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Microbial Indicators of Fecal Pollution: Recent Progress and Challenges in Assessing Water Quality



Purpose of review: Fecal contamination of water is a major public health concern. This review summarizes recent developments and advancements in water quality indicators of fecal contamination. Recent findings: This review highlights a number of trends. First, fecal indicators continue to be a valuable tool to assess water quality and have expanded to include indicators able to detect sources of fecal contamination in water. Second, molecular methods, particularly PCR-based methods, have advanced considerably in their selected targets and rigor, but have added complexity that may prohibit adoption for routine monitoring activities at this time. Third, risk modeling is beginning to better connect indicators and human health risks, with the accuracy of assessments currently tied to the timing and conditions where risk is measured. Research has advanced although challenges remain for the effective use of both traditional and alternative fecal indicators for risk characterization, source attribution and apportionment, and impact evaluation.
Microbial Indicators of Fecal Pollution: Recent Progress
and Challenges in Assessing Water Quality
David A. Holcomb
&Jill R. Stewart
#The Author(s) 2020
Purpose of Review Fecal contamination of water is a major public health concern. This review summarizes recent developments
and advancements in water quality indicators of fecal contamination.
Recent Findings This review highlights a number of trends. First, fecal indicators continue to be a valuable tool to assess water
quality and have expanded to include indicators able to detect sources of fecal contamination in water. Second, molecular
methods, particularly PCR-based methods, have advanced considerably in their selected targets and rigor, but have added
complexity that may prohibit adoption for routine monitoring activities at this time. Third, risk modeling is beginning to better
connect indicators and human healthrisks, with the accuracy of assessments currently tied to the timing and conditions where risk
is measured.
Summary Research has advanced although challenges remain for the effective use of both traditional and alternative fecal
indicators for risk characterization, source attribution and apportionment, and impact evaluation.
Keywords Escherichia coli .Environmental antimicrobial resistance .Fecal indicator bacteria .Microbial source tracking .
qPCR .Water quality
Fecal contamination of water continues to be a major public
health concern, with new challenges necessitating a renewed
urgency in developing rapid and reliable methods to detect
contamination and prevent human exposures. Aging sewer
infrastructure in the USA and elsewhere will require rapid
methods to assess fecal contamination of water [1,2,3].
The number of extreme weather events including flooding
events is forecast to increase with climate change and has been
associated with contamination of water resources [46]. Also,
the increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance is making it all
the more important to lower the rates of infections across the
globe, especially infections that require antibiotic treatment,
and to identify environments contaminated with antibiotic-
resistant pathogens [79].
Fecal indicator bacteria have been used for over 150 years to
indicate fecal contamination of water and associated health
risks (Table 1). The latter half of the nineteenth century saw
the discovery of waterborne disease transmission, perhaps most
famously in the analysis of drinking water systems by John
Snow during the 1854 London cholera outbreak and the isola-
tion of Vibrio cholerae by Robert Koch in 1884 (though first
identified in 1854 by Filippo Pacini) [1012]. Recognition that
sewage contamination of water sources spreads diseases such
as cholera and typhoid necessitated a means by which to ascer-
tain the presence of sewage in drinking water. Coliform bacte-
ria, a group of typically harmless Gram-negative bacteria that
constitute part of the natural gut microbiota in humans and other
warm-blooded animals, provided a simple and reasonably reli-
able tool for diagnosing sewage pollution in drinking water
samples owing to their high concentrations in sewage and ease
of culture [13,14]. A growing concern about fecal pollution in
the wider environment and the potential for human exposure to
enteric pathogens through additional environmental pathways,
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Water and Health
*Jill R. Stewart
Department of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public
Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 135 Dauer Dr.,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7435, USA
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Gillings
School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 135 Dauer Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7431, USA
Published online: 15 June 2020
Current Environmental Health Reports (2020) 7:311–324
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
especially recreational and foodborne exposure routes, encour-
aged subsequent efforts to assess fecal contamination in an
increasing variety of environmental matrices [15,16]. Feces
can contain a wide range of pathogens, which when introduced
to the environment may persist for varying amounts of time,
often at concentrations too low for reliable detection but still
hazardous to human health [1719]. Furthermore, conventional
methods of enteric pathogen detection are generally time-con-
suming, expensive, and often insensitive even in fresh feces
[20]. The use of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) like the fecal
coliform Escherichia coli to suggest the presence of hazardous
fecal pollution therefore continues to be a valuable tool to assess
water quality.
Limitations of the fecal indicator paradigm have long been
acknowledged [2123]. Researchers have identified many
challenges and limitations to the effective use of both tradi-
tional and alternative fecal indicators to characterize risk,
identify sources, and evaluate interventions [2426].
Arguably, one of the most significant limitations is the incon-
sistent relationships between FIB occurrence, enteric patho-
gens, and health risks [25,27]. In settings with high rates of
enteric infection and inadequate fecal waste management,
E. coli in drinking water (but not other coliforms) has often
been associated with increased risk of illness [2830].
Similarly, the health risks of recreational uses of surface wa-
ters have been found to increase with FIB density, but gener-
ally only at locations with known human fecal inputs or under
high-risk conditions, such as following precipitation or the
removal of physical barriers [25,3135]. The FIB found to
correlate with health risks also vary widely by site [32]. The
co-occurrence of enteric pathogens and FIB in ambient waters
is inconsistent at best [27,36], and commonly used FIB are
known to persist and grow in the environment [3742].
In this paper, we review recent progress in the quest for
improved indicators of fecal contamination in water. We sum-
marize recent advances in alternative indicators with a focus
on microbial source tracking markers. We also recognize the
advances in molecular methods that are increasingly being
used to detect fecal contamination of water and to identify
sources of contamination. Improvements in detection capabil-
ities, analytical sensitivity, and data quality are discussed
along with barriers that must be overcome for wider adoption.
We review efforts to characterize health hazards associated
with fecal contamination, and we distinguish the timing and
conditions when indicators appear best suited to identify risks
to human health. Finally, we identify opportunities for contin-
ued improvements in the use of indicator organisms to assess
environmental fecal pollution and to safeguard human health.
Alternative Indicators
Many alternative fecal microbes have been proposed to ad-
dress the limitations of traditional FIB as indicators of fecal
pollution [21,22,43]. Better surrogates that share environ-
mental fate and transport mechanisms with pathogens of
concernparticularly coliphages, viruses that infect E. coli
bacteria, and obligate anaerobes, thought to have host speci-
ficity and to derive exclusively from recent fecal
contaminationhave frequently been identified as potential
alternative indicators expected to better represent risks to hu-
man health [4446]. Health risks from exposure to ambient
fecal contamination are largely a function of the specific path-
ogens present and their concentrations in the exposure matrix,
which is strongly influenced by the source of the fecal pollu-
tion [4751]. Enteric viruses that primarily derive from human
Table 1 Indicators of fecal contamination for water quality assessments
Indicator Example targets Applications Stage of
Fecal indicator bacteria
culture-based detection
E. coli, enterococci Hazard identification, regulatory
Fecal indicator bacteria
molecular detection
E. coli, enterococci Hazard identification, regulatory
Fecal indicator viruses Coliphages, Bacteroides bacteriophages Assess risk from enteric viruses Late
Human-associated MST
Bacteroides HF183, HumM2, PMMoV,
Determine source of contamination Middle
Animal-associated MST
BacCow, BacCan, avian GFD, Pig-2-Bac Determine source of contamination Middle
Index pathogens Noroviruses, rotaviruses, Salmonella spp.,
Campylobacter spp., Cryptosporidium spp.
Risk assessment Middle
(AMR) bacteria
ESBL E. coli, MAR E. coli, MRSA Assess environmental antimicrobial
Antimicrobial resistance
genes (ARGs)
intI, mcr-1,tnpA,sul1, tetW, tetM, qepA,bla
Assess environmental antimicrobial
PMMoV pepper mild mottle virus, ESBL E. coli extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing E. coli,MAR E. coli multiple antibioticresistant E. coli,
MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
312 Curr Envir Health Rpt (2020) 7:311–324
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sources, notably human noroviruses, drive the global burden
of gastrointestinal illness, including from recreational water
exposures [2,5256]. Highly persistent and infectious proto-
zoan parasites are shed at high rates by livestock [2,5759],
and avian sources introduce bacterial pathogens like
Campylobacter spp.and non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., par-
ticularly the poultry common in domestic environments in
low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) where frequent
exposure is likely [57,6064]. Given the differences in human
health risks and appropriate mitigation strategies for fecal pol-
lution from different sources, there is a need to identify not
only the presence of fecal contamination but also its origins.
Because traditional FIB cannot discriminate between fecal
sources, host-associated fecal microbes have been the subject
of extensive research in recent years for use as indicators of
source-attributable fecal pollution, an approach known as mi-
crobial source tracking (MST) [23,43].
Microbial Source Tracking
Numerous host-associated organisms and gene markers have
been identified for identifying sources of fecal pollution in
water, none of which has demonstrated perfect source sensi-
tivity and specificity [46]. Numerous MST markers target
members of the order Bacteroidales,manyofwhichareobli-
gate anaerobes and abundant constituents of the gut microbi-
ota in warm-blooded animals, including one of the most com-
mon and earliest-proposed human-associated molecular
markers, HF183 [43,46,65,66]. Because MST targets spe-
cific constituents of the gut microbiota, the diagnostic perfor-
mance of each MST marker can vary substantially between
populations. Validation of existing MST markers for use in
new geographic locations is increasingly standard practice
[24], with recently published MST validation studies conduct-
ed in Australia [67,68], Bangladesh [69,70], Costa Rica [71],
India [72], Japan [73,74], Mozambique [75], New Zealand
[76], Nepal [77,78], Singapore [79], Thailand [80], and the
USA [81,82], and a global evaluation of markers in sewage
from 13 countries on 6 continents [83]. Potential MST
markers continue to be identified, most notably human-
associated crAssphage, a bacteriophage infecting
Bacteroides intestinalis recently discovered to be an abundant,
globally distributed constituent of the human gut virome
[8489]. Human-associated E. coli markers, long-desired for
their direct correspondence to a common FIB used for regu-
latory purposes, have also been developed [9092], though
they may lack the analytical sensitivity for effective use in
ambient waters [93]. The identification of new markers is
increasingly supported by advances in sequencing technology
and bioinformatics [84,9496], and next-generation sequenc-
ing (NGS)based MST approaches continue to be refined
[97]. Although highly dependent on fecal library composition
(the collection of metagenomic sequences from known fecal
sources that informs source identification algorithms)
[97101], NGS-MST has the potential to identify finer dis-
tinctions between sources, as demonstrated by a study in
Kenya that distinguished between fecal contamination from
young children and adults [102]. The recent introduction of
more affordable and portable long-read sequencing platforms,
while currently error prone, promises to accelerate the use of
sequencing to characterize fecal contamination [103,104].
MST proponents typically advocate a toolbox approach
to fecal source attribution that combines multiple MST
markers, detection methods, and sampling strategies in recog-
nition of the limitations of any single MST marker to reliably
and conclusively characterize fecal pollution [105107]. Two
toolbox constituents recently receiving much attention in the
literature are pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), a plant virus
infecting Capsicum species acquired by humans from dietary
sources, and crAssphage, both viruses that hold promise as
human-associated viral surrogates owing to their global distri-
bution in sewage at densities typically much higher than other
viruses [2,71,74,78,108110]. Nonetheless, Bacteroides
HF183 and its variants have arguably consolidated their role
as the default tool for human source tracking [43], featuring
consistently high concentrations in sewage globally [83], fre-
quent detection in surface waters [61,93,110112], standard-
ized protocols [81,113], and validated multiplex assays [89,
114]. However, the diagnostic performance of HF183 and
most other human-associated markers has typically been poor
in highly contaminated settings in many low- and middle-
income countries (LMIC) [58,69,70,72,75,115], with the
exception of high sensitivity to child feces in urban Kenya
Successful identification of non-human fecal sources may
best demonstrate the value of MST for informing management
and research priorities. Unlike human-associated markers, an-
imal fecal markers (e.g., livestock-associated BacCow and
canine-associated BacCan, both with Bacteroidales targets,
and avian-associated GFD, which targets the genus
Helicobacter) have performed well in LMIC settings and have
repeatedly identified livestock as major sources of fecal con-
tamination and pathogens in the domestic environment,
supporting recent calls for renewed emphasis on animal waste
management [58,116]. Likewise, MST investigations can im-
pact management and mitigation programs by determining
that wildlife, livestock, or pets contributed substantially to
fecal pollution in certain watersheds and beaches [81,117,
118,119]. The forensic potential of MST was demonstrated
during a 2019 Campylobacter outbreak in Norway, which was
attributed to non-human sources, most likely horses, using a
combination of FIB, MST, and direct pathogen detection
[120]. MST has also been used to identify sources of antimi-
crobial resistance, the environmental dimensions of which re-
main poorly understood [121,122]. Similar investigations are
likely to increasingly carry legal implications, for instance, by
313Curr Envir Health Rpt (2020) 7:311–324
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implicating animal agriculture industries in unpermitted sur-
face water pollution [13,123,124].
Molecular Methods: Challenges and Advances
The historic infeasibility of comprehensive direct pathogen
detection in environmental waters continues to motivate the
use of fecal indicators, which have traditionally been detected
using culture-based methods. Growing FIB from water sam-
ples on selective media is routine and relatively inexpensive
but generally requires a minimum of 18 hours to obtain re-
sults, by which time conditions at the sampling location may
have dramatically changed [125127]. Furthermore, the obli-
gate anaerobes and host-specific viruses proposed as alterna-
tive indicators for MST are often not amenable to laboratory
culture [43]. A range of alternative detection methods contin-
ue to be developed and are the subject of several recent com-
prehensive reviews [97,128131], with real-time polymerase
chain reaction (qPCR) and related molecular methods that
infer the presence of fecal microbes from their genetic material
experiencing particularly widespread adoption [43].
By bypassing culture, samples can be analyzed by qPCR in as
few as three hours or stabilized for transport and extended
storage prior to analysis [126], However, this analysis may
detect residual signals from organisms that are not viable or
infectious at the time of collection [132]. Although gene
markers must be pre-specified, qPCR (alongside reverse-
transcription PCR (RT-PCR) for RNA markers) provides a
consistent approach for detecting targets ranging from FIB
to viruses, human mitochondrial DNA, and genes conferring
pathogenicity or antimicrobial resistance [27,43,133]. qPCR
assays can also be multiplexed to detect a limited number of
targets in a single reaction. Furthermore, the recent develop-
ment of qPCR array cards that enable simultaneous detection
of dozens of gene targets in a single sample demonstrates the
growing feasibility of direct detection of a comprehensive set
of enteric pathogens alongside functional genes and fecal in-
dicators [134142].
Analytical Sensitivity
Although qPCR is a sensitive method relative to culture and
conventional PCR [20,143], it is vulnerable to interference
from other substances common in environmental waters that
can reduce the availability of target DNA or inhibit polymer-
ase function, limiting assay sensitivity [144]. Strategies to
mitigate matrix interference include sample dilution or chem-
ical treatment, nucleic acid purification, inhibition-resistant
reagents, and the use of multiple processing and internal
controls to both identify inhibited samples and competitively
bind interfering substances [144146]. Such approaches in-
crease the complexity, expense, and time requirements for
analysis, and physical removal of inhibitors through dilution
or purification also reduces target DNA, providing
diminishing returns to analytical sensitivity [147,148].
Complete abatement of qPCR inhibition is likely unrealistic;
nevertheless, recent efforts to standardize qPCR procedures
for water quality assessment suggest that a set of existing
mitigation practices is sufficient to render matrix interference
a manageable nuisance in most applications [81,144,149].
Increasing adoption of digital PCR (dPCR), a quantitative
PCR approach robust to inhibition, will likely further alleviate
the challenge of inhibition for routine molecular detection of
fecal microbes [61,114,128,150152].
Improved assay sensitivity offers little benefit if the target
is unlikely to be present in the test sample due to low ambient
concentrations. While simulation studies indicate that the con-
centrations at which bacterial indicators represent elevated
risk of illness are well above the limits of detection [153],
enteric viruses, protozoan parasites, and some alternative in-
dicators (e.g., coliphages) commonly require larger sample
volumes for reliable capture, necessitating concentration
methods to obtain test sample volumes that can be accommo-
dated by the chosen detection method [44,128]. Filtration
approaches that allow simultaneous concentration of a wide
range of organisms are increasingly used to process samples,
including as part of automated large-volume samplers, prior to
culture or molecular detection [128,154156]. Ultrafiltration
techniques in particular have demonstrated reasonably effi-
cient and consistent recovery for a variety of organisms, water
types, and sample volumes, providing a natural complement
to multitarget arrays, and increasingly appear to be the default
concentration approach for many applications [154,
157161]. Co-concentration of qPCR inhibitors during ultra-
filtration is a concern, but effective inhibition mitigation has
been demonstrated by further processing of the concentrate
prior to analysis [160,162164].
Data Quality
Generalized data reporting guidelines notwithstanding [165], dif-
ferences in analytical procedures and data handling practices
were identified as major sources of variability in a
multilaboratory comparison study of primarily qPCR-based
MST approaches [24,166]. Substantial effort has been devoted
in recent years to the development and implementation of stan-
dardized protocols and quality control metrics for fecal indicator
assessment by qPCR [113,167,168]. A notable feature shared
by these protocols and other recent recommendations for im-
proved reliability of molecular detection methods is a reliance
on numerous controls throughout the procedure [128,137].
While the use of positive and negative controls is standard for
314 Curr Envir Health Rpt (2020) 7:311–324
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most analytical techniques, requirements outlined in standard-
ized qPCR protocols generally include multiple serial dilutions
of standard reference material to construct calibration curves,
sample processing controls (SPC), method extraction blanks
(MEB), internal amplification controls (IAC), and no template
controls (NTC), with two or three replicates of each sample,
control, and standard dilution series concentration analyzed on
each instrument run [113]. Each additional reference or control
material must be obtained, prepared, stored, and used in the
appropriate manner, increasing per-sample costs and introducing
considerable complexity and opportunity for user error. In a
recent large demonstration project, some laboratories without
extensive previous qPCR experience struggled to achieve ade-
quate quality control despite receiving method-specific instru-
mentation, materials, and training. Even laboratories with sub-
stantial qPCR experience regularly failed to meet data quality
criteria in this study [149]. The compounding complexity re-
quired for reliable results suggests that qPCR in its current form
may be unsuitable for routine monitoring purposes except in
particularly well-resourced laboratories that regularly process
sufficient sample numbers to warrant the equipment, properly
maintain assay materials, and ensure sustained institutional ex-
perience. By contrast, culture-based FIB detection has grown
increasingly accessible following recent efforts to develop low-
cost field tests that can be performed with minimal equipment at
ambient temperatures [125,169,170]. While still requiring sub-
stantial resources and expertise, dPCR requires fewer controls
and precise reference materials than qPCR because it is robust to
matrix interference and offers absolute quantification, features
which may position dPCR to be increasingly adopted for general
use [171]. Both up-front and per-reaction costs are considerably
higher for dPCR compared to qPCR, but the improved
multiplexing performance, fewer required control reactions,
and greater precision of dPCR present opportunities to mitigate
differences in per-sample costs [114,143,172,173].
Health Relevance and Protection
In addition to revealing fecal pollution and elucidating its
sources, fecal indicators are widely used to characterize health
hazards in waters potentially impacted by fecal contamination.
This approach has proven somewhat effective in drinking wa-
ter and for recreational exposures during wet weather or near
point sources of fecal pollution [25,28,35]. A recent review
found increased likelihood of co-detection of fecal indicators
and enteric pathogens in recreational waters under similar
conditions [27]. However, relationships between fecal indica-
tors and gastrointestinal illness have mostly not been observed
in waters impacted by non-point source pollution [25,33,
174], despite well-documented risks to swimmers [31].
In the absence of consistent empirical relationships, quan-
titative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) has been used to
estimate the health implications of various indicators intro-
duced by different fecal sources [153,175]. Notably, thresh-
old concentrations at which MST markers correspond to in-
creased risk of illness have been estimated in several QMRA
studies; these thresholds are comfortably above the typical
limits of detection, suggesting that the markers are highly
likely to be detected should their associated pathogens be
present at hazardous levels [2,3,49,56,62,176].
Indicator-based risk assessment requires defining the relation-
ships between the indicator concentration and the index patho-
gens selected for consideration, typically a subset of pathogens
expected to account for the majority of the risk and for which
dose-response relationships have been characterized [55,175]. A
substantial body of research characterizing processes affecting
indicator-pathogen relationships has culminated in the recent
publication of several comprehensive reviews and meta-
analyses of the occurrence, transport, and persistence of indica-
tors and common index pathogens in fecal waste streams and
surface water [17,27,177179]. Associations between indica-
tors and pathogens in surface water have been largely inconsis-
tent, although empirical determination of these relationships is
challenged by the limitations of direct pathogen detection; asso-
ciations are more commonly observed among more frequently
detected organisms [27,36]. Microbial occurrence is more con-
sistent in feces and particularly in sewage, which smooths the
high individual variability in fecal microbe shedding by
representing the combined fecal inputs of populations [177,
178,180182]. Despite less frequent detection of alternative
indicators in recreational waters [27], high concentrations of
multiple human-associated markers have been reported world-
wide in both raw and biologically treated wastewater [83].
Meta-analyses have also found high coliphage and norovirus
densities in raw sewage around the world [178,180]. A wide
range of pathogens have frequently been detected in stormwater,
though with greater variability and typically at lower concentra-
tions than in sewage [179].
Upon introduction to the environment, microbial contami-
nants are subject to highly variable dispersal and decay process-
es [17]. Differential transport and decay of indicators and path-
ogens reduce associations between them that may have been
present at the source, but the numerous factors affecting envi-
ronmental fate and transport were previously poorly understood
[24]. Many studies have since investigated the persistence of
different organisms under various conditions, often using seeded
mesocosms [17]. A recent QMRA study incorporated a meta-
analysis of decay rates and found that the risk represented by a
particular concentration of sewage-derived HF183 increased
with time because it decayed faster than norovirus, the principal
driver of risk [2]. Conversely, another QMRA found that failing
to account for differential decay overestimated the risk posed by
animal fecal sources but did not meaningfully affect the risk
from human sources, which in this study was dominated by
viruses with similar decay characteristicsashuman-associated
315Curr Envir Health Rpt (2020) 7:311–324
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markers [49]. However, the multitude of factors that affect mi-
crobial fate and transport calls into question the generalizability
of such assessments given the wide spatial and temporal varia-
tion in natural conditions, particularly across organisms and fe-
cal sources [17,183].
Applications and Recommendations
The use of FIB for fecal contamination assessment continues to
have many applications and has expanded with the broad adop-
tion of MST approaches. Routine monitoring of surface waters is
widely conducted in order to assess regulatory compliance, char-
acterize water quality trends, and provide timely warnings to
protect public health [184189]. Specific investigations, often
supplemented with historical monitoring data, may be conducted
to inform management strategies and remediation efforts and to
evaluate the impacts of infrastructure, policy, and practices [59,
118,179,190193]. Forensic applications are increasingly pur-
sued to assign responsibility for fecal pollution, largely enabled
by wider adoption of MST approaches and molecular detection
methods [13,69,70,106,117,120,123].
Despite their widespread use, evidence for the suitability of
indicators in evaluative applications remains mixed and ap-
pears to vary depending on the timing and conditions under
which they are applied. Under favorable conditions that pro-
vide more proximate connections between indicators and their
sources (e.g., near wastewater outfalls or in household drink-
ing water), indicator abundance may be associated with in-
creased risk of illness that one would expect with elevated
fecal loads [25,29,194]. Interventions that directly impact
sources, such as gull deterrence at beaches, may also be
reflected in indicator concentrations [118]. Contamination
through less direct processes, such as non-point source pollu-
tion, is subject to the numerous factors affecting microbial fate
and transport, which may account for the large temporal var-
iability often observed in FIB concentrations and the lack of
association with illness [25,127,195]. Such variability limits
the amount of information conveyed by individual observa-
tions, requiring much larger datasets to disentangle trends in
indicator occurrence from the inherent variance in indicator
measurements [188,189]. These limitations are especially
pronounced when anticipated effects are indirect and small
relative to typical indicator concentrations, which may be
maintained in part by other sources and pathways of contam-
ination [138,192,193,196]. The outsized influence of pre-
cipitation on microbial concentrations may obscure less dra-
matic dynamics in many systems [195]. Furthermore, clear
long-term indicator trends do not necessarily represent con-
comitant changes in pathogen hazards [157].
The increasing feasibility of comprehensive direct path-
ogen detection suggests that situations demanding a high
degree of confidence about the presence of hazardous fecal
contamination may be best served by assaying pathogens
directly, utilizing concentration methods to improve sensi-
tivity as appropriate [128]. The possibility of false nega-
tives due to temporal and spatial variability, while partially
addressable through strategies such as composite sam-
pling, nevertheless suggests that general fecal indicators
should continue to be assessed to complement direct path-
ogen detection efforts. Despite the recent introduction of
procedures to simultaneously quantify multiple FIB, MST,
and pathogen genes in under 4 hours [139], the expense,
necessary expertise, and rapid pace of change likely pre-
clude the routine application of direct pathogen detection
for some time to come. Meanwhile, protecting public
health in recreational waters remains an important (and
legally mandated) goal. High-traffic beaches with
established daily microbial water quality testing programs
and dedicated laboratory facilities are likely to benefit from
implementing rapid FIB qPCR monitoring with same-day
notification [126,197]. As such beaches are often located
near large urban areas and impacted by human sources,
they may further benefit from instead implementing simul-
taneous monitoring of FIB and human-associated markers
by duplex dPCR to establish time trends in human-source
contamination at little additional cost [112,114]. Although
associations between human-associated markers and gas-
trointestinal illness are generally lacking [32,174], their
regular application across multiple human-impacted loca-
tions may provide useful information to prioritize remedi-
ation efforts [111,112].
Locations that host fewer recreators, have limited monitoring
resources and sampling frequency, or are impacted by non-point
sources, for which generalizable relationships between indicators
and risk are lacking, are unlikely to realize similar benefits from
adopting rapid molecular monitoring while incurring substantial
additional expense, complexity, and opportunity for error [149,
198,199]. Rather, supplementing existing FIB monitoring pro-
grams with predictive modeling may present a more feasible
approach for expanding the scope of microbial water quality
assessment in the numerous surface waters for which monitoring
resources are limited [200,201]. Precipitationperhaps the most
consistent factor in recreational water quality, reliably increasing
ambient fecal microbe concentrations and the risk of illness
likewise tends to drive predictive FIB model outcomes [119,179,
195,202204]; for many applications, providing recreational
guidance on the basis of recent precipitation may well present
the most reliable method for protecting public health [110].
The value of fecal indicators as investigative tools to identify
fecal pollution has been reaffirmed and expanded with the
broad adoption of MST approaches, despite imperfect
316 Curr Envir Health Rpt (2020) 7:311–324
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sensitivity and specificity [58,81,110,118,119]. Also, the
literature on many technical aspects of fecal indicators and
their applications has notably matured, as demonstrated by
the recent publication of several comprehensive reviews [2,
17,25,27,44,144,153]. The improved understanding of
microbial dynamics and detection approaches has supported
the development of more nuanced and robust procedures for
characterizing fecal pollution. Nevertheless, this body of work
also serves to emphasize the incredible complexity and vari-
ability of fecal microbes in the environment and reinforces the
challenges to their effective use.
Major challenges remain in source apportionment, risk
characterization, and impact evaluation. Additional research
is needed to further refine indicators of fecal contamination
and to add tools to the toolbox appropriate for emerging chal-
lenges. New indicators are needed to detect antimicrobial-
resistant bacteria and resistance genes in water samples and
to link environmental antimicrobial resistance to health risks.
Better risk characterizations are needed to improve risk
modeling and to expand the timing and conditions under
which these models can reliably predict threats to human
health. Also, empirical models that identify associations be-
tween indicators and co-measured predictors, particularly
rainfall, can likely alleviate some of the sample burden asso-
ciated with water quality assessments. Direct pathogen detec-
tion is becoming more feasible than in previous years and is
likely to be more of a focus for water quality tests in the future.
Together, these advances are improving water quality assess-
ments and identifying appropriate actions to safeguard public
health across the globe.
Acknowledgments David Holcomb received support from the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (T32ES007018). Jill Stewart
was supported by NSF grant 1316318 as part of the joint NSF-NIH-
USDA Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program.
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Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
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the authors.
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... The extensive focus on E. coli and total coliforms in wastewater management reflects their role as reliable indicators of fecal contamination and potential health risks [56,57]. These organisms are crucial markers for assessing the microbiological quality of effluents and the efficacy of wastewater treatment processes [57,58]. ...
... The extensive focus on E. coli and total coliforms in wastewater management reflects their role as reliable indicators of fecal contamination and potential health risks [56,57]. These organisms are crucial markers for assessing the microbiological quality of effluents and the efficacy of wastewater treatment processes [57,58]. Regulatory standards, such as those set by the United States of America's Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), mandate limits on E. coli and Total coliform levels in treated wastewater, driving the need for thorough monitoring and compliance [59][60][61]. ...
... While these indicators are easily cultured in most laboratories, a major drawback is that they cannot discern human sources, that is, sewage contamination, and can be introduced into waterways through waste from agricultural animals, domestic pets, or wildlife 11 . Each of these sources pose vastly different health risks and require different management interventions 8,12 . In addition, assessments of water quality based on cultured bacteria are susceptible to transient temporal factors since the measured concentration of indicators is dependent on recovering viable organisms at the time of sampling as they disperse in waterways. ...
... In response to these challenges, molecular-based approaches are becoming more prominent as more informative assessments for human and ecosystem health risks 5,17 . These approaches specifically target human microflora and use quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays that are both highly specific and sensitive for measuring human faecal bacteria 12 . Likewise, advances in DNA sequencing technologies allow for the detection of signals from multiple organisms, potentially providing additional, multivariate signals to assess water contamination [18][19][20][21] . ...
Human population pressures and activities pose unprecedented challenges to water resources in urban environments. However, standard methods of assessing microbial water quality have relied on the same cultured organisms for decades. We show that there is a conserved microbial assemblage in untreated sewage that can be exploited to improve global sewage surveillance. Among harbour and coastal water samples from 18 cities across 5 continents (n = 442), nearly half had evidence of sewage contamination using two human faecal bacteria as molecular indicators. In contrast, conventional measures using cultured Escherichia coli or enterococci only exceeded water quality limits in ~18% of samples, with less than half of these demonstrating sewage indicators. Contaminated locations also displayed a signature characteristic of microorganisms mainly derived from sewer infrastructure. Given the human health risk, loss of ecosystem services and economic costs associated with contaminated coastal waters, molecular approaches could provide more reliable information on sewage contamination of urban waterways.
... Several indicators of fecal contamination have been proposed for monitoring the quality of beach sand, including counts or densities of total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci, yeasts, fungi, viruses, parasites, and potentially pathogenic and allergenic dermatophytes (Brandão et al., 2011(Brandão et al., , 2021Korajkic et al., 2018;Sabino et al., 2014;Schang et al., 2016;Shah et al., 2011). Nevertheless, detecting the presence of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) remains an important component of the risk assessment of recreational waters given that FIB's survival could be shorter compared to pathogenic organisms (Girones et al., 2010;Harwood et al., 2014;Holcomb & Stewart, 2020;Oliver et al., 2015;Rumball et al., 2022;Stewart et al., 2008). Furthermore, the presence of FIBs is usually determined using culture techniques that cannot detect viable but non-culturable cells (VBNC; Ahmad et al., 2011). ...
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For decades, the risk of exposure to infectious diseases in recreational beaches has been evaluated through the quantification of fecal indicator bacteria in water samples using culture methods. The analyses of sand samples have recently been developed as a complement to the monitoring of recreational waters in beach quality assessments. The growing use of molecular techniques for environmental monitoring allows for the rapid detection of pathogenic genes, thus providing more accurate information regarding the health risk of exposure to contaminated sand. The aim of this work was to determine the relationship between the fecal indicators abundance in water and sand and the presence of Shiga toxin-producer Escherichia coli (STEC) in sand by analyzing samples from touristic beaches using culture-dependent (fecal coliforms assay) and culture-independent (real-time PCR of stx1, stx2, and eae genes) techniques. We found a high concentration of coliform bacteria in water and sand in several beaches in eastern Uruguay, with different levels of sanitation networks and levels of urbanization. The presence of STEC virulence genes (mainly stx1) was confirmed in 8 out of 20 sand samples. The recreational use of sandy beaches may imply a risk to the health of its users, especially near streams and creek outflows, thus highlighting the need of monitoring sand bacteriological quality and pathogens using molecular tools.
... All studies in low-income communities have found the fecal indicator E.coli in all soil samples collected from children play spaces and concluded they reflect environmental contamination and the need for improved sanitation and hygiene practices [34]. Although the examination of fecal indicator bacteria, such as E. coli, in soil can yield valuable insights into the contamination levels in some circumstances, these bacteria can be naturalized microbiota of the ecosystem, and indicator assays cannot attribute their presence to human, animal, or environmental origin [35,36]. In this study, we found no difference in general E. coli in Kibera and Jericho, even though Jericho has comprehensive household sanitation coverage and low open defecation, indicating E. coli was not useful as an indicator of human feces contamination. ...
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Public spaces in countries with limited societal development can be contaminated with feces containing pathogenic microbes from animals and people. Data on contamination levels, spatial distribution, and the diversity of enteric pathogens in the public settings of low- and middle-income neighborhoods are crucial for devising strategies that minimize the enteric infection burden. The objective of this study was to compare spatial–temporal differences in the detection rate and diversity of enteric pathogens in the public spaces of low- and middle-income neighborhoods of Nairobi, Kenya. TaqMan array card (TAC) molecular assays were employed to analyze soil samples for 19 enteropathogens, along with a selective bacterial culture for pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae. An observational assessment was conducted during every site visit to document the hygienic infrastructure and sanitation conditions at the sites. We detected at least one pathogen in 79% (127/160) and ≥2 pathogens in 67.5% (108/160) of the soil samples tested. The four most frequently detected pathogens were EAEC (67.5%), ETEC (59%), EPEC (57.5%), and STEC (31%). The detection rate (91% vs. 66%) and mean number of enteric pathogens (5 vs. 4.7) were higher in low-income Kibera than in middle-income Jericho. The more extensive spatial distribution of pathogens in Kibera resulted in increases in the detection of different enteric pathogens from within-site (area < 50 m²) and across-site (across-neighborhood) movements compared to Jericho. The pathogen detection rates fluctuated seasonally in Jericho but remained at sustained high levels in Kibera. While better neighborhood conditions were linked with lower pathogen detection rates, pathogenic E. coli remained prevalent in the public environment across both neighborhoods. Future studies should focus on identifying how the sources of pathogen contamination are modified by improved environmental sanitation and hygiene and the role of these contaminated public environments in enteric infections in children.
... Many indicators can assist in the assessment of microbiological contamination of water. These include fecal indicator bacteria that are members of the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and other warm-blooded animals [12]. Fecal indicators include total coliforms (TC), fecal coliforms (FC) (a group of bacteria within the TC), and Escherichia coli (E. ...
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Urbanization has caused severe negative impacts on intra-urban river water worldwide. In this study, the WHO drinking water standards (2024) were used as reference to assess the physicochemical properties, heavy metals (HMs) content and microbial load in water and sediment samples collected from 25 locations along Rachiine River, located in Northern Lebanon, during wet and dry periods. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to evaluate the seasonal variations in water and sediment quality, and determine the pollution sources. The microbial load assessment indicated high pollution levels by Escherichia coli, fecal enterococci, total coliform and fecal coliform, which generally increased as the river progressed downstream. Cluster analysis (CA) provided three major clusters in the study region, representing the northern, central, and southern sectors of the river. Principal components analysis (PCA) of water samples generated four principal components (PCs) accounting for 64.3, 11.4, 7.6 and 4.1% of the total variance, whereas PCA of sediment samples explained 59.1, 16.9 and 11.1% of the data set variance. These PCs revealed that the quality of water and sediments is significantly impacted by point and diffuse sources, including geological and anthropogenic factors. These findings call for urgent management strategies to limit future deterioration of the aquatic bodies.
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Canada is considered a freshwater-rich country, despite this, several Indigenous reserves struggle with household water insecurity. In fact, some of these communities have lacked access to safe water for almost 30 years. Water quality in Canadian Indigenous reserves is influenced by several factors including source water quality, drinking water treatments applied, water distribution systems, and water storage tanks when piped water is unavailable. The objective of this multifaceted review is to spot the challenges and consequences of inadequate drinking water systems (DWS) and the available technical and microbiological alternatives to address water sanitation coverage in Indigenous reserves of Canada, North America (also known as Turtle Island). A comprehensive literature review was conducted using national web portals from both federal and provincial governments, as well as academic databases to identify the following topics: The status of water insecurity in Indigenous communities across Canada; Microbiological, chemical, and natural causes contributing to water insecurity; Limitations of applying urban-style drinking water systems in Indigenous reserves in Canada and the management of DWS for Indigenous communities in other high-income countries; and the importance of determining the microbiome inhabiting drinking water systems along with the cutting-edge technology available for its analysis. A total of 169 scientific articles matched the inclusion criteria. The major themes discussed include: The status of water insecurity and water advisories in Canada; the risks of pathogenic microorganisms (i.e., Escherichia coli and total coliforms) and other chemicals (i.e., disinfection by-products) found in water storage tanks; the most common technologies available for water treatment including coagulation, high-and low-pressure membrane filtration procedures, ozone, ion exchange, and biological ion exchange and their limitations when applying them in remote Indigenous communities. Furthermore, we reviewed the benefits and drawbacks that high throughput tools such as metagenomics (the study of genomes of microbial communities), culturomics (a high-efficiency culture approach), and microfluidics devices (microminiaturized instruments) and what they could represent for water monitoring in Indigenous reserves. This multifaceted review demonstrates that water insecurity in Canada is a reflection of the institutional structures of marginalization that persist in the country and other parts of Turtle Island. DWS on Indigenous reserves are in urgent need of upgrades. Source water protection, and drinking water monitoring plus a comprehensive design of culturally adapted, and sustainable water services are required. Collaborative efforts between First Nations authorities and federal, provincial, and How to cite this article Zambrano-Alvarado JI, Uyaguari-Diaz MI. 2024. Insights into water insecurity in Indigenous communities in Canada: assessing microbial risks and innovative solutions, a multifaceted review. PeerJ 12:e18277 territorial governments are imperative to ensure equitable access to safe drinking water in Indigenous reserves.
Sludge resource utilization is one of the important routines for transmitting fecal pollution to water and soil, and sludge dewatering is a crucial step for sludge resource utilization. However, it remains unclear the decay characteristics and persistence of fecal pollution indicators after sludge dewatering. In this study, the persistence of six fecal pollution indicators, namely E. coli (EC), human Bacteroides HF183 (HF183), human adenovirus (HAdV), human JC and BK polyomavirus (JCPyV and BKPyV), and crAssphage, in dewatered sludge cake and dewatering filtrate deriving from raw sewage sludge, as well as three types of sludge conditioned with polyacrylamide (PAM), Fenton’s reagent, or Fe[III] and CaO were analyzed. The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and viability-qPCR methods were used to analyze the variation in abundances and infectivity of fecal pollution indicators in dewatered sludge cake or dewatering filtrate over the storage time, respectively. Decay predications of fecal pollution indicators over time were modeled using either the first-order or the biphasic decay model. The qPCR results revealed that fecal pollution indicators in dewatered sludge cake persisted longer than those in dewatering filtrate at the same temperature. Increasing temperature can accelerate the decay of fecal pollution indicators in both dewatered sludge cake and dewatering filtrate. Notably, sludge conditioning treatment may prolong the persistence of fecal pollution indicators in both dewatered sludge cake and dewatering filtrate. Viability-qPCR results indicated that the fecal pollution indicators (except HAdV) in dewatered sludge cakes deriving from both raw sewage sludge and conditioned sludges remained infectious for up to 30 days. After a storage period of 40 days, the abundances of fecal pollution indicators (except for EC) in sludge conditioned with Fenton’s reagent were effectively decreased and meanwhile the infectivity of EC was reduced, exhibiting the lowest levels of fecal pollution. Therefore, both ambient temperature and conditioning treatment greatly impacted the decay characteristics and persistence of fecal pollution indicators in dewatered sludge cake and dewatering filtrate, and selecting suitable conditioning method can minimize environmental risks associated with fecal pollution in sewage sludge.
Monitoring of stream water quality is a key element of water resource management worldwide, but methods that are commonly used in temperate habitats may not be appropriate in humid tropical systems. We assessed the influence of four land uses on microbial water quality in 21 streams in the Panama Canal Watershed over a one-year period, using a common culture-based fecal indicator test and 16S rDNA metabarcoding. Each stream was located within one of four land uses: mature forest, secondary forest, silvopasture, and traditional cattle pasture. Culturing detected total coliforms and Escherichia coli across all sites but found no significant differences in concentrations between land uses. However, 16S rDNA metabarcoding revealed variability in the abundance of coliforms across land uses and several genera that can cause false positives in culture-based tests. Our results indicate that culture-based fecal indicator bacteria tests targeting coliforms may be poor indicators of fecal contamination in Neotropical oligotrophic streams and suggest that tests targeting members of the Bacteroidales would provide a more reliable indication of fecal contamination.
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Water is a natural resource necessary for all living organisms. In our research, the research material is water.As measuring points for sampling analysis are: measuring point 1 (Crna Reka near the village of Novaci), measuring point 2 (fifth channel exit of Bitola), measuring point 3 (fifth channel near the village of Kravari) measuring point 4 (fifth channel before flowing into the Crna Reka), measuring point 5 (Crna Reka before being mixed with water from the fifth channel), measuring point 6 (Crna Reka after mixing with water from the fifth channel) and measuring point 7 (Crna Reka near the village of Skocivir). In order to determine the quality of the water from sanitary-hygienic aspect, the following microbiological tests have been made: determining the number of Escherichia coli, with a membrane filtration method made according to the ISO 9308-1:2000 standard for water quality and determination of the number of Enterococcus with membrane filtration according to the ISO 7899-2:2000 standard. The number of types of microorganisms tested indicates an increase in the number of microorganisms in the channel (measuring point 2, 3 and 4) which, at the measuring point 6 (junction of Crna Reka with the channel), are transmitted in Crna Reka. And with that, not only the Crna Reka is getting polluted, but also the entire environment. All this indicates that the cleaning of the canal and the watercourse should become an obligation before the competent institutions but also the obligation of each individual is to protect his environment.
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Characterizing fecal contamination exposure from drinking water can introduce exposure measurement errors, i.e., differences between the observed and true exposure. These errors can mask the true relationship between fecal contamination exposure and waterborne diseases. We present a framework to quantify the impact of measurement errors on exposure–outcome health effect estimates introduced by variability in measured drinking water fecal contamination levels and household versus community sampling strategies. We matched fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) data for >37,000 drinking water samples to children aged 0–72 months from 19 studies in low- and middle-income countries and took two complementary analytical approaches. We found that household-level exposure assessments may attenuate effect estimates of FIB concentrations in drinking water on diarrhea, and single water samples may attenuate health effect estimates of FIB concentrations on linear growth. To understand the health effects of fecal contamination exposure, measurement error frameworks can be used to estimate more biologically relevant exposures.
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Current microbiological water safety testing methods are not feasible in many settings because of laboratory, cost, and other constraints, particularly in low-income countries where water quality monitoring is most needed to protect public health. We evaluated two promising E. coli methods that may have potential in at-scale global water quality monitoring: a modified membrane filtration test followed by incubation on pre-prepared plates with dehydrated culture medium (CompactDryTM), and 10 and 100 ml presence–absence tests using the open-source Aquatest medium (AT). We compared results to membrane filtration followed by incubation on MI agar as the standard test. We tested 315 samples in triplicate of drinking water in Bangalore, India, where E. coli counts by the standard method ranged from non-detect in 100 ml samples to TNTC (>200). Results suggest high sensitivity and specificity for E. coli detection of candidate tests compared with the standard method: sensitivity and specificity of the 100 ml AT test was 97% and 96% when incubated for 24 h at standard temperature and 97% and 97% when incubated 48 h at ambient temperatures (mean: 27 °C). Sensitivity and specificity of the CompactDryTM test was >99 and 97% when incubated for 24 h at standard temperature and >99 and 97% when incubated 48 h at ambient temperatures. Good agreement between these candidate tests compared with the reference method suggests they are suitable for E. coli monitoring to indicate water safety.
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Identifying the origin of fecal contamination can support more effective interventions to interrupt enteric pathogen transmission. Microbial source tracking (MST) assays may help to identify environmental routes of pathogen transmission although these assays have performed poorly in highly contaminated domestic settings, highlighting the importance of both diagnostic validation and understanding the context-specific ecological, physical, and sociodemographic factors driving the spread of fecal contamination. We assessed fecal contamination of compounds (clusters of 2–10 households that share sanitation facilities) in low-income neighborhoods of urban Maputo, Mozambique, using a set of MST assays that were validated with animal stool and latrine sludge from study compounds. We sampled five environmental compartments involved in fecal microbe transmission and exposure: compound water source, household stored water and food preparation surfaces, and soil from the entrance to the compound latrine and the entrances to each household. Each sample was analyzed by culture for the general fecal indicator Escherichia coli (cEC) and by real-time PCR for the E. coli molecular marker EC23S857, human-associated markers HF183/BacR287 and Mnif, and GFD, an avian-associated marker. We collected 366 samples from 94 households in 58 compounds. At least one microbial target (indicator organism or marker gene) was detected in 96% of samples (353/366), with both E. coli targets present in the majority of samples (78%). Human targets were frequently detected in soils (59%) and occasionally in stored water (17%) but seldom in source water or on food surfaces. The avian target GFD was rarely detected in any sample type but was most common in soils (4%). To identify risk factors of fecal contamination, we estimated associations with sociodemographic, meteorological, and physical sample characteristics for each microbial target and sample type combination using Bayesian censored regression for target concentration responses and Bayesian logistic regression for target detection status. Associations with risk factors were generally weak and often differed in direction between different targets and sample types, though relationships were somewhat more consistent for physical sample characteristics. Wet soils were associated with elevated concentrations of cEC and EC23S857 and odds of detecting HF183. Water storage container characteristics that expose the contents to potential contact with hands and other objects were weakly associated with human target detection. Our results describe a setting impacted by pervasive domestic fecal contamination, including from human sources, that was largely disconnected from the observed variation in socioeconomic and sanitary conditions. This pattern suggests that in such highly contaminated settings, transformational changes to the community environment may be required before meaningful impacts on fecal contamination can be realized.
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Levels of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) provide a surrogate measure of the microbial quality of water used for a wide range of applications. Despite the common use of these measures, a significant limitation is a delay in results due to the time required for cultivation and enumeration of FIB. Testing requires at least 18-24 h, and therefore, FIB cannot be used to identify current or real-time microbial water quality. An approach of nowcasting or empirical modelling approaches that incorporate water quality, environmental, and weather variables to predict FIB levels in real-time has been developed with some success. However, FIB levels are dependent on a complex interaction of numerous variables, which can be challenging to model with ordinary linear regression or classification methods most commonly applied. In this study, novel use of Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) that allow for a probabilistic representation of complex variable interactions is investigated for real-time modelling of FIB levels surface waters. In particular, the integration of both water quality measures and current/historical weather for prediction of fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli levels is achieved using BBNs. For 4-bin classification of fecal coliform levels, BBNs increased prediction accuracy by 25%-54% compared to other previously used techniques including logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, and random forests. Binary prediction of E. coli levels exceeding a threshold of 20 CFU/100 mL was also significantly improved using BBNs with prediction accuracies >90% for all monitoring sites. Advantages of the BBN approach are also demonstrated identifying the ability to make predictions from incomplete monitoring data as well as probabilistic inference of variable importance in FIB levels. In particular, the results indicate that water quality surrogates such as conductivity are essential to real-time prediction of FIB. The results and models described in this work can be readily utilized to provide accurate and real-time assessments of FIB levels in surface waters utilizing commonly monitored parameters.
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During June 2019, an outbreak of campylobacteriosis occurred in Askøy, an island northwest of Bergen, Norway. According to the publicly available records, over 2000 residents fell ill and 76 were hospitalised, and two deaths were suspected to be associated with Campylobacter infection. By investigating the epidemic pattern and scope, an old caved drinking water holding pool was identified that had been faecally contaminated as indicated by the presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Furthermore, Campylobacter bacteria were found at several points in the water distribution system. In the escalated water health crisis, tracking down the infectious source became pivotal for the local municipality in order to take prompt and appropriate action to control the epidemic. A major task was to identify the primary faecal pollution source, which could further assist in tracking down the epidemic origin. Water from the affected pool was analysed using quantitative microbial source tracking (QMST) applying host-specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic markers. In addition, Campylobacter jejuni, Enterococcus faecalis, Clostridium perfringens and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli were detected. The QMST outcomes revealed that non-human (zoogenic) sources accounted predominantly for faecal pollution. More precisely, 69% of the faecal water contamination originated from horses.
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Nucleic acid based techniques, such as quantitative PCR (qPCR) and next generation sequencing (NGS), provide new insights into microbial water quality, but considerable uncertainty remains around their correct interpretation. We demonstrate, for different water sources in informal settlements in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, significant Spearman rank correlations between conventional and molecular microbiology methods that indicate faecal contamination. At family and genera level, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing results obtained with the low-cost, portable next generation sequencer MinION from Oxford Nanopore Technologies had significant Spearman rank correlations with Illumina MiSeq sequencing results. However, method validation by amplicon sequencing of a MOCK microbial community revealed the need to ascertain MinION sequencing results for putative pathogens at species level with complementary qPCR assays. Vibrio cholerae hazards were poorly associated with plate count faecal coliforms, but flagged up by the MinION screening method, and confirmed by a qPCR assay. Plate counting methods remain important to assess viability of faecal coliforms in disinfected water sources. We outline a systematic approach for data collection and interpretation of such complementary results. In the Kathmandu Valley, there is high variability of water quality from different sources, including for treated water samples, illustrating the importance of disinfection at the point of use.
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Sanitary surveys are used in low- and middle-income countries to assess water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions, but have rarely been compared with direct measures of environmental fecal contamination. We conducted a cross-sectional assessment of sanitary conditions and E. coli counts in soils and on surfaces of compounds (household clusters) in low-income neighborhoods of Maputo, Mozambique. We adapted the World Bank’s Urban Sanitation Status Index to implement a sanitary survey tool specifically for compounds: a Localized Sanitation Status Index (LSSI) ranging from zero (poor sanitary conditions) to one (better sanitary conditions) calculated from 20 variables that characterized local sanitary conditions. We measured the variation in the LSSI with E. coli counts in soil (nine locations/compound) and surface swabs (seven locations/compound) in 80 compounds to assess reliability. Multivariable regression indicated that a ten-percentage point increase in LSSI was associated with 0.05 (95% CI: 0.00, 0.11) log10 fewer E. coli/dry gram in courtyard soil. Overall, the LSSI may be associated with fecal contamination in compound soil; however, the differences detected may not be meaningful in terms of public health hazards.
Microbial pollution of recreational waters poses a significant public health risk which, unless mitigated, will continue to increase with population growth. Water managers must implement strategies to accurately discriminate and source human from animal faecal contamination in complex urbanised environments. Our case-study used a new combination of chemical (i.e. ammonia) and microbial (i.e. Escherichia coli, Bacteroides spp.) faecal monitoring tools in a targeted multi-tiered approach to quickly identify pollution hot-spots and track high-risk subterranean stormwater drains in real-time. We successfully located three point sources of human faecal pollution (both episodic and constant pollution streams) within 11 catchments in a total monitoring time of four months. Alternative approaches for obtaining such fine-scale accuracy are typically labour intensive and require expensive equipment.
Human contact with fecally contaminated waters often raises public health concern. The infection potential closely relates to the fecal source type and the aging persistence of waterborne pathogens. In this study, the health risk of contracting gastroenteritis from exposure to aging fecal contamination was predicted using source-associated markers. Microbial decay characteristics in typical summer seawater were incorporated into a pathogen dose estimation model for a constant fecal input. Results show that the median illness probability commensurate with the health benchmark of 36/1,000 corresponded to the marker concentrations of ~7.8, ~6.6, ~3.7 and ~3.5 log10 gene copies/100 mL for seagulls, cattle, raw sewage and treated effluent, respectively. The error in risk estimates due to neglecting microbial decay was linearly correlated to the decay differences between markers and pathogens. Specifically, the health risk associated with non-human sources, which is primarily contributed by bacterial and parasitic pathogens, can be substantially overestimated, while that for virus-dominated human sources was insignificantly affected by the differential decay. Additionally, seagulls dominated Enterococcus concentration in waters with a mixture of above-mentioned sources, although they posed limited health risk. This study provides an approach to understanding the influence of fecal aging on health risk estimation.
Fecal microorganisms can enter water bodies in diverse ways, including runoff, sewage discharge, and direct fecal deposition. Once in water, the microorganisms experience conditions that are very different from intestinal habitats. The transition from host to aquatic environment may lead to rapid inactivation, some degree of persistence, or growth. Microorganisms may remain planktonic, be deposited in sediment, wash up on beaches, or attach to aquatic vegetation. Each of these habitats offers a panoply of different stressors or advantages, including UV light exposure, temperature fluctuations, salinity, nutrient availability, and biotic interactions with the indigenous microbiota (e.g., predation and/or competition). The host sources of fecal microorganisms are likewise numerous, including wildlife, pets, livestock, and humans. Most of these microorganisms are unlikely to affect human health, but certain taxa can cause waterborne disease. Others signal increased probability of pathogen presence, e.g., the fecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli and enterococci and bacteriophages, or act as fecal source identifiers (microbial source tracking markers). The effects of environmental factors on decay are frequently inconsistent across microbial species, fecal sources, and measurement strategies (e.g., culture versus molecular). Therefore, broad generalizations about the fate of fecal microorganisms in aquatic environments are problematic, compromising efforts to predict microbial decay and health risk from contamination events. This review summarizes the recent literature on decay of fecal microorganisms in aquatic environments, recognizes defensible generalizations, and identifies knowledge gaps that may provide particularly fruitful avenues for obtaining a better understanding of the fates of these organisms in aquatic environments.