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Abstract and Figures

Background: Exercise is considered an effective intervention to relieve chronic back pain. However, it is still unknown whether specific exercise patterns vary in terms of their efficiency and effectiveness. Aim: To investigate the differential health and economic effects of intensity, specificity and degree of subjective perceived physical exertion across five exercise patterns (endurance, gymnastics, fitness, back gymnastics, multimodal back exercise) in adults with back pain. Design: Longitudinal observational cohort study over a period of 24 months. Setting: Various non-therapeutic exercise facilities (e.g., outdoor, fitness centres, health insurance programmes, sports clubs) across one federal state of Germany (Baden- Wuerttemberg). Population: Adults with back pain (N = 2,542, Mean = 46.9 years, 66% females, Graded Chronic Back pain GCPS 1= 40.5%, GCPS 2= 27.3 %, GCPS 3= 20.7 %, GCPS 4= 11.5 %). Methods: Self-reported back pain (functional restrictions and pain = Back Pain Function Score, BPFS) and characteristics of exercising behaviour (frequency, duration, type, physical exertion) were assessed at baseline and at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Direct medical costs for back disorders (International Classification of Diseases, Dorsopathies: M40 - M54) were compiled from health insurance records. Results: Moderate- to high-intensity exercise patterns were effective in reducing back pain, particularly at lower levels of subjective perceived physical exertion. At these intensity levels, multimodal back exercise (i.e., exercising the spine-stabilizing muscles specifically, ergonomic training) was 14.5 times more effective than non-backspecific fitness exercise in reducing back pain (BPFS). The beneficial effects of both exercise types increased with the initial severity of back pain. However, only multimodal back exercise (moderate- to high-intensity/high back specificity) was associated with a significant decrease in direct medical costs for back pain. Conclusions: Targeted exercise of the spine-stabilizing musculature at moderate to high intensities without maximum perceived exertion is effective and efficient in reducing back pain.
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European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation
October 2020
Vol. 56 - No. 5
How effective and efcient are different
exercise patterns in reducing back pain?
Gerhard MÜLLER *, Lisa LYSSENKO, Marco GIURGIU, Manuela PFINDER, Michael CLEMENT,
Department of Product Management, AOK Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bruchsal, Germany
* Corresponding author: Gerhard Müller, Department of Product Management, AOK Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bahnhofstrasse 12, 76646 Bruchsal, Germany.
BACKGROUND: Exercise is considered an effective intervention to relieve chronic back pain. However, it is still unknown whether specic
exercise patterns vary in terms of their efciency and effectiveness.
AIM: To investigate the differential health and economic effects of intensity, specicity and degree of subjective perceived physical exertion
across ve exercise patterns (endurance, gymnastics, tness, back gymnastics, multimodal back exercise) in adults with back pain.
DESIGN: Longitudinal observational cohort study over a period of 24 months.
SETTING: Various non-therapeutic exercise facilities (e.g. outdoor, tness centers, health insurance programs, sports clubs) across one federal
state of Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg).
POPULATION: Adults with back pain (N.=2,542, Mean =46.9 years, 66% females, graded chronic back pain [GCPS] 1=40.5%, GCPS 2=27.3%,
GCPS 3=20.7%, GCPS 4=11.5%).
METHODS: Self-reported back pain (functional restrictions and pain = back pain function score, [BPFS]) and characteristics of exercising
behavior (frequency, duration, type, physical exertion) were assessed at baseline and at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Direct medical costs for back
disorders (international classication of diseases, dorsopathies: M40–M54) were compiled from health insurance records.
RESULTS: Moderate- to high-intensity exercise patterns were effective in reducing back pain, particularly at lower levels of subjective per-
ceived physical exertion. At these intensity levels, multimodal back exercise (i.e. exercising the spine-stabilizing muscles specically, ergonomic
training) was 14.5 times more effective than non-back specic tness exercise in reducing BPFS. The benecial effects of both exercise types
increased with the initial severity of back pain. However, only multimodal back exercise (moderate- to high-intensity/high back specicity) was
associated with a signicant decrease in direct medical costs for back pain.
CONCLUSIONS: Targeted exercise of the spine-stabilizing musculature at moderate to high intensities without maximum perceived exertion is
effective and efcient in reducing back pain.
CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: The combination of high-intensity and high-specicity exercises yielded a signicant reduction in
medical costs. However, the intensities in terms of muscular load in endurance training and gymnastics may not be sufcient to reduce back
pain effectively.
(Cite this article as: Müller G, Lyssenko L, Giurgiu M, Pnder M, Clement M, Kaiserauer A, et al. How effective and efcient are different exercise
patterns in reducing back pain? Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2020;56:585-93. DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.20.05975-4)
Key words: Exercise; Physical exertion; Back pain; Cohort studies.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2020 October;56(5):585-93
DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.20.05975-4
Online version at
Back pain is responsible for most of the years lived with
disability (YLD) worldwide and has a lifetime preva-
lence of over 70% in industrialized countries.1, 2 The as-
sociated medical costs are estimated to amount up to 10%
of the respective gross domestic product (GDP), underlin-
ing the claim that effective interventions not only allevi-
ate pain for individuals but also bear considerable societal
Physical activity has been shown to effectively reduce
chronic back pain in a substantial number of studies and
is consistently recommended for the management of non-
specic low back pain in clinical guidelines.7-10 However,
its mechanisms of action are not yet well understood.7, 11-18
In physiological models, the pain-reducing effect is as-
sumed to be related to neuronal adaptations associated with
increases in trunk strength, stability and exibility.19 From
a psychological-cognitive perspective, the combination of
physical activity and pain reduction supposedly generates
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Materials and methods
Study design and sample
The study was conducted as part of a nonrandomized
multi-center evaluation trial on the effectiveness of a mul-
timodal back exercise program compared to standard care
for back pain, with assessments at baseline (t0) and after
6, 12, 18 and 24 months (t1, t2, t3, t4).29 The inclusion
criteria were a minimum age of 16 years and the presence
of back pain (graded chronic pain status [GCPS]>0). The
only exclusion criterion was a medical contraindication
to physical exercise. The study was approved by the ethi-
cal review committee at the University of Greifswald (ID
Out of 4888 contacted study participants, 2920 insur-
ance holders agreed to take part in the evaluation study,
of which 87% (N.=2542) were included in the analyses
presented here. Reasons for exclusion were the absence of
back pain (GCPS=0; N.=114), missing data on the back-
pain function score ([BPFS]; N.=123) and missing data
on medical costs (N.=141). Only the response rate for the
questionnaires decreased with each assessment date (ques-
tionnaires data: t1 67%, t2 61%, t3 57%, t4 53%; cost data:
t1-t4 100%) see Figure 1. The resulting data are nonex-
perimental data corresponding to the design of an observa-
tional cohort study. Participants are not grouped according
to their type of exercise; each participant is included with
his amount of training in each of the ve categories (see
outcome measures).
Outcome measures
Back pain was assessed with the German version of the
Chronic Pain Grade questionnaire,30 a standardized self-
report instrument, asking for pain intensity (3 items),
pain-related functional impairment (3 items), the num-
ber of days on which pain was present (1 item) and im-
peded performance of routine daily activities (1 item).
The original version recommends a categorization into
ve levels of GCPS:30 no back pain, low pain intensity,
high pain intensity, moderate functional impairment and
severe functional impairment. However, the distinction
between pain intensity and pain-related disability has
been critically discussed.31 A preliminary inspection of
the data structure in our sample similarly revealed one
single factor with an eigenvalue >1 by means of an ex-
ploratory factor analysis. Consequently, we combined the
scores for pain intensity and functioning items for a mean
total score, which ranged from 0 to 10 (Back Pain Func-
tion Score, BPFS).32
a self-reinforcing upward spiral of improvements in self-
efcacy beliefs, self-management behaviors, psychosocial
functioning and overall well-being.8, 20 However, empiri-
cal results on the inuence of type and intensity of exer-
cise, as well as the subjective degree of perceived physical
exertion (following Borg21assessment of physical exer-
tion from any exertion at all up to maximum exertion on
a scale from 0 to 10), are inconsistent,8, 17-22 and empirical
evidence on the question of whether a movement-induced
reduction in back pain affects direct medical costs is rather
fragmentary.7, 9, 12, 23-25 Despite the double-digit number of
systematic reviews published on the topic, there is no con-
sensus on the relative effectiveness of different exercise
patterns, and the question of which elements of an inter-
vention are particularly decisive for the pain-reducing ef-
fect remains unanswered. Some authors, e.g. Haag et al.,26
argue that “there is still no evidence that anyone specic
approach is the most favorable,” while others emphasize
particular exercise characteristics; for example, Smeets et
al.18 concluded that “specic low back muscle strengthen-
ing exercises of sufcient intensity and frequency to fulll
the exercise physiology criteria show moderate evidence
that they are more effective compared to less intensive ex-
ercises.” This discrepancy seems to be affected by aspects
such as the sample populations, experimental procedures
and comparators in individual studies, which typically
investigate a limited variety of exercise patterns in clini-
cally homogenous sample populations. This approach has
a rather paradoxical effect on the integration of evidence:
systematic reviews/meta-analyses encounter high hetero-
geneity between samples and low comparability of exer-
cise patterns.27
The primary aim of this investigation was to analyze
the relative effectiveness and efciency of different exer-
cise patterns in reducing back pain. The structure of the
German statutory health insurance system provides a con-
venient context for pragmatic research designs.28 Along-
side the implementation of a specic program for back
pain prevention across one federal state of Germany, we
conducted a longitudinal observational study in a socio-
demographically diverse sample including a wide vari-
ety of exercise patterns, ranging from specic medically
indicated training of the spine-stabilizing musculature to
incidental leisure time exercises. In this paper, we address
the following questions: rst, how effective are different
exercise patterns in reducing back pain? Second, does the
degree of subjective perceived physical exertion inuence
the effects? Third, how do these parameters impact the
economic perspective?
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Gymnastics: exercises to improve agility, coordina-
tion and strength across body parts at a low to moderate
level of intensity;
Fitness: exercises similar to those above mentioned at
a moderate to high level of intensity;
• Back gymnastics: exercises specically designed to
improve the strength and mobility of the spine-stabilizing
musculature at a low to moderate level of intensity;
• Multimodal back exercise (MMBE): exercises com-
parable to those above mentioned and performed on spe-
cialized exercise equipment at a moderate to high level
of intensity and combined with ergonomic exercises
for everyday motor activities (sitting, standing, lifting
Cost data were compiled directly from the insurance
fund records, thus representing the actual net costs per
participant attributable to back pain as coded in the Inter-
national Classication of Diseases (ICD-10; Chapter XIII:
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective
tissue, M40-M54). Costs include in- and outpatient acute
care as well as rehabilitative treatment, statutory sick leave
benets, medically prescribed supplementary treatments
(e.g. hydrotherapy, electrotherapeutic physiotherapy, and
massages), and medication for pain relief as classied in
the German Pharmaceutical Atlas (e.g. antiphlogistic, an-
tirheumatics, and muscle relaxants).34 Costs are expressed
in euros and relate to a six-month time period preceding
each assessment time point.
Statistical analyses
Hierarchical linear models (HLMs) with random intercepts
were chosen to analyze the effects of exercise patterns on
health and economic outcomes. In order to analyze the
longitudinal data resulting from observing the participants
Exercise patterns were assessed via a list of different
exercises (e.g. walking, biking, and an additional blank
space for other sports, such as Thai Bo or aqua tness),
on which participants indicated the frequencies, durations
and subjective perceived physical exertion levels of their
activities during the six months preceding each assessment
(following Borg21), regardless of whether an activity was
performed with the explicit aim of reducing back pain.
The participants reported within the questionnaire their
individually performed exercise pattern. They were not as-
signed to a specic exercise pattern.
The type of exercise was dened by a two-step rating
process. A team of experts rst developed a categorical
scheme with the predened criteria intensity (i.e. muscu-
lar load; ratings based on load and velocity of movements:
exercise that uses a heavier load and/or faster velocity
have a greater exercise intensity33) and specicity of ex-
ercise (i.e. spine-stabilizing exercise) (Figure 2). Subse-
quently, each activity was assigned to one of the following
Endurance training: physical activities characterized
by a low level of intensity and maintained over a pro-
longed period of time, often aimed at strengthening the
cardiovascular system;
Figure 1.—Participant owchart.
Figure 2.—Classication of exercise patterns.
Insurance holders asked for participation
No consent form (N.=1968)
Exclusions (N.=378)
- Did not meet inclusion criteria (GCPS>0) (N.=114)
- Lacked data for calculating the BPFS (N.=123)
- Incomplete cost data (N.=141)
- Cost data analyzed (N.=2542)
- Questionnaire data analyzed (N.=2542)
- Cost data analyzed (N.=2542)
- Questionnaire data analyzed (N.=1711)
- Cost data analyzed (N.=2542)
- Questionnaire data analyzed (N.=1551)
- Cost data analyzed (N.=2542)
- Questionnaire data analyzed (N.=1448)
- Cost data analyzed (N.=2542)
- Questionnaire data analyzed (N.=1350)
(Spine-stabilization exercise)
low high
(Muscle load)
Back gymnastics
Various gymnastic
exercises targeting the
trunk muscles
back exercise
Guided, machine-
aided trunk muscle
Swimming, running,
(nordic) walking,
biking, hiking,
crosscountry, inline
skating, various
Types: general
aqua, ski, senior,
functional; pilates
Aerobics, jazz
dance, (aqua) tness
training, tness
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For comparative purposes, the original scoring method is
presented in Table I. Moreover, the values of specic pain
items, functional items, employment status and sick days
are included in Table I.
Across the study period, participants spent an average
of 3193 minutes per 6-month period (123 minutes per
week, SD=147) on exercises at a medium level of sub-
jective perceived physical exertion (M=5.22; SD=1.97).
Most of the total hours were spent on endurance training
(67%), while moderate gymnastic exercises accounted for
only 2% of the total exercise volume across participants
(Table II).
Health effects
The relative effectiveness of different exercise patterns in
reducing BPFS was examined in a two-level HLM with
repeatedly over time, HLMs also known as linear mixed
models or multilevel models, are applied. They are an ex-
tension of linear regression, which is more exible in sev-
eral aspects. Unlike in the case of linear regression model,
which requires independent observations, HLMs allow
dependent residuals and allows the modeling of the co-
variance structure of the data. While in repeated measure-
ments ANCOVAs, another model to analyze longitudinal
data, only participants, who are observed at all occasions,
can be included in the model and participants with even a
single missing value are discarded or their missing values
have to be imputed, in HLMs one or more of the occasions
for measurement may be missing for participants and there
is no need to impute missing values. HLMs are the method
of choice for longitudinal studies,35 allowing the inclusion
of cases with missing data. The nested data structure of
the longitudinal data is addressed in two-level models, in
which the repeated measures are viewed as a level (level 1)
nested within the participants (level 2). Back pain (BPFS)
and direct medical costs of back disorders were modelled
as dependent variables. Participant characteristics and ex-
ercise patterns were included as independent variables:
sex, age (centered), BPFS (t0), type of exercise, subjective
perceived physical exertion (centered) and exercise vol-
ume for each assessment period (cumulated hours within
a 6-month period). As the study is designed as an observa-
tional study, the participants reported within the question-
naire their individually performed exercise patterns and it
can vary from measurement to measurement. They were
not assigned to a specic exercise pattern. There are no
groups dened by type of exercise (endurance exercise,
etc.). The HLMs allow to estimate the effect of the amount
of exercise patterns in the 5 categories on BPFS and medi-
cal costs, corrected for baseline measurements and demo-
graphic characteristics. We set the α-level at P≤0.05. The
statistical analyses were performed with IBM SPSS 24.
In total, 2542 participants (66% females) were included
in the analyses. Most participants had a middle level of
education (80.5%), and their ages spanned a range of 17
to 83 years (Mean [M], Standard Deviation [SD], M=46.9;
SD = 12.3) (Table I). Mean direct medical costs in the
six months preceding enrolment in the study was 204 €
(SD=893 €). At baseline, average back pain ratings on the
chronic pain grade questionnaire were M=5.0 (SD=2.0) for
intensity and M=3.4 (SD=2.3) for impairment of function-
ing, corresponding to a BPFS score of M=4.2 (SD=2.0).
Table I.— Sample characteristics at baseline.
Age (M [SD]) 46.9 (12.3)
Females (%) 66
Employment status (%)
Employed 69.9
Pensioners 15.9
Unemployed 4.1
Family members without employment 10.1
Sick days past 12 mths
Dorsopathies (M [SD]) 6.9 (24.3)
Overall (M [SD]) 18.3 (45.1)
Education (%)
Lower secondary (10 yrs.) 17.3
Upper secondary (13 yrs.) 63.2
Postsecondary (13+ yrs.) 4.4
Tertiary (13+yrs.) 6.4
Back pain (Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire)
Pain intensity (0-10) (M [SD]) 5(2)
Pain right now 3.9 (2.4)
Pain as bad as could be 6.4 (2.4)
Average pain 4.6 (2.2)
Impairment of functioning (0-10) (M [SD]) 3.4 (2.3)
Daily activities 3.4 (2.4)
Recreational, social and family activities 3.4 (2.5)
Work (including housework) 3.5 (2.5)
BPFS (0-10) (M [SD]) 4.2 (2)
Days in pain past 6 months (M [SD]) 76.1 (64.5)
Days with pain-related disability past 6 mths (M [SD]) 17.9 (37.4)
GCPS 1 (%) 40.5
GCPS 2 (%) 27.3
GCPS 3 (%) 20.7
GCPS 4 (%) 11.5
M= Mean, SD= Standard deviation
Graded chronic pain status 1= low pain intensity
Graded chronic pain status 2= high pain intensity
Graded chronic pain status 3= moderate functional impairment
Graded chronic pain status 4= severe functional impairment
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level of initial pain by one point on the BPFS (rating scale
0-10) augmented the pain-reducing effect of moderate- to
high-intensity exercises and exacerbated the disadvantage
of exercising at high physical exertion levels by a factor of
0.8 (Figure 3). The effect of age was less pronounced than
the effect of initial back pain, lowering the pain-reducing
effects for older participants by 0.1 points/BPFS per 10
years in age difference (Table III).
Economic effects
In the two-level HLM on economic effects, only MMBE
was signicantly associated with a cost reduction
MMBE=-1.72, t=-3.6, P=<0.001). The effect of cost re-
duction through MMBE increased slightly with the level
of back pain BPFS t0*MMBE=-0.66, t=-2.7, P=0.008) (Ta-
ble IV). Thus, an average exercise volume reduced medi-
cal costs by 86 MMBE* 50 hrs), which is a reduction
of 42% compared to the baseline costs (mt0 =204 €). Ini-
tial back pain and sex signicantly moderated this effect.
initial back pain, age and sex as control variables (Table
III). Overall, the model explained 32% of the variance in
self-reported pain (BPFS).
Only exercise categories requiring moderate to high
levels of intensity/muscular load yielded signicant pain-
reducing effects (i.e. ßMMBE=-0.029, t=-30.0, P<0.001; ßt-
ness=-0.002, t=-5.1, P<0.001) (Table III). The effect was
stronger for MMBE than for tness by a factor of 14.5
MMBEtness). In other words, an average participant ex-
ercising approximately 2 hrs per week for half a year (50
hrs) would experience a pain reduction of 1.43 points in the
BPFS (βMMBE* 50 hrs) with MMBE and a pain reduction
of 0.1 points with tness exercises (βtness* 50 hrs). Ex-
ercising at higher levels of subjective perceived exertion
signicantly increased back pain (ßexertion=0.08, t=8.23,
P<0.001). Given the average degree of exertion (M=5.22;
SD=1.97), an increase/decrease by one standard deviation
would be associated with an increase/decrease in back
pain of 0.16 points in the BPFS (SDexertion* ßexertion). The
effects of MMBE, tness and physical exertion increased
with the level of initial back pain (Table III).
Among the participant baseline characteristics, initial
back pain and the age of the participants signicantly
moderated the effects of the exercise patterns. A higher
Figure 3.—Effectiveness for the upper and lower tertiles of subjective
perceived physical exertion. aLeft-hand side: participants with high ini-
tial back pain (BPFSt0>5.2); btertiles of subjective perceived physical
exertion; low: ≤4.6, 4.6< medium ≤6.0, high >6.0; cright-hand side: par-
ticipants with low initial back pain (BPFSt0<3.3).
Table II.— Exercise volume per category and 6-month period.
Category Time total (minutes) SD %
Endurance 2,131 3,024 67
Fitness 419 1,067 13
Back gymnastics 328 695 10
Multimodal back exercise 247 307 8
Gymnastics 69 236 2
Total 3,193 3,831 100
Table III.— Results from the hierarchical linear model for BPFS.
ß-coefcient SE t-value PCondence interval 95%
Lower bound Upper bound
Constant term 3.91803 0.03469 112.946 <0.001 3.85002 3.98605
Age 0.01065 0.00202 5.261 <0.001 0.00668 0.01462
Sex (male=1) -0.00003 0.05133 -0.001 0.999 -0.10069 0.10062
Physical exertion 0.07985 0.00970 8.231 <0.001 0.06083 0.09887
Multimodal back exercise -0.02866 0.00095 -30.047 <0.001 -0.03053 -0.02679
Endurance -0.00025 0.00014 -1.877 0.061 -0.00052 0.00001
Fitness -0.00197 0.00039 -5.109 <0.001 -0.00273 -0.00122
Gymnastics -0.00058 0.00146 -0.398 0.691 -0.00343 0.00227
Back gymnastics 0.00065 0.00062 1.048 0.295 -0.00057 0.00187
BPFS t0 0.83987 0.01425 58.934 <0.001 0.81193 0.86781
BPFS t0*physical exertion 0.02631 0.00465 5.661 <0.001 0.01720 0.03542
BPFS t0*MMBE -0.00918 0.00050 -18.422 <0.001 -0.01016 -0.00820
BPFS t0*tness -0.00058 0.00016 -3.631 <0.001 -0.00089 -0.00026
Back pain function score
High initial back pain (BPFS)a
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
± 1 SE
Back pain function score
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
± 1 SE
Low initial back pain (BPFS)c
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sectional enlargement).40 Strengthening the spine-stabilizing
musculature may thus counteract any disturbances in muscle
activation patterns, weakness and fatigability inducing and/
or resulting from the experience of back pain.12, 41-44
An unexpected nding was that although exercising
at a higher intensity was more effective, higher subjec-
tive perceived physical exertion levels during the exercise
sessions intensied back pain. This ostensible contradic-
tion might be explained by a combination of physiologi-
cal and psychological effects. The physiological overload
aligned with maximum exertion not only harbors the risk
of damage but also leads to sensations that might be per-
ceived as gratifying in the context of strength training but
often fuel the fear of pain in rehabilitation patients.45 In
implementing an exercise regimen for preventive or clini-
cal purposes, the general aim should be attaining optimal
rather than maximum results.46 For individuals with back
pain in particular, the experience of painless physical ac-
tivity is assumed to positively change beliefs, attitudes,
and coping mechanisms.47-49 In addition, exercising with
high levels of intensity might enable the feeling of having
mastered a challenge and thus reduce avoidance behav-
iors in the future. However, not only fear avoidance beliefs
lead to physical inactivity. There are further internal and
external barriers for physical activity. The most common
internal barriers for middle-aged people were “too tired,”
“already active enough,” “do not know how to do it” and
“too lazy,” while those for elderly people were “too tired,”
“lack of motivation” and “already active enough”.50 How-
ever, compared to the fear avoidance beliefs these barriers
might be of minor relevance for back pain patients.
In the cost-efcient analysis of our data, only the
MMBE program yielded a signicant reduction in direct
medical costs for back disorders. On the other hand, tness
Cost reduction was more pronounced in male participants
than in female participants (ßsex=71.6, t= 3.3, P=0.001)
and in those with higher levels of initial back pain than
those with lower levels of initial back pain (ßBPFSt0= 58.2,
t=8.9, P<0.001). Overall, the model explained 33% of the
variance in direct medical costs.
The present study examined how intensity, specicity, and
subjective perceived physical exertion inuence the effects
of exercise on pain reduction and medical costs in adults
with back pain, based on data from a 24-month observa-
tional cohort study with a large, heterogeneous communi-
ty sample. The results indicate that only exercise patterns
with a moderate to high intensity in terms of muscular load
signicantly reduced pain, i.e. tness training and MMBE,
whereas exercise patterns requiring less muscular effort,
such as endurance training, gymnastics and back gymnas-
tics, did not yield signicant effects. The effectiveness of
exercises with moderate to high intensities was multiplied
by a factor of 14.5 when the spine-stabilizing muscula-
ture was targeted. Only this combination of intensity and
specicity, as applied in the MMBE program, signicantly
reduced direct medical costs for back disorders. The analy-
ses were controlled for sex, age and initial back pain.
These results add to the empirical evidence that a minimum
threshold of exercise intensity must be exceeded to reduce
back pain effectively.12, 36-39 From a physiological perspec-
tive, the relative advantage of specic training is a logical
consequence of this effect; exercises of high intensity elicit
large muscle activations, which in turn stimulate the neural
and physiological adaptations associated with improved
functionality and strength of the targeted musculature (cross-
Table IV.— Results from the hierarchical linear model for direct medical costs for back disorders.
ß-coefcient SE t-value P Condence interval 95%
Lower bound Upper bound
Constant term 161.10 16.19 9.949 <0.001 129.35 192.85
Age 0.29 0.86 0.331 0.741 -1.41 1.98
Sex (male=1) 71.64 21.73 3.297 0.001 29.02 114.25
Physical exertion -7.71 4.92 -1.565 0.118 -17.36 1.95
Multimodal back exercise -1.72 0.48 -3.602 <0.001 -2.65 -0.78
Endurance -0.05 0.06 -0.839 0.402 -0.18 0.07
Fitness 0.03 0.18 0.186 0.852 -0.32 0.39
Gymnastics 0.35 0.67 0.521 0.602 -0.97 1.67
Back gymnastics -0.05 0.28 -0.159 0.873 -0.60 0.51
BPFS t0 58.24 6.54 8.903 <0.001 45.41 71.07
BPFS t0*physical exertion -2.29 2.35 -0.973 0.331 -6.90 2.32
BPFS t0*MMBE -0.66 0.25 -2.661 0.008 -0.60 0.51
BPFS t0*tness -0.09 0.07 -1.208 0.227 -0.60 0.51
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physical exertion and objective physical load (i.e. inten-
sity of exercise) is assumed.21 However, this relationship
has been shown to be inuenced by psychological, social
and contextual factors, all of which might inuence the
perception of physical exertion in individuals with chron-
ic back pain.53, 54 Interestingly, in a parallel analysis of
the data presented in this article, the number of training
sessions was more relevant for back pain reduction than
were increases in physical performance.32 A more com-
prehensive understanding of the complex interaction be-
tween physiological and psychological mechanisms may
be valuable in improving exercise interventions for back
pain. For example, it may be conceivable to give correc-
tive feedback and/or adjust exercises based on combined
information about subjective perceived physical exertion
and objective load, thus increasing the effectiveness of
In conclusion, this study indicates that a certain intensity
of exercise is an essential prerequisite for back pain reduc-
tion, which is most effectively achieved when the spine-
stabilizing musculature is targeted and the level of subjec-
tive perceived physical exertion is not exceedingly high.
The intensities in terms of muscular load in endurance
training and gymnastics may not be sufcient to reduce
back pain effectively. Only the combination of high-in-
tensity and high-specicity exercises yielded a signicant
reduction in medical costs. More research is needed to dis-
entangle the physiological and psychological mechanisms
of action involved in these differential effects of exercise
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training, i.e. exercises of high intensity but low specicity,
signicantly reduced back pain but did not reduce costs.
To our knowledge, none of the previous studies compare
the efciency of different exercise patterns.24, 25 The most
recent meta-analysis cautiously concludes that “there is in-
consistent and heterogeneous evidence, although, exercise
therapy may be a cost-effective intervention compared
with usual care for chronic low back pain ” (page 180).24, 25
Our data potentially indicate that a critical threshold for
health effects must be crossed before economic effects can
be achieved.51
Limitations of the study
The main source of limitation is the focus of the original
trial, which evaluated the multimodal back exercise pro-
gram compared with standard back pain care.29 The sam-
ple characteristics limit the external validity of the study,
because the population was of insurance holders.
It has advantages and disadvantages to observe study
participants’ exercising behavior under almost natural
conditions, which means specic combinations of exercise
patterns per participant. The disadvantage is, that this kind
of model does not enable pointing out exercise effects of
single times of measurement. This is done frequently in
comparison of groups. The advantage of the HLM is the
consideration of all exercise patterns and their effects on
the BPFS under natural conditions. Thus, we can show the
effect of a specic exercise pattern per hour of exercise. In
our study we only considered the rst two domains out of
the six core domains:52 1) pain; 2) physical functioning; 3)
emotional functioning; 4) participant ratings of improve-
ment and satisfaction with treatment; 5) symptoms and ad-
verse events; and 6) participant disposition. Accordingly,
the interpretation of results limited.
While the intensity of the multimodal back exercises
was based on one-repetition maximum [% 1 RM] on dif-
ferent machine-aided trunk exercises, expert ratings were
used to categorize the other exercise pattern categories.
Thus, no objective statements regarding the intensity and
specicity of the different categories can be provided.
Particularly with regard to policy implications of the cost-
efcacy analysis, our results should be replicated with a
stronger monitoring of the other exercise patterns to rule
out potential biases in these analyses, e.g. scheduling,
guidance or motivational support.
The relationship between exercise intensity and subjec-
tive perceived physical exertion in our results emphasizes
an important topic for future research. In general, a pri-
marily linear relationship between subjective perceived
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or systematically, either printed or electronic) of the Article for any purpose. It is not permitted to distribute the electronic copy of the article through online internet and/or intranet le sharing systems, electronic mailing or any other means which may allow access
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cover, overlay, obscure, block, or change any copyright notices or terms of use which the Publisher may post on the Article. It is not permitted to frame or use framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information of the Publisher.
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Conicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conict of interest with any nancial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.
Authors’ contributions.—All authors read and approved the nal version of the manuscript.
History.—Article rst published online: June 4, 2020. - Manuscript accepted: June 3, 2020. - Manuscript revised: May 29, 2020. - Manuscript received:
August 23, 2019.
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... Currently, there are many different screening tools to assess back pain [52][53][54] . In Germany, GCPS has become a de facto gold standard for assessing the severity of CLBP, as it is recommended in the national care guideline 8 , the DMP guideline 21 and used in numerous publications considering the treatment and severity of CLBP 39,42,[55][56][57][58] . The German version of the GCPS is reliable (Cronbach's alpha = 0.82) and has a high internal and concurrent validity compared to other staging systems 59 . ...
... In this study, it was also shown that participants with high GCPS grades not only suffer the most, but also cause the highest costs. In previous studies, it was clearly established that patients, especially those with high GCPS grades, benefit from long-term multimodal interventions 39,42,56 . The payer therefore has an interest in trying to focus on this subgroup to reach a cost-effective intervention. ...
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Treatment of chronic lower back pain (CLBP) should be stratified for best medical and economic outcome. To improve the targeting of potential participants for exclusive therapy offers from payers, Freytag et al. developed a tool to classify back pain chronicity classes (CC) based on claim data. The aim of this study was to evaluate the criterion validity of the model. Administrative claim data and self-reported patient information from 3,506 participants (2014–2021) in a private health insurance health management programme in Germany were used to validate the tool. Sensitivity, specificity, and Matthews’ correlation coefficient (MCC) were calculated comparing the prediction with actual grades based on von Korff’s graded chronic pain scale (GCPS). The secondary outcome was an updated view on direct health care costs (€) of patients with back pain (BP) grouped by GCPS. Results showed a fair correlation between predicted CC and actual GCPS grades. A total of 69.7% of all cases were correctly classified. Sensitivity and specificity rates of 54.6 and 76.4% underlined precision. Correlation between CC and GCPS with an MCC of 0.304 also indicated a fair relationship between prediction and observation. Cost data could be clearly grouped by GCPS: the higher the grade, the higher the costs and the use of health care. This was the first study to compare the predicted severity of BP using claim data with the actual severity of BP by GCPS. Based on the results, the usage of CC as a single tool to determine who receives CLBP treatment cannot be recommended. CC is a good tool to segment candidates for specific types of intervention in BP. However, it cannot replace a medical screening at the beginning of an intervention, as the rate of false negatives is too high. Trial registration The study was conducted using routinely collected data from an intervention, which was previously evaluated and registered retrospectively in the German Registry of Clinical Trials under DRKS00015463 (04/09/2018). Informed consent and the self-reported questionnaire have remained unchanged since the study and, therefore, are still valid according to the ethics proposal.
... Von Korff 's Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS) [23,49], a widely used, frequently validated, and internationally recognised tool for self-administered pain assessment [25,[51][52][53][54][55][56] was used to measure pain intensity and disability associated with CLBP in the present study. It was included in the digital self-assessment process required for enrolment in the CLPB intervention. ...
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Background: Nonspecific chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a complex symptom with numerous possible causes and influencing factors. Understanding how modifiable factors affect the course of CLBP is important for preventing progression. As the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lifestyle of many people, this study paper assessed whether it also changed the influence of modifiable lifestyle factors (regular exercise and sedentary behaviour) and mental health factors (anxiety and depression) on CLBP pain intensity and disability by comparing the strength of these associations before and during the pandemic. We hypothesised that the importance of regular physical activity and good mental health for CLBP patients would increase during the pandemic. Methods: These questions were investigated in a cross-sectional study of insurance claims data and self-reported data from various questionnaires from 3,478 participants in a German CLBP health intervention (2014-2021) by calculating pre- and intra-pandemic odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each variable of interest and outcome. Potential confounders were also considered. Pandemic status was treated as an effect modifier. Based on the date of enrolment, participants were classified as "pre-pandemic" or "pandemic". Results: Regularly exercising ≥ 4 h/week significantly reduced the odds of high disability for men (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.31 - 0.79, p = 0.003) and women (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.14 - 0.563, p = 0.002) and reduced the probability of severe pain in women (OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.21 - 0.65, p < 0.001). Each one-point increase in PHQ-4 score for anxiety and depression increased the OR of high pain intensity by 1.25 points (95% CI 1.18 - 1.34, p < 0.001). A clear impact of COVID-19 lockdowns was observed. In individuals who exercised ≥ 4 h/week the OR of high disability was 0.57 (95% CI 0.36 - 0.92, p = 0.021) in the pre-pandemic group compared to 0.29 (95% CI 0.12 - 0.56, p = 0.002) in the pandemic group. The probability of high disability increased from an OR of 1.42 (95% CI 1.33 - 1.52, p < 0.001) per marginal increase in the PHQ-4 scale before the pandemic, to an OR of 1.73 (95% CI 1.58 - 1.89, p < 0.001) during the pandemic. Conclusions: The magnitude of association of the factors that influenced high pain intensity and disability increased during the pandemic. On the one hand, the protective effect of regular exercising was greater in participants surveyed during lockdown. On the other hand, a higher risk through anxiety or depression during the lockdown was identified. An additional study with objective measures of sedentary behaviour and physical activity is needed to validate these results. More in-depth investigation of lockdown-induced associations between reduced daily physical activity, increased levels of anxiety and depression, and their effects on CLPB could also be worthwhile. Trial registration: This study used routinely collected data from a CLBP intervention that was previously evaluated and registered in the German Registry of Clinical Trials under DRKS00015463 (04/09/2018). The original ethics approval, informed consent and self-reported questionnaire have remained unchanged and are still valid.
... Der Trainingsumfang im vergangenen halben Jahr wurde für unterschiedliche Kategorien sportlicher Aktivität erfragt (Ausdauer, Fitness, Rückentraining, Ballsport, Entspannung, Gymnastik). Wenn sportliche Aktivitäten unter "sonstige sportliche Aktivitäten" benannt wurden, erfolgte eine Zuordnung durch zwei Sportwissenschaftlern zu den passenden Kategorien oder zur Kategorie "sonstige sportliche Aktivitäten" [18]. ...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Gesundheit, Freude/Spaß, Figur und Gesellschaft sind Motive für sportliche Aktivitäten. Es ist unklar, welcher Zusammenhang zwischen ihrer Ausprägung, Alter, Geschlecht, Schmerzen und Trainingsumfang besteht. Material und Methoden In dieser Untersuchung wurden 792 sportlich aktive Männer und Frauen (68 % Frauen und 32 % Männer, Alter M = 53,5 Jahren, SD = 11,9, Range 24–85 Jahre) zur Ausprägung ihrer Motive für sportliche Aktivitäten, ihren Rückenschmerzen und dem Trainingsumfang ihrer sportlichen Aktivitäten befragt. Zur Überprüfung der Effekte auf den Trainingsumfang wurden Regressionsanalysen gerechnet. Ergebnisse Das Motiv Gesundheit war bei Männern und Frauen das stärkste Motiv für ihre sportlichen Aktivitäten, ohne einen signifikanten Effekt auf den Trainingsumfang zu haben. Bei Frauen hatten die Motive Freude (BFreude = 0,23, t = 3,6, p < 0,001, r = 0,25), Figur (BFigur = 0,127, t = 2,0, p = 0,05, r = 0,16) und Alter (BAlter = 0,03, t = 2,5, p = 0,01, r = 0,17) einen kleinen (Figur, Alter) bis mittleren Effekt (Freude) auf den Trainingsumfang. Bei Männern hatten nur Rückenschmerzen einen signifikanten positiven Effekt (BRückenschmerzen = 1,4, t = 4,2, p < 0,001, r = 0,35) auf den Trainingsumfang (starker Effekt). Diskussion und Schlussfolgerung Bei sportlich aktiven Frauen fördert die beim Training empfundene Freude (intrinsische Motivation) und der Wunsch nach einer besseren Figur (introjizierte Regulation = externen Anforderungen entsprechen) den Trainingsumfang. Für sportlich aktive Männer steht möglicherweise die Lösung des gesundheitlichen Problems im Vordergrund: Je größer das Problem (Rückenschmerzen) desto höher ist der Trainingsumfang. Vermutlich haben sie die Erfahrung gemacht, dass körperliches Training die Rückenschmerzen reduziert.
Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate and compare the acute effects of exergames (EXG) and core stability exercises (CSEs) on cognitive factors, pain, mood, and fear-avoidance beliefs (FAB) in individuals with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Materials and Methods: In a single-blinded clinical trial, 40 participants with CLBP were randomly assigned to either the EXG group or the CSEs group. The EXG group engaged in a single session of exergames using the Xbox Kinect device, while the CSEs group completed a single session of common core stability exercises. Measurements of attention, working memory, pain intensity, mood states, and FAB were taken before and after each intervention. Results: The results showed that a single session of EXG was significantly more effective than CSEs in improving cognitive reaction time, pain intensity, FAB, and positive mood states (P ≤ 0.05). Additionally, participants reported lower perceived exertion due to exercising following EXG compared with CSEs. Conclusion: EXG may have potential therapeutic advantages over traditional exercise interventions for CLBP.
Background: High intensity training (HIT) improves disability and physical fitness in persons with chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNSLBP). However, it remains unclear if HIT affects pain processing and psychosocial factors. Objective: To evaluate 1) the effects of HIT on symptoms of central sensitization and perceived stress and 2) the relationship of symptoms of central sensitization and perceived stress with therapy success, at six-month follow-up, in persons with CNSLBP. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of a previously published randomized controlled trial. Persons with CNSLBP (n = 51, age=43.6y) completed the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) at baseline (PRE) and six months after 12-week of HIT consisting of concurrent exercise therapy (FU). Two groups were formed based on CSI scores (low-CSI/high-CSI). First, linear mixed models were fitted for each outcome, with time and groups as covariates. Multiple comparisons were executed to evaluate group (baseline), time (within-group), and interaction (between-group) effects. Second, correlation and regression analyses were performed to evaluate if baseline and changes in CSI/PSS scores were related to therapy success, operationalized as improvements on disability (Modified Oswestry Disability Index), and pain intensity (Numeric Pain Rating Scale). Results: Total sample analyses showed a decrease in both CSI and PSS. Within-group analyses showed a decrease of CSI only in the high-CSI group and a decrease of PSS only in the low-CSI group. Between-group analyses showed a pronounced decrease favouring high-CSI (mean difference: 7.9; 95%CI: 2.1, 12.7) and no differences in PSS (mean difference: 0.1; 95%CI: -3.0, 3.2). CSI, but not PSS, was weakly related to therapy success. Conclusion: HIT improves symptoms of central sensitization in persons with CNSLBP. This effect is the largest in persons with clinically relevant baseline CSI scores. HIT also decreases perceived stress.
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Background Active exercising can effectively reduce low back pain but the mechanisms of action are still unclear. Objective What are the influences of training frequency, increased physical performance, age and gender on the effectiveness of a multimodal back training? Material and methods A total of 1395 persons with back pain (mean age 46.9 ± 12.3 years, 65% female) took part in a multimodal back training over 24 months in the context of a multicenter study (39 locations). Back pain, physical capacity of strength, mobility and bilateral strength ratio of the spine stabilizing muscles were measured at the beginning of the training and after 6, 12 and 18 months. Results and discussion The participants trained on average for 41.0 (SD ± 17.8) 60-min training units. This resulted in an increase of strength (28.1%), mobility (14.7%) and strength ratio (6.5%) compared to an age and gender-matched cohort without back pain. Back pain was reduced by 37.5%. The reduction in back pain can be ascribed to the training frequency by 70% and to increased physical performance by 30%. Age only marginally influenced the effect of training, while gender had no significant effect. Conclusion Increases in physical performance have positive effects on the reduction of back pain but the number of training sessions was shown to be more relevant in the reduction of low back pain.
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To compare the cost-effectiveness of a multimodal back exercise programme for non-specific back pain with that of standard treatment. Medical costs were measured in euros (EUR) and effectiveness was measured using Graded Chronic Pain Status (GCPS). A controlled multicentre study (39 sites) with a 6-month intervention phase and follow-up at 6, 12 and 18 months. The study included 1,829 participants in an intervention group and 495 individuals in a control group. The multimodal back exercise programme comprises 36 exercise sessions for optimizing the spine stabilizing muscles and everyday motor func-tions. The patients were given a home training programme at the end of the intervention programme. The back exercise programme resulted in a significant reduction, of 0.4, in back pain grade on the GCPS after 2 years, compared with standard treat-ment, and reduced medical costs by 763 EUR. The exercise programme was therapeutically effective for GCPS back pain grades 1–4 and produced cost savings in the case of grade 4 GCPS. The multimodal back exercise programme was therapeutically effective for back pain (grades 1–2) and pain-related functional impairment (grades 3–4). It resulted in reduced costs for chronic back pain causing high pain-induced functional impairment (grade 4). The therapeutic and economic effects of the programme increase with the grade of back pain.
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Objective: The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the recommendations regarding the diagnosis and treatment contained in current clinical practice guidelines for patients with non-specific low back pain in primary care. We also aimed to examine how recommendations have changed since our last overview in 2010. Method: The searches for clinical practice guidelines were performed for the period from 2008 to 2017 in electronic databases. Guidelines including information regarding either the diagnosis or treatment of non-specific low back pain, and targeted at a multidisciplinary audience in the primary care setting, were considered eligible. We extracted data regarding recommendations for diagnosis and treatment, and methods for development of guidelines. Results: We identified 15 clinical practice guidelines for the management of low back pain in primary care. For diagnosis of patients with non-specific low back pain, the clinical practice guidelines recommend history taking and physical examination to identify red flags, neurological testing to identify radicular syndrome, use of imaging if serious pathology is suspected (but discourage routine use), and assessment of psychosocial factors. For treatment of patients with acute low back pain, the guidelines recommend reassurance on the favourable prognosis and advice on returning to normal activities, avoiding bed rest, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and weak opioids for short periods. For treatment of patients with chronic low back pain, the guidelines recommend the use of NSAIDs and antidepressants, exercise therapy, and psychosocial interventions. In addition, referral to a specialist is recommended in case of suspicion of specific pathologies or radiculopathy or if there is no improvement after 4 weeks. While there were a few discrepancies across the current clinical practice guidelines, a substantial proportion of recommendations was consistently endorsed. In the current review, we identified some differences compared to the previous overview regarding the recommendations for assessment of psychosocial factors, the use of some medications (e.g., paracetamol) as well as an increasing amount of information regarding the types of exercise, mode of delivery, acupuncture, herbal medicines, and invasive treatments. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material.
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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To provide an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews in adults with chronic pain conditions to determine: • the effectiveness of different physical activity and exercise interventions in the management of chronic pain in adults in reducing pain severity and its impact on function, quality of life, and health care use; • the evidence for any adverse effects or harm associated with physical activity and exercise interventions that are intended to reduce chronic pain in adults.
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Background: Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting beyond normal tissue healing time, generally taken to be 12 weeks. It contributes to disability, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, poor quality of life, and healthcare costs. Chronic pain has a weighted mean prevalence in adults of 20%.For many years, the treatment choice for chronic pain included recommendations for rest and inactivity. However, exercise may have specific benefits in reducing the severity of chronic pain, as well as more general benefits associated with improved overall physical and mental health, and physical functioning.Physical activity and exercise programmes are increasingly being promoted and offered in various healthcare systems, and for a variety of chronic pain conditions. It is therefore important at this stage to establish the efficacy and safety of these programmes, and furthermore to address the critical factors that determine their success or failure. Objectives: To provide an overview of Cochrane Reviews of adults with chronic pain to determine (1) the effectiveness of different physical activity and exercise interventions in reducing pain severity and its impact on function, quality of life, and healthcare use; and (2) the evidence for any adverse effects or harm associated with physical activity and exercise interventions. Methods: We searched theCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) on the Cochrane Library (CDSR 2016, Issue 1) for systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs), after which we tracked any included reviews for updates, and tracked protocols in case of full review publication until an arbitrary cut-off date of 21 March 2016 (CDSR 2016, Issue 3). We assessed the methodological quality of the reviews using the AMSTAR tool, and also planned to analyse data for each painful condition based on quality of the evidence.We extracted data for (1) self-reported pain severity, (2) physical function (objectively or subjectively measured), (3) psychological function, (4) quality of life, (5) adherence to the prescribed intervention, (6) healthcare use/attendance, (7) adverse events, and (8) death.Due to the limited data available, we were unable to directly compare and analyse interventions, and have instead reported the evidence qualitatively. Main results: We included 21 reviews with 381 included studies and 37,143 participants. Of these, 264 studies (19,642 participants) examined exercise versus no exercise/minimal intervention in adults with chronic pain and were used in the qualitative analysis.Pain conditions included rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, intermittent claudication, dysmenorrhoea, mechanical neck disorder, spinal cord injury, postpolio syndrome, and patellofemoral pain. None of the reviews assessed 'chronic pain' or 'chronic widespread pain' as a general term or specific condition. Interventions included aerobic, strength, flexibility, range of motion, and core or balance training programmes, as well as yoga, Pilates, and tai chi.Reviews were well performed and reported (based on AMSTAR), and included studies had acceptable risk of bias (with inadequate reporting of attrition and reporting biases). However the quality of evidence was low due to participant numbers (most included studies had fewer than 50 participants in total), length of intervention and follow-up (rarely assessed beyond three to six months). We pooled the results from relevant reviews where appropriate, though results should be interpreted with caution due to the low quality evidence. Pain severity: several reviews noted favourable results from exercise: only three reviews that reported pain severity found no statistically significant changes in usual or mean pain from any intervention. However, results were inconsistent across interventions and follow-up, as exercise did not consistently bring about a change (positive or negative) in self-reported pain scores at any single point. Physical function: was the most commonly reported outcome measure. Physical function was significantly improved as a result of the intervention in 14 reviews, though even these statistically significant results had only small-to-moderate effect sizes (only one review reported large effect sizes). Psychological function and quality of life: had variable results: results were either favourable to exercise (generally small and moderate effect size, with two reviews reporting significant, large effect sizes for quality of life), or showed no difference between groups. There were no negative effects. Adherence to the prescribed intervention: could not be assessed in any review. However, risk of withdrawal/dropout was slightly higher in the exercising group (82.8/1000 participants versus 81/1000 participants), though the group difference was non-significant. Healthcare use/attendance: was not reported in any review. Adverse events, potential harm, and death: only 25% of included studies (across 18 reviews) actively reported adverse events. Based on the available evidence, most adverse events were increased soreness or muscle pain, which reportedly subsided after a few weeks of the intervention. Only one review reported death separately to other adverse events: the intervention was protective against death (based on the available evidence), though did not reach statistical significance. Authors' conclusions: The quality of the evidence examining physical activity and exercise for chronic pain is low. This is largely due to small sample sizes and potentially underpowered studies. A number of studies had adequately long interventions, but planned follow-up was limited to less than one year in all but six reviews.There were some favourable effects in reduction in pain severity and improved physical function, though these were mostly of small-to-moderate effect, and were not consistent across the reviews. There were variable effects for psychological function and quality of life.The available evidence suggests physical activity and exercise is an intervention with few adverse events that may improve pain severity and physical function, and consequent quality of life. However, further research is required and should focus on increasing participant numbers, including participants with a broader spectrum of pain severity, and lengthening both the intervention itself, and the follow-up period.
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Back pain is a major health issue in Western countries and 60%-80% of adults are likely to experience low back pain. This paper explores the impact of back pain on society and the role of physical activity for treatment of non-specific low back pain. A review of the literature was carried out using the databases SPORTDiscuss, Medline and Google Scholar. A general exercise programme that combines muscular strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness is beneficial for rehabilitation of non-specific chronic low back pain. Increasing core muscular strength can assist in supporting the lumbar spine. Improving the flexibility of the muscle-tendons and ligaments in the back increases the range of motion and assists with the patient's functional movement. Aerobic exercise increases the blood flow and nutrients to the soft tissues in the back, improving the healing process and reducing stiffness that can result in back pain.
Persistent pain interfering with daily activities is common. Chronic pain has been defined in many ways. Chronic pain syndrome is a separate entity from chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as, “pain that persists 6 months after an injury and beyond the usual course of an acute disease or a reasonable time for a comparable injury to heal, that is associated with chronic pathologic processes that cause continuous or intermittent pain for months or years, that may continue in the presence or absence of demonstrable pathologies; may not be amenable to routine pain control methods; and healing may never occur.” In contrast, chronic pain syndrome has been defined as a complex condition with physical, psychological, emotional, and social components. The prevalence of chronic pain in the adult population ranges from 2% to 40%, with a median point prevalence of 15%. Among chronic pain disorders, pain arising from various structures of the spine constitutes the majority of the problems. The lifetime prevalence of spinal pain has been reported as 54% to 80%. Studies of the prevalence of low back pain and neck pain and its impact in general have shown 23% of patients reporting Grade II to IV low back pain (high pain intensity with disability) versus 15% with neck pain. Further, age related prevalence of persistent pain appears to be much more common in the elderly associated with functional limitations and difficulty in performing daily life activities. Chronic persistent low back and neck pain is seen in 25% to 60% of patients, one-year or longer after the initial episode. Spinal pain is associated with significant economic, societal, and health impact. Estimates and patterns of productivity losses and direct health care expenditures among individuals with back and neck pain in the United States continue to escalate. Recent studies have shown significant increases in the prevalence of various pain problems including low back pain. Frequent use of opioids in managing chronic non-cancer pain has been a major issue for health care in the United States placing a significant strain on the economy with the majority of patients receiving opioids for chronic pain necessitating an increased production of opioids, and escalating costs of opioid use, even with normal intake. The additional costs of misuse, abuse, and addiction are enormous. Comorbidities including psychological and physical conditions and numerous other risk factors are common in spinal pain and add significant complexities to the interventionalist’s clinical task. This section of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP)/EvidenceBased Medicine (EBM) guidelines evaluates the epidemiology, scope, and impact of spinal pain and its relevance to health care interventions. Key words: Chronic pain, chronic spinal pain, chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic thoracic pain, prevalence, health care utilization, loss of productivity, interventional techniques, surgery, comorbid factors, socioeconomic effects, health care impact
›› Problem: Physical activity has an enormous relevance for the treatment of back pain (BP) in the clinical field. This paper gives a brief overview of the evidence of physical activity for the treatment of chronic back pain and summarizes the current approach of the German national project Medicine in Spine Exercise (Mi-SpEx: sensorimotor training (SMT) with perturbation). ›› Methods: 35 literature reviews were screened for inclusion criteria concerning physical activity for the treatment of cBP. Of these, 16 systematic reviews and 2 guidelines were included following the criteria: systematic review in English, evaluating pain and disability in the context of physical activity for the treatment of back pain, published 2000-2017 and considering less than a third of RCTs without a subclassification of patients. We did not conduct a quantitative meta-analysis but a qualitative synthesis. ›› Results: Exercise Therapy reduces pain and disability in cBP patients but there is still no evidence that any one specific approach is the most favorable. Motor control exercises (MCE) seem to improve outcomes best, but SMT was mostly unconsidered. ›› Conclusion: SMT further improves motor control by training the adjustment to unexpected stimuli in complex tasks considering both: afferent and efferent workloads. Furthermore, additional perturbation may improve sensorimotor adaptations through higher demands on core stability and increase the precise stabilizing feedback in cBP patients.
Objective To investigate the cost-effectiveness of exercise therapy in the treatment of patients with non-specific neck pain and low back pain. Design Systematic review of economic evaluations. Data sources The search was performed in 5 clinical and 3 economic electronic databases. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies We included economic evaluations performed alongside randomised controlled trials. Differences in costs and effects were pooled in a meta-analysis, if possible, and incremental cost-utility ratios (ICUR) were descriptively analysed. Results Twenty-two studies were included. On average, exercise therapy was associated with lower costs and larger effects for quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) in comparison with usual care for subacute and chronic low back pain from a healthcare perspective (based on ICUR). Exercise therapy had similar costs and effect for QALY in comparison with other interventions for neck pain from a societal perspective, and subacute and chronic low back pain from a healthcare perspective. There was limited or inconsistent evidence on the cost-effectiveness of exercise therapy compared with usual care for neck pain and acute low back pain, other interventions for acute low back pain and different types of exercise therapy for neck pain and low back pain. Conclusions Exercise therapy seems to be cost-effective compared with usual care for subacute and chronic low back pain. Exercise therapy was not (more) cost-effective compared with other interventions for neck pain and low back pain. The cost-utility estimates are rather uncertain, indicating that more economic evaluations are needed. Registration PROSPERO, CRD42017059025.
Der Arzneimittel-Atlas – für einen realistischen Blick auf den Arzneimittelmarkt Valide Informationen über den Verbrauch von Arzneimitteln sind für gesundheits- und wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidungen unabdingbar. Der Arzneimittel-Atlas liefert für 30 Indikationsgruppen transparente und strukturierte Informationen über die Entwicklung der Verordnungen zulasten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Alle Analysen basieren auf dem Konzept der Tagesdosen und auf Erstattungspreisen. Für das Jahr 2013 werden im Vergleich zu 2012 die Änderungen von Verbrauch und Preis sowie strukturelle Verschiebungen betrachtet und regionale Unterschiede dargestellt. Der Arzneimittelverbrauch wird in Beziehung zur Prävalenz verschiedener Erkrankungen gesetzt. Ergänzend werden Informationen gegeben zu Wirkstoffen, bei denen der Patentablauf zur Einführung von Generika geführt hat, sowie zu den Einsparungen durch Rabattverträge. Im Fokus des Arzneimittel-Atlas 2014 stehen erneut die Auswirkungen des Gesetzes zur Neuordnung des Arzneimittelmarktes (AMNOG) sowie in diesem Jahr die Prävention durch Impfen.