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خفة الحركة الاستراتيجية ودورها في تعزيز جودة الخدمة المدركة دراسة استطلاعية في مركز التعليم المستمر الجامعة المستنصرية



غرض الدراسة : يهدف البحث الحالي الى تحديد دور خفة الحركة الاستراتيجية الخاصة بـــ ابعادها ( الحساسية الاستراتجية ، والاستجابة الاستراتيجية ، والقدرات التعاونية ) كمتغير مستقل في تعزيز جودة الخدمة المدركة كمتغير تابع، وقد انبثقت الدراسة من مشكلة واقعية الخاصة بالدورات التدريبية المقدمة للمستفيدين في المراكز التعليمية ، من خلال الاطلاع على استمارات الاستبيان المقدمة لهم بعد انتهاء الدورات التدريبية للعامين (2017 ــــ2018 ) و (2018 ــــ 2019) ، فضلاً عن استطلاع رأي المحاضرين ومسؤولي مركز التعليم المستمر في الجامعة المستنصرية . المنهجية / التصميم : تم توزيع (60) استبانة على المحاضرين ومسوؤلي مركز التعليم المستمر ، اذ تم استرجاع (55) استمارة كون (5) استمارات غير صالحة للتحليل ، وتم تحليل الاستمارات بأستخدام برنامجي التحليل الاحصائي (spss.v25, Amos v25) . قيمة الدراسة : تتمثل بأهمية متغيرات البحث كونها من المواضيع الحديثة نسبياً ، فضلاً عن تطبيق هذه المتغيرات على القطاع التعليمي. النتائج العلمية : توصل الباحثان الى مجموعة من النتائج ولعل ابرزها وجود تاثير معنوي لمتغير خفة الحركة الاستراتيجية في جودة الخدمة المدركة ، فضلاً عن تول البحاثان الى مجموعة من التوصيات من اهمها ضرورة تعاون مركز التعليم المستمر في الجامعة المستنصرية والاستفادة من تجارب المراكز العالمية والعربية الرائدة في هذا المجال لتحقيق جود الخدمة المدركة.
Presented by
M.PHARM Mohammed Jameel
Lexus Medical Conference 2022
What is Articial Intelligence ?
The articial intelligence (AI)
technologies becoming ever-present
in modern business and everyday life
is also steadily being applied to
healthcare. Most AI and healthcare
technologies have strong relevance to
the healthcare eld, but the tactics
they support can vary signicantly.. AI
programs are applied to practices
such as diagnosis processes,
treatment protocol development, drug
development, personalized medicine,
and patient monitoring and care.
Tracked Ingestible Sensors
These tiny sensors take place of a
prescription and send a signal to a
receiving device upon dissolution in the
stomach. 'smart pills’ will surely help
reduce the rates of incorrect, senseless
consumption of highly important medical
prescriptions. Now, this is what one can
call truly advanced drug management.
While being an advanced piece of
medical technology, Porteus Smart Pills
have the same tiny size as the actual
pills. There are also smart pills that
feature tiny cameras, which allow
conveniently visualizing the inside
environment of one’s
organism.7PillCam7from Medtronic is one
 
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'# 
Articial intelligence and IoT
in healthcare
Top 10 AI applications
Computer vision technology
along with AI has given rise to
drone technology which aims to
mimic visual perception and
hence decision making based on
it .drones like Skydio use
computer vision technology to
detect obstacles and to navigate
around them.
This technology can also be used
for visually impaired people to
navigate e:ciently&
AI is changing drug
Future of AI in Healthcare
 &)#
11/4/2020 7:30 PM
11/4/2020 7:30 PM
11/4/2020 8:30 PM
11/4/2020 9:00PM
12/4/2020 9:00AM
12/4/2020 10:00AM
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Strategic agility has become one of the important tools that help airlines survival, increasing competitiveness, and achieving excellence in a changing and volatile labor market, that achieve a competitive advantage. The prime objective of this research is to illustrate the importance of strategic agility in achieving competitive advantage through studying its impact on innovation, service quality, delivery reliability, process flexibility, and cost leadership. 300 questionnaires were distributed on a random sample of employees in Egypt air, while 256 questionnaires were found usable for analysis. The results showed that Egypt air is characterized as an agile company. Results also indicated that strategic agility affects greatly the competitive advantage in Egypt air, where it affects greatly delivery reliability, followed by innovation, then process flexibility, service quality and finally cost leadership.
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Evidence from past research and insights from an exploratory investigation are combined in a conceptual model that defines and relates price, perceived quality, and perceived value. Propositions about the concepts and their relationships are presented, then supported with evidence from the literature. Discussion centers on directions for research and implications for managing price, quality, and value.
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This paper evaluates alternative measurement approaches to investigating the relationship amongst perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors define and measure the constructs within a relative attitudinal framework and compare these results to a noncomparative or individual evaluation of brands. In addition, loyalty is measured by and defined as a behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The object of this research is teh botol whilst the subjects are undergraduate students in Surabaya and Yogyakarta. The proposed model, with satisfaction as a mediator between quality and loyalty, is found to be an acceptable representation of data across three brands of teh botol and for both comparative and noncomparative evaluation. The use of relative attitude, however, indicates a much stronger relationship amongst perceived quality, satisfaction, and loyalty than the attitude towards a brand when they are performed in individual evaluation. With respect to predictive ability, this study’s findings suggest that comparative evaluation has higher degree of applicability than does noncomparative evaluation.
Conference Paper
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The landscape of the telecommunication industry in Sri Lanka has been changed drastically since the deregulation of telecommunication sector in early 1990s. Number of service providers has been increased from one, i.e state monopoly, to more than 70 within a short period of time. With the increased competition telecom service providers find it difficult to retain the existing customers. In that context the objective of this research explanatory study was to identify the main factors that determine the customer loyalty of corporate telecommunication customers. A questionnaire survey done among 131 users of corporate sector revealed that the most important factor determining the customer loyalty was the ability of the service provider to add value to customer's business process, contrary to the common belief that the low price keeps the customer with the same provider. However, it was found that relative importance of the factors is not the same between two different groups, i.e. IT personnel and Non-IT personnel. Therefore, the findings of this research provide a guideline for service providers in designing customer loyalty programmes.
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Strategic agility is a business imperative especially in a competitive business environment. Strategic agility has main dimensions strategic sensitivity, strategic response and collective capabilities. Information technology (IT) is of immense importance in enhancing strategic agility especially in supply chain setting. This study notes strategic agility dimensions and thereby highlights IT services required to promote strategic agility. Moreover, a conceptual model of strategic agility in supply chain environment is developed in order to define the precise role of IT to enhance strategic agility. The findings confirm the different roles IT play to promote strategic agility in different parts of the supply chain. In the supply chain downstream IT that promotes strategic sensitivity is most essential and in the supply chain upstream IT that promotes strategic response is most essential. There is also need for IT that promotes collective capabilities throughout the whole chain.
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Proposes to develop a service quality model, based on test of a sample of business executives, which describes how the quality of services is perceived by customers. Looks at its marketing implications, in which functional quality is seen to be a very important dimension of a perceived service. Concludes that quality dimensions are interrelated and that the importance of image should be recognised.
Manufacturing plant managers have sought performance improvements by adhering to the guiding principles of leanness and agility . Lean manufacturing and agile manufacturing paradigms have also received considerable attention in operations management literature. However, paradoxically, the extant literature is lacking in clarity and fails to delineate with sufficient precision how and why leanness and agility differ. Given the resource constraints within which most manufacturing firms have to operate today, it is useful, if not critical, to develop a good understanding of how these paradigms differ and what their constituent dimensions are. Such an understanding is also essential for developing and testing theories relating to leanness and agility. Through a literature review we discuss leanness and agility in two ways: (1) as manufacturing paradigms and (2) as performance capabilities. Our empirical study attempts to determine whether lean and agile forms occur with any degree of regularity in manufacturing plants. The results confirm the existence of homogeneous groups that resemble lean and agile performing plants, and they identify important differences pertaining to their constituent performance dimensions. The results indicate that while the pursuit of agility might presume leanness, pursuit of leanness might not presume agility. While the performance capability differences across the empirically derived groups accord well with expected differences across plants that excel in leanness and agility, the practice differences across the groups are not as clearly distinguished. We discuss the implications of our findings for further research and theory development.
Purpose This paper aims to identify: university students' perceived service quality dimensions; the dimensions contributing most towards overall students' perceived service quality; and whether there is a difference in perceived quality level of each dimension based on students' year of study and gender in the context of undergraduate students of state universities in Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a quantitative approach through a survey method. The respondents of this study are 155 state university students from two state universities in Indonesia. Both multiple regression analysis and t‐ test analysis are used to analyze the data. Findings Research results show that there are seven perceived service quality dimensions considered important to university students, i.e. curriculum, facilities, contact personnel, social activities, education counselors, assessment, and instruction medium. The perceived service quality dimensions contributing most towards overall perceived service quality of a state university is facilities. Furthermore, the research also shows that university students with a different study period have a different perceived quality level on the social activities dimension, while university students with different gender have a different perceived quality level on two dimensions, i.e. social activities and facilities. Research limitations/implications The research was only conducted at two universities in the same geographic area and at a single point of time. Hence, there is a need for further research in terms of a longitudinal study with different geographic samples in order to generalize the research result. Practical implications The students' perceived quality dimensions resulting from this research can be used by universities to measure their performance according to students' perspectives. As a result, feedback will be gained by the university, so that the university can identify its weaknesses. Originality/value The research was conducted in a developing country context, while most previous research has been conducted in developed country contexts. This research also provides a new insight into quality management, since the university objects are state universities, not private universities. The paper also takes students' personal characteristics (gender and year of study) variables into account.