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Two new species of Hoya (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia


Abstract and Figures

We document the discovery of two new species of Hoya from Sulawesi, Indonesia, H. sulawesiana S.Rahayu & Rodda and Hoya surisana Rodda & S.Rahayu. Hoya sulawesiana is similar to Hoya isabelchanae Rodda & Simonsson in flower morphology because both species have very pubescent globose corolla but they can be separated based on leaf morphology and corolla indumentum type. Hoya surisana is very unusual because its flowers display a combination of large calyx lobes, a white, pubescent, campanulate corolla, and dark purple corona lobes so far not observed in any other species of the genus.
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Taiwania 65(2): 209‒215, 2020
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2020.65.209
Two new species of Hoya (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Sulawesi,
Michele RODDA1,*, Sri RAHAYU2
1. Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board, 1 Cluny Road, Singapore, 259569, Singapore.
2. Bogor Botanic Gardens, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bogor, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author’s email:
(Manuscript received 23 January 2020; Accepted 30 March 2020; Online published 7 April 2020)
ABSTRACT: We document the discovery of two new species of Hoya from Sulawesi, Indonesia, H. sulawesiana S.Rahayu &
Rodda and Hoya surisana Rodda & S.Rahayu. Hoya sulawesiana is similar to Hoya isabelchanae Rodda & Simonsson in flower
morphology because both species have very pubescent globose corolla but they can be separated based on leaf morphology and
corolla indumentum type. Hoya surisana is very unusual because its flowers display a combination of large calyx lobes, a white,
pubescent, campanulate corolla, and dark purple corona lobes so far not observed in any other species of the genus.
KEY WORDS: Acanthostemma, Celebes, Cystidianthus, Hoya, Makalangkan Mountain, Mamuju, Marsdenieae.
In recent years taxonomic research on the genus
Hoya R.Br. in Indonesia has intensified, with the aim to
eventually complete a revision of the genus for Indonesia.
First the species of Borneo were investigated in detail by
Lamb and Rodda (2016), who recorded 72 species, 34 of
which occur in the Indonesian southern part of the Island.
Subsequently Rahayu and Rodda (2019) investigated the
diversity of Hoya of Sumatra, where 43 taxa were found,
(41 species and two subspecies). These numbers are far
from final and instead are just a starting point for further
research: new species from Borneo and Sumatra have in
fact already been published since (Rahayu and Rodda,
2017; Rahayu and Astuti, 2019; Rodda et al., 2018).
We have recently extended our research to Sulawesi,
an island in the centre of the SE Asian ecoregion of
Wallacea. Sulawesi, unlike Borneo or New Guinea, has
long been separated from the continental region and
therefore is characterised by a highly unique array of
plants (Monk et al. 1997, Irawati and Widyatmoko 2019).
In contrast to the high plant diversity, Sulawesi is one
of the most poorly studied islands in Southeast Asia (de
Vogel, 1989; Cannon et al., 2007). The density of
herbarium specimens collected from Sulawesi is
relatively low, with 24 specimens per 100 km2, similar
to that of Sumatra (22) but much less than Borneo (35)
or New Guinea (46) (Campbell and Hammond, 1989).
With an estimated 5972 plant species, 37.3% of which
endemic, Sulawesi has a similar number of estimated
endemics as Kalimantan in Borneo (39.5%)
(KPPN/Bappenas 2016; Middleton et al., 2019).
The first species of Hoya described from Sulawesi
was Hoya multiflora Blume (as Centrostemma
micranthum Blume). The genus Hoya in Sulawesi was
first revised by Miquel (1856), who listed two species,
Hoya multiflora Blume (as Cyrtoceras micranthum
(Blume) Miq.), and Hoya ariadna Decne (likely a
synonym of Hoya coronaria Blume). Subsequently in
1863 Hoya maxima Teijsm. & Binn. was added
(Teijsmann and Binnendijk 1863) (= Hoya imbricata
Decne.). Four species were described from Sulawesi by
Schlechter (1908, 1916): Hoya gracilis Schltr., Hoya
dolichosparte Schltr., Hoya incurvula Schltr. and Hoya
minahassae Schltr.
The most recent and comprehensive study on Hoya
of Sulawesi was published by Kleijn and van Donkelaar
(2001), who focussed on central Sulawesi, where 13
species were found. They estimated the number of
species of Hoya for Sulawesi at between 15 and 20.
Three new species have since been published (Rodda
and Simonsson Juhonewe, 2016). Based on preliminary
data, Sulawesi has 15 species of Hoya, about 70 % of
which are endemic to the island. It is likely that the
number of species for Sulawesi will increase steeply as
research progresses as has been observed for Borneo,
Sumatra and New Guinea (Lamb and Rodda, 2016;
Simonsson Juhonewe and Rodda, 2017; Rahayu and
Rodda, 2019), and will far exceed the estimate of species
given by Kleijn and van Donkelaar (2001).
As noted by Rahayu and Rodda (2019), unidentified
Hoya species are often posted on social media for
identification. In 2018, Indonesian Hoya enthusiasts
posted on Facebook pictures of two unidentified Hoya
species from Sulawesi. Later the species became
available in the international horticulture market. After
the original source of the plants was traced by SR,
samples for study were obtained and deposited at BO
herbarium allowing the description of the new species.
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
Hoya sulawesiana S.Rahayu & Rodda, sp. nov.
Fig 1
Similar to Hoya isabelchanae Rodda & Simonsson
in inflorescence, corolla and corona morphology, but
differing in lamina shape (orbicular-ovate (to elliptic),
convex, to 7 cm long in H. isabelchanae vs. lanceolate
or elliptic in H. sulawesiana 7–30 cm long), and in type
of corolla inner surface pubescence (hairs straight and
pointing outwards in H. isabelchanae vs. recurved
towards the corona in H. sulawesiana).
Type: INDONESIA, Sulawesi, West Sulawesi,
Mamuju, 100 m elev., originally collected by Andarias
Sambokaraeng, vouchered in cultivation at Bogor Botanic
Garden, 17 June 2019, Rahayu 1215 (holotype, BO).
Epiphytic climber with white latex in all vegetative
parts. Stems slender yet stiff, to 10 m long, twining,
creeping and hanging on trees and tree branches,
internodes (2)5–20(30) cm long, 2–3 mm in diameter,
dull green or brown purplish and pubescent when young,
dull green to greyish and glabrous when mature, surface
rough; adventitious root sparsely produced along the
stem and just under the nodes where they are usually
paired. Leaves: petiole straight or recurved, cylindrical,
6–12 mm long, 2–4 mm in diameter, pale green, purplish,
greyish or brownish, sparsely pubescent to glabrous,
surface rough (when dry); lamina of two types , the first
lanceolate, very stiff and fleshy, flat, 7.5–30 × 1.5–3.5
cm, up to 3 mm thick, base acute, apex acuminate,
abaxially paler green, sometime with reddish or purplish
hue, adaxially dark green or purplish, sparsely pubescent
when young and glabrous when mature, secondary veins
barely visible above, not visible below, 5–8 each side of
the midrib, slightly sunken; the second type elliptic, flat
to sometime slightly carinate especially when young,
fleshy and stiff, 7–9.5 × 2.4–3.5 cm base sub-acute, apex
acute, abaxially mid to dark green, glabrous, adaxially
pale to mid-green green or sometime reddish, sparsely
pubescent turning glabrescent above, secondary veins
not visible; colleters 1 or 2 at lamina base, triangular to
ovate 0.3–0.5 mm long. Inflorescence positively
geotropic, pseudo-umbelliform, flat to slightly concave;
peduncle extra axillary, 7–12(–25) cm long, 1.5–2 mm
in diameter, dull green to brown, sparsely pubescent
when young, turning glabrous, papillose; rachis
indeterminate. Flowers (4)6–10(15) per inflorescence;
pedicel variable in length, inner ones 1–1.5 cm long,
outer ones 2.5–3 cm long, 1.2–1.5 mm in diameter,
pinkish cream, pinkish at apex and base, glabrous. Calyx
lobes triangular, 1.5–2 × 1–0.8 mm, apex narrow with
blunt tips, white or cream, glabrous; basal colleter one at
each calyx lobe sinus, ovate, 300–400. × ca. 100 μm.
Corolla rotate with strongly reflexed lobes, 10–15 mm in
diameter, ca. 20 mm in diameter when flattened; corolla
lobes reflexed with revolute tips; tube 2–3 mm long, dark
purple, abaxially glabrous, adaxially shortly pubescent,
denser towards the centre; lobes ovate, 7–9 × 5–6 mm,
apex acuminate, basally dark purple turning pale salmon
pink at the tips, abaxially glabrous, adaxially covered
with dense long, silvery hair recurved towards the
corolla centre (excluding glabrous tip and sparsely
pubescent base). Corona staminal, 7–10 mm in diameter,
4–6 mm high; corona lobes broadly ovoid, 3.5–4 × 2–2.5
mm, slightly ridged above, underneath sulcate, inner
process apex acuminate, outer process apex divided in
an upper round part and a lower bilobed part, inner
process and upper part of outer process pale pink, lower
outer process bilobed part reddish purple. Anther
appendages broadly triangular, c. 1.2 × 1.2 mm. Pollinia
oblong, 380–420 × 140–160 μm, base rounded, apex
lunate, divergent, pellucid margin all along the outer
edge of the pollinium; corpusculum oblong, 120–150 ×
50–60 μm; caudicle broad, spathulate, 100–120 × 110
μm at the widest point. Style-head 5 angled in cross
section, c. 2.5 mm in diameter, apex conical; ovary
conical, 1.2–1.5 mm long, each carpel ca. 0.6 mm wide
at the base, pale yellow, glabrous. Fruit and seed not
Distribution. Only known from South Sulawesi in
Towuti and West Sulawesi in Mamuju at low elevation
(100–300 m).
Etymology. Hoya sulawesiana is named after the
island of Sulawesi, where it is endemic.
Habitat and ecology. Observed in lowland forest at
100–300 m above sea level and above a stream in Towuti,
growing epiphytically on small tree trunks about 5 m
above ground, growing in about 80% humidity and 50–
70% sunlight at the time of collection (Aspar, pers.
comm.). Hoya sulawesiana can grow in low as well as
high light levels, but the leaves develop a purple colour
when exposed to intense sunlight. At the type locality in
Mamuju, the plants were rooting in ant nests. (Andarias
Notes. Hoya sulawesiana is most similar to Hoya
ischabelchanae. Both species belong to Hoya section
Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenb. because they have
revolute corolla lobes, corona lobes with bilobed outer
apices and pollinaria with broad, spathulate caudicles.
Both species are endemic to Sulawesi: Hoya
ischabelchanae is from Gorontalo in the north part of the
island, while Hoya sulawesiana is from the south and
west part of Sulawesi. Their similarities lie in the
positively geotropic, convex inflorescences, rotate
corollas with revolute pubescent lobes and corona lobes
with bilobed outer processes. Further, the coronas of the
two species are of similar size: in H. isabelchanae the
corona is 7–8 mm in diameter, 3–3.5 mm high, while in
H. sulawesiana it is 7–10 mm in diameter, 4–6 mm high.
Hoya sulawesiana differs from Hoya isabelchanae
in both vegetative and fertile parts. The leaves of H.
ischabelchanae are orbicular-ovate (to elliptic), convex,
2020 Rodda & Rahayu: New Hoya from Sulawesi
Fig. 1. Hoya sulawesiana S.Rahayu & Rodda. A, inflorescence; B, inflorescence, side view; C, flower, top view; D, flower, side view;
E, corona, side view; F, corona, from underneath; G, leaves: right, from above; left, from underneath; H, pollinarium. photos, A-G by
Surisa Somadee; H by Michele Rodda.
(1.5–)2–4(–7) × (1–)1.5–2.5 cm, with a cuneate (round)
base, and an obtuse (round) apex, while the leaves of H.
sulawesiana are much larger, lanceolate or elliptic, flat
or slightly carinate, 7–30 × 1.5–3.5 cm, with an acute
base, and an acute or acuminate apex. The corolla lobes
of H. sulawesiana are covered on the outside with dense
long hair recurved towards the corona inside while the
hairs on the corolla lobes of H. isabelchanae are straight
and point outwards.
Proposed IUCN category. Known from only two
localities at Mamuju – West Sulawesi and Towuti – South
Sulawesi with unknown population size, the preliminary
conservation status of Hoya sulawesiana is Data Deficient
(IUCN 2012). Ex situ collections are present in Bogor
Botanic Gardens (from the type locality).
Additional specimen examined. Cultivated in Thailand,
Nakhorn Si Thammarat, May 2019, S. Somadee in M. Rodda MR1956
Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
Hoya surisana Rodda & S.Rahayu, sp. nov.
Figs 2 & 3
Similar to Hoya mappigera in corolla and corona
shape and colour, but differing in number of flowers, size
and shape of the calyx and in corolla pubescence.
Type: INDONESIA, Sulawesi, West Sulawesi,
Mamasa, Pebassian, Makalangkan mountain, ca 500 m
elev., originally collected by Andarias Sambokaraeng,
vouchered in cultivation at Bogor Botanic Garden, 5
August 2019, Rahayu 1221 (holotype, BO).
Terrestrial climber with white latex in all vegetative
parts. Roots fibrous, basal; adventitious roots absent,
unless in direct contact with substrate. Stems terete, 1.5–
3 mm in diameter, mid green when young, later dark
green or greyish brown pubescent turning glabrescent;
internodes (2–)5–15(–25) cm long. Petiole cylindrical,
slightly channelled above, 4–10 mm long, 2–3 mm in
diameter; lamina coriaceous, oblong or elliptic-
lanceolate, (5–)8–12 × (1.5–)3–6 cm, base round
(cuneate), apex acuminate, abaxially pale green,
adaxially mid green, venation pinnate, main vein
depressed on adaxial surface, evident on abaxial surface,
secondary veins, 5–10 each side, more evident abaxially,
anastomosing; tertiary venation reticulate, adaxially
prominent on immature leaves only; colleters at lamina
base 3–6, conical, 0.5–0.8 mm long. Inflorescence
umbelliform, convex, positively geotropic, up to 10-
flowered; peduncle extra-axillary, terete, persistent, 1.5–
2.5 cm long, c. 3 mm in diameter, glabrous, rachis
indeterminate; pedicel terete, 1.8–2.8 cm long, 1–1.2
mm in diameter, sparsely pubescent. Calyx lobes ovate-
lanceolate, spatulate, 14–17 × 7–9 mm, apex acuminate,
greenish white, outside glabrous, inside very sparsely
pubescent, margins ciliate. Basal colleter 1(0) at each
calyx lobe sinus, oblong, 0.2–0.3 × c. 0.1 mm. Corolla
broadly campanulate, membranous, 1.5–2 cm in
diameter, with lobes sharply bent outwards; tube broadly
campanulate, 7–9 mm long, white, outside glabrous,
inside very finely pubescent; lobes triangular, sharply
bent outwards, 7–9 × 9–10 mm, white, abaxially
glabrous, adaxially very finely pubescent. Corona
stipitate, stipe ca 1 mm long, ca 2.5 mm in diameter;
corona lobes with a basal, spreading globose process ca
2 mm in diameter with basal revolute margins, dark
purple, and an apical lunate process 3–3.5 mm long,
apically acute, dark purple. Guide rails ca 3 mm long,
yellow. Style head conical ca 2 mm in diameter, ca 1.5
mm high, covered by the anther appendages. Pollinia,
oblong, 900–1100 × 150–200 μm, without pellucid
margin, corpusculum ovate, 700–750 × 480–520 μm,
caudicles triangular c. 120 μm long. Anther appendages
ovate, ca 2.5 × 1.5 mm, membranous, hyaline, apically
acuminate. Ovary oblong, ca 3 × 1 mm, glabrous. Fruit
a single follicle, fusiform, 15–18 × 1–1.5 cm, base with
pedicel laterally attached, apex acuminate, seeds 3.5–4.5
× c. 1.5 mm, long comose.
Distribution. only known from West Sulawesi,
Makalangkan mountain, at about 500 m elev.
Etymology. Hoya surisana is named after Surisa
Somadee, Thai Hoya expert and grower.
Habitat and ecology. Hoya surisana is found in pine
forest on steep slopes. This species was seen rooted in
the ground and then producing long climbing stems
growing onto the nearby trees.
Notes. Hoya surisana is an unusual species of Hoya
that combines characters so far not observed in such a
combination in any other species of the genus. It is
therefore extremely difficult to pinpoint a similar species
for morphological comparison. The leaves are similar to
these of Hoya thuathienhuensis T.B.Tran et al., a species
endemic to Vietnam. The similarities are particularly
evident in the very visible venation of the young leaves,
that are paler than the rest of the lamina, and become
darker as the leaf matures. Both species are also
terrestrial climbers. The mature plain mid green glabrous
leaves are also comparable to these of Hoya ischnopus
Schltr. from New Guinea, which are almost
indistinguishable. Both H. thuathienhuensis and H.
ischnopus have corollas with reflexed lobes, while H.
surisana has campanulate corollas.
The most prominent feature of the flower of H.
surisana is the rather large, broadly campanulate, white
corolla. This has been observed in numerous species
such as Hoya campanulata Blume, Hoya danumensis
Rodda & Nyhuus, H. mappigera Rodda & Simonsson
and Hoya wallichii (Wight) C.M.Burton from Sundaland.
All these species have glabrous corolla, while the corolla
of H. surisana is very finely pubescent inside.
Additionally, these species have small calyx lobes that
do not extend beyond the corolla lobe sinuses while in H.
surisana the calyx lobes are very prominent and extend
beyond the corolla lobe sinus. Very conspicuous and
large calyx lobes have been observed in Hoya griffithii
Hook.f. and Hoya thailandica Thaithong from
continental Southeast Asia and some forms of Hoya
calycina Schltr. from New Guinea. However, none of
these species have a campanulate corolla. The corona of
H. surisana is somewhat similar to that of Hoya
mappigera from peninsular Malaysia and Borneo. In
both species the corona lobes have a distinct swollen
basal process and an erect elongated process. As
mentioned above the two species can be separated based
on the corolla pubescence and the vastly different size of
the calyx. Further, H. mappigera produces
inflorescences that produce only one flower at a time
while H. surisana inflorescences produce up to 10
flowers opening concurrently.
Additional specimen examined. Cultivated in Thailand,
Nakhorn Si Thammarat, May 2019, S. Somadee in M. Rodda MR1955
2020 Rodda & Rahayu: New Hoya from Sulawesi
Fig. 2. Hoya surisana Rodda & S.Rahayu. A, inflorescence; B, buds, almost ready to open; C, inflorescence back view, showing the
large calices; D, leaves: right, from underneath; middle, from above; left, from above and immature; photos, A-C by Surisa Somadee;
D by Michele Rodda.
We thank Mr. Aspar from Towuti, South Sulawesi, Andarias
Sambokaraeng from Mamasa, West Sulawesi and Surisa
Somadee from Thailand who provided material of the new
species for study and cultivation in Bogor Botanic Gardens and
Singapore Botanic Gardens; We also thank the curators of BCU,
SNP, SING, UC and UPM herbaria for allowing access and/or
for providing high quality images of herbarium specimens.
Finally we would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for
their valuable comments on the manuscript.
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Taiwania Vol. 65, No. 2
Fig. 3. Hoya surisana Rodda & S.Rahayu. A, flower; B, flower, side view; C, calyx; D, E, corona, side view; F, corona, from underneath;
G, follicle showing seeds within; H, pollinarium. photos, A-G by Surisa Somadee; H by Michele Rodda.
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... LIPI developed multiple biodiversity information systems, such as the Indonesian Biodiversity Information System (IBIS), the Indonesian National Biodiversity Information Network (NBIN), and the Indonesian Biodiversity Information Facility (InaBIF) [61]. Indonesian scientists published important work on botanical exploration and discovered many new species and taxa [62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69]. Priyadi et al. [70] published a guide to the plants in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, which includes 500 species. ...
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Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia, is the world’s largest tropical island country. It is globally recognized as a unique center of biodiversity in the Asian–Australian transitional zone. To date, however, no national plant checklist of Indonesia has been published. Here, we collected botanical information on the flora of Indonesia and presented for the first time a checklist of known native species of vascular plants in the country. Our checklist included 30,466 species belonging to 2968 genera and 317 families, representing 8.7% of the 351,180 vascular plant species worldwide. Among the seven regions, Sumatra had the highest number of species at 10,902, followed by Indonesian New Guinea (9935), Java (9289), Kalimantan (9191), Sulawesi (7048), Maluku (5294), and Lesser Sunda Islands (4514). In contrast, Indonesian New Guinea had a much higher proportion of locally endemic species than other regions (59%). The seven regions were divided into three phytogeographical areas: the Sunda Shelf, the Sahul Shelf, and the Wallacea, based on similarities in floristic composition. Our checklist for Indonesia provides basic information for biodiversity conservation and associated research.
... The insufficient knowledge about this taxon is a good example for the high and understudied diversity in the tropics. Sulawesi is part of the Wallacea biodiversity hotspot (Pusparini et al., 2023), but it also ranks among the most poorly studied islands in the region (Rodda & Rahayu, 2020). Brambach et al. (2017) pointed out the high priority in conservation in Sulawesi because of its unique species composition and relatively high endemism. ...
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Tetradium, a genus within Rutaceae, comprises nine species found in Eastern and Southeastern Asia, distinguished by their opposite pinnate leaves and apocarpous or subapocarpous gynoecium with follicular fruits. While Hartley's 1981 monograph provided foundational insights, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus is lacking. Using next-generation sequencing (NGS), this study aims to (i) establish an NGS molecular data set for Tetradium, (ii) elucidate interspecific relationships via the hybrid capture method and (iii) investigate the taxonomic status of Euodia meliifolia var. celebica. Our data set comprised 28 samples across nine species, sequenced using Illumina Miseq and Hiseq 4000 platforms, with downstream analyses conducted using the HybPhyloMaker pipeline and ASTRAL. Our findings revealed five main groups supported by both molecular and morphological data, highlighting changes in ovule number and seed functionality. Notably, the hybrid capture method proved invaluable for studying old herbarium specimens. Finally, taxonomic revisions were proposed, including the reclassification of E. meliifolia var. celebica as Tetradium celebicum, the fossil Euodia costata as Tetradium costatum, and the fossil Euodia lignata as Tetradium lignatum. An updated description for T. celebicum, supplemented by a specific identification key, is provided.
... Some types of Hoya can also be adapted in highland areas [19]. Around 350 to 450 types of Hoya are found globally [23], and in Indonesia, there are estimated to be 120 types of Hoya [20]. [21] explained that Hoya plants have the potential to be developed as ornamental plants of high economic value due to their unique and beautiful flowers. ...
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Two new Hoya R.Br. species and a new subspecies, Hoya towutiensis S.Rahayu, R.P.P.Ahmad & Rodda, Hoya mamasa S.Rahayu, R.P.P.Ahmad & Rodda and Hoya mamasa subsp.longicorolla S.Rahayu, R.P.P.Ahmad & Rodda, are described from Sulawesi, Indonesia. A checklist of Hoya of Sulawesi is published, including 30 species and one subspecies, six of which are newly recorded. Hoya tsiangiana P.T.Li is typified and considered a new synonym of Hoya australis R.Br. ex J.Traill s.l.
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In the present paper we publish eight new species from New Guinea, H. domaensis , H. gauttierensis , H. liddleana , H. lucida , H. paradisea , H. pulleana , H. tarikuensis , and H. unirana , and one subspecies, H. krusenstierniana subsp. laticorolla . Five taxa were first diagnosed based on specimens at the Leiden herbarium, one species is only known from a collection at Edinburgh and Lae herbaria, while three are based on recently collected specimens. Hoya leucantha , originally described from a specimen in bud, has been identified among herbarium specimens and was also recently recollected. It is therefore fully described and illustrated for the first time.
One new species of Hoya from Indonesia, Hoya batutikarensis, is described and illustrated. It is similar to H. camphorifolia but it has unusual corona lobes, each lobe has a spreading process at base and an apical triangular process, while the corona of H. camphorifolia has simple navicular lobes. Hoya ischnopus, a species so far only known to occur in New Guinea, is newly recorded in Sulawesi, considerably extending its distribution area.
One new species of Hoya from Indonesia, Hoya batutikarensis, is described and illustrated. It is similar to H. camphorifolia but it has unusual corona lobes, each lobe has a spreading process at base and an apical triangular process, while the corona of H. camphorifolia has simple navicular lobes. Hoya ischnopus, a species so far only known to occur in New Guinea, is newly recorded in Sulawesi, considerably extending its distribution area.
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Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Timor Leste, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea) is a region of high plant diversity with an estimated 50,000 flowering plant species. Estimates of plant diversity in the region continue to grow as large numbers of new species are described even though there have been suggestions that there are few new species to be
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RAHAYU, S. & ASTUTI, I. P. 2018. Hoya decipulae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Sumatra, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 18(1): 61‒67. ‒‒ The new Hoya species from Sumatra, Hoya decipulae S.Rahayu & Astuti is here described and illustrated. It is an epiphytic shrub, thin-leaved with white flowers, similar to those of H. papaschonii Rodda, but differs in corolla and corona form. Its corolla has a unique characteristic of forming a “cage” before fully opening, as a result of the attachment of the five corolla tips which are free at the centre. The corona does not have interstaminal lobes as in Hoya papaschonii. Its corona resembles that of H. multiflora Blume and H. irisae Ferreras, Kloppenburg & Tandang from the centre to the tip but differs at the base.
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The list of the species of Hoya R.Br. occurring on the Indonesian island of Sumatra is updated and the type citation is clarified. Sixteen taxa are added to the latest checklist. Hoya danumensis subsp. amarii S.Rahayu & Rodda subsp. nov., H. rigidifolia S.Rahayu & Rodda sp. nov., H. solokensis S.Rahayu & Rodda sp. nov., and H. sumatrana S.Rahayu & Rodda sp. nov. are newly described. Hoya parviflora Wight, H. parvifolia Schltr., and H. purpureofusca Hook. are lectotypified. © 2019, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. All rights reserved.
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A new Hoya subspecies from Borneo and Sumatra, Hoya fauziana ssp. angulata is described and illustrated. Both subspecies of Hoya fauziana have long lanceolate leaves, pubescent corollas and prominent ovoid corona lobes. They can be separated by the orientation of the pedicels (straight in H. fauziana ssp. fauziana and angled in H. fauziana ssp. angulata) and the type and position of pubescence of the corolla (tube and lobes pubescent with evident sericeous hairs in H. fauziana ssp. fauziana vs only tube finely pubescent in H. fauziana ssp. angulata).
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RAHAYU, S. & RODDA, M. 2017. Hoya narcissiflora (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Borneo. Reinwardtia 16(1): 11 – 16. — A new species of Hoya from Borneo is described, namely Hoya narcissiflora S. Rahayu & Rodda. The species has thin, non-succulent leaves similar to those of species in the Hoya campanulata Group and shallowly campanulate corolla. It is compared with all other Bornean Hoya species possessing campanulate corollas.
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A new species of Hoya R.Br. from Sulawesi (Indonesia), H. isabelchanae Rodda & Simonsson, is described and illustrated. It is one of the largest flowered species in Hoya section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenb. Its flowers are of comparable size to those of Hoya benchaii Gavrus et al., Hoya kloppenburgii T.Green, Hoya rundumensis (T.Green) Rodda & Simonsson and Hoya sigillatis T.Green ssp. sigillatis, all from Borneo. Among Sulawesi species it is compared with the vegetatively similar Hoya brevialata Kleijn & van Donkelaar and Hoya pallilimba Kleijn & van Donkelaar.
The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku is a comprehensive ecological survey of a series of small islands in two arcs in eastern Indonesia published in 1997. This link is to a digital copy provided by Oxford University in 2023: which can be accessed for a small fee. Hardcopies of both the English and Indonesian versions are occasionally available thro Amazon as is a Kindle version in English It contains extensive baseline data on the region’s people, ecosystems, biodiversity and land use, and discusses these in a historical as well as a developmental context. It also provides guidelines for scientific researchers on worthwhile ecological and socio-economic research projects. This region is the most diverse in Indonesia. Its myriad islands range from small atolls to active volcanic islands rising 3,500 meters above sea level. Each province has extensive coastlines—only 10 percent of the province of Maluku is land. The seas include shallow continental shelves and some of the deepest sea basins in the world. The complexity and vulnerability of these islands mean that development and environment are inextricably linked. If this is not understood and acted upon, there is no possibility for the ecologically sustainable development of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.
The taxonomy and ecology of the genus Hoya R.Br. are unclear, especially in the core area of its distribution: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and Irian Jaya. This paper summarises the available information on the ecology of Hoya species, and describes eight species from central Sulawesi. An important ecological trait of many Hoya species is their association with ants. Four types of mutualistic relationships with ants occur in the genus: 1) species with specialised leaves to house ants; 2) a single species that provides housing for ants under imbricate leaves; 3) species growing on the carton of ant nests; and 4) species that root in ant inhabited cavities in tree trunks and branches. Four of the eight described species grew in association with ants (types 2-4). Taxonomically, Hoya sussuela (Roxb.) Merr. is placed in synonymy with H. coronaria Blume, and H. maxima (H. Karst.) Warb. and H. pseudomaxima Koord. are reduced to H. imbricata Decne. Three new species are described.