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  • Sri Ganesh School of Business Management

Abstract and Figures

Human is the valuable resource of an organization, they play important role accomplishing the organizational goals and image building. Their satisfaction in job is the most researched topic in recent days as it essential for their performance and retention. Aim of this study is to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction of employees of sago companies in Salem District. This study considers emotional intelligence as a multidimensional construct and compares the effects of these dimensions on job satisfaction. For this purpose researcher used descriptive research design, 217 samples were collected using stratified random sampling technique. The researcher found significant and positive relationship between Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction.
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* D. Litt. (Business Administration)-Researcher, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India.
**Independent Researcher, Tamil Nadu, India.
Human is the valuable resource of an organization, they play important role
accomplishing the organizational goals and image building. Their satisfaction in job is the most
researched topic in recent days as it essential for their performance and retention. Aim of this
study is to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction of employees of
sago companies in Salem District. This study considers emotional intelligence as a
multidimensional construct and compares the effects of these dimensions on job satisfaction. For
this purpose researcher used descriptive research design, 217 samples were collected using
stratified random sampling technique. The researcher found significant and positive
relationship between Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction.
Key Words: Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction
Emotional Intelligence is a concept which has been intensively studied for the past few
decades. It has been already proved that emotional intelligence is the virtue associated with the
individual’s success in personal and as well as professional life. (Kafetsios & Zampetakis, 2008)
Emotional intelligence is an ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, and the
ability to distinguish among them and to use this information in decision making (Huy, 1999). Every
workplace encompasses people with different strengths, personalities and emotions, which can
influence the way they work. Person with good emotional intelligence can manage those things and
make the work place peaceful and comfortable for working, it also helps to enhance the interpersonal
relationship among the employees and reduces the misunderstandings among them (Lee & Ok, 2012 &
Anari, 2012). Job satisfaction considered as the emotional attachment one has with his/her job ( Tett &
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
Meyer, 1993) generally person with high emotional intelligence is considered to have higher job
satisfaction, as they have better understanding about the job stressors and they know the better ways
boost the morale of coworkers (Olivier Serrat, 2009). Keeping this in mind now days companies are
keen about the emotional intelligence of their employee during the time of recruitment itself
(Sivakumar & Chitra, 2018). The researcher finds that the family structure moderates the emotional
intelligence of the respondent; specifically students from join family are emotionally stronger than the
students from nuclear family (Gopinath & Chitra, 2020).
Goleman (1998) was the first person who relates the concept of Emotional Intelligence to
business, and uncovers the fact that effective leaders had a high degree of emotional intelligence. And
it is considered to play a crucial role in the modern work life (George, 2000; Goleman et al., 2002;
Law et al., 2004; Sy, & Cote, 2004). Psychological studies have also explained that understanding and
regulating emotions play substantial role in gratifying one’s life and work environment (Oriole &
Cooper, 1997). In their paper (Boyatz & Oosten, 2002; Emmerling & Goleman, 2003; Cherniss et al.,
2006) stated that If Intelligent Quotient helps a person to get a good job; Emotional Intelligence would
help him to retain it, and supports him to be successful in his workplace. Gopinath (2020) concluded
that significant relationship between Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement and Organizational
On the other hand job satisfaction is an important factor in the field of organizational success.
It can be defined as the extent to which employees like their jobs. It is an emotional state of attachment
of individuals that is enhanced by organizational achievements and the feelings of attachment with the
work place (Kvist et al., 2013). According to Vallerand (2004) Job satisfaction is an perception of an
employee over a period of his job, so the factors influencing job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
changes over the period of time. Spector (1996) explains the two aspects in the study of job
satisfaction, first is the global approach and the next is facet approach. The global approach considers
job satisfaction as the overall feeling towards the job, whereas the facet approach emphases on
different factors influencing the job satisfaction such as pay and the work environment. Emotional
intelligence is perceived to have relationship with job satisfaction; Studies have shown that high
degree of emotional exhaustion may leads to lower self-rated performance and higher intention to quit
the organization. (Myhren et al., 2013; Lopes et al., 2016) also supporting the relationship between
emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. But the studies of Aghdasi, 2011 & Casper, 2007 are
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
contradictory; they couldn’t find any relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction.
There are several studies supporting that emotional intelligence is prominent for success in many
professions and it has role in achieving higher job satisfaction. And, Job satisfaction of the employees
will be the core competency of the organizations which place predominant role in organizational
Emotion and Motivation is characteristically determined because a motivated person moves
themselves towards some goal. Study concludes emotions in organizations toward the front of the
stage. Employees choose their jobs opportunity for situation selection beyond that method to regulate
emotions (Gopinath, 2011). (Gopinath, 2014 a) examined that among the executives, significant
positive changes were observed in the areas of somatic symptoms, psychological symptoms and stress
resilience by development of emotional intelligence. It concluded that emotional intelligence is very
effective in self actualization causes of executives. This emotional intelligence is acting as a drive to
get the best, accomplish goals and to actualize the potential. And even it places a prominent role in
managing stress also (Gopinath & Ganesan, 2014) they very well know about their strength and
weakness. Improvement in the total Emotional Quotient score, improvement in stress management
skills which was contributed from development of Emotional Intelligent (Gopinath, 2014 b). Gopinath
(2019 c) emphasizes that relationship between the Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment.
The study concluded Organizational commitment is usually limited to the extent to which employees
are loyal to the organization. Job satisfaction is recognized as an element of organizational
commitment and also that the work environment gives a positive relationship to job satisfaction.
Gopinath (2016 a) studied made an effect to analysis the impact of job satisfaction on
managing people. The job satisfaction was evaluated by using work, promotion, supervision, pay and
co worker in Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale (Smith et al., 1969). It concluded HRD practices
techniques of managing people, which makes the employees, were highly satisfied in doing their jobs.
Similarly, another research concluded good industrial relation process with the employees was highly
satisfied (Gopinath, 2016 b). Gopinath (2016c) suggested that based up on the HRD importance to the
Job Satisfaction using by JDI Scale. From the CFA model and path model of this study concluded that,
HRD practices giving high impact to the job satisfaction. Another research study revealed that
Compensation Management and Welfare Measure gives good impact to Job Satisfaction for the
employees by the measure of JDI scale (Gopinath, 2016 d). Gopinath (2016 e) confirmed that the
effect to analysis the impact of job satisfaction employee health and safety system which is highly
accepted through job satisfaction by using work, supervision, pay, promotion and co worker in JDI
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
scale. Gopinath (2016 f & g) investigated the impact of job satisfaction on Promotion and Transfer and
Industrial Relation of the organization’s good performance management systems and transparent,
quick widely accepted promotion & transfer policy which makes the employees, were highly satisfied.
Gopinath (2016 h) examines the impact of to Job Satisfaction using JDI Scale. It analyzed
Measurement and Path Model ‘Recruitment & Selection and Job Satisfaction’. Similarly, job
satisfaction evaluated by using work, pay, promotion, supervision, and co worker in JDI scale. Study
concluded impact of job satisfaction on training and development, which makes the employees, were
highly satisfied (Gopinath, 2016 i). Gopinath (2016 j) studied made an effect to analysis the impact of
job satisfaction analysis by JDI scale on appraisal and reward. The Employee attitudes typically reflect
in Industrial Relations, Managing People and Performance Management Influencing Job Satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction Employees would make a positive contribution to their respective organization and
may lead to increase the effectiveness (Gopinath, 2016 k).
Gopinath & Shibu (2016 a & b) study investigates that the few Human Resource Development
factors influencing Job Satisfaction. Job Satisfaction using by JDI Scale (Smith et al., 1969). It
concluded the Job Satisfaction factors influencing people at work and with their relationship within the
organization. Study concludes level of job satisfaction in high level to the organization.
Gopinath & Shibu (2015 a & b) confirmed the impact of job satisfaction factors are the
satisfactions with promotion opportunities, pay, supervision, coworkers, and the work itself (Smith et.
al., 1969). Study concluded significant difference between Job Satisfaction factors associated with
overall Job satisfaction and there is a positive relationship exists between the factors of job
Gopinath & Shibu (2014 a & b) examined that the HRD practices related entities and its impact
towards job satisfaction in BSNL at various workplaces. The BSNL has a clear, fair and well
Appraisal and Reward policy, which makes the employees, were highly satisfied (Gopinath & Shibu,
2014 c). Gopinath & Shibu (2014 d) identify the relationship between Job Satisfaction factors by Job
Descriptive Index (JDI) Sacle. Based on the result, concluded that there is a positive relationship exists
between HRD Practices and Job satisfaction. And also another study on few job related entities
influencing job satisfaction using by JDI Scale. Examined the level of Job Satisfaction and influenced
Factors of job satisfaction (Gopinath & Shibu, 2014 e).
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
To study the difference among demographic profile of the respondents with respect to
Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction
To identify the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence among the
academic leaders.
To investigate or influence the impact of Job Satisfaction on Emotional Intelligence among the
academic leaders.
H01: There is no significant difference among the demographic profile of the respondents with
respect to Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence.
H02: There is no significant relationship between Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence.
H03: There is no significance of Job Satisfaction on Emotional Intelligence.
The study was conducted to study the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job
Satisfaction among the employees of sago industry. There are totally 359 Sago industries are there in
Tamil Nadu out of that 194 are located in Salem District. So Salem considered as the hub of Sago
industries. As Sago industries are labor intensive, the management is always find difficult to satisfy
them, so this study was conducted with the view of supporting them. For this purpose researcher used
descriptive research design, 217 samples were collected using stratified random sampling technique.
The study is based on primary data, Goleman’s Emotional competence Inventory with its five
components and self-administer questionnaire on job satisfaction was used to collect the data.
1.1. Demographic profile of the respondents with respect to Job Satisfaction and Emotional
Regarding Age of the respondents, Since the P value is less than 0.01 the null hypothesis is
rejected at 1% level of significance with regard to self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating self,
empathy, social skills and job satisfaction. Hence there is a significant difference among age group
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
with respect to self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating self, empathy, social skills and job
satisfaction of employees.
Table 1.1.1. Showing difference among demographic profile of the respondents with respect to
Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction
Emotional Intelligence Job
One-Self Empathy Social Skills
Year of
** denotes significance at 1% level. * denotes significance at 5% level.
Regarding educational qualification of the respondents, Since the P value is less than 0.01 the
null hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of significance with regard to self-awareness, managing
emotions, motivating self, social skills and job satisfaction. And at 5% level of significance with
regards to empathy .Hence there is a significant difference among educational qualification with
respect to self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating self, empathy, social skills and job
satisfaction of employees.
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
Regarding experience Since the p value is less than 0.01 the null hypothesis is rejected at 1%
level of significance with regard to managing emotions and social skills and null hypothesis is rejected
at 5% level of significance with regards to motivating self, empathy and job satisfaction. Hence there
is a significant difference among experience with respect to self-awareness, managing emotions,
motivating self, empathy, social skills and job satisfaction of employees.
Regarding grade of the respondents, Since P value is less than 0.01 the null hypothesis is
rejected at 1% level of significance. Hence there is highly significant difference between Executive
and Non-Executive with respect to factors of Self-Awareness, Motivating One-Self, Empathy, and job
satisfaction. And at 5%level of significance, there is a significant difference between executive and no
executive with respect to Managing Emotions and Social Skills. Based on the mean score non-
executives have better Self-Awareness, Managing Emotions, Motivating One-Self, Empathy, Social
Skills and Job Satisfaction.
With respect to gender of the respondents, Since P - value is less than 0.01 the null hypothesis
is rejected at 1% level of significance. Hence there is significant difference between male and female
with respect to self-awareness. Based on the mean score male has more self-awareness than female.
Since P value is greater than or equal to 0.05 null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level of significance.
Hence there is difference between male and female with respect to Managing Emotions, Motivating
one Self, Empathy, Social Skills and Job Satisfaction.
1.2. Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence
The correlation coefficient between Self-Awareness and Managing Emotions is 0.611
which indicates 61.1 percentage positive relationships between Self-Awareness and Managing
Emotions at 1% level of significance. The correlation coefficient between Self-Awareness and
Motivating One-Self is 0.647 which indicates 64.7 percentage positive relationships between Self-
Awareness and Motivating One-Self at 1% level of significance. The correlation coefficient between
Self-Awareness and Empathy is 0.646 which indicates 64.6 percentage positive relationships between
Self-Awareness and Empathy at 1% level of significance. The correlation coefficient between Self-
Awareness and Social Skills is 0.596 which indicates 59.6 percentage positive relationships between
Self-Awareness and Social Skills at 1% level of significance. The correlation coefficient between Self-
Awareness and Job Satisfaction is 0.547 which indicates 54.7 percentage positive relationships
between Self-Awareness and Job Satisfaction at 1% level of significance, as like other factors are also
positively correlated with each other.
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
Table 1 . 2.1 show i n g Pea r s o n Corre l a tion Co e f f icient b e tween f a c t ors of
Emoti o n a l Intel l i gence a n d Job S a t i s facti o n
Factors of
and Job
One-Self Empathy Social
Awareness 1.000 0.611** 0.647** 0.646** 0.596** 0.547**
Emotions 1.000 0.581** 0.583** 0.523** 0.586**
One-Self 1.000 0.705** 0.639** 0.685**
Empathy 1.000 0.565** 0.582**
Social Skills 1.000 0.637**
Satisfaction 1.000
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
1.3. Significance of Job Satisfaction on Emotional Intelligence
Regression Analysis
Multiple Regressions is the determination of statistical relationship between more variables.
More than two (independent) variables is the cause of the behavior of another one (dependent)
Regression analysis is concerned with the derivation of an appropriate mathematical expression
is derived for finding values of a dependent variable on the basis of independent variable. Thus it is
designed to examine the relationship of
a variable Y to a set of other variables X1, X2, X3……………Xn, the most commonly used liner
equation in Y=b1 X1 + b2 X2 +………………+ bnXn+ b0.
Here Y is the dependent variable which is to be found. X1, X2,……..and Xn are known
variables with which predictions are to be made and b1, b2,…… are coefficient of the variables.
In this study the dependent variable is Job Satisfaction, Independent variables are Social Skills,
Managing Emotions, Empathy, Self-Awareness, and Motivating One-Self are discussed as follows:
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
Dependent variable : Job Satisfaction (Y)
Independent Variable :
Self-Awareness (X1)
Managing Emotions (X2)
Empathy (X3)
Social Skills (X4)
Motivating One-Self (X5)
Multiple R value : 0.754
R -Square value :
F- value : 55.561
P- value : <0.001
The multiple correlation coefficients are 0.754 measures the degree of relationship between the
actual values and predicted values of Job Satisfaction. Because the predicted values are obtained as a
liner combination of Self-Awareness (X1), Managing Emotions (X2), Empathy (X3), Social Skills (X4),
Motivating One-Self (X5). The coefficient value of 0.754 indicates the relationship between Job
Satisfaction and four independent variables are positive and the relationship between Job Satisfaction
and Self Awareness(X1) is negative.
Table.1.3.1. Multiple Correlation
Variables Unstandardized
coefficients SE of B Standardized
coefficients t -value P- value
(constant) 0.103 .232 - .443 0.659
Awareness -0.012 .064 -.012 -.183 0.855
Emotions 0.211 .063 .207 3.363 <0.001**
One-Self 0.401 .083 .352 4.836 <0.001**
Empathy 0.083 .088 .066 .941 0.348*
Social Skills 0.246 .056 .274 4.368 <0.001**
** denotes significance at 1% level. * denotes significance at 5% level.
The coefficient of determination R-Square measures the goodness of fit of the estimated
Sample Regression Plan (SRP) in terms of the proportion of the variation in the dependent variables
explained by the fitted sample regression equation. Thus the value of R square is 0.568 which means
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
56.8 percentage variation in Job Satisfaction is explained by the estimated SRP that uses, Managing
Emotions, Motivating One self, and Social Skills as independent variables and R-square value is
significant at 1% level and also Empathy as independent variable R square value is significant at 5%
level, and there is no significant variation in Job Satisfaction is explained by the estimated SRP that
uses Self Awareness as the independent variable.
The multiple regression equation is
Y = 0. 1 0 3 + (-0. 0 1 2X1) + 0. 2 07X2 + 0 . 3 5 2X3 + 0 . 0 66X4 +0.2 7 4X5
Hence the coefficient of X1 is -0.012 represents the negative effect of Self-Awareness on Job
Satisfaction, holding the other variables as constant. The negative sign implies that job satisfaction
would decrease by 0.012 for every unit of decrease in Self-Awareness. The coefficient of X2 0.207
represents the positive effect of Managing Emotions on Job Satisfaction holding the other variables as
constant. The estimated positive sign implies Job Satisfaction would increase by 0.207 for ever unit of
increase in Managing Emotions and this co efficient value is significant at 1% level.
The coefficient of X3 is 0.352 represents the positive effect of motivating self on Job
Satisfaction, holding the other variables as constant. The estimated positive sign implies that Job
Satisfaction would increase by 0.352 for every unit of increase in motivating self and this coefficient
value is significant at 1% level. The coefficient of X4 is 0.066 represents the positive effect of
Empathy on Job Satisfaction. Holding the other variables as constant the estimated positive sign
implies that job satisfaction would increase by 0.066 for every unit of increase in Empathy and this
coefficient value is significant at 5% level. The coefficient of X5 is 0.274 represents the positive effect
of Social Skills on Job Satisfaction. Holding the other variables as constant the estimated positive sign
indicates, job satisfaction would increase by 0.274 for every unit of increase in Social skills and this
coefficient value is significant at 1% level.
Based on standardized coefficient Managing Emotions (0.207), Motivating One-Self (0.352)
and Social Skills (0.274) are the most contributing factor to Job Satisfaction, Empathy ( 0.066) is the
least contributing factor to Job Satisfaction. Self-Awareness (-0.012) is the negative contributing
factor to Job Satisfaction.
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
The study is to examine the influence of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction. The
demographic profile of the respondents is significantly differencing with the dimensions of emotional
intelligence and job satisfaction. Each dimension of emotional intelligence has positive and significant
relationship with job satisfaction. Self- awareness has 54.7%; Managing emotions has 58.6%;
Motivating self has 68.5%; Empathy has 58.2%; Social skill have 63.7% positive relationship with Job
satisfaction. The regression analysis shows -0.012 negative effect of Self-Awareness on Job
Satisfaction, which means job satisfaction would decrease by 0.012 for every unit of decrease in Self-
Awareness. 0.207 regressions of managing emotions indicate, Job Satisfaction would increase by
0.207 for ever unit of increase in Managing Emotions. The regression value, 0.352 represents the
positive effect of motivating self on Job Satisfaction; this implies that Job Satisfaction would increase
by 0.352 for every unit of increase in motivating self and job satisfaction would tend to increase by
0.066 for every unit of increase in Empathy and 0.274 for every unit of increase in Social skills. As a
whole the Emotional Intelligence has significant and positive relationship with job satisfaction. So the
job satisfaction can be influenced by enhancing the level of emotional intelligence of employees.
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Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
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Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020
ISSN NO: 1301-2746
... EI comprises five primary dimensions: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills [13]. These dimensions are integral to understanding how EI influences LE and, in turn, ES [18]. ...
... The results suggest that the more positive employees' perceptions of their leaders' EI levels are, the higher their satisfaction with LE, which supports Hypothesis 1. Similar findings were reported in the study by Lee and Chelladurai [29], which indicated that LE is strongly associated with the leader's EI levels. These conclusions are also consistent with those found by Gopinath and Chitra [18], who demonstrated that when employees perceive their leader as emotionally intelligent, they rate their leadership as more effective, which increases their satisfaction levels and consequently their efforts to achieve organizational goals. Batista et al. [3] reinforce this idea, asserting that the emotional competencies of the leader, the effectiveness in managing subordinates, and ES are positively related. ...
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In recent years, the role of leadership in increasing employee satisfaction (ES) has received significant attention, with emotional intelligence (EI) emerging as a key factor in promoting effective leadership (EL) in organizations. Although research has demonstrated the positive impact of EI on workplace outcomes, the interplay between perceived LE, EI, and ES remains underexplored. This research is part of this theme and aims to investigate the influence of the perceived levels of LE and EI of SE leaders in the work environment. This study highlights the importance of integrating emotionally intelligent leaders into organizational structures to improve SE, which subsequently contributes to organizational success. A quantitative methodology was used, with data collected through the application of three questionnaires: one to assess the perception of LE, another to measure EI, and a third to assess SE. The results indicated a positive correlation between all constructs. Employees with more favorable perceptions of their leaders’ EI levels and leadership effectiveness reported greater workplace satisfaction. We also found that LE and EI significantly predicted ES. These findings emphasize the need to foster leadership that is not only competent, but also emotionally intelligent to increase workplace satisfaction and productivity.
... Researchers believe that individuals with high emotional intelligence are high achievers than others. Such individuals perpetually focus on learning and acquiring new knowledge (Gopinath & Chitra, 2020). Contrarily, individuals who lack open-mindedness are less resilient when facing problems (Suleman et al., 2020). ...
... Researchers believe that individuals with high emotional intelligence are higher achievers than others. Such individuals perpetually focus on learning and acquiring new knowledge (Gopinath & Chitra, 2020). Contrarily, individuals who lack open-mindedness are less resilient when facing problems (Suleman et al., 2020). ...
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Despite their contribution toward the economy and employment generation, SMEs in Pakistan suffer due to low productivity and poor job performance. Thus, we examined factors affecting job performance and the “mediating impact of job satisfaction on emotional intelligence and job performance.” We collected a sample of 382 local SME employees and used Smart PLS for data analysis. The study found “self-awareness, self-regulation, emotional intelligence, and job satisfaction positively affect job performance.” Emotional intelligence “affects job satisfaction,” and job satisfaction mediates “emotional intelligence and job performance.” However, “social skills, motivation, and empathy” insignificantly affect job performance. Emotional intelligence helps understand and manage others’ emotions and solve problematic issues. Therefore, firms must arrange seminars and workshops on emotional intelligence for their employees regularly. Although we did not find a significant effect of social skills and empathy on job performance, they still are important precursors to job-related outcomes, and firms must focus on these aspects as well.
... Furthermore, empirical evidence suggests that emotional intelligence extends its influence beyond individual performance to shape various organizational outcomes, including job satisfaction, performance, and leadership effectiveness (Chitra, 2020;Alonazi, 2020;Alotaibi et al., 2020;Soto-Rubio et al., 2020). Particularly pertinent is the positive association between emotional intelligence and employee creativity, highlighting the role of emotional intelligence in fostering a conducive environment for innovation within organizations (Jafri, 2020). ...
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This study investigates the impact of emotional intelligence on employee creativity, considering the moderating effect of job complexity. The research aims to comprehend how emotional intelligence influences employee creativity and how job complexity moderates this relationship. Employing a causal research design, the study utilizes questionnaires to collect primary data. Confirmatory factor analysis confirms the validity and reliability of the measurement model. Descriptive statistics, regression models, and t-tests are employed for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Findings indicate that emotional intelligence significantly and positively affects employee creativity by facilitating effective emotion management, empathy, self-control, and collaboration. While job complexity does not significantly moderate this relationship, engagement in complex tasks may hinder creativity and impact positive emotions in the workplace. Strategies to foster emotional intelligence include training, fostering supportive cultures, and assembling diverse teams. Promoting creativity in organizations entails collaborative efforts, recognition of innovation, and effective task management through workload management and problem-solving training initiatives.
... The pleasure derived from these games covers their structural and cognitive limitations and encourages individuals to accept themselves and utilize their capabilities. 42 Traditional games are not only more effective than unstructured games in terms of motor skills but can also teach children how to achieve victory, how to handle defeat, self-worth, and self-confidence. 43 Play is an intrinsic motivation within a child. ...
... The results of the study show that there is an influence of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction in line with Cherniss & Goleman (2016)'s research which resulted that there is a relationship between the two variables, good relations between colleagues can add high job satisfaction. Several other studies state the same thing that there is a positive and significant effect on emotional intelligence and job satisfaction (Nuraningsih & Putra, 2015;Kusumo et al., 2018;Gopinath & Chitra, 2020). Therefore, it is critical for companies to focus on emotional intelligence in order to increase employee job satisfaction, since emotional intelligence correlates positively with employee satisfactions (Parawitha & Gorda, 2017). ...
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This research aims to explain the Job Stress, Achievement Motivation, Work Discipline and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk. Diponegoro Center. A quantitative study using a saturation sample methodology was conducted on 56 employees, and multiple linear regression analysis and SEM PLS were used for data analysis. The results indicated that both emotional intelligence and job stress have an effect on job satisfaction, partially showing the same results, i.e., emotional intelligence partially has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction and job stress has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Using SEM-PLS produces the same result: emotional intelligence has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Research results can be a company's input to improve performance with variables in research. Research only at PT. MayBank Indonesia Therefore, the data collected is limited to only one company.
... Beberapa kajian empiris yang mendukung penelitian ini antara lain adalah penelitian dari Wijayanti, et al., (2020), Kim & Kim (2021), Jufrizen, et al., (2022, dan Thoa, et al., (2022) mendapat semakin baik kemampuan karyawan dalam mengendalikan kecerdasan emosionalnya maka semakin puas karyawan bekerja di organisasi. Hasil berbeda didapatkan oleh Gopinath & Chitra (2020) yang melakukan penelitian dimana kecerdasan emosional tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. Auda (2016) serta Argon & Liana (2020) mendapat hasil kepuasan kerja memediasi secara parsial kecerdasan emosional ke komitmen organisasional karyawan. ...
HR is the main asset of the company, so employees in the company are expected to have high organizational commitment. This study aims to determine the role of job satisfaction in mediating the influence of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment, the research was conducted at the LPD of Tegal Darmasaba Traditional Village, Kec. Abiansemal. Badung. The number of samples is 40 employees determined by the census method. Collecting data with a questionnaire that uses a Likert scale. Data analysis technique used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach, and VAF test to mediation. The result showe emotional intelligence had a positive effect on organizational commitment, job satisfaction had a positive effect on organizational commitment, emotional intelligence had a positive effect on job satisfaction, and job satisfaction was able to mediate the influence of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment. The findings in this study have implications that in order to increase employee organizational commitment, organizations are expected to be active in approaching employees to find out the problems they are facing, so that colleagues and the organization are able to provide solutions when employees cannot control their emotions. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence; Job satisfaction; Organizational Commitment
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Corresponding Author: Hamid Zare © Authors Background & Purpose: Rapid environmental changes require organizations to apply adaptive changes for survival and growth. Creating the fields of employee adaptation to respond to the demand and requirements of unstable environments is one of the main challenges of today's organizations and the existence of resource governance. Human resources in organizations, while maintaining the independence of departments, also creates an environment for interaction and cooperation between units. The main goal of this research is to present the governance model of human resources in government organizations (social security organization).
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Background: In current days significance of employees and their attitude on working place is accomplishment immense attention of researchers. The psychological well being and attitude of academic leaders is considered very much important as they directly influence the minds of young blood. Extensive research has been through to study the impact of work performance, satisfaction and commitment of academicians and academic leaders. And almost all of them are clear about the influence of those things. As work performance, job satisfaction and organisational commitment as essential for organisational development, factors influencing those things are also gaining importance. Methodology: The researcher used expressive research plan. For collecting the primary data, self-administered scale on organisational commitment, job satisfaction and work performance was used. Totally 248 samples were collected with the help of stratified random sampling method. Findings: The investigator identified significant influence of organisational commitment on job satisfaction and of academic leaders of Tamil Nadu Universities. Conclusion: The positive influence of organisational commitment factors on work performance, job satisfaction of academic leaders should be taken as a case in point, and the researcher concludes, the focus on organisational commitment of academicians and students will indirectly pave ways for improved economy.
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Background: In recent days importance of employees and their attitude on working place is getting massive attention of researchers. The psychological well being and attitude of academic leaders is considered very much important as they directly influence the minds of young blood. Extensive research has been done to study the influence of involvement, satisfaction and commitment of academicians and academic leaders. And almost all of them are clear about the influence of those things. As job involvement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as essential for organizational development, factors influencing those things are also gaining importance. Methodology: The researcher used descriptive research design. For collecting the primary data, Scott Barry Kaufman's (2018) scale of self-actualization and self-administered scale on job involvement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment was used. Totally 213 samples were collected with the help of purposive stratified random sampling technique. Findings: The researcher fined significant influence of self-actualization factors on job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment of academic leaders of Tamil Nadu Universities. Conclusion: The positive influence of self-actualization factors on job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment of academic leaders should be taken as a case in point, and the researcher concludes, the focus on self-actualization of academicians and students will indirectly pave ways for improved economy.
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The aim of this paper is to reduction of executive stress by development of Emotional Intelligence. The study comprises the managing Stress by using behavioural interventions. It is equally divided into Experimental Group and Control Group. The experimental group was administered the behavioural interventions. The control group participants were not exposed to any intervention. Along with the eight weeks period, both Experimental and Control Groups were once again administered Kindler's Stress Inventory Scale among BSNL executives. The investigation focused on somatic, psychological symptoms and stress resilience. The Experimental Group in the after intervention was found to be higher in stress management skills, Emotional Intelligence and reduced stress level than the control Group without intervention. The reason being that Experimental Group got the benefit from Behavioural Interventions. Stress tolerance and impulse control have revealed a greater impact. It has examined the effectiveness of behavioural intervention in enhancing the Emotional Intelligence. The efficiency of working staff will increase due to Interventions given for eight weeks and their mental and physical health will be having a very good improvement. Intervention techniques could be introduced to subjects to help them effectively deal with Emotional Intelligence.
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Organizational commitment is usually limited to the extent to which employees are loyal to the organization. Job satisfaction is recognized as an element of organizational commitment. For this study, random sampling technique proportionate 10% of the workers taken up from 7 private cement factories located in Ariyalur district. In structural Equation modeling, AMOS used in this study. The researcher concluded that the work environment gives a positive relationship to job satisfaction.
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The present study investigates that the Promotion and Transfer and its impact towards Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, three different SSA (Secondary Switching Area) s namely Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai SSA using SEM Modeling. To examine the Promotion and Transfer are associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Coworker. Based on the findings, Promotion and Transfer influence the Job Satisfaction, because Job Satisfaction Employees would make a positive contribution to their respective BSNL and may lead to increase the effectiveness of the BSNL. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of an individual’s total personality and value system in order to understand and describe his job satisfaction. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study. Keywords: Promotion and Transfer, Job Satisfaction and JDI Scale
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The present study investigates that the Industrial Relations and its impact towards Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, three different SSA(Secondary Switching Area)s namely Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai SSA using SEM Modeling. The Industrial Relations is the function of Human Resource Development (HRD) practices which are mainly concerned with people at work and with their relationship within the organization. To examine the level of Industrial Relations are associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Co-worker. Job Satisfaction Employees would make a positive contribution to their respective BSNL and may lead to increase the effectiveness of the BSNL. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of an individual’s total personality and value system in order to understand and describe his job satisfaction. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study.
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The present study investigates that the Compensation Management and Welfare Measure and its impact towards Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, three different SSA (Secondary Switching Area)s namely Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai SSA using SEM Modeling. To examine the Compensation Management and Welfare Measure are associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Co-worker. Based on the findings, Compensation Management and Welfare Measure gives good impact to Job Satisfaction for the employees, because Job Satisfaction employees would make a positive contribution to their respective BSNL and may lead to increase the effectiveness of the BSNL. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study.
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The present study investigates that the Employee Health and Safety and its impact towards Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, three different SSA(Secondary Switching Area)s namely Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai SSA using SEM Modeling. To examine the Employee Health and Safety are associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Co-worker. Based on the findings, Employee Health and Safety having positive relationship into Job Satisfaction, because employees perceived good Health and Safety. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study.
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The present study investigate that the Recruitment and Selection influencing Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, in three different SSA(Secondary Switching Area)s namely Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai SSA using SEM Modeling. The Recruitment and Selection is a one of the functions of human resource management which is mainly concerned with people at work and with their relationship within the organization. Recruitment and selection is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers and with appropriate qualifications. The selection process varies from organization to organization, job to job, and country to country. Some of the processes include screening applications and resumes, testing and reviewing work samples, interviewing, checking references and background. Organizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring individuals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their jobs. Both executives and non-executives group are included male and female and their age group is 25 to 56 years. To examine the level of Recruitment and Selection associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Co-worker. Job satisfaction may be defined as a pleasurable positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of an individual's total personality and value system in order to understand and describe his job satisfaction. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study.
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The present study investigates that the Performance Management and its impact towards Job Satisfaction with special reference to BSNL, three different SSA (Secondary Switching Area)s namely Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai SSA using SEM Modeling. The Performance Management is the function of Human Resource Development (HRD) practices which are mainly concerned with people at work and with their relationship within the organization. To examine the level of Performance Management are associated with Job Satisfaction using by Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Scale among BSNL employees. The JDI scale included Work, Supervision, Pay, Promotions, and Co-worker. Job Satisfaction Employees would make a positive contribution to their respective BSNL and may lead to increase the effectiveness of the BSNL. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of an individual’s total personality and value system in order to understand and describe his job satisfaction. Some important implications for future research are also derived from the study.