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Securing the On-board Diagnostics Port (OBD-II) in Vehicles


Abstract and Figures

Modern vehicles integrate Internet of Things (IoT) components to bring value-added services to both drivers and passengers. These components communicate with the external world through different types of interfaces including the on-board diagnostics port (OBD-II), a mandatory interface in all vehicles in the U.S. and Europe. While this transformation has driven significant advancements in efficiency and safety, it has also opened the door to a wide variety of cyber attacks, as the architectures of vehicles were never designed with external connectivity in mind, and accordingly, security has never been pivotal in the design. As standardized, the OBD-II port allows not only direct access to the internal network of the vehicle but also installing software on the Electronic Control Units (ECUs). While this privilege, historically, is achieved through physical access on the underlying port using a dedicated tool, remote access is recently supported in many modern vehicles, i.e. self-driving ones, and via OBD-II dongles, making the OBD-II port the most significant automotive interface that has to be secured. Motivated by various recent attacks and vulnerability analyses of OBD-II, this paper tackles the problem of lack of security in OBD-II by proposing an end-to-end role-based access control mechanism that would prevent unauthorized access to any of the vehicle functionality through existing vulnerable OBD-II ports. The proposed solution is AUTOSAR-compliant, architecture-independent, and does not require modifying any hardware inside the vehicle. Accordingly, it applies to the millions of currently on-road vehicles. Furthermore, while physical attacks are not avoidable, they are not scalable, considering our approach, and only affect the attacked vehicle. We provide a proof of concept implementation and evaluation of the proposed solution, showing its robustness and efficiency.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Article ID: 11-02-02-0009
© 2020 SAE International
Received: 16 Jun 2020
Accepted: 16 Jun 2020
e-Available: 18 Aug 2020
Automotive security, OBD-II,
Ammar, M., Janjua, H.,
Thangarajan, A., Crispo, B.
et al., “Securing the
On-Board Diagnostics Port
(OBD-II) in Vehicles,SAE
Int. J. Transp. Cyber. &
Privacy 2(2):83-106, 2019,
ISSN: 2572-1046
e-ISSN: 2572-1054
Securing the On-Board Diagnostics
Port (OBD-II) in Vehicles
Mahmoud Ammar,1 Hassaan Janjua,1 Ashok Samraj Thangarajan,1 Bruno Crispo,1,2 and Danny Hughes1
1KU Leuven, Belgium
2Trento University, Italy
Modern vehicles integrate Internet of Things (IoT) components to bring value-added services to
both drivers and passengers. These components communicate with the external world through
dierent types of interfaces including the on-board diagnostics (OBD-II) port, a mandatory interface
in all vehicles in the UnitedStates and Europe. While this transformation has driven significant
advancements in eciency and safety, it has also opened a door to a wide variety of cyberattacks,
as the architectures of vehicles were never designed with external connectivity in mind, and accord-
ingly, security has never been pivotal in the design. As standardized, the OBD-II port allows not only
direct access to the internal network of the vehicle but also installing software on the Electronic
Control Units (ECUs). While this privilege, historically, is achieved through physical access on the
underlying port using a dedicated tool, remote access is recently supported in many modern vehicles,
i.e., self-driving ones, and via OBD-II dongles, making the OBD-II port the most significant automo-
tive interface that has to besecured.
Motivated by various recent attacks and vulnerability analyses of OBD-II, this paper tackles the
problem of lack of security in OBD-II by proposing a novel end-to-end role-based access control
(RBAC) mechanism that would prevent unauthorized access to any of the vehicle functionality
through existing vulnerable OBD-II ports. The proposed solution is AUTOSAR compliant and archi-
tecture independent, and does not require modifying any hardware inside the vehicle. Accordingly,
it applies to the millions of current on-road vehicles. Furthermore, while physical attacks are not
avoidable, they are not scalable, considering our approach, and only aect the attacked vehicle.
Weprovide a proof of concept implementation and evaluation of the proposed solution, showing
its robustness and eciency.
This article is part of a Special Issue on esca r USA 2020.
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 Introduction
Modern vehicles are no longer mere mechanical devices, they are controlled by
dozens of heterogeneous electronic components comprising millions of lines
of code that execute per vasively with rich connectivity coordinated via internal
vehicular networks. e basic unit of computation in vehicles is the Electronic Control
Unit (ECU) [1]. ECUs are interconnected via serial buses and communicate using a de
facto standard protocol called the Controller Area Network (CAN) [2] (along with other
protocols) to control everything, including infotainment, steering, acceleration, brakes,
and other safety-critical systems. Furthermore, this interconnectivity is extended to
encompass vehicle-to-everything, such as vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure,
and vehicle to Internet communications via an embedded modem or Bluetooth-paired
cell phone [3].
While the automotive industry has a long-standing experience in vehicle safety,
security issues of connected systems in vehicles and their potential impact on vehicle
safety are not yet properly taken into account for the vast majority of modern platforms
[4]. Some studies point out the potential attack vectors of connected vehicles [4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9], which can beclassied into remote (e.g., via WiFi, Bluetooth-paired dev ices, keyless
entry systems, cellular radio) or local attacks (e.g., through physical access to the OBD
or USB ports). For example, researchers have shown that an attacker connected to a
vehicle’s internal network can circumvent all computer control systems, including safety-
critical ones such as brakes and airbags [5]. Furthermore, full control of a jeep of model
Cherokee 2014 has been demonstrated through a remote attack that can belaunched
from any distance, resulting in the recalling of over 1.4 million vehicles [10].
Problem statement. Despite the clear security risks that could threaten people’s
lives, securing the broad range of potential attack surfaces in vehicles poses fundamental
design challenges.
1. First, despite the initiatives to include security in the development process of
vehicles, there is still a lack of a common standard allowing a complete integration
of safety and security in the vehicle development life cycle [4].
2. Second, several key components of vehicles are still developed with proprietary
technologies, which make it more dicult to develop security solutions that can
beapplied to a large market due to the lack of standardization.
3. ird, as security issues arise from the integration of connected components in
vehicles, there is no chance to enforce perfect isolation between the dierent
connected subsystems, which means that vulnerabilities from any actor, including
aermarket components, may allow compromising and tampering with the entire
vehicular network [7].
Diagnostic and maintenance systems are external systems interfaced with the vehicle
through a dedicated and standard interface, called the automotive On-Board Diagnostics
(OBD-II) port. e OBD-II port has been mandated on new vehicles in the UnitedStates
and Europe since the 1990s. It enables diagnostics equipment to bephysically connected
to the intra-vehicle network in order to quickly analyze problems and perform diagnos-
tics of the vehicle. e OBD-II interface provides full access to the CAN bus, allowing
direct manipulation of CAN trac in the vehicle and thus tampering with safety-critical
functions, since, by design, neither OBD-II nor CAN oer any protection [11].
Apart from the severe consequences of attacking the vehicle through physical access
to the OBD-II port, exposing the vehicle to the same level of potential risks is possible
with remote access. Leveraging on smartphones, aermarket telematics plugin devices,
known as OBD-II dongles, have wireless connectivity such as WiFi and Bluetooth [12].
Any user can access these devices remotely using an app on his/her smartphone. A very
recent study has shown that a vast majority of existing OBD-II dongles are vulnerable
and expose the vehicle to various remote attacks with implications on privacy and safety
[13]. Furthermore, many modern vehicles, including all self-driving ones, support bui lt-in
remote connectivity for the OBD-II without any form of protection [4]. is makes the
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OBD-II port the most critical entry point for the various attack vectors as both physical
and remote attacks are possible through it, motivating the need for better protection
and separation between the connected devices through the OBD-II port and the intra-
vehicle network, i.e., CAN bus.
Contributions. To tackle this problem, wepropose a generic and novel authentica-
tion and authorization service that would t in any vehicle, requiring no changes to its
architecture or hardware. To avoid scalable physical attacks that aim at bypassing the
security rewall by leaking secret keys from the vehicle ECUs, our proposal requires
storing no secrets inside the vehicle. Weutilize the Internet-connected trusted servers
of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to handle secret keys, thus participating
in the authentication process as a second verier that would prove the genuineness of
the connected user (mobile app) to the communicating ECU inside the vehicle (the
original verier).
Contributions of this paper are twofold:
We precisely identify the key elements in terms of security and system requirements
that are important in the design of any access control model to eliminate the root
causes of the attack vector through the OBD-II. Wethen overcome the security
limitation of lacking access control by designing a nd developing an end-to-end secure
and efficient role-based access control (RBAC) model based on public-key
cryptography, with regard to the AUTOSAR specications on secure on-board
communications [14] and the good practices and recommendations mentioned in
the ENISA1 report [4]. e proposed solution is architecture independent and can
beintegrated into the design of new cars as pure soware, requiring no change to
any hardware component. Furthermore, it can beeasily retrotted to existing cars
through updating soware or as an external dongle.
We provide an open-source proof of concept implementation and evaluation of our
solution on dierent CAN-enabled ECUs to show its practicality and eciency even
on resource-constrained ones [15].
Paper outline. e remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briey
presents preliminary information about vehicles. All essential aspects of OBD-II are
surveyed in Section 3. In Section 4, wedescribe in detail our proposal to secure the
OBD-II port. Implementation details and evaluations are reported in Section 5. Sect ion6
concludes the paper.
 AutomotiveBackground
is section briey describes the vehicle architecture and one of the main communica-
tion protocols that is used over the OBD-II port.
2.1.  Modern Vehicle Architecture
e vehicle architecture has been evolving over the years as vehicles are becoming more
and more complex systems that are heavily connected. A vehicle is therefore made up
of several subnetworks interconnected through a gateway. Each subnetwork consists of
multiple ECUs that communicate with each other using dierent communication buses
(i.e., CAN, LIN, FlexRay) [16]. Furthermore, a modern vehicle can connect directly to
the Internet and may interact with external utilities (i.e., smartphones, electric charging
stations) using various communication protocols (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.). Figure 1 shows
a high-level architecture of today’s vehicle. e architecture distinguishes between
dierent domains, interconnected by a centra l gateway. e gateway collects and transfers
data from and between various ECUs using one of the vehicle data buses (mostly CAN).
1 ENISA: European Union Agency for Network and Information Security.
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e domains correspond to dierent (and maybe independent)
features of the vehicle.
2.2.  CAN
e CAN bus [2] is a broadcast communication medium that
has been originally developed by Bosch in 1983 and standard-
ized by the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) in the 1990s as ISO 11898 (CAN2.0) [17]. It is the most
widely used protocol in the OBD-II port (see Section 3). e
CAN has severa l built-in features that make it robust and fault-
tolerant. Speeds of up to 1 Mbps are supported in this data bus.
It also features a n arbitration met hod that automatically priori-
tizes messages and resolves packet collisions. A typical CAN
network consists of a series of nodes (ECUs) connected by a
two-wire bus, addressing two physical CAN standards: high-
speed CAN (up to 1 Mbps) and low-speed (fault-tolerant) CAN
(up to 125 Kbps). ECUs can communicate using either CAN.
Each ECU has a CAN controller and transceiver. e CAN
controller is responsible for reading and writing messages from
and to the CAN bus, while the CAN transceiver acts as an
arbitrator between the bus and the controller, thereby trans-
lating between dierent signal levels. Both CAN controller and
transceiver represent the physical and data link layers in the
OSI model, as specied in ISO 11898-1 [17].
CAN Packet Structure. CAN messages have a standard format consisting of a
message ID, a data length eld, a data frame, and other control bits. Message IDs should
beunique as CAN is a message-based protocol following the publish-subscribe pattern.
us, there is no ECU ID, meaning that any ECU can transmit using several message
IDs. For example, an ECU can report motor speed, position, and acceleration on three
dierent message IDs. e message ID is used in the arbitration process to determine
which message has priority when two or more ECUs attempt to transmit simultaneously.
e lowest message ID has the highest priority.
ere are two standardized CAN message formats: the standard frame (CAN2.0A)
(see Fig ure 2) and the extended frame (CAN2.0B) (see Figure 3). At the application layer,
the standard frame format consists of an 11-bit message ID, followed by up to 8 bytes of
data payload. e extended format features a 29-bit message ID instead of 11-bit. In
particular, the extended format is backward compatible, which allows both formats to
beused on any CAN. Following any of the CAN frame formats, there are four dierent
types of frames that can beused on the CAN bus [2]: (i) Data frames, (ii) Remote frames,
(iii) Error frames, and (iv) Overload frames. Diagnostics information, sometimes called
diagnostics frames that are exchanged over the OBD-II port, are carried over the Data
frames [11].
Message Arbitr ation. CAN is an asynchronous Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) serial data protocol. When two ECUs attempt to
transmit at the same time, an arbitration process determines which one ta kes preference.
 FIGURE 1  A high-level architecture of a modern
vehicle [4].
Reprin ted from Ref. [4]. © Europe an Union Agency
for Netw ork and Informat ion Security ( ENISA), 2016
 FIGURE 2  A standard CAN base frame format (CAN2.0A).
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In other words, collision is resolved through a bit-wise arbitration, based on a prepro-
grammed priority of each message in the identier eld. e CAN physical layer considers
“0” as a dominant bit and “1” as a recessive one. So any bit with zero value has the highest
priority. To solve bus arbitration, CAN transceivers are required to continue listening
on the bus while sending the message ID at the beginning of the data frame. us, the
ECU that transmits a message containing a higher priority ID (lower ID) always wins
bus access and accordingly keeps transmitting. All other ECUs detect that one of their
recessive bits has been overwritten by a dominant bit of another ECU, resulting in the
stopping of its message transmission. Likewise, message acknowledgment can simply
beimplemented by overwriting the ACK bit in real time.
  OBD-II
OBD-II are measurements and checks built into a vehicle’s engine and systems, which
record any abnormal behavior or malfunction in any of the system components. In the
remainder of this section, wedescribe the standards of OBD-II, its architecture, and
related security concerns.
3.1.  OBD-II: Standards
e OBD-II specications are standardized through a joint work by the Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) and ISO. With those standards, the vehicle manufacturers
had new guidelines to follow when developing their implementation for OBD-II in
the engine control management systems (ECMs). e standards dene both the elec-
trical interface signaling protocols and messages format, primarily Diagnostic Trouble
Codes (DTCs). Also, they specify the location of the OBD-II connector, style, and
its pinout.
SAE standards versus ISO standards. SAE developed and published many of the
original OBD-II standards. As the vehicle industry is a global and international industry,
and a majority of the world follows the ISO, the original SAE specications have been
rolled into ISO specications. Figure 4 shows the conversion from the SAE standards
to the ISO 15031 standard, which species the OBD-II connector and conguration
parameters. For example, SAE J1930 has been incorporated into ISO 15031-2, while SAE
J2012 has been incorporated into ISO 15031-6.
DTCs. Prior to OBD-II, each OEM was free to determine which systems were
diagnosed and its own DTCs. is resulted in a lot of confusion and diculty in diag-
nosing specic information reported from the OBD system because there were no stan-
dards on fault reporting. With the advent of OBD-II, DTCs were standardized according
to SAE J2012 (see Figure 4). is specication dened the DTC as having ve digits. e
DTC digits specically give information about where the fault is generated, what type
of fault it is, and the specic fault itself. For example, a standard DTC for a general engine
misre is P0301; P refers to Powertrain, 0 indicates that it is a standard SAE code, 3
denotes that it is related to ignition or misre, and 01 indicates a misre on cylinder
number 1 [18].
 FIGURE 3  A standard CAN extended frame format (CAN2.0B).
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3.2.  OBD-II: Architecture
e OBD-II architecture is represented by the data interface (Section 3.2(1)) where
dongles or testers could beconnected to, in order to verify the status of ECUs, and the
communication protocols that run over this interface (Section 3.2(2)).
1) Data Link Connector: e OBD-II data interface, formally called the Data Link
Connector (DLC), is the main conduit used to query DTCs from a vehicle’s on-board
system or, in some cases, program some ECUs. e OBD-II device, i.e., a dongle, physi-
cally interfaces with or connects to DLC to access the on-board system. e DLC is a
16-pin D-style female connector (see Figure 1) specied by the SAE J1962 standard [19].
is particular standard dictates the physical location of the connector inside the auto-
mobile, the shape and size of the connector, and the electrical pinouts in the connector.
2) Data Protocols: ere are multiple data protocols or formats in which the data
stream is presented through the DLC. Various standards are specied to ensure a unied
diagnostic service. ese standards include SAE J1850 VPW, SAE J1850 PWM, ISO
14230 KWP2000, ISO 14229, and ISO 15765-2 CAN (ISO-TP) [9, 20]. Such data protocols
are not compatible with each other. us, it is up to the connected device to adapt to the
dierences in pin congurations, data transfer rates, and signal voltage levels. A graphical
representation is shown in Figure 5.
SAE Standards
J1930 J1962 J1978 J1979 J2012 J2186
s, definitions
physical and
standards for
data link
security and
seed keys
ISO 15031-
 FIGURE 4  Multiple OBD-II-related SAE standards are incorporated into a single
ISO standard.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 5  A graphical representation of the pinouts of some data protocols on the
16-pin DLC [21].
Adapted f rom Ref. [21]
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3.3.  OBD-II: Security Concerns
e various potentia l attack vectors on vehicles (with real examples) have been intensively
discussed in many articles [4, 5, 6, 7, 9]. In this section, we focus only on the
OBD-II-related attacks.
e OBD-II port provides direct access to the vehicle’s CAN bus(es), thus providing
an attack vector for compromising the entire automotive system and threatening safety
and privacy as attackers will beable to extract the intellectual property (IP) of OEMs
and steal driver private data [6]. Abstractly speaking, counterfeiting and IP the are two
major issues with the underlying soware in modern vehicles.
ISO 15031-7 (SAE J2186) [22] is meant to identify a security access service for
protecting the vehicle from unauthorized access through the DLC. is service entails
identifying a simple challenge-response protocol, called the seed-key protocol, in which
the DLC challenges the connected device with a seed in order to generate the correct
response for authentication, taking into account that both parties share in advance a
secret key and a cryptographically secure function. Apart from being outdated and not
evolving to cope with new and sophisticated attacks, the standard is ver y loose and vague
and does not identify information on what the function and keys should be, the length
of keys, the security of storage area, the type of random number generator used to
generate the seed, etc. Moreover, the seed-key protocol itself is not standardized. Due
to the lack of a rigorous standard and implementation specications, studies have shown
that vehicles either lack any protection mechanism on the OBD-II port or implement
various types of seed-key protocols that keep them vulnerable to cyberattacks, since the
seed-key protocol itself is weak and vulnerable to replay and brute-force attacks [21, 23].
A group of researchers was able to gain control over many vehicle ECUs and upload a
malicious rmware into the ECM via the OBD-II [5, 6]. Furthermore, there have been
reports illustrating that attackers with specialist OBD reprogramming devices were able
to steal vehicles without the need for original keys [24, 25].
Remote attacks. Since 2004, all new vehicles in the UnitedStates had to support
the SAE J2534 standard, a Windows API that provides a programmatic interface to
communicate with a vehicle’s internal buses. us, the standard OBD-II port allows
third parties to develop soware embedded into external devices (dongles) that interacts
with the vehicle. Such dongles have become attractive targets for cyberattacks. is is
exemplied by the remote attack (over the Internet) that is performed by Argus Cyber
Security on a third-party device sold by Zubie [26], thus being able to circumvent all
computer systems inside the vehicle. Furthermore, researchers have discovered two
classes of vulnerabilities of another SAE J2534-enabled device, allowing them remotely
injecting and installing malicious soware over the CAN bus on some ECUs [6]. Other
vulnerabilities in aermarket WiFi-enabled OBD-II dongles are reported in [12, 27],
which caused unauthorized access to the intra-vehicle network and tampering with
various ECUs. Finally, a recent work uncovered ve general vulnerabilities on wireless
OBD-II dongles that lead to remote attacks [13]. It has shown that all OBD-II dongles
on Amazon have at least one of these vulnerabilities. Accordingly, the researchers were
able to construct four classes of concrete remote attacks including leaking sensitive and
private data, stealing the car, and performing denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
To this end, the primary cause of the OBD-II vulnerability is the lack of secure and
smart implementation for authentication and authorization that can deny commodity
OBD-II dongles/testers from exploiting either physical or remote access to the intra-
vehicle network of the vehicle. Although SAE has mentioned general guidelines to secure
the OBD-II port [28], a practical and secure solution has yet to beoered to protect the
intra-vehicle network from unauthorized access via this port. Weaddress this problem
in the next section2.
2 e release of AUTOSAR 4.4 specications for the classic platform [29] proposes to add a new
authentication service for the OBD-II that would replace the outdated related security standards.
Although this proposal is in its early stage as there is no concrete protocol or implementation,
weprovide a detailed comparison of our protocol with it in Section V-B4.
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  SecuringtheOBD-IIPort
Over v iew. In this section, wepresent our approach to secure communications with the
intra-vehicle network via the OBD-II port. Weimplement a challenge-response protocol
to authenticate any connected device to the OBD-II DLC by the central gateway3 to
which the OBD-II is connected on the other side (see Figure 1). e key idea of our
proposal is that weutilize the trusted OEM back-end servers to share the burden of the
authentication process with the corresponding gateway or ECU in the sense that all
long-term secret keys are stored there, thus preventing scalable physical attacks. Our
protocol depends on lightweight asymmetric cry ptographic primitives along with a hash
function to provide the appropriate security level needed for each user/device. As a one-
size-ts-all access control model is not appropriate in this domain, weleverage an RBAC
model, in which multiple authorization levels are identied and where each level consti-
tutes a role (e.g., OEM, repairmen, insurance companies). e permissions of each role
are the CAN commands (messages) that are allowed to beexecuted on the receiving
controller. e various roles are not allowed any control over what permissions they are
granted, only the administrator (the OEM in our case) has the right to grant permissions
as necessary.
In the following, weoutline our attacker model and precisely formulate the require-
ments for practical and trustworthy security protocol for the OBD-II. Wethen describe
in detail our approach and analyze its security.
4.1.  Attacker Model
e goal of the attacker is to send craed CAN messages via the OBD-II port to tamper
with safety-critical functions, steal sensitive data, spread malware on some ECUs, or
retrieve the condential soware installed on some ECUs. erefore, weprotect against
two types of attackers. e rst one is represented by any user (device) connected to the
OBD-II port, either physically or remotely, intending to send harmful or nonauthorized
CAN messages. More specically, this attacker tries to overpass the authentication
process to get some privilege by forging responses. e second attacker is a third party
who is granted full control over the external network (between the OBD-II port and
end-user/OEM back-end server). is adversary can eavesdrop on, modify, or synthesize
any message between any two entities by performing some attacks, i.e., replay attack,
Man-In-e-Middle (MITM) attack. e main goal of this attacker is to take advantage
of exchanged messages by being able to use them later to bypass the authentication
procedure and get an unauthorized privilege level once connected to the OBD-II.
We extend the capabilities of either attacker by assuming that he/she can perform
noninvasive physical attacks (e.g., side-channel attacks) and interface with the vehicle
from other attack surfaces (either remotely or physically), with a purpose of observing
and recording all CAN trac (that have been broadcasted on the CAN bus that connects
the OBD-II DLC and the gateway) and manipulating the corresponding soware and
data installed on the guard gateway, i.e., public keys, the permissions table.
We rule out all invasive physical attacks (e.g., replacing the guard gateway ECU with
a default insecure one) as protection against these types of attack requires techniques
that are outside the scope of this paper. However, the design of our protocol prevents
the scalability of such attacks. Also, weconsider DoS attacks as out of scope. Weassume
that the OEM is a trusted party. Finally, once implemented, weassume that the imple-
mentation of either part of our proposal is bugfree, and the cryptographic primitives
used are secure and adhere to the standard specications.
3 Authentication is possible by either the receiving gateway or edge ECUs. We continue further
describing our protocol using the term gateway and then explain how it would be in the case of lacking
a ga te way.
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4.2.  Requirements
e design and implementation of an RBAC model in the automotive domain pose
fundamental design challenges.
1. First, the access of users should bedetermined by a privilege associated with their
roles, where such roles are identied by a trusted party in a way to protect various
data and functionality in the vehicle.
2. Second, the design of any RBAC model should consider the already deployed
architectures, i.e., current on-road vehicles, and aermarket telematics. us,
supporting the seamless integration in such architectures with minimal overhead.
3. ird, the authorization measu res should bedetermined accurately for every involved
party, while regularly conducting compliance and checking vulnerabilities is a must
in order to ensure defenses against evolving security threats.
4. Fourth, the proposed RBAC model should beexible in a way being well designed
to adapt to dynamic changes as necessary. is includes regular updates and
revocation of roles, privileges, and security checks. Last, scalability should
betaken into account, since millions of vehicles are already manufactured by
each OEM.
To overcome the aforementioned challenges, wedesign our RBAC model considering
the standard National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at RBAC model
[30], which provides a valuable level of abstractions to promote security on a large scale.
In our model, the basic role concept is establishing permissions based on the functional
roles for each user of the vehicle (from the OEM point of view) and then appropriately
assigns users a role or set of roles. e access decision is based on the roles, where each
role represents the set of privileges or permissions that are allowed to beexecuted by the
holder of this role. Accordingly, wecarefully illustrate the requirements that should
bemet in order to have a practical security protocol for the OBD-II. Wedistinguish
between two levels of requirements: security and system. e former concerns a awless
design of the security technique needed, whereas the latter is about the practicality,
feasibility, and portability of the proposed approach.
4.2.1. Security Requirements 
SE1: Authentication e guard gateway should authenticate each role with its
corresponding public key. For example, an OBD-II device dedicated to a repair shop
should not beauthenticated as a device used by an OEM, as each one of them has a
dierent privilege level.
SE2: Authoriz ation If a role is authenticated, only the commands within the granted
privilege level can beexecuted.
SE3: Secure storage Wherever secret keys are stored, they must bekept condential
in a secure area and protected from being leaked anyway.
SE4: Replay attack resistance An attacker who monitored and recorded authenticated
CAN messages sent by one of the roles (e.g., the OEM) should not beable to replay
these messages again under any circumstances.
SE5: Integrity e integrity of the cryptographic primitives along with other data
stored in the memory of the guard gateway should bemaintained. Other untrusted
code modules in the same ECU or other participating ones should beprevented from
tampering with these data.
SE6: No single point of failure Physical attacks on modules implementing the security
protocol should not bescalable. Only the hacked vehicle should beaected.
4.2.2. System Requirements 
SY1: Performance Despite the fact that interfacing with the OBD-II to diagnose
information is not restricted to real-time communications as normal internal
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vehicular communications, the proposed secu rity technique should not add substa ntial
overhead that would irritate users (e.g., repairmen) while doing their jobs, to reduce
possibilities of physical tampering with the security module.
SY2: Compliance e security protocol should bein line with the AUTOSAR
specications [14] in terms of not requiring changes to any of the standards employed.
Furthermore, existing o-the-shelf diagnostics tools that do not support the security
layer should beable to interact smoothly with the guard gateway using a baseline
security level (by being granted a basic privilege level).
SY3: Compatibility Adding an extra security layer to the OBD-II should demand
minimal costs in terms of portability, computation and runtime overhead, and
maintenance. Hence, the solution should involve minimal or no hardware
modications such that it can beeasily retrotted in existing vehicles.
4.3.  Our Proposal
Vehicles provide one or more gateways to interact with the external entities. Such gateways
represent the entry and exit points to any exchanged CAN message via the OBD-II. In
our proposal, the security at the OBD-II port is enforced through two steps. First, any
OBD-II-connected device should beauthenticated by the gateway with respect to (w.r.t.)
the role claimed. Each role is associated with a key pair, where the private key is stored
at an Internet-connected ser ver owned by the corresponding OEM. us, this step requires
Internet connectivity4 for the user of the OBD-II-connected device in order to beable to
provide the gateway with some data that helps in authenticating the claimed role. Second,
once a role is authenticated, a session secret key is established between the gateway and
the OBD-II-connected device. is key is associated with the authenticated role for the
entire session lifetime. us, it is used to check the authorization level for each exchanged
CAN message by computing its message authentication code (MAC) on both sides. If the
MAC is veried at the gateway, it means that t he corresponding role has sent this message.
Accordingly, the gateway looks up in a look-up table stored in its memory, called the
permissions table, to see whether t hat role is authorized to do so. is adds another feature
that authenticates and veries the integrity of all exchanged CAN messages. Figure 6
provides a high-level description of our approach.
4 In areas where Internet connectivity is not always available, we propose to have specia l OBD-II devices
that would r un the entire procedure in the oine mode. us, these devices will hold some secret keys.
Accordingly, it should beprotected by strong and tamper-proof hardware modules.
 FIGURE 6  A working scenario of secure OBD-II system.
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In the following, wedescribe the various parts of our
security mechanism in more detail.
RB AC mod el. As mentioned, weassume that the OEMs
are the only trusted parties. is assumption is reasonable
as each OEM is mainly concerned with preserving its intel-
lectual properties and privacy of its users. us, each OEM
is responsible for regulating and establishing policies that
control the way how OBD-II devices and soware applica-
tions can interact with the intra-vehicle network without
exploiting any of the vehicle functionality. We, therefore,
identify a set of roles that represent the building blocks of
our RBAC model. Please note that the denition of these
roles is made for demonstrative purposes, as more or fewer
roles can beconsidered depending on the corresponding
OEM. e roles are
OEM: e OEM refers to the manufacturer of the vehicle.
Accordingly, the OEM is the only trusted party and
should have no restrictions to send and execute any CAN
command over the OBD-II. Also the OEM can act as an administrator to add or
revoke any role as required.
Repair shop: e OBD-II is originally designed and standardized to allow repairmen
to diagnose and x the vehicle malfunctions. is access should berestricted in a
way that other in-vehicle functionality cannot betampered with (e.g., a repairman
should not beable to change the mileage of the vehicle to aect on its value).
Insurance company: Sometimes insurance companies need restricted access to the
vehicle ECM to implement services such as Usage-Based Insurance.
Vehicle owner: With respect to the right-to-repair law [31], third parties, i.e., the
owner, should begranted a level similar to Repair shops. However, they are not allowed
to perform some forbidden operations such as editing the mileage in order to increase
the car value.
Police: Police agents should have some access rights to handle cases such as stolen
vehicles or tampering with the odometer values.
As such, a permissions table is specied (see Figure 7), which represents the output
of designing a ne-grained access control model (from the OEM point of view). For
example, in Figure 7, a repairman would beallowed to display the speed of the vehicle
(IDH: 02, IDL: 01), but prevented from alternating the odometer value (IDH: 04, IDL:
02). e permissions table is stored in an immutable memory area (read only) at the
guard gateway in order to protect its genuineness. Only the OEM (administrator) can
update its records, leveraging the administrator credentials.
Role authentication procedure. Our approach entails assigning each role a unique
ID and a key pair. e IDs and the public keys are stored along with the permissions table
in the read-only memor y (ROM) area at the gateway. e private keys are stored at a cloud
server owned by the OEM. At this server, it is the responsibility of the OEM to maintain
the secrets condential, validate credentia ls, anonymize data, etc. OBD-II device ma kers
will have their products (diagnostics tools, dongles, etc.) certied to work with the OEM’s
vehicles by implementing only the same cryptographic functions and CAN standards
used at the gateway side. All noncertied OBD-II devices will begranted a basic privilege
level, allowing only for harmless CAN packets (Default column in Figure 7).
Having a certied OBD-II device5 connected to the OBD-II port, the authentication
procedure begins by sending an initialization CAN packet containing the ID of the role
5 Please note that what we mean by an OBD-II device is either a sophisticated diagnostic tool that can
be connected directly to the Internet or a smar tphone, represented by its companion app, along with
the paired OBD-II dongle, as shown in Figure 6.
 FIGURE 7  An example of a permissions table. “1” means that
the permission is granted for that role. ID = IDH (3 bits) + IDL
(8 bits). CAN message IDs are 11-bit long, where IDH represents
the three most significant bits, and IDL is all the remaining bits.
Each role is associated with a unique public key stored in the
same immutable memory area.
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(roleN) to the guard gateway6, as shown in Figu re 8. As a response, the gateway generates
a short-term key pair [i.e., KPGen(.)] and sends the public key to the OBD-II device,
which fur ther propagates it to the OEM Certication Authority (CA) (the OEM back-end
server). e OEM CA signs the hash value of the received key using the corresponding
role private key and sends this signature (Sig) back to the OBD-II device, which further
propagates it to the gateway. Both the gateway and the OEM CA are in a position now
to generate a shared secret key using the credentials they have (each one has a public
and private key of a dierent key pair) using a predened cryptographic primitive (e.g.,
Elliptic-curve Die-Hellman [ECDH]). Having the gateway veried the signature using
the corresponding role public key [Verify(.)], it generates a secret session key [KG en(.)],
computes the MAC value of the role ID using it and then transmits this value to the
OBD-II device, which forwards it to the OEM CA. On the other side, the OEM CA
generates the same session key in order to verify the MAC value. Having this value
veried means that the guard gateway has successfully authenticated the OBD-II device
w.r.t. the associated role. us, the OEM CA transmits the secret session key to the
OBD-II device over a previously established secure communication channel. See Fig ure 8.
Role authorization procedure. Having an OBD-II device authenticated by the
guard gateway w.r.t. a custom role does not mean that it is authorized to execute any
CAN command. Wetake advantage of MACs to verify the authenticity and integrity of
any CAN message as well as the authorization level of the role, as described in Figure 9.
First, the OBD-II device computes the MAC of CAN message using the shared session
secret key. en, both the CAN message and its MAC are accommodated in ISO-TP
format [34], the most commonly used protocol in OBD-II, where the payload length
goes up to 4095 bytes. e entire ISO-TP frame is sent to the guard gateway in compli-
ance with the standard CAN2.0A format. For further details about the transmission
mechanism t hat is shown in Fig ure 9, werefer to Appendi x A. If the MAC of the extracted
CAN packet is veried [VerifyMAC(.)], the gateway looks up in the permissions table
whether the associated role has the privilege to execute this CAN command or not
[CheckPermission(.)]. If so, it broadcasts the extracted legacy CAN packet to the target
6 Please note that users with certied OBD-II devices will have to rst authenticate to the back-end
server of the OEM through any of their Internet-connected dev ices using some credentials (e.g., a
username and password). e authentication procedure results in establishing a secure channel
between both par ties and getting the suitable role ID on the OBD-II-connected device. So the users get
role IDs assigned to them compulsively depending on their credentials. We consider the
implementation of this part of the protocol as out of scope since it is not the main objective of this
paper. Suitable aut hentication mechanisms have been already proposed and applied in commercial
products [32, 33].
 FIGURE 8  OBD-II device authentication and key agreement.
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subnetwork. As soon as a reply is received by the gateway, it forwards it toward the
OBD-II port adopting the right format.
4.4.  Discussions
Architecture independency. Some vehicle architectures do not consider providing a
gateway as shown in Figure 1. In principle, our security protocol can beeasily imple-
mented without a gateway. If so, each connected ECU to the CAN bus has to implement
the gateway part in the authentication procedure that is visualized in Figure 8 and only
maintains a permissions table that constitutes roles regarding its functionality. is
means that the records of the permissions table will bedistributed over the participating
ECUs. In a nutshell, our protocol can besimply implemented on the edge ECUs in
vehicles that lack gateways in their architecture.
Compatibility. Backward compatibility is supported easily in our protocol. For
example, if one of the involved parties does not adhere to the ISO-TP standard, multiple
legacy CAN frames can beused. In this case, the original CAN message is sent out rst
and then its associated MAC is embedded in the payload of multiple consecutive CAN
messages with an ID correlated to the original CAN message ID. To avoid overhead and
complexity, the MAC can betruncated to t in one CAN frame (64 bits), as suggested
by AUTOSAR [14].
Please note also that our protocol is implemented on top of ISO-TP, where addresses
for source and destination are added to specify the sender and receiver. is simplies
the task of the gateway when forwarding the received CAN message if it is successfully
authenticated. Likewise, in the case of lacking a gateway, this simplies the task of the
edge ECU, where only the corresponding one (the one that has its ID mentioned in the
destination eld) will handle the security-related procedures.
Memory protection. To maintain the security of the proposed protocol, all related
cryptographic primitives and data (e.g., the permissions table and public keys) should
beprotected from being tampered with by an attacker who has the ability to access the
rmware of the gateway. Since none of the stored data at the gateway is condential,
virtual ROM is sucient to address this requirement. All ECUs in today’s vehicles have
the capability to turn part of the memory into virtual ROM aer installing the data or
 FIGURE 9  CAN message authentication/role authorization.
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code needed. With the administrator credentials, the OEM can reserve the right to
remotely write on this part when updates are required. Weconsider a virtual ROM, not
a real one, in order to preserve the feature of deploying updates remotely, without
requiring physical access to the vehicle. Isolating part of the memory and enforcing
some access control in modern ECUs do not require any external hardware or soware
as they have some built-in security primitives (e.g., memory protection units [MPU],
memory management units) [35, 36]. However, as wediscuss in Section 5, weprovide a
proof of concept implementation on highly resource-constrained ECUs to demonstrate
eciency. ese ECUs lack basic memory protection modules. erefore, weemploy an
open-source formally veried pure-so ware trusted computing architecture for resource-
constrained ECUs [37] (that is further customized to legacy automotive ECUs [38]),
which brings us two important benets: (i) memory protection by means that all OBD-II-
related functions and data are isolated in a virtual ROM and (ii) a secure remote update
mechanism that lets the administrator revoke or add roles and rights to the permissions
table when needed (likewise, updating public keys).
Advantage of requiring Internet connectivity. Dynamic updates on vehicles, i.e.,
adding/revoking roles, can occur automatically by utilizing the online authentication
step in the rst part of the protocol, where Internet connectivity is a must. is can
bedone by storing a version control number (VCN) along with public keys and permis-
sions table in the protected memory of the gateway. us the gateway can send the VCN
along with the generated short-term public key in the rst step of the authentication
procedure. e OEM server checks whether the corresponding vehicle holds the latest
updated VCN. If so, the authentication procedure continues as visualized in Figure 8.
Otherwise, it enforces the needed updates rst, updates the VCN, and then proceeds
with the authentication part. Such a technique is highly scalable and secure since any
vehicle will bealways up to date whenever someone tries accessing the OBD-II services.
For simplicity, weskip visualizing this part of the protocol. However, wedescribe it in
detail in Appendix B.
In areas where Internet connectivity is not always available and thus special hard-
ware-protected OBD-II devices are used to run the full protocol in the oine mode, the
OEM can always propose a temporary license of the soware inside such devices, where
they have to beconnected to the Internet, for example, at least once a month. Accordingly,
they can beupdated and enforce updates over any vehicle they are connected to later
on. Please note that Internet connectivity is required on a device, i.e., smartphone, that
is held by the user and not on the vehicle itself.
Adaptabilit y. Our solution is architecture independent. us, it can beintegrated
into new vehicles easily. Existing vehicles can adapt this solution whenever they have to
go through the regular control-technique check process. Integrating this solution inside
any vehicle is as easy as remote soware updates.
On the other hand, the design of our solution can besimply implemented inside
an external specic dongle rather than being implemented as a soware protocol
inside vehicles. is dongle should beattached to the OBD-II port in order to secure it.
is solution is valid for areas where existing on the road vehicles do not go through
control-technique check processes, i.e., in some third-world countries, while their drivers
or owners are still interested in securing the OBD-II port.
4.5.  Security Analysis
We analyze the security of our protocol by describing how the desired security require-
ments (Section 4.2.1) are satised w.r.t. our attacker model (Section 4.1).
It is obvious that the security of our protocol depends on the OEM, the most inter-
ested party in security, to protect the IP as well as safety-critical components. All long-
term secrets are saved in an OEM-owned secure cloud server, that is, weassume secure,
tamper-proof storage capacity a nd code execution on this server (SE3). OBD-II- connected
devices are authenticated to the gateway via the OEM server through a challenge-
response protocol (SE1). e authentication procedure results in a shared session secret
key between the gateway and the OBD-II device. e use of session keys avoid replay
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attacks (SE4), as their lifetime is limited to a short-term session (a few minutes).
Leveraging the resulted session key, our solution allows us to verify message authenticity
and role authorization level using MACs (SE1, SE2). Memory protection is guaranteed
by the memory protection technique employed (or the underlying hardware) (SE5). To
address the nal security requirement, weemploy asymmetric cry ptography where only
public keys are stored in the gateway and nothing stored at user devices (SE6).
We distinguish between three dierent cases for an adversary, adv, where these
cases cover all possibilities according to our attacker model. First, adv will try to
bypass the authentication procedure by claiming another role ID, in order to send
CAN packets belonging to a dierent privilege level. Our approach depends on a two-
verier (the gateway and the OEM CA) authentication procedure hosted in trustworthy
components (guaranteed ROM at the gateway side and immune high-end server at
the OEM side). us, adv has to convince the OEM to send a valid signature and then
the secret session key of the role ID chosen. is is considered infeasible as adv has
to beauthenticated rst by the OEM server in order to establish a secure communica-
tion channel and get assigned the role ID compulsively, depending on some factors
(e.g., corresponding credentials, device used) (as mentioned, this part of the protocol
is considered out of scope).
Second, adv will try to control the network outside the vehicle in order to record
packets and apply some attacks. By eavesdropping on exchanged messages, adv would
gain nothing as no secret data is exchanged (except for a session secret key over a prees-
tablished secure communication channel). Accordingly, a passive MITM attack is useless
in this case, whereas an active MITM attack can bedetected directly, since integrity is
veried during the entire lifetime of the authentication process by both the gateway and
OEM server, resulting in dropping the altered packet and ending the process. Replay
attacks are mitigated by the use of short-term session keys. Even it is infeasible for an
adv who recorded some authenticated CAN packets and then tried physically to unplug
the attached OBD-II device and plug his/her device in order to replay the recorded
messages, beneting from the underlying open session. e gateway prevents this since,
by design, as soon as an OBD-II device is plugged or unplugged, the gateway get notied
by a signal and accordingly ends the ongoing session. Applying side-channel attacks is
useless as no secrets stored at either the gateway or the OBD-II device. Furthermore,
our protocol is immune to remotely exploitable soware side-channels that aim to extract
the session secret key (before being deleted), as the time required will bemuch longer
than the lifetime of the ongoing session [39].
ird, adv will try to exploit remotely another potential attack vector on the vehicle
to alter some data or code on the gateway. Our protocol is secure against arbitrary code
execution and data manipulation since the memory of the gateway is tamper-proof (due
to the memory isolation technique employed or underlying hardware). Moreover, if adv
manages to get access over the CAN bus, he/she will not beable to manipulate or jam
the CAN trac between the OBD-II and the gateway unless sending a higher priority
CAN message. is message will bedropped by the gateway aer failing in verifying its
MAC. Furthermore, performing replay attacks is useless due to the nature of the CAN,
where all CAN packets are broadcasted and thus seen by all ECUs on the same bus.
e only possibility le for adv, in our scheme, is to guess secrets and MACs.
Weshow that our protocol is secure against these attacks in Section 5.2.3 (aer the
technical part).
  ImplementationandEvaluation
5.1.  Implementation
e automotive industry has seen processors with microcontrollers (MCU) transitioning
from a simple 8-bit MCU to a complex 64-bit multitasking one that communicates to
numerous other processor-based modules located throughout the entire vehicle. Hence,
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weimplement two proofs of concept scenarios of our protocol using two dierent types
of ECUs. In the rst proof, weuse two ECUs with a processor of 8-bit MCU each.
Demonstrating the efficiency and robustness of our proposal on such resource-
constrained components would give an indicator of the performance when using
powerful ECUs that are currently employed in modern vehicles. In particular, wehave
chosen two development kits of the type DVK90CAN1 [40], where the rst kit represents
the gateway and the second one the OBD-II-connected device. e DVK90CAN1
platform oers an 8-bit AT90CAN128 microcontroller [41] running at 8 MHz, with
4KB of static random-access memory (SRAM) and 128KB of ash memory. Most
importantly, it provides a CAN interface along with other on-board resources (dual
RS232, LIN, SPI and TWI, keyboard, light sensors, etc.).
A CAN-to-OBD-II and OBD-II-to-CAN connectors are used to act as an inter-
mediate bridge (OBD-II port) between the gateway and OBD-II-connected device.
Wehave connected the OBD-II-connected device to a local desktop computer through
the RS232 interface to simulate the OEM back-end server (in reality, wireless connec-
tivity is used). For demonstration purposes, wehave also congured the gateway device
to print what is going on through the authentication and authorization procedures via
its RS232 interface, which has been connected to another PC. Wehave implemented
the intra-vehicle network logically on the gateway platform leveraging the various
built-in sensors (acted as ECUs) on the same platform. Finally, wehave implemented
the CAN stack (up to the session layer) with the support of an open-source ISO-TP
library as indicated in [15].
In the second scenario, weimplement the same protocol using two more powerful
hardware platforms that are more representative of modern vehicles, i.e., self-driving
ones. Wehave chosen a development kit from NXP of the type TRKMPC560xB [42],
which is widely used in the automotive body and oers a 32-bit MPC560xB MCU [43],
running at 64 MHz, with 96KB of SRAM, 1.5MB of ash memory, and 6 CAN channels.
e MCU has an MPU.
Cryptographic primitives. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is used [44]. In
particular, secp256rl curve is employed for key pairs generation, where the size of the
private key is 256 bits and the public key is 512 bits long. Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA) is used for signing and verifying signatures. e ECDH Scheme is
used as a key agreement and derivation protocol to generate the session key. Furthermore,
HMAC-SHA256 is employed as a keyed hash-based message authentication code
(HMAC) to verify message authenticity and integrity. In the rst scenario, wehave
employed a soware-based trusted computing architecture [37] in AT90CAN128 MCU
to provide memory protection as it does not have an MPU. Atop both platforms (in both
scenarios), wehave implemented a secure remote update technique that preserves authen-
ticity, integrity, and condentiality. (is procedure is described in Appendix B.)
5.2.  Evaluation
5.2.1. Performance We evaluate the performance of our protocol in terms of runtime
overhead and memory footprint.
Runtime overhead. Our protocol consists of two major procedures: (i) Role authen-
tication, which is performed once at the beginning of every session, and (ii) Role autho-
rization and message integrity checking, which is performed when receiving a CAN
message during the underlying session. e rst procedure consumes about 21.9 s and
2.34 s in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, respectively, whereas the second one requires no
more than 79.5 ms (end-to-end: sending a CAN message with its MAC, verifying MAC,
looking up in the permissions table, etc.) in Scenario 1, compared to 8.39 ms in Scenario
2. Wehave performed our evaluation test on low-speed CAN (a baud rate of 125 Kbps).
is means that the runtime overhead is dominated by the cryptographic primitives
used, especially ECC. Tabl e 1 shows the runtime overhead incurred by such primitives
on both selected ECUs. (Please note that ECDSA sig n is performed on the OEM back-end
server but weindicated how long it takes when performing on the same platform.) While
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the performance on both scenarios is acceptable as upon authentication, sending and
receiving authenticated CAN packets consumes fractions of a second (few milliseconds),
reports point out that modern automotive gateways have MCUs with clock speeds
ranging from 48MHz to several hundred megahertz. Moreover, the vast majority of
such gateways are equipped with hardware-based ECC and SHA2 modules [35, 36]. is
indicates that the entire protocol runtime may require few milliseconds, and speaking
authenticated CAN messages would take a few microseconds. On the other hand, in
Scenario 1, the remote secure update mechanism does not require more than 171.6 ms
to update a data block of 256 bytes on the gateway (carried over RS232 and then CAN),
compared to 18.45 ms in Scenario 2.
Memory footprint. e gateway uses ash memory to store both code and data.
e memory footprint of various code components is indicated in Table 2. e overall
code size does not exceed 27KB (including the CAN driver that is already implemented
in the vehicle gateway), which amounts to less than 20% of the total 128KB ash avail-
able on the ECU used in Scenario 1, and less than 1.8% of the total ash available on the
ECU used in Scenario 2. e data represents public keys, role IDs, and the permissions
table. e size of data depends on the number of stored roles and their associated keys,
along with the size of the permissions table. In our demonstrative implementation, the
data consumes no more tha n 400 bytes of ash memory. To reduce the size of the permis-
sions table, OEMs can only include restricted CAN messages in it, thus allowing all
others by default to all roles. However, the size of considering all CAN messages with
even an extended identier will not go beyond 21KB (more or less, there are about 211
CAN messages) [2]. While the memory footprint measured is reasonable, reports show
that gateways used in modern vehicles include MCUs with Code Flash memories (and
separated Data Flash) ranging from 256KB to several hundred megabytes, as well as a
hardware-based ECC module [35, 36]. is means that in most of today’s vehicles, the
ash memory utilization, in the worst case, will not exceed 1% of overall ash available.
On the other hand, our implementation incurs no SRAM overhead as all data is stored
in the ash. e stack is used for short-term data storage when generating session keys
and calling subroutines. To guarantee that all code modules function properly, no more
than 2KB of free RAM is required.
5.2.2. System Requirements To satisfy the performance requirement (SY1),
wemeant to target a high security level while using lightweight cryptography. In partic-
ular, weuse symmetric keys in the periodic phase to compute MACs, reducing the
roundtrip time of authenticated CAN messages to a few milliseconds as illustrated in
Section 5.2.1. Furthermore, our protocol complies with all AUTOSAR specications
that require no changes to the CAN standards (SY2). Also legacy OBD-II devices can
still properly function when connected to security-enabled gateways/ECUs as they are
granted a basic authorization level as discussed previously. To address the last functional
requirement, our solution is pure soware that can beseamlessly integrated into new
vehicles without the need to change their design specications (SY3). Also the procedure
of applying it to the currently onroad vehicles is with the same ease of use as over-the-air
TABLE 2 The flash memory footprint of protocol code.
Module HMAC-SHA256 ECC CAN MicroVisor Rest (UART, etc.) Total
Size (byte) 2378 17684 4560 1110 842 26574
© SAE International
TABLE 1 Runtime overhead of cryptographic primitives used.
Component KPGen ECDSA sign ECDSA verify ECDH (KGen)
MPC560xB 0.734 s 0.780 s 0.869 s 0.734 s 2.54 ms
AT90CAN128 6.84 s 7.2 74 s 8.123 s 6.838 s 23.77 ms
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updates (SY3). OEMs can collaborate with authorities to license its installation on
remotely unreachable vehicles when making the yearly check for control technique.
5.2.3. Security Evaluation Section 4.5 covered the various attack scenarios (w.r.t.
the attacker model [Section 4.1]) and showed how our protocol is secure against all of
them. In this case, the security argument reduces to the security of cryptographic
modules used, namely, ECC and HMAC-SHA2. Hence, the attacker would try to guess
either the private key of the corresponding role to send valid signatures, and thus being
authenticated, or the symmetric session key to send authorized CAN messages aer
getting access to the CAN bus somehow while there is a session going on. Each of these
keys is 256 bits long. In order to maintain a high-security level, AUTOSAR requires
symmetric keys of at least 128-bit length [14]. While the length of the symmetric key
chosen has a higher security level, the private key belongs to this level (half of the length,
according to ECC specs. [44]). So even with this length, to nd the correct secret key,
the attacker w ill try to brute-force attack all possible values, requiring 2127 MAC/si gnatu re
calculations, which is considered infeasible even for extremely powerful adversaries.
e only leverage le for an attacker is to guess the MAC value itself for a specic CAN
message. is value is variant and depends on the session key used. Even for long sessions,
guessing such values depends on the security level associated with the hash function,
which is half of the output length (in bits), 128 bits in our case, rendering it infeasible.
In the case of MAC truncation, MAC sizes of 64 bits and above are considered to provide
sucient protection against guessing attacks by NIST [14]. Furthermore, forging valid
signatures is nearly impossible as the ECDSA scheme used is designed to beexistentially
unforgeable, even in the presence of an adversary capable of launching chosen-message
attacks [44], that is, our protocol is secure against the attacker model specied in Section
4.1. Please note that the exclusion of public-key cryptography and depending only on
symmetric keys is not possible in any way, as extracting the secret keys from any vehicle
would render all other vehicles insecure.
5.2.4. Our Approach versus Others Recently, AUTOSAR has released version
4.4 specications for the classic platform, where they propose adding a Uni ed Diagnostics
Service (UDS), named service 0x29, for authentication [29]7
. In this version, they suggest
to use a certicate-based protocol to authenticate OBD-II devices and assign them xed
roles based on their certicates. Despite being in its infancy stage, as there is not yet a
concrete protocol and implementation, the AUTOSAR proposal has several limitations
compared to our approach. First, they build atop modern architectures where several
hardware-based cryptographic modules are employed to manage keys and perform
securit y operations. is makes it only suitable for the currently being developed vehicles,
not the already existing ones. Second, they propose to use full certicates where they
mention handling these certicates is very time consuming; whereas in our approach,
weuse only signatures, ta king into account the existence of resource-constrained ECUs.
ird, despite storing initial permissions and roles at the edge ECUs, they consider
adding new roles or permissions by embedding them each time in the exchanged certi-
cates, which is a very expensive and not scalable process; whereas in our approach,
weconsider a secure remote update technique that can be performed whenever the
external connectivity is available as users are forced to do it before ring any action over
the OBD-II port. Furthermore, it is unclear how the AUTOSAR proposal handles the
revocation of roles or permissions. Fourth, t hey consider storing some long-term private
keys in the vehicle itself, which makes physical attacks scalable as it would beextremely
dicult to assign millions of dierent keys to millions of vehicles; whereas in our
proposal, nothing secret is stored in the vehicle. Fih, our proposal takes into account
existing aermarket dongles and diagnostics tools where they still can beused without
sacricing security, whereas the AUTOSAR proposal clearly demands new tools with
specic characteristics. Last, the AUTOSAR proposal does not mention how exactly the
7 Please note that AUTOSAR has another newer release, named R19-11. However, in this release, nothing
is changed regarding the 0x29 authentication service.
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OBD-II devices will get their certicates and whether they are required to contact any
other entity during the interaction with the vehicle.
  Conclusion
In this paper, wesurveyed the essential aspects of the OBD-II port and highlighted its
security issues. Wefurther proposed an AUTOSAR-compliant end-to-end security
protocol to protect the intra-vehicle network from unauthorized access via the OBD-II.
Our protocol is built on top of lightweight cry ptographic primitives along with a at RBAC
model. It is designed with architecture independence as a feature in mind. us, it can
beeasily implemented as a pure-soware protocol inside vehicles or standalone external
dongles dedicated to add ing a security layer to the OBD-II port. Evaluation results illustrate
high performance, eciency, and security, considering a powerful attacker model.
is research is supported by the research fund of KU Leuven and imec, a research
institute founded by the Flemish government. It is also partly supported by the EU
H2020-SU-ICT-03-2018 Project No. 830929 CyberSec4Europe.
e authors would like to thank Michiel Willems for implementing part of the
protocol during the work on his master thesis.
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e ISO 15765-2 CAN [34], called also ISO-TP (Transport Layer), is the most popular
communication protocol used at the OBD-II DLC. All vehicles made aer 2008 should
implement this protocol [20]. In ISO-TP, the message length goes up to 4095 bytes. Most
importantly, it meets the requirements of any CAN network as specied in ISO 11898-1
and complies with the diagnostics services established in ISO 14229-1 and ISO 15031-5.
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104 Ammar et al. / SAE Int. J. Transp. Cyber. & Privacy / Volume 2, Issue 2, 2019
Furthermore, it supports the standardized service primitive interface that is specied
in ISO 14229-2, the Unied Diagnostics Service (UDS).
Having it as a higher layer atop CAN2.0 (see Figure A.1), the format of the ISO-TP
messages follows the classical CAN frames format (see Figure 2); as whatever is the length
of the message, it will bedivided into multiple CAN frames with a maximum payload of
8 bytes long. In order to help the receiving controller know the length of the message and
number of frames that have to besent, ISO-TP reserves one byte of the payload in each
frame to act as Protocol Control Information (PCI) byte. us, the actual data has 7 out
of 8 bytes. e PCI byte is divided into two parts; the four most signicant bits represent
the PCI type, whereas the meaning of the remaining four bits depends on the length of
the message. ere are four types of frames (PCI): Single Frame (SF) = 0, First Frame
(FF) = 1, Consecutive Frame (CF) = 2, and Flow Control (FC) = 3. If the message length
is equal or less than 7 bytes, SF is used. So the rst part of the PCI byte will equal 0
(meaning SF) and the remaining bits represent the length of the message (e.g., 0x06 means
a single message with a lengt h of 6 bytes). In case of longer messages, Multi-Frame format
is used, in which the sender controller sends a frame of type FF as a rst frame, waits for
an FC frame as a reply from the receiving controller containing information on how and
when to send subsequent frames (synchronization), and then sends a ll subsequent frames
using the CF type according to guidelines specied in the FC reply. An exception in FF
is that 2 bytes are reserved as PCI bytes (compared to 1 byte in other types). e four
most signicant bits represent the PCI type which is 1, and the remaining 12 bits are for
the message length. In the CFs (the rest of the message), the four least-signicant bits in
the PCI byte act as a rolling counter starting at 1 and resetting aer reaching 0x0F. For
example, a message of 10 bytes long will berepresented by 2 frames; the rst one is of
type FF: 0x10 0x0A 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06, and the second one is CF: 0x210x07
0x08 0x09 0x0A. For further technical details, werefer the reader to [45].
Due to the change of access control model requirements and emerging security
threats, the secure remote update of roles and privileges is a necessity. While remote
updates oer exibility, they also increase the attack surface as attackers can misuse this
mechanism to install malware remotely. In our design, weconsider that the OEM can
ISO 11898 Series
Vehicle Diagnostics
ISO-TP/ISO 15765-2
Physical and Datalink
Network andTransport
ISO 14229 Sessions Layer
Vehicle CAN Messages
Message Processing/
DTC Management Presentation Layer
OBD/OEM Specific
Diagnostics (ISO 15031, ISO
27145 etc.)
Application Layer
Various OEM
Modules defined or
associated with standards
Modules maintained by OEM/
Other companies
 FIGURE A.1  The automotive CAN stack.
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update the data on any security-enabled ECU in any vehicle aer generating the secret
session key and before sending it to the user of the OBD-II device. us, wetake advan-
tage of this key before its legacy use.
Secure remote update refers to the process of setting up, revoking, or adding new
roles, privileges, or public keys on the targeted ECU without compromising the security
of the vehicle. Four security threats can aect the remote secure update procedure: (i)
rmware/data alteration, (ii) rmware/data reverse engineering, (iii) loading unauthor-
ized rmware/data, and (iv) loading authorized rmware/data onto unauthorized
devices. Accordingly, three security attributes must befullled in order to secure the
updating process and overcome these threats: (i) data condentiality, (ii) authenticity,
and (iii) integrity. In our prototype (implementation), weskip data condentiality as
weupdate public data, which can beread by any party at any time. However, weaddress
data condentiality in the protocol below. Hence, secure update allows the target ECU
in the vehicle, denoted as an Updater, to verify that a data received over the (CAN)
network is uncompromised, condential, and issued by an authorized and trusted entity
(the OEM), denoted as an Issuer. More formally, wedene secure remote update
as follows:
Definition of Secure Remote Update: A protocol Q is comprised of the
following components:
Setup(1K): A probabilistic algorithm that, given a security parameter 1K, outputs
short-term key K. is key is shared between both parties.
Encrypt(K, i): A deterministic algorithm used by the Issuer that, given a pre-shared
key K and a binary text i, outputs a ciphertext γ.
Sign(K, γ): A deterministic algorithm used by the Issuer that, given a pre-shared key
K and a ciphertext γ, outputs a token β.
Ver ify (K, γ, β): A deterministic algorithm used by the Updater that, given a pre-
shared key K, a ciphertext γ, and a token β, outputs 1 i β reects the ciphertext γ at
the Issuer side, and outputs 0 otherwise.
Decrypt(K, γ): A deterministic algorithm used by the Updater that, given a pre-shared
key K, a ciphertext γ, and a one value as an output of Verify, extracts the binary
image i.
ese components are used in the protocol Q between Issuer (the OEM) and
Updater (the target ECU- mostly the gateway) in this manner:
Both Issuer and Updater possess a short-term key, K, generated by running Setup(1K),
which means running the authentication procedure, without sending K to the OBD-
II-connected device. is ensures authenticity. If encryption and decryption are
considered, it is better to generate another session key for that.
Issuer issues an updated binary image of data i and encr ypts it using one of the session
keys to ensure condentiality. e output of the encryption process is γ.
Issuer generates token β using the other session key, by executing Sign(K, γ). is
token serves as a MAC to ensure integrity. Both γ and β are sent to the Updater
following the specication of the communication medium at each intermediate point,
as illustrated in Appendix A.
Updater receives the (encrypted) image of data γ and token β and runs Verify(K, γ, β)
and Decrypt(K,γ) respectively.
e output is the binar y image of data i if the integrity is veried by Ve r i f y. Otherwise,
nothing occurs and update does not take place.
A. Implementing the secure remote update technique in legacy ECUs leveraging the
soware-based trusted computing architecture [37].
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106 Ammar et al. / SAE Int. J. Transp. Cyber. & Privacy / Volume 2, Issue 2, 2019
e minimal set of properties required to ensure secure code update on the IoT
device coincides with the properties discussed in [37], namely, invocation from start,
exclusive access to secret K, uninterruptibility, immutability, and no leaks. As argued
in that paper, the formally veried soware-based architecture can guarantee these
properties without any specialized hardware support.
Sign and Ve r i fy rely once again on calculating a MAC of the entire encr ypted update
image and its metadata. e Issuer uses Sign to compute the MAC of the cipher image
using a pre-shared key that is dierent from the secret key used to encrypt the binary
image. e complete condential image along with its MAC is transmitted to the
Updater, where Verify computes the MAC once more using the corresponding secret
key. If this newly computed MAC does not match the received one, the image or its
metadata has been tampered with in transit (integrity), or the Issuer did not possess the
correct secret key (authenticity). e decryption process takes place if the output of
Verify is positive (condentiality).
Analogously, the secure remote update occurs on modern ECUs leveraging the
underlying hardware security modules.
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Modern automotive architectures are complex and often comprise of hundreds of electronic control units (ECUs). These ECUs provide diverse services including infotainment, telematics, diagnostics, advanced driving assistance, and many others. The availability of such services is mainly attained by the increasing connectivity with the external world, thus expanding the attack surface. In recent years, automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and ECU suppliers have become cautious of cyber attacks and have begun fortifying the most vulnerable systems, with hardware-based security modules that enable sandboxing, secure boot, secure software updates, and end-to-end message authentication. Nevertheless, insecure legacy ECUs are still in-use in modern vehicles due to price and design complexity issues. Legacy ECUs depend on simple microcontrollers, that lack any kind of hardware-based security. This makes it essential to bridge the gap between modern ECUs and legacy ones through software-based security by which cyberattacks can be mitigated, thus enhancing the security of vehicles. This paper provides one more step towards highly secure vehicles by introducing a lightweight software-based security framework which provides legacy ECUs with software-based virtualization and protection features along with custom security services. We discuss the motivation for pure software-based approaches, explore the various requirements and advantages obtained, and give an initial insight into the design rationale. Furthermore, we provide a proof of concept implementation and evaluation with a demonstrative use case illustrating the importance of such framework in delivering new diagnostics security services to legacy ECUs.
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Vehicular communication is characterized by a dynamic environment, high mobility, and comparatively low antenna heights on the communicating entities (vehicles and roadside units). These characteristics make vehicular propagation and channel modeling particularly challenging. In this article, we classify and describe the most relevant vehicular propagation and channel models, with a particular focus on the usability of the models for the evaluation of protocols and applications. We first classify the models based on the propagation mechanisms they employ and their implementation approach. We also classify the models based on the channel properties they implement and pay special attention to the usability of the models, including the complexity of implementation, scalability, and the input requirements (e.g., geographical data input). We also discuss the less-explored aspects in vehicular channel modeling, including modeling specific environments (e.g., tunnels, overpasses, and parking lots) and types of communicating vehicles (e.g., scooters and public transportation vehicles). We conclude by identifying the underresearched aspects of vehicular propagation and channel modeling that require further modeling and measurement studies.
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Automotive electronics is a rapidly expanding area with an increasing number of safety, driver assistance, and infotainment devices becoming standard in new vehicles. Current vehicles generally employ a number of different networking protocols to integrate these systems into the vehicle. The introduction of large numbers of sensors to provide driver assistance applications and the associated high-bandwidth requirements of these sensors have accelerated the demand for faster and more flexible network communication technologies within the vehicle. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of current research on advanced intra-vehicle networks and identifies outstanding research questions for the future.
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Vehicle automation has been one of the fundamental applications within the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) since the start of ITS research in the mid-1980s. For most of this time, it has been generally viewed as a futuristic concept that is not close to being ready for deployment. However, recent development of “self-driving” cars and the announcement by car manufacturers of their deployment by 2020 show that this is becoming a reality. The ITS industry has already been focusing much of its attention on the concepts of “connected vehicles” (United States) or “cooperative ITS” (Europe). These concepts are based on communication of data among vehicles (V2V) and/or between vehicles and the infrastructure (V2I/I2V) to provide the information needed to implement ITS applications. The separate threads of automated vehicles and cooperative ITS have not yet been thoroughly woven together, but this will be a necessary step in the near future because the cooperative exchange of data will provide vital inputs to improve the performance and safety of the automation systems. Thus, it is important to start thinking about the cybersecurity implications of cooperative automated vehicle systems. In this paper, we investigate the potential cyberattacks specific to automated vehicles, with their special needs and vulnerabilities. We analyze the threats on autonomous automated vehicles and cooperative automated vehicles. This analysis shows the need for considerably more redundancy than many have been expecting. We also raise awareness to generate discussion about these threats at this early stage in the development of vehicle automation systems.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is shaped by the increasing number of low-cost Internet-connected embedded devices that are becoming ubiquitous in every aspect of modern life. With their cost-sensitive design, integrating hardware-based security mechanisms into such devices is undesirable. Therefore, securing these devices is a particularly difficult challenge, especially, due to their growing popularity as attack targets, via remote malware infestations. The vast majority of such devices are bare-metal, where they execute programs in fully-accessible and unprotected memories without any operating system and even without including any form of security. This is beside the fact that IoToperating systems offer little or no protection. This paper addresses this problem through the concept of a Security MicroVisor (S μ V), which provides embedded devices that lack hardware-based memory protection units with memory isolation using software virtualisation and assembly-level code verification. More specifically, our contribution is two-fold. First, we propose S μ V as a software-based memory isolation technique. We then formally verify the software architecture, written in C, to prove that it is memory-safe and crash-free. Second, we propose a software-based remote attestation, as an example of a fundamental security service that can be implemented on top of S μ V, to detect malware-infected devices. We first describe the design and implementation of S μ V. Then, we highlight the formal verification of software architecture, and characterize the remote attestation protocol. We evaluate the S μ V implementation using an 8-bit AVR microcontroller that is widely used in IoT devices. Evaluation results show that S μ V provides strong security guarantees while maintaining extremely low overhead in terms of memory footprint, performance, and power consumption. Furthermore, we extend the performance evaluation also to the remote attestation scheme, illustrating its limited overhead.
Modern cars have become quite complex and heavily connected. Today, diverse services offer infotainment services, electric power-assisted steering, assisted driving, automated toll payment and traffic-sharing information. Thanks to recent technologies, which made it possible to enable these services. Unfortunately, these technologies also enlarge the attack surface. This survey covers the main security and privacy issues and reviews recent research on these issues. It summarizes requirements of modern cars and classifies threats and solutions based on the underlying technologies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey offering such an overall view.
The On-Board Diagnostics II (OBD-II) port began as a means of extracting diagnostic information and supporting the right to repair. Self-driving vehicles and cellular dongles plugged into the OBD-II port were not anticipated. Researchers have shown that the cellular modem on an OBD-II dongle may be hacked, allowing the attacker to tamper with the vehicle brakes. ADAS, self-driving features and other vehicle functions may be vulnerable as well. The industry must balance the interests of multiple stakeholders including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) who are required to provide OBD function, repair shops which have a legitimate need to access the OBD functions, dongle providers and drivers. OEMs need the ability to protect drivers and manage liability by limiting how a device or software application may modify the operation of a vehicle. This paper outlines a technical approach based upon cryptographic authentication and granular access control policy which addresses the needs of stakeholders. This allows the OEM to protect the security of the vehicle by carefully controlling the functions a particular device plugged into the OBD-II port is able to perform. This allows device makers (diagnostic tools, insurance dongles, etc.) to have their products certified to work with the OEM’s vehicles. The result is the OEMs can protect driver safety and maintain the right to repair.