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Unveiling Practices and Challenges of Machine Teachers of Customer Service Conversational Systems


Abstract and Figures

This paper describes a set of qualitative interventions which aimed to unveil the practices of teaching conversational machines used in the automatic customer service. The study aimed to understand the activity of mapping information into conversational systems platforms to create chatbots (text or voice-based) to attend end-users in conjunction with call centers. We interviewed eleven domain experts with non-machine learning skills responsible for curating the content of the chatbots in two contexts. The first was in the domain of human resources and the second was in a banking domain. Additionally, we conducted four design workshops with experienced curators to understand deeper their challenges when teaching novice curators. We describe some of the fundamental tasks of content curators and we list a group of challenges and opportunities for improving the machine teacher's practices and supporting decision making.
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Unveiling Practices and Challenges of
Machine Teachers of Customer
Service Conversational Systems
Heloisa Candello
IBM Research
São Paulo, BR
Mairieli Wessel
IBM Research
São Paulo, BR
Claudio Pinhanez
IBM Research
São Paulo, BR
Sara Vidon
IBM Research
São Paulo, BR
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CHI’20,, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA
ACM 978-1-4503-6819-3/20/04.
This paper describes a set of qualitative interventions which
aimed to unveil the practices of teaching conversational ma-
chines used in the automatic customer service. The study
aimed to understand the activity of mapping information into
conversational systems platforms to create chatbots (text
or voice-based) to attend end-users in conjunction with call
centers. We interviewed eleven domain experts with non-
machine learning skills responsible for curating the content
of the chatbots in two contexts. The first was in the domain
of human resources and the second was in a banking do-
main. Additionally, we conducted four design workshops
with experienced curators to understand deeper their chal-
lenges when teaching novice curators. We describe some
of the fundamental tasks of content curators and we list a
group of challenges and opportunities for improving the ma-
chine teacher’s practices and supporting decision making.
Author Keywords
Content curation; conversational systems; knowledge repre-
sentation; chatbots.
CCS Concepts
Human-centered computing Human computer inter-
action (HCI); User studies;
Machine teaching is the artificial intelligence (AI) discipline
which aims to make machine learning (ML) trainers more
productive at building systems, through the use of high-level
knowledge [4]. Additionally, machine teaching aims to give
non-machine learning experts a more natural and simplified
process of transferring information to the machine [1, 4].
We call machine teachers both types of professionals which
are behind the everyday development and maintenance of
ML systems.
Figure 1: Timeline activity.
Figure 2: Explaining the timeline.
The practices of machine teachers have not not been well
studied, especially in professional contexts. These profes-
sionals aim to provide an enjoyable and effective experi-
ence for end-users of conversational systems in several
customer care domains such as banking, healthcare, sales,
IT help, and human resources. They often interact with
technical specialists, who set the limitations of the conver-
sational platforms and how the content should be included
in the conversation flow. Most of the machine teachers play
the role of content curators and are, in different degrees,
domain experts, but often they are not specialists machine
learning development itself.
In this study, we focus on machine teachers who act as a
content curators and usually have IT specialists in machine
learning to assist in their task. We conducted a set of semi-
structured interviews and four workshops with content cu-
rators of high-end, professionally-built enterprise chatbots,
to deep dive into their everyday practices. In this paper, we
describe the methodology applied, their main practices, and
the main challenges they face as a result of analyzing the
data collected in those interventions. Our goal is to shed
light on the practices and challenges of this emerging pro-
fession of machine teaching.
Initial Interviews with Machine Teachers
We applied the Critical Decision Method approach [2, 5]
to unveil the practices and reasoning of the content cura-
tors from the interviews and workshops data. Participants
were recruited by e-mail. Overall, we conducted 11 individ-
ual semi-structured interviews. Each interview took 45min-
60min. Six participants worked in a human resources de-
partment of an IT company and the other five worked in a
large scale bank. All of them were responsible to provide
and maintain content to AI conversational systems which
deliver customer care information to the end-user.
First, we wanted to understand the mental process of the
participants, asking them to describe a situation where
re-training (teaching) of the system was needed as iden-
tified by the negative feedback of final users. They were
requested to build a timeline of events while they explained
procedures adopted, using What IF questions [5].
The beginning of the timeline was the negative feedback
provided by the user, as identified from call-logs, followed
by the actions taken to identify and solve the problem, and
finalizing with the updating of the training corpus.
This activity helped us to unveil the primary tools they adopt
to give support to the conversational platform in use, the
sources they access to create the answers and examples of
end-user questions, and the validations required and their
related collaborative tasks.
Design Workshop with Experienced Curators
We conducted a 4-day design workshop aimed at under-
standing challenges expert curators face when teaching
novice ones and to explore tools which could facilitate their
work. We focus here Four expert curators and four re-
searchers were invited to participate. Two expert curators
work in chatbots for the auto industry, one for a bank, and
another for a telecommunications company. During the
workshop, researchers and expert curators were grouped
in pairs to exchange their knowledge. Each workshop sec-
tion lasts between 60 and 75 minutes.
1. Day 1: As-Is scenario map. Groups were requested
to draw an “as-is scenario map” representing everyday
practices of the curators when teaching the machine.
We provided the participants with the main phases of the
curators’ timeline, from receiving negative feedback to
including new content to the system. Each group chose
a different context to work on, brainstorming individu-
ally what curators would be doing,thinking and feeling
throughout the phases.
Figure 3: Discussing the As-Is
2. Day 2: Stakeholder map and challenges identifi-
cation. First, an activity was conducted to identify the
system stakeholders present in the four “as-is scenario
maps” previously built by the groups. Then, one of the
contexts was selected to be deeper explored. Based
on that specific situation, all groups reported the main
challenges which occur in each phase of the teaching
3. Day 3: Taxonomy exploration. In this workshop sec-
tion, expert curators and researchers explored the tax-
onomy models of the information they use to organize
the content to be taught to the machine and its associ-
ated challenges.
4. Day 4: Interface proposal. Finally, groups brainstormed
the conception of a new interface to solve the challenges
emerged in the previous sections. After, they were asked
to draw the new interface prototype in six distinct steps.
Results: Content Curatorial Practices
Curators might want to include or update information into
the conversational platforms on several occasions. The
usual case is to “map" new user intents which the machines
might not be able to correctly identify. The curator knows
those drawbacks by reviewing the logs of the conversations
of users with the chatbot and by reviewing the end-users
experience feedback forms. We focused on those practices
and we identified a pattern on the sequence of tasks cura-
tors perform to solve mistakes and conflicts identified by the
Technological Context
Our participants use a platform that uses the paradigm of
most of the conversational systems platforms built today, an
intent-action approach [3]. The system is created by defin-
ing a basic set of user example questions, and the systems’
responses which should match to them. The term intent is
adopted to describe the goal of a single group of example
questions, so the essential task of the conversational plat-
form is to identify the intent of a given question written or
spoken by the user, and then output its associated answer
or action.
In user-initiative systems (for example, typical QA systems),
groups of questions from the user are mapped into a single
answer from the systems, together with a set of variations.
In system-initiative systems, the curators of the conversa-
tional systems have to provide sets of typical user questions
for each output answer. Based on the intent of the ques-
tion of the user, an action is produced often with the help of
basic natural language parsing technology to help extract
the system needed information. The AI system which deter-
mines the intent outputs a probabilistic "confidence score"
interval before delivering an answer. The intent matching is
often the most important source of problems in the develop-
ment of conversational systems due to the complexity and
difficulty of analyzing natural language.
Some many different technologies and platforms can be
used for intent matching. A common approach is to use a
template-based system in which the intent is determined by
the presence of manually defined terms or groups of words
in the expected user questions. Template-based systems,
although often the simplest way to start developing a con-
versational system, suffer from two key problems. First, it
is hard to capture the many nuances of human language.
Second, it is challenging to track the source of errors and
debug the system successfully. The content curators we in-
terviewed explained to us those two challenges in detail as
described below.
Curator Steps to Improve Content
We identified a sequence of practices curators adopt to
teach machines to better respond to end-user utterances.
Figure 4: Identification of
challenges during the day 2 of the
1. Review the call logs: Some of curators receive 10,000
utterances per day to review. They usually choose a
sample to analyse.
2. Differential diagnostic: After choosing an example or a
set of examples, they try determine whether the problem
is caused by a conflict of intents or whether there is a
need of a new intent.
3. If conflict: Curators test the user question selected from
the logs and identify the confidence score of the intent
that the system chose to match to the utterance of the
user. They then review the examples of the selected
intent and compare to the examples of the intent that
the system should have selected instead. To correct
it, they edit, add, and delete examples which might be
confounding the AI system (e.g. the structure of the ut-
terance, similar questions, or lack of relevant examples)
and, most importantly, map the exact user question se-
lected in the logs to the suitable intent as an example
question. Following, curators try out the example ques-
tion and analyse the output level of confidence. More-
over, they also test the result of the ML training in the
end-user interface to make sure it is correct.
4. If new intent: Some topics of end-user questions might
be new to the corpus. In this case, curators select end-
user questions of the new topics and use them as ex-
ample questions to create new intents in the database.
They have to give a name, an ID to the intent, and often
use a taxonomy to construct the ID. Using the taxon-
omy will help them and peers to find the intent in the
future. From the group of end-user questions selected
they choose one question, prototypical of the situation,
called the canonical question, that will represent that
group of example questions of the new intent. After that,
they identify the sources which are needed to provide
the information to extract and create an answer. The an-
swer is reviewed by the product owners, specialists in
the content and proofread. Often, the new intent and its
answer must have management approval to be included
in the corpus. The answer must have a standard lan-
guage or personality according to the identity guidelines
of the conversational system. After all the approvals are
secured, some curators add the answer to the system,
while others use spreadsheets to send the answers and
example questions created to a developer.
Some curators have access to the full platform features
and can update and solve conflicts or create new intent
themselves. Others have supporting tools that help them to
see the level of confidence if the utterances although they
cannot edit direct into the platform, as a consequence they
send their updates to a developer to update the system. We
also identify curators that do not have any access to sup-
porting tools and platforms. Those contact the developers
by e-mail and explain the errors identified in the logs and in
the end-user platforms. The developers analyse the situa-
tion and ask curators to create new examples or answers in
a spreadsheet for them to update the system.
In the case of new intents, after it is incorporated to the cor-
pus by the curators or the developers, the curator tryout the
example questions and check the outcome level of confi-
dence. If there is any divergence, they start the process
again to solve any conflicts that might arise. If not, the de-
veloper add those to the system, and advise by e-mail the
curators for them to test in the end-user platform. In case
of any divergences, the curator contacts the developer and
send the spreadsheet again for update the system.
Figure 5: Drawing the new
interface with 6 steps.
Main Challenges Faced by Curators
Expert curators do several manual tasks which impact the
productivity and the quality of the end-result, and there-
fore of the user experience. We describe the most relevant
1. Identifying new topics in millions of questions.
2. Managing concurrent incompatible software system and
3. Using several systems to create content in the same
4. Determining the priorities of the issues to fix.
5. Mapping to each other similar dialogue failures.
6. Handling several stakeholders that had to approve new
7. Fixing duplicate information in the corpus created by
different curators.
8. Using several sources of content to extract answers.
9. Reusing similar content.
10. Avoiding intent IDs which might confound the curators.
11. Creating mechanisms for automatic updates for similar
12. Dealing with flow digression, disambiguation, and lack of
13. Handling diverse taxonomy intent IDs for multiple clients.
14. Reusing the corpus in another language.
15. Tracking editions by each curator.
In practice, in the context of limited supporting tools, cu-
rators must trust their own experience and familiarity with
the content to guarantee a good user experience with the
Final Remarks
We see this paper as an initial, preliminary work to under-
standing the practices and needs of the content curators of
conversational systems. We believe it is a starting point to
uncover the fundamental work curators do today to create
and maintain complex conversational systems, including
many of the chatbots being used by enterprises in different
parts of the world.
We acknowledge the need to explore new methodologies to
be applied in this problem, and of deeper and larger scale
studies. We are particularly curious to know which other
methods, tools, and practices other curators of AI content
have, especially in other domains.
[1] Tasneem Kaochar, Raquel Torres Peralta, Clayton T
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[2] Gary A Klein, Roberta Calderwood, and Donald
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cybernetics 19, 3 (1989), 462–472.
[3] Jetze Schuurmans and Flavius Frasincar. 2019. Intent
Classification for Dialogue Utterances. IEEE Intelligent
Systems (2019).
[4] Patrice Y. Simard, Saleema Amershi, David Maxwell
Chickering, Alicia Edelman Pelton, Soroush Ghorashi,
Christopher Meek, Gonzalo Ramos, Jina Suh, Johan
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[5] Hazel Taylor. 2005. A critical decision interview
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... We call machine teachers the professionals which are behind the everyday content updates, development, and maintenance of ML systems. The work of those professionals was also defined as human-inthe-loop [21,86], conducted by data scientists [49], or other knowledge domain experts [16,75,94]. ...
... Machine teachers use special platforms for the development of conversational systems, called here conversational platforms, and often interact with technical ML experts who set the limitations of the conversational platforms and how the content should be included in the conversation flow. Most of the machine teachers play the role of content curators and are, in different degrees, domain experts, but often they are not specialists in machine learning development itself [16,60]. ...
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Conversational interfaces require two types of curation: data curation by data science workers and content curation by domain experts. Recent years have seen the possibilities for content curators to instruct conversational machines in the customer service domain (i.e., Machine Teaching). The activities of curating specialized data are time-consuming. These activities have a learning curve for the domain expert, and they rely on collaborators beyond the domain experts, including product owners, technology expert curators, management, marketing, and communication employees. However, recent research has looked at making this task easier for domain experts with a lack of knowledge in the Machine Learning system, and few papers have investigated the work practices and collaborations involved in this role. This paper aims to fill this gap, presenting and unveiling practices extracted from eleven semi-structured interviews and four design workshops with experts in Banking, Technical support, Humans Resources, Telecommunications, and Automotive sectors. First, we investigate the articulation work of the content curators and tech curators in training conversational machines. Second, we inspect the curatorial and collaboration strategies they use, which are not afforded by current conversational platforms. Third, we draw the design implications and possibilities to support individual and collaboration curating practices. We reflect on how those practices rely on self and collaboration with others for curation, trust, and data tracking and ownership.
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Intent Classification for Dialogue Utterances
Jetze Schuurmans and Flavius Frasincar. 2019. Intent Classification for Dialogue Utterances. IEEE Intelligent Systems (2019).
Jetze Schuurmans and Flavius Frasincar. 2019. Intent Classification for Dialogue Utterances
  • Jetze Schuurmans
  • Flavius Frasincar