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Sweet lime is very different from the fruit that we traditionally think of as a lime. When fully ripe, the fruit’s size is comparable to a large lemon, and the skin is light green or, more commonly, yellow. The taste lacks acidity that causes tartness. The resulting flavour is mild and refreshing; commonly enjoyed as a juice, or fresh from the tree. This unique citrus is believed to be a hybrid between a Mexican lime and a sweet lemon, and its dense, evergreen foliage is often distinctively cupped or rolled.
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Citrus limettioides
ChandanKumar,DheerajSingh,M.L.Meena andN. Thirupathi
that wetraditionally think of as a lime.
When fully ripe, the fruit’s size is
The ta ste lacks acidity that causes
refreshing;commonlyenjoyedas a juice,
orfreshfrom thetree.Thisuniquecitrus
is believed to be a hybrid between a
Mexicanlime andasweetlemon,andits
dense, evergreen folia ge is  often
and folic acid content ensure strong
to bones and joints.As explained in the
book, “HealthPromoting Properties of Fruits and Vegetables (Simonne et al., 2011).
phenolics,flavonoids, andlimonoids.Accordingtothe“NutritiveValueofIndianFoods”
published by the National Institute of Nutrition, 100g of sweet lime has the following
1. Introduction ............................................... 885
2. OriginandDistribution.............................. 886
3. AreaorRegionofCultivationor
Availability ................................................. 886
4. DifferentSpeciesandCytogenetic .............887
5. BotanicalDescriptionandGrowthHabit... 887
6. Climate ......................................................888
7. Soil............................................................889
8. Propagation ...............................................889
9. Variety .......................................................890
10. CropImprovement.....................................891
11. Cultivation.................................................891
12. Harvesting,Yield,Post‐harvest
ManagementandStorage.......................... 898
13. EconomicLifeofPlantation......................898
14. FutureResearchThrust .............................898
Sweet limes a r e used f or  ma ny
and contains amount of oil includes peel
in nature. It contains high amount of
ascorbic acid (Sandhu & Minhas, 2006)
and its juice is used as a sweet drink in
abundant terpene, followed by gamma
terpinene (11.80%), terpinolene (2.96%),
betapinene (2.08%), linalool (1.85%), p
cymene (1.38%), geranial (1.33%) and
alphaterpineol (1.28%). The remaining
terpenes amounted to <1% found in the
peel oil of the sweet lime (Abdul et al.,
1.2. Medicinal Uses
In India the sweet lime is therapeutically valued for its cooling effect in cases of fever
and jaundice.
Thoughthe Citrus genus has manypoints of origins ranging from Indonesia to China, a
2004 report published inthe “Agriculture Review” points to the hills of Meghalaya and
Nagaland as the home of sweet limes (Citrus tanaka). On the other hand, the book,
regions. The fruit itself is a hybrid ofa Mexicanlime and sweet citron or sweet lemon.
Nowa days,sweetlimes aregrow inEgypt,Syria,Palestine,tropicalAmericas,partsof
SoutheastAsia, and the Mediterranean. It’s also a hobby fruit in parts of Florida and
Sweet limes, also known as “tanaka,” are cultivated in the Northeast regions of India,
Punjab and Tamil Nadu specifically in the hills at high elevations between 1,000m to
2,700m. It’s difficult to determine sweet lime’s production figures, as they’re generally
lumped into “sweet orange” statistics. Nonetheless, The FAO lists India’s 2011 citrus
production at a staggering 54 million metric tonnes, of which the National Bank and
Agriculture and Rural Development Centre” lists sweet or anges accounting for
approximately 25 percent of all citrus cultivation in the country.
Table1: NutritionalCompositionofSweetlime
Parame ters value
Moisture 88.4
Pro tein 0.8g
Fat 0.3g
Min erals 0.7g
Fib ers 0.5g
Carb ohydrates 9.3g
Ca lcium 40mg
Ph ospho rus 30mg
Po ta ssium 490mg
Iron 0.7mg
VitaminC 50mg
Sweet limes come into season mostly during the rainy months from July toAugust,
far beforeotherorangevarietieshittheshelvesbetweenOctober throughNovember,and
limes are quite distinctly a summer  monsoon fruit (Shivankar, 2010).
The sweet lime, according to W.T. Swingle classification (Nicolosi, 2007), belongs to
ThisfamilyRutaceae that includes 162 species(Tanaka, 1977) and is grownin tropical
Poncirus are diploid and the diploid number of chromosomes in these genera is 18
Citrus limettioides (Sweet lime): It is Concentrated in Maharashtra, Uttaranchal,
H.P. and NEH region)
Citrus limmetta (Sharbati lime): It is concentra ted inBaghmara area in Garo Hills,
The sweet lime is a large and spreading tree with mediumsize leaves characteristically,
somewhatrolled andcupped,palegreenincolourwithprominentoilglandsandnakedto
marginedpetioles.T he flowersar e large,pur e white andfra grantar e solitaryor in short
fromthe previous flush (“bouquet bloom”). The flowers are perfect, with5 petals and
sepals; petals linear, sometimes curved lengthwise, waxy, and thick; sepals fused at base
The fruit is globose or ovoid, generally with low and flat papilla. The rind is tight,
smooth, thin and light green but, lemon yellow on full maturity. The sectionsin thefr uit
are closely set. The colour of fleshis yellowish white. Thecontent ofjuice is abundant,
taste is sweet insipid, devoid of acidity. The number of seeds per fruit varies from none
tofive.Thefruit shape,foliagecharacters, lightcolouredinnerseedcoat a chalazalspot
are distinctive characters. Polyembryonic character of sweet lime suggests that it is
probably hybrid that isnearly sterile.Fruits are so important that they have received a
special name – a hesperidium.A hesperidium is basically a leathery rinded berry. The
endocarpisthe edibleportion,dividedinto1014 segments separatedbythinsepta,each
containing up to 5 seeds, but usually only one.
The tree, its foliage, and the form and size of the fruit resemble the Tahiti lime; the
leaves are serrated andthe petioles nearlywingless. The fruit is nota t all similar to the
Mexicanlime. The flowers are borne singlyin the leafa xils or in terminal clusters of 2
to 10; the fruits may be solitary or in bunches of 2 to 5.
TheIndian sweet limehas less sugar than a sweet orange but it hasalmost nocitric
acid and therefore tastes sweeter. To some people the taste feels insipid. The tree has
bigshinyleavesthatareoftencuppedorrolled. Thefruitislargeforalime andusually
has a pronounced nipple. The colour turns orangeyellow when fully mature.
5.1.Floweringand fruiting
The flowers are borne singly or in clusters; in thelatter caseleaves may be present or
absent from the main axis. A comparison of the productivity of leafy and leafless
inflorescences showed the former  type to produce a higher percentage of hermaphrodite
flowers and ma ture fruit (Singh and Dhuria, 1960). Thesweet lime trees bear two type
of flowers viz. Staminate and harmaphrodite on the same tree, but the formation of
due to low percentage of perfect flowers and not due to selfincompatibility as reported
by some workers. To induce a higher percentage of perfect flowers have shown that
averagefruitsetcouldbeincreasedto1∙39 percentbybendingand ringingthebranches
andto 2∙80percentbysprayingwithIBA100ppm,as against1∙09percentfruitsetin
withPlanofix [NAA]or Ethrel [ethephon], bothat 2501000 p.p.m. active ingredient.At
the highest rate, the two compounds increased the proportion of hermaphrodite flowers
from18.2%inthecontrolto34.1and32%, respectively(Kushaletal.,1984).Thesweet
lime starts bearing small and uneconomic crop from the fourth year, but normal and
100 ppm when applied via the foliage have been reported to cause the highest fruit set
(68.570%) and the highest fruit yield (336345 fruit/tree) (Gangwar and Singh, 1965).
Sweet lime is evergreen, grown in truly subtropical climates of the world although in
tropical regions of the world they tend to produce cyclic growth flushes and hence
regulating cropping in tropical areas for forcing them into concentrated bloom needs
judicious management of water deficit stress accordingto soil type and growing season.
It growsbest between a temperature range of 13
C to 37
C. Temperatures below – 4
Cseemstobeoptimum for
(ranging from 75cm to250 cm) aremost favourable for the growth of the crop. High
humidity favours spread ofmany disea ses and frostis highly injurious. Hot wind during
summer results in desiccation and drop of flowers and developing fruits. Barring these
limitationsit isgrowninallsubtropicalandtropicalareasoftheworld.Thesubtropical
climate is best suitedfor sweet limegrowth anddevelopment. It a lso grows successfully
at higher  altitude inAssam.
7. SOIL
Sweet lime can grow well in wide range of soils. Soil properties like soilreaction, soil
fertility,dra inage, freelime and salt concentrations, etc. are some important factors that
drainage.DeepsoilswithpHrange of5.5to7.5areconsideredgood.However, theycan
growin pH range of 4 to 9. Presence ofca lcium carbonate concentrationwithin feeding
zone may adversely affect the growth. Light loam or heavier but well drained subsoils
appears to beideal for its cultivation.
is highly polyembryony, the average number of embryos per seed has been reported as
from selected shoots of consistently high yielding trees. The cuttings are best rooted
during the monsoon under open conditions (Jauhari, and Rahman, 1959). 25cm long
sweet lime cuttings taken in July were treated with IBA or NAA, each at 15006000
of plants were best with IBA at 1500 p.p.m. followed closely by NAA at 1500 p.p.m.
(Singhet al., 1986). T he root formation in cuttings can be enhanced by the application
ofIBAat 3000ppmbyquickdipmethod.Underfavourableconditionsrootingcompletes
in 4 to6 weeks. However, theplants raised from stem cuttings generallyshallow rooted
and are surface feeders, which is a demerit (Sumaya, 2005). Propagation by shield
budding is successful provided that the operation is performedin MarchApril and only
thecurrentseason’s budwoodisused.Thesuitablerootstockisjattikhatti(roughlemon)
(Arora, et al., 2012).
The morphogenetic response ofCitrus limon (Assam Lemon) andC. limettioides(sweet
lime) microshoots to paclobutrazol at 0, 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5 mg/litre ina nMS 3 medium.
Observations recorded after 5 weeks of culture showed that paclobutrazol was effective
in reducing the growth of the plants. Both species showed increased root weight and
diameter withpaclobutrazolat5 mg/litre,butthisratesuppressedrootlength,numberof
leaves and shoot weight. Root length reduction was more inAssam lemon than sweet
lime. Increase in root diameter was prominent in sweet lime (Singh et al., 2001).
Sweet lime trees grow bushy and the light skinned roundish yellow fruits have very
smooth surfaces. The fruits are of great commercial value in local markets and are
consumed fresh.
9.1.Mitha chikna
The plantis medium tall, spreading, densely andthorny. It is a prolific bearer. The fruit
isalmost sphericalor globose,lightyellow,surfaceverysmoothandglossy.Rindisvery
thin, leathery, adherence medium to strong. The number of segments is 1011. Juice is
abundant, taste sweet or insipid sweet, flavour agreeable.
9.2. Mithotra
Tree is spreading with lightgreen foliage. Stout thorns present on twings, fruit is large,
lemon yellow, apex slightly depressed, the rind is rough and thick and oil glands are
prominent. Theflesh colour is yellowish white. Juiceis abundant, nice taste and flavour
agreeable. Seed 56 per fruit. Fruits ripen in September.
The fruit is oblong, ovoid or nearly round, with rounded basea nd small nipple at apex,
withconspicuous oil glands, thin; pulp paleyellow, usua lly in 10 segments, tender, very
juicy, nonacid, bland, faintly bitter. The tree may be large or shrubby; is spreading,
irregular, thorny, with leaves resembling those of the orange but paler and with more
prominent oil glands, theirpetioles faintly winged. Buds and flowersa rewhite. Thetr ee
is hardier than that of the acid lime; bea rs late in the rainy sea son in India when other
citrus fruits are outofseason.
It is a clonal selection mentioned by Swingle and Reece (1967).
It is strongly acid variation inAssam with new shoots and flower buds briefly pinkish.
9.6. Soh Jew
A seedless strain is found to grow in Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya.
9.7. NRCC Sweet lime‐ 1
Round fruit attractive, yellow colour, oval shape and very juicy fruits with thin peel
thickness (2.72mm). It is selected as a seedling. Fruits ar e medium size av. fruit weight
198g, sweet having 10.5 % TSS with very low acidity (0.18%).
The sweet lime is selfcompatible. In studies a imed at improving yield, Indian scientists
orangeorgrapefruitresultsingreaterfruitretention,atthesame timeincreasingfruitsize
andseed count.  Therefore,the practiceof interplanting with sweet orange andgrapefruit
has been adopted in commercial orchards.
The general objectives of sweet lime crop improvement mainly fall under 3 classes
i. Fruit characters: The prime objective of the sweet lime breeder is to obtain an
excellentdesertqualityfruit.In additiontothisthefruitshouldhavefewornoseeds
suitable shape and size meeting the commercial requirements good shipping and
keeping qualities attractive rind colour firm texture to meet the canning industry
requirementse.g. grapefruitcitronandorangeshighjuicecolourforjuiceandmixed
drink purposes and standard vitamin C content (Khan, 2007).
ii. Tree characters: Compactness vigour productiveness disease and pest resistance,
cold hardiness, adaptability to various agroclimatic conditions, congeniality with
rootstocks and better coverage with early mid and late varieties.
iii. Rootstocks characters: To obtain rootstock adaptable to different and adverse soil
conditions resistantto trunk andr oot diseases, high compatibility with thescion and
high propor tion of nucellar embryony.At the same time to obtain rootstocks which
do notimpart vigorous growth on thepa rt ofscion so as to make the s cion to bear
fruits of coarse texture and insipid taste (Sumaya, 2005).
11.1. Planting
The best season of plantingis June toAugust. Pits of the size of 60cm x 60 cm x 60
cmmaybedugforplantingseedlings.10kgofFYMand500 gofsuperphosphatemay
system. The normal spacing is 5 m x5 m and plant population is 400 /ha.
In order to allow the growth of a strong trunk, initially shoots upto 4050 cm from the
ground level should beremoved. The centre of the plant should remain open. Branches
should be well distributedto all sides.C rosstwigs and water suckers are tobe removed
early. The bearing trees require little or no pruning.All diseased, injured and drooping
branches and dead wood are to be removed periodically.
11.3. Irrigation
Sweet lime requires lifesaving watering in the first year during winter and summer.
to spring blossom is high and the next crop maturing in OctoberNovember may be
ifthecollar regioniswetted.Lightirrigationwithhighfrequencyis beneficial.Irrigation
of irrigation depends on the soil texture and growth stage. Partial drying out of the soil
in spring sea son may be acceptable. Increases in the yield of sweet lime were achieved
(74%). During the first year of planting, the highest net income was achieved for
crops(Manjunatha et al., 2000). Themaximumvalue of cropcoefficient (Kc)for sweet
evaporationratio(ETp:Epan)forsweetlimeunderdripirrigation(0.71) wascomparable
with that of Valencia orange under drip irrigation in Arizona, USA (Sepaskhah and
11.4.Manures and fertilizers
Sweet lime plants should be manured in three equal doses three times in a year in
varies. Thedose should increase every year proportionately to reachfull quantity on the
eighth year (Table 2 and 3). Irrigation should beapplied if ther e is moisture stress after
application of fertilizers. One or two sprays of micro nutrient mixtures may be given.
Abdolhossein (2013) recommended that application of 250 g of ammonium sulfate for
everytreeinsoilandspraying10 mgL1ironsulfateduringJunetoimprovethequantity
and quality characteristics as well as increased yield of sweet lime incalcareous soil.
11.5. Interculture
soil aeration and health. Chemical control of weeds with weedicides like grammaxone,
simazine, diurone, terbsal, etc. may alsobe adopted. Nag etal ., (2008) noticed that use
ofjutenonwoven geotextilesas mulch forcultivationofsweetlimewithturmericas an
observed thatyieldsof sweet lime andtur mericwere substantially higher fetching higher
economicreturnsto thegrowers.Ghosh(1985)obtainedlargesizedandjuicyfruits with
grass mulching in sweet lime.
FYM Ageoftheplant
I II III IV V VI VIIonwards
Kg/plant 20 10 15 20 2 5 30 40
Nutrients Ageoftheplant
I II III IV V VIonwards
Nitrogen 100 200 300 400 450 500
Ph ospho rus 50 100 150 200 200 250
Potash 25 50 75 200 200 250
4 25 25 50 5 0 100 15 0
4 25 25 50 5 0 100 15 0
MnSO4 25 2 5 50 5 0 100 150
11.6. Intercrops
Leguminous vegetables like cow peas, french bean, peas, etc. may be grown in sweet
lime orchards. Inter croppingis advisable only during theinitial three years.
11.7. Improvementoffruit settingandfruitretention byplantgrowth
Fruitset(17.74%)andyields(245.6 fruits/tree)werehighestinsweetlimewithAron(an
acrylic polymer at 1 ml/litre) + NPK (0.5:0.5:0.5 kg/tree), and next highest with Aron
alone(15.3% and202.6 fruits/tree).Thecontrolfruitsetandyieldswere4.92%and93.6
fruits/tree,respectively(Awanetal.,1985).Sweet limesweresprayedatfullbloomwith
GA at2501000p.p.m.,PCPAat25100 p.p.m.,2,4,5Tat520p.p.m.or2,4Dat 520
p.p.m.All treatments increasedfr uit set (except the highest ra te of 2,4,5T) and reduced
ascorbic acidcontents, and slightly delayed fruit maturity(Kumar, et al 1975).
11.8. Insect pests and their management
11.8.1.Citrus Leaf Miner (Phyllocnistis citrella)
Itisa seriouspestofyounggrowingplantsandthenursery. Itremainsactivethroughout
theyear.Thedamageiscausedbypaleyellow larvaewhichmakeshinningsilveryzigzag
mines in new emerging leaves on each flush. The attacked leaves curl up, may dry and
fall. The photosynthetic activity of the foliage is greatly reduced, which adversely affect
the vigour of the plants. Leaf miner attack also encourages the development of citrus
Tocontrolthepestsprayingofconfidor(Imidacloprid)17.80%SL@0.5 mlperlitre
@2 ml/LorHostathion40EC@1.0ml/Lor Chlorpyriphos@3.00ml/Lat eachflush.
11.8.2.Citrus Psylla (Diaphorina Citri)
It remains active throughout the year with peak period of infestation from March to
As a result the terminal shoots may wilt and dry, plant growth is affected. It also acts
as a vector of greening disease, whichis responsiblefor citrus decline. The adultpsyllid
isawoodcolouredandcanflyactively.It restsontheleaveswithclosedwingsandhind
end raised upward.
Sprayingofrogor30EC(Dimethoate)@1.5 ml/LorNuvacron36SL(Monocrotophos)
@ 1.5 ml/L of water or Imidacloprid @ 0.5 ml/L is advised.
11.8.3.Aphid (Toxoptera gossypii)
AphidsattackcitrusduringDecemberto Marchmonths.It sucksthecellsapfromtender
shoots and leaves. The growth is adversely affected.
@ 1.5 ml/L Metasystox @ 2 ml/L of water issuggested for controlling the pest.
11.8.4.Lemon Butterfly (Papilio detnoleus)
Itishighly destructivepestofallcitrus species.Thebeautifullycolouredlarvaeareseen
on young leaves on terminal shots. It eats up the leaf lamina from margins towards
midrib.Lateronit mayfeedon matureleavesanddefoliatethewholeshoot. Thenaked
shoots on the tree are easily identified by Hooking at the faeces on the ground.
Thebestmethodistokillthelarvaemanuallyasit iseasytopickupthecaterpillars
from the young plantations and nursery plants. Incase of severe infestation, spraying of
dursban 20 ECchloropyriphos @ 3 ml per litreor Ekalux 25 EC (quinalphos) @ 2 ml/
Lorthiodan35 EC (Endosulphan)2 ml/Lof waterorSevin50 WP(carbaryl)@2.5 g/
litre of water are recommended.
11.8.5. Citrus White Fly (Dialeurodes citri) andCitrus Black Fly
Both nymphs and adults cause the damage by sucking cell sap from the tender foliage.
The attacked leaves curl back ward and drop. Sooty mould develops on the honeydew
excreted by thenymphs. The black coating interferes with the photosynthetic activity of
the plants. Even fruits show black coating ofsooty mould.
will be helpful to minimize the damage.
11.8.6.Mites (Eutetranychus orientalis)
Mites become serious pest after rainy season. Leaves, flowers and fruits are damaged.
The leaves have minute specks left by the feeding of mites. Leaves gener ally givedusty
looks. In case of severe infestation, the leaves show mottling and finally drop. Skin of
fruits show unpleasant patches. Marketability of fruits is greatly reduced. Spraying of
miticideorrogor 30EC(dimethoate)@ 1.5ml/Las soonas attackisseeninMayJune.
11.8.7.Leaf Folder (Psorosticha zizyphi)
Both young and mature plantations are attacked from May to October. The larvae feed
insidetheleavesbywebbingthemtogetherandstartfeedingfromtopto downwards.The
plants remain stunted. Spraying of nuvacron36 SL (monocrotophos) @1.52.0 ml/L of
waterordursban 20EC(chloropyriphos)@2.5ml/LorEkalux 25 EC(Quinalphos)@
2 ml/L is suggested.
11.8.8.BarkEatingCaterpillar(Indarbela quadrinotata)
This is a pest of neglected orchards. The caterpillars eat by making holes in the wood
particularly near scaffold crotches. It feeds on the bark under the cover which consists
of fine pieces of wood and pellets of excreta. Keeping the orchard clean and regular
solutionor keroseneoilfollowedbypluggingtheholeswithcottonwillbehelpfultokeep
11.8.9. Citrus Nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans)
The femalea dult is ovala nd remains attached to the roots and suck cellsa p as a result
terminal growth is infected. The general plant vigour is adversely affected. Nursery
should be raised on nematode free soil.
11.9. Diseases and their management
11.9.1.Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas citri)
It is a very seriousdisease ofcitrus particularly limes. Disease appears onleaves, twigs
and fruits. On leaves it appears as yellowish spots. Which gradually enlarge, turn rough
and brownish and become raised on both sides of the leaf. These spots are surrounded
by a yellow halo. On peelof the fruit, the lesions become rough and corky. To control
the disease, spraying of 100 ppm streptocycline + 2g copper sulphate /L of water in
February, October and December is suggested.
11.9.2.Scab(Elsinoe fawcctti)
Small dark, br own, rough, irregular raised lesions mostly onthe underside of the leaves
appear.Twigsandfruitsalsogetinfected.SprayingofBordeauxmixture2:2:250or 50%
from June toAugust at 20 days interval is recommended.
11.9.3.Gummosis (Phytophthora palmivora)
This disease is knownby different names, viz. foot rot, root rot, collar rot or crown rot
Fungus causes rotting of rootlets, dropping of the blighted leaves. The infected plants
disease. To control the disease following steps to be ta ken; i. Collectand burry deep in
soil the diseased leaves or fruits. Ii. Use Cleopatra as a rootstock. iii. Avoid flood
Bordeaux mixture2:2:250thrice, i.e.inFebruarybeforeflowering,JuneandendJuly or
give two applications of Ridomil MZ as paint (2g/100 ml ofLinseedoil) to the infected
in FebruaryMarch andJulyAugust or two, sprary ofAliette 80 WP (2.5 g/L of water)
inApril and September.
11.9.4.Wither Tip
It is also called die back (anthracnose). It is caused by a fungus Colletotrichum
gloesporioides or may be due to physiological causes. Symptoms of anthracnose appear
on leaves, young shoots, and fruits. On leaves the necrotic spots appear as acervuli
arranged in concentric rings. Dead parts of twigs give silvery grey appearance. Leaves
sheddingandtwigdiebackarecharacteristicsymptoms ofwithertip. Inseverecasesthe
stem and infection of immature fruits results in fruit drop and show tree die back.
operations. Prune the diseased wood, leaves and fruits and destroy. Spray the affected
trees with Bavistin 1.0 gm/litre of water in February andBordeaux mixture 2:2:250 in
March and repeat the same in JulyAugust.
11.9.5.Melanose or Stem and Fruit Rot
It is caused by fungus Phomopsis citri. It manifests as dark circular depressions and
yellowish marginson leaves, branches and fruits. Later the spots become raised rough
is to be done to control the rot.
11.10.Virus like Diseases and their management
It is caused by bacterium and manifests as stiff upright multiple twigs and buds. The
leaves become small and mottled. Premature defoliation and branches show die back.
Use of disease free bud wood and control of citrus psylla (Diaphorina citri), as it is a
vector for greening disease, is suggested.
11.10.2. Tristeza
Itiscausedbya virus.Itcausesveinclearinginyoungleaves.Theinfectedtreesappear
astheirrootshavebeendamaged.Thisisduetosievetubenecrosisat thebudunionand
crease formation, which check carbohydrate translocationfrom top to roots resulting in
starvation ofroots. Due to heavy bearing, trees usually exhaust. Controllingthe insect
vector (aphid), by regular spraying of insecticides is only the way to check the further
spread of the disease.
11.10.3. Exocortis (Viroid)
The bark below the bud union shreds. Thewood becomes naked at the soil level. Roots
before use in the orchard is advised.
11.10.4. Ring Spot
It appears as yellow rings on mature leaves. Rings may befew to many per leaf. Rings
may coalesce to form bigger patches. The severely infected plants show dieback and
decline. The virus spreadsthrough infected budwood. Use of virus free bud wood for
raising of nursery is advised.
12.1. Maturity
All citrus are nonclimacteric fruit, meaning that they ripen gradually over weeks or
months and are slow to abscise from the tree. External colour changes during ripening
are a function of climate more than ripeness, and a poor indicator of ma turity. The best
indices ofmaturity for citrus are internal viz. o
brix (sugar), acid content, and theo
acid ratio.
12.2. Harvesting
September to November inAssam. In the south, AugustSeptember is the main season
for harvesting.
12.3. Yield
type, climate and management practices followed.
Toimpartuniformyelloworangecolourto thefruits applicationofethephon@250ppm
along with 1 per cent calcium acetate as foliar spray at maturity stage is recommended.
Sweet limes have a long shelf lifeat room temperature, asthey keep fresh for upto two
weeks.Intherefrigerator,sweet limeslastforfourto eightweeks.It’spossibleto freeze
slices of the fruit, though the limonin contentin sweet limes may cause the pulp to taste
bitter over time.A way to avoid this is by freezing the fruit in a “wet pack,” achieved
bysubmergingthe slicesinsweetsyrupwithinan airtightglass jar.The sweetlimejuice
can be frozen.The frozen juice will keep for up to six months,though it’s best to check
the fruit periodically to ensure it doesn’t become sour.
Orange and sweet Lime  25 to 30 years.
Sweet lime cultivation in India is witnessing manifold challenges due to vagaries of
of postharvest andmarketinginfrastructur e. With growing economy, awareness towards
challenges of enhanced quality production and productivity are being increasingly felt.
Theseemerging challenges call for paradigm shift in production with uptodate stateof
the art technological interventions.
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This study was conducted on 5-years-old grafted sweet lime trees as factorial arrangement in randomized complete block design with 4 replicates in Jahrom region. The first factor was iron sulfate (0, 5 and 10 mgL-1) and the second factor was zinc sulfate (0, 5 and 10 mgL-1). Both factors were applied as spraying in mid-June after June drop. In the harvest time were measured leaf iron and zinc amount; fruit volume; fruit peel water percent; vitamin C and total acid in fruit juice and tree yield. Results showed that the treatments had significant effect on characteristics including fruit volume; yield; vitamin C; total acid, fruit peel water percent and leaf iron and zinc amount. In general, based on the results can be recommended spraying 10 mgL-1 iron and zinc sulfates during June to improve the quantity and quality characteristics as well as increased yield of sweet lime in calcareous soil.
This study was initiated to determine evapotranspiration (ET) and crop coefficient (Kc) of sweet lime and to establish the relationship between ET and canopy to air temperature differential (Tc − Ta); °C) under drip irrigation treatments with different amounts of water. The maximum value of (Kc) for sweet lime under drip irrigation (1.17) was greater than that for other citrus trees under irrigation systems other than drip irrigation (0.75). The maximum value of evapotranspiration to pan evaporation ratio () for sweet lime under drip irrigation (0.71) was comparable with that of Valencia orange under drip irrigation in Arizona. The equation for estimation of average 24 h ET (mm day−1) by monitoring (Tc − Ta °C) is ET=3.02−0.94 (Tc − Ta). Furthermore, the equation for estimation of average 24 h ET, (mm dayt−1 by monitoring () is in which is the canopy temperature of well watered trees (°C).
Gas chromatographic analysis of the essential oil of Citrus limetta var
  • S Abdul
  • M Shahid
  • S A Khan
Abdul, S. Shahid, M. and Khan, S.A. 1992. Citrus oil. Part II. Gas chromatographic analysis of the essential oil of Citrus limetta var. Mitha. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 35(11): 449450.
Rootstocks in Citrus: Chronological development. In: Souvenir and Abstracts National Dialogue on citrus improvement, production and utilization
  • R K Arora
  • R K Sonkar
  • M K Kaul
  • R K Patel
Arora, R. K., Sonkar, R. K., Kaul, M. K. and Patel, R. K. 2012. Rootstocks in Citrus: Chronological development. In: Souvenir and Abstracts National Dialogue on citrus improvement, production and utilization. NRCCitrus, Nagpur. pp. 130148.
Improvement of fruit yield in sweet lime (Citrus limettioides Tanaka) by the application of growth regulators and chemical fertilizers
  • M Z Awan
  • M Maqbool
  • A H Gillani
Awan, M.Z, Maqbool, M. and Gillani, A.H. 1985. Improvement of fruit yield in sweet lime (Citrus limettioides Tanaka) by the application of growth regulators and chemical fertilizers. Journal of Agricultural Research, 23(1): 6569.
Effect of type of wood, season of planting and plant growth regulators on the propagation of sweet lime (Citrus limettioides Tanaka) through stem cutting
  • R P Gangwar
  • S N Singh
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Effects of mulches and supplementary irrigation on sweet lime (Citrus limetoides) raised in waste land
  • S P Ghosh
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Further investigation on rooting in cuttings of sweet lime (Citrus limetioides
  • O S Jauhari
  • S F Rahman
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  • I A Khan
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