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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Tourism has been using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for many years before and after-sales with tourism product creation. Information Communication Technologies include artificial intelligence, blockchain, developing technologies, wireless connectivity, big data, augmented reality, high-performance computer, internet of things and cloud computing technologies. Tourism is connected with all of these technologies and has a wide usage area. As tourism develops, it gets automation by getting help from technological infrastructures. Within this framework, previously used manual, laborious jobs are replaced by easier and more efficient technological infrastructures. Cloud technologies changed the tourism industry infrastructure. Recently, their usage areas have increased and beneficial effects have started to be seen in many fields, especially in costs. The purpose of this section is to examine the cloud technology used in tourism in detail. Cloud technologies are also called cloud computing. In this section, firstly, the definition, historical development, features, detailed presentation of service delivery and installation models are provided for a deeper understanding of the cloud computing concept. In the second part, tourism and cloud computing applications are examined in detail. TÜRKÇE ÖZET: Turizm turizm ürün oluşturma ile satış öncesi ve sonrasında Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerini (BİT) uzun yıllardır kullanmaktadır. Bilgi İletişim Teknolojilerinin arasında yapay zekâ, blok zinciri, gelişen teknolojiler, kablosuz bağlantı, büyük veri, artırılmış gerçeklik, yüksek performans bilgisayar, nesnelerin interneti ve bulut bilişim teknolojileri yer almaktadır. Turizm bu teknolojilerin hepsi ile bağlantılı ve kullanım alanı geniş bir yapıya sahiptir. Turizm geliştikçe, teknolojik altyapılardan yardım da alarak işleri otomasyona geçirmektedir. Bu çerçevede, daha önceden kullanılan manuel, zahmetli işlerin yerini daha kolay ve etkili teknolojik altyapılar almaktadır. Bulut teknoljileri turizm sektörü altyapısını değiştirdi. Son zamanlarda kullanım alanları artmış ve başta maliyetler olmak üzere birçok alanda faydalı etkileri görülmeye başlanmıştır. Bu bölümün amacı, turizmde kullanılan bulut teknolojisini detaylı bir şekilde incelemektir. Bulut teknolojileri ayrıca bulut bilişim olarak da adlandırılmaktadır. Bu bölümde ilk olarak bulut bilişim kavramını daha derin anlaşılması için tanımı, tarihsel gelişimi, özellikleri, hizmet sunum ve kurulum modellerinin detaylı incelenmesi yer almaktadır. İkinci bölümde ise, turizm ve bulut bilişim uygulamaları detaylı olarak incelenmektedir.
Prof. Dr. Abdullah KARAMAN
 14824
 978-605-7786-49-4
VIII+225 s., 165x240 mm
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Dr. .  YAZICI 
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Dr. 
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Dr. 
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Dr. 
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Dr. . 12
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         
         
 
 
1959 John McCarthy zaman paylaşımlı ana bilgisayarı buldu
1964 IBM CP/CMS zaman paylaşımlı operasyon sistemi gelişrdi
1966 Douglas Parkhill “Challenges of the Computer Ulity” başlıklı kitabını yayınladı
1969 J.C.R. Licklider tarandan “ARPANET” bulundu (ilk internet)
1972 IBM VM/370 sanal makina gelişrdi
1980 Ana Bilgisayar (Mainframe) /Mini Bilgisayar/Kişisel Bilgisayar dönüştü
1990 Virtual Private Network (VPN) gelişrildi
1991 WWW – world wide web bulundu
1995 Amazon WWW kullanarak kitap satmaya başladı
1997 “Bulut Bilişim” Prof Ramnath tarandan tanımlandı ve kullanılmaya başlandıß
1999 yazılım hizmeni www ğzerinden ücret ile satmaya başladı
1999 Ian Foster ve Carl Kesselman “The Grid: Blueprint for a new compung infrastructure
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2002 Amazon Web Servis (SOA) başladı
2004 Google ücretsiz e-posta hizme vermeye başladı
2005 Google Haritayı çıkardı
2006 Amazon kullandıkça öde sistemini başla (Amazon Web Services) (Elasc Cloud Com-
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2006 Google “Google uygulamaları” 2 GB boş alan vererek başla
2008 Özel bulut model, gelişrildi
2009 Bulut sağlayıcılar internet tarayıcı tabanlı uygulamalar sunmaya başladılar
2010 Microso bulut hizme vermeye başladı (Windows Azure).
2010 Bulut 2.0 gelişrildi
2011 IBM akıllı bulut hizme vermeye başladı
2011 Hibrit Bulut bulundu
2017 Bulut tabanlı nesnelerin interne
2019 Edge Bilişim
2019 Sis Bilişim (Fog Compung), Cisco; 3. Nesil Bulut bilişim
           
          
      
        
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17         
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        
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         
   
         
         21 
         
  22       
   
   
   
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 Normal 
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 
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          
          
          
         
    
              
          
           
     
           
  25       
          
     26     
        
         
      27,28,29
         
      
        
.    
         
           
        
   
         
         
          
         
         
        
        
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        
          
   45    
  47-48       
   
         
 
     
     
         
          
          
49    
     .50 
•     
       
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   51 T     
• 
        
    52    
•  
• 
• 
         
         
        
      
• 
       
       
       
      59
•          
        
      
        
   60     
      
     61  
•  
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        
         
         
        
         
          
         
 
•          
         
        
     
         
•           
        
 
• 
         
    
   
  
69   
•             
          70
          
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        
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71 
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79        
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         
    
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        
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•          
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• 2019  
 .84 
•          
85        
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          
         
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          
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   
         
          
       
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         
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          
       
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        
        
   
         
      
          
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         
    
           
  
Esneklik.      
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         
       
         
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Analiz;          
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        
     
92 
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            
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       
        
        
        
       
        
          
       
         
         
        
        
         
         
Uygun maliyet; 
          
 
    
    
 
 
          
Zamanında teslim / zaman tasarrufu;    
       
 
       
       
         
       
        
         
Daha az eğitim ihtiyacı;      
         
          
        
         
Emniyet ve güvenlik;       
           
          
    
       
           
Artan esneklik / İstenilen zaman ve herhangi bir yerden çalışabilme
esnekliği;        
         
          
      
Teknoloji meraklısı seyahatçilere yönelik uygulamalar;
       
         
          
       
         
Turizm enformasyonu ve kaynak inşası için veri platformu;  
            
    
  
     
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       
        
     
         
         
        
      
         
     
          
        
 
      102 
   
  
       
          
         
         
   
        
          
    
        
  
          
        
      
       
          
 
     
         
         
    
         
 
        
          
        
         
         
1 
2             
         
4 
6         
7             
8             
9             
10 
11    
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14                  
  
15 
16 
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18 
19 
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21 
22       
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26 
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28            
29         
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40 
41          
42            
     
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44      
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45  
46  
47    
48 
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         
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            
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           
72              
  
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87 
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 
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 
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  
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... İşletme, Samsung Gear VR gözlükleri ile alanlarda yoğun olarak kullanılmaktadır. Konuklar bulut bilişim aracılığıyla rezervasyon yaptırdığı odayı görebilmekte, akşam yemeği için rezervasyon yaptırabilmekte, işletmenin sunduğu özel promosyon veya teklifleri görüntüleyebilmektedir(Yazıcı ve Ayazlar, 2019). Bulut bilişim teknolojisini en fazla kullan konaklama işletmeleri arasında, Hotel Aqua, Hilton Bomonti, Ramada, Reasons Hotel, Elite Dragos Hotel, sunucu-veri merkezi gibi altyapı maliyetlerinin düşürülmesinde ve verimliliğinin arttırılmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. ...
... Bulut bilişim ise kamunun kullanımına sunulan iletişim ağı ile güvenilir platformlardan veri depolama imkanı sunan teknolojidir (Masseno ve Sanstos, 2018). Önbüro uygulamalarında, restoran yönetiminde, seyahat acentacılığında ve turistin deneyimine ilişkin çok sayıda alanda bu teknolojilerden yararlanılabilmektedir (Yazıcı ve Ayazlar, 2019). Yapay zeka teknolojisi ise bilgisayar sistemlerine deneyimlerden otomatik olarak yararlanma fırsatı veren, verimliliği artırarak insan gibi günlük görevleri yerine getirebilecek özelliğe sahip insan zekasının simülasyonudur (Li, Bon ve Ye, 2019). ...
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Bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler ve Endüstri 4.0 ile turizmde akıllı turizm, dijital turizm, turizm 4.0 alan yazında sıklıkla kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu kavramlarla ilgili farklı tanımlar yapılmakta, zaman zaman birbiri yerine kullanılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada turizmde ortaya çıkan bu kavramların tam olarak neyi ifade ettiği, söz konusu kavramlar kapsamında kullanılan teknolojilerin neler olduğu ve bu kavramlar arasındaki farklılıkların neler olduğu araştırılmak istenmiştir. Araştırmada konuyla ilgili alan yazın taranmış, söz konusu kavramlarla ilgili bilgiler ve karşılaştırmalar tablo şeklinde sunulmuştur. Teknolojik gelişmelerle ortaya çıkan bu kavramların birbirlerine benzerlik gösterdiği, bu kavramlar içerisinde benzer teknolojilerin olmasının yanı sıra farklılıklarının da olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
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The 21st century is the beginning of a period in which the phenomena of globalization and digitalization are experienced rapidly, and the concept of Industry 4.0 stands out in all world economies. The digital predisposition of today's tourists also shapes their expectations from tourism businesses. For this reason, it is preferred that tourism enterprises are original and technology-oriented. Therefore, developments in technology and innovation in the process experienced with Industry 4.0 increase the competitiveness of tourism enterprises at the point of digital transformation. For smart (digital) tourism, tourism enterprises should make the necessary investments, allocate a budget in this direction, create financing and organize the necessary training for the workforce they will employ. This study aims to examine smart tourism (tourism 4.0) technologies within the scope of the tourism economy through the example of Türkiye. In this direction, the economic contributions of the tourism industry in Türkiye and the data on the digitalization process have been analyzed through tables and graphs. Based on the findings obtained in the study, it has been stated that the technological transformations with smart tourism have the potential to increase the number of tourists coming to a country, tourism revenues and the share of tourism revenues in gross domestic product (GDP).
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Recent times different developments have had varying influences in information technology. Indeed, developments are pushing businesses and various institutions to react, become accustomed and use new technologies which are less expensive. This research presents the Cloud computing as one of the best contemporary answers to this need. Moreover, it intends to explore Microsoft Azure as a flexible cloud platform that helps grow with greater efficiency and be more responsive to changes. The study focuses on Microsoft's Windows Azure platform as the Operating System for the Cloud and comprises a group of cloud technologies with each of them providing a specific set of services. This article presents an outline of cloud computing and Microsoft Azure, its benefits, security, storage, price, usage and its data centers.
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Fog computing is extending cloud computing by transferring computation on the edge of networks such as mobile collaborative devices or fixed nodes with built-in data storage, computing, and communication devices. Fog gives focal points of enhanced proficiency, better security, organize data transfer capacity sparing and versatility. With a specific end goal to give imperative subtle elements of Fog registering, we propose attributes of this region and separate from cloud computing research. Cloud computing is developing innovation which gives figuring assets to a specific assignment on pay per utilize. Cloud computing gives benefit three unique models and the cloud gives shoddy; midway oversaw assets for dependable registering for performing required errands. This paper gives correlation and attributes both Fog and cloud computing differs by outline, arrangement, administrations and devices for associations and clients. This comparison shows that Fog provides more flexible infrastructure and better service of data processing by consuming low network bandwidth instead of shifting whole data to the cloud.
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Google Colaboratory (a.k.a. Colab) is a cloud service based on Jupyter Notebooks for disseminating machine learning education and research. It provides a runtime fully configured for deep learning and free-of-charge access to a robust GPU. This work presents a detailed analysis of Colaboratory regarding hardware resources, performance, and limitations. This analysis is performed through the use of Colaboratory for accelerating deep learning for computer vision and other GPU-centric applications. The chosen test-cases are a parallel tree-based combinatorial search and two computer vision applications: object detection/classification and object localization/segmentation. The hardware under the accelerated runtime is compared to a mainstream workstation and a robust Linux server equipped with 20 physical cores. Results show that the performance reached using this cloud service is equivalent to the performance of the dedicated testbeds, given similar resources. Thus, this service can be effectively exploited to accelerate not only deep learning but also other classes of GPU-centric applications. For instance, it is faster to train a CNN on Colaboratory’s accelerated runtime than using 20 physical cores of a Linux server. The performance of the GPU made available by Colaboratory may be enough for several profiles of researchers and students. However, these free-of-charge hardware resources are far from enough to solve demanding real-world problems and are not scalable. The most significant limitation found is the lack of CPU cores. Finally, several strengths and limitations of this cloud service are discussed, which might be useful for helping potential users.
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Abstract This paper presents the LogDrive framework for mitigating the following problems of storage forensics in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud environments: volatility, increasing volume of forensic data, and anti-forensic attacks that hide traces of incidents in virtual machines. The proposed proactive data collection function of virtual block devices mitigates the problem of volatility within the cloud environments and enables a time-traveling investigation to reveal overwritten or deleted evidence files. We employ a sector-hash-based file detection method with random sampling to search for an evidence file in the record of the write logs of the virtual storage. The problem formulation, the investigation context, and the design with five algorithms are presented. We explore the performance of LogDrive through a detailed evaluation. Finally, security analysis of LogDrive is presented based on the STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, and Elevation of privilege) threats model and related work. We posted the source code of LogDrive on GitHub.
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Cloud Computing Technology (CCT) is a new way of leveraging the power of the Internet to provide software and infrastructure solutions to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) around the world. SMBs are rushing to the cloud to save time and money, increase efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage. This article examines potential benefits of CCT as applied to SMBs and explores implementation challenges that can be expected. Furthermore, this study reviews the specific application of CCT to SMBs, highlights developing technologies and trends, and lists some of the cloud-based services for SMBs. Finally this paper proposes a conceptual model for successful implementation of CCT in SMBs.
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Abstract: Cloud computing is new trends in information technology that enables scalable and on-demand access to a shared pool of networking recourses over the internet for efficient services delivering. Cloud computing enables all the existing technologies such as dynamic provision, storages resources and networking virtualization to the user in the form of “pay as you go”. One of the open challenges of the cloud computing is security. Organizations have sensitive information to access cloud computing because of multi-tenancy approach and security. The unauthorized access will lead to loss of the organization reputation and financial loss. In this study, we propose a cloud-based encryption for the documents using the platform of the The salesforce cloud computing provides a free access to the cloud objects under the user account. We use the configuration of API, WSDL, SOAP, security token and attributes of account object to design and implement a secure system for uploading the organization documents. The results show that the documents can be upload and encrypted easily in a m/sec. The implemented approach shows that the access to the cloud files is denied by unauthorized users. In addition, the multi-tenancy aspect is denied to access the sensitive information due to the encrypted uploaded files using the DES algorithm in this research. Finally, the uploaded files were uploaded in the different format and size. The obtained results show the DES algorithm provide an efficiency with cloud computing due to reducing in time implementation.
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If last decade viewed computational services as a utilitythen surely this decade has transformed computation into a commodity. Computation is now progressively integrated into the physical networks in a seamless way that enables cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) meet their latency requirements. Similar to the concept of “platform as a service” or “software as a service”, both cloudlets and fog computing have found their own use cases. Edge devices (that we call end or user devices for disambiguation) play the role of personal computers, dedicated to a user and to a set of correlated applications. In this new scenario, the boundaries between the network node, the sensor, and the actuator are blurring, driven primarily by the computation power of IoT nodes like single board computers and the smartphones. The bigger data generated in this type of networks needs clever, scalable, and possibly decentralized computing solutions that can scale independently as required. Any node can be seen as part of a graph, with the capacity to serve as a computing or network router node, or both. Complex applications can possibly be distributed over this graph or network of nodes to improve the overall performance like the amount of data processed over time. In this paper, we identify this new computing paradigm that we call Social Dispersed Computing, analyzing key themes in it that includes a new outlook on its relation to agent based applications. We architect this new paradigm by providing supportive application examples that include next generation electrical energy distribution networks, next generation mobility services for transportation, and applications for distributed analysis and identification of non-recurring traffic congestion in cities. The paper analyzes the existing computing paradigms (e.g., cloud, fog, edge, mobile edge, social, etc.), solving the ambiguity of their definitions; and analyzes and discusses the relevant foundational software technologies, the remaining challenges, and research opportunities.
Financial metrics are not the only measures of marketing outcomes. There are many measures of marketing outcomes in use today. This chapter explores some common measures of intermediate marketing outcomes used to assess the performance of marketing and the effects of marketing actions. It also places these measures within a conceptual framework that identifies how various measures may, or may not, be useful and when they may be helpful.
In the recent days the Cloud Computing is the top most challenging and upcoming topic and is more being used in corporate IT industry. The rapid growth of IT trade is strongly varying and is not sufficient enough to handle big data. In the recent trend is to transfer all types of data from desktop to huge data centers for computing. This model is quite different and services provided to the end user based on pay-as-you-use model to public and provide dynamic resource allocation for guaranteed services to the user. The proper allocation of resources is one of the major issues in cloud computing. The term resource management is the process of share out existing resources and helps to coordinate IT resources and application over the internet. The objective of the successful resource allocation is to minimizing the costs benefits for providers and achieving client happiness. One of the foremost issues in cloud is proper resource allocation. In this paper, hybrid OBL and ABC algorithm is used to find out reliable RA problems in cloud workflow. Usually RA is a troublesome optimization problem. In our work we aim to consider QoS requirements and issues. QOS parameter like execution time, response time, throughput, cost as taken in our algorithm and tries to allocate the resource in efficient manner. The algorithms were executed maximum 50 times with different VM and task. The proposed algorithm were compared with the existing PSO, GA and ABC and the Cloudsim simulation output prove that OABC algorithm performed improved against existing algorithms. The output shows better allocation to achieve QoS with customer satisfaction as well ensuring an optimum resources use.
In the virtualization technology, cloud computing is a pool of abundant computing resources and delivers on-demand Internet-based computing services. One of the challenging issues in the virtualization is the placement of virtual machines (VMs) on the physical machines (PMs) such that the computing resources can be utilized efficiently. Furthermore, imbalanced usage of multi-dimensional resources may lead to overall resource wastage and SLA violations of a cloud data center. In this paper, we propose a new VM placement algorithm called multi-objective virtual machine placement (MOVMP) for IaaS cloud. In the algorithm, we devise a resource usage factor (RUF) to maximize the resource usage of the PMs during placement of the VMs. Further, we also present a multi-dimensional resource usage model, which direct to minimize the number of under-loaded PMs in IaaS cloud. This model also helps to improve resource utilization in a balanced manner and migrate a less number of VMs, which results in minimizing the resource wastage, power consumption, and the service level agreement (SLA) violations of cloud data center. The algorithm is tested using Amazon EC2 Instances. Through comparison results, we show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the existing ones in terms of various performance metrics.