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Facial Action Unit Recognition in the Wild with Multi-Task CNN Self-Training
for the EmotioNet Challenge
Philipp Werner, Frerk Saxen, and Ayoub Al-Hamadi
Neuro-Information Technology Group, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
{Philipp.Werner, Frerk.Saxen, Ayoub.Al-Hamadi}
Automatic understanding of facial behavior is hampered
by factors such as occlusion, illumination, non-frontal head
pose, low image resolution, or limitations in labeled train-
ing data. The EmotioNet 2020 Challenge addresses these
issues through a competition on recognizing facial action
units on in-the-wild data. We propose to combine multi-task
and self-training to make best use of the small manually /
fully labeled and the large weakly / partially labeled train-
ing datasets provided by the challenge organizers. With our
approach (and without using additional data) we achieve
the second place in the 2020 challenge – with a perfor-
mance gap of only 0.05% to the challenge winner and of
5.9% to the third place. On the 2018 challenge evaluation
data our method outperforms all other known results.
1. Introduction
The challenge was run on the EmotioNet database [2],
which comprises (1) a training set of about 944k samples,
which were automatically labeled with 12 facial Action
Units (AUs), (2) an optimization set (opt set) of about 25k
samples, which were manually labeled with 23 AUs – the
same AUs that appear in the test set (listed in Section 3) –,
and (3) a validation and a test set of about 107k and 218k
images respectively, which were manually labeled with the
23 AUs and used to evaluate the approaches of the challenge
participants. Each participant had five submissions on the
validation and one submission on the test set. The used per-
formance measure, called final ranking score, is the mean
of the accuracy and the F1-score.
Our approach for recognizing AUs involves two ideas
that are novel in this context: (1) Multi-task learning,
which here means using two output neurons per AU, one
for each of the training subsets. Even if labels of two train-
This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Educa-
tion and Research (BMBF), projects HuBA (03ZZ0470) and Easy Cohmo
(03ZZ0443G). The sole responsibility for the content lies with the authors.
Figure 1. Example images of the EmotioNet dataset. Left: Align-
ment for expression AUs. Right: Alignment for pose AUs.
ing subsets have the same intended meaning, like a specific
AU, there may be labeling biases or differences in labeling
quality, especially if some data have been labeled by an al-
gorithm. Using multi-task learning may help to better cope
with these issues and still benefit from all available data. (2)
Self-training [9] means that a teacher model is trained on a
labeled dataset and used to predict pseudo-labels on a larger
unlabeled (or in our case weakly / partially labeled) dataset.
Afterwards, a student model is trained using both datasets
(with manual labels and pseudo-labels). Introducing noise
in the training of the student model (e.g. by data augmen-
tation and dropout) facilitates to learn beyond the teacher’s
knowledge [9].
2. Methods
Preprocessing: We use the face detection, landmark lo-
calization, and head pose estimation of OpenFace [1] (fol-
lowing suggestions of [8]). To reduce the number of faces
not detected (for which we output AU absence in the chal-
lenge evaluation), we additionally run RetinaFace [4] and
the landmark localization of Bulat and Tzimiropoulos [3]
on the images for which OpenFace failed. We then apply
the OpenFace face registration approach, which is based on
a stable subset of 68 landmarks, without masking out con-
text. We use two different “zooms” as illustrated in Fig. 1:
The one with more facial details is used for the expression
P. Werner, F. Saxen, A. Al-Hamadi, "Facial Action Unit Recognition in the Wild with Multi-Task CNN Self-Training for the EmotioNet Challenge", in CVPRW, 2020.
This is the accepted manuscript. The final, published version is available on IEEE Xplore.
(C) 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including
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AUs, the other with more context is used for the head pose
AUs (which are defined relatively to the body, not the cam-
era view). Both have the resolution 240×240, but are fed
into two distinct CNN models.
As we will see in the experiments, the manually labeled
optimization dataset is a better source for supervised learn-
ing than the larger but automatically (weakly) and incom-
pletely labeled training set. Thus, and to get more validation
attempts for selecting and tuning models, we split the opt
set: 20% of the images are used as a validation set (called
opt-val set) and the remaining 80% are used as training data
(called opt-train set).
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architectures:
We use three architectures: (1) a self designed straight for-
ward CNN which we call OwnNet, (2) MobileNetV3 (large)
[5], and (3) EfficientNet-B0 [6]. With all networks we use an
input resolution of 224×224×3. OwnNet-whas a variable
width factor wand seven 2D convolution layers (Conv),
each followed by batch normalization and ReLU. The first
Conv has 4woutput channels. After each Conv until the
fifth, we apply a 3×3 max-pooling with stride 2 and double
the output channels of the next Conv. The last two Conv
have 128woutput channels and are followed by global av-
erage pooling. In all networks we use a dropout of 0.5 in
front of the final dense output layer, which is activated with
the sigmoid function. For the head pose networks (AU 51-
56) we additionally feed the three head orientation angles
from OpenPose (or the mean pose to fill missing values)
into a dense layer (1024 neurons, ReLU) and concatenate
its outputs with the CNN outputs before the final dense
layer. MobileNetV3 and EfficientNet-B0 models are fine-
tuned starting from the pretrained model provided in the
TensorFlow SLIM and TPU repositories, respectively. The
OwnNet models are trained from scratch using the default
Xavier initialization.
Training: We only train multi-label CNNs, basically with
17 AU labels / output neurons for the expression CNNs and
6 for the pose CNNs. However, in what we call multi-task in
the following, we have one output per AU and dataset, e.g.
we have one output for AU 1 of the opt-train set and one
for AU1 of the training set if we train with both datasets.
For prediction we always use the outputs trained with the
opt-train set, which is more accurately labeled, but follow-
ing the multi-task idea, the performance can benefit from
adding the huge 944k samples training set because it helps
to learn better features. With a batch of Nsamples and a
CNN with Moutputs the loss is calculated as:
L(y, ˆy) =
λm·wm(yn,m)·l(yn,m ,ˆyn,m),(1)
with ybeing the target label, ˆythe prediction, λma label-
specific weight, and l(y, ˆy)the binary cross-entropy. The
λm-values are tuned to adjust the training speed of the dif-
ferent AUs in order to avoid that some AUs are already
overfitting while others are still underfitted. For each la-
bel there is a class-dependent weighting function wm(y),
which zeros the loss for missing labels (unknown class) and
reduces the negative impact of the class imbalance, which
is common in AU recognition [7]. For this purpose, wm(y)
weights down the majority class samples and weights up the
minority class samples following the imbalancing damp-
ing idea of [7] (with α= 0.5for the expression AUs and
α= 0.7for the pose AUs). All weights are normalized to
not increase the average gradient length. The loss is opti-
mized with stochastic gradient descent. We use a batch size
of 16 and assemble the batches by equally sampling from
the datasets used for training. We apply early stopping with
a fixed number of epochs (OwnNet 500k, MobileNetV3
150k, EfficientNet-B0 300k) and start with a learning rate
of 0.1 (expression CNN) / 0.01 (pose CNN), reducing it by a
factor of 0.33 after half and three quarters of the iterations.
For data augmentation we use random cropping, horizon-
tal flipping, brightness and contrast adjustments, cutout, as
well as occasional downscaling and grayscale conversion.
Additionally, label smoothing (0.2) and weight decay (4e-
6) are used.
Self-Training: Inspired by [9] we use self-training to ben-
efit from the large 944k weakly / partly labeled training set:
We first train a model on the fully labeled opt-train set and
apply it to predict pseudo-labels on the training set. Af-
terwards we train a second model using both, the opt-train
set (with manual labels) and the training set (with pseudo-
labels). This way, the first model acts as a teacher and the
second as a student. In a second iteration, the student model
can be used to update the pseudo-labels and train a second
generation student model.
Ensemble: To improve results further we combine the
predictions of several well-performing student models in
heterogeneous ensembles. The models differ regarding the
pseudo-labels used for training and the CNN architectures.
We fuse the predictions by calculating the mean of the mod-
els’ output scores before rounding the resulting scores for
the final decision.
3. Experiments
Image Alignment: To analyze the impact of more de-
tails vs more context, we trained one common OwnNet8
model for all 23 AUs with the close-up view alignment and
one with the more-context view (left and right in Fig. 1).
The expression AUs performed better with the close-up
Figure 2. Per-AU final ranking scores on the opt-val set: OpenFace-Baseline and OwnNet8-Baseline (see text), the best teacher model T.1
(only trained on optimization set), the best student model A.2, and the fusion model A+B (mean score of all A and B models).
# Model Score
T.0 OwnNet3 teacher (opt-train only) 0.7531
OwnNet8 student 0.7647
EfficientNet-B0 student 0.7661
T.1 OwnNet8 teacher (opt-train only) 0.7637
MobileNetV3 student 0.7680
EfficientNet-B0 student 0.7699
EfficientNet-B0 student 0.7694
MobileNetV3 student 0.7671
OwnNet8 student 0.7666
- MobileNetV3 teacher (opt-train only) 0.7518
T.2 MobileNetV3 teacher (opt-train and training set) 0.7603
MobileNetV3 student 0.7623
EfficientNet-B0 student 0.7666
EfficientNet-B0 student 0.7674
OwnNet8 student 0.7706
OwnNet8 student (no multi-task) 0.7634
- EfficientNet-B0 teacher (opt-train only) 0.7602
T.3 EfficientNet-B0 teacher (opt-train and training set) 0.7609
OwnNet8 student 0.7684
MobileNetV3 student 0.7680
- Fusion A (mean score of A.1, A.2, A.3) 0.7767
- Fusion B (mean score of B.1, B.2, B.3) 0.7754
- Fusion A+B (mean score of all A and B) 0.7800
Table 1. Final ranking scores on the opt-val set. Indentation and
arrows show the teacher-student relation. T.* are identifiers of the
teacher models, A.* of the best student models in the category, B.*
of the second best student models. All student models have been
trained on the opt-train set (with manual labels) and the train-
ing set (with pseudo-labels generated by the teacher model) with
multi-task learning (if not denoted differently).
view (mean: 0.784 vs 0.772) and the head pose AUs with
the more-context view (mean: 0.554 vs 0.528). Thus, we
trained two CNNs in the following as mentioned in Sec. 2:
one with with close-up view images for expression AUs and
one with more-context view for pose AUs.
Multi-Task Self-Training: Table 1shows validation re-
sults obtained on the opt-val set. Some early teacher models
(OwnNet T.0 and T.1) were trained on the opt-train set only,
without using the 944k samples of the official training set.
After using multi-task learning for the student models, we
also trained teacher models with multi-task learning (using
the opt-train set and the training set with the labels provided
by [2]). These performed better than the respective teacher
models trained on only the opt-train set (compare T.2 and
T.3 with the respective line above). All student models out-
perform their respective teacher models, except the second
generation student models learning from the pseudo-labels
provided by the first generation student A.1. So the self-
training generally improves the results at least for the first
iteration. Comparing A.2 with the row below, which has
been trained without multi-task using the same output neu-
rons for the pseudo-labels of the 944k training set and the
manually labeled opt-train set, we see that multi-task learn-
ing is beneficial in combination with self-training, as the
pseudo-labels are still less accurate than the manual labels.
Ensemble: The last three rows of Table 1list the results
of combining the outputs of several models. All individual
models are outperformed by the three tested ensembles. The
fusion of all A and B models performs best.
Per-AU comparison: The challenge task was to recog-
nize 23 Action Units (AUs). Fig. 2shows the per-AU
results of several models, including two baselines: The
OpenFace-Baseline tests the expression AU output as pro-
vided by OpenFace [1]. The pose AUs (51-56) were pre-
dicted with an RBF-SVM trained on the head orientation
angles provided by OpenFace. The OwnNet8-Baseline is
similar to T.1, but trained with the 944k training set and the
labels automatically created by [2] (instead of the smaller
opt-train set with manual labels). The comparison (1) of
OpenFace with the others shows the benefit of our CNN
approach compared to OpenFace’s classical approach con-
sisting of feature extraction (HOG + landmarks / head pose)
followed by SVM; (2) of OwnNet8-Baseline with T.1 shows
that training with less but high quality labels in this case
is better than relying only on many more but weakly la-
beled samples; and (3) of T.1 and A.2 shows that especially
the head pose AUs (51-56) significantly benefit from self-
training. Fusion A+B consistently improves results com-
pared to A.2, but the benefits differ significantly between
EmotioNet Challenge Results: Table 2summarizes the
final ranking scores obtained on the official EmotioNet
2020 and 2018 Challenge validation and test sets. For our
final submission, we retrained all student models involved
Challenge 2020 Challenge 2018
Model / Participant Val. Set Test Set Val. Set Test Set
Our models
- Teacher T.0 0.7143 - 0.7754 -
- Teacher T.1 0.7213 - 0.7828 -
- Student A.1 0.7324 - 0.7873 -
- Fusion A+B 0.7448 - 0.8011 -
-Fusion A+B* 0.7452 0.7301 0.8014 0.7734
Competitors 2020
- TAL 0.7460 0.7306 -0.7722
- UCAS-NTU 0.6363 0.6711 - 0.7377
- UCAS-alibaba - 0.6053 - 0.6428
Best results 2018
- PingAn-GammaLab - - 0.7855 0.7553
- VisionLabs - - 0.6788 0.6718
- MIT - - 0.5995 0.6711
- Univ. of Washington - - 0.6645 0.6300
Table 2. Final ranking scores obtained on the validation and test
set of the EmotioNet 2020 Challenge (and its 2018 predecessor):
Our results, results of the best 2020 competitors, and of the best
2018 challenge participants.
Challenge 2020 Challenge 2018
Participant Accuracy F1 Accuracy F1
TAL 0.9147 0.5465 0.9499 0.5945
Univ. of Magdeburg 0.9124 0.5478 0.9458 0.6009
UCAS-NTU 0.9013 0.4410 0.9485 0.5268
PingAn-GammaLab - - 0.9446 0.5659
VisionLabs - - 0.9207 0.4229
MIT - - 0.9298 0.4125
Table 3. Accuracies and F1-scores of the best participants on the
test set of the EmotioNet 2020 and 2018 Challenges. We (Univ. of
Magdeburg) perform better in F1, TAL is better in accuracy.
in the A+B fusion with the whole opt set instead of the opt-
train subset to benefit from 5k additional manually labeled
samples. This model is denoted “Fusion A+B*” in Table 2.
The table also includes our prior validation attempts and the
best results of the other challenge participants. Our “Fu-
sion A+B*” model achieved the second place in the 2020
challenge, with a test performance that is only 0.05% worse
than the winner (TAL) but 5.9% better than the third place
(NCAS-NTU). On the 2018 challenge data (12 AUs; with-
out AU 10, 15, 18, 24, 28, and 51-56), we outperform
all other known results, including the 2018 challenge win-
ner (PingAn-GammaLab) and the 2020 challenge winner
(TAL). Table 3compares the mean accuracies and F1 per-
formances of the best 2020 and 2018 challenge participants.
4. Conclusion
In this paper we described our approach for facial Ac-
tion Unit (AU) recognition in the wild, which uses: (1) self-
training, (2) multi-task learning, (3) an heterogeneous en-
semble involving three CNN architectures, (4) a weighted
loss for handling data imbalance, and (5) a more-detail
face alignment for expression AUs and a more-context face
alignment for head pose AUs. With this approach we
reached the second place in the EmotioNet 2020 Challenge
(with only a small margin of 0.05% to the winner), with-
out using additional training data next to EmotioNet dataset
provided by the challenge organizers. Further, we achieved
the best result reported so far on the EmotioNet 2018 Chal-
lenge data.
Several experiments showed that self-training can im-
prove AU recognition if a large amount of unlabeled data is
available. This is promising for future works, since acquir-
ing FACS labels is expensive and unlabeled data is avail-
able virtually indefinitely. We can also recommend to apply
multi-task learning if multiple datasets are combined and
the datasets’ AU labels differ regarding their quality.
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