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Mediterranean BioMedical Journals
Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences
2020, Volume 7, ID 174
DOI: 10.15342/ijms.7.174
Analysis of the Charles De Gaulle Aircraft Carrier
Covid19 Epidemic: Infectivity and Fatality in the
Young, Healthy, Active Population
Alberto Boretti
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahad University
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
The case of the Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier Covid19 outbreak indicates those young, healthy and active, apart from
very few exceptions, do not get infected even if challenged, or are only very mild or asymptomatic if infected. As per April
20, 2020, of almost 2,000 people challenged, 1,081 got infected. Of the 1,081, only 24 ended up in a hospital. Of the 24, only
1 was reported in need of intensive care. As per April 29, 2020, only 5 were still in the hospital, and 1 in intensive care. As
per May 4, 2020, there were only 2 still in the hospital, 1 of them in need of intensive care. On May 11, 2020, only the 1
previously in intensive care was still hospitalized but out of intensive care. Thus, infectivity and fatality are much lower than
thought for the young, healthy, active population.
KEYWORDS: Immune System; Covid19; Exercise; Nutrition
Correspondence: Pr Alberto Boretti, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahad University, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Email: a.a.boretti@gmail.com
Copyright © 2020 Alberto Boretti.This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is
properly cited.
Covid19 (Figure 1 a transmission electron
microscope image shows the virus that causes
Covid19 isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging
from the surface of cells cultured in the lab) has so
far (June 11, 2020) caused 7,458,993 cases
worldwide for a total of 419,020 fatalities [1]. The
infected fatality rate, which was assumed initially to
be very high, is now demonstrated to be much less.
Asymptomatic and mild cases of Covid19 infection
have finally started to be detected and accounted for.
The fatality rate of Covid19, when these
asymptomatic and mild are included, is likely 0.12 to
0.20 [2]. This is certainly much higher than the
normal flu at 0.095 [3], but almost one order of
magnitude less than what is depicted in the general
press, and unfortunately some scientific literature
such as [4]. Same as the normal flu, Covid19 affects
mostly people with immune systems compromised
[5], [6]. The fatalities are almost entirely within the
risk categories for age or comorbidities [5], [6].
Those young, healthy, and active, apart from very
few exceptions,
do not get infected even if challenged with
the Covid19 virus
are mild or asymptomatic if infected.
The case of the Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier [7]
is one more proof for the above two statements. With
almost 2,000 healthy people on board, only 1,081 got
infected [7]. All of those on board were challenged.
There is no way to enforce distancing onboard of a
warship where people work with others in small
enclosed areas and the vast majority of the crew lack
of private quarters. As per April 20, 2020 [7], of
the1,081 only 24 ended up in a hospital, the others
being asymptomatic or mild. Of the 24, only 1 was
reported at the date in need of intensive care [7].
Alberto Boretti Charles De Gaulle Aircraft Carrier Covid19 Epidemic
Integr J Med Sci.2020;7:4p 2
While mainstream media (MM) gave worldwide
relevance to the 1,081 infected onboard the Charles
De Gaulle, they did not notice:
the only 24 out of the almost 2,000 exposed
ended up in need of medical attention,
the 1,057 of the 1,081 infected that were
mild or asymptomatic.
The numbers of the Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier
sometimes also include the supporting vessels. The
interest of MM towards the Charles De Gaulle
epidemic has dropped since the headlines about the
number of infected, completely ignoring the quick
recovery of the infected and the lack of any fatality.
Figure 1 - Novel Covid19 coronavirus. This transmission
electron microscope image shows the virus that causes
Covid19 isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging
from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. Credit:
NIAID-RML.CC BY 2.0. Image from [21].
The influence of vitamin C (Figure 2 the molecule)
on viral infections is controversial. Pauling [8]
suggested in 1970 that the assumption of Vitamin C
could prevent at least some people from being
infected by the normal flu. There is evidence that
some people remain in very good health, including
freedom from the common cold, year after year,
through the ingestion of only 250 mg of ascorbic acid
per day. The current prevailing opinion [9] is
however that Vitamin C only has modest prevention
power for the common cold. Opposite to cholesterol,
Vitamin C is needed by our bodies but it is not made
in our body. We need Vitamin C for the immune
functions, as well as iron absorption, bone structure,
or healthy skin. According to the review [10], that
accounted for 29 randomized trials with more than
11,000 participants, extremely active people taking at
least 200 mg of vitamin C every day cut the risk of
getting a cold. For the general population, taking
daily vitamin C did not reduce the risk of getting a
cold [10]. Regular supplements trials have also
shown that vitamin C reduces the duration of colds,
but this was not replicated in the few therapeutic
trials carried out [10].
Figure 2 - Vitamin C molecule. Left structural formula
image, right 3D image. Images obtained by using [22].
Taking at least 200 mg of vitamin C per day appears
to reduce the duration of cold symptoms by an
average of 8% in adults and 14% in children [10].
Thus, Vitamin C, if assumed regularly and in the due
amount, helps to make stronger the immune system,
and this is beneficial especially in healthy, active
peoples. The common cold coronaviruses are only
relatives of the Covid19 virus. 15% of common colds
are caused by coronaviruses. Coronaviruses are a
family of viruses that include the common cold
coronavirus, the MERS coronavirus, the SARS
coronavirus, and also the Covid19 coronavirus.
Nutrition is not only Vitamin C, and a strong immune
system is not only nutrition. Young, healthy, active
people do not get infected, or get infected but are
asymptomatic or mild when challenged by the
common cold coronaviruses. It should not be a
surprise that healthy people do not get infected, or get
infected but are asymptomatic or mild, also when
challenged by the Covid19 coronavirus. From the
Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier experiment, there
is a strong indication that this is the case. In the
younger population suffering from no precondition,
having a healthy, active lifestyle, and a strong
immune system, that is the result of proper nutrition
and regular exercise, in absence of negative
environmental stresses, helps with challenges such as
the Covid19 infection. In the young population, it is
stress, poor diet, lack of nutrients or protein,
inadequate sleep, and lack of physical activity that
can make the difference if challenged by the Covid19
Of the healthy about 2,000 people challenged by the
Covid19 virus onboard the Charles De Gaulle aircraft
carrier, 1,081 got infected, and of these 1,081, 1,057
did not require special medical attention [7]. This is
a fact that needs an explanation, not be ignored.
As per April 29, 2020 [11], after 9 more days, only 5
members of the crew were still in the hospital. On
May 4, 2020, there were only 2 still in the hospital, 1
of them in need of intensive care [12]. On May 11,
Alberto Boretti Charles De Gaulle Aircraft Carrier Covid19 Epidemic
Integr J Med Sci.2020;7:4p 3
2020, only the 1 previously in intensive care was still
hospitalized but out of the intensive care [13]. This is
another fact in need of an explanation, and not be
Thus, a strong immune system, maintained in the
young population through a healthy lifestyle
including exercise, healthy food, and regular intake
of supplements, minerals, and vitamins, is
determinant also for Covid19 infection. The
importance of nutrition and supplements is also
stressed in [14] to [20].
It is not more general nutrition or Vitamin C alone
that prevents Covid19 infection. It is a strong
immune system in the young population that
dramatically reduces the risk of being infected and
ending up in need of hospitalization if challenged by
the Covid19 virus, and good nutrition and regular
intake of supplements are ingredients of making
stronger the immune system. The numbers of the
Charles de Gaulle aircraft demonstrate much-reduced
infectivity and fatality than thought. Most of the
Covid19 fatalities, for example in the United
Kingdom, are projected at 57% by the end of June in
nurses' homes where protection to the vulnerable was
missing. Opposite, the lockdown of the general
population made no difference as shown by the
fatalities of Belgium and the United Kingdom
compared to those of the Netherlands or Sweden,
Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Number of fatalities, total and daily 7 days
rolling averages per million for Belgium, the United
Kingdom, Sweden and the Netherlands. Images from [23].
The fatalities of Belgium and the United Kingdom are larger
than the fatalities of Sweden and the Netherlands despite
the more severe restrictions. The differences reflect the
protection of the vulnerable more than the exposure of the
young, healthy and active population.
The author received no funding and has no conflict of
interest to declare.
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