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Effects of Historical Coercive Control, Historical Violence, and Lawyer Representation on Post-Separation Male Partner Violence Against Mother Litigants Who Participated in Adversarial Family Court Proceedings



The primary objective of this study was to test the effects of historical male partner violence and lawyer representation on post-separation male partner violence and coercive control against mother litigants participating in adversarial family court proceedings. Toward this end, staff at two women’s shelters administered a questionnaire to 40 former residents who met the sample selection criteria. Two findings are noteworthy. First, there was a decrease in mother litigant reports of post-separation physical violence requiring a visit to a hospital. Second, post-separation male partner coercive control “most/some of the time” was reported by 97.5% of all 40 separated mother litigants who also reported experiencing historical coercive control by their male partners. Recommendations and limitations are described in the final two pages.
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... Only one study specifcally explored the experiences of same-sex attracted adults (Frankland & Brown, 2014). Regarding service access, 2 studies involved current or previous residents of women's or homeless shelters (Ellis et al., 2021;Levine & Fritz, 2016), and one study had recruited clients of domestic violence services (Sharp-Jefs et al., 2018). ...
... The general population studies covered in this review did recruit larger numbers of participants but often provided little information about the representativeness of the sample or how participants were selected. Only 4 of the 13 studies provided information about participant response rates (Ellis et al., 2021;Kaukinen & Powers, 2015;Myhill, 2015;Skafda et al., 2022). Response rates are important because they indicate what proportion of people who were given the chance to participate decided not to. ...
... Women with greater concern about their ex-partner's (Ellis et al., 2021) substance use substance use experience signifcantly higher levels of coercive control from that ex-partner. ...
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Overview Coercive control is the ongoing and repetitive use of behaviours or strategies (including physical and non-physical violence) to control a current or ex intimate partner (i.e. victim-survivor) and make them feel inferior to, and dependent on, the perpetrator (Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety [ANROWS], 2021). Coercive control is a relatively new area to policy, practice and research and the research evidence is still emerging. However, AIFS’ consultations with key stakeholders in the child and family sector identified coercive control as a key topic of interest for policy makers and practitioners and that there is a desire for a synthesis of current evidence. This paper synthesises the findings of a rapid literature review to describe what we know about how common coercive control victimisation is, as well as risk factors and impacts of coercive control victimisation. A victim-survivor is someone who has experienced coercive control victimisation (i.e. been the target of coercive control behaviours by a current or ex intimate partner). The term victim-survivor is used to acknowledge ‘the ongoing effects and harm caused by abuse and violence as well as honouring the strength and resilience of people with lived experience of family violence’ (Victorian Government, 2022). The findings of the rapid literature review are presented in 3 chapters: 1. How common is coercive control victimisation? 2. Risk factors associated with coercive control victimisation 3. Impacts associated with coercive control victimisation. Reference MacDonald, J.B., Willoughby, M., Gartoulla, P., Cotton, E., March, E., Alla, K. & Strawa, C. (2024). What the research evidence tells us about coercive control victimisation (Policy and Practice Paper). Melbourne: Child Family Community Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
... While the general public often naively hopes that separating from an abusive partner ameliorates these significant concerns, IPV commonly continues after women leave (Hardesty & Chung, 2006) either through continued physical assaults (Brownridge et al., 2008;Fleury et al., 2000;Humphreys & Thiara, 2003;Rezey, 2020), or sexual assaults (DeKeseredy et al., 2004). Importantly, women with children who leave abusive partners are often faced with bitter, high-conflict divorce and child custody and access disputes, the focus of considerable study (Ellis et al., 2021;Feresin et al., 2019;Jaffe et al., 2008;Khaw et al., 2021;Miller & Manzer, 2021;Saunders & Oglesby, 2016;Varcoe & Irwin, 2004). ...
... Abusive partners may use legal systems to continue controlling their ex-partners (Douglas, 2018;Ellis et al., 2021). As well as difficulties with the family law process, Douglas' interviews with 65 Australian women identified conflict with respect to civil protection orders, court appearances, calling inappropriate witnesses and contacting Child Protective Services. ...
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Relatively little research has examined men's use of coercive controlling tactics against female partners after separation. This mixed-methods secondary analysis of 346 Canadian women documented coercive controlling tactics used by their ex-partners (86.4% identified at least one). The composite abuse scale emotional abuse subscale and women being older were associated with men using coercive control tactics post-separation. A secondary qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with a sub-sample of 34 women provided additional examples. Abusive partners used numerous strategies to coercively control their ex-partners by stalking/harassing them, using financial abuse and discrediting the women to various authorities. Considerations for future research are presented.
... The women noted the accumulation of these experiences and the ongoing concerns about their children's direct safety and well-being when in the care of the co-parent. The concerns around post-separation DV and experiencing mental health concerns has been documented by several other studies (e.g., Ellis et al., 2021;Moulding et al., 2015). Importantly, mothers in our study expressed concerns for their children's development. ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to add to the research literature and begin to fill the gap in knowledge about shared parenting arrangements for women with young children and who have experienced domestic violence (DV), in three Canadian provinces; Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. Method: This paper reports on the qualitative findings from a mixed methods study on shared parenting from women with children ages 4 and under. Twenty women participated in one-on-one individual interviews through electronic platform utilizing Zoom. Thematic analysis is used to analyze the data. Results: Despite efforts to not exclusively recruit women who had experienced domestic violence (DV) from their former partner, all participants identified as survivors of DV and ongoing survivors of DV, specifically, coercive controlling behaviours. Five themes describe the women’s experiences of shared parenting with young children: 1) walking a tight-rope; 2) navigating post-separation relationships; 3) emotional realities of shared parenting; 4) shared parenting outcomes; and, 5) structural challenges. Conclusions: This paper not only adds to the significant and longstanding gap in knowledge directly from women with children ages 4 and under in shared parenting relationships, and who have experienced DV, and also helps to inform social service and legal actors. It is timely with the amendments to the Divorce Act in Canada which now includes DV as a factor in determining the best interests of the child.
... post-separation abuse has devastating health consequences for children and adults who experience violence. Longlasting negative emotional and mental health sequelae for women from post-separation abuse includes PTSD, depression and anxiety(Crosse & Millar, 2017;Ellis et al., 2021;Estefan et al., 2016).Survivors experience adverse physical health consequences relating to both physical injury and somatization of stress, including traumatic brain injury(Valera et al., 2021), chronic pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, reproductive health, neuroendocrine alterations and epigenetic changes(Ford-Gilboe et al., 2011; ...
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Aim To report an analysis of the concept of post‐separation abuse and its impact on the health of children and adult survivors. Design Concept analysis. Data Sources A literature search was conducted via PubMed, Cochrane and Embase and identified articles published from 1987 to 2021. Methods Walker and Avant's (2019) eight stage methodology was used for this concept analysis, including identifying the concept, determining the purpose of analysis, identifying uses of the concept, defining attributes, identifying a model case and contrary case, antecedents and consequences and defining empirical referents. Results Post‐separation abuse can be defined as the ongoing, willful pattern of intimidation of a former intimate partner including legal abuse, economic abuse, threats and endangerment to children, isolation and discrediting and harassment and stalking. An analysis of literature identified essential attributes including fear and intimidation; domination, power and control; intrusion and entrapment; omnipresence; and manipulation of systems. Antecedents to post‐separation abuse include patriarchal norms, physical separation, children, spatiality and availability, pre‐separation IPV and coercive control and perpetrator characteristics. Consequences include lethality, adverse health consequences, institutional violence and betrayal, such as loss of child custody and economic deprivation. Conclusion This concept analysis provides a significant contribution to the literature because it advances the science for understanding the phenomenon of post‐separation abuse. It will aid in developing risk assessment tools and interventions to improve standards of care for adult and children survivors following separation from an abusive partner. Impact This concept analysis of post‐separation abuse provides a comprehensive insight into the phenomenon and a theoretical foundation to inform instrument development, future research and intervention. Post‐separation abuse is a complex, multi‐faceted phenomenon that requires differential social, legal and healthcare systems responses to support the health and well‐being of survivors and their children.
The aim of this study is to shed light on how Swedish female survivors of male intimate partner violence experience support from social workers during post-separation violence. This is explored through an interview study with sixteen survivors. Hester's three planet model is utilized in the analysis. The results show that while the survivors described positive experiences of support from social workers on the Domestic violence planet, they felt social workers in the family law system on the Child contact planet enabled post-separation violence, and reported that this contributed to them feeling betrayed rather than supported.
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Court is any person or institution, often as a government institution, with the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law. In both common law and civil law legal systems, courts are the central means for dispute resolution, and it is generally understood that all people have an ability to bring their claims before a court. Similarly, the rights of those accused of a crime include the right to present a defense before a court. In this research, one Biblical verse dealing with the woman judge and the court is described. "And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidot, she judged Israel at that time " (Judges 4:4). Therefore, the research presents the characteristics of the court, the functions, the legal and ethical and judgement issues, the place of the court in the human life, the role of the decision making and the challenges of the court. Since the Biblical times the functions of the court have expanded. In the recent years, the diagnostic possibilities have been validated through scientific research and have shown medicinal value in the diagnostics and the management of conditions associated with the court. This research has shown that the awareness of the court has accompanied humans during the long years of our existence.
Although describing the characteristics of perpetrators and victims in IPH is of significance in understanding such lethal interpersonal violence in China, the relationship between perpetrators and victims is dispensable for deep understanding such lethal interpersonal violence, especially in the context of China today. In reality, strangers do not always present the greatest threat of criminal perpetration. For us, it is much more likely to be victimized in our own homes by our loved ones rather than attacked by strangers on the street.
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Målet med artikkelen er å undersøke voldsutsatte mødres erfaringer i lys av det likestilte foreldreskapet som rettslig realitet, politisk ambisjon og kulturelt ideal i Norge. Artikkelen er et bidrag til å knytte vold i familien til den sosiologiske forskningen på familieliv og likestilling. Artikkelen bygger på 16 intervjuer med majoritetsnorske voldsutsatte mødre og argumenterer for at kombinasjonen av likestilt foreldreskap og vold som et kjønnet fenomen, bidrar til særegne former for utsatthet som særlig rammer kvinner som mødre. Dette kommer særlig til uttrykk i kritiske situasjoner som svangerskap, fødsel og barsel, samt ved samlivsbrudd. Studien viser at vold er en gjennomgripende erfaring med konsekvenser på mange livsområder for en del av de utsatte mødrene. Sosiologiske begreper og forståelser kan både stenge for og bidra til å forstå voldsutsatte mødres situasjon, herunder hvordan politiske og ideologiske føringer og institusjonelle logikker medvirker til å forme den enkeltes handlingsrom. Nøkkelord: Likestilt foreldreskap, mødre, vold i parforhold, reproduktiv vold, samlivsbrudd
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Criminalizing coercive or controlling behaviour in an intimate relationship, as has been done in England and Wales and is proposed in Scotland, has the advantage of offering an offence structure to match the operation and wrong of intimate partner violence. This article raises the question as to whether other jurisdictions should follow suit. It argues that the successful implementation of such an offence may require a complexity of analysis that the criminal justice system is not currently equipped to provide and will require significant reforms in practice and thinking. If it is not successful such an offence could conceivably operate to minimize the criminal justice response to intimate partner violence and be used to charge primary victims.
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Objective: Surveys that examine prevalence of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) without consideration of impact, severity or context have limitations. The article uses results from the first survey of a European clinical male population, the largest such study internationally, that measured a range of emotional, physical and sexual behaviors that could be construed as DVA, including experience and perpetration, and a range of impacts. The article asks to what extent the behavior reported by the men can be characterized as coercive controlling violence. Method: A survey was administered to male patients in 16 general practices (family medicine clinics) in England. Of 1,368 respondents who completed 4 screening questions regarding behavior consistent with DVA, 707 (52%) completed detailed questions on lifetime experience of possibly harmful emotional, physical and sexual behaviors, perpetration, and impacts, and if they had ever been in a domestically violent or abusive relationship. One-way analysis of variance was used to establish optimal thresholds across abuse and impact scales in order to ascertain severity of men’s reported experiences. Results: More than half (52.5%; 95% confidence interval: 48.7% to 55.9%) the men reported experiencing potentially harmful physical, emotional or sexual behavior from a partner, however only 4.4% of the men experienced coercive controlling violence and of those nearly half also reported perpetration against their partner. Conclusions: Although a large minority of men presenting to general practice experience or perpetrate DVA behavior in relationships, only a small minority experience coercive controlling violence and only 1 in 40 have experienced such violence as victims only.
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Findings reported by many researchers indicate that the association between marital separation and intimate partner femicide has achieved the status of a sociological empirical generalization. The primary objective of this article is to contribute toward the cumulative development of a conflict theoretic explanation of separation- associated femicide by creating and testing a deductive conflict resolution theory that explains the empirical generalization. The causal mechanism identified in the theory is the intensity of conflict that increases with participation in adversarial and separation and divorce proceedings. Interventions logically derived from the theory are presented in the penultimate segment. Limitations are identified in the concluding segment.
We report on the development of, and findings from, two scales measuring coercive control and space for action over a period of 3 years in a sample of 100 women who had accessed domestic violence services. We present statistical evidence to show a significant correlation between coercive control and space for action. However, dealing with violence is not a linear process, and support needs to extend beyond being enabled to separate. The scales advance measurement of women’s experience of coercive control and, through the space for action scale, document their ability to restore agency and freedom in contexts of relative safety.
As various programs for self-represented litigants proliferate and costs increase, funding agencies are beginning to demand that programs demonstrate their effectiveness through empirical evaluation. This article recounts some of the lessons learned from a National Center for State Courts' research project on improving access to justice for self-represented litigants. First, the article briefly describes the problems faced by courts as a result of the influx of self-represented litigants. The article then describes automated case-level data and litigant self-reported data from five jurisdictions and some preliminary findings. We conclude with a discussion of problems that we encountered in analyzing those data.
Studies demonstrate the negative effects of violent coercive control but few examine coercive control without violence. This study describes the characteristics of nonviolent coercive control among 8 divorcing mothers and compares them with 47 mothers who experienced violent coercive control or no violence/no control. Mothers with nonviolent coercive control reported more coping strategies, risk, harassment, and perceived threat than mothers with no violence/no control; similar levels of fear and control during marriage as mothers with violent coercive control; and more postseparation fear than both groups. Findings highlight the need to include nonviolent coercive control in screening methods and research measures.