In the third chapter we present the floral catalogue of the hay meadows in the Catalan Mediterranean region and adjacent areas; this involves 809 taxa. The reference work used here was the “Flora Manual dels Països Catalans” (Guide to the Flora of the Catalan Countries). However, in several cases we used other more up-to-date works from other regions of Western Europe, including “Flora iberica”, “Flora gallica”, and “Flora d’Italia”. For each taxon we indicate its distribution, frequency, ecology and phytosociology in the study area, as well as its forage and floristic values. Additionally, in specific cases, we also comment on nomenclatural or taxonomic aspects that, where necessary, we illustrate with images and dichotomous keys.
Floral richness
Of the 809 taxa catalogued, 10 (1.2%) are exclusively cultivated for agricultural purposes, 372 (46.0%) are considered accidental in the meadow communities studied, and 49 (6.1%) were not found again. We also excluded two taxa (Bromus hordeaceus subsp. molliformis and Elymus hispidus), as we consider these to be absent in the study area. The floral richness of the physiographic areas varies considerably and correlates with the surface area inventoried, the sampling intensity, and the diversity of meadow habitats. In decreasing order of richness are: the Alt Empordà Plain (370 taxa, 48.7% of the total); the Rosselló Plain (340; 44.7%); the La Selva Plain (332; 43.7%); the Montseny Massif (310; 40.8%); the Albera Massif (292; 38.4%); Alt Vallespir (218; 28.7%); the Olositanic territory (215; 28.3%); the Les Salines Massif (191, 25.1%); the Queragut-Millars Massif (169; 22.2%); Alta Garrotxa (166; 21.8%); the lower course of the Tordera (130, 17.1%); the Baix Empordà Plain (122; 16.1%); Conflent (105; 13.8%); the Corredor-Montnegre massifs (42; 5.5%); and the Mogent Valley (31; 4.1%). The low values found in the latter 5 areas are a consequence of a low sampling intensity (Conflent) and a lack of actively mown hay meadows.
Thematic Spectra
Of the 809 taxa counted, only seven (0.9%) were pteridophytes while the rest were angiosperms, 569 (70.3%) of which were dicotyledons and 233 (28.8%) monocotyledons. These taxa pertain to 71 families and 315 different genera. The taxonomic spectrum reflects the meadow character of the associations studied, since the best-represented families are grasses (118 taxa; 14.6%), asters (114; 14.1%) and legumes (91; 11.2%); while the best-represented genera are Trifolium (27; 3.3%), Carex (23; 2.8%), Vicia (19; 2.3%), Juncus (16, 2.0%), Bromus (15; 1.9%), and Centaurea (14; 1.7%).
The general chorological spectrum of the study area is fairly evenly distributed between 3 main groups of elements: pluriregional (37.0%); Euro-Siberian (34.9%); and Mediterranean (21.9%). The others are relatively insignificant. However, this spectrum varies greatly depending on the physiographic areas under study, which can be divided into three different groups:
• The Mediterranean basal plains closest to the sea (the Mogent Valley; the Empordà, Rosselló, and La Selva plains; and the lower course of the Tordera). 0-100 m in altitude, with high percentages of pluriregional (49-71%) and Mediterranean (13-29%) taxa.
• The low Mediterranean massifs (the Albera Range; the Corredor-Montnegre massifs; and the Queragut-Millars Massif). 100-500 m in altitude, with high percentages of pluriregional (44-49%) and Euro-Siberian (31-38%) taxa.
• The massifs located partially or totally in the Central European region (Montseny, the Guilleries, and the Pyrenees Range). (100)400-1,200 m in altitude, and clearly dominated by the Euro-Siberian element (43-57%) with respect to pluriregional (33-40%) and Mediterranean (5-12%) taxa.
The general biological spectrum of the study area is clearly dominated by hemicryptophytes (48.1%), which again reflects the meadow physiognomy of the associations studied. In order of frequency, the other groups are: therophytes (30.7%), geophytes (12.9%), chamaephytes (4.7%), hydrophytes (2.3%) and phanerophytes (1.4%). However, the percentage of each spectrum varies considerably according to the physiographic area. In this case, we can divide the studied regions into two main groups:
• The basal plains and low massifs of the Mediterranean region (the Mogent Valley, coastal and pre-littoral plains, the Albera Range, and the Queragut-Millars Massif). 0 to 500 m in altitude, dominated by hemicryptophytes (45-55%), but also involving a high percentage of therophytes (26-52%). These are areas dominated by communities from the Trifolio-Hordeetalia, Juncetalia maritimi and Deschampsietalia cespitosae orders.
• The cool mountainous areas found in the Central European region (the Pre-littoral Range and the Pyrenees). (100)300-1200 m in altitude, clearly dominated by hemicryptophytes (55-74%) and where therophytes are much less significant (14-24%). These regions are dominated by communities of the order Arrhenatheretalia elatioris.
Floristic value
Mediterranean hay meadows represent some of the most biologically interesting habitats in Catalonia, as they are home to several taxa unique to this part of the Mediterranean region. If we consider the plant index (Pi, ranging from 1-7) that we have proposed for each taxon, the study area has an average value (xPi) of 3.8. However, this value oscillates markedly according to the physiographic area studied. The regions with the greatest number of rare plants in relation to the total are the Queragut-Millars Massif (xPi = 4.0), the Albera Range (xPi = 3.8), the Rosselló Plain (xPi = 3.7), Alt Vallespir (xPi= 3.5), and the La Selva and Alt Empordà plains (xPi= 3.5). This is due to the presence of rare habitats, such as humid meadows rich in organic matter, which are home to several unique hygrophytes with a Pi of > 6 (Bellevalia romana, Bromus racemosus, Cardamine parviflora, Centaurea dracunculifolia, Gratiola officinalis, Hordeum secalinum, Jucus striatus, J. heterophyllus, Kickxia commutata, Melitous siculus, Orchis palustris, Silaum silaus, Taraxacum aginnense, T. ciliare, Triglochin bulbosum subsp. barrelieri, and Teucrium scordium, etc.), and, also, in the case of Alt Vallespir, Albera and Queragut-Millars, Central-European plants (Carum verticillatum, Colchicum autumnale, Crepis biennis, Rhinanthus alectorolophus, and Scorzonera humilis, etc.), which are rare in the eastern Catalan Pyrenees. In contrast, in the other regions, the Mogent Valley (xPi = 3.0), the Corredor-Montnegre massifs (xPi = 3.2), Montseny (xPi = 3.3), the Guilleries (xPi = 3.3), the Olositanic territory (xPi = 3.4), Alta Garrotxa (xPi = 3.4) and Conflent (xPi = 3.4), the average plant index value is lower, as these areas have more mesophilic meadows, where fewer rare plants occur.
Unique flora
Based on the plant index (Pi), we detected 70 taxa with a Pi > 6 (cf. taxa in the previous section), of which nine are considered accidental in the communities in the study area. We should also highlight 56 further taxa that, although not extremely rare in the Catalan Countries, are quite unusual in northeastern Catalonia: Agrostis canina, Alopecurus aequalis, A. bulbosus, Baldellia ranunculoides, Carex umbrosa, Narcissus poeticus, Oenanthe lachenalii, Rorippa aspera subsp. aspera, R. aspera subsp. praeterita, and Thalictrum flavum, among other species.
On the other hand, we also collected seven species that are introduced or cultivated in the study area (Achillea cf. roseoalba, Alopecurus pratensis subsp. arundinaceus, Iris orientalis, Trifolium alexandrinum, Trifolium resupinatum subsp. suaveolens, Trifolium vesiculosum and Vicia villosa subsp. villosa), which, today, are rare in Catalonia. Finally, on the plains of the study area, two endemic taxa were observed: Dianthus seguieri subsp. requienii and Centaurea ×decipiens nothosubsp. emporitana.
New citations for Catalonia and for the study area
We have detected 17 new taxa (or very little cited) for the flora of Catalonia (Bromus hordeaceus subsp. longipedicellatus, B. hordeaceus subsp. cf. ×pseudothominei, Centaurea ×decipiens subsp. ruscinonensis var. cf. duboisii, C. nigra subsp. debeauxii, Iris orientalis, Oenanthe pimpinelloides var. chaerophylloides , Orchis ×lloydiana, Puccinellia festuciformis subsp. festuciformis, Rhinanthus alectorolophus, Taraxacum aginnense, T. alienum, T. gr. mediterraneum, T. obtusilobum, T. raii, T. santandricum, Trifolium resupinatum subsp. suaveolens, Vicia cordata ) and 2 more for the study area (Achillea cf. roseoalba and Alopecurus aequalis).
New nomenclatural combinations
We have proposed 4 new provisional nomenclatural combinations: Centaurea ×decipiens Thuill. nothosubsp. emporitana (Vayr. ex Sennen et Pau) Mercadal comb. nova nothovar. cadevallii (Font Quer ex O. Bolòs et Vigo) Mercadal comb. nova; Centaurea ×decipiens Thuill. nothosubsp. emporitana (Vayr. ex Sennen et Pau) Mercadal comb. nova nothovar. emporitana comb. nova; Centaurea ×decipiens Thuill. nothosubsp. ruscinonensis (Boiss.) Dostál nothovar. duboisii (Boreau) Mercadal comb. nova; Centaurea ×decipiens Thuill. nothosubsp. ruscinonensis (Boiss.) Dostál nothovar. grandiflora (Gaudin ex Schübl. et G. Martens) Mercadal comb. nova.
At-risk and protected plants
We detected 33 species that are at risk or are protected in some way in France, the Languedoc-Roussillon region, or by the Catalan Government. 17 taxa present some kind of protection; 4 4 are protected and are in critical danger (Leucojum aestivum subsp. aestivum, Ranunculus nodiflorus, Scorzonera humilis and Senecio aquaticus); 3 are in danger (Juncus heterophyllus, Orchis × lloydiana and Orchis palustris), and only O. palustris is protected; and a further three are vulnerable (Isoetes setacea, Silaum silaus and Thalictrum lucidum), although only I. setacea is not protected.
In addition, we catalogued 13 species that are near threatened (Aegopodium podagraria, Bellevalia romana, Cardamine parviflora, Carum verticillatum, Exaculum pusillum, Kickxia commutata subsp. commutata, Melilotus segetalis, M. siculus, Mentha cervina, Taraxacum ciliare, T. raii, Veronica anagallis-aquatica subsp. aquatica and V. scutellata). The IUCN status of these taxa is likely to worsen in the coming years as a result of climate change (mainly due to desiccation of wetlands) and habitat destruction (land development, wetland drainage, changes in land use and soil modification).
New dichotomous keys for critical or new taxonomic groups for the "Flora dels Països Catalans"
We have provided 12 keys for the following taxonomic groups, sometimes, with the help of external specialists: Alopecurus aequalis vs A. geniculatus, Bromus subgen. Bromus, Centaurea sect. Jacea, Elymus L., Festuca subgen. Schedonorus, Leucanthemum vulgare aggr., Orchis sect. Laxiflora, Ornithogalum subgen. Ornithogalum, Rhinanthus L., Taraxacum sect. Palustria, Tragopogon L. y Vicia gr. sativa.