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Role of Libraries and Librarians in the web 2.0 Environment


Abstract and Figures

The role of libraries and librarians has been changed with the advancement of computer and information technology in the last decade of twentieth century. The physical boundaries are no more barriers in effective and efficient communication as the world has turned into a global village. This study is carried out to examine the current role of librarians and libraries of university libraries in this digital era of Islamabad and Rawalpindi cities in Pakistan. The objectives of the study were, how libraries have embraced the Web 2.0 and latest technological trends in their libraries, which kind of ICT is being used and how has these trends facilitated them in performing their role in better manner. The convenient sampling technique was used and data was collected from one hundred university and college librarians at Islamabad and Rawalpindi using ICT and web 2.0 technologies. In addition to that comprehensive literature was also consulted to identify the changing role of LIS professionals. The result shows that the roles of librarians have changed from traditional librarians to facilitators, moderators, educators, information providers and broker, researcher, and organizer of digital and traditional resources.
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Background and Aim: Assessment of library and information science (LIS) publications reflect the standards of LIS education and practice. It is imperative to evaluate the research productivity frequently to highlight the various patterns of LIS publications. The current study aimed to present quantitative analysis of LIS research and its bibliometric indicators produced by Pakistani authors in the year 2020.
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