sensitive plant" for its quick responsiveness to physical stimuli, has a long history in traditional medicine, especially in Ayurvedic and folk treatments. It is used for wound healing,anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-ulcer properties. The pharmacological actions of Mimosa pudica are primarily due to its rich composition of bioactive compounds, including alkaloids,flavonoids, tannins, and phenolic acids.These compounds collectively contribute to the plant's ability to modulate immune responses, promote tissue regeneration, and inhibit microbial growth.Curcumin and Mimosa pudica have complimentary mechanisms that can lead to synergistic effects. Curcumin modulates intracellular signaling pathways and transcription factors, while Mimosa pudica's bioactive ingredients also interact with extracellular targets and microbial cell walls, indicating a multimodal approach to illness management.
... Mącznica lekarska Arctostaphylos uva-ursi jest jednym z około 50 występujących na świecie gatunków roślin zaliczanych do rodzaju mącznica Arctostaphylos, należących do rodziny wrzosowatych Ericaceae [1,2]. Ta niewielka zimotrwała krzewinka nie przekracza nigdy 10 cm wysokości. ...
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Należąca do rodziny wrzosowatych zimozielona krzewinka mącznica lekarska Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. jest cenną rośliną leczniczą, z której pozyskuje się liść Uvae ursi folium. Zawarte w tym surowcu substancje czynne wykazują działanieprzeciwbakteryjne, przeciwutleniające i przeciwzapalne. Dzięki wysokiej zawartości arbutyny, ’awonoidów oraz kwasów fenolowych liść mącznicy jest szeroko wykorzystywany w leczeniu bakteryjnych zakażeń układu moczowo-płciowego, a także trądziku pospolitego. Liczne badania wskazują także na możliwość wykorzystania substancji pozyskiwanych z mącznicy w terapii nowotworów, chorób neurodegeneracyjnych czy też cukrzycy. Dodatkowo, ze względu na zdolność do rozjaśniania skóry przez arbutynę, liść mącznicy lekarskiej używany jest także w kosmetologii, do produkcji kosmetyków na przebarwienia skóry. Rosnące zapotrzebowanie na surowiec oraz brak możliwości jego pozyskiwania ze źródeł naturalnych doprowadziło do poszukiwania nowych alternatywnych metod jego pozyskiwania. Wśród najważniejszych wymienia się metody mikrobiologiczne oraz biotechnologiczne. W poniższej publikacji przedstawiono najważniejsze informacje dotyczące charakterystyki oraz występowania mącznicy lekarskiej, a także składu chemicznego, właściwości oraz potencjalnego zastosowania terapeutycznego opisywanej rośliny.
... Tumeric rhizomes, on the other hand, have been utilized to treat amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, diabetic wounds and jaundice. In addition, it is important to mention that in all of the above communities, turmeric is used extensively as a spice in cooking curries, to some extent due to its ability to combat bacterial, viral and fungal infections, as it is known for its antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties (R Vasanthi & P Parameswari, 2010;Sumathi et al., 2017), as well as for being an analgesic and wound-healing agent (Bone & Mills, 2012;Zhou et al., 2016). ...
... They have potent anti-cancer properties and are efficient free radical scavengers and water-soluble antioxidants that prevent oxidative cell damage. They serve as anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-allergic, and antibacterial drugs in addition to being utilized to improve aquaresis (Mills and Bone, 2000). Certain findings suggest that flavonoids have the potential to increase blood supply and reduce blood pressure. ...
Secondary metabolites produced by plants are particular to their species or genus and do not contribute to the basic processes of growth, development, and reproduction. These compounds play a key role as feed deterrents against herbivores, protectants from microbial infection, abiotic stresses, UV-protectants, pollinators attractants, antioxidants, and signalling molecules. Based on their chemical structures and production routes, secondary metabolites may be further classified across several classes. Alkaloids, terpenes, and phenolic chemicals make up the largest and most common group. The importance of secondary metabolites found in plants for human nutrition has grown to be an important interesting research area. Secondary metabolites are used by people as medicine to cure illnesses and infections, flavourings, and pesticides in the recent past. Therefore, an overview of plants is provided in this chapter including secondary metabolites and how these compounds are relevant to human health.
... The hydroquinone glucuronide and sulfide are subsequently eliminated in the urine with a pH of 8 and above [24]. The complex spontaneously dissociates, producing free hydroquinone, which has antibacterial action [25]. Avorn et al. conducted large, double-blind research in which 153 women with bacteriuria and pyuria were given 300ml of saccharin-sweetened cranberry juice or a daily placebo drink [26]. ...
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Over the past few decades, researchers emphasized herbal medicines as an alternative therapeutic approach due to the high success rate of developing a new drug from a natural template. This review aims to discuss the recent pharmacological activities of Arbutin, natural hydroquinone found abundantly in nature. Google Scholar, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus databases were explored to retrieve the last ten-year articles related to pharmacological activities of Arbutin. This drug is extensively used to prevent hyperpigmentation disorders like Melasma, Ephelide, Freckles, and Solar Lentigines. It is hydrolyzed in the gut into hydroquinone and glucose. Although its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are responsible for various pharmacological effects, Arbutinisis also used traditionally for hypoglycemic, wound healing, and renal activities.Arbutin modulates several pathways such as insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R), 5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase(AMPK), and major excitatory pathways and mechanisms (e.g., Glucose-transporter-4 expression). It can attenuate matrix metalloproteinases, α-amylase,α-glucosidase, tyrosinase, and transcription factors. Taken together, these findings make Arbutin a fascinating natural molecule, which might be explored for health care, therapeutic properties, and drug template. Preclinical data indicated the therapeutic significance of Arbutin. However, clinical efficacy and safety need rigorous investigations.
... Gingerol dalam rimpang jahe dan ethyl p-methoxycinnamate dalam rimpang kencur merupakan senyawa aktif yang bertanggungjawab dalam proses inflamasi yaitu penghambatan aktivitas siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase dalam asam arakhidonat sehingga menyebabkan penurunan jumlah prostaglandin dan leukotrien (5). ...
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Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) merupakan obat tradisonal yang digunakan untuk mengatasi inflamasi, jahe memiliki kandungan gingerol yang dapat menghambat aktivitas siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase dalam asam arakhidonat sehingga dapat menurunkan prostaglandin dan leukotrin. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui uji aktivitas ekstrak etanol jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) dengan menggunakan pembanding Na Diklofenak. Metode yang digunakan yaitu penelitian eksperimental rancangan acak lengkap dengan pola satu arah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Langford yang telah dimodifikasi dengan mengukur ketebalan edema pada kaki mencit menggunakan jangka sorong digital. Hasil dari penelitian ini Na Diklofenak memiliki persentase hambat lebih baik daripada ekstrak etanol jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Dosis I, II, dan III. Hasil ANOVA menunjukan memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna dengan P<0,0001. Kata Kunci: Jahe; antiinflamasi; langford
... 4 Sulphur is involved in oil synthesis and is a constituent of glucosinolates present in mustard oils. 5 It is known to increase the yield of mustard which varies from 12 to 48% in irrigated areas and 25 to 124% in rainfed areas. As a result of sulphur fertilization, mustard, groundnuts and soybeans have a higher oil content 6,7 Generally, a 10 to 20% increase in crop yield is obtained with the application of 20 to 40 kg of S/ha. ...
Sulphur dioxide is one of the critical phytotoxic air pollutant in some areas with low rainfall and irrigated agriculture. It is the most significant gaseous pollutant in some countries, based on its mass emissions, impact area and toxicity. Therefore, the present study as a field trial was conducted to assess the effect of sulphur (S) on the yield and its components of Brassica campestris Linn. cv. Pusa Gold. During the present study, five different treatments of sulphur (150, 300, 450, 600 and 750 µg mL-1) were used and compared against the control (0 µg mL-1) at three developmental stages of crop growth. The nutrient sulphur was provided in the form of sodium meta-bisulphite (Na 2 S 2 O 5). Three replications of each treatment were administered in a randomized block design for the treatments. The following variables were examined at various time intervals: the number of siliquae per plant, the number of seeds per siliquae, the seed yield, the biological yield, the harvest index, the N: S ratio in seeds, the oil content and the oil yield. The effect of the foliar-applied sulphur pollutant on the yield and its components of B. campestris Linn. cv. Pusa Gold revealed that lower concentrations of foliar-applied sulphur were conducive for the growth and yield of the crops, as rapeseed is a crop species with high sulphur demand. Still, with the increase in the concentration of sulphur, a reduction in the number of siliquae per plant, the number of seeds per siliquae, the seed yield, the biological yield, the harvest index, the N: S ratio in seeds, the oil content and the oil yield was noticed.
... Diseases such as fever can also be treated with ginger. Ginger extract can reduce fever up to 38%, while aspirin can reduce fever up to 44% in infants, children, and adults [41]. This is because ginger contains methanol compounds that have an analgesic activity or pain relief. ...
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Studying biology has research topics that are closely related to all the living things around the student and important for them to understand thoroughly. One of the local potentials in the environment around students that can be used as a source of learning biology is spice plants. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research aims to describe the spice plants in the Botanical Smartpark, which can be used as learning resources. The result of this research shows that there are 57 species and 27 families of spice plants found at the Botanical Smartpark, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Spice plant biology objects can be used in biology learning by using project-based learning and socio-scientific issues-based learning models. In addition, this local potential can support education for sustainable development (ESD), through environmental conservation.
... The component of each plant is different depend on the place and climate but remaining their properties. 7 Some reported the allergic reaction of Chamomile as skin irritation or allergy. However, it was minimal. ...
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Objective: This is the quasi-experimental research proposed to study the efficiency of chamomile essentialoils on sleeping quality of the first-year university student.Methods: The sample was selected on 20 students with poor sleeping quality. The study was done weekly in2 weeks, intervened with chamomile essential oil. Research tools were the 3-parts questionnaires includingpersonal information, quality of sleep and environmentally influencing sleep. Data were analyzed instatistically parameters.Results: The sleeping quality of the 1st year university students in chamomile group, compare mean andstandard deviation of experimental group found that the mean pre-test sleep quality was M = 80.20, SD =6.65, with poor sleep quality overall and after 2 weeks of trial participation M = 55.65, SD = 10.32, whichhad moderate sleep quality. In experiment with the experimental group, it was found that after 2 weeks ofusing chamomile essential oil, the sleep quality of the experimental group improved. According to statisticalcomparison, t = 2.494, p-value = .022.Conclusion: This study uses of chamomile essential oil showed an improvement in the sleep effect of theexperimental group. To be concluded that chamomile essential oils improved the sleeping quality significantlyas the well-known lavender essential oils. However further study in larger group is recommended.
... Selain harganya yang terjangkau dan mudah didapat, efek samping obat tradisional juga sedikit. Tanaman rambutan banyak mengandung flavonoid yang memiliki khasiat secara farmakologi dalam mengatasi banyak penyakit seperti asam urat, nyeri, dan (Bone & Mills, 2012). Selain itu rambutan mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berperan dalam menghambat enzim siklooksigenase yang menyebabkan rasa nyeri (Sukmandari, Dash, Jusof, & Hanafi, 2017). ...
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Indonesia kaya akan bahan alam yang berpotensi sebagai tanaman obat tradisional, salah satunya tanaman rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) yang secara empiris berkhasiat sebagai pengobatan nyeri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas analgetik ekstrak etanol biji rambutan dan untuk mengetahui dosis ekstrak biji rambutan yang paling optimal sebagai analgetik terhadap mencit putih jantan. Biji rambutan mengandung beberapa senyawa utama seperti flavonoid, tanin dan saponin yang diketui mempunyai aktivitas analgetik. Ekstraksi rambutan dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan etanol 70%, kemudian dilakukan pengujian skrining fitokimia dan susut pengeringan ekstrak. Pengujian aktivitas analgetik dilakukan sebanyak 25 ekor mencit putih jantan berat 20-30gram dibagi dalam 5 kelompok. Perlakuan dilakukan dengan cara pemberian sediaan antar kelompok kontrol negatif diberikan suspensi Na-CMC 1%. Kelompok kontrol positif atau pembanding diberikan parasetamol 1,3 mg/20 g BB mencit. Kelompok dosis uji diberikan variasi dosis ekstrak biji rambutan 37,5 mg, 75 mg, dan 150 mg/20 g BB. Kemudian diamati geliatnya selama 60 menit, didapat rata-rata geliat. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA dan uji lanjut LSD. Dosis yang paling efektif yakni dosis II 75 mg/ 20 g BB mencit. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membuktikan ekstrak rambutan yang secara empiris dapat bermanfaat sebagai obat alternatif untuk pengobatan nyeri.
... 3 The most important reason for this is that herbal treatments are more effective, safe, less toxic, easily available, and affordable than chemical drugs. 4 Therefore, serious research is being carried out on the therapeutic potential and medicinal uses of plants. ...
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The Nigella sativa plant has a very long medical history. It has been used by ancient Egyptians for many purposes. Studies have reported that the plant has antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and immunomodulation effects. The main active ingredient of the plant is a substance called thymoquinone. The aim of the present study was to investigate the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of thymoquinone on rat liver and kidneys. Rats were shared into 5 groups the first group (1 mg/kg thymoquinone, intraperitoneally), the second group (2 mg/kg thymoquinone, intraperitoneally), the third group (10 mg/kg thymoquinone, gavage), the fourth group (20 mg/kg thymoquinone, gavage), and control group. The groups contained 7 rats and the experiment continued for 42 days. The localization and expression of interleukin 2, interleukin 4, interferon gamma, and tumor necrosis factor alphain the liver and kidneys are shown in vivo, and the immunomodulation effects of thymoquinone in the system have been shown. The effects of thymoquinone differ according to the cytokine type, administration methods, and dose. As a result, the present findings demonstrated that the immunomodulatory effect of thymoquinone on the liver and kidneys varies according to the organ, application method, and application dose. For interleukin 2, the most effective form of administration in the liver is intraperitoneal and low dose; for kidneys, it is a low-dose gavage administration. For interleukin 4, low-dose gavage administration has been observed to be more effective in the liver and kidneys. Similarly, it is concluded that especially 10 mg/kg gavage applications are more effective for liver and kidneys in interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha expressions.
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Herbal tablets have been crucial in managing and preventing illnesses for centuries. Across cultures, herbs have advanced healthcare, leading to detailed herbal pharmacopeias. Integrating into mainstream healthcare, herbal tablets, especially Ayurvedic ones, are made from natural ingredients like Kanchanara and Shatavari, which are effective against Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) by regulating cyst size and balancing hormones. Excipients in tablet formulations ensure correct dosage, integrity, and effective drug release. This underscores the growing importance of herbal medicine in modern healthcare. The meticulous selection of excipients, such as diluents, binders, disintegrants, and lubricants, is critical in the production of herbal tablets. Diluents add bulk to the tablet, binders ensure the tablet remains intact post-compression, disintegrants aid in the tablet's dissolution for effective drug release, and lubricants prevent sticking during manufacturing. Every excipient is selected based on its suitability and capacity to improve the tablet's characteristics, guaranteeing that the finished product is safe to eat and efficient. Moreover, the acceptability and widespread usage of herbal tablets demonstrate their potential to treat a variety of medical ailments. The ability of Shatavari and Kanchanara to treat PCOD, a condition marked by ovarian cysts and hormonal abnormalities, is evidence of the medicinal value of herbal medicine. Herbal pills are expected to become even more important in modern healthcare as research on the health benefits of various herbs continues, providing natural and holistic alternatives to traditional treatments.
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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections are prevalent in hospitals and often lead to significant health complications. This study aimed to explore the chemical composition of the aerial part of Crotalaria madurensis and evaluate its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. The impact of gamma irradiation on the antibacterial properties of the plant extract and metabolite 1 against MRSA was also examined. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) analysis was conducted on the filtrates of untreated MRSA and MRSA treated with the plant extract and metabolite 1. Four flavonol glycosides were identified as gossypetin 8-methoxy, 3-O-β-D-xylopyranoside (metabolite 1), gossypetin 8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (metabolite 2), kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucpyranoside (Astragalin, metabolite 3), and herbacetin 7-methoxy-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (metabolite 4). All metabolites exhibited significant antioxidant properties using different assays. The antibacterial efficacy of the extract and metabolite 1, which showed substantial antioxidant properties compared to the other isolated metabolites, was evaluated. Both the plant extract and metabolite 1 significantly reduced the viability and cell count of MRSA at concentrations of 1.0 and 0.5 mg/ml. The antibacterial activity of the plant extract and metabolite 1 was assessed after gamma irradiation at 50 and 100 Gy, which did not significantly affect the antibacterial efficiency. FTIR analysis indicated that the plant extract and metabolite 1 significantly altered the band frequency values, bandwidth, and peak intensity % of the treated MRSA filtrate. Molecular docking studies suggested that metabolite 1 exhibited the highest antioxidant and anti-MRSA activity, with strong binding scores like the ligand, indicating an effective interaction and high affinity between metabolite 1 and the target molecule. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13568-024-01776-3.
Background/Aims Use of herbal medicine during pregnancy and labour places women and fetuses at risk of poor health outcomes. In Zambia, use of herbal medicine among pregnant women is progressively increasing despite a lack of evidence regarding their safety and effectiveness. This study's aim was to explore the use of herbal medicine during pregnancy among women in Chienge District, Zambia. Methods This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with 380 pregnant women from five health facilities in Chienge District, selected using stratified sampling. Participants were selected by simple random sampling, and data were collected through an interview schedule. Data were analysed using Chi-squared tests and binary logistic regression. Results Approximately half (54%) of the participants used herbal medicine, mainly to reduce labour pain, accelerate its progress or prevent difficulties. Parity (P=0.007), attitude (P=0.001), cultural beliefs (P=0.001) and distance from a health facility (P=0.006) were significantly associated with the use of herbal medicine. After adjusting for possible confounders, cultural beliefs (odds ratio=4.524, P=0.001) and distance to health facility (odds ratio=1.879, P=0.045) were significant predictors of the use of herbal medicine, while those with negative attitudes to herbal medicine were less likely to use it (odds ratio 0.054, P=0.001). Conclusions Women in the Chienge District used herbal medicine during pregnancy and labour. Several factors influenced the use of herbal medicine during pregnancy and labour, indicating a need for community sensitisation on the dangers of its use. Implications for practice Healthcare professionals should discuss the use of herbal medicine in an open and non-judgmental manner. Further studies are needed to establish the efficacy and safety of traditional herbal medicines.
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The genus Plumeria of the Apocynaceae family has a rich history of traditional medicines supported by empirical evidences. This review consolidates diverse biological attributes, phytochemical compositions, physical properties (melting point, shape, optical rotation, etc.), and analytical data (UV, IR, Mass spectroscopic data, elemental analysis) of various species of Plumeria. The review covered the chemistry of wide range of natural compounds like iridoids, triterpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, cardiac glycosides, quinones, anthocyanins, cardenolides, fatty acid esters, lignans, coumarins, etc. found in various species of the genus Plumeria. Analytical techniques including chromatography, IR, UV, and mass spectroscopy have significantly contributed to elucidating the complex chemical profiles of extracts of various species of Plumeria which are systematically presented in a tabular format. The review also defines the historical background, geographical distribution, and traditional uses of various species of the genus Plumeria. The review also includes the mechanisms of action and biotransformation of compounds, providing a deeper understanding of their therapeutic potential. The comprehensive review reveals the significance of the natural products isolated from a number of species of genus Plumeria. It is also suggestive that there is an extensive scope for further investigation to explore new therapeutic components of the genus Plumeria.
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The present-day lifestyle behaviors are major factors that adversely influence health and increase susceptibility to diseases. Therefore, Medicinal plants and their essential oils and extracts have been used to a large extent as possible strategies for modulating and reducing the disease risks associated with exposure to toxic chemicals. The current study was designed to investigate the adverse outcomes of subchronic exposure to toluene (Tol) on reproductive, hepatic, renal, and hematological function parameters, as well as the potential efficacy of Punica granatum juice (PJ) and peel aqueous extract (PAE) against the deleterious effects resulting from exposure to this solvent. Simultaneously, phytochemical analysis and assessment of the free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) were performed for the PJ and the PAE. The in vivo study was carried out using 70 male Wistar rats that were divided into 7 groups, each consisting of 10 rats. All groups were treated orally for 6 weeks as follows: Control (C), positive controls (CO: 1.25 mL/kg body weight [BW] of corn oil; PJ: 4 mL/kg BW; and PAE: 400 mg/kg BW), Tol (550 mg/kg BW diluted in corn oil), and a mixture each of PJ-Tol and PAE-Tol. At the end of the 45 th day of the study, the sperm parameters, hepato-renal biochemical, and hematological markers were auto-analyzed, along with the measurement of testosterone concentration, oxidative stress markers, and the histopathological examination. The phytochemical analysis revealed that the DPPH scavenging activity and the total phenolic, flavonoid, and tannin contents were higher in the pomegranate peel extract versus the juice. The in vivo obtained results showed that Tol significantly decreased testes and epididymis weight, sperm concentration, motility, vitality, and plasma testosterone levels, with a significant elevation in dead sperm percentage. Notable changes in hepatic and renal markers were manifested by a significant increase in liver and kidney weight, enzymatic activities of AST, ALT, and ALP, total bilirubin, urea, and creatinine levels, whereas albumin and total proteins were significantly decreased. Toluene also induced a significant reduction in RBC, HGB, and HCT levels joined with an increase in WBC and LYM levels. Likewise, toluene led to increased levels of lipid peroxidation (MDA) and decreased antioxidant capacity (GSH and GPx). The histological observed changes confirm the aforementioned results. A significant improvement in almost all of the studied parameters was observed in the PAE-Tol group compared with the Tol and PJ-Tol groups. Based on the present findings, we can conclude that exposure to Tol can provoke testicular, hepatic, and renal dysfunction, oxidative damage, and hematological and histological profile alteration. In addition, PAE indicated greater effectiveness in attenuating Tol toxicity compared to PJ due to its antioxidant activity. Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Oxidative damage, Punica granatum, Toluene, Rats
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The present-day lifestyle behaviors are major factors that adversely influence health and increase susceptibility to diseases. Therefore, Medicinal plants and their essential oils and extracts have been used to a large extent as possible strategies for modulating and reducing the disease risks associated with exposure to toxic chemicals. The current study was designed to investigate the adverse outcomes of subchronic exposure to toluene (Tol) on reproductive, hepatic, renal, and hematological function parameters, as well as the potential efficacy of Punica granatum juice (PJ) and peel aqueous extract (PAE) against the deleterious effects resulting from exposure to this solvent. Simultaneously, phytochemical analysis and assessment of the free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) were performed for the PJ and the PAE. The in vivo study was carried out using 70 male Wistar rats that were divided into 7 groups, each consisting of 10 rats. All groups were treated orally for 6 weeks as follows: Control (C), positive controls (CO: 1.25 mL/kg body weight [BW] of corn oil; PJ: 4 mL/kg BW; and PAE: 400 mg/kg BW), Tol (550 mg/kg BW diluted in corn oil), and a mixture each of PJ-Tol and PAE-Tol. At the end of the 45 th day of the study, the sperm parameters, hepato-renal biochemical, and hematological markers were auto-analyzed, along with the measurement of testosterone concentration, oxidative stress markers, and the histopathological examination. The phytochemical analysis revealed that the DPPH scavenging activity and the total phenolic, flavonoid, and tannin contents were higher in the pomegranate peel extract versus the juice. The in vivo obtained results showed that Tol significantly decreased testes and epididymis weight, sperm concentration, motility, vitality, and plasma testosterone levels, with a significant elevation in dead sperm percentage. Notable changes in hepatic and renal markers were manifested by a significant increase in liver and kidney weight, enzymatic activities of AST, ALT, and ALP, total bilirubin, urea, and creatinine levels, whereas albumin and total proteins were significantly decreased. Toluene also induced a significant reduction in RBC, HGB, and HCT levels joined with an increase in WBC and LYM levels. Likewise, toluene led to increased levels of lipid peroxidation (MDA) and decreased antioxidant capacity (GSH and GPx). The histological observed changes confirm the aforementioned results. A significant improvement in almost all of the studied parameters was observed in the PAE-Tol group compared with the Tol and PJ-Tol groups. Based on the present findings, we can conclude that exposure to Tol can provoke testicular, hepatic, and renal dysfunction, oxidative damage, and hematological and histological profile alteration. In addition, PAE indicated greater effectiveness in attenuating Tol toxicity compared to PJ due to its antioxidant activity. Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Oxidative damage, Punica granatum, Toluene, Rats
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Cinnamomum verum J. Presl, popularmente conhecida como canela, é utilizada há milênios para diversas finalidades, sendo considerada como uma das mais importantes especiarias. Neste estudo, no formato de monografia para inclusão em Mementos Terapêuticos, são apresentados os aspectos botânicos, agroecológicos, terapêuticos e etnobotânicos da espécie. O documento foi desenvolvido como parte das atividades do Grupo de Extensão e Pesquisa em Assistência Farmacêutica (GEPAF) da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense junto ao projeto Fitoterapia Racional realizado em parceria com a Pastoral da Saúde, Regional Sul 4 da Diocese de Criciúma, Santa Catarina. A pesquisa dos aspectos fitoterápicos segue como padrão geral de sistematização de dados, o modelo proposto por Rossato (2022) denominado Fitoterapia Baseada em Evidências e Experiências aplicada à Prática Clínica. Cinnamomum verum é aprovada como fitoterápico para tratamento sintomático de queixas gastrointestinais leves e como auxiliar no alívio sintomático da diarreia leve não infecciosa. Na medicina popular, a canela contempla cinco sistemas orgânicos, com destaque para o sistema trato-gastrointestinal e metabolismo com sete alegações de uso. Quanto aos aspectos de segurança, sugere-se que a canela possa interferir em medicamentos antidiabéticos, contudo não há evidências clínicas da ocorrência. Seu perfil de reação adversa está associado a manifestações na cavidade oral devido ao uso de bebidas com sabor de canela, doces e gomas de mascar. Não deve ser consumida em doses acima das alimentares e nos esquemas posológicos recomendados, sendo contraindicada na gestação. Quanto aos aspectos agroecológicos prefere clima tropical, mas adapta-se bem ao subtropical, com colheita a partir do quarto ano após o plantio. A canela revela-se promissora para a prática clínica e de autocuidado em saúde, implantação da espécie em Hortas Comunitárias e cultivos vinculados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).
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(1) Background: Salix species occurring in Finland have not been well studied for their antimicrobial potential, despite their frequent use for lung and stomach problems in traditional medicine. Thus, twig extracts of three species of Salix that are found naturally in Finland and one cultivated species were screened for their antimicrobial properties against human pathogenic bacteria. S. starkeana and S. x pendulina were screened for antibacterial effects for the first time. (2) Methods: An agar diffusion and a microplate method were used for the screenings. Time-kill effects were measured using a plate-count and a microplate method. A DPPH-method using a qualitative TLC-analysis was used to detect antioxidant compounds in antimicrobial extracts. Metabolites from a S. myrsinifolia extract showing good antibacterial effects were identified using UPLC/QTOF-MS. (3) Results: A methanol extract of S. starkeana was particularly active against B. cereus (MIC 625 µg/mL), and a methanol extract of S. myrsinifolia showed good activity against S. aureus and B. cereus (MIC 1250 µg/mL) and showed bactericidal effects during a 24 h incubation of B. cereus. Moreover, a decoction of S. myrsinifolia resulted in good growth inhibition against P. aeruginosa. Our UPLC/QTOF-MS results indicated that proanthocyanidins (PAs), and especially the dimer procyanidin B1 (m/z 577) and other procyanidin derivatives, including highly polymerized proanthocyanidins, were abundant in S. myrsinifolia methanol extracts. Procyanidin B1 and its monomer catechin, as well as taxifolin and p-hydroxycinnamic acid, all present in S. myrsinifolia twigs, effectively inhibited B. cereus (MIC 250 µg/mL). (4) Conclusions: This study indicates that Finnish Salix species contain an abundance of antibacterial condensed tannins, phenolic acids and other polyphenols that deserve further research for the antibacterial mechanisms of action.
Cancer is one of the biggest causes of mortality worldwide. It is featured by uncontrolled cell growth due to genetic alteration which leads to reprogramming of cells that results in loss of controlled cell division. Glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive and frequently occurring tumors of the central nervous system. It is a fatal brain cancer and the affected person can die in six months or less. It is reported that more than 60% of brain tumor cases in adults are because of Glioblastoma. Its treatment is a massive challenge in the field of clinical oncology. Despite having advanced treatments like surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy which has improved the survival and quality of life of patients but still this disease is deadly and has poor prognosis. It has been observed that these conventional methods have many side effects with frequent recurrence and limited success rate. For the treatment of Glioblastoma new approaches and innovations are required in the field of medicines and therapeutic strategies. Plants are a marvelous source of various secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids and other bioactive compounds which have anti-malignant, anti-mutagenic, antineoplastic properties and can have immense potential to treat cancer. Around 50% of modern medicines have plant origin and 80% of the rural population depend on traditional medicinal knowledge as their primary health system. Novel compounds extracted from plants can be a potential solution to treat this deadly disease. Through this review the author is trying to focus on how phytotherapy plays a crucial role against fatal disease like glioblastoma and can be used as an alternative over the conventional methods.
The intricate relationship between nutrition and psychiatric disorders has gained widespread attention in recent years, leading to the emergence of the field of nutritional psychiatry to enhance the treatment of individuals with mental health conditions. While recognizing the modifiable impact of diet on the brain, several methodological limitations persist in evaluating dietary interventions for the prevention and treatment of psychiatric disorders. This chapter focuses on the most extensively studied supplements, citing the strongest available evidence for their role and efficacy in managing psychiatric symptoms, disorders, or related conditions. The chapter provides a comprehensive summary grounded in the latest recommendations and substantiated evidence in the field. Discussed supplements encompass melatonin, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, probiotics, and other selected nutrients.
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Gummy candy merupakan suatu produk kembang gula yang bertekstur kenyal karena mengandung komponen pembentuk gel. Gummy candy dengan formulasi bahan herbal dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif agar obat herbal dapat dikonsumsi secara praktis dalam bentuk permen, yaitu dengan penambahan turmeric yang disebut sebagai turmeric gummy candy (TGC). Kurkumin yang terkandung dalam kunyit merupakan antioksidan yang berperan dalam pencegahan oksidasi pada sel, termasuk pada sel darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis profil hematologi tikus putih setelah pemberian TGC. Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor tikus putih betina yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok perlakuan, yaitu G0 sebagai kontrol, G1 sebagai kelompok yang diberi TGC dengan ekstrak turmeric sebanyak 5 g, dan G2 sebagai kelompok yang diberi TGC dengan ekstrak turmeric sebanyak 10 g. Data hematologi yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil analisis data jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, dan jumlah leukosit tikus putih setelah pemberian TGC menunjukkan berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05). Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah turmeric gummy candy mampu mempengaruhi profil hematologi tikus putih dalam kadar yang normal. Gummy candy is a confectionery product that has a chewy texture because it contains gelling components. Gummy candy with herbal formulations can be an alternative so that herbal medicine can be consumed practically in the form of candy, namely with the addition of turmeric which is called turmeric gummy candy (TGC. Curcumin contained in turmeric is an antioxidant that plays a role in preventing oxidation in cells, including blood cells. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hematological profile of white rats after TGC administration. This candy is then expected to provide nutritional value and have a good effect on the hematological profile for its consumption. Curcumin contained in turmeric is an antioxidant that plays a role in preventing oxidation in cells, including blood cells. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hematological profile of white rats after TGC administration. This study used 24 female white rats divided into three treatment groups, namely G0 as a control, G1 as a group given TGC with turmeric extract as much as 5 g, and G2 as a group given TGC with turmeric extract as much as 10 g. The hematology data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA test at a 95% confidence level. The results of data analysis of erythrocyte count, hemoglobin level, and leukocyte count of white rats after TGC administration showed no real difference (P>0.05). The conclusion in this study is that turmeric gummy candy can affect the hematological profile of white rats in normal levels.
Since prehistoric times, the natural world has been the primary source of color and humans have acquired expertise in isolating organic dyes from several plant and animal species developing over centuries increasingly refined technologies for their application in textile dyeing and prestigious pigment production. These organic substances, which have survived over millennia, are still today responsible for the wonderful color of our cultural heritage. The conservation of this precious palette requires a detailed physical-chemical study. The luminescence behavior shown by most natural dyes, constitutes today a valuable tool for their investigation and future preservation. This chapter presents a review of the photophysical and photochemical properties of the main classes of natural dyes most commonly encountered in works of art: anthraquinones for reds, indigoids for blues, phenoxazones for purples, and flavonoids for yellows. Attention has been focused on mechanisms responsible for their color and stability. The role played by the physical and chemical microenvironment in modulating the deactivation processes of excited states as a tool for understanding stability has also been considered. The application of luminescence-based techniques to precious case studies is also provided highlighting potential and limitation in the challenging task of their identification in original objects.
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Pain is a common symptom which can result in disability and lower quality of life. The current review covers the use of medicinal plants as an alternative therapy for pain relief, as traditional painkillers like NSAIDs, opioids, and antidepressants can have serious side effects. Medicinal plants are effective, easily available, low-cost, and have fewer side effects. The review examines commonly used medicinal plants, their active components, their pharmacological activity, and their mechanism of action for different types of pain in humans and animal models. The review also discusses the use of herbal therapies for pain in various conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathies, osteoarthritis, dysmenorrhea, headache, migraine, wounds, low back pain, and chest pain, and weighs the advantages and disadvantages of using herbal therapies in light of recent research.
Acne, known as acne vulgaris, is said to be a recurrent disease related to the skin that becomes visible and the blockage of hair follicles becomes irresistible with skin cells that are supposed to be dead, bacteria, and sebum or oil. Hypersecretion of sebum in disrupted follicles can be considered for the pathogenesis of acne which leads to the formation of microcomedones. Inflammation occurs as the cause of hyperproliferation insisted by the follicles of microcomedones and comedones in both closed and open types. Then the appearance of pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules was observed. The aforementioned state of the skin with sebum or oil confinement is said to be a predisposed condition to the anaerobic growth of C. acnes. Various synthetic drugs are available for the treatment of acne but they are responsible for several adverse effects and show resistance of C. acnes to the available antibiotics. Plant parts or plant-derived compounds are traditionally used in the treatment of acne in India. Even today also a large section of the Indian population is using herbs to cure acne. So, the herbal agents derived from nature, have received considerable interest as they show hardly any detrimental effect and are cost-effective. This article aims to enumerate the role of a few Indian herbs such as Aloe vera, Azadirachta indica, Curcuma longa, etc. in the treatment of acne.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa saponin pada daun sembukan (Paederia foetida L.). Penelitian menggunakan metode ekstraksi maserasi dengan pelarut metanol. Fraksi n-butanol diidentifikasi dengan kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif menggunakan eluen kloroform-metanol-air (15:6:1) menghasilkan 5 isolat yaitu isolat A, B, C, D, dan E . Isolat C dilanjutkan proses pemisahan dengan menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis dua dimensi menghasilkan noda tunggal yang mengindikasikan senyawa saponin. Kemudian dibuktikan dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri inframerah menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi yang khas, yaitu fenol, C=H alkena, C=C aromatik, dan C=O yang mengacu pada senyawa saponin
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Aquaculture is an essential and growing component of agricultural and global ecosystems worldwide. Aquaculture provides more than 25% of the total aquatic food consumption by humans. The development of the aquaculture industry should be followed in successive industrial years, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the management and type of farming system that is compatible with the environment. The use of antibiotics for disease control has been criticised for their negative effects, including the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the suppression of the immune system and the environment, and the accumulation of residue in aquatic tissues. The use of these products reduces the need for treatments, enhances the effect of vaccines, and, in turn, improves production indicators. Medicinal plants have increasingly been used in recent years as a disease control strategy in aquaculture, boosting the immune system of aquatic animals and helping to develop strong resistance to a wide range of pathogens. Therefore, this review aims to provide an overview of the recent evidence on the beneficial use of medicinal plants to promote growth and strengthen the immune system in farmed aquatic animals.
In the present study the aqueous and methanol leaves extracts of Azadirachta indica using different concentrations from 10 to 40% were tested in Vitro by following poisoned food technique against Rhizoctonia solani causing leaf blight of turmeric. The used concentrations of leaves extract were as 0.0 (control), 10, 20, 30 and 40%. The aqueous Azadirachta indica leaves extract at 30% concentration and methanolic leaves extract at 40% concentration were found to be best in reducing the mycelial growth of Rhizoctonia solani. Keywords: Azadirachta indica, Turmeric. Rhizoctonia solani.
An epidemic illness which affected nearly 300 members of the staff of the Royal Free Hospital Group between July 13 and November 24, 1955, is reported. The clinical picture is studied in 200 in-patients. There is evidence of involvement of lympho-reticular structures in almost every case and of involvement of the central nervous system in about three-quarters of the 200. The illness tends to run a fluctuating course. Treatment was symptomatic, but in 20 cases antibiotics were tried without effect. No patient died of the disease. In the majority of cases recoverydis the rule. Severe disability, however, may persist for many months and has persisted in at least four patients who are still disabled at the time of this report. Laboratory investigations give no aid to diagnosis; haematological changes are non-specific and the cerebrospinal fluid is normal. Electrodiagnostic investigations failed to show any evidence of lower motor neurone degeneration except in one case. The motor paralysis was accompanied by a reduction in the number of motor-unit potentials recruited on attempted volition, the residual potentials often being polyphasic. Occasionally, particularly during recovery, volition was accompanied by grouping of the motor-unit potentials. Epidemiological studies suggest that the disease is spread by case-to-case contact and that the incubation period is five to six days. Extensive investigations with the help of outside laboratories have faied, so far, to reveal either an infective agent or a causative factor. The relationship of the outbreak in the Royal Free Hospital Group to similar epidemics reported in recent years from almost every quarter of the globe is discussed. © 1957, British Medical Journal Publishing Group. All rights reserved.