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Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 125
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
1st June 2020
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154 – DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3823337
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain:
Molecular and morphological evidence supports
the discovery of a new European dragony species
(Odonata: Gomphidae)
E. Karen López-Estrada1,2,5, Javier Barona Fernández3, Nuria Cardo-
Maeso4, Santiago Teruel Montejano3 & Cecilia Díaz-Martínez4,5
1 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, MNCN-CSIC, José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2,
28006 Madrid, Spain
2 Real Jardín Botánico RJB-CSIC, Plaza de Murillo, 2. 28014 Madrid, Spain
3 Parotets, Sociedad Odonatológica de la Comunitat Valenciana,
C/ Padre Vicente Cabanes, 5, 2, 12, 46900 Torrent, Valencia, Spain
4 Sociedad Entomológica de Castilla-La Mancha, C/ Londres, 7,
45003 Toledo, Spain
5 Corresponding authors: <>; <>
Received 31st March 2020; revised and accepted 27th April 2020
Abstract. Onychogomphus cazuma Barona, Cardo & Díaz sp. nov. is described from the
mountainous inland area of Valencia in central-eastern Spain. e new species presents a
combination of morphological characters that distinguishes it from all other species of the
genus and can be readily identied by the morphology of the male appendages and the fe-
male vulvar scale, and by the shape of the median lobe of the prementum and the labial palps
of the exuvia. Molecular analysis of two genetic markers, one nuclear and one mitochondrial
(PRMT and COII), supports the full species rank for this new taxon, which is sister to the
north-western African endemic O.boudoti. Despite its small known distribution and the
vulnerability of its habitat, available data are still insucient to place this new species into an
IUCN Red List of reatened Species category.
Further key words. Anisoptera, Iberia, Valencia, taxonomy, phylogeny
Gomphidae, distributed all over the world except in Antarctica, is the third
largest family of Odonata with 1 013 species described (S P
2020). is species richness is heterogeneously distributed over the globe
(D K 2012); in the Western Palaearctic region, only 22
gomphid species are known, while in similar latitudes in North America,
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
gomphid diversity is considerably higher (D L 2006;
K et al. 2008; B K 2015).
At present, 40 species are classied in the genus Onychogomphus Selys, 1854
(S P 2020), distributed over the Palaearctic, Afrotropical and
Oriental regions (D K 2012; F et al. 2014b). It is
almost certain that this genus is polyphyletic and probably all tropical species
should be moved to other genera (D K 2012).
ree species of Onychogomphus have been reported so far from the Ibe-
rian Peninsula but none are endemic to this area. eir life-cycle, behav-
iour, larval and adult morphology, geographic distribution and ecological
dynamics are relatively well known (F-R et al. 1999; R-
2003; C V 2009; P 2018; B K
2015; V-V et al. 2018).
Only one phylogenetic hypothesis including Western Palaearctic Onycho-
gomphus species has been developed (F et al. 2014b). In that study,
a new lineage from Morocco was described based on molecular (COII and
PRMT genetic markers) and morphological evidence: Onychogomphus bou-
doti Ferreira, 2014. e relationships of that new taxon were not fully re-
solved in the estimated phylogenies. However, it is not expected that O.bou-
doti is closely related to the Afrotropical fauna, since morphologically it is
similar to the Western Palaearctic species.
In 2017, while carrying out a study on threatened odonates in the Escalona
river basin, in the province of Valencia in Spain (B 2017), individuals
that diered morphologically from all other Western Palaearctic Onycho-
gomphus were observed. In 2019, additional eldwork in eastern areas of the
Iberian Peninsula yielded males, females, larval stages and exuviae of these
particular populations. e hypothesis that these individuals represented an
undescribed taxon is tested in this study using morphological and molecu-
lar data, resulting in the description of a new species.
Material & methods
Data collection
Initial eld trips were carried out in 2017, visiting 15 watercourses in the Es-
calona river basin (B 2017), including rivers Cazuma, Fraile, Grande,
and Barranc de la Manyana (Fig. 1).
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 127
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Figure 1 Onycho-
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov.
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
We reviewed specimens in ve entomological collections (collection
acronyms are given in parentheses): Consejo Superior de Investiga-
ciones Cientícas, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain
(MNCN); Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva, Uni-
versitat de València, Spain (ICBIBE); Colección de Entomología del Área
de Biología Animal del Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física,
Universidad de Murcia, Spain (UMCZ); Colección de entomología, Cen-
tro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
(CEUA); Museu de Ciencias Naturales La Salle, Paterna, Valencia, Spain
In addition, we checked the following citizen science websites for Onycho-
gomphus pictures from eastern Spain: https://www.biodiversidadvirtual.
org/;; Finally, we con-
tacted local photographers and amateur entomologists and reviewed our
own photographic archives, gathering additional pictures of Onycho-
gomphus individuals from the Comunidad Valenciana (Fig. 1).
As a result of the preliminary outcomes of the entomological collection
and photographic les surveys, in 2019 we extended eldwork to two addi-
tional sites (La Tosquilla, Rambla del Ral, Fig. 1) where specimens with the
features under study were expected.
Measurements [mm] were taken using a digital calliper. Laboratory pho-
tographs were taken with a Leica M165C stereoscope coupled with a Leica
DFC450 camera and processed with the program Leica Application Suite X.
e map was created in QGIS v.3.0.1, using Universal Transverse Mercator
(UTM) coordinate system.
DNA extraction and sequencing
Genomic DNA was extracted from a tissue sample of the thoracic muscle
of the hind leg using the ‘DNA Easy extraction Kit’ (Qiagen®) following the
manufacturer’s protocol. Partial sequences of the nuclear arginine methyl-
transferase (PRMT) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II
(COII) genes were amplied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the
following set of primers: ARG_F2/ARG_R3 (F et al. 2014a) and
COII-F-SF/COII-R-SF (F et al. 2014b) respectively. ese mark-
ers were selected based on their proven eciency in previous phylogenetic
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 129
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
and phylogeographic studies of Odonata (B et al. 2008; F et al.
2014a, 2014b; C et al. 2015). PCRs were carried out in 25 L of nal re-
action volumes containing: 17.5 L of H2O, 2.5 L of a reaction buer with
MgCl2, 1 L of dNTP, 0.1 L of MgCl2, 0.5 L of each primer, 0.2 L of Taq
polymerase (Nzytech©) and 2 L of specimen DNA; reaction thermal cy-
cling conditions were set as same as F et al. (2014b). PCR products
were sent to Macrogen© Spain to be sequenced in both directions by Sanger
sequencing. Chromatograms were assembled and edited using Geneious®
Phylogenetic analyses
Phylogenetic reconstruction was performed by assembling separate data sets
for each gene (COII and PRMT) including sequences of Onycho gomphus
and related genera available in GenBank. Both matrices were aligned sepa-
rately using the MAFFT algorithm through their online server (K et
al. 2017).
Bayesian analyses were performed with MrBayes version 3.2.6 (R
et al. 2012). Selection of the best model of substitution for each gene was
calculated by setting the command lset nst to mixed. MrBayes analysis con-
sisted of two simultaneous runs of 100 million generations each, sampling
trees every 10 000 generations. Mixing and convergence among runs were
evaluated by checking the average standard deviation of split frequencies
and the EES values and Potential Scale Reduction Factor for each parameter.
A majority consensus tree was reconstructed aer discarding the rst 20 000
sampled trees as burn-in. COII data set included 35 terminals and 732 pb
while PRMT data set contained 21 terminals and 511 pb. Taxa included in
this analysis, locality, GenBank accession and voucher numbers are pro-
vided in Table 1 and Appendix 1.
All analyses were run in the public resource CIPRES Science Gateway ver-
sion 3.3 (M et al. 2010).
FW – Fore wing; HW – hind wing; Pt – Pterostigma; Ax – Antenodal cross-veins;
Px– Postnodal cross-veins; S1–S10 – abdominal segments one to ten; m a.s.l. – me-
tres above sea level.
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
During 2017 and 2019, we collected the following material of the putative
new species: nine adult specimens (6♂ 3♀), three larvae and ten exuviae.
Additionally, we photographed 19 adult individuals (15♂ 4♀) and observed
a further 19 adults (17♂ 2♀) (Table 1). In 2017, adult individuals with dis-
tinct morphology were observed in sympatry with Onychogomphus uncatus
(Charpentier, 1840) and represented from 16.7 % of total Onychogomphus
individuals in the Cazuma river up to 100 % in the Barranc de la Manyana
(B 2017).
Altogether, 184 Onychogomphus specimens were examined in ve en-
tomological collections (104 in MNCN; 67 in ICBIBE; 10 in UMCZ; 3 in
CEUA; 0 in CLS-MHLP). Four dry-preserved specimens apparently related
to the putative new species were found, three in ICBIBE (Table 1) and one in
UMCZ. e former have the diagnostic features of the new species and have
been designated as paratypes. A detailed morphological examination of the
latter specimen, collected in the 1950s in Barinas, Murcia, revealed that it is
a chimaera, as head, thorax and rst segments of the abdomen belong to a
specimen of O. forcipatus that is glued to the last four segments of an abdo-
men with the features of the new species. is specimen was excluded from
the type series because we could not attribute it to a locality (the label can
correspond to either or both specimens).
Type series of adult specimens and exuviae samples have been deposited
in the following institutions: in the MNCN, male holotype and one female
paratype dry-preserved and seven paratypes in alcohol, and in the ICBIBE
three paratypes dry-preserved and two exuviae. In addition, larvae were
reared by the authors.
We gathered pictures of 241 individuals of Onychogomphus, nding eight
adults of the putative new species in 5 UTM 1 × 1 km squares in the Comu-
nidad Valenciana (Table 1). From all data sources combined, we collected
304 records of Onychogomphus individuals from 122 UTM 1 × 1 km squares
(Fig.1). e new species has been found in nine UTM 1 × 1 km squares
(7.4 %) while O. forcipatus and O. uncatus have been found in 60 (49.2 %)
and 79 (64.8 %) squares, respectively.
No additional sites were identied by reviewing 378 pictures of Onycho-
gomphus from eastern Spain on citizen science platforms.
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 131
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Table 1. Sites and records for Onychogomphus cazuma -
Site UTM Elev. Records Voucher nr GenBank acc.
de la Manyana
100 09-vi-2017: 1♂♀
J. Barona
J. Barona & S. Teruel
Río Cazuma
435 14-vi-2017: 1♂♂
J. Barona
14-vii-2017: 4♂♂
J. Barona, N. Cardo & C. Díaz
23-vii-2017: 1♀
26-vii-2017: 1♂
08-viii-2017: 1♂
J. Barona
10-viii-201: 1♀
J. Barona
11-viii-2017: 2♂
J. Barona
12-viii-2017: 1♂
J. Barona
12-vi-2018: 1♂
M.J. Tarruella & S. Teruel
08-vi-2019: 1♂
J. Barona, N. Cardo, C. Díaz &
S. Teruel
16-vi-2019: 1♂
S. Teruel
22-vi-2019: 4♂ 1♀
S. Teruel
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
Site UTM Elev. Records Voucher nr GenBank acc.
29-vi-2019: 1♀
Y. Maggioto
05-vii-2019: 2♂♂
J. Barona
20-vii-2019: 1♂♂ coll.,
J. Barona
21-vii-2019: 1♂ 1♀
J. Barona
321 23-vii-2017: 2♂
J. Barona.
484 24-vii-2017: 1♀
J. Ordóñez & MJ. Tarruella
Quesa, Río
de Quesa
281 14-vi-2016: 1♂
J. Pérez
Cortes de Pallás,
434 03-vii-2019: 1♂
18-vii-2019: 1♂
1♂ coll., 1♀
N. Cardo & C. Díaz
561 19-vi-2003: 1♂
24-vii-2003: 1♂
02-viii-2008: 1♀
S. Teruel
07-vii-2019: 10♂, 1♀
4♂♂ coll., 3 ♀
J. Barona & S. Teruel
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 133
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
Onychogomphus specimens used for genec comparison
Site UTM Elev. Idencaon Voucher
GenBank accession
Spain, Cuenca,
Río Júcar
30SWK6321 850 O. forcipatus
Spain, Cuenca,
Río Júcar
30SWK6321 850 O. forcipatus
Spain, Murcia,
280 O. forcipatus
Spain, Cuenca,
Uña, Río Júcar
30TWK8652 O. uncatus
Phylogenetic reconstruction
e topologies of the mitochondrial and the nuclear phylograms were to-
tally congruent with each other (Fig. 2). Phylogenetic relationships for the
taxa analysed coincided with those previously proposed by F et al.
(2014b). Our sequences from specimens found at the Valdeganga and Chí-
camo rivers were recovered within the O. forcipatus clade, while the sample
from the Júcar river grouped with the O. uncatus clade. However, sequences
of specimens from the Cazuma river formed a separate group, sister to the
Moroccan O. boudoti (PP = 1).
Molecular evidence indicates that the specimens from the Cazuma river
represent a well-dierentiated evolutionary unit within the genus Onycho-
gomphus, sister to O. boudoti. is fact, together with the unique morpho-
lo gy of the specimens belonging to this clade, as discussed below, lead us to
describe these populations as representatives of a new species.
Onychogomphus cazuma Barona, Cardo & Díaz sp. nov.
Material studied
Holotype ♂ (MNCN_Ent 268518). España, Valencia, Bicorp, río Cazuma,
39.1108333°N, 0.853055°W (UTM 30SXJ8531), 435 m a.s.l., 20-vii-2019,
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
leg. J. Barona [white label, printed]; MNCN_Ent 268518 [white label, print-
ed], Holotypus, Onychogomphus cazuma Barona, Cardo & Díaz des. 2020
[red label, printed]. Mature male, dry-preserved in the Entomological Col-
lection of MNCN.
Paratypes (8♂ 3♀).
5♂ in ethanol, labelled: »Río Cazuma, Bicorp (V), 30SXJ8531, 435 m, J.Ba-
rona, N. Cardo & C. Díaz, 14-vii-2017«; MNCN_Ent 255172/ »Río Ca-
zuma, Bicorp (V), 30SXJ8531, 435 m, Barona, Cardo, Díaz & Teruel, 08-vi-
-2019«; MNCN_Ent 255173/ »Río Cazuma, Bicorp (V), 30SXJ8531, 435 m,
J. Barona, 05-vii-2019«; MNCN_Ent 255167/ »Rambla del Ral, Cortes de
Pallás (V), 30SXJ7048 – 434 m, Cardo & Díaz, 18-vii-2019«; MNCN_Ent
Figure 2. Onycho-
ated species.
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 135
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
255169/ »La Tosquilla, Titaguas (V), 30SXK5812, 561 m, Barona & Ter-
uel, 07-vii-2019«; MNCN_Ent 255171 [white labels, printed; in MNCN];
1♀ dry-preserved, labelled: »Río Cazuma, Bicorp (V), 30SXJ8531, 435m,
J. Barona, 21-vii-2019«; MNCN_Ent 268519 [white labels, printed; in
MNCN]; 2♀ in ethanol, labelled: »Río Cazuma, Bicorp (V), 30SXJ8531,
435 m, J. Barona, 20-vii-2019«; MNCN_Ent 255168/ »Rambla del Ral,
Cortes de Pallás (V), 30SXJ7048 - 434 m, Cardo & Díaz, 18-vii-2019«;
MNCN_Ent 255170 [white labels, printed; in MNCN]; 3♂ dry-preserved,
labelled: »La Tosquilla, Titaguas (V), 30SXK5812, 600 m, P. González, J.M.
Michelena, 19-vi-2003«; MUVHN_ENV00018882/ »La Tosquilla, Titaguas
(V), 30SXK5812, 600 m, P. González, J.M. Michelena, 24-vii-2003«; MU-
VHN_ENV00052471/ »La Tosquilla, Titaguas (V), 30SXK5812, 600 m,
J.Baixeras, J.M. Michelena, 09-ix-2003«; MUVHN_ENV00050960 [col-
lecting data in white labels, printed; voucher number in red labels, printed;
All paratypes labelled: »Paratypus, Onychogomphus cazuma Barona, Car-
do & Díaz des. 2020« [red labels, printed].
Exuviae (1♂ 1♀)
Dry-preserved, labelled: »Río Cazuma, Bicorp (V), 30SXJ8531, 435 m,
S. Teruel, 12-vi-2019«; MUVHN_ENV00052558/ »La Tosquilla, Titaguas
(V)/30SXK5812, 600 m, J. Barona & S. Teruel, 07-vii-2019«; MUVHN_
ENV00051056 [collecting data in white labels, printed; voucher number in
red labels, printed; in ICBIBE].
e epithet cazuma (noun in apposition and, therefore, invariable) refers to
the type locality, which was also the site where we rst realized that it could
be a new species.
Male (holotype)
Head – Eyes light blue, when alive; frons, anteclypeus, postclypeus and la-
brum yellow, bordered by black; base of mandibles yellow, sclerotized ex-
tremities brown; labium yellow with median lobe bordered by brown; ver-
tex black with a yellow rounded spot in line with the central ocellus and as
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
wide as it; occiput trapezium-shaped and yellow; 4-segmented antennae
mainly black (agellum and pedicel), except basal segment (scape) yellow
(Fig. 3a).
orax – Prothorax black with yellow marks: anterior lobe black with yel-
low anterior margin; median lobe with four yellow spots (two central and
two lateral); posterior lobe yellow divided into two pieces by a furrow,
which is black at the anterior margin. Synthorax in dorsal view: the yel-
low collar (transverse crest at the front of synthorax dorsum) and the yel-
low area posterior to it, are not interrupted with black, except for a faded
black dot at the junction of the dorsal carina and the collar; dorsal carina
yellow, ante-alar crest black, ante-alar sinus black and yellow. Black mid-
dorsal stripes on both sides of dorsal carina, yellow post-dorsal stripe is
connected with yellow area adjacent to collar and with yellow ante-humeral
stripe. In lateral view, mesepimeron, metepisternum and metepimeron yel-
low and bordered by black stripes. Between the humeral (or mesothoracic
pleural) and metapleural (or metathoracic pleural) sutures, black stripes
frame two characteristic yellow spots: superior hammer-shaped, and infe-
rior bow-shaped with the metastigma in its centre. Yellow patch between
the metapleural suture and the metathoracic coxa (Fig. 3b). Legs: Coxae
and trochanters mainly yellow; black femora with yellow marks, the meta-
thoracic femur has a yellow oval proximal spot at the exterior of the leg.
e joint that articulates femur and tibia is yellow, and the tibiae, tarsi and
pretarsi black (Fig. 3b).
Wings – Hyaline, venation dark brown except for the whitish costa of FW
and HW. Pt black bordered by black veins, above 3 cells in FW and 2 ½–3½
cells in HW; 11 antenodal cross-veins in FW and 8 in HW; 7–8 Px in FW
and 7–8 in HW; anal triangle 3-celled (Fig. 3a).
Abdomen – Black with mid-dorsal spots, yellow in S1 and S2, fading to
whitish from S3 to S7, and yellow again in S8–S10, which gives the speci-
men a pale overall appearance. Wider at S1–S2 and from S7 to S10. Two yel-
low auricles in S2. In dorsal view, spot in S1 is yellow and triangular-shaped,
in S2 it is elongated, and in S3–S7 are bilobed, with proximal lobes extend-
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 137
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Figure 3. Onychogomphus cazuma
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
ing laterally and ventrally, and distal lobe is lanceolate, except for S7 where it
is bid. In S8 spot is bid and does not extend laterally. In S9, a yellow band
at the distal border extends laterally and ventrally, interrupted in the mid-
dle by a black line. S10 is black at the proximal end and mainly yellow at the
distal end (Fig. 3a). Secondary genitalia are mainly black, with yellow spots
on penis vesicle and anterior face of genital lobe. Anterior lamina rounded,
posterior hamule ends in a prominent and sharp hook; oblong genital lobe
is 1.5 × longer than posterior hamule. Glans of penis ends in two short and
straight agella or cornua (Fig. 3c).
Anal appendages – Superior anal appendages yellow; more than twice the
length of S10. eir angled distal ends do not overlap, and in distal view
they present a jagged margin. Inferior anal appendage (epiproct) yellow,
bid and slightly longer than the superior anal appendages. Its distal end,
curved upwards, is bezel-shaped. In sub-basal position, the epiproct has
two cuticular laminar expansions that in lateral view appear as a ridge as-
cending towards the proximal end, culminating in a peak straight upwards
(Fig. 3d, 4e). ese expansions do not project outwards in dorsal view
Measurements [mm]: Total length (frons to end of anal appendages): 45.2;
Abdomen total length: 32.0; Abdomen (excluding anal appendages): 29.5;
FW: 27.5; HW: 26.8; Pt length: 3.2 in FW and HW.
Variation in male paratypes
On the thorax dorsum, the black dot at the junction of the dorsal carina and
the collar may be more or less marked and even absent. e shape of the
markings on the sides of the thorax is slightly variable (Fig. 4d). Some males
have tiny yellow markings at the proximal end of the tibiae, especially in the
hind pair of legs. CAZ1 has two black symmetrical spots between the mid-
dorsal and ante-humeral black stripes.
Total length varies between 43.1–46.4 mm. Ax FW 10–13, HW 7–10. Px
FW 6–8, HW 8–9. Pt is above 3–4 cells in FW and HW. In HW, anal triangle
has 3 cells in holotype and paratypes, but in one of the photographed indi-
viduals (Fig. 4c) has 4 cells.
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 139
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Figure 4. Onychogomphus cazuma
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Figure 5. Onychogomphus cazuma
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 141
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Variation in female paratypes
In lateral thorax marks, a yellow bow-shaped spot is connected to yellow
mesepimeron (Fig. 5b), and a yellow hammer-shaped spot is isolated in two
female paratypes (Fig. 5b) and connected to bow-shaped spot in the third
Female’s abdominal colour pattern is similar to that of male, except for
yellow spots on S7–S8: spot in S7 is not deeply divided as in males; spot in
S8 is smaller than in males, variable in shape but never bid (Fig. 5a). In fe-
males, the tibiae of the rst and third pair of legs have yellow lines (Fig. 5b).
e vulvar scale (Fig. 5c) is rounded and divided into two pointed lobes
by a central cle, which is as deep as half the vulvar scale’s length. Postgenae
(surface posterior to the eyes) are smooth, lacking tubercles or other struc-
tures (Fig. 5d).
Total length varies between 44.0 and 47.5 mm. Ax FW 10–13; HW 8–9.
Px FW 7–9; HW 6–11. Pt is above 3–4 ½ cells in FW and above 3 ½–4 cells
in HW.
Coloration is brown with darker wing sheaths, S10 and darker paraprocts in
ventral view (Figs 6a, c).
Head – wider than long, with rounded eyes and sides of occiput rounded
and converging posteriorly. Four-segmented antennae; third segment is the
largest, dorsoventrally attened and concave, densely covered laterally with
long setae; fourth segment tiny and conical (Fig. 6d). Prementum at; pre-
mentum–postmentum joint reaching posterior margin of procoxae. Pre-
mentum subquadrangular, median lobe waved; its apical margin concave
in the middle with a ventral row of 14–16 short and rounded teeth, as well
as dorsal rows of brownish piliform setae. Labial palps curved inwards and
pointed, internal margin with 10-11 teeth. Movable hook acutely pointed
(Fig. 6e).
orax – Prothorax small, narrower than head and paler than synthorax.
Divergent wing sheaths, reaching S5. Stout legs with abundant setae and
spines. Femora distally with a darker marking. Pro- and mesotibiae longer
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
Figure 6: Onychogomphus cazuma
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 143
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
than femora, metatibiae shorter than femora. A spur is present in pro-and
mesotibiae and absent in metatibiae. Light-coloured tarsi, tarsal formula
Abdomen – Brown, in ventral view becoming darker distally, in dorsal view
with dark markings on S2–S8, and in lateral view with dark spots on S2–
S8. Mid-dorsal spines absent on S1 and S10, and prominent from S2 to S9
(Fig.6b). Lateral spines present on S7, S8 and S9, which diverge from the
edge of the segment (Fig. 6a). Anal appendages longer than S10. Epiproct
triangular, slightly longer than paraprocts and longer than cerci.
Measurements [mm] – total length (including paraprocts) 20.90–22.26; third
antennal segment: length 1.30–1.49 mm, width 0.54–0.60 mm; prementum:
length 3.20–3.49, basal width 1.90–2.10; distal width 3.10–3.40mm; maxi-
mum width 3.10–3.40 mm; prementum movable hook length 1.10; para-
procts length 1.10–1.20; epiproct length 1.43–1.58; cerci length 1.08–1.32
(n = 10).
By its overall appearance, Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. is close to O. un-
catus, O. forcipatus and O. boudoti, sympatric in the Atlanto-Mediterranean
region, but can be easily distinguished by morphological details. In O. cazu-
ma, the male epiproct has cuticle expansions in a sub-basal position, which
in O. uncatus and O. forcipatus are tooth-shaped and project outwards in
dorsal view. In O. boudoti and O. cazuma these expansions are laminar and
do not project outwards, but while in O. boudoti they are smooth, bare-
ly prominent in lateral view, in O. cazuma they appear as a ridge ascend-
ing towards the proximal pole and culminating in a peak straight upwards
In females of O. cazuma, postgenae lack post-ocular tubercles as in O.un-
catus, but unlike that species the vulvar scale has two broad lobes (as in
O.forcipatus and O. boudoti) divided by a median cle. e length of this
median cle is almost as long as the vulvar scale in O. forcipatus, half the
length of the vulvar scale in O. cazuma, and two-thirds of the length of the
vulvar scale in O.boudoti (Fig. 7).
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
e colour pattern of O. cazuma diers from that of the mentioned conge-
ners by the following combination: (i) black vertex with a rounded yellow
spot, (ii)yellow thoracic collar not interrupted by a thick black line, and
(iii)post-dorsal and ante-humeral yellow stripes are connected.
ese features may show variability, for instance in some individuals of
O. forcipatus and O. cazuma the collar may be narrowly interrupted by a
Figure 7. Onychogomphus
O. for-
cipatus and O. uncatus 2006.
O. cazuma O. boudo O. f. unguiculatus O. uncatus
dorsal view
lateral view
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 145
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
slight darkening near the mid-dorsal carina. Onychogomphus uncatus most
oen has a totally black vertex, although there are rare individual excep-
tions, while the collar is interrupted by a thick black line. Onychogomphus
Figure 8. Onychogomphus-
O.boudoO. costaeO. forcipatusO. uncatus
e – O. cazuma-
O. cazuma
a b
c d
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
forcipatus has a yellow spot on the vertex that is not round but elongate, and
the post-dorsal and ante-humeral yellow stripes are not connected. Onycho-
gomphus boudoti has a round yellow spot on the vertex, as in O. cazuma,
but the collar is interrupted and the post-dorsal and ante-humeral yellow
stripes are not connected (Fig. 7).
e diagnostic characters can also be used to separate the nominotypical
O. forcipatus subspecies, O. forcipatus forcipatus (Linnaeus, 1758), recently
recorded in the North of the Iberian Peninsula (M-A
T-B 2015; P L et al. 2017).
Lastly, O. cazuma exuviae and all larval instars observed so far dier from
all other regional Onychogomphus by the waved shape of the median lobe of
the prementum and the pointed distal end of the labial palps (Fig.8).
Individuals of Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. were found at six water-
courses in the mountainous inland part of the province of Valencia (cen-
tral-eastern Iberian Peninsula, 39°N, 0.8°W, Fig. 1, Table 1), at elevations of
100–561 m a.s.l., running through Cretaceous and Jurassic limestone (G-
et al. 1984). e climate is typically Mediterranean with a dry and
hot summer (Csa) according to the Köppen-Geiger classication (A
E M I M P-
2011). In local weather stations, mean annual temperature ranges be-
tween 15.4–17.8°C and mean annual rainfall is 418.8–602.6 mm (S
I G D A 2020).
Onychogomphus cazuma inhabits springs, streams or upper courses of
small lowland Mediterranean rivers (100–561 m a.s.l.) in well-preserved for-
est environments with barely any agriculture, livestock or habitation. ese
small perennial limestone rivulets are typically 1–5 m wide and 2–60cm
deep, with low ow (mean annual ow <0.1 m³/s, IGME-DGA 2009) but
a torrential regime, with occasional strong oods. Water is very clean and
oligo trophic; calcium bicarbonate is the main mineral present and con-
ductivity exceeds 400µS/cm (IGME 1988; L S P
2019). e high content of calcium salts facilitates both chemical and bio-
logical precipitation of calcareous tufa including calcied plant or mollusc
fragments. e alternation of low slope shallow sections, small ries, falls
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 147
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
and pools up to 2–3 m deep oers macrohabitat diversity. e substrate is
dominated by bedrock with variable amounts of scattered cobbles, gravels
and sand, as well as limestone silt.
Aquatic vegetation is characterized by various unicellular algae growth in
the riverbed and scarce macrophytes (Chara L., 1753, and Nigella L., 1753).
Riparian vegetation consists of a Mediterranean riparian thicket of Neri-
um oleander L., 1753 (Rubo ulmifolii-Nerietum oleandrii, Bolòs, 1956), in-
terspersed with helophytes like Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.,
1841, Cladium mariscus (L.) Pohl, 1882, Schoenus nigricans L., 1753, and
other Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Steep rocky slopes by the river are mainly
occupied by Aleppo pine forests (Pinus halepensis Mill., 1768) and sclero-
phyllous scrub (Quercus coccifera L., 1753, Juniperus phoenicea L., 1753, Pis-
tacia lentiscus L., 1753, Salvia rosmarinus (L.) Schleid., 1852, Chamaerops
humilis L., 1753) (F G 2014).
Sections of the watercourses occupied by O. cazuma are very short, from
150 to 1 800 m. Resident males (1–15 per section) were observed at shal-
low waters (<15 cm) with a low discharge, bordered by dense stands (up to
70 %) of Poaceae and Cyperaceae such as C. mariscus or S. nigricans. While
males could be seen perched on stones and riverine vegetation, females visit
the riverbed only for mating and ovipositing. At the Cazuma river, both
males and females use cleared areas (abandoned elds) far from the river-
bed (30–50 m) as possible maturation areas, where they were seen perching
on vegetation, stones and ground. At La Tosquilla, several males were seen
perched close to each other.
A female was observed ovipositing into a pool (1 m depth) with thick
(30 cm) limestone silt at La Tosquilla (07-vii-2019). Larvae were found in
shallow water (<10 cm depth) and low-discharge sections, with a bottom
of gravel, calcied silt and leaf litter (1–4 cm). Most exuviae were found at
such sites too, clinging to herbaceous vegetation (C. mariscus, S. nigricans),
1–3cm above the water surface. e species was in ight from 08-vi to 09-
-ix, with three emergences recorded between 08- and 16-vi.
e Cazuma river (Fig. 4b) has a diverse community of Odonata, includ-
ing 37 species (B 2017; BDB 2020). In this area O. cazuma is sym-
patric with O. uncatus and O. forcipatus. Onychogomphus uncatus is also
present in La Tosquilla and the Fraile river. Notable is the overlap of O. ca-
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
zuma and Oxygastra curtisii (Dale, 1834) at all studied sites except Rambla
del Ral (Fig. 4f) (BDB 2020).
e possible ecological segregation of O. cazuma and O. uncatus was ob-
served in the Cazuma river, where O. cazuma was seen at sections with
slower ow and denser riparian vegetation, and in La Tosquilla, where
O.cazuma was present at a spring while O. uncatus inhabited the Turia river.
A female photographed in 2008 at La Tosquilla was trapped in an orb-
weaver spider (Larinioides Caporiacco, 1934) web. A teneral specimen was
collected on 08-vi-2019 in Río Cazuma while it was devoured by a male of
Gomphus graslinii Rambur, 1842.
e discovery of a new species of dragony in Europe is a surprise. e
European fauna of Odonata is well-known, with just a few additions of
new species in the last ve decades, viz. Somatochlora borisi Marinov, 2001,
Cordulegaster helladica (Lohmann, 1993), C. heros eischinger, 1979, and
C.trinacriae Waterston, 1976. Furthermore, with Ischnura graellsii Rambur,
1842, the last new species described from Spain dates from the middle of
the 19th century.
e morphology of the male appendages and female vulvar scale sug-
gests a close relationship between Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. and
the Moroccan O. boudoti. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction concurs
with this morphological evidence, indicating a sister relationship between
O. cazuma and O. boudoti. e discovery of O. cazuma claries the phylo-
genetic position of the Maghrebian O. boudoti, demonstrating the shared
evolutionary history of the south-western European and the North African
odonate species in the Western Palaearctic. Both O. boudoti and O. cazuma
are restricted to small geographic areas (cf. F et al. 2014b;
M 2018).
Onychogomphus cazuma lives under similar conditions, including places
where emergence was observed, to those described for O. boudoti (F-
et al. 2014b). We observed that in sympatry with other congeners,
zuma seemed to prefer river sections with slower ow and more vegetated
banks, with helophyte and grass cover; but more extensive ecological re-
search is needed to conrm these preferences.
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 149
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
So far, O. cazuma has been only located within ‘lowland Mediterranean riv-
ers’ (see T et al. 2009 for the typology). is riverine habitat is found
along the Mediterranean Spanish coast from Girona to Cádiz, in the Ebro
and Guadalquivir basins and on the island of Mallorca. It is possible that
populations of O. cazuma could be present at more sites within this wider
e close relationship between O. cazuma and O. boudoti allows us to
speculate that the geographic distribution of their presumed common an-
cestor could have dwelled in similar habitats of both the Iberian Peninsula
and the North of Morocco.
Conservation of the Iberian endemic Onychogomphus cazuma
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. was found in relatively well-preserved
areas, although these are not exempt from human disturbance. e main
threats are water abstraction for domestic use and/or irrigation and recrea-
tional activities (like swimming or canyoning). Given the small size and low
ows of these watercourses, any increase of use can make a substantial dif-
ference in the availability of habitat for this species.
Furthermore, O. cazuma, as the only dragony endemic to Iberia (cf.
K et al. 2010), may need special protection measures. Following
the IUCN Red List Criteria (IUCN S P S-
2019), we have determined that the known extent of occurrence
(EOO) of the species is 1273 km² and the known area of occupancy (AOO)
is 32 km². Although the species was recorded at six sites, we consider only
ve locations (sensu IUCN). In these sites, the water level and seasonality
are heavily dependent on the groundwater table, some of them sharing the
same local aquifer – for instance the Cazuma river-Manyana and Fraile-
Grande rivers (IGME 1988; IGME-DGA 2009). Moreover, in recent decades
the length of the Cazuma river that is remaining dry all year (except aer
heavy rain events) has substantially increased, suggesting a decline in ex-
tent and quality of this habitat. However, we assume that the species could
be more widely distributed than currently known. erefore we suggest for
the moment that O. cazuma should be considered as »Data Decient« by
the criteria of the IUCN Red List of reatened Species. Further research is
essential to establish the species’ status and identify its conservation needs.
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
We are indebted to the following curators of Entomological collections:
Sergio Montagud (MUVHN), Emilio de la Fuente (La Salle), Cinta Quirce
(CIBIO), Juan José Presa (U. Murcia) and Mercedes París (MNCN); and
Arabia Sánchez (MNCN), José V. Pérez Santa-Rita and Joaquín Baixeras
(ICBIBE). We specially thank Mario García París for facilitating labora-
tory access at the MNCN, and also for comments and suggestions that
signicantly improved this study. K.-D.B. Dijkstra provided useful insights
on the species description process; Miguel Conesa helped with descrip-
tion and measurements of the exuviae; Alberto Sendra and Fernando
Alonso made useful suggestions on the manuscript; Begoña Cardo kind-
ly improved the pictures. Viola Clausnitzer helped with the IUCN Red
List assessment. Feli Fernández and Ben Crouch reviewed the language
of the manuscript. We are grateful to Florian Weihrauch for his kind as-
sistance and Jean-Pierre Boudot, Sónia Ferreira and Christophe Brochard
as reviewers of the manuscript for their helpful comments; Christophe
also kindly provided comparative photographs of the prementum of other
Onycho gomphus spp. We also thank all the photographers and amateur
entomologists who reviewed their photo archives and sent us pictures of
Onychogomphus: Ana María García, Francisco Cervera, Yanina Maggiotto,
Pablo Ruiz, Iván Moya, José Greño, Roque Belenguer and the following
members of Parotets S.O.C.V.: María José Tarruella, Jesús Ordóñez, Natxo
Sendra, María Jesús Sanchís, Juan Antonio Tornero, Ricardo Menor, Teo-
doro Martínez, Nicolau Mouline, Juan Antonio Tovar. Jesús Evangelio do-
nated a O. forcipatus specimen for comparison. We specially thank Jorge
Pérez and Ezequiel Prieto for eld company and helping in search for in-
formation, and Toni Alcocer for providing the beautiful pictures that led
to the discovery of a new site outside the Escalona river basin. Javier Ba-
rona’s eldwork in 2017 was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (Dis-
tribución, abundancia y estado de conservación de odonatos amenazados
en la cuenca del río Escalona y su entorno; Canal de Navarrés, Macizo
del Caroche – Expte. CNME 17/0301/16). Subdirecció General de Medi
Natural (Generalitat Valenciana) and Dirección General de Medio Natural
(Región de Murcia) kindly granted capture permits.
Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 151
Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
aire y precipitación (1971–2000). Minis-
estado de conservación de odonatos ame-
nazados en la cuenca del río Escalona y su
entorno (Canal de Navarrés, macizo del Ca-
BDB 2020. Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad
Eds) 2015-
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Onychogomphus cazuma sp. nov. from Spain 153
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Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 125-154
Appendix 1.
ID Reference GenBank accession code
Gomphus graslinii KM222699 –
Gomphus pulchellus KM222700 –
Gomphus pulchellus KM222701 –
Gomphus simillimus KM222702 –
Gomphus simillimus KM222703 –
Icnogomphusferox KM222705 –
Lindenia tetraphylla KM222704 –
Df269 Onychogomphus assimilis KM222694 KM222665
Onychogomphusboudo KM222674 KM222654
Onychogomphus costae KM222695 KM222672
Onychogomphus costae KM222696 –
Onychogomphus costae KM222697 KM222662
Onychogomphusexuosus KM222675 –
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222676 KM222656
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222677 KM222656
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222678 KM222661
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222679 KM222660
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222680 KM222661
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222681 KM222660
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222682 KM222670
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222683 KM222660
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222684 KM222656
Onychogomphus forcipatus KM222685 KM222656
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222686 KM222666
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222687 KM222659
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222688 KM222659
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222689 KM222659
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222690 KM222659
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222691 KM222659
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222692 KM222659
Onycogomphus uncatus KM222693 KM222655