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Waste Management in Sri Lanka: Challenges and Opportunities


Abstract and Figures

Most of the developing countries face the problem of managing waste properly. In 2012, cities world over, generated 1.3 billion tons of solid waste per year, amounting to a footprint of 1.2 kilograms per person, per day needless to state that with rapid population growth and urbanization, the municipal waste generation is expected to increase to 2.2 billion tons (MT) by 2025. Inadvertently, with the current trends continuing, it is likely to rise from 3.5 MTs to 6 MTs per day with, each person generating around 0.64 kg waste per day in Sri Lanka with an estimated 4.8 billion MT of waste collected per annum in the country. The main objective of this study is to examine the present situation of solid waste management in Sri Lanka whilst in determining the nature and extent of the problem, thereby identifying the challenges and opportunities towards maintaining a sustainable waste management system in the country. As a result, the study has identified several challenges, of which the absence of waste segregation, poor waste collection mechanisms and the lack of public commitment on waste management, to be some of the underlying causes of the prevailing issue. Thus, the prevailing system on waste collection, transportation and disposal aspects is nevertheless believed to be an issue that needs to be resolved. This is due to the lack of education and awareness amongst the public on waste management, the lack of technical knowledge and the absence of applying 3R principles. In this context, awareness through education and a changing in attitude of the public may be suggested as precautionary methods towards maintaining a sustainable waste management system. The participation of the public is to be quoted as essential, and it should be borne in mind, that this is not a feat that can be accomplished via a limited operation, but rather one which needs to be continued and maintained through ongoing efforts, in keeping the menace at a minimum. Thus, a new model for waste management is required for collection, transportation and the disposal of waste, which should not be harmful to the society nor to the environment. The existing waste management policy of the country should be further developed by considering the concept of zero waste, alternative waste management approaches like waste to energy, sanitary landfills and the acceleration of composting methodology, thereby leading the pathway towards enhanced sustainability.
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Waste management in Sri Lanka: Challenges and opportunities
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Waste Management in Sri Lanka: Challenges and Opportunities
Lal Mervin Dharmasiri
Most of the developing countries face the problem of managing waste properly. In 2012, cities world over, generated
1.3 billion tons of solid waste per year, amounting to a footprint of 1.2 kilograms per person, per day needless to state
that with rapid population growth and urbanization, the municipal waste generation is expected to increase to 2.2
billion tons (MT) by 2025. Inadvertently, with the current trends continuing, it is likely to rise from 3.5 MTs to 6 MTs
per day with, each person generating around 0.64 kg waste per day in Sri Lanka with an estimated 4.8 billion MT of
waste collected per annum in the country. The main objective of this study is to examine the present situation of solid
waste management in Sri Lanka whilst in determining the nature and extent of the problem, thereby identifying the
challenges and opportunities towards maintaining a sustainable waste management system in the country. As a
result, the study has identified several challenges, of which the absence of waste segregation, poor waste collection
mechanisms and the lack of public commitment on waste management, to be some of the underlying causes of the
prevailing issue. Thus, the prevailing system on waste collection, transportation and disposal aspects is nevertheless
believed to be an issue that needs to be resolved. This is due to the lack of education and awareness amongst the
public on waste management, the lack of technical knowledge and the absence of applying 3R principles. In this
context, awareness through education and a changing in attitude of the public may be suggested as precautionary
methods towards maintaining a sustainable waste management system. The participation of the public is to be
quoted as essential, and it should be borne in mind, that this is not a feat that can be accomplished via a limited
operation, but rather one which needs to be continued and maintained through ongoing efforts, in keeping the
menace at a minimum. Thus, a new model for waste management is required for collection, transportation and the
disposal of waste, which should not be harmful to the society nor to the environment. The existing waste
management policy of the country should be further developed by considering the concept of zero waste, alternative
waste management approaches like waste to energy, sanitary landfills and the acceleration of composting
methodology, thereby leading the pathway towards enhanced sustainability.
Keywords: Waste management, segregation, zero waste and sustainability.
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Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a major issue in developing economies and priority should be given
to overcome this issue, due to the rapid growth of population as well as the increase of waste in
developing countries. Although the quantity and quality of solid waste generated by urban areas in
developing countries is low in comparison to the Western developed and industrialized countries notable
in the west, municipal solid waste management still remains inadequate (Llic and Nikolic, 2016).
However, developed countries continuously apply varied approaches, notably composting, land filling and
waste to energy processes to overcome issues. In this respect, it is appropriate to examine the strategies
that have applied to overcome the issue.
Waste is any subsistence materials derived from ‘primary use’ or a ‘useless defective’. Solid Waste (SW)
or ‘garbage comprises’ of unwanted and discarded materials from houses, street waste, commercial and
industrial operations. An increase in the urban population and the rapid change life styles, lead to the
generation of solid waste. Generally, solid waste is heterogeneous in nature, for instant refuse of
vegetables, food items, paper, plastics, rags, glass and glass. If solid waste is disposed of, on land, in
open areas, then it causes a negative impact on the environment, ground water and on health (Mundhe,
Jaybhaye & Dorik, 2014). ‘Waste’ has value for someone at the same time in which it doesn’t for another.
If it is possible to convert ‘waste’ to value, then no more would a ‘waste problem’ persist in the world.
Most of the countries in the world, in particular, developing countries, face the problem of the proper
management of solid waste within their territories. It has been creating different complications by the likes
of diseases, unbearable stench, fire hazards, atmospheric and water pollution, aesthetic nuisance,
together with social and economic losses. There have been many tragic situations of collapsing of waste
dumps in several countries including in Ethiopia and Sri Lanka. Many have pointed out, that, developing
countries do not possess the appropriate technology, furthermore, the lack of a proper management and
leadership become the major defects of SW management in these countries.
Around the world, the generation of waste is increasing. The amount of waste generated by a country is
proportional to its population and the mean living standards of the people (Grossmann et al., 1974).
Furthermore, Medina (1997) indicated that the waste generation rates have a close relationship with the
income levels of people. In addition, socio economic factors such as persons per dwelling, cultural
patterns, education, and personal attitudes also play a role (Nilanthi Bandara, 2008). In 2012, the worlds’
cities generated 1.3 billion tons of SW per year, amounting to a footprint of 1.2 kilograms per person per
day. With rapid population growth and urbanization, municipal waste generation is expected to rise to 2.2
billion tonnes (BT) by 2025. If the current trends continue, we are likely to go from 3.5 MTs to 6 MTs per
day by that point. In South Asia, approximately 70 BT of waste is generated per year, with per capita
values ranging from 0.12 to 5.1 kg per person per day and an average of 0.45 kg/capita/day (World
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Bank). The continuous indiscriminate disposal of SW is accelerating and is linked to poverty, poor
governance, urbanization, population growth, poor standards of living, low level of environmental
awareness (Rachel et al., 2009; Ogu, 2000) and the inadequate management of environmental
knowledge. However the waste generation rates will more than double, over the next twenty years in low
income countries.
Even though human health and safety have become major concerns over waste management in the past,
at present, society demands more than expected as in the past. Society expects sustainable waste
management, which incorporates feedback loops, is focused on processes, embodies adaptability and
diverts wastes from disposal. At a policy level decision making process, environmental consideration has
played a major role in this sustainable system. Transitioning from a traditional unsustainable system to a
sustainable waste management requires to identify and apply of leverage points which effect change
(Jeffrey K. Seadon, 2010). Failure to do so may lead to ill-designed solutions that may not be effective
enough to give any productive and sustainable results in waste management. Therefore, a system is
required to control the generation, storage, collection, transport or transfer, processing and disposal of
solid waste materials in a manner that best addresses the range of public health, conservation, economic,
aesthetic, engineering, and other environmental considerations.
The major objective of this paper is to examine the present situation of the SW management in Sri Lanka
and to identify the challenges and opportunities in maintaining a sustainable SWM system in Sri Lanka. In
addition, alternative strategies will be identified for better SWM in the country.
Waste Issue in Sri Lanka
Waste has become an issue in the absence of or a weak management system for collection, transporting
and disposal. Waste generates mostly at a household level while the rest is generated from industries.
The waste problem is not a major issue in rural and sub-urban areas, where, space is available for the
disposal of waste unlike in urban areas of the country. It is a significant issue in the urban areas,
especially, in the western province of the country.
A survey on waste amounts and Composition Surveys (WACS) conducted by the University of
Peradeniya in 2014, revealed that, nearly three fourth of total waste is generated from kitchens. It must be
noted that, more than 85 percent of total waste is degradable at the source. Table no 01 shows the
composition of waste collection at the point of waste generation in Sri Lanka. However, the figures differ
with the study conducted by the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) in 2014. Figure 01 shows the
waste composition of Sri Lanka.
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Table 01: Waste amount and composition in Sri Lanka
% in wet basis
Kitchen waste
Garden waste
Paper and cardboard
Soft plastics
Hard plastics
Rubber and leather
Hazardous wastes
E waste
Source; Waste amount and Composition Surveys (WACS), 2014
A similar study conducted by the CEA also pointed out that, the waste composition of the source at the
generated point is more or less comparable with the study done by the WACS. According to Fig. 01,
about 62 percent of the waste is categorized as bio-degradable, while 7 and 6 percent belong to paper
and wooden items which also fall under bio-degradable waste respectively. Altogether three fourth of
waste could be categorized as bio-degradable which is capable of being decomposed by the action of
microorganisms. This study further identified that, about 6 and 2 percent of waste are polythene & plastics
and glass items which fall under non-degradable waste respectively. Non-degradable waste like
polythene and plastic do not break down for several decades, if not centuries, and have a general
tendency to poison the ecosystem, as they are petroleum based.
Fig. 01: Waste composition in Sri Lanka
Source; Central Environmental Authority (2014)
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Sri Lanka has 309 local authorities of which 15 are Municipal Councils, 37 are urban councils and 257 are
Pradeshiya Sabas manage the SW. Approximately Sri Lanka generates 7,000 MT of solid waste per day.
Most of the waste generated in the Colombo Municipal Council which is the largest local government
authority in Sri Lanka covers a resident population of over 600,000. The following table shows waste
generation by different local authorities of the country.
Table 02: Daily waste collection
Kg’s p/p
Colombo Municipal Council
Municipal Councils
Urban Councils
Pradeshiya Sabas
Source; Central Environmental Authority (2014)
According to Table 02, each person generates about 0.64 kg’s per day, in Sri Lanka. It is higher in urban
areas such as Colombo and Gampaha. Most PS do not collect all the waste generated in their territories
but only a part of it is collected. It may be estimated that about 4.8 billion MT of waste is collected per
annum in Sri Lanka. However, the actual figure may be higher than the given figure. Table 03, shows the
waste collection of the country by provinces.
Table 03: Provincial level waste collection and Disposal sites
Table 03, shows the provincial level waste generation, collection and the final disposal sites in Sri Lanka.
Accordingly, more than half of the total waste is collected by the Western province. Even though the
Western province generates 33% of the total waste, it collects more than 52% of the total waste of the
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country. All other provinces contribute less than 10% each. The Uva province occupies the lowest share
of waste generation amounting to 6% while the Eastern, Central, North central and Southern Provinces
produce more than 7% each of the total waste of the country.
According to Table 03, it was estimated by the University of Moratuwa and the National Solid Waste
Management Support Centre (NSWMSC), that 3,458 tons of SW are collected from the island per day. In
the Western province, 1,800 tons of SW are collected per day. However, another study conducted by the
CEA, revealed that, the total collection of solid waste by local authorities in Sri Lanka is around 2900 tons
per day (CEA, 2014). Another study conducted by Hikkaduwa, and others of the University of Moratuwa
(2016), titled “Sustainable Approaches to the Municipal Solid Waste Management in Sri Lanka”
suggested the collection of solid waste by all local bodies amounts to 3423 MT per day. Approximately
60% (1663 tones) of the total waste is collected in the Western Province, which is approximately 30
percent of the total population in Sri Lanka.
It is an interesting fact that, at present, a total of 349 sites have been selected for the final disposal of
waste by the local government authorities in the country. The waste is being dumped openly at these
sites without a systematic manner. It doesn’t provide a total solution for waste and also doesn’t care
about the environmental concerns. However, some of sites have being recycling but it doesn’t function in
a proper manner.
The Responsibilities of Waste Management in Sri Lanka
The responsibility of waste collection from its generated point to disposal sites are vested in local
government authorizes such as Pradeshiya Sabha (PS), Town Councils (TC) and Municipal councils
(MC). In Sri Lanka 111 local authorities function through the elected members of the particular area.
These authorities are responsible for the collection, transportation and the disposal of solid waste in a
proper manner. The following table shows the range of waste collected by a number of local authorities.
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Table 04: Different ranges of daily SW collection [tones/day]
Ranges [Tones/ Day]
Number of local authorities
Up to 1
Total number of local authorities
Source; Central Environmental Authority (2014)
It is clearly indicated in the Municipal Council Ordinance in 1947, the Urban Council Ordinance in 1939
and the PS Act in 1987. In addition, all disposal activities should be handled according to the National
Environment Act No 47. However, several ministries are also responsible for waste management in the
country. They are the local government and provincial councils, Mahaweli Development and Environment,
and Megapolis and Western Development. The Western province has a separate arm to handle solid
waste within their province. Apart from the Ministries, several authorities like the Central Environmental
Authority and the Urban Development Authority are also responsible for policy making, providing training,
and equipment to the local government authorities.
Furthermore, the relevant ministry of the provincial councils has the overall responsibility for the
enforcement of rules and regulations in the provinces. Furthermore, they are also responsible to regulate
the operation of and the transportation and processing of Municipal Solid Waste together with the
management of final waste disposal facilities of waste without being a nuisance to the general public
and/or to the flora and fauna of the Province.
Several waste management steps have already been identified by the Waste Management Authority, of
the Western Provincial Council (See; Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules-2005) for the better
handling of and the cleaning of the environment of their area. They are as follows;
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Properly Manage the SW at Source i.e. segregation, reduction, reusing and recycling and
prohibiting the dumping of solid waste on streets or public places and open burning of wastes are
being considered.
Proper Collection/Acceptance of MSW from the Source of Generation.
Cleaning of Streets and Public Places.
Abolition of Open MSW Storage Bins . The abolishing of open storage waste bins from main
roads, public places and the introducing of close type of appropriate waste receptacles.
Improving a System for Mass Transportation of MSW. Under which the prohibition of waste
transportation in open vehicles and the optimizing of the efficiency of the vehicle usage for waste
transportation are considered.
Treating the Collected MSW as a “Resource”. Encouraging the recovering of resources from
collected MSW through the re-using of MSW for composting, Power generation, and production
of biogas, bio-fuel, electricity, bio-gas and the use of state of- the- art technologies together with
Improving a System for the Final Disposal of MSW. The establishing of engineered and/or
sanitary landfills and the use of state- of- the- art technology for such events at a zonal and/or
regional level.
The Challenges of Waste Management in Sri Lanka
One of the biggest problems in Sri Lanka is to manage the management of SW in a sustainable manner.
The prevailing system of waste collection, transportation and disposal are yet to be resolved. It is
possible to identify these issues which are discussed below as the challenges of WM in Sri Lanka.
Waste segregation: Segregation is the systematic process that waste is separated into different
types. It can be done manually at a household level or mechanically. Basically, waste could be
divided as dry and wet waste. Then, it could be further divided into solid waste, bio-degradable,
non-biodegradable, toxic waste and recyclable waste. Thus far, we do not have a proper system
or the proper practice of segregation at the generation or collection points. Every individual has
the responsibility to practice such a segregation system. Nevertheless, only a few are practicing
Waste collection and transport: Waste collection, storage and transporting of waste are
essential elements of any WM system and can be major challenges in towns and cities. As
mentioned above, the collection of SW is done by the PS, TC and MCs. All 111 local bodies have
been collecting waste to keep their territories clean. The Waste Management Authority (WMA) of
the Western Province is responsible for more than 60% of the total waste collection of the
country. The Collection of waste from house to house and entire industries, commercial areas
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and public areas have to be transported and unloaded either into processing sites or sanitary
landfills by the above authorities. However, it has not been done in a proper and sustainable
Waste disposal: The absence of a proper arrangement for the disposal of garbage in towns and
cities create many more challenges in the face of financial, technical and administrative
incapacities of the relevant local bodies. Be it from an individual, to institutions or Ministries
related to WM should play a role in this regard. A few sanitary landfills and organic composite
yards are available for the sustainable disposal of garbage. Unfortunately at present, solid waste
is collected in a mixed scale and disposed of in environmentally sensitive areas, such as,
abundant arable land, marshy land, forests, wild life habitats, near water bodies, isolated hilly
areas and so on. Most of the local bodies collect garbage and dump it at open lands which create
many problems.
Pollution: Different types of pollution arises when the waste collected in dumping sites keeps
rotting, spreading odour, contributing to water and soil pollution, and numerous health related
problems in addition to the aesthetic pollution which is caused in the surrounding areas. Most of
the dumping sites are located in open spaces. They are burnt sometimes and this causes the
emission of toxic gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which create health issues.
Garbage from the household and other sources falls into rivers and water bodies. It makes the
water of the water bodies polluted. The blocking of the drainage system in towns and cities create
breeding sites for mosquitoes and other vectors which spread diseases such as Malaria, Dengue,
Filarial and contributing to numerous other health problems. In addition, the improper spreading
of garbage from place to place and dumping it thus, could increase the population of flies and rats
which create many more health issues.
Increasing garbage at households, outside and/ or water bodies have become a serious problem
to the air, water and soil. Accordingly, the physical properties of the soil could change, and
thereby the growth of plants and other factors affecting soil nutrition adversely.
An inappropriate and unsustainable dumping of waste would also destroy or reduce the worth of
the aesthetic value and the scenery and beauty of the surrounding areas.
Institutional set-up: Several authorities i.e. Local government authorities, the Waste
Management Authority, the Central Environment Authority, the Ministry of Environment, the
Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development have been dealing with the SW management in
the country. Additionally, several projects were also set up to support and to manage the SW
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issue in Sri Lanka. The lack of coordination between institutions, the lack of Institutional
capability with technical expertise and the lack of adequate funds are some issues in the system
at large.
Public commitment: The literacy rate of Sri Lankans is much higher than that of other
developing countries. It means that literate people should work in a systematic manner in relation
to WM. At the onset, at the school level all students were given training in the systematic practice
of WM in their surrounding environment. Unfortunately, when they became adults, most of them
do not follow the principles of WM. It has become a serious issue in the country.
Political arena: There is a lack of commitment in most of the parties that are involved in WM in
the country. Many obstacles arising when the ruling party of a particular local body work on the
waste issue. Simultaneously, the same can be applied in a different way which arises when the
opposition takes over in the same local body. Ultimately, the issues of WM remain stagnate in
most of the local bodies.
The challenges therein would be able to be overcome with the commitment of the collaborative
attendance of the public and private sector, government interference and the mindset change of the
people of the country. The following opportunities may be useful to overcome the identified challenges of
WM in Sri Lanka.
Opportunities of Waste Management of Sri Lanka
Education and awareness: Knowledge from education and awareness has been seen as a key
factor affecting environmental action. It is a vital fact that, environmental knowledge plays a
significant role in changing the environmental activities and human behavior. A change in habits,
behavior and the participation of the people on ‘what do you/ people think about waste’ is a
significantly important aspect of solid WM. As all know, most information and practices about WM
start at school and influence their households. The WM process at a school level is focused on
keeping the environment clean and recycling the bio-degradable items. This process would help
increase awareness and attitudes towards solid WM among children and their parents.
Improvement of technical knowledge: The adoption and transfer of the technologies of WM
either from developed countries to local level authorities and people who are responsible for WM
at the grass root level would be immensely beneficial for better practice. Technical aspects for a
WM would have to be taken into account, in many points, from bottom to top, for planning and the
implementation of different activities. The provisions of a better technical knowledge would
directly support sustainable WM practices in the country.
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Application of 3R principles: The principles of 3R i.e. reduce, reuse and recycle can be applied
in an acceptable manner to cut down on the amount of waste people throw away. The simple
logic behind the principle is easy to understand, if there is less waste, then there is less waste to
recycle or reuse. Any items that can be used again for another purpose or in a different way is
called ‘reuse’. People can reuse most items such as plastic bags, furniture, toys and repair some
broken items that they used. On the other hand, they can sell or give it to others for charity.
Recycling is a process which will be transformed again into raw materials that could be shaped
into a new product. All materials could be recycled or transformed except for a few items in the
world. About 38% of the waste such as glass, paper, wood items and so on could be transformed
into recyclable items in Sri Lanka.
Waste segregation: Waste segregation is essential as the amount of waste being generated
causes many problems. Most of the bio-degradable waste could be transformed into fertilizers
and only a small proportion of the waste has to be discarded. Unfortunately, the bulk of waste is
not being segregated yet by the responsible people and the quantity of waste would be much
higher. In particular, household waste can be separated into different baskets for the different
categories of waste such as degradable and non-degradable which should be disposed
Attitudinal change: Waste could be identified as ‘two sides of a coin’, which highlights the idea
of the environment as a gift and a responsibility. People were open-minded about the
environmental impact on improper waste management. Everybody should understand that waste
is from nobody, it belongs to everybody. Therefore, everybody has a responsibility to manage
waste in a proper manner.
Independent authority: At present, there are many institutions which deal with WM in Sri Lanka.
Therefore, a strong and independent authority is required to regulate WM if WM is to improve and
be kept in a sustainable manner in the country. The absence of clear regulation and enforcement
will make deter in a timely and in a proper manner. The WM sector needs to include attractive
and profitable business models with clear performance requirements imposed, with financial
penalties applied when WM services are not working effectively.
Adequate funds: Finance for WM authorities and funding for other WM activities should be
raised through Waste Management Tax (WMT) which comes through the Polluter Pay Principle
(PPP). According to the policy, tax amount should be paid by all the polluters for covering the
expenditure on keeping the environment clean and fair. An average WMT of 1 Rupee per
transaction of non-degradable wrapped items sold by merchants to buyers would generate a
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huge amount of money and the collected funds could be used for proper waste management in
Sri Lanka. In addition, the PPT policy could be applied to the person who violates the waste
management system of a particular city.
Alternative strategies: Several alternative strategies are being implemented by the respective
authority in the country. Zero waste, Waste to Energy, sanitary landfills and large scale
composting. At present there are several landfills in the process of constructed at Aruwakkaru,
Keeramale, Medirigiriya and Keerakkulama. In addition, two waste to energy project plants of 10
megawatts each, to incinerate, commenced in the Western province. The Ministry of local
government is also establishing several mega composting machines in selected districts.
Alternative Strategies for better WM practice
It is an important fact that the education on WM should be further expanded for all the sectors which start
at the kindergarten schools. The role and responsibilities of WM of each individual should be
communicated and instructed in a proper way. It may be one way of forming responsible citizens who
manage waste as resources whilst applying 3R principles and creating a zero waste or waste less society
in the future.
It is a vital requirement that WM must involve waste segregation at sources such as households, market
or industries to allow more efficient value extraction and recycling. It should be separated into dry/ wet or
bio degradable/ non-degradable etc. Then, the waste would have significant benefits for waste collectors
and the people who are involved in the WM field. Innovative and practical waste management regulations
could be imposed. The WM sector needs to include attractive and profitable models with financial
penalties from polluters and WM discipline breakers. Then, the WM services include collection, transport
and disposal which will be sustained effectively and efficiently.
Short term and long term comprehensive WM planning requires to overcome WM issues in the country.
Private sector involvement should be strengthened for most of WM activities. Local level provincial
councils and the Ministry of Local Government could monitor and evaluate the WM practices. To achieve
the targets, training and capacity building is required from the grass root to the top level people who are
engaged in WM.
Conclusion and recommendations
The quantity of generated waste is continuously increasing due to the growing population and increase in
development. The Modern way of life has led to serious waste problems in the country. Easy products
require more packaging and the habits of the people are also associated with generating larger quantities
of waste, discarded wrappers from inevitable fast foods. Modern day waste contains a higher proportion
of non-degradable materials which have caused an acute waste issue. The problem has further
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worsened due to the extensive use of plastic products such as plastic bottles. Despite the huge amounts
of waste produced, the standards of waste management in the country are still poor. These include
outdated and poor management of waste and, the inefficient handling, collection, transportation, disposal
of hospital wastes and hazardous waste together with the dumping of wastes. Waste at the roadside,
drains blocked up with garbage and plastic items and rivers filled with filthy garbage indicate that, solid
waste is a major environmental problem in Sri Lanka.
This situation has diminished the environmental quality to sustain life. If the present rate of solid-waste
production goes on without a proper waste management system, there will be significant negative
impacts on the quality of the environment. In addition, the inadequate awareness and knowledge about
solid waste management issues, and the ignorance of the effect of improper SWM has definitely
worsened the problem.
Sri Lanka needs a long-term goal to establish a sustainable and effective SWM that are cost effective,
economically viable and environmentally sound. Strategies that have been recommended for waste
minimization are part of the waste management hierarchy and involve 3R principles such as reduce,
reuse and recycle.
The situation could be managed in a sustainable manner through several implications. Providing
awareness from schools up to the higher education level in different scales and standards would be ideal.
It may be able to change the attitude and awareness of the masses through formal and informal
The appropriate technical knowledge and equipment should be provided to the local government
institutes. Technical training is also an essential component for the people who practically engage in
SWM at the field. WM requires not only technological knowledge but also public participation, consultation
and stakeholder mutual understanding and dialogue on activities.
Waste segregation is a vital part of SWM and attention should be paid to impart all stakeholders to follow
the principles of waste segregation. It should be practiced from the household level to the top level
institutions of the country.
It is necessary to establish an apex independent institution to regulate SWM in the country. The institution
should control all other institutions which deal with SWM. The institution could apply a good market model
for managing SW in a profitable manner. The Legal framework should also be established to raise the
required additional funds for the efficient management of the institution and also the PPP would be an
ideal concept to strengthen SWM.
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The available WM policy of the country should be further developed by considering the concept of zero
waste, with alternative WM approaches like waste to energy, sanitary landfills and accelerating
composting methodology which is required to manage the waste in a sustainable manner.
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... In Sri Lanka, about 62% of municipal solid waste is composed of biodegradable organic material, while the remaining portion comprises non-biodegradable materials (Dharmasiri 2019). Reports indicate the absence of proper waste segregation at the household level before disposal (Warunasinghe & Yapa 2016). ...
... The Western Province of Sri Lanka as shown in Fig. 1, with a population of 5.8 million, accounting for 27% of the nation's total population, was chosen as the focal area for this pilot study. Covering approximately 6% of Sri Lanka's land area, the Western Province accommodates the largest population among all provinces and contributes over 42.6% to the country's overall GDP, playing a vital role in the national economy (C & S 2021), (Dharmasiri 2019). The high population density, coupled with rapid urban development in this region, has significantly escalated the production of municipal solid waste. ...
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The study’s findings serve as a crucial foundation for policymakers, environmentalists, and stakeholders to take necessary actions and develop sustainable waste management strategies tailored to the specific challenges faced in the Western Province of Sri Lanka, contributing to broader global efforts to mitigate the growing waste crisis. It’s a significant concern that the volume of waste is expected to triple by 2050, and the current waste management practices seem insufficient to handle this growth sustainably. The study indicates a per capita waste generation of 0.43 kg in Sri Lanka, with the Western Province at a higher rate of 0.53 kg. This data points to the urgency of addressing waste management practices in this region, especially considering its significance in the country’s GDP. The results also show that the total municipal waste generation in the Western Province is 3248 kg per day whereas the recovery is only 25% (803 kg) in terms of recycling and composting. Burning, burying, and open dumping are highlighted as other prevailing practices for managing waste, which have adverse impacts on the environment and public health. Further research is recommended to identify and address these unaccounted waste streams, especially those at the household level.
... The daily waste collection of solid waste in Sri Lanka is from the Municipal Council (0.75 kg p/p), Urban Council (0.60 kg's p/p), and Pradeshiya Sabhas (0.40 kg's p/p). The highest waste generation is from the Colombo Municipal Council (0.80 kg's p/p) (Dharmasiri, 2019). E-waste is another growing issue in Sri Lanka and E-Sampath Piyasa was initiated by the solid Waste Management Division of Colombo Municipal Council and Waste Management Authority to facilitate the collection of E-waste. ...
... The growing problem of waste management Sri Lanka produces approximately 7,000 metric tons of solid waste per day (FAO, 2021). Such waste manifests in various forms, including organic, plastic, textile, and electronic (Dharmasiri, 2020). Each type of waste presents unique challenges in collection, sorting, recycling, and disposal. ...
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Several pioneering businesses in Sri Lanka are addressing waste management challenges through innovative and sustainable solutions. The Centre for a Smart Future (CSF) identified three such businesses and explored their entrepreneurial journeys and business models. Each of the case studies exemplify a unique approach to managing waste and provides learnings relevant to waste management strategies in the country. Their narratives are also indicative of gaps and opportunities for policy change that would foster entrepreneurship and innovation.
... However, plastic waste recycling is a method of reducing the quantity of net discards, and plastic recycling also offers the potential to generate demonstrable savings in fossil fuel consumption, both because the recycled plastic can supplement. Also, plastic pollution is a global problem because it can alter habitats and natural processes, reducing ecosystems' ability to adapt to climate change and directly affecting millions of people's livelihoods, food production capabilities, and social well-being [37,38]. Further, the environmental, social, economic, and health risks of plastics need to be assessed alongside other environmental stressors like climate change, ecosystem degradation, and resource use. ...
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The global environmental crisis has heightened the need for sustainable alternatives in various industries, especially in agriculture and horticulture. In the plant cultivation field, traditional plastic nursery containers contribute to plastic waste accumulation and environmental degradation, and biodegradable nursery containers have gained significant attention as a sustainable solution. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study investigates the environmental impact, performance, and cost-effectiveness that biodegradable nursery containers offer. Plastic waste is a challenge for sustainable development because large quantities of fossil fuel are used to manufacture plastic containers, which take around 500 years to decompose and increase other environmental issues. Not only that, in Sri Lanka, regarding solid waste disposable, 54.50% of short-term biodegradable waste and 5.90% of long-term biodegradable waste is created as a result of activities in homes and industries and cause large-scale land and water pollution. Meanwhile, waste is a big problem in environmental pollution. Therefore, biodegradable waste needs to be managed as a success for a sustainable environment, it can be made into plantable or compostable containers made from organic materials including livestock manure, postharvest agricultural waste, and agro-industrial residues that break down naturally over time, leaving no harmful residues. Thereof, the development of biodegradable nursery containers made from agricultural waste can reduce farm costs, reduce environmental contamination, and let the roots develop more naturally in the growing media, either outdoors into the ground in an open field or indoors as an eco-friendly solution for plant growth.
... As mentioned above, the research investigated six sources of risk during dumpsite closures that should be taken into consideration, such as site technical risks (STR), environmental and human health risks (EHHR), and social risks (SR). This finding is consistent with the results of the study of the road map in Latin America and Sri Lanka for the closure of dumpsites, as summarized in tables [12,13], and [18]. Site technical risks are from the common factors that affect the closure of an open dump, such as distance from the nearest source of water supply with an RII of 0.747%, followed by leachate collection and treatment with an RII of 0.753%, depth filling of waste with an RII of 0.716, ground water depth with an RII of 0.831%, land geological factors (soil permeability) with an RII of 0.794%, types of underlaying soil with an RII of 0.772%, types of underlaying soil with an RII of 0.772%, types of underlaying soil with an RII of 0.772%, types of underlaying soil with an RII of 0.847%, total quantity of wastes at soil with an RII of 0.709%, and distance to the nearest resident area in the predominant wind with an RII of 0.738 as shown in Fig. 4. According to the research findings from the Social Risks SR, population size and waste generation factors are the most challenging factors concluded from social risk with an RII of 0.719%, followed by waste collection and recycling factors with an RII of 0.672%. ...
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Egypt’s government and civil society are addressing waste management issues, with an estimated 810,000 tons of solid waste collected annually. The government has issued warnings and initiated recycling initiatives for both legal and illegal dumpsites. This paper focuses on recent initiatives for the closure of dumpsites in megacities in Egypt. The research methodology has been developed by reviewing the most valuable international research for identification and assessment of risks that contribute to the closure and rehabilitation of open dumpsites in Egypt, as well as questionnaires and interviews with the key stakeholders involved in the closure activities. The closure phases are sorted into six classified sources of risk: site technical risks, social risks, environmental and human health factors, site rehabilitation risks (SRR), economic and financial risks (EFR), and strategic and construction partnering risks (SCPR), and 56 factors of risk. The research has found that each source classification has its own critical risks that should be considered as examples of which STR, SRR, EFR, and SCPR categories have the most critical risks. As presented in the case of Shabramant, the Giza Dumpsite Checklist. The research encourages the authorities and key stakeholders to use the risk assessment list for the closure and rehabilitation of dumpsites in Egypt.
... To achieve sustainable hospital waste management, proper waste segregation, awareness of the people, recycling waste at a manageable cost, adherence to the guidelines and legal procedure of waste management, purification of hospital wastewater before release, and minimizing social problems are required. The country's existing waste management policy needs further development, such as more concern for zero waste or waste reduction and alternative waste management approaches like waste-to-energy and green hospital concepts [59]. ...
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Ensuring the sustainability of hospital waste management practices has become a burning issue. Due to the growing population coinciding with rapid urbanization and industrialization, practicing sustainable methods of medical waste management is an urgent requirement. Like other developing countries, Sri Lanka also faces various difficulties when dealing with high-risk hospital waste material, spreading diseases rapidly and making the environment unclean. Thus, moving towards sustainable hospital waste management has received urgent attention. The primary purpose of this study is to explore whether the existing hospital waste management practices are sustainable. Further, this study identifies weaknesses of the existing waste management practices and examines factors affecting Sustainable Hospital Waste Management (SHWM) in the Western province of Sri Lanka. Data were collected from 18 officers involved in waste management from 14 government hospitals in the western province. Both inductive and deductive thematic analyses were used to explore whether the hospital waste management practices are sustainable. The study revealed that most selected hospitals failed to achieve sustainability in waste management practices. Achieving sustainability of waste management practices has become a challenge to government hospitals due to financial constraints, limited facilities and infrastructure, lack of social support, and poor management and administration. Patient mindset and health capacity, positive attitudes, knowledge, awareness, and experience, training on hospital waste management, availability of basic infrastructure and resources, financial facilities for hospital waste management, availability of rules and regulations, and intra and inter-organizational supports significantly affect sustainable hospital waste management. Exploring the sustainability of waste management practices using empirical data related to Sri Lanka is an initial attempt in the sustainable hospital waste management literature. Finally, policy measures are suggested for sustainable hospital waste management in Sri Lanka.
... The implementation of the proposed policy framework for managing plastic waste in Sri Lankan fishery harbours faces several challenges, including ensuring compliance from all producers. Regular inspections are necessary to monitor compliance with the policy framework, and penalties should be imposed to deter non-compliant behaviour [7]. Another challenge is the insufficient waste management facilities in Sri Lankan fishery harbours [15]. ...
This study focuses on plastic waste management in the Dikkowita fishery harbour in Sri Lanka. Plastic bottles and polythene packaging are identified as the primary sources of plastic waste accumulation. Inadequate waste disposal methods are also observed. The study reviews successful policy frameworks worldwide, including extended producer responsibility, plastic bag bans, and Pay-As-You-Throw systems. Insights from case studies in other harbours and ports are incorporated. The study explores implementing a circular economy approach, considering Sri Lanka's specific challenges. The recommendations aim to guide policymakers and stakeholders in effectively managing plastic waste, reducing its negative impacts, and promoting sustainable resource utilisation. Further details on the study methodology, key findings (such as specific amounts of plastic waste), and policy measures for improving plastic waste management in fishery harbours could be incorporated for a more comprehensive study presentation.
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Effective municipal solid waste (MSW) management presents a critical challenge globally, exacerbated by rapid urbanisation, population growth, and shifting consumption patterns. This review paper focuses on the sustainable management of food, wood, garden, and cardboard waste (FW, GWW, and CW) in developing countries, with a particular emphasis on Sri Lanka. The review highlights the urgent need for innovative solutions due to the inefficiencies of current waste management practices, which primarily involve open dumping and limited composting and recycling. This review aims to evaluate the potential of pyrolysis technology in converting these waste streams into Biochar, a valuable by-product with numerous environmental, agricultural, and industrial applications. The methodology involved a comprehensive literature review using resources like Google Scholar and Science Direct, focusing on the application of Pyrolysis for transforming waste into Biochar. Key findings indicate that Pyrolysis offers a viable solution by converting waste into Biochar, which has beneficial applications in agriculture and environmental management. Pyrolysis techniques are noted for their potential to reduce methane emissions, improve soil fertility, and enhance waste-to-energy conversion. The review recommends enhancing waste segregation and collection infrastructure, promoting sustainable waste management techniques, increasing public awareness, and investing in research and development. Policy support and public-private partnerships are also essential for improving waste management practices. Future research should explore circular economy principles, the long-term impacts of current practices, and advanced waste processing technologies. Implementing these recommendations can significantly advance MSW management, mitigate environmental pollution, and promote public health, fostering more sustainable urban environments.
This study looks at the annual variations in landfill gas concentrations within the surface layer of the dump as well as the effect of climatic factors on these variations under the tropical climate. The experiment was carried out at part of the Karadiyana landfill, Sri Lanka, containing old mixed municipal solid waste covered by vegetation. The gas concentrations of the landfill surface layer were measured from three gas wells established on the dump surface layer, which contains 2.5 m depth, throughout the year with the measuring of climatic factors. The results show the annual fluctuation of temperature, cumulative rainfall, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure were 27–42°C, 66.7–357.7 mm, 24.7%–78.2%, and 999.5–1014 mbar around the studied landfill area, and the average concentration value of the CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2 S, and VOCs gases were 18.94 ± 11.49%, 15.48 ± 15.17 mg m ⁻³ , 15.06 ± 19.02 mg m ⁻³ , and 0.83 ± 0.99 mg m ⁻³ , respectively. The rainfall and atmospheric temperature were significant metrological factors influencing the surface layer gas concentrations and showed a significant positive correlation with cumulative rainfall and a negative correlation with atmospheric temperature. The relative humidity shows a moderate positive correlation, and there was no evidence of a considerable impact of atmospheric pressure on the surface layer concentrations. Annual fluctuation is a critical factor for landfill gas emission quantification, and surface layer concentration variation can be used to study the emission fluctuation by considering their relationship.
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Elimination of vector mosquito larvae and their breeding environments is an effective strategy in dengue disease control. Present study examined larval density and water quality in breeding habitats and container preference of dengue vectors Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Larval surveys were conducted monthly in urban, semiurban, and rural sites in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, from January 2019 to December 2021. Larval densities were recorded under the following three categories: type of container (16 types), type of material (6 types), and location (indoor/outdoor). Breeding preference ratios (BPRs) were calculated using Index of Available Containers and the Index of Contribution to Breeding Sites. Out of 19,234 wet containers examined, larval stages were found in 1,043 habitats. Ae. albopictus larvae were in all three areas whereas Ae. aegypti larvae were restricted to urban areas. Highest number of wet containers and highest positivity were reported from urban followed by semiurban. In general, discarded nondegradable items were the most frequent and mostly positive breeding sites. For Ae. aegypti, the most preferred breeding sites were gutters and concrete slabs. Ae. albopictus mostly preferred concrete slabs in urban areas and tyres in semiurban and rural areas. Material types such as rubber and concrete were mostly preferred by Ae. aegypti whereas ceramic was preferred by Ae. albopictus. Although plastic was the most available material type in all study sites, preference to plastic was low except for urban Ae. albopictus. Both species preferred urban indoor breeding habitats although outdoor breeding was preferred by Ae. albopictus in rural areas. Larval densities of Ae. aegypti and semiurban Ae. albopictus significantly correlated with the BPR of the container type and material type. Dengue vector larvae were found in a 6.7–9.4 pH range. Total dissolved solids and alkalinity positively correlated with preference. Information generated can be successfully used in waste management and public education for effective vector control.
This paper describes the development and subsequent application of econometric models to generate disaggregate predictions of residential waste loads. Both time and waste load estimates were developed, and districting plans generated from sample data for the town of Brookline, Mass. Included are descriptions of the character of the system, the waste generation models, and sample districting outputs.
The relationship between municipal solid waste generation rates and income is assumed to be a direct and positive one. The present paper analyzes this relationship for 123 countries, based on data compiled by the United Nations. It was found that instead of a straight line, solid waste generation shows a curvilinear shape as income increases. The proposed model indicates a transitional pattern: as a country develops, its waste generation rate increases; then for middle and upper-income countries a transition takes place, in which waste generation and income show a very weak association, and for the wealthiest countries, their waste generation rates actually decrease.
Waste management is viewed as part of a generation, collection and disposal system. A systems approach that reveals its relationship to other parts of the system is examined in the light of producing more sustainable practice.The move to a more sustainable society requires greater sophistication to manage waste. A traditional reductionist approach is unsustainable as it lacks flexibility and long term thinking.A sustainable waste management system incorporates feedback loops, is focused on processes, embodies adaptability and diverts wastes from disposal.Transitioning to a sustainable waste management system requires identification and application of leverage points which effect change.
: This paper describes the inadequacies of public provision for solid waste collection and disposal in Benin City (and also in other Nigerian cities) and the limitations of the privatized schemes that have sought to address these inade-quacies. Its description of solid waste management in Benin City draws on the author's interviews with 591 households which revealed that three-fifths had no solid waste collection service and which highlighted the inadequacies in the services for much of the rest. The paper also describes the lack of resources available to the public agency responsible for service provision and the inadequacies in the privati-zation scheme set up in 1995 to address this issue. It ends by stressing the need for private provision arrangements that are tailored to the characteristics of different parts of the city and by suggesting the kinds of arrangements that should work better in the low-income areas which are generally the ones least served by conven-tional public sector or privatized arrangements.
Present status of solid waste management and challengers for change
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Data Collection Survey on Solid Waste Management in Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Final Report
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Sustainable Approaches to the Municipal Solid Waste Management in Sri Lanka
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Waste management benchmarking: A case study of Serbia
  • M Llic
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Municipal Solid Waste Management -The Sri Lankan Case' Paper Presented at Conference on Developments in Forestry and Environment Management in Sri Lanka
  • J G J Nilanthi
  • Bandara
Nilanthi J.G.J. Bandara,(2008), 'Municipal Solid Waste Management -The Sri Lankan Case' Paper Presented at Conference on Developments in Forestry and Environment Management in Sri Lanka. [Online Web: Accessed on 20th March, 2019],