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Volume 3 Issue 6 June 2020
Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle
Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena*
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad
Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, India 141001.
*Corresponding Author: Hari Mohan Saxena, Department of Veterinary
Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Ludhiana, India .
Research Article
Received: April 10, 2020
Published: May 28, 2020
© All rights are reserved by Anju Mohan and
Hari Mohan Saxena.
Keywords: Phage Therapy; Brucellosis;_Antibody Titers; Leukocytes; Lymphocytes; Neutrophils
increase in total serum proteins from 0D to 45D, 60D and 75D and from 30D to 45D and a decrease from 45D to 90D, respectively.
  
in Brucellosis stimulates immune responses in cattle initially which decline slowly after 45 days.
Brucellosis is a major bacterial zoonosis of global importance.
About 500,000 cases of human brucellosis are estimated to occur
worldwide every year.
Bovine brucellosis is endemic in all states of India. In India, the
occurrence of brucellosis is to the extent of 10% in the marginal
of the disease was estimated to run over Rs. 500 crores annually.
In Punjab, overall 17.7% prevalence of brucellosis was reported in
cattle and buffaloes [1,2]. It causes heavy economic loss to the ani
retention of placenta and temporary or permanent infertility [3]
in females and orchitis and epididymitis in males, with excretion
of organisms in semen, uterine discharges and in milk [4]. Once
infected, the animal may continue to shed bacteria and remains a
source of infection to others for long period[2]. Sometimes the vac
cinated animals may also suffer from Brucellosis due to inadequate
immunity induced by the vaccine [5]. Phage therapy may be effec
tive in chronic carriers infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria.
However, little data are available in the published literature on the
effects of phage therapy on host immune response to natural in
fection of Brucellosis in cattle. The present study was, therefore,
undertaken to explore this aspect of phage therapy of bovine bru
Materials and Methods
Ethical approval
All the experimental protocols performed on cattle were ap
   
mals were kept in IAEC approved facilities and received feed and
water ad libitum.
Infected cattle
Six naturally infected brucellosis positive adult cattle, which had
been vaccinated during calf hood with B. abortus_strain 19 vaccine
Citation: Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena. “Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle". 
Microbiology 
Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle
      
Dairy Farm were included in the study.
Preparation of phage for therapy
Phage preparation was produced employing standardized opti
mum conditions. The eluted phage preparation in SM diluent was
the therapy. The phage count in the preparation was made to the
required dose of 108 pfu/ ml and stored at 4°C until use.
Sterility testing of phage preparation
Sterility test was carried out as per the Indian Pharmacopoeia
Section 2.2.11. A loopful of the phage preparation was suspended
in 5ml BHI broth as well as streaked on BHI and blood agar plates
followed by incubation at 37°C. The broth and the plates were ex
amined upto 48 hours for any microbial growth.
Safety test of phage in mice
Safety test was conducted by injecting 0.5 ml of phage prepa
ration through subcutaneous, intramuscular and intraperitoneal
route into each of the three mice. The mice were observed for any
untoward reactions or mortality till 7th day of inoculation.
Treatment trials in cattle
Treatment trials of the phage preparation were carried out on
naturally Brucellosis infected Holstein Friesian crossbred adult
cattle at the University Dairy Farm, GADVASU, Ludhiana. Six Bru
cellosis positive adult cattle were treated with 2 ml of 108 pfu/
ml_brucellaphage preparation through subcutaneous route.
Collection of blood
Blood samples were collected from cattle through jugular vein
          
blood was collected for separating leukocytes while sera were sep
studying the immune response of the treated animals.
Analysis of immune responses
Estimation of total protein levels in serum samples
The total protein content in serum samples of phage treated
cattle at 0, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days post treatment were deter
Estimation of total globulin levels in serum samples
Total globulin levels in the serum samples of treated cattle at 0,
30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days post treatment were estimated by sub
tracting albumin content from the total protein level determined
by using Vitros TP slides, Vitros ALB DT slides and the Vitros DTSC
Estimation of antibody titers
treated cattle at 0, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days post treatment were
 
      
      
methods followed have been described earlier [5].
Estimation of total leukocyte counts (TLC) in the blood of
treated cattle
Levels of total leukocytes in blood samples of phage treated Bru
cellosis affected cattle at 0, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days post treat
     
   
diluted blood was loaded into Neubeauer’s counting slide and a
cover slip was put over it. The number of cells in the WBC counting
chamber was counted under a microscope.
Estimation of differential leukocyte counts (DLC) in the blood
of treated cattle
Levels of leukocyte subsets in blood samples of phage treated
Brucellosis affected cattle were determined at 0, 30, 45, 60, 75
and 90 days post treatment. Blood smear from treated cattle was
prepared on a clean microscopic slide and the slide was air dried.
Fixation was done by immersing the slide in methanol for around
minutes. Afterwards it was washed in running water and the slide
was kept for drying. The slide was observed under a microscope
and the total numbers of cells were counted upto 100 cells.
Statistical analysis of data
      
Results and Discussion
Bacteriophages are viruses that infect and multiply inside the
bacteria. Bacteriophages that infect the Brucella species are called
Brucellaphages. Use of lytic bacteriophages to treat Brucellosis can
be a cheap and effective alternative to antibiotics for control of the
disease. Lytic phages grow in the viable bacterial cells, reproduce
 [6].
make them a safe alternative to antibiotics for treatment of bac
terial diseases of animals [6]. Our present study was undertaken
Citation: Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena. “Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle". 
Microbiology 
Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle
to investigate the effect of brucellaphage therapy on immune re
sponses in cattle naturally infected with Brucella abortus.
A broad acting phage lytic to Brucella organisms isolated in our
laboratory was used for the present study. Brucella abortus strain
19 organism was used for the revival and propagation of phage.
  
ence of phage by secondary streaking. The brucellaphage lysed
Brucella abortus strain 19, Brucella abortus strain 99 and Brucella
melitensis   
the heterologous species tested viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Salmo-
nella species, Escherichia coli and Pasteurella multocida.
       
5.05 to 8.15 in 45 days and then slowly declined to 6.39 by 90 days
proteins from 0D to 45D, 60D and 75D and from 30D to 45D fol
lowed by a decrease from 45D to 90D, respectively was very sig
to 4.86 in one and a half month and thereafter gradually declined
crease in serum globulin level from 0D to 45D and 60D was very
  
90th 
         
         
    
3 months of therapy. The rise in IHA titers from 0D to 45D and
 
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 5.6 7.3 7.6 7.5 6.6 6.6
2 5.8 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.2 5.6
3 6.0 6.9 9.0 8.0 7.1 6.7
4 3.9 6.2 9.3 8.1 7.7 7.1
5 4.0 5.8 8.2 7.5 6.7 5.8
6 5.0 6.2 8.1 7.2 7.1 6.6
Mean ± SD 5.05 ±
6.51 ±
8.15 ±
7.51 ±
6.89 ±
6.39 ±
Table 1: Total serum protein levels in Brucellosis
affected cattle after phage therapy.
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 2.1 2.3 4.7 4.4 4.0 3.8
2 2.4 2.8 3.7 3.7 3.0 2.6
3 3.0 3.1 6.6 4.5 3.8 3.8
4 2.4 4.9 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.6
5 1.0 1.7 4.4 3.5 3.2 2.0
6 2.8 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.3 2.6
  
Table 2: Serum globulin levels in Brucellosis
affected cattle after phage therapy.
Figure 1: Serum proteins and globulin levels in
Brucellosis affected cows treated with phage.
  
The decline in titers from 0D to 60D and 75D and from 45D to 60D
Total leukocyte count in the peripheral blood of Brucellosis
affected cattle increased from 5766.66 to 8150 by one month fol
lowed by a decline to 6883.33 till 60 day and then gradual increase
Citation: Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena. “Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle". 
Microbiology 
Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 2.204 2.505 2.806 2.806 2.806 2.806
2 1.602 2.204 2.806 2.806 1.903 1.903
3 1.602 2.505 2.806 2.204 1.903 1.602
4 2.204 2.505 2.806 2.806 2.806 2.204
5 1.903 2.204 2.505 2.505 2.505 2.505
6 2.204 2.505 2.806 2.505 2.204 1.903
 
Table 3: Antibody titers by standard tube agglutination test
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 1.602 2.204 3.408 3.408 3.408 3.408
2 1.903 3.107 3.709 3.709 1.903 1.903
3 1.602 1.903 4.311 3.408 2.806 2.204
4 1.602 1.903 3.408 3.408 3.408 1.903
5 1.903 2.204 3.408 3.408 3.408 3.408
6 2.204 3.709 4.311 2.204 1.903 1.602
 
Table 4: Antibody titers by microtitre plate agglutination test
Sl.No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 2.505 3.107 3.709 3.709 3.709 3.709
2 1.903 3.107 3.408 2.505 2.204 1.903
3 1.602 1.903 3.709 3.408 2.505 2.204
4 1.903 2.505 4.311 4.311 4.311 3.709
5 2.204 3.408 3.709 3.709 3.709 3.709
6 2.204 3.709 4.311 4.311 3.107 1.903
 
Table 5: Antibody titers by indirect haemagglutination test
test in brucellosis affected cattle treated with phage.
siderably from 54.5 to 35.33 by 1 month and then rose to 60 by
45 day, followed by slight decline reaching 54.83 by 90 day post
  
to 3.16 by 30 day and then declined to 1.66 by 45 day, maintained
           
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 1.453 1.434 1.331 0.784 0.754 1.100
2 0.610 1.292 1.245 0.704 0.500 0.756
3 1.293 1.422 1.176 0.671 0.753 0.780
4 0.496 1.303 0.691 0.511 0.574 0.562
5 1.408 1.347 1.001 0.685 0.709 0.788
6 1.473 1.367 1.174 0.733 0.822 0.832
 
Table 6:
Brucellosis affected cattle treated with phage.
followed by increase from 30D to 45D, 60D, 75D and 90D was very
Figure 2: Antibody titers in Brucellosis affected
cows after phage therapy.
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 5900 7500 5900 6100 5200 9200
2 4800 9200 8200 5200 6800 8100
3 6200 10200 7800 9800 7600 10200
4 6900 6500 5900 5800 9900 6500
5 5700 8300 9400 6900 8400 7300
6 5100 7200 8500 7500 8900 7800
Table 7: 
affected animals treated with phage.
Citation: Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena. “Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle". 
Microbiology 
Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle
 , monocytes
ing the period of 90 days after treatment with the phage.
Our present study indicates that phage therapy in Brucellosis
stimulates immune responses in cattle initially for about one and
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 1 3 2 2 1 3
2 4 4 3 4 2 3
3 4 2 1 1 3 2
4 4 4 1 1 2 1
5 1 3 2 1 4 2
6 3 3 1 1 2 2
 
Table 9: Blood monocyte counts in Brucellosis
affected animals treated with phage.
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 31 50 42 40 48 44
2 39 30 33 36 38 44
3 36 24 33 31 46 33
4 43 44 44 33 30 42
5 50 34 28 38 32 43
6 40 30 39 40 36 39
 
Table 10: Blood neutrophil counts in brucellosis
affected animals treated with phage.
Sl. No. 0 D 30D 45 D 60 D 75 D 90 D
1 66 50 55 56 50 51
2 54 30 62 58 58 50
3 55 24 64 65 49 62
4 50 44 53 63 65 55
5 46 34 68 60 60 53
6 56 30 58 57 58 58
 
Table 8: Blood lymphocyte counts in Brucellosis
affected animals treated with phage.
Figure 3: Total blood leukocyte counts in Brucellosis
affected animals treated with phage. Figure 4: Levels of different subsets of leukocytes in
Brucellosis affected animals treated with phage.
a half month which decline slowly after 45 days of initiation of
1. Jain U., et al. “Outbreak of brucellosis in buffaloes aborted in
a 
Veterinary World 
2. Pandeya Y R., et al. “Seroprevalence of brucellosis in different
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of Infection and Microbiology 
3. Kollannur JD., et al. “Epidemiology and economics of brucel
  
XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene. International
4. Godfroid J., et alRevue Sci-
   32.1
Citation: Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena. “Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle". 
Microbiology 
Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle
5. Mohan A., et al       
tibodies of naturally infected and healthy vaccinated cattle
by standard tube agglutination test, microtiter plate agglu
tination test, indirect hemagglutination assay, and indirect
   Veterinary World 9.7
6. Haq I U., et al. “Bacteriophages and their implications on fu
Virology Journal
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Citation: Anju Mohan and Hari Mohan Saxena. “Effects of Bacteriophage Therapy on Host Immune Responses in Brucellosis Affected Cattle". 
Microbiology 
... The average titers of cattle naturally infected with brucellosis (n = 15) and healthy analogs (n = 6) vaccinated as calves with B. abortus 19 differed significantly according to the IHA, TAT, and microagglutination test (MAT), whereas there were no significant differences between the groups using ELISA. In another study [37], they investigated the effects of bacteriophage therapy on the immune responses of naturally infected cows. IHA detected the highest antibody titer in infected cows on day 0, and toward the end of the experiment, its sensitivity was significantly higher than that of ELISA and MAT. ...
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Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that causes enormous losses in livestock production worldwide and has a significant public health impact. None of the brucellosis-free countries is currently able to guarantee their ability to prevent the introduction of the pathogen due to the increase in tourism and the expansion of migration. The timely identification of infected animals is an effective means of preventing brucellosis and minimizing the epidemiological risk. The tube agglutination test, Rose Bengal plate test, complement fixation test, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which are routinely used to identify seropositive productive animals, have limitations and results that do not always correlate. The indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) stands out among non-traditional methods because it is affordable, has a simple protocol, and is more reliable than classical serological tests, especially in cases of questionable and/or false-negative results. The diagnostic value of the IHA has long been studied by laboratories in several countries, but mostly by post-soviet research teams; therefore, the results continue to be published in Russian-language journals, ensuring that the local scientific community can access the results. In addition, the efficacy of this test for the diagnosis of brucellosis and other infectious diseases has not yet been reviewed. The purpose of this review was to summarize the results of studies on the development and use of IHA for the diagnosis of brucellosis and to determine the prospects for further improvement Keywords: brucellosis, diagnostic value, indirect hemagglutination assay, prospects for improving the test, serological tests.
... We studied the effect of phage therapy on immune responses in Brucellosis-affected cattle and found that phage therapy stimulates immune responses in cattle initially which decline slowly after 45 days [57]. In another study [58], live attenuated B. abortus vaccine strain S19 organisms were employed to deliver a lytic Brucellaphage in vivo to reach the virulent Brucella hiding intracellularly. ...
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Bacteriophages are viruses that can specifically kill certain bacteria. This property of phages can be exploited for therapeutic application in treating bacterial infections in domestic animals. Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease which is endemic in several countries. Antibiotics are not very effective against bovine brucellosis and the cost of this treatment is very high. Lytic phages against Brucella have been isolated and have been tried for therapy of bovine brucellosis with encouraging results. The present study reviewed the studies on bacteriophages with special reference to Brucellaphage and their application in the therapy of bovine brucellosis.
... Application of phage has been recommended to be an effective means to reduce the colonization of Brucella in the spleen of mice [79]. The effect of phage therapy on immune responses in Brucellosis affected cattle was studied and it was found that phage therapy stimulates immune responses in cattle initially which decline slowly after 45 days [80,81]. ...
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We have isolated a broad acting lytic phage known as Brucellaphage Ludhiana (BpL) and used it for phage based therapies of Brucellosis. We studied the effect of phage therapy on immune responses in Brucellosis-affected cattle and found that phage therapy stimulates immune responses in cattle initially which decline slowly after 45 days. In another study, live attenuated B. abortus vaccine strain S19 organisms were employed to deliver a lytic Brucellaphage in vivo to reach the virulent Brucella hiding intracellularly. The phage-pulsed S19 organisms sustainably induced significantly high titers of anti-Brucella antibodies. We have also accomplished the successful therapy of bovine Brucellosis by phage lysates of RB51 (RL) and S19 (SL). The SL induced strong antibody response and RL stimulated CMI. A single subcutaneous dose of 2 ml of cocktail lysate (both RL and SL), eliminated live virulent Brucella from Brucellosis affected cattle with plasma level of Brucella specific 223 bp amplicon undetectable by RT-PCR and blood negative for live Brucella by culture in 3 months post- treatment. This is the first report on minimally invasive monitoring and assessment of the efficacy of antibacterial therapy employing plasma RNA specific for live bacteria as a biomarker as well as on the use of phage lysate of RB51 vaccine for successful therapy of Brucellosis in cattle.
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Aim: We determined the antibody response in cattle naturally infected with brucellosis and normal healthy adult cattle vaccinated during calf hood with strain 19. Materials and Methods: The antibody titers were measured by standard tube agglutination test (STAT), microtiter plate agglutination test (MAT), indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA), and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) as per standard protocols. Results: The mean STAT titers were 1.963±0.345 in infected cattle and 1.200±0.155 in healthy vaccinated cattle. The difference was extremely significant (p
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Brucellosis is a contagious disease of livestock with significant economic impact. It is also a zoonotic disease, highly infectious for humans causing a disease called undulant fever or Malta fever. This study was carried out to determine the sero-status of Brucella spp. infection in cattle (cows), buffalo and goat in Kailali district of Far Western Region of Nepal.This cross-sectional study was conducted in Kailali district of Nepal during a period from September, 2012 to January, 2013. A total of 233 animal blood samples (50 Cattle, 67 Buffalo and 116 Goat) were collected and tested for Brucella antibody by plate agglutination test (PAT). The seroprevalence of Brucellosis was 12% (28/233). Thirty two percentage (16/50) of cattle, 13.4% (9/67) of buffaloes, and 2.6% (3/113) goats were sero positive (p<0.05). Seroprevalence was higher in females (14.6% vs.10.6%) (P>0.05) and was higher in younger cattles and older buffalo and goats (p>0.05).This study showed that brucellosis exists as a potential threat in animals of Kailali district. This could be a potential source of infection to humans. Considering the high economic losses it can impart on livestock sector and the possible human health abnormalities, timely facilitation of awareness generation program and adoption of proper prevention and control strategies are recommended. KEY WORDS: Food safety, Zoonoses, Plate Agglutination Test, Kailali district.
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The epidemiological link between brucellosis in wildlife and brucellosis in livestock and people is widely recognised. When studying brucellosis in wildlife, three questions arise: (i) Is this the result of a spillover from livestock or a sustainable infection in one or more host species of wildlife? (ii) Does wildlife brucellosis represent a reservoir of Brucella strains for livestock? (iii) Is it of zoonotic concern? Despite their different host preferences, B. abortus and B. suis have been isolated from a variety of wildlife species, whereas B. melitensis is rarely reported in wildlife. The pathogenesis of Brucella spp. in wildlife reservoirs is not yet fully defined. The prevalence of brucellosis in some wildlife species is very low and thus the behaviour of individual animals, and interactions between wildlife and livestock, may be the most important drivers for transmission. Since signs of the disease are non-pathognomonic, definitive diagnosis depends on laboratory testing, including indirect tests that can be applied to blood or milk, as well as direct tests (classical bacteriology and methods based on the polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). However, serological tests cannot determine which Brucella species has induced anti-Brucella antibodies in the host. Only the isolation of Brucella spp. (or specific DNA detection by PCR) allows a definitive diagnosis, using classical or molecular techniques to identify and type specific strains. There is as yet no brucellosis vaccine that demonstrates satisfactory safety and efficacy in wildlife. Therefore, controlling brucellosis in wildlife should be based on good management practices. At present, transmission of Brucella spp. from wildlife to humans seems to be linked to the butchering of meat and dressing of infected wild or feral pig carcasses in thedeveloped world, and infected African buffalo in the developing world. In the Arctic, the traditional consumption of raw bone marrow and the internal organs of freshly killed caribou or reindeer is an important risk factor.
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Aim: Outbreak of bovine brucellosis in buffaloes aborted in a village Mahuan of District Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh is described. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 serum samples were collected from a aborted buffaloes. All the sera samples were tested by serological tests, Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and Standard Tube Agglutination Test (STAT). Results: Clinical history of the condition complimented with detailed examination of the affected animals revealed that 50% (15/30) buffaloes were aborted between 6-9.5 months of pregnancy. The main clinical signs presented were fever, discharge from vagina and retention of placenta. There was no response of treatment on buffaloes. The antibodies against B. abortus were detected in 7(46.6%) sera samples by RBPT and in 5(33.3%) by STAT. Conclusion: The buffaloes involved and the severity of abortions, that necessitated veterinary intervention, it would be necessary to asses the prevalence and economic importance of the disease in rural herds of Uttar Pradesh.
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Recently it has been recognized that bacteriophages, the natural predators of bacteria can be used efficiently in modern biotechnology. They have been proposed as alternatives to antibiotics for many antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. Phages can be used as biocontrol agents in agriculture and petroleum industry. Moreover phages are used as vehicles for vaccines both DNA and protein, for the detection of pathogenic bacterial strain, as display system for many proteins and antibodies. Bacteriophages are diverse group of viruses which are easily manipulated and therefore they have potential uses in biotechnology, research, and therapeutics. The aim of this review article is to enable the wide range of researchers, scientists, and biotechnologist who are putting phages into practice, to accelerate the progress and development in the field of biotechnology.
Epidemiology and economics of brucellosis in animals and its zoonotic significance
  • J D Kollannur
Kollannur JD., et al. "Epidemiology and economics of brucellosis in animals and its zoonotic significance". Proceedings of XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene. International Society for Animal Hygiene (2007): 466-468.