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Discussion on Tire Retreading and Reuse Technology



China has basic state policies of developing circular economy and promoting the reuse of waste materials. They are also regarded as important guarantees for the sustainable development of mankind. The recycling of used tire resources has gradually become a consensus among people as a sunrise industry. Countries all over the world attach great importance to the retreading and reuse of used tires, especially in developed countries who have taken used tires as an important industry to save rubber resources. Tire retreading is a way of recycling resources, which can save rubber raw materials, solve the environmental pollution of waste tires, and make full use of the value of tires. There is no ‘three-waste’ emission during prevulcanization retreading of used tires. It is a green environmental protection industry, which not only can save a lot of rubber, steel wire, petroleum energy and other resources, but also can realize the reduction, reuse and recycling of used tires. Tire retreading is an active way to recycle used tires, it is regarded as extension and processing reuse of the tire industry. They are of positive significance for promoting the comprehensive utilization of resource conservation, transformation of economic growth mode and sustainable development. The characteristics, technological process of tire retreading technology, current situation and development trend of retreading tire are discussed comprehensively in the paper.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Discussion on Tire Retreading and Reuse Technology
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AESEE 2020
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 512 (2020) 012146
IOP Publishing
Discussion on Tire Retreading and Reuse Technology
Wang Qiang*, Jiang Li, Wang Yunlong, Qi Xiaojie and Wang Guotian
School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology,
Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150050, China
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Abstract. China has basic state policies of developing circular economy and promoting the
reuse of waste materials. They are also regarded as important guarantees for the sustainable
development of mankind. The recycling of used tire resources has gradually become a
consensus among people as a sunrise industry. Countries all over the world attach great
importance to the retreading and reuse of used tires, especially in developed countries who
have taken used tires as an important industry to save rubber resources. Tire retreading is a way
of recycling resources, which can save rubber raw materials, solve the environmental pollution
of waste tires, and make full use of the value of tires. There is no 'three-waste' emission during
prevulcanization retreading of used tires. It is a green environmental protection industry, which
not only can save a lot of rubber, steel wire, petroleum energy and other resources, but also can
realize the reduction, reuse and recycling of used tires. Tire retreading is an active way to
recycle used tires, it is regarded as extension and processing reuse of the tire industry. They are
of positive significance for promoting the comprehensive utilization of resource conservation,
transformation of economic growth mode and sustainable development. The characteristics,
technological process of tire retreading technology, current situation and development trend of
retreading tire are discussed comprehensively in the paper.
The reuse of used tires mainly includes five modes, such as tire retreading, mechanical pulverization,
low-temperature pulverization, combustion decomposition and combustion power generation. Where
in tire retreading is the most effective way to reuse used tires. The production of automobile tires is
increasing at an average annual rate of 10% all over the world with the rapid development of
automobile industry, while the annual production of automobile tires is growing at a rate far higher
than the world average level in China, which is 2 ~ 3 times higher than the world average level. The
global annual production of automobile tires is expected to exceed 2 billion, and the annual production
of Chinese tires is expected to exceed 1 billion by the end of 2020, thereby China will become the
world center of tires. Nearly 200 million used tires are produced in China every year, and the number
will be increased at a more alarming rate. Used tires have strong heat resistance and mechanical
resistance. It is difficult to degrade used tires, thereby resulting in more and more prominent tire 'black
pollution' problem. Tire retreading be adopted for saving rubber resources, saving energy and
protecting the environment on the one hand, it also also can promote the reuse of waste resources and
greatly improve the utilization rate of 'black pollution' on the other hand. The rapidly developed tire
retreading industry has low service life due to the lack of technological innovation in China, thereby
further affecting the use of retreaded tires and indirectly increasing the environmental pollution[1,2].
AESEE 2020
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 512 (2020) 012146
IOP Publishing
2.Characteristics of tire retreading process
Tire is composed of composite materials, such as rubber, cord and steel wire, wherein tire rubber is
processed by natural rubber through synthesis. A small amount of additives and assistance are added
to form an elastomer. Tire retreading refer that the outer layer of worn tires are polished after repaired
(as shown in figure 1), a layer of buffer rubber is pasted, and then the tread rubber is further pasted,
and the product is vulcanized finally, thereby obtaining retreaded tires which can be further used. The
main structure of retreaded tires is shown in figure 2. The structure of the carcass is the same as that of
the new tire. The main difference lies in that a layer of buffer rubber is added to the worn tread and
then the tread rubber is pasted[3,4].
1) Tread rubber
Tire outermost layer surface contacted with the road surface is provided with a layer of pattern
rubber. Its tread pattern structure and form are different under different road conditions as shown in
figure 3. It is made of rubber and additives which are mixed and suppressed. Excellent wear resistance,
impact resistance, aging resistance, and high tensile strength, elasticity and tenacity are required.
FIG. 1 Carcass after polishing 1- tread rubber 2- buffer rubber 3- bonding surface 4- carcass
FIG. 2 Main structure of retreaded tire
2) Buffer rubber
Buffer rubber is used for bonding steel wire cord carcass and tread rubber in the process of tires
cold retreading as shown in figure 4. It can buffer and transitioning the impact on the tread, thereby
forming ladder-shaped stretching stress match, guaranteeing the stress uniform distribution of
retreaded tires under high load, and reducing the stress concentration. Buffer rubber belongs to a
bounded transitional layer beneficial to uniform heat dissipation, thereby ensuring the service life of
retreaded tires.
FIG. 3 Tread rubber FIG. 4 Buffer rubber
Wirecord fabric and rubber composite material are mainly used as carcass for radial tires of trucks
as shown in figure 1. Wirecord fabric for carcass is mainly used to improve the fatigue resistance and
wear resistance. High strength and small diameter steel wires and stable production process are
required. The performance of wirecord fabric, rubber performance and the combination performance
of the the wirecord fabric and rubber in the used carcass for retreaded tires are lower than that of the
new carcass due to the aging phenomenon of rubber.
AESEE 2020
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 512 (2020) 012146
IOP Publishing
3.Process specification of prevulcanized tire retreading
The principle of 'repairing before retreading' is generally adopted for the technological procedure of
prevulcanization retreading technology, mainly including seven processes such as initial inspection
procedure, grinding procedure, external grinding procedure, repair procedure, forming procedure,
vulcanization procedure and final inspection procedure. The main process specifications for
prevulcanization retreading can be simplified as follows: choose used carcass→ used carcass cleaning
→used carcass drying →used carcass inspection → local repair (including grinding, coating of rubber
cement, gluing, pasting of the reinforcement pad, local vulcanization and other operations for carcass
nail hole, caves and other lesions) - used carcass grinding (including tire crown round grinding as well
as grinding and dressing for local uneven area) → rubber cement (brushing) coating pasting of
buffer rubber pasting of pattern prevulcanized tread installation of package sleeve (including
installation of package sleeve ring, or sulfide inner tube and removable rim) → vulcanization in
vulcanizing tank→ removal of the package sleeve (including removal of the package sleeve ring, or
vulcanized inner tube and detachable rim) → finished product quality inspection → storage as shown
in figure 5[5,6].
FIG. 5 Main process specification of prevulcanization retreading
4. Status of tire retreading reuse technology
There are two tire retreading technologies mainly currently: mold vulcanization method and
prevulcanization tread method, wherein the mold vulcanization method is regarded as the traditional
technology. The pre-vulcanized tread represents advanced level and development trend of global tire
retreading industry. Intact new tread can be produced by the two tire retreading technologies. The
following aspects should be mainly considered for either technology[7].
(1) Used carcass quality. Both hot retreading or cold retreading technology can be applied if the tire
is retreaded for the first time and it belongs to a radial tire; if the tire is retreaded or the second or third
time, excellent results can be obtained through hot retreading technology in most cases. If there are
defects in the shoulder or side of the tire, the hot retreading technology should be used.
(2) Quality of tread and other raw materials: There are prominent difference in cold or hot
retreading technology if the operation level, tread and other raw material quality are the same.
However, the tread performance of the hot retreading tire is obviously much better than that of the
cold retreading tire if the tire is used in the harsh working conditions such as quarrying plant or
construction site.
(3) Retreading equipment: The advanced degree and control precision of the retreading equipment
have a great impact on the quality of finished products after the retreading of tires.
(4) Operator's technical level: only the correctly trained operators can be competent in each process
of retreading, and the operators should have skilled retreading technology and experience.
(5) Cost of retreading equipment: the investment for the establishment of a hot treading plant is
much higher than the establishment of a cold reading plant of the same scale relatively speaking
AESEE 2020
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 512 (2020) 012146
IOP Publishing
mainly because hot retreading technology requires vulcanization machines, molds, etc., and higher
investment is generally required for the equipment.
(6) Cost of tread and other raw materials. The cost of raw materials such as tread used in extruder
or winding machine is relatively high.
The following national standards and industry standards are formulated for the production of
retreaded tires in China currently, including 'GB7037-2007 Truck Retreaded Tires', 'GB14646-2007
Car Retreaded Tires' and 'HG/ T3979-2007 Construction Machinery Retreaded Tires'. There are
following problems in China tire retreading[8].
(1) People have low consciousnesses to use the retreaded tires, thereby hindering the retreaded tire
market. Many tire use enterprises or individuals, especially private car owners, think that there is a
serious safety risk of retreaded tires, and there is even a misunderstanding 'retreaded tire is equivalent
to suicide', who would rather buy new tires at a high price rather and are not willing to use retreaded
(2) Lack of relevant policies, regulations, guarantee and incentive mechanisms for tire retreading:
the state attaches great importance to the development of the tire industry, the industry policy and
financial support for retreaded tires are insufficient. Some tire retreaded enterprises are facing
difficulties in development due to the lack of policy support and capital support for equipment renewal.
(3) Chaos in used tire sales market and insufficient management standards: there is no effective
recycling-reuse system in the sales market of used tires in China, and non-standard management of the
sales market leads to the ineffective recycling of used tire resources for tire retreading, and there is no
close cooperation between the retreading enterprises and the tire recycling enterprises.
(4) Backward tire retreading process and technology: tire retreading enterprises are basically still in
the era of small workshop in china, the equipment replacement cycle is long, equipment technology is
backward, and most retreading process is still based on traditional or experienced process, thereby
resulting in the unstable quality of retreaded tires, and there are certain safety risks.
The life cycle of tire products will go through the scientific process of 'use - retreading - reuse -
scrapping - residual value utilization' with the continuous development of technology so that 'black
pollution' is converted into 'black energy'. The tire retreading industry has weak technical force in
China fundamentally speaking, and the basic theory of retreaded tires is lacking compared with new
tires. Therefore, it is of positive significance for the future development of the tire retreading industry
to strengthen the research on the technical basic standards and related basic theories of tire retreading.
5. Development trend of tire retreading reuse technology
The average retreading rate of used tires is 60% throughout the international market, which is as high
as 90% in European and American countries and only 15% in China . France, Japan, Italy and the
United States have advanced tire retreading equipment and technology all over the world. China is in
the medium and lower level. Professional tire retreading enterprises are mostly based on 'cold
retreading method'. Some affiliated retread tire factories under new tire manufacturing enterprises are
mostly based on the traditional 'hot retreading method'. For example, the ratio of retreading trunk tires
through 'hot retreading' and 'cold treading' each year is about 4:1. 90% in the tire retreading factory of
Britain Goodyear. 90% of tire treading plants under Michelin in France use the precise 'hot retreading
method' developed by the company, and they occupy most tire retreading market in Europe.
Bridgestone Japan also uses its own developed precise 'hot retreading method' mostly. 'Cold retreading
method' is only used for retreading grade I tires. The ratio of 'hot retreaded' and 'cold retreaded' tires
used by Continental Germany is close to 1:1. Car tires and the aviation tire s are nearly not retreaded
in China. The trunk tires are mostly retreaded through 'cold retreading method'. Engineering tires are
based on tire categories, specifications and use requirements. 'Hot retreading method' is mostly
adopted during retreating of large or huge engineering tire retreading. The process technology level is
more and more mature. 'Cold retreading method' is adopted for retreading in some tire retreading
plants aiming at medium and small-sized engineering tire retreading. Most retreating plants are based
on 'hot retreading method'[9].
AESEE 2020
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 512 (2020) 012146
IOP Publishing
The technology of engineering tire prevulcanization retreading is developed rapidly in foreign
countries, which is developed slowly in China because the engineering tires retreaded through
prevulcanization has unstable quality mainly and different performances among engineering retreaded
tires. The retreading of engineering tire prevulcanization tread method will gradually replace the
retreading of mold vulcanization method with the development of technology. The tread aging degree
of prevulcanization tread low temperature retreading method is lowered by more than 50% compared
with traditional 150 ℃ high temperature method, thereby the service life of retreaded tires is
comparable to the performance of the new tires, which is especially suitable for long-distance driving.
The tire wearing and burst risks of the tires are lowered during normal operation because of fast heat
radiation and wear resistance on the one hand, and the rubber layer of the tires can not be softened
easily with higher wear-resisting mileage on the other hand, which is more in line with economic
principles. Because the retreaded tires made by the prevulcanization tread low-temperature retreading
method has the advantages of 'wire resistance, punching resistance, oil saving, lateral skid prevention
and low price', high retreading rate, easy process, low cost and high energy saving effect. The
retreaded tire mileage is equivalent to that of new tires, thereby gradually replacing the former mold
vulcanization method retreading technology. It has become the mainstream in the tire retreading
technology, which is regarded as the future development direction of retreaded tires[10].
Fund Project: Project supported by basic scientific research business expenses of Heilongjiang
Provincial Undergraduate Universities (2018CX07); Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation Project
(LH2019E115); Heilongjiang Institute of Technology PhD Research Startup Fund Project (2016BJ02)
Author: Wang Qiang (1981-), male, Harbin, associate professor, doctor of engineering, postdoctor.
Research interests: vehicle tire technology, vehicle driving safety.
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[2] Cui Li Jun. Performance Characteristics and quality inspection of finished retreaded tyres[J].
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[3] Zhang Xiu Li. How to improve the retreading rate of tire —— on the retreading and service of
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[5] Tian Yansheng, Song Ximei, Liu Shenglei, Huayuan. Application of Microwave PYROLYSIS
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[8] Man Hsing, Miyazaki Da. Retreaded tyre compounds and methods of manufacturing retreaded
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[9] Cui Lijun, Li Jinwei. The waste tires exert their afterheat —— retreading economy is full of
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[10] Li Zhao. The present situation, problems and countermeasures of recycling waste tires in China[J].
China's Comprehensive Utilization of Tire Resources, 2018(12):41-43.
... The last step of the process is the vulcanization of the pasted rubber tread. Finally, the products are inspected before they are released into the market [57]. ...
... Pyrolysis normally refers to the breakdown of the rubber waste via incineration in an anaerobic condition, into smaller compounds such as fuel oil, gas, carbon black (CB), sulfur, 2 General flow of tire retreading process [57] and metal [63,64]. The fuel oil produced could be refined to filter out the sulfur, char, and ash to ensure better engine performance. ...
... Comparison of various techniques in rubber waste management[26,[55][56][57][58][59][60] ...
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Excessive accumulation of rubber waste necessitates the need to revisit the effectiveness of the existing rubber waste management system. This review provides an overview of the legislative frameworks, techniques, challenges, and trends of rubber waste management in various countries. The 4R (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover) framework applied in waste management system in some countries appears to be viable for the processing of rubber waste. Certain countries especially some of the European Union (EU) members have implemented extended producer responsibility (EPR) system to manage the collection of rubber waste, particularly used tires. The processing of rubber waste in each level of the 4R hierarchy was then discussed, with detailed elaboration on the most practiced ‘R’, recycling which encompasses the direct recycling of products, as well as material recycling via physical and/or chemical means. The challenges faced in the implementation of rubber waste management system in different countries were highlighted and recommendations for a more sustainable rubber consumption were provided at the end of this review.
... Among them, vulcanizing agents play a role in significantly improving the physical and chemical properties of rubber, such as elasticity, strength, heat resistance, medium resistance, and durability, even if rubber is transformed from thermoplastic rubber to thermosetting rubber through vulcanization reactions, which play a crucial role in enhancing the adhesion, physical properties, and production efficiency of refurbished tires, while reducing energy consumption and costs. The final stage includes the vulcanization of the tread rubber and the final inspection of the product's quality before it is ready for the market [19]. Studies have shown that each retreaded tire requires only 30% of the energy and 25% of the raw materials needed to produce a new tire [20,21]. ...
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Currently, in the domestic practice of retreading tires using vulcanization tanks, some tanks exhibit uneven temperature distributions leading to low retreading success rates. To address that, this paper simulated the temperature and velocity fields during the heating process of vulcanization tanks for waste tire retreading. The results indicated that a higher heating power reduces the time required for the vulcanizing agent to reach the vulcanization condition, but it also increases the difference in tire temperature in the tank, with a severely uneven distribution of the temperature field. Subsequently, to improve the uniformity of temperature distribution and enhance the retreading rate of waste tires, this paper proposed two types of orifice plates to adjust the airflow organization. The results show that both the plain orifice plate and the frustum cone orifice plate can enhance the uniformity of the temperature field within the vulcanization tank and reduce the temperature difference between tires. Moreover, at the same heating power, the presence of the orifice plates increases the rate of temperature increase in the tires and the vulcanizing agent compared to the original vulcanization tank, improving the thermal efficiency of the vulcanization tank heater.
... Both the development of new energy vehicles and the progress of tire retreading and reuse technology have stimulated the demand for tires in the global market, which has led to a rapid increase in global tire production. 5,6 Although the global tire market has been rapid development, but the countries of the logistics and warehousing facilities are difficult to cope with the increase in demand for warehousing and transportation, tire transportation and warehousing has become a common problem faced by the tire industry in various countries, warehousing management in the new situation is facing many challenges. 7 From a comprehensive point of view, the tire industry production and logistics and transportation of several major problems is the tire transportation workload, the main logistics tools for forklifts, low efficiency, pollution, logistics management is complex. ...
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The development of the new energy automobile industry has driven the development of the tire industry, and the development of the tire industry has put forward higher requirements for the handling and storage efficiency of tires. In this paper, through the discussion of the new tire synchronous fixture, the double parallel four-bar mechanism is introduced. The mechanism has the advantages of horizontal extension and contraction, and avoids the deviation in the vertical direction. In order to be better applied to the handling and storage of tires and further applied in other fields, this paper obtains the relationship between rod length and stroke through the kinematic analysis of double parallel four-bar mechanism, establishes a compact structure size table of common size, and carries out practical application simulation. The accuracy of size is verified by mechanical simulation. Through the relationship established in this paper and the compact structure size table, we can quickly and easily find the appropriate size of the double parallel four-bar mechanism according to the demand. Through the study of its structural characteristics, we can easily find the scene where it can be applied, so as to promote the universality of the application of the double parallel four-bar mechanism.
... After the necessary repairs, a buffer rubber piece is affixed, and pre-vulcanized tread rubber is applied. The final stage includes the vulcanization of the tread rubber and a final inspection of the product's quality before it is ready for release into the market (Qiang et al. 2020). ...
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End of life tires (ELTs) are a pressing environmental concern due to their non-biodegradable nature and potential release of toxic chemicals, as confirmed by human health exposure studies. The expanding transport sector, driven by the automotive industry, has led to inadequate attention to safe tire disposal. This review extracted papers using keywords such as “waste tire rubber,” “waste tire pollution,” and “waste tire applications” from 2012 to 2023. Recycling publications have surged by 80% in the past decade, with China and the USA leading the research. Pyrolysis and devulcanization methods have emerged as key circular economy (CE) advancements, producing fuel and reusable rubber. Globally, 1.5 billion waste tires accumulate yearly, projected to increase by 70% in the next 30 years if unaddressed. Around 26 million tonnes of used tires are generated annually worldwide, while civil engineering and backfilling use 17 million tonnes of recycled rubber particles. These tires are complex polymer composites, primarily composed of natural and synthetic rubber. The amorphous nature of rubber results in a 50% loss of mechanical properties when exposed to chemicals and microbes, shortening its lifespan. This paper explores the applicability of waste tire rubber and polymer fabrication to offer eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions for proper disposal, mitigating environmental accumulation.
... Salah satu penerapan fenomena perpindahan panas di lapangan adalah pada proses vulkanisir ban dalam atau disebut dengan retreading process [5]. Vulkanisir ban adalah suatu proses daur ulang terhadap ban yang sudah gundul melalui beberapa tahapan, seperti pemeriksaan terhadap kondisi ban, apakah layak untuk divulkanisir kembali atau tidak [6]. ...
The phenomenon of heat transfer is a science that must be learned by engineering students. Retreading process is one of the heat transfer phenomena in the process of repairing damage to rubber tires in vehicles. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of the use of the heat transfer practicum module in the retreading process of the inner tube. This type of research is R and D, where the module contains several test parameters which include; surface pressure, heating temperature and time, and dimensions of the patched rubber compound. The 20 respondents selected for this study were mechanical engineering students at PGRI Banyuwangi University. The test includes aspects of the suitability of practical procedures and cognitive abilities in describing the process and mathematical solving of the heat transfer rate for each experimental parameter. The results show that the heat transfer module developed is quite feasible to use, this is based on the results of measuring the satisfaction of respondents in general, assessing it very well with an average of 59.8%. While on the aspect of learning effectiveness, it can be concluded that the practice module is included in the very effective category, where this is shown by increasing the percentage of respondents' abilities which are shown through changes in values before and after the implementation of the module.
... Besides, more research is needed to examine and identify new perspectives for increasing the use of tyres for remanufacturing rather than disposal. However, to achieve the above, there is a need to identify the prevailing challenges of tyre remanufacturing process, pinpoint the defects in retread tyres and their causes so that necessary actions can be taken to rectify the crucial issues [8]. In line with the above, the present study has been carried out to investigate the challenges of tyre remanufacturing process and the defects in remanufactured tyres as well as their probable causes [9]. ...
Conference Paper
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The tyre remanufacturing industries are facing quality and performance issues of the remanufactured tyres as they have developed their own tyre retreading methods due to the lack of standardized retreading process guidelines. This study focuses on identifying the challenges of the tyre remanufacturing process, highlighting various defects in retread tyres and their causes so that the challenges could be mitigated and the quality and performance of the tyres could be improved. To achieve the objectives of the study, the quality tools including fishbone diagram and Pareto chart has been used. For the above analysis, the data has been collected through multiple field visits and semi-structured interviews. The findings of the study indicate that organizations can improve the utilization of worn-out tyres by identifying tyre retreading defects and their causes and by implementing corrective actions at different stages in the tyre remanufacturing. According to cause-and-effect analysis, the defects found are failure of tread due to lack of standard tread joint method, side bulge generation due to sidewall degrading, and failure of the buffer layer due to tread and sidewall crack. Besides, a few recommendations are made for tyre remanufacturing to increase productivity and minimize the defects generation in retreaded tyres.
The extensive growth of End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs) has raised significant environmental concerns, making ELTs recycling a crucial strategy in mitigating their impact on the environment. ELTs recycling process begins with complex mechanical processes aimed at size reduction of rubber material and the rubber production at various sizes. Mechanical recycling processes not only generate a variety of useful products for most applications but also serve as the foundation for subsequent chemical and thermal processes in ELTs recycling. This paper aims to review the status of research and development related to mechanical processes for recycling ELTs. It provides a comprehensive overview of mechanical processes and techniques used in ELTs recycling, examining essential input variables, performance indicators and their relationships. To produce powders smaller than 0.8 mm, a mechanical recycling system typically involves multiple grinding stages and various particle separation methods. In most shredding processes, the produced particle sizes range from 100 mm to 200 mm. To achieve better shredding performance, an optimal configuration includes multiple rotational shafts, fewer than three cutting edges, and operation at temperatures below −70 °C. Grinding processes can generate granulates smaller than 2 mm, with cryogenic and wet grinding techniques capable of producing particle sizes <0.1 mm. Cryogenic grinding achieves the smallest expected particle size of 0.075 mm with a distribution below 0.1 mm. A future work could focus on developing a thorough relationship between multiple input and output parameters for further design and optimization of the mechanical recycling of ELTs. By integrating advanced engineering knowledge with a good combination of latest technology, an optimum ELTs recycling plan is developed to efficiently extract the reusable materials of ELTs and convert the additional material into reusable forms like energy, hydrogen etc.
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Polymers are the main building blocks of plastic, with the annual global production volume of fossil carbon-based polymers reaching over 457 million metric tons in 2019 and this figure is anticipated to triple by 2060. There is potential for environmental harm and adverse human health impacts associated with plastic, its constituent polymers and the chemicals therein, at all stages of the plastic life cycle, from extraction of raw materials, production and manufacturing, consumption, through to ultimate disposal and waste management. While there have been considerable research and policy efforts in identifying and mitigating the impacts associated with problematic plastic products such as single-use plastics and hazardous chemicals in plastics, with national and/or international regulations to phase out their use, plastic polymers are often overlooked. In this review, the polymer dimension of the current knowledge on environmental release, human exposure and health impacts of plastic is discussed across the plastic life cycle, including chemicals used in production and additives commonly used to achieve the properties needed for applications for which the polymers are generally used. This review focuses on polycarbonate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and polybutadiene, four common plastic polymers made from the hazardous monomers, bisphenol, styrene, vinyl chloride and 1,3-butadiene, respectively. Potential alternative polymers, chemicals, and products are considered. Our findings emphasise the need for a whole system approach to be undertaken for effective regulation of plastics whereby the impacts of plastics are assessed with respect to their constituent polymers, chemicals, and applications and across their entire life cycle.
Analysis on the new mode of highvalue comprehensive utilization of waste tires
  • Lu Tang Fan
  • Li Lizhu
  • Qiang Guang
  • Jiang Jinfeng
  • Shuijin
Tang Fan, Lu Lizhu, Li Guang, Qiang Jinfeng, Jiang Shuijin. Analysis on the new mode of highvalue comprehensive utilization of waste tires[J]. Tire Industry, 2020,40(02):71-76.
Performance Characteristics and quality inspection of finished retreaded tyres[J]
  • Jun
Cui Li Jun. Performance Characteristics and quality inspection of finished retreaded tyres[J].
How to improve the retreading rate of tire --on the retreading and service of tire
  • Li Zhang Xiu
Zhang Xiu Li. How to improve the retreading rate of tire --on the retreading and service of tire[J]. China's Comprehensive Utilization of Tire Resources, 2019(11):13-16.
China’s tire recycling industry to forge ahead[J]
  • Shuhua
Pang Shuhua. China's tire recycling industry to forge ahead[J].
  • Tian Yansheng
  • Song Ximei
  • Liu Shenglei
  • Huayuan
Tian Yansheng, Song Ximei, Liu Shenglei, Huayuan. Application of Microwave PYROLYSIS TECHNOLOGY IN RECYCLING WASTE TIRES[J].
Present Situation and development trend of waste Tire Resource Utilization[J]
  • Xing
Zhang Xing. Present Situation and development trend of waste Tire Resource Utilization[J].
Recycling and reuse of waste tires
  • Jia Quan
  • Yu Wei
  • Xu Jiaxue
  • Xu Junqing
  • Li Junshi
  • Guangming
Quan Jia Wei, Yu Jiaxue, Xu Junqing, Xu Junshi, Li Guangming. Recycling and reuse of waste tires[J].
Retreaded tyre compounds and methods of manufacturing retreaded tyres [J]
  • Hsing
Man Hsing, Miyazaki Da. Retreaded tyre compounds and methods of manufacturing retreaded tyres [J].
The waste tires exert their afterheat —— retreading economy is full of business opportunities[J]
  • Lijun
Cui Lijun, Li Jinwei. The waste tires exert their afterheat --retreading economy is full of business opportunities[J].
The present situation, problems and countermeasures of recycling waste tires in China[J]
  • Zhao
Li Zhao. The present situation, problems and countermeasures of recycling waste tires in China[J].