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Can metabolic profiling provide a new description of osteoarthritis and enable a personalised medicine approach?



Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial disease contributing to significant disability and economic burden in Western populations. The aetiology of OA remains poorly understood, but is thought to involve genetic, mechanical and environmental factors. Currently, the diagnosis of OA relies predominantly on clinical assessment and plain radiographic changes long after the disease has been initiated. Recent advances suggest that there are changes in joint fluid metabolites that are associated with OA development. If this is the case, biochemical and metabolic biomarkers of OA could help determine prognosis, monitor disease progression and identify potential therapeutic targets. Moreover, for focussed management and personalised medicine, novel biomarkers could sub-stratify patients into OA phenotypes, differentiating metabolic OA from post-traumatic, age-related and genetic OA. To date, OA biomarkers have concentrated on cytokine action and protein signalling with some progress. However, these remain to be adopted into routine clinical practice. In this review, we outline the emerging metabolic links to OA pathogenesis and how an elucidation of the metabolic changes in this condition may provide future, more descriptive biomarkers to differentiate OA subtypes.
Can metabolic profiling provide a new description of osteoarthritis
and enable a personalised medicine approach?
M. K. J. Jaggard
&C. L. Boulangé
&G. Graça
&U. Vaghela
&P. Akhbari
&R. Bhattacharya
H. R. T. Williams
&J. C. Lindon
&C. M. Gupte
Received: 18 February 2020 /Revised: 30 March 2020 /Accepted: 16 April 2020
#The Author(s) 2020
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial disease contributing to significant disability and economic burden in Western populations.
The aetiology of OA remains poorly understood, but is thought to involve genetic, mechanical and environmental factors. Currently,
the diagnosis of OA relies predominantly on clinical assessment and plain radiographic changes long after the disease has been
initiated. Recent advances suggest that there are changes in joint fluid metabolites that are associated with OA development. If this is
the case, biochemical and metabolic biomarkers of OA could help determine prognosis, monitor disease progression and identify
potential therapeutic targets. Moreover, for focussed management and personalised medicine, novel biomarkers could sub-stratify
patients into OA phenotypes, differentiating metabolic OA from post-traumatic, age-related and genetic OA. To date, OA bio-
markers have concentrated on cytokine action and protein signalling with some progress. However, these remain to be adopted into
routine clinical practice. In this review, we outline the emerging metabolic links to OA pathogenesis and how an elucidation of the
metabolic changes in this condition may provide future, more descriptive biomarkers to differentiate OA subtypes.
Keywords Metabolic profiling .Osteoarthritis .Personalised medicine .Metabonomics .Metabolomics
Metabolic profiling (also known as metabolomics,
metabonomics and metabolic phenotyping) is emerging as a
strategy to provide biomarker diagnostics capable of disease
prediction, monitoring and early detection. It is defined as the
quantitative measurement of the dynamic multiparametric
response of a living system to pathophysiological stimuli or
genetic modification[1]. Metabolites are the end points of
molecular biology and variations in their profile reflect a re-
sponse to the patients disease, environment, diet and lifestyle.
Metabolic profiling has already established itself as a robust
technique in oncology, epidemiology, gastrointestinal disease,
metabolic syndrome (MeS), diabetes and cardiovascular dis-
ease [28]. Its scope for impact on clinical practice is exem-
plified by studies in which biomarker analysis can enhance the
prediction of short term all-cause mortality, the profiling of
chronic kidney disease and assessment of cardiovascular risk
We can derive comprehensive descriptions of the thou-
sands of metabolites present in a biofluid or tissue through
complex analytical methods including but not exclusive to
the following: nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrom-
etry, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS), gas
chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and capillary
electrophoresis mass spectrometry (CE-MS) (Fig. 1).The
granular metabolic fingerprint, unique to specific disease
states, can be compared with other disease subgroups or
non-disease controls. Consequently, the technique can poten-
tially delineate OA disease traits, symptoms, outcomes or
*U. Vaghela
Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma, Imperial College Healthcare
NHS Trust, London, UK
Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial
College London, London, UK
Nestle Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland
School of Medicine, Imperial College London, South Kensington,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
Department of Gastroenterology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS
Trust, London, UK
NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London,
London, UK
Clinical Rheumatology
Fig. 1 The step-wise process of metabolic profiling
Clin Rheumatol
treatment response. Analysis can be untargeted, where anal-
ysis does not target specific metabolites, or targeted,tofo-
cus on metabolite groups with associations of interests [1].
Nevertheless, interpreting metabolic data is challenging due
to the significant number of variables and confounding fac-
tors. This is where computational multi-variate statistics can
enable data interpretation and identify representative
How does metabolic profiling differ
from the other big dataresearch methods?
The advantage of metabolic profiling is the top downrep-
resentation of a disease phenotype, encompassing the genetics
of disease in addition to environmental, lifestyle and dietary
factors [12].
Pathology in biological systems can be classified at the
genome (genomic), transcriptome (transcriptomic), proteome
(proteomic) and, ultimately, metabolome level (Fig. 2).
Notably, these entities are not mutually exclusive, with
cross-interactivity between the metabolome and other repre-
sentations of the phenome [13]. Inter alia, metabolic profiling
provides insights into the final stage of disease expression.
The strength of metabolic data is in the patterns and relative
abundance of small molecules.
Traditionally, clinicians have focused upon genomic and
proteomic disease descriptions. However, pathogenesis or
treatment response is modulated by both exogenous and host
factors: immunosuppression, exercise, toxins, radiation, con-
current disease, diet and gut microbiome. Under circum-
stances where these factors have a substantial role in disease
evolution, metabolic profiling, and its ability to account for
this, provides a more attractive disease description.
Search methods
In order to understand and research the metabolic influences
of OA, the following search of the EMBASE and MEDLINE
databases was performed:
1. osteoarthritisAND (metabolicOR metabonomic
OR metabolomicOR metabolism)
2. (synovial fluidOR cartilageOR synoviumOR se-
rumOR plasmaOR urine)AND(NMRor Mass
A total of 8851 abstracts were identified and 28 reports
contained suitable metabolic data.
What is metabolic syndrome and how does it
link to osteoarthritis?
MeS has a plethora of definitions and is associated with an
increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Common to all defi-
nitions are insulin resistance, visceral obesity, atherogenic
dyslipidaemia and hypertension [13]. In instituting the term
metabolic OA, the link with metabolic syndrome has been
pursued due to the shared mechanism of inflammation, oxida-
tive stress, common metabolites and endothelial dysfunction
in their aetiologies [14]. Therefore, metabolic syndrome un-
derpins the hypotheses of OA metabolic description, having a
Fig. 2 The methods of
representing a biosystem using
the omictechniques
Clin Rheumatol
large impact upon study design and execution of many
A twofold increase in the risk of developing MeS has been
demonstrated in patients suffering from OA [15].
Cardiovascular disease risk is elevated in female OA patients
[16,17]. Diabetes occurs more commonly in patients with
radiological but not necessarily symptomatic osteoarthritis
and confers a greater risk of developing bilateral hip osteoar-
thritis [18]. Inflammatory markers and pain scores are elevat-
ed in those suffering with OA and non-insulin-dependent di-
abetes mellitus compared with OA alone [19,20]. A study of
the serum of patients with OA showed an increase in total
cholesterol compared with suitably matched controls [21].
This wide body of evidence for phenotypic variations and
potentially more progressive osteoarthritis in the presence of
metabolic disturbance has now resulted in OA being incorpo-
rated into some definition of MeS [22]. Nevertheless, what
remains unclear from these predominantly retrospective stud-
ies is whether metabolic disturbances are a cause or effect of a
proinflammatory state.
Previous studies have suggested that treating these meta-
bolic disturbances, through dietary modification or direct-
acting drug therapies, could slow or even halt the progression
of OA [23]. Statin therapy in animal models showed promis-
ing reductions in catabolic OA cytokines and attenuated his-
tological OA progression. Moreover, a 5-year longitudinal
cohort study identified that atorvastatin significantly lowered
the risk of developing knee pain [24]. The mechanism by
which statins exert these effects remains unclear; however,
reductions in IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8 and upregulation of nitric
oxide synthase (NOS) have been postulated as potential mech-
anisms. These factors are intrinsically involved in the inflam-
matory pathogenesis of metabolic OA.
Why is metabolism important
in osteoarthritis?
OA is a multifactorial disease, which has a widely accepted
metabolic variant. How and which key metabolic components
establish and/or drive OA is not clear [14,23,25]. Broadly, it
is perceived that the overexpression of proinflammatory me-
diators in OA is triggered through components of the MeS,
including, for example, adipokines and advanced glycation
end-products, from dyslipidaemic and hyperglycaemic states
Cohort studies suggest phenotypic variations in OA mani-
fest as differing responses of pain and OA progression, BMI,
sex and depressionall of which have been shown to differ
metabolically [26]. Although these factors influence systemic
phospholipid metabolism, a causal effect upon OA pathogen-
esis is yet to be established [27,28]. By elucidating the role of
metabolic stress in OA, we will gain insights into novel mo-
lecular targets for disease-modifying treatments.
Which tissue types to sample and why?
The goal of metabolic analysis is to identify metabolic differ-
ences occurring secondary to disease or an intervention. Thus,
in the context of disease analysis, the selection of body fluid or
tissue requires careful consideration.
Typical biofluids such as urine and blood are favoured as
advantageous due to a ubiquitous route of excretion, ease of
sampling and mirroring any future clinicalmeasurement of the
disease state. A key shortcoming is their heterogeneity with
many body systems resulting in spurious effects upon metab-
olite levels. Furthermore, in the context of OA, the relative
effect of local joint disease towards systemic metabolism may
be limited.
Local sampling of an affected tissue or fluid may prove
more representative of the altered metabolic state and subse-
quently better describe disease aetiology or mechanism.
However, sampling these fluids or tissues may be technically
and ethically challenging [8].
In OA, sampling the synovial fluid or tissue can enable the
investigation of specific changes in cartilage metabolism,
where disease is most fulminant and major structural changes
occur. Additionally, synovial fluid is solely responsible for
supplying nutrients and removing waste products from the
cartilage, thereby making it an attractive reservoir for the pas-
sage of OA-specific small molecules.
Alternatively, the synovium and intraarticular fat, as an
adipokine source, may provide more insights into pro-
inflammatory mediators of OA. Diseased cartilage may be
studied directly to understand the small molecule changes
associated with cartilage depolymerisationnevertheless,
clinical applicability will be limited due to the destructive
nature of joint surface sampling.
The metabolic discoveries of osteoarthritis
There are several archetypal metabolic profiles associated
with OA. Synovial tissue culture from patients with varying
degrees of osteoarthritis showed depletion in the branch chain
amino acids (BCAA), amino acids (AA) and tricarboxylic
acid (TCA) cycle intermediates with the predominance of lac-
tate and pyruvate production [29]. This is consistent with the
notion that the energetic stresses of OA mediate a shift to an
anaerobic state [3032]. It is worth noting, however, that this
metabolic state is not specific to OA [33,34]. Thus, clarifica-
tion of the timing or degree of this metabolic disturbance
compared with other disease states is necessary for OA-
specific inferences. A more promising biomarker is plasma
Clin Rheumatol
histidine, which is less concentrated in OA patients and as a
singular measure may have value as a point-of-care diagnostic
tool [34,35].
The effect of osteoarthritic disease upon intra-articular pro-
teoglycan destruction has been demonstrated in cartilage and
synovial fluid [27,30,36,37]. Whether this change is quan-
tifiable as a proxy measure of the magnitude of joint destruc-
tion is unclear and requires larger, well-designed studies with
more accurate descriptions of the intra-articular state. In prin-
ciple, the measurement of biological monomers generated by
the depolymerisation of structural molecules should reflect
joint destruction, albeit, perhaps, with a non-linear
Lipid metabolism is an obvious target for metabolic study,
due to its pro-inflammatory properties. OA synovial fluid has
a marked increase in longer fatty acid chains [38].
Furthermore, with concurrent elevations in ketone bodies, this
indicates a switch to fatty acid metabolism [30,39,40]. The
results of the Canadian metabolome project indicate arginine
depletion in plasma alongside an alteration to lipid species in
OA [41]. Furthermore, the alterations in the lipid profile were
more pronounced in the presence of diabetessuggesting it
could be a modality to isolate patients with metabolic OA
[27]. A description of osteoarthritis populations revealed a
separation of patients into lipid-specific classes, distinguished
by virtue of glycophospholipid and sphingomyelin levels
[42]. These lipid classes varied with age, obesity and response
to pain, factors which confound with ageing-related and me-
chanical OA, but could still be linked to metabolic OA.
Mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) differentiation towards
cartilage anabolic cell lines has been shown to be affected in
OA. These cell lines have been shown to favour glycolysis
and uronic acid metabolism as disease progresses, specifically
pentose and glucuronic acid [43].
The majority of studies to date have examined the joint as a
biosystem in entirety. However, one must consider that mito-
chondrial DNA variants may drive metabolism and osteoar-
thritis disease. In addition to a disruption in oxidative phos-
phorylation is the effect upon macromolecule synthesis and
maintenance. Whether the presence of the mitochondrial
associations and macromolecule catabolism is not clear [44].
However, despite the generation of reactive oxygen species,
we do not believe this mechanism fully accounts for the in-
flammatory component of the disease or the altered lipid
What are the potential uses and outcomes
of the metabolic data?
Descriptive reporting of the metabolic OA phenotype has
identified associated metabolites. Nevertheless, to date,
variations within OA subtypes have not been demonstrated
or been able to explain the OA cohort variations in, for exam-
ple, depression, pain and disease severity. While this can be
attributed in the most part to inadequately powered studies, a
metabolic description of the OA subtypes is required to deter-
mine potential associations with these clinically observed phe-
notypic variations.
If the aforementioned limitations are resolved, by
characterising patientsmetabolic profiles, there is the po-
tential to identify specific OA subtypes (Fig. 3). This model
of care, with metabolic profiling as a diagnostic tool, can
facilitate a paradigm shift from the present one size fits all
OA management approach, which is indifferent to trauma-
related or metabolic-induced OA. Metabolic profiling of
joint fluid may provide a personalised insight into subsets
of metabolic OA. Overall, this bespoke approach to treat-
ment can only benefit patients, by permitting more effica-
cious, cost-effective treatment allocation and even the abil-
ity to predict treatment response [12,45]. The latter can be
achieved with the ability of metabolic data to provide ad-
vanced disease descriptions and a window into the real-time
effects and interaction between treatment, lifestyle and di-
etary changes.
OA paent
Characterise phenotype
Determine metabolic joint
fluid profile
Subclassify into eg MeS,
inflammatory, degenerave
Apply a bespoke tailored
Fig. 3 The osteoarthritis diagnostics and therapeutic workflow enabled
by joint fluid metabolic profiling
Clin Rheumatol
Limitations of metabolic phenotyping
and the over-reporting of results
As metabolic profiling is all-encompassing, confounding fac-
tors, including lifestyle, diet and exercise, pose the greatest
limitation upon meaningful metabolic profile interpretation.
This is further complicated by modern polypharmacy, which
introduces additional metabolites and metabolism-altering
drugs. These obstacles can be controlled by study design,
sample numbers and sound statistical principlesno research-
er should be naïve about their presence or influence.
Detection of metabolites is limited by metabolite similarity
and instrument sensitivity. Instrument sensitivity continues to
improve. However, a single technique will always have selec-
tive limitations and thus, using multiple analytical methods
(NMR, LC-MS, GC-MS, CE-MS) is desirable.
A majority of multi-variate statistical models use linear re-
gression and thus, any variable which has a non-linear associa-
tion may be misrepresentedsomething frequently overlooked
by investigators. These statistical models while powerful con-
tribute to the exaggerated reporting of statistical significance.
For example, one can easily use partial least squares discrimi-
nant analysis (PLS-DA) models to generate plots showing good
pictorial separation of the sample classes; however, care must be
taken that models are not overfitted and are appropriately vali-
dated. Hence, if the quality of model is not assured by using test
sets or cross-validation, data can be misrepresented and generate
false positives. Unfortunately, in some clinical studies, these
errors have been carried through into publication.
Personalised medicineand the impact
of metabolic profiling
Personalised medicineis defined by NHS England as a
move away from a one size fits allapproach to the treatment
and care of patients with a particular condition, to one which
uses new approaches to better manage patientshealth and
targets therapies to achieve the best outcomes in the manage-
ment of a patients disease or predisposition to disease.[44].
This is a concept widely held to be a viable product of
metabolic profiling techniques and is being realised in the
evaluation of atherosclerosis and the risk of developing cardio-
vascular disease [46]. The newfound interest and role of the
metabolome in osteoarthritis make this goal achievable via a
more detailed description of OA. This has potential for a more
detailed and sub-categorised OA diagnosis with aetiology and
treatments to match, possibly with metabolic targets. The im-
portance of MSC subtypes and sub-cellular mitochondrial me-
tabolism is not established but these metabolic perturbations
are likely to be attractive targets for future study.
A great limitation to the success of these techniques in the
research of OA is the lack of population-based studies. In
order to address this, phenome centres have been created with
significant financial and academic commitment, allowing
centralisation of expertise and resources. There are now facil-
ities capable of providing phenome data to rigorous standards
for population-based studies. The geographical locations of
these phenome centres lend themselves to make population
comparisons. Furthermore, the possibility for metadata com-
parison and collation is much greater, due to agreed standards
for experimental methods. To date, osteoarthritis research has
not exploited these resources.
The power of big datatools like genomics and metabolic
profiling comes through combined analysis, which effectively
multiplies the descriptive power of ones available data.
Genome-wide associated studies (GWAS) have provided
some OA genetic targets, primarily involved in gene regula-
tion. Links have been demonstrated to genes involved in car-
tilage turnover (cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, COMP)
and inflammation (transcription growth factor alpha, TGFA)
[47,48]. Marrying these findings to their downstream meta-
bolic effects can allow a greater understanding of OA subtype
aetiologies and widen the scope for therapeutic targets.
Presently, in OA research, merged genotyping and advanced
phenotyping are lacking.
Data analysis in using big datamethods is challenging.
The biggest limitation is often the data itself, due to a failure of
collection or addressing the clinical question. Multi-variate
linear regression models have become the standard analysis
methods in interpreting metabolic profiling. Novel computa-
tional and machine learning algorithms have become more
powerful and attracted sizeable investment. Limited metabolic
profiling reports have applied these methods and one would
expect an expansion going forward, with uncertain impact but
hopeful advancement.
One of the barriers to clinical applications of metabolic phe-
notyping is its requirement for extensive and specialist analyt-
ical methods and equipment. The engineering of solutions ca-
pable of providing a complex, albeit, specific pattern of metab-
olite composition is evolving at pace. Handheld engineering
solutions are now capable of sampling organic metabolites.
Microchip technology allows multiple metabolite analysis and
a coded result with the potential for robust, affordable and non-
invasive testing [49]. In OA, these technologies could enable
cost-effective early detection in asymptomatic individuals and
sub-stratification in symptomatic individuals. Hence, we can
envisage a future where a simple handheld breath or urine test
can characterise disease and permit personalised treatment.
The benefits of using the metabolic profile to provide an ad-
vanced description of osteoarthritis are numerous in both re-
search and clinical practice. A detailed metabolic description
Clin Rheumatol
of the OA patient can enable targeted therapy, ultimately re-
duce costs of treatment and allow predictions of onestreat-
ment journey. Drug development and treatment can be fur-
thered by a greater understanding of an individualsresponse
to disease and therapy.
It is still not possible to accurately and reliably sub-stratify
patients into OA phenotypes and identify metabolic OA.
Nevertheless, robust studies are now being undertaken to in-
form our knowledge of OA subtypes and to suggest associated
metabolites. Progress will require a population-based study
with comprehensive clinical measures and in-depth metabolic
measurements, with a view to describing the observed disease
cohorts that are seen. Phenome centres will be pivotal in pro-
viding access to population data and expertise. This will move
us away from a one size fits allmodel for OA treatment and
deliver the promise of metabolic profiling.
Author contributions MKJJ drafted the manuscript. MKJJ, PA, UV,
CLB and GG were involved in the research and interpretation of the
material. MKJJ, JCL and CMG designed the manuscript. RB, HRTW,
JCL and CMG conceived the project. All authors revised the manuscript
and approved the final version for publication.
Compliance with ethical standards
Disclosures None.
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Clin Rheumatol
... Human synovial fluid (HSF) has the advantage of providing a close representation of joint disease because it is essential for joint function. Therefore, HSF has emerged as the biofluid of choice in the study of joint inflammation, destruction and disease [1,2]. ...
... The removal of protein provided analytical gains in both known and unknown metabolites. Metabolites were gained after acetonitrile extraction and are previously undescribed in this biofluid (δ = 1.91; 3.64; 3.96; 4.05 ppm) [2]. TCA protein precipitation was effective but insensitive with recoveries < 10 %. ...
... High-throughput analysis and small sample volumes makes a single preparation attractive and may allow multi-platform analysis. However, a low lipid detection may be key in joint disease [2]. ...
The evaluation of joint disease using synovial fluid is an emerging field of metabolic profiling. The analysis is challenged by multiple macromolecules which can obscure the small molecule chemistry. The use of protein precipitation and extraction has been evaluated previously, but not in synovial fluid. We systematically review the published NMR spectroscopy methods of synovial fluid analysis and investigated the efficacy of three different protein precipitation techniques: methanol, acetonitrile and trichloroacetic acid. The trichloroacetic wash removed the most protein. However, metabolite recoveries were universally very poor. Acetonitrile liquid/liquid extraction gave metabolite gains from four unknown compounds with spectral peaks at δ = 1.91 ppm, 3.64 ppm, 3.95 ppm & 4.05 ppm. The metabolite recoveries for acetonitrile were between 1.5 and 7 times higher than the methanol method, across all classes of metabolite. The methanol method was more effective in removing protein as reported by the free GAG undefined peak (44 % vs 125 %). However, qualitative evaluation showed that acetonitrile and methanol provided good restoration of the spectra to baseline. The methanol extraction has issues of a gelatinous substrate in the samples. All metabolite recoveries had a CV of > 15 %. A recommendation of acetonitrile liquid/liquid extraction was made for human synovial fluid (HSF) analysis. This is due to consistency, effective protein precipitation, recovery of metabolites and additional compounds not previously visible.
... For this reason, it has become an ideal method for the identification of OA biomarkers in a variety of biological samples. Different studies have reported several metabolites and metabolic pathways that can be altered in OA, such as amino acid metabolism, fatty acid and lipid metabolism, phospholipids, arginine, phosphatidylcholine, L-tryptophan, tyrosine, carnitine, and arachidonic acid [1,2,4,10,[20][21][22][23][24][25]. In order to identify biomarkers, one must go to the metabolic pathways that affect amino acid metabolism. ...
... Lipid molecules were found at T0 vs. T28 and T0 vs. T84. These possible biomarkers were related to the findings of several studies, where there is an alteration of lipid metabolism associated with OA due to its pro-inflammatory properties [22][23][24]39,40]. Kosinska et al. detected alterations at the level of phospholipids and sphingolipids at different stages of the disease in synovial fluid [41][42][43]. ...
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a pathology of great impact worldwide. Its physiopathology is not completely known, and it is usually diagnosed by imaging techniques performed at advanced stages of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate early serum metabolome changes and identify the main metabolites involved in an inflammatory OA animal model. This study was performed on thirty rats. OA was induced in all animals by intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate into the knee joint. Blood samples were taken from all animals and analyzed by mass spectrometry before OA induction and 28, 56, and 84 days following induction. Histological evaluation confirmed OA in all samples. The results of this study allow the identification of several changes in 18 metabolites over time, including organic acids, benzenoids, heterocyclic compounds, and lipids after 28 days, organic acids after 56 days, and lipid classes after 84 days. We conclude that OA induces serological changes in the serum metabolome, which could serve as potential biomarkers. However, it was not possible to establish a relationship between the identified metabolites and the time at which the samples were taken. Therefore, these findings should be confirmed in future OA studies.
... For this reason, it has become an ideal method for the identification of OA biomarkers in a variety of biological samples. Different studies have reported several metabolites and metabolic pathways that can be altered in OA, such as amino acid metabolism, fatty acid and lipids metabolism, phospholipids, arginine, phosphatidylcholine, L-tryptophan, tyrosine, carnitine, and arachidonic acid [1,2,4,9,[14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...
... Lipid molecules were found at T0 vs T28 and T0 vs T84. These possible biomarkers were related to the findings of several studies, where there is an alteration of lipid metabolism associated with OA, due to its pro-inflammatory properties [16][17][18]35,36]. On the other hand, although in synovial fluid, Kosinska et al. in several studies detect alterations at the level of phospholipids and sphingolipids at different stages of the disease [37][38][39], thus, understanding the relationship between OA and lipid molecules analysis may be helpfull in future treatments [8]. ...
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a pathology of great impact worldwide which its physiopathology is not completely known and usually diagnosed by imaging techniques performed at advanced stages of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate early serum metabolome changes and identify the main metabolites involved in an inflammatory OA animal model. The study was performed with thirty rats, OA in all animals was induced by intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate into the knee joint. Blood samples were taken from all animals and analyzed by mass spectrometry before OA induction, and 28, 56 and 84 days following induction. Histological study confirmed OA in all samples. The results of this study allow the identification of several changes in the serum metabolome over time, including organic acids, benzenoids, heterocyclic compounds and lipids at T28, organic acids at T56 and lipid classes at T84. We conclude that OA induces serological changes in the metabolome and, more specifically, 18 metabolites which could serve as potential biomarkers. However, it was not possible to establish a relationship between the identified metabolites and the time at which the samples were taken. Therefore, these findings should be confirmed in future OA studies.
... The SJF contains nutrients and resorbs articular cartilage degradation and degeneration markers. An SJF omic examination [11] may provide phenotyping information for the early diagnosis and treatment of OA. Therefore, the SJF is a promising biofluid for OA phenotyping. ...
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Phospholipids (PLs), essential components of cell membranes, play significant roles in maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of joint tissues. One of the main components of synovial joint fluid (SJF) is PLs. Structures such as PLs that are found in low amounts in biological fluids may need to be selectively enriched to be analyzed. Monodisperse-mesoporous SiO2 microspheres were synthesized by a multi-step hydrolysis condensation method for the selective enrichment and separation of PLs in the SJF. The microspheres were characterized by SEM, XPS, XRD, and BET analyses. SiO2 microspheres had a 161.5 m2/g surface area, 1.1 cm3/g pore volume, and 6.7 nm pore diameter, which were efficient in the enrichment of PLs in the SJF. The extracted PLs with sorbents were analyzed using Q-TOF LC/MS in a gradient elution mode with a C18 column [2.1 × 100 mm, 2.5 μM, Xbridge Waters (Milford, MA, USA)]. An untargeted lipidomic approach was performed, and the phospholipid enrichment was successfully carried out using the proposed solid-phase extraction (SPE) protocol. Recovery of the SPE extraction of PLs using sorbents was compared to the classical liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) procedure for lipid extraction. The results showed that monodisperse-mesoporous SiO2 microspheres were eligible for selective enrichment of PLs in SJF samples. These microspheres can be used to identify PLs changes in articular joint cartilage (AJC) in physiological and pathological conditions including osteoarthritis (OA) research.
... Big-data tools such as proteomics, genomics, and metabolomics provide the potential to uncover more detailed OA profiles and novel therapeutic targets. Altered lipid metabolism in OA synovial fluid has been shown, therefore further metabolic profile studies, especially in association with genomic data, could be used to gain insight into OA subtypes and corresponding targets for disease-modifying drugs and interventional treatments (133). Multi-omics data sets of molecular and regulatory networks from diverse detection technologies, combined with individual patients' clinical and sociodemographic data, hold promise for identifying unique patient endophenotypes, which can advance the application of personalized therapeutic strategies (134). ...
... It has been estimated that the global prevalence of knee OA was 16% in individuals aged 15 and over and 22.9% in individuals aged 40 and over [12•]. Various factors have been implicated to have a role in the disease pathogenesis of OA constituting discrete phenotypes including post-traumatic, ageing-related, genetic, and symptomatic [13], eventually resulting in clinical and radiographic manifestations. While it was originally thought that OA was a disease of the elderly, risk factors other than age have been identified to predispose an individual to OA. ...
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Purpose of Review Metabolic syndrome (MetS), also called the ‘deadly quartet’ comprising obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, has been ascertained to have a causal role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). This review is aimed at discussing the current knowledge on the contribution of metabolic syndrome and its various components to OA pathogenesis and progression. Recent Findings Lately, an increased association identified between the various components of metabolic syndrome (obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension) with OA has led to the identification of the ‘metabolic phenotype’ of OA. These metabolic perturbations alongside low-grade systemic inflammation have been identified to inflict detrimental effects upon multiple tissues of the joint including cartilage, bone, and synovium leading to complete joint failure in OA. Recent epidemiological and clinical findings affirm that adipokines significantly contribute to inflammation, tissue degradation, and OA pathogenesis mediated through multiple signaling pathways. OA is no longer perceived as just a ‘wear and tear’ disease and the involvement of the metabolic components in OA pathogenesis adds up to the complexity of the disease. Summary Given the global surge in obesity and its allied metabolic perturbations, this review aims to throw light on the current knowledge on the pathophysiology of MetS-associated OA and the need to address MetS in the context of metabolic OA management. Better regulation of the constituent factors of MetS could be profitable in preventing MetS-associated OA. The identification of key roles for several metabolic regulators in OA pathogenesis has also opened up newer avenues in the recognition and development of novel therapeutic agents.
... Synovial fluid (SF) is an ultrafiltrate of plasma, responsible for supplying nutrients and removing waste products from articular cartilage. In the context of OA, sampling the SF could be more indicative of the local metabolic state, since it is in direct contact with other affected tissues, and consequently may provide a better insight into the underlying mechanisms of disease [18]. Therefore, SF is a promising biofluid for metabolic studies focused on OA phenotyping. ...
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Objective The aim of this study was to carry out a targeted phospholipidomic analysis on synovial fluid (SF) from patients with different grades of osteoarthritis (OA) and controls, in order to search for specific phospholipid profiles that may be useful for the deep phenotyping of this disease. Design Multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (MRM/MS) was applied to explore the potential phospholipidomic differences in the SF of knee OA patients (n = 15) (subclassified into early- and late-stage OA) and non-OA controls (n = 4). Multivariate statistical analyses conducted by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) were performed to identify significantly altered phospholipids in OA, characterize phospholipidomic profiles associated with the radiographic stage of the disease and describe potential endotypes at early stages. Results Significant discrimination of phospholipid profiles between non-OA controls and the early- and late-stage OA groups were found by PLS-DA and HCA. Compared to SF from non-OA controls, OA patients showed higher levels of most quantified phospholipid species, including phosphatidylcholines (PC), phosphatidylserines and phosphatidylinositols. Furthermore, several PC species showed significant differences in abundance between the two OA subgroups and were negatively correlated with cartilage damage. Finally, two distinct endotypes of early-stage OA were identified based on the phospholipidomic profile of SF. Conclusions Our data provides a novel insight into the phospholipid profiles of OA synovial fluid, revealing specific alterations associated with the radiographic stage of the disease. This targeted phospholipidomic profiling also facilitated the characterization of two different OA endotypes at early stages of the disease.
Quercetin has been preliminarily proven to serve as a potential agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). However, its effects and potential mechanisms on the pathological process of OA are not very clear. This study aimed to study the protective effect of quercetin on OA. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated chondrocytes (C28/I2 cell) and anterior cruciate ligament transection with partial medial meniscectomy-treated Wistar rats were used as models of OA in vitro and in vivo. Cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8 kit), flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit, western blot, dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) kit, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test, toluidine blue staining, Hematoxylin eosin (HE) staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) staining were used to evaluate cell viability, cell apoptosis, inflammatory cytokines level, protein expression, reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, morphological changes, and chondrocyte apoptosis of cartilage, respectively. Results showed that quercetin could reduce LPS-induced C28/I2 cell apoptosis, extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation, and cell pyroptosis, and overexpression of nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich-repeat-containing (NLR) family, pyrin domain-containing 3 (NLRP3) revealed that quercetin reduced chondrocyte apoptosis and ECM degradation by inhibiting NLRP3-mediated pyroptosis. Furthermore, quercetin could reduce chondrocyte apoptosis and ECM degradation, and inhibit NLRP3-mediated pyroptosis through blocking oxidative stress. It was further confirmed in the rat OA model that quercetin alleviated OA by blocking oxidative stress, reduces chondrocyte pyroptosis, apoptosis, and ECM degradation. In conclusion, quercetin inhibited OA via blocking oxidative stress-induced chondrocyte pyroptosis in models of OA in vitro and in vivo.
The impact of metabolism upon the altered pathology of joint disease is rapidly becoming recognized as an important area of study. Synovial joint fluid is an attractive and representative biofluid of joint disease. A systemic review revealed little evidence of the metabolic stability of synovial joint fluid collection, handling or storage, despite recent reports characterizing the metabolic phenotype in joint disease. We aim to report the changes in small molecule detection within human synovial fluid (HSF) using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at varying storage temperatures, durations and conditions. HSF was harvested by arthrocentesis from patients with isolated monoarthropathy or undergoing joint replacement (n = 30). Short-term storage (0-12 hrs, 4oC & 18oC) and the effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles (-80oC to 18oC) was assessed. Long-term storage was evaluated by early (-80oC, <21days) and late analysis (-80oC, 10-12 months). 1D NMR spectroscopy experiments, NOESYGPPR1D and CPMG identified metabolites and semi-quantification was performed. Samples demonstrated broad stability to freeze-thaw cycling and refrigeration of <4 hours. Short-term room temperature or refrigerated storage showed significant variation in 2-ketoisovalerate, valine, dimethylamine, succinate, 2-hydroxybutyrate, and acetaminophen glucuronide. Lipid and macromolecule detection was variable. Long-term storage demonstrated significant changes in: acetate, acetoacetate, creatine, N,N-dimethylglycine, dimethylsulfone, 3-hydroxybutyrate and succinate. Changeable metabolites during short-term storage appeared to be energy-synthesis intermediates. Most metabolites were stable for the first four hours at room temperature or refrigeration, with notable exceptions. These findings must be considered when designing and concluding the significance of any HSF metabolite study.
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In osteoarthritis (OA), impairment of cartilage regeneration can be related to a defective chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Therefore, understanding the proteomic- and metabolomic-associated molecular events during the chondrogenesis of MSCs could provide alternative targets for therapeutic intervention. Here, a SILAC-based proteomic analysis identified 43 proteins related with metabolic pathways whose abundance was significantly altered during the chondrogenesis of OA human bone marrow MSCs (hBMSCs). Then, the level and distribution of metabolites was analyzed in these cells and healthy controls by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI), leading to the recognition of characteristic metabolomic profiles at the early stages of differentiation. Finally, integrative pathway analysis showed that UDP-glucuronic acid synthesis and amino sugar metabolism were downregulated in OA hBMSCs during chondrogenesis compared to healthy cells. Alterations in these metabolic pathways may disturb the production of hyaluronic acid (HA) and other relevant cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) components. This work provides a novel integrative insight into the molecular alterations of osteoarthritic MSCs and potential therapeutic targets for OA drug development through the enhancement of chondrogenesis.
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive, deteriorative disease of articular joints. Although traditionally viewed as a local pathology, biomarker exploration has shown that systemic changes can be observed. These include changes to cytokines, microRNAs, and more recently, metabolites. The metabolome is the set of metabolites within a biological sample and includes circulating amino acids, lipids, and sugar moieties. Recent studies suggest that metabolites in the synovial fluid and blood could be used as biomarkers for OA incidence, prognosis, and response to therapy. However, based on clinical, demographic, and anthropometric factors, the local synovial joint and circulating metabolomes may be patient specific, with select subsets of metabolites contributing to OA disease. This review explores the contribution of the local and systemic metabolite changes to OA, and their potential impact on OA symptoms and disease pathogenesis.
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Metabolites, the small molecules that underpin life, can act as indicators of the physiological state of the body when their abundance varies, offering routes to diagnosis of many diseases. The ability to assay for multiple metabolites simultaneously will underpin a new generation of precision diagnostic tools. Here, we report the development of a handheld device based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology with multiple isolated micro-well reaction zones and integrated optical sensing allowing simultaneous enzyme-based assays of multiple metabolites (choline, xanthine, sarcosine and cholesterol) associated with multiple diseases. These metabolites were measured in clinically relevant concentration range with minimum concentrations measured: 25 μM for choline, 100 μM for xanthine, 1.25 μM for sarcosine and 50 μM for cholesterol. Linking the device to an Android-based user interface allows for quantification of metabolites in serum and urine within 2 min of applying samples to the device. The quantitative performance of the device was validated by comparison to accredited tests for cholesterol and glucose.
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We performed a genome-wide association study of total hip replacements, based on variants identified through whole-genome sequencing, which included 4,657 Icelandic patients and 207,514 population controls. We discovered two rare signals that strongly associate with osteoarthritis total hip replacement: a missense variant, c.1141G>C (p.Asp369His), in the COMP gene (allelic frequency = 0.026%, P = 4.0 × 10(-12), odds ratio (OR) = 16.7) and a frameshift mutation, rs532464664 (p.Val330Glyfs*106), in the CHADL gene that associates through a recessive mode of inheritance (homozygote frequency = 0.15%, P = 4.5 × 10(-18), OR = 7.71). On average, c.1141G>C heterozygotes and individuals homozygous for rs532464664 had their hip replacement operation 13.5 years and 4.9 years earlier than others (P = 0.0020 and P = 0.0026), respectively. We show that the full-length CHADL transcript is expressed in cartilage. Furthermore, the premature stop codon introduced by the CHADL frameshift mutation results in nonsense-mediated decay of the mutant transcripts.
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Osteoarthritis is one of the most frequent and disabling diseases of the elderly. Only few genetic variants have been identified for osteoarthritis, which is partly due to large phenotype heterogeneity. To reduce heterogeneity, we here examined cartilage thickness, one of the structural components of joint health. We conducted a genome-wide association study of minimal joint space width (mJSW), a proxy for cartilage thickness, in a discovery set of 13,013 participants from five different cohorts and replication in 8,227 individuals from PLOS Genetics |
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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its co-morbidities in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis and to assess if the severity of metabolic syndrome, and components, correlates with the severity of osteoarthritis symptoms. Methods: A case controlled analysis of 70 patients with osteoarthritis compared to a control group of 81 patients. Each patient underwent clinical review including history, examination, and pathology tests. The case-group all had stage IV osteoarthritis as determined by radiographs and intra-operative assessment. In addition a visual analogue scale (VAS), Hospital for Special Surgery knee score (HSS), and Hamilton Depression scores were completed. Results: The prevalence of hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in the patients with osteoarthritis compared to the control group. There is a significant correlation between the degree of hypertension, the presence of dyslipidemia or hyperglycemia and the severity of osteoarthritis symptoms. Variables hypertension, low HDL-C levels, and the number of co-morbidities were all identified as risk factors for increased osteoarthritis symptoms. Conclusions: There is a correlation between the number of metabolic disorders, the severity of hypertension and severity of osteoarthritis symptoms. Hypertension and decreased HDL-cholesterol were positive risk factors for increased osteoarthritis symptomatology.
Mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation are now recognized as important factors in the development of osteoarthritis (OA). Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cell, and also regulate different processes involved in the pathogenesis of OA including inflammation, apoptosis, calcium metabolism and the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Mitochondria contain their own genetic material, mtDNA, which evolved through the sequential accumulation of mtDNA variants to enable humans to adapt to different climates. The ROS and reactive metabolic intermediates that are by-products of mitochondrial metabolism are regulated in part by mtDNA and are among the signals that transmit information between mitochondria and the nucleus. These signals can alter nuclear gene expression and, when disrupted, affect a number of cellular processes and metabolic pathways, leading to disease. mtDNA variation influences OA-associated phenotypes, including those related to metabolism, inflammation and even ageing, as well as nuclear epigenetic regulation. This influence also enables the use of specific mtDNA haplogroups as complementary diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of OA.
Background Osteoarthritis is associated with obesity, sedentary behavior and poor fitness. This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) are more prevalent among patients with osteoarthritis than among non-arthritic adults of the same age and sex.
The contribution of metabolic factors on the severity of osteoarthritis (OA) is not fully appreciated. This study aimed to define the effects of hypercholesterolemia on the progression of OA. Apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE(-/-)) mice and diet-induced hypercholesterolemic (DIHC) rats were used to explore the effects of hypercholesterolemia on the progression of OA. Both models exhibited OA-like changes, characterized primarily by a loss of proteoglycans, collagen and aggrecan degradation, osteophyte formation, changes to subchondral bone architecture, and cartilage degradation. Surgical destabilization of the knees resulted in a dramatic increase of degradative OA symptoms in animals fed a high-cholesterol diet compared with controls. Clinically relevant doses of free cholesterol resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction, overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and increased expression of degenerative and hypertrophic markers in chondrocytes and breakdown of the cartilage matrix. We showed that the severity of diet-induced OA changes could be attenuated by treatment with both atorvastatin and a mitochondrial targeting antioxidant. The protective effects of the mitochondrial targeting antioxidant were associated with suppression of oxidative damage to chondrocytes and restoration of extracellular matrix homeostasis of the articular chondrocytes. In summary, our data show that hypercholesterolemia precipitates OA progression by mitochondrial dysfunction in chondrocytes, in part by increasing ROS production and apoptosis. By addressing the mitochondrial dysfunction using antioxidants, we were able attenuate the OA progression in our animal models. This approach may form the basis for novel treatment options for this OA risk group in humans.-Farnaghi, S., Prasadam, I., Cai, G., Friis, T., Du, Z., Crawford, R., Mao, X., Xiao, Y. Protective effects of mitochondria-targeted antioxidants and statins on cholesterol-induced osteoarthritis.