
Fostered Idols and Chinese Identity

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Originating in Japan as an ACG (Animation, Comics and Games) subculture, the ‘fostered idol’ concept has been incorporated into the mainstream cultural industries in China and has gained popularity since the 2010s. This new form of youth culture differs fundamentally from the traditional concept of the ‘idol’, due to its dual nature as fans’ mass engagement in the creation of idols and the much closer relationship between idols and fans. This chapter entails a case study based on representative Chinese fostered idols. By using statistical methods and cultural theories of nationalism, it identifies how the TFBoys, a pop group composed of these idols, serve as a bridge to remind their fans and the public of traditional Chinese heritage and Chinese culture, and have strengthened the fans’ Chinese identity.

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... Although the "intimate" relationship between fans and the JKT 48 music group can be interpreted economically as a way for the group to survive in the Indonesian music industry, however, this "intimate" relationship can also be said to give birth to a new "subculture" (Jiang, 2020;Ōtomo & Satō, 2021). This "subculture" can be interpreted beyond the pure economic analysis (Galbraith & Karlin, 2020). ...
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Pada tahun 1980-an pemerintahan Orde Baru gencar melakukan berbagai upaya untuk ‘memodernkan’ orang Mentawai karena dianggap kurang maju dan terasing. Pemajuan ini dapat dilihat dalam upaya pemerintah mem-beras-kan orang Mentawai dari ‘sagu’ sebagai pangan lokal. Proses peralihan ini juga dipicu melalui program memukimkan kembali (PKMT/Resettlement) dan membuat perkampungan (barasi) serta memaksa mengganti agama leluhur (arat sabulungan) mereka dengan agama Samawi (Islam, Protestan dan Katolik). Hal ini seolah-olah bukan masalah besar bagi penguasa. Masalah pangan memang menjadi hal yang sangat krusial di Siberut. Pergelutan antara sagu ke beras sebagai akar abstraksi keadaan pangan orang Siberut. Bukan masalah keterbatasan, namun beranjak dari pangan lokal utama menjadi makanan alternatif. Sagu, seperti memakan buah simalakama dalam rundungan wacana ketahanan pangan. Desakan program pembangunan yang belum menyusuri lorong-lorong lumbung perut orang Siberut di Mentawai. Sehingga muncul polemik pada diri orang Siberut, “memakan” atau “tidak memakan” buah simalakama itu. Tetapi ada ketakutan yang mungkin nyata bahwa pangan lokal sagu menjadi “kegelisahan” tidak mencukupinya pangan orang Siberut dalam bertahan hidup. Masa transisi yang telah berlangsung 4 dekade telah menyebabkan orang Siberut kehilangan jati diri sebagai orang Mentawai. Sagu bukan perkara makanan, tetapi masalah ruang hidup (ekologis), kepercayaan dan kebudayaan orang di Siberut. Perlu disadari bahwa, sagu berkenaan dengan the way of life orang Siberut yang beraraskan pada nilai-nilai luhur yang melibatkan relasi hubungan antara sesama manusia, dengan lingkungan alam serta hubungan sakral (sabulungan) melalui upacara adat (punen). Penekanannya dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada dialog antara kutub yang berbeda yaitu sagu sebagai sistem kebudayaan yang mungkin dientaskan oleh intervensi pembangunan, beras dan kebijakan yang menghegemoni orang Siberut terkait ketahanan pangan nasional. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa orang Siberut memiliki pangan lokal non beras yang bukan hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pangan, namun juga berkaitan dengan kepercayaan, kelestarian ekologis dan berlangsung ajegnya life cycle’s (upacara adat). Namun bentuk hegemoni pemerintah melalui memukimkan orang Siberut (PKMT/Barasi/Rumah Sosial/Resettlement), memberikan bantuan beras (Ranstra/Raskin) dan menanam padi (600 ha cetak sawah) serta memaksa memilih agama Samawi. Hal ini memunculkan polemik yang menggelisahkan antara tetap memakan sagu atau beralih memakan beras. Simalakama inilah yang sedang berlangsung dalam kehidupan orang Siberut.
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The study explored the strength of national identification and intergroup attitudes of Chinese youth (n = 591, aged 12–15) toward the Chinese, the Americans, the Japanese, and the South Koreans. The participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire and write down reasons why they ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ the four groups. The results showed a consistency in in-group favoritism. Gender and age were both related to Chinese youths’ national identifications and their national intergroup attitudes. Confucian ethics, media influence and historical complex were identified as main factors that may contribute to their attitudes toward the four groups.
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This paper describes traditional and modern Chinese cultural values regarding educational achievement and how they are reflected in the beliefs of parents and children. Chinese philosophy traditionally has emphasized human malleability and the value of self-improvement. Chinese parents set higher standards and work more often with their children on homework than their American counterparts, and Chinese cultural values help to ensure that children work diligently. These factors may help to explain the superior performance of Chinese children in cross-national comparisons of mathematics achievement.Copyright © 1988 S. Karger AG, Basel
This is the most complete and compelling account of idols and celebrity in Japanese media culture to date. Engaging with the study of media, gender and celebrity, and sensitive to history and the contemporary scene, these interdisciplinary essays cover male and female idols, production and consumption, industrial structures and fan movements. © Patrick W. Galbraith and Jason G. Karlin 2012, Aoyagi Hiroshi 2012 and Contributors 2012. All rights reserved.
Identity as a concept and as a practice differs from what it was assumed in the past. The literature pertaining to this concept and its practices is very sceptical: identity is unstable and undergoing a continuous process of construction and reconstruction, and the modern‐postmodern individual must realize and accept this volatile situation. This essay deals with a relatively safer basis for identity: football fandom. Studies on global football fan behaviour conclude that supporting a football club is a life‐long project that begins at an early age and ends with the life of the fan. Such studies unequivocally indicate that football fandom is a way of life. The fan's daily and weekly agenda is determined by his relationship with the football club. Most importantly, football fandom is a significant component of identity: it is stable and effective. Using the results of a study of Israeli football fans, this essay suggests that fandom is indeed a critical component in the fan's identity profile. Hence, fans are at least partially ‘safe’ in a volatile world of unstable identities.
This book provides a state-of-the-art account of how people's understanding of, and attitudes towards, nations and national groups develop through the course of childhood and adolescence. It offers a comprehensive review of the research which has been conducted into: (1) children's understanding of nations and states as geographical territories and as political, historical and cultural communities; (2) children's knowledge, beliefs and feelings about the people who belong to different national and state groups; and (3) children's attitudes towards, and emotional attachment to, their own country and their own national and state groups. The book elaborates on the developmental patterns that have been found to emerge, contextualized by a consideration and evaluation of the theoretical frameworks which can be used to explain these patterns. Written by the leading international authority in this field, and reporting (in collaboration with colleagues) the findings from two major cross-national research projects, this book will be a seminal text to reopen the field and will be invaluable for post-graduate students and researchers. The book will also be of benefit to undergraduate students taking courses in psychology, sociology, education, geography and political science. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Imagined Communities. London: Verso
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