Experiment FindingsPDF Available




A convolutional neural network-based method for recognition of COVID-19 in Chest X-Ray and Computed Tomography (CT) radiographs, and a method for medical image processing of large datasets related to COVID-19. The medical image processing method comprises:: 1. Data Collection, 2. Data Processing , and 3. Training a convolutional neural network. Using the Intel oneAPI DevCloud and Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit , we are able to quickly get started and focus on the task of building and training the intelligent COVID-19 prediction model using Intel optimized Tensorflow for CPUs available in oneAPI DevCloud.
Authors: Nakampe, M.T. and Koee, T.
Special Thanks to the following contributors:
Tibrewala, Sujata (Intel)
Venkatesh, Preethi (Intel)
Oberman, Rachel (Intel)
Satish, Saumya (Intel)
Kay-lee Abrahams (University of Cape Town)
Shahram Rezasade (Accrad Technologies)
Experimental Findings for COVID-19 Detection using Intel OneAPI DevCloud
A convolutional neural network-based method for recognition of COVID-19 in Chest X-Ray and
Computed Tomography (CT) radiographs, and a method for medical image processing of large
datasets related to COVID-19. The medical image processing method comprises:: 1. Data
Collection, 2. Data Processing , and 3. Training a convolutional neural network. Using the Intel
oneAPI DevCloud and Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit, we are able to quickly get started and focus on
the task of building and training the intelligent COVID-19 prediction model using Intel optimized
Tensorflow for CPUs available in oneAPI DevCloud.
On Dec 31st the World Health Organization was made aware of an illness showing similarities to
respiratory pneumonia with symptoms that include a fever, cough and shortness of breath. The
origin of this virus is believed to be in Wuhan City, the Hubei Province of China and is officially
known as COVID-19. The virus belongs to a genome (the genetic material of an organism), that
includes SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and MERS Middle East Respiratory
Given the almost exponential rise of infection rates world-wide, early detection of the disease's
presence is essential not only to ensure prompt treatment but also to help with the
management and control of infection rates in the public domain. The high infection rates and
the shortage of COVID-19 test kits available, increases the necessity of the implementation
of an automatic recognition system as a quick alternative to curb the infection rates.
We thus propose the use of an AI based analytics system for chest scans to detect COVID-19
pathogens under the project Treatise of Medical Image Processing (TMIP) v0.2.0. Using an AI
based analytics system for chest scans methodologies and implementations portrays the
project’s potential to combat the increasing burden and diagnostic downtime heavily dependent
on a limited number of well-trained radiologists and medical experts, who must review and
prioritize an increasing number of patient chest scans. The system is designed to process large
numbers of chest scans per day. As a result, the system will help predict which patients are
most likely to need a ventilator or medication, and which can be sent home for self-quarantine.
Thus, the solution will contribute to the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in three ways:
identification, monitoring and predicting patient status.
The solution is designed to employ Intel optimized machine learning hardware and software
technologies to train, test, and operationalize a model to help detect COVID-19 and 14 other
thoracic diseases using chest scan. Early diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 and other lung
diseases can be challenging, especially in geographical locations with limited access to trained
radiologists. Using the Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit and other tools, services and infrastructure
provided by the Intel oneAPI DevCloud our data scientists could quickly iterate and train deep
learning models which have the potential, following further development and testing, to classify
diseases from chest scans.
In this project, we use the following resources:
1. Dataset: For confirmed COVID-19 cases we collect data from open source chest x-ray
dataset (COVID-19 Chest X Ray-Dataset).We also used the National Institutes of Health
Clinical Center public Chest X-Ray dataset RSNA ( RSNA Pneumonia Detection
Challenge on Kaggle dataset.)
2. Machine Learning Frameworks: To build COVID-19 Recognition Deep Neural Networks
based on input images from X-Ray scans we employed Intel® Optimized Tensorflow.
Base architectures we experimented with the state-of-the-art DenseNet , ResNet, and
ChexNext for image classification. All of the models used are open-source deep learning
algorithms with implementations available in Keras (using Intel® Optimized TensorFlow
as a back-end).
3. Hardware Accelerators: To build a COVID-19 Recognition model we requested access to
the Intel oneAPI DevCloud. We thus trained the model with full access to the latest Intel
CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs, Intel oneAPI Toolkits, and the new programming language,
Data Parallel C++ (DPC++). This helped accelerate our training time from 48 hours using
our developer machines (i.e, laptop) to 6 hours using oneAPI DevCloud.
Dataset and Preprocessing
The use of X-Ray is inexpensive and quick to perform;
therefore, they are more accessible to healthcare
providers working in smaller and/or remote regions.
Any insights that may be derived as a result of
explainability algorithms applied to a successful
model will be invaluable to the global effort of
identifying and treating cases of COVID-19. We used
COVID-19 Chest X Ray dataset, one of the largest
public repositories of COVID-19 radiographs, containing about 400 frontal-view chest
radiographs of 549 unique patients. Each image in the dataset was labelled by radiologists from
different hospitals where patients infected with COVID-19 were diagnosed. Furthermore, we
used the RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge dataset from Kaggle as the non-COVID-19
dataset. Implementing accelerated data science and analytics pipelines, preprocessing through
machine learning, and scale-out efficiently using the high-performing oneAPI Data Analytics
Library, part of the foundational Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit. The library’s set of high-speed
algorithms (such as analysis functions, math functions, and training and prediction functions)
enable applications to analyze large data sets with available compute resources and make
better predictions faster.
Working on the COVID-19 detection problem, we also experimented with various hyper
parameters to improve the performance of the deep learning models, focusing on the lungs.
Specifically, we explored how to detect the lung location in the chest x-ray, and crop out
irrelevant areas by using Intel optimized Tensorflow framework. These chest X-Ray scans are
then provided as inputs to DenseNet. We have also published the code on GitHub, this solution
is written using the High-Performance Intel distribution of Python, one the features of the Intel
AI Analytics Toolkit.
Machine Learning
We propose the use of Deep Neural Networks. As an initial experiment the DenseNet
architecture was used as a baseline where transfer learning is employed to detect pneumonia.
For training we employed the Intel-optimized TensorFlow framework from Intel AI Analytics
Toolkit that has been optimized using Intel(R) Deep Neural Network Library (Intel(R) DNNL)
primitives. Deep learning frameworks provide a high-level programming language to architect,
train, and validate deep neural networks. Model training process consists of 2 consecutive
stages to account for the partially incorrect labels in the COVID-19 dataset. First, an ensemble
of networks is trained on the training set to predict the probability that each of the 14
pathologies is present in the image. The predictions of this ensemble are used to relabel the
training and tuning sets. A new ensemble of networks are finally trained on this relabeled
training set. Without any additional supervision, the model produces heat maps that identify
locations in the chest radiograph that classify COVID-19 among other pathologies
Figure 2. DenseNet architecture (source).
Following the machine learning best practice, we use the AUROC score to measure the
performance for the classification of COVID-19 by selecting the model with the lowest validation
- Train
- Validation
Figure 3. Epoch Loss from Tensorboard Experiment Logs
Figure 4. ROC Curve from Tensorboard Experiment Logs
The ROC curve (receiver operating characteristic curve) shown in figure 4, is a graph showing the
performance of a classification model at all classification thresholds. An ROC curve plots TPR vs.
FPR at different classification thresholds. Lowering the classification threshold classifies more
items as positive, thus increasing both False Positives and True Positives. To compute the points
in the ROC curve, we evaluate the AUC (Area under the ROC Curve).That is, AUC measures the
entire two-dimensional area underneath the entire ROC curve from (0,0) to (1,1). Thus, the AUC
provides an aggregate measure of performance across all possible classification thresholds.
The result we obtain from the model over a period of 200 epochs is plotted in Figure 5. The
average AUROC across all the epochs is 0.961. That is, our model's predictions are 96.1%
correct on average across all classification thresholds. 
Figure 5. Epoch AUC from Tensorboard Experiment Logs
We followed the science of data analytics general practices to evaluate the models performance
using AUC. Thus, AUC is desirable for two main reasons;
1. AUC is scale-invariant, thus it measures how well predictions are ranked, rather than
their absolute values
2. Classification-threshold-invariant, thus measures the quality of the model's predictions
irrespective of what classification threshold is chosen
1. Locating COVID-19 Using Class Activation Mapping (CAM ): We use CAM, a technique
for producing "visual explanations" for decisions from a large class of CNN-based
models, making them more transparent. CAM images empower data scientists to
visualize the gradient of the label in the final convolutional layer to produce a heatmap
depicting regions of the image that were highly important during prediction.
2. Locating COVID-19 Using Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME). For
higher level interpretability, understanding and explaining our model predictions we
employ LIME.
The experimental findings showed how we used Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit and Intel oneAPI
DevCloud to train, test, and operationalize a model to help detect COVID-19 and other thoracic
diseases using chest x-ray images. Early diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia and other
lung diseases can be challenging, especially in African countries with limited access to
trained radiologists and medical staff. Using the tools, services and infrastructure provided by
Intel, data scientists can quickly iterate and train deep learning models which have the potential,
following further development and testing, to classify diseases from chest x-ray images. This
model is a prototype system and not for medical use and does not offer a diagnosis.
Related Links
1. Source Code: https://github.com/TebogoNakampe/TMIP-2019-nCoV-Recognition
2. Inte AI Analytics Toolkit:
3. LIME: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.04938.pdf
4. CAM: https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.02391
5. MS Azure:
6. Inte AI Analytics Toolkit Github: https://github.com/intel/AiKit-code-samples
7. Google Dev’s:
** For Project Collaboration and updates please follow on Intel DevMesh:
Contact Details: info@4ir-abi.co.za
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