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Intraspecific variation in tree growth responses to neighbourhood composition and seasonal drought in a tropical forest

Journal of Ecology

Abstract and Figures

Functional traits are expected to provide insights into the abiotic and biotic drivers of plant demography. However, successfully linking traits to plant demographic performance likely requires the consideration of important contextual and individual‐level information that is often ignored in trait‐based ecology. Here, we modelled 8 years of growth from 1,138 individual trees in 36 tropical rain forest species. We compared models of tree growth parameterized using individual‐level versus species mean trait data. We also compared models that considered regional climatic, local biotic and whole‐plant allocation contexts to those that do not. Our analyses show that growth models parameterized using individual‐level trait information outperformed those that used species mean trait information and that these models often contradicted one another indicating that the common practice of using species mean trait data requires more scrutiny. Additionally, we found that models including climatic, biotic and allocation contexts outperformed those that did not and provided nuanced insights into the drivers of tree growth in a tropical forest. Synthesis. Here we have shown that the development of models of tree demographic performance upon the basis of traits can be improved through a consideration of individual‐level trait variation as well as phenotypic and climatic contexts. We highlight that our ability to understand the drivers of tree population and community structure and dynamics in current and in future climates will be limited if contextual and individual‐level data remains understudied.
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| Journal of Ecology. 2021;109:26–37.© 2020 British Ecological Society
Received: 26 February 2020 
Accepted: 11 May 2020
DOI : 10.1111/136 5-2745.134 39
Intraspecific variation in tree growth responses to
neighbourhood composition and seasonal drought in a tropical
Jie Yang1,2 | Xiaoyang Song1,3 | Jenny Zambrano4| Yuxin Chen5| Min Cao1|
Xiaobao Deng1| Wenfu Zhang1| Xiaofei Yang1| Guocheng Zhang1| Yong Tang1|
Nathan G. Swenson6
1CAS Key Laborator y of Tropical Forest Ecology, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Mengla , China; 2Center of Plant Ecol ogy,
Core Botanical Gardens , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla, China; 3Center of Conse rvation Biology, Core Botanical Gardens, Chinese Academy of Science s,
Mengla, China; 4School of Biological Sciences, Washington State Uni versit y, Pullman, WA, USA; 5Key Laboratory of the Coastal an d Wetland Ecos ystems (Ministry of
Education), College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China and 6Depar tment of Biology, Universit y of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Jie Yang and X iaoyang Song con tributed equ ally to th is work.
Min Cao
Email: ca
Funding information
Nationa l Natural Science Foundation of
China, G rant/Award Number: 31800353
and 31670442; Strategic Priority Res earch
Program of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Grant/Award Number:
XDB3100 00 00; N SF US-C hina Dimensions
of Biodiversit y grant s, Grant/Award
Number : DEB-1241136 and DEB-1046113;
The CAS 135 program, Grant/Award
Number : 2017XTBG-T01; The Chinese
Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation
Promotion Association, Grant/Award
Number : 2016352; The S outhe ast Asia
Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Grant/Award
Number : Y4ZK111B01; The West Light
Foundation of the Chinese Academy of
Science s; Ten Thousand Talents Program of
Yunnan, Grant/Award N umber : YNWR-
QNBJ-2018-30 9; Xishua ngbanna Station for
Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem Studies
Handling Editor: Andrew Hector
1. Functional traits are expected to provide insights into the abiotic and biotic driv-
ers of plant demography. However, successfully linking traits to plant demo-
graphic performance likely requires the consideration of important contextual and
individual-level information that is often ignored in trait-based ecology.
2. Here, we modelled 8 years of growth from 1,138 individual trees in 36 tropical rain
forest species. We compared models of tree growth parameterized using individual-
level versus species mean trait data. We also compared models that considered re-
gional climatic, local biotic and whole-plant allocation contexts to those that do not.
3. Our analyses show that growth models parameterized using individual-level trait
information outperformed those that used species mean trait information and
that these models often contradicted one another indicating that the common
practice of using species mean trait data requires more scrutiny. Additionally, we
found that models including climatic, biotic and allocation contexts outperformed
those that did not and provided nuanced insights into the drivers of tree growth in
a tropical forest.
4. Synthesis. Here we have shown that the development of models of tree demo-
graphic performance upon the basis of traits can be improved through a consider-
ation of individual-level trait variation as well as phenotypic and climatic contexts.
We highlight that our ability to understand the drivers of tree population and com-
munity structure and dynamics in current and in future climates will be limited if
contextual and individual-level data remains understudied.
drought, functional traits, integrative traits, neighbourhood interactions
Journal of Ecolog
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Climate is a fundamental regional-scale driver of plant demographic
performance (Chmura et al., 2011; Pretzsch, Biber, Schütze, Uhl, &
Rötzer, 2014). Accordingly, rapid changes in climate are predicted to
drive notable shifts in the composition and dynamics of vegetation
(Kelly & Goulden, 2008; McKenney, Pedlar, Lawrence, Campbell, &
Hutchinson, 2007). Understanding the factors that drive the de-
mographic performance of trees will, therefore, help to elucidate
forest community organization and dynamics under future climatic
conditions. On local scales, biotic interactions, often measured as
the degree of crowding by neighbours, are also a key determinant of
tree demographic performance (Canham, Lepage, & Coates, 200 4;
Uriarte et al., 2010). While both regional-scale climate and local-scale
biotic interactions are appreciated in the literature (Nowacki &
Abrams, 2015; Pederson et al., 2015), their interactive effects on
tree demography have received surprisingly little attention despite
their importance for forest dynamics (Clark, Bell, Kwit, & Zhu, 2014;
Ford et al., 2017; Newber y & Stoll, 2013; O'Brien, Reynolds, Ong, &
Hector, 2017; Uriarte, Muscarella, & Zimmerman, 2018).
Plant functional traits, such as wood density, leaf mass per area
(LMA) and seed mass, can serve as valuable indicators of how climatic
and biotic interactions influence tree demography and, ultimately,
forest dynamics (Swenson, 2013; Swenson et al., 2012). Specifically,
functional traits should determine the demographic performance of
an individual in a given abiotic and biotic environment. This differen-
tial demographic performance should scale up to determine popula-
tion and community structure and dynamics (Arnold, 1983; McGill,
Enquist, Weiher, & Westoby, 2006; Poorter et al., 2008). Although
trait–demography relationships provide evidence linking organismal
traits to the abiotic and biotic environment, in many cases, widely
measured plant functional trait s such as LMA are not correlated or
are weakly correlated with tree demographic performance (Hérault
et al., 2011; Paine et al., 2015; Yang, Cao, & Swenson, 2018).
Recently, Yang et al. (2018) argued that there are three core rea-
sons underlying these weak relationships—a lack of environmental
context, failure to integrate trait data and a failure to consider in-
traspecific variation. We will briefly consider each of these reasons
here. First, the abiotic and biotic environment in which an individual
tree is located must be simultaneously considered. That is, the re-
gional scale climate may interact with the local neighbourhood com-
position to drive tree demographic per formance such that the role
of each of these contexts cannot be understood without the other.
A recent example of this was produced by Zambrano, Marchand,
and Swenson (2017) who showed that the strength of intraspecific
negative density dependence interacts with the regional scale cli-
matic suitability in which an individual tree exists. While this work
is important, climate varies substantially within and between years
and a stronger consideration of this climatic dynamism is needed in
neighbourhood studies of tree demography ( Yang et al., 2018).
A second pot ent ia l reaso n fo r we ak tr ai t–p erf orm ance rela tio ns hip s
in tre e eco l ogy is tha t le af-l eve l tra i t va lue s are no t integ r ate d to prov ide
an integrated phenotype that can be used for predicting performance
(Yang et al., 2018). For example, easily measured leaf traits (e.g. LMA)
believed to be linked to resource acquisition strategies (Reich, Walters,
& Ellswor th, 1997; Wright et al ., 200 4) are often wea kl y correlated with
tree growth rates (e.g. Lasky, Uriarte, Boukili, & Chazdon, 2014; Paine
et al., 2015; Poorter et al., 2008; Wright et al., 2010). This could be
because a proxy of resource capture rate per unit leaf area or mass
will fail to predict grow th rates without knowing the relative allocation
to leaf area or mass for the whole plant. While the need to integrate
traits and allocation is understood by some (e.g. Enquist et al., 2007;
Poorter, 1989; Poorter, Niinemets, Poorter, Wright, & Villar, 2009), it
is often ignored in trait-based studies of tree demography. One poten-
tially powerful, and feasible, way to perform such an integration would
be to place LMA into a whole crown allocation context (Yang et al.,
2018) . Th e LM A of a plant is positi ve ly rela te d to lea f life spa n an d ne ga-
tively related to resource capture rates (Moles, 2018; Reich et al., 1999;
Wright et al., 2004; but see Osnas, Lichstein, Reich, & Pacala, 2013).
However, LMA represents the strategy of a single leaf without context
regarding whole crown all ocation . Th us , th e pr od uct of LMA and crown
volume (LMA × crown volume = LMAadjusted) would provide a rough
estimate of the total allocation to canopy leaf mass. Previous work has
shown a strong relationship between total photosynthetic mass and
plant growth rate (Niklas & Enquist, 2001). This indicates that a trait
like LMA , which often fails to predict tree per formance, would become
a stronger predictor if adjusted for crown volume.
A final reason why easily measured functional traits often fail to
predict tree per formance is that species mean trait values and mean
demographic per formance are analysed. That is intraspecific varia-
tion in traits and performance is often not considered. This is despite
the considerable amount of intraspecific variation in plant traits and
demo gra phic pe r fo rma nce in natu ral for est syst ems. Th at said , intra -
specific variation has is becoming increasingly utilized in trait-based
ecology. For example, there is evidence that our understanding of
communit y assembly at local scales depends critically and relies on
our understanding of intraspecific trait variation (e.g. Jung, Violle,
Mondy, Hof fmann, & Muller, 2010; Violle et al., 2012). An omission
of intraspecific variation likely results in an obscured relationship be-
tween traits and demography (e.g. Iida et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2016;
von Oheimb et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2018).
In sum, the demographic performance of plants arises from rela-
tionships with the abiotic and biotic environment and their interaction.
These interactions should be related to traits, but these relationships
are of ten weak. These weak relationships may be due to a failure to
simultaneously consider the dynamic climatic context and biotic con-
text, a failure to integrate single traits into a whole plant context and
an over-reliance on species average trait values (Yang et al., 2018).
Over 40% of tropical forests world-wide are subject to seasonal
water stress (Miles et al., 2006; Myneni et al., 2007). Plants in these
forests generally downregulate photosynthesis or shed leaves in the
dry season (Restrepo-Coupe et al., 2013). These alternative photo-
synthetic and phenological strategies have different implications for
individual growth (Enquist & Leffler, 2001; Grogan & Schulze, 2012).
The investigation of the combined effects of climate and local com-
petition on tree demography and their relative contributions to forest
Journal of Ecology
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dy nam ic s has be en usef ul (e. g . Can ha m , Pa pai k, Ur ia r te, & Mc Will iam s,
2006; Clark et al., 2014; Zambrano et al., 2017). However, these previ-
ous studies have typically examined tree performance during a single
ti m e-p e rio d wi t hou t con s ide rat ion of rep e ate d tem por al ch a nge s in th e
abiotic environment. However, seasonal changes in temperature and
precipitation during wet or dry seasons strongly impact plant phenol-
ogy, plant growth and water relations (Zeppel, Wilks, & Lewis, 2014).
Therefore, it is likely that average annual growth rates aggregated from
data taken over long periods and correlated with summar y statis tic s of
annual climate mask substantial shorter-term variation in tree grow th
rates in response to intra-annual climate variability.
Here we combine detailed individual-level tree growth, biotic
neighbourhood and trait data with local climatic data over a period
of 9 years in a seasonal tropical rain forest. The specific questions
we asked in the study are: (a) Do models of individual tree growth
with individual-level trait data outper form those with species aver-
age trait values? (b) Does integrating leaf trait data (i.e. LMA) into a
crown contex t (i.e. LM Aadjusted) provide better models of tree growth
than those parameterized using non-integrative traits? and (c) What
are the interactive effects between traits, neighbourhood and cli-
matic context on tree growth?
2.1 | Study site
The study was conducted in the 20-ha Xishuangbanna forest dy-
namics plot (FDP) in a seasonal tropical rainforest of Southwest
China (21°37′08″N, 101°35′07″E; Figure S1). This forest is domi-
nated by large individuals of Parashorea chinensis (Dipterocarpaceae).
Monsoonal effects are a dominant driver of rainfall and air tempera-
ture on the local climate and produce marked seasonal patterns, with
distinct alternations between the dry season (November–April) and
the wet season (May–October). The dry season is characterized by
approximately five continuous months with lit tle precipitation and
lower temperature (Figure S2). The annual rainfall averages 1,493 mm
in the fo re st, of which 1, 256 mm (84%) occu rs in the we t se as on (Ca o,
Zou, War re n, & Zhu, 20 06). The st ron gl y sea sonal precip ita ti on dr ives
more ex te nsive varia tion of tre e gr ow th wit hin year than acr oss years
(VA Rseason = 0.1, VARyear = 0.07; p < 0.01). The Xishuangbanna FDP
was established in 20 07, and censuses are carried out every 5 years.
All freestanding woody ste ms ≥1 cm diam eter at breast height (DBH),
that is, 130 cm from the ground, are measured, tagged , ide ntified and
mapped. There were a total of 468 species and 95,946 individuals in
the plot first census. A detailed description of the climate, geology
and flora of this plot can be found in Cao et al. (2008).
2.2 | Growth rate
This study uses a subset of trees in the forest plot that have
growth monitored on a fine temporal scale using dendrometer
bands. Dendrometers offer the potential to provide continuous
high-resolution measurements of tree radius changes. Specifically,
stainless steel dendrometer bands were installed in the plot from
January 2009 following a standardized protocol (Muller-Landau &
Dong, 2008). Digital calipers were used to record the window size on
the dendrometer for each measurement. The first re-measurement
was conducted in August 2009 and, since then, the dendrometers
have been re-measured every 3 months. To guarantee data accu-
racy, we discarded the cases where (a) the tree had damaged den-
drometer bands; (b) the tree died during the study period; (c) the tree
was within 15 m from the plot edge; or (d) the tree had incomplete
trait or growth data. Furthermore, in order to compare models that
included intraspecific or interspecific trait data, we used those spe-
cies with an abundance of ≥15 in the forest plot. For each focal tree,
tree circumference increments were transformed into diameter first,
we then calculated its annual absolute diameter growth (AGR) dur-
ing the dry season and wet season per year from November 2009
to May 2018. All AGR values that exceed four standard deviations
from the mean were discarded (c. 5%), we finally obtained a dataset
containing 65,506 growth records for 1,138 individual trees belong-
ing to 36 species (Table S1; Figure S3). Here we refer to the growth
rate within each season as ‘seasonal growth’, while we refer to the
growth rate during a year as ‘annual growth’.
2.3 | Functional traits
We measured four functional traits for each tree with a dendrom-
eter band using the standard protocols described in Cornelissen
et al. (2003) with a few exceptions noted below (Table S2). Here we
included tree height, wood-specific resistance (WSR), crown adjusted
le af mass pe r are a (LM Aadjusted) and leaf area, which are thought to be
strong indicators of plant functional strategies and are expected to
be linked to individual tree growth in response to seasonal drought
(Westoby & Wright, 2006; Wright et al., 2010). Specifically, we
represented total allocation to the crown as LMA × crown volume,
called LMAadjusted in this study. The dimensions of tree crowns were
calculated to estimate canopy volume. Tree height (H), height of the
lowest foliage (Hf), two orthogonal widths of crown (W1 and W2)
were measured using a laser telemeter attached to an altimeter pole
following the protocols described in Iida et al. (2012) to calculate the
volume of an ellipsoid:
where W1 is the crown width, W2 is the crown length, H is the tree
height and Hf is the height of the lowest foliage.
Th e WSR wa s me asu red fo r each ind i v idua l usi n g a Resi s t ogra ph
(Rinntech Co.), an electronically controlled drill that measures the
relationship between drilling resistance and stem density (Isik &
Li, 2003; Yang et al., 2014). The WSR of an individual is strongly
correlated with the more commonly measured trait of wood
Canopy volume
Journal of Ecolog
YANG et Al.
density, while being a less destructive measurement on individuals
undergoing long-term monitoring (Isik & Li, 2003). A total of 3–15
leaves, that did not have any obvious symptoms of pathogen or her-
bivore attack and without substantial cover of epiphylls, were ran-
domly collected at the tree canopy for each individual (Cornelissen
et al., 2003). Leaf area was measured using scanner and ImageJ
software by r package Lea farea (Katabuchi, 2015). The LMA was
measured by the dry leaf mass divided by leaf area. The measure-
ment of leaf functional traits followed the same methodologies
as used by Yang et al. (2014). Pearson correlation coefficients for
pairwise correlation between the functional trait data was show in
the Table S3. We used each trait in both the individual- and spe-
cies-level models. All trait data were centring transformed for nor-
mality prior to analysis.
2.4 | Local climatic data
Water availability and temperature are major climatic factors
in monsoon systems that drive seasonal drought (Figure S1;
Table S4). Vapour pressure deficit ( VPD) summarizes the joint eco-
logical effects of precipitation and temperature (McDowell et al.,
2008; Will, Wilson, Zou, & Hennessey, 2013). The VPD has been
shown to accurately capture drought effects on tree performance
in the previous work (Eamus, Boulain, Cleverly, & Breshears, 2013;
McDowell et al., 2008; Uriarte, Lasky, Boukili, & Chazdon, 2016),
with higher VPD potentially exacerbating the physiological stress
on plants during drought events by increasing plant water loss
and/or reducing carbon uptake. The monthly VPD data were avail-
able from the automated meteorological data acquisition system
of National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station in
the Xishuangbanna Forest Ecosystem. Models for wet and dry sea-
son growth in our work used VPD data from 3-month windows
as follows: December–February and March–May for dry season
growth and June–August and September–November for wet sea-
son growth (Figure 1).
2.5 | Neighbourhood variables
To assess the local neighbourhood effects on focal tree growth,
neighbourhood variables were measured. We calculated a neigh-
bourhood crowding index (NCI) for each focal tree (i) based on the
size and spatial distance of its neighbours within a fixed radius (15 m)
as follows:
where dij is the spatial distance between a focal individual i and a
neighbour tree j and DBHj is the DBH of neighbour tree j. The distance
of 15 m was used as it is approximately the spatial scale at which bi-
otic interactions can no longer be detected in this forest plot (Yang
et al., 2014).
FIGURE 1 Three monthly variation in average vapour pressure deficit and 36 focal species growth rate in Xishuangbanna seasonality
forest from 2010 to 2018
Vapour pressure deficit
Journal of Ecology
YANG et Al.
To better understand the relationship between tree growth and
neighbourhood competition, we calculated separate indices to quan-
tify the effect of neighbourhood hierarchical trait distance (NCIH) and
neighbourhood absolute trait distance (NCIS). NCIH and NCIS are as-
sociated with trait-mediated ranks in competitive abilities and niche
differentiation, respectively (Kunstler et al., 2012; Lasky et al., 2014):
where Fi and Fj are the values of the functional trait of interest for the spe-
cies of the focal individual (i) and neighbours (j). The focal individual trait
used the data of each tree from which growth was measured, while the
neighbours’ trait used the average trait value calculated for each species.
2.6 | Statistical analyses
2.6.1 | Effects of intraspecific and interspecific trait
variation on annual tree growth
One goal of this study was to evaluate whether individual-level trait
values were a better predictor of tree grow th than species mean
trait values (i.e. question a). To address this question, we constructed
two sets of growth models, one using individual-level trait data and
the other with species-level mean trait values as predictors. The full
model had the following form (Table 1):
where Yi,t represent s the expected growt h rate of individual i in year
t and β0 is the intercept for all individuals. The latter four terms in
Equation (5) include the functional traits of the focal tree (i.e. actual
individual trait values for the intraspecific model or a mean for the
Individual traits model Species mean trait model
Model name Best model Model name Full model
Fixed effects b [95% CI] Fixed effects b [95% CI]
Intercept 0.31 [−0.15, 0.77] Intercept 3.62 [3.3, 3.94]
LMAadjusted 2.83 [2.21, 3.45] WSR −7. 7 3 [−9.1, −6.32]
NCI −1. 2 5 [−1.55, −0.95] NCI −4.84 [−5.3, −4.39]
NCIH.LMAadjusted 0.72 [−0.08, 1. 52] NCIH.wsr −0.18 [−0.6, 0.19]
NCIS. LMAadjusted 0.35 [−0.17, 0.87] NCIS.wsr 1.05 [0.81, 1.29]
LMAadjusted:NCI 4. 51 [−5.2, −3.82] WSR:NCI 10. 84 [8.9, 12.8]
−1.47 [−2.35, −0.59] WSR:NCIH.wsr 0.82 [−1.1, 2.78]
−0.53 [−1.47, 0.41] WSR:NCI.wsr −4.28 [−5.3, −3.24]
Random effects σ2Random effects σ2
Yea r 0.06 Year 0.05
Species 0.01 Species 0.02
Plot 0.01 Plot 0.01
Residual 2.94 Residual 3.15
Fixed factors 0.08 Fixed factors 0.13
GLMM(m) (%) 10.3 R2
GLMM(m) (%) 3.8
GLMM(c) (%) 12 R2
GLMM(c) (%) 5.9
AIC 33,583 AIC 34,191
BIC 33,6 61 BIC 34, 268
Note: The LMAadjusted represent s the LMA × crown volume, the WSR represents wood-specific
resistance. Neighbourhood variables included neighbourhood competition index (NCI), trait
hierarchies (NCIH) and absolute tr ait differences with neighbours (NCIS). The CI is confidence
interval, σ2 is the variance components; The R2
GLMM(m) is marginal R2 which is the variance
explained by the fixed fac tors; the R2
GLMM(c) is conditional R2 which is the variance explained by the
entire model. AIC is Akaike information criterion value; BIC is Bayesian information criterion. The
AIC and BIC values were calculated using ML and REML estimations. The bold values represent
statis tically significant results.
TABLE 1 Comparison of the best
mixed-effects models, for the ef fects
of functional traits, neighbourhood and
climate manipulations on tree growth,
using individual- or species-level trait data
Journal of Ecolog
YANG et Al.
species for the interspecific model), with the covariates correspond-
ing to the ef fect s of NCI, NCIH and NCIS, respectively (Lasky et al.,
2014). We utilized normally distributed random effects for years,
species and 20 × 20 m subplot s as
respectively. The NCI,
NCIH and NCIS var iab les were all st andardized to a mean of zero and
one standard deviation to facilitate interpretation and comparisons
among parameters.
We utilized 20 × 20 m sub pl ots as ran dom effects in the mode l to
account for any potential autocorrelation in growth between trees
in the same subplot. We did not use a larger spatial scale for this
random effect because very little-to-no correlation in growth could
be found beyond 10 m in distance.
To compare models using individual-level and species-level mean
functional traits, we used the variance explained (R2) of the GLMMs
to show the absolute value for the goodness-of-fits of each model
(Nakagawa & Schielzeth, 2013). To guarantee the validity of these
model comparisons, we used same combinations of fixed effects for
the models being compared and we used the same number of trees
(i.e. the same sample size) in each model. Two kinds of R2
GLMM for
the variance components were calculated (Table 1): the marginal R2
GLMM(m)) which is the variance explained by fixed factors and the
conditional R2 (R2
GLMM(c )) which is the variance explained by the en-
tire model (Nakagawa & Schielzeth, 2013). We also calculated Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
values using maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum like-
lihood (REML) estimations.
2.6.2 | Effects of climate on seasonal tree growth
To assess the effects of trait–climate–neighbourhood interactions
on tre e growth (i.e. question c), we generated seasonal growth mod-
els. We included average dry and wet VPD for each growing sea-
son as one of the independent variables, which allowed us to assess
potential effects of climate on tree seasonal growth variation. We
adde d co mb inations of dry- and wet- sea so n as cov ariates in th e sea-
sonal growth models. Our grow th models included the interaction
between VPD and the local neighbourhood crowding variable (NCI)
as competition may intensify when resources (e.g. water availabil-
ity) become more limited. The combined effects of climate and local
neighbourhood were described as follows:
where Zi,t and VPDt are the growth rate and VPD in season t respec-
tively. The linear predictor Zi,t included main climate and neighbour-
hood crowding, as well as their interactions. Normally distributed
random effects for species and 20 × 20 subplots are
tively. As noted above, we utilized a subplot random effect to account
for the very little spatial autocorrelation that exists bet ween immedi-
ately neighbouring trees.
To assess whether an integrative trait (LMAadjusted) was a better
predictor of annual tree growth than non-integrated traits (WSR,
leaf size, LMA, canopy volume and tree height; i.e. question b), we
fit each trait separately for the above individual-level traits model
set (Table 2). In sum, we considered 135 possible model combina-
tions in total for this aspect of the study. We determined which
traits better described tree seasonal grow th based on the AICc
model selection. We also compared the variance explained by each
traits (fixed factors) using variance explained (R2
GLMM; Nakagawa &
Schielzeth, 2013). We fit the linear mixed-effects models use the
lmer function from the Lme4 package (Bates, Maechler, Bolker, &
Walker, 2015) in R 3.0.3 (R Development Core Team, 2014).
Season +
TABLE 2 Comparison of goodness-of-fit and model predictive
accuracy of non-integrative traits and integrative traits in growth–
traits models, growth–neighbourhood models and growth–climate–
neighbourhood models
variables R2
GLMM(m) R2
(a) Growth–traits models
LMAadjusted 2.42% 23% 4 3,645 43,700
LMA 0.05% 24% 43,809 43,864
Canopy volume 0.32% 24% 43,782 43,863
Height 2.13% 23% 43,6 49 43,70 8
WSR 0.77% 25% 4 3,769 43,823
Leaf area 0.40% 24% 43,815 43,870
(b) Growth–neighbourhood models
LMAadjusted 5.10% 23% 43,286 43 ,413
LMA 3.60% 23% 43,370 43,497
Canopy volume 4.90% 24% 43,334 43,4 61
Height 4.90% 24% 43,325 43,452
WSR 3.30% 24% 43,367 43,494
Leaf area 3.0 0% 24% 43,412 43,539
(c) Growth-climate-neighborhood models
LMAadjusted 7. 2 0 % 26% 43,059 43,167
LMA 4.40% 25% 43, 205 43,314
Canopy volume 5.00% 25% 4 3,175 43,283
Height 6.14% 26% 43,125 43, 234
WSR 4.28% 26% 43,183 43,292
Leaf area 4.45% 26% 43,221 43,330
Notes: (a) Growth–traits models:
(b) Growth–neighbourhood models:
; (c) Growth–climate
The LMAadjusted represents LMA × crown volume, the WSR represents
wood-specific resistance. The R2
GLMM(m) is the marginal R2 which
variance explained by the fixed factors; the R2
GLMM(c) is conditional
R2 which variance explained by the entire model. AIC is the Akaike
information criterion value; BIC is the Bayesian information criterion.
The AIC and BIC values were calculated using ML and REML
estimations. The bold values represent statistically significant result s.
Journal of Ecology
YANG et Al.
3.1 | Individual-level and species-level average trait
data and annual tree growth
This first set of analyses was designed to test whether mod-
els using individual-level trait data outperform the models using
species-level trait data. Overall, models that included intraspecific
trait variation had better support than models with interspecific
variation (Table 1). Both marginal and conditional R2
GLMM values
from species-level mean trait model are relatively low (3.8% and
5.9%) compared with R2
GLMM values from individual-level trait
model (10.3% and 12%; Table 1). Thus, the individual-level data
provided better predictions of annual growth. The R2
GLMM(m) val-
ues of the two models also indicated larger effects from the fixed
factors in the individual-level trait model than species-level mean
trait model. We also found the magnitude of trait effects on tree
growth varied depending on where individual- or species-level
trait was included (Figure 2). Specifically, WSR was not linked to
growth when using individual-level data, but was linked to growth
when aggregated as a species-level mean.
3.2 | Crown volume adjusted leaf traits and
tree growth
The best individual-level trait models for annual and seasonal
growth included the LMAadjusted values where larger values had
faster growth (Figures 2 and 4). The use of this integrative trait (i.e.
LMAadjusted) consistently generated superior models than those that
used non-integrative traits (e.g. leaf area, WSR). Specifically, the
best fit growth–traits models, growth–neighbourhood model and
growth–climate model all included LMAadjusted and no other traits
(Figure 2). The marginal and conditional R2
GLMM values from the in-
tegrative trait models were higher than other models ( Table 2) and
both the AIC and BIC values of integrative trait models are lower
than other non-integrative trait parameterized models ( Table 2).
3.3 | Interactive effects of traits, neighbourhoods
and climate on tree growth
As noted above, LMAadjusted was the only individual trait consist-
ently related to annual and seasonal grow th in this study (Figures 2
and 4). Larger LMAadjusted tree experienced faster growth than
trees with lower values. Neighbourhood effects had a strong im-
pact on in di vi dual tre e grow th, with greater neighbourhood crowd-
ing (i.e. NCI) resulting in lower individual growth rates both in the
individual-level and species mean trait models (Figures 2 and 4).
Neighbourhood crowding weighted by trait similarity (NCIS) had a
strong positive impact on annual tree grow th when using species
me an tr ait data (Fig ure 2b) . The VPD ha d a sig nif ica nt ef fect on tr ee
seasonal growth, where within season tree growth rate increased
when the VPD decreased (Figure 4b). However, there was no im-
pact of VPD on an nu al tr ee growth (Figure 4a). In ot her words , VPD
was related to tree growth within, but not across, seasons.
There were several important interactions identified both in our
annual and seasonal growth models. We found that LMAadjusted me-
diated the effect of increased neighbourhood crowding (i.e. NCI).
Specifically, as tree LMAadjusted increased, the negative effect of
crowding on growth increased (Figure 2a). The impact of LMAadjusted
on both tree annual and seasonal growth was mediated by VPD
(Figure 4). Specifically, as VPD increased, the positive effect of
LMAadjusted on growth intensified. However, an impact of VPD on
neighbourhood competition was not detected (Figure 4).
We estimated how the LMA, tree height, WSR and leaf area of spe-
cies and local neighbourhood effects shape the observed response
in tree growth through a consideration of individual- and species-
level trait variation and seasonal drought effec ts on the growth of
36 tropical tree species over 8 years. The results of the study indi-
cate that individual-level trait information is a superior predictor of
growth as compared to species-level trait information. Furthermore,
FIGURE 2 Standardized regression
coefficients of the best-fitted model for
modelling the effects of the focal trait s,
neighbourhood crowding index (NCI),
neighbourhood hierarchical trait distance
(NCIH) and neighbourhood absolute trait
distance (NCIS) on tree annual growth.
Focal traits were either individual-level
(a) or average values at species-level (b).
Each point is a standardized regression
coefficient, and each line segments is
a 95% percentile interval respectively.
Filled circles represent significant effects.
LMAadjusted represents the LMA × crown
volume, WSR represents wood-specific
Individual-level trait values Species mean trait values
(a) (b)
Journal of Ecolog
YANG et Al.
growth is best predicted when LMA is placed in a whole plant alloca-
tion context and that growth is related to interactions between the
local neighbourhood biotic context and the dynamic climatic context
across seasons. In the following, we discuss the results in more detail.
4.1 | Intraspecific versus interspecific models
The treatment of individual heterogeneity in demography from func-
tional traits still remains largely unexplored (Yang et al., 2018). Here
we showed that individual-level trait data provide stronger models of
tree growth than species average trait values (Table 1; Figure 2). The
use of species-level average trait data in tree community ecology is
widespread (e.g. Kraft, Valencia, & Ackerly, 2008; Swenson, 2013).
While it is more practical to estimate a mean than measure traits on
every individual, a great deal of valuable information is likely lost in
suc h st ud ie s (A lb er t et al., 2010; Bol ni ck et al., 2011; Liu et al. , 2016).
Furthermore, the best fit individual-level models deviated in multi-
ple important ways from those models generated using species-level
mean trait data. For example, species-level models identified WSR
as being negatively associated with growth (Figure 2b). Not only was
this relationship not found in the individual-level models, it is the
opposite of the expected relationship between WSR, a correlate
of wood density and growth (Chave et al., 2009). In other words,
a model that aggregated trait data provided results that were in-
consistent with refined models using individual-level data and were
inconsistent with the expected relationships between a trait and
growth. Thus, the question arises—how reliable are the results from
previous studies that used species-level average traits for modelling
growth or other demographic rates? We cannot definitively answer
this question upon the basis of our single study, but it does suggest
that additional investigations similar to the present study are needed
to determine how large or small of an issue it is.
4.2 | Integrating leaf mass per area into a crown
volume context
In addition to the importance of individual-level trait data, we in-
tegrated a commonly measured trait, (i.e. LMA), into a whole tree
phenotypic context (i.e. LMAadjusted) in our trait-based models of
tree growth (e.g. Poorter, 1989). Our result s have shown that inte-
grating LMA with crown volume results in stronger models of tree
growth (Figure 2; Table 2). A considerable amount of research has
demonstrated important trade-offs described by commonly meas-
ured leaf, stem and propagule traits. However, these trait s are often
weakly correlated with tree demographic performance (e.g. Hérault
et al., 2011; Poorter et al., 20 08). The ability of traits to predict plant
performance remains largely unexplored (Shipley et al., 2016). Most
prior work has relied on using single trait, such as LMA, that lack
important contextual information about whole plant allocation and
other trait axes. In the case of trees, variation in resource allocation
is expected to be particularly important as species var y widely in
their allocation strategies and even within species as relative allo-
cation is not constant through ontogeny (e.g. Enquist et al., 2007).
The LMAadjusted variable in our study is developed from the exist-
ing, but less well-appreciated, functional ecology literature and is
based on the on the premise that total allocation to resource capture
should scale with individual growth (e.g. Enquist et al., 2007; Niklas
& Enquist, 2001; Poor ter, 1989). Our results showed that, indeed,
LMAadjusted was a better predictor of growth than other individual
functional traits (Figure 3). The better performance of integra-
tive traits in the predic tive models may help to explain why recent
FIGURE 3 Comparison of the standardized regression coefficients
of non-integrative trait s and integrative traits in three models fit to
the tree annual growth. The growth–traits model (a), the growth–
neighbourhood model (b) and the grow th–climate–neighbourhood
model (c). Each point is a standardized regression coefficient,
and each line segment is a 95% percentile interval respectively.
Filled circles represent significant effects. LMA represent the leaf
mass per area, LMAadjusted represents the LMA × crown volume,
WSR represents wood-specific resistance. Grow th–traits models:
; growth–neighbourhood models:
; growth–climate models:
1VPD +
Leaf area
Canopy volume
–4 –2 024
Leaf area
Leaf area
Canopy volume
Canopy volume
Journal of Ecology
YANG et Al.
global analyses linking functional traits and demographical rates at
different sites have lacked high predictive ability (Adler, Fajardo,
Kleinhesselink, & Kraft, 2013; Poorter et al., 2008). Thus, future re-
search should continue to push towards the modelling of individual
demographic rates based upon individual traits and their phenotypic
context ( Yang et al., 2018).
4.3 | Traits mediate tree response to neighbourhood
The importance of biotic interactions on an individual's per-
formance is well-appreciated in the forest ecology literature
(e.g. Canham et al., 2004, 2006). When considering sessile or-
ganisms, such as trees, the most evident biotic interactions
are expected to be restricted to proximate neighbours (Stoll &
Newbery, 2005). By combining spatially explicit demographic
censuses with individual-level functional traits, our results show
that neighbourhood crowding has consistently negative effects
on tree growth in this hyper-diverse tropical forest (Figure 2).
Specifically, our results show that simple neighbourhood crowd-
ing influences tree growth only when individual-level data were
utilized (Figures 2a and 4). This implies the effects of local-scale
processes such as competition may be harder to detect using
species mean data (Yang et al., 2018). It also means interspe-
cific trait variation may blur causal trait and environment inter-
action relationships (Yang et al., 2018). Furthermore, we show
that crowding effects are increased as crown allocation (i.e.
LMAadjusted) decreased in the focal individual and individuals
with higher canopy allocation had weaker negative effects due
to crowdi ng (F igu re 2a). Th us, th e s tro ng ne gat ive impa cts of le ss
crown allocation are noticeable at the individual-level as well as
in the context of the allocation of neighbouring individuals and
their density, which could not be detected with species-level
trait data (Figure 2b).
4.4 | Climate mediated growth–traits relationships
Previous studies have highlighted linkages between demography
and functional traits (e.g. Fortunel, Valencia, Wright, Garwood, &
Kraft, 2016; Liu et al., 2016; Poorter et al., 2008) or climatic factors
(e.g. Chmura et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2014; Johnson et al., 2018).
The relationship between traits and demographic performance are
typically modulated by the environment (Ellswor th & Reich, 1992).
However, most of this work has not directly aimed to uncover the
interacting effects of these two factors on tree demography. In the
final part of this study, we sought to quantify how functional traits
interact with climate to determine individual tree growth responses.
Specifically, the negative impact of VPD on growth was only evi-
dent within a season. A relationship between VPD and tree annual
growth was, however, not found. We expect this is due to total an-
nual tree growth being more strongly related to precipitation levels
totalled over the wet and dry seasons, whereas growth within dry
seasons should be related to variation in VPD. This may be expected
as strongly seasonal VPD should cause stomatal closure in response
to water deficit in the dry season, which limits to photosynthesis,
and constitutes a key cost in terms of plant growth (Mar tin-StPaul,
Delzon, & Cochard, 2017).
Beyond the VPD-growth relationship itself, we uncovered an im-
portant interaction between VPD and traits. The positive impact of
LMAadjusted on growth was mediated by VPD for both annual growth
and seasonal growth. High canopy allocation (i.e. high LMAadjusted)
was positively associated with both annual and seasonal growth.
Howeve r, the adva nta ge of hig h LMA adjusted was on ly re alize d as VPD
increased. In other words, trees with large total allocation to crown
leaf mass had better growth. This result may reflect the importance
of an unmeasured covariate of overall crown size. Specifically, larger
trees have larger crowns, but they also have larger root systems.
Thus, trees with larger crowns may be expected to perform better in
periodic dry conditions due to their larger root systems that will be
able to reach soil water in much lower strata.
FIGURE 4 Standardized regression
coefficients of the best-fitted model for
modelling individual trait effects, VPD,
neighbourhood effects (NCI), the effect of
hierarchical trait difference (NCIH) and the
effect of absolute trait difference (NCIS)
on tree grow th. VPD and tree growth
were either annual level (a) or seasonal
level (b). Each point is a standardized
regression coefficient, and each line
segment is a 95% percentile interval
respectively. Filled circles represent
significant effect. VPD represents the
vapour pressure deficit, LMAadjusted
represents the LMA × crown volume,
WSR represents wood-specific resistance
Individual annual growth Individual seasonal growth
(a) (b)
Journal of Ecolog
YANG et Al.
Identif ying the drivers of tree growth is essential for our under-
standing of forest dynamics. Trait data are frequently used to iden-
tify these drivers, but trait–growth correlations are often weak
potentially due to a lack of contextual information regarding the
environment and whole plant allocation and an over-reliance on
species-level average trait values. Here we have shown that both
the climatic and local biotic contexts are important drivers of tree
demographic performance and have interactive effects such that
our understanding of the importance of one driver is faulty without
a consideration of the other. Furthermore, we show that individual-
level trait data generally provide stronger and alternative models of
tree growth as compared to models parameterized using species-
level average data. Combined, our results show that the relationships
between traits and tree growth are the outcomes of several contexts
and best studied at the individual level, which is generally not the
approach taken in trait-based tree community ecology. Thus, while
there is great promise in trait-based approaches to tree ecolog y, our
abilit y to un der sta nd th e dr ivers of popul at ion and commun it y struc-
ture and dynamics in the current and in future climates will be limited
if contextual and individual-level data remain understudied.
This research was supported by the Strategic Priorit y Research
Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB31000000),
National Natural Science Foundation of China (31800353 and
31670442), the CAS 135 program (No. 2017X TBG-T01), the
Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion
Association (2016352), the Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research
Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y4ZK111B01), the West
Light Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the ‘Ten
Thousand Talents Program of Yunnan’ (YNWR-QNBJ-2018-309).
N.G.S. was funded by NSF US-China Dimensions of Biodiversity
grants (DEB-1241136, DEB-1046113). We are grateful for support
from Xishuangbanna Station for Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem
Studies (XSTRES). We thank Dr. Shirley Xiaobi Dong for assistance
with band installation and training. We thank Mr. Yongzheng Shen
an d Ms. Ye Liu fo r their ha rd wo r k in the fu n c t ion a l sampl e coll ect ion .
J.Y., J. Z. and N.G.S. designed the study; J.Y., J.Z., Y.C. and X.S. per-
formed the analysis; J.Y., X.S., M.C., X.D., W.Z., X.Y. and G.Z. col-
lected the field data; J.Y., J.Z. and N.G.S. wrote the manuscript, and
all authors provided comments.
The peer review history for this article is available at https://publo
ns. com/publo n /10.1111/1365-2745.13439
All data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.
org/10.5061/dryad.w9ghx 3fm5 (Yang et al., 2020).
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section.
How to cite this article: Yang J, Song X, Zambrano J, et al.
Intraspecific variation in tree growth responses to
neighbourhood composition and seasonal drought in a tropical
forest. J Ecol. 2021;109:26–37. .1111/1365-
... Previous studies have demonstrated that neighborhood interactions can have both positive (Lasky et al., 2014) and negative effects (Ding et al., 2019;Yang et al., 2021) on tree performance in tropical, subtropical, and temperate forests. The neighborhood crowding index (NCI) is a common measure that relates to neighborhood interaction and considers both neighborhood density and the distance between a tree (hereafter, focal tree) and its neighbors within a specified area (Lasky et al., 2014;Uriarte et al., 2016). ...
... The neighborhood crowding index (NCI) is a common measure that relates to neighborhood interaction and considers both neighborhood density and the distance between a tree (hereafter, focal tree) and its neighbors within a specified area (Lasky et al., 2014;Uriarte et al., 2016). High tree density in a limited area can result in negative density dependence caused by shading and competition for light, when photosynthesis is negatively affected and ultimately reduce growth rate (Yang et al., 2021). ...
... These indices are associated with the trait-mediated ranks of competitive abilities and niche differentiation, respectively (Kunstler et al., 2012;Lasky et al., 2014;Carmona et al., 2019). We also calculated both these indices weighted by neighbor coverage and size (Yang et al., 2021), but as they were strongly correlated with the previous ones, we employ only Equations (2) and (3). ...
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Questions To comprehensively understand ecological dynamics within a forest ecosystem, it is vital to explore how surrounding trees influence the growth of individual trees in a community. This study investigates the importance of biotic interactions on tree growth by examining several metrics of competitive interactions and community structure and considering three classes of intrinsic growth rates among the focal individuals: slower, intermediate, and faster‐growing trees. We also separated the focal trees based on their canopy position. Location Brazilian subtropical forests. Methods We assessed various factors related to the focal trees and their neighbors, including differences in traits, neighborhood crowding, phylogenetic distance, and overall trait composition within the community. We then ran linear mixed‐effects models to test how these different metrics influenced the growth rates of the focal trees. Results Our results indicate that phylogenetic distance is linked to higher growth. Specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area (LA), and wood density (WD) are significantly related to tree growth. Trees surrounded by neighbors with higher SLA than themselves grow better, particularly smaller trees. Similarly, taller trees with smaller LA than their neighbors grow better. Trees in the intermediary growth class grow better when they have higher WD than their neighbors. Conversely, smaller trees benefit from greater WD difference between the focal trees and their neighbors, while height difference negatively impacts faster‐growing trees. Moreover, communities with higher SLA and WD positively impact the growth of faster‐growing trees. Conclusions We conclude that the interactions between trees are mediated by their ecological differences, but the performance and responses to surrounding competitors vary along with their grow class and position within a community. This study has revealed that the tree's intrinsic growth rate mediates the effect of traits and phylogeny of surrounding trees on individual tree growth.
... Li et al. (2017) also did not find any relationship between crown architecture traits and relative growth rate for subtropical species, but their study was limited to saplings growing in well-lit conditions (planting experiment). Instead, only absolute growth rate showed a significant association, consistent with findings from other studies using AGR as a growth predictor (e.g., Yang et al. 2021). However, the crown leaf area can also fail to explain absolute growth in biomass measured through the ring width (Van Der Sande et al. 2015). ...
... For those best models, we provide standardized coefficients, marginal R 2 (R 2 m) related to fixed effects (functional traits), and conditional R 2 (R 2 c) accounting for random effects (species identity and sites) . 3 Relationship between community-level growth rate (AGR mean) and canopy packing (CP) in subtropical Brazilian Atlantic forests 2023; Yang et al. 2021). Notably, functional trait approaches based on individuals or species are conceptually distinct. ...
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Functional traits offer insights into plant performance. However, linking traits to individual tree performance requires considering the overall phenotypic context and utilizing traits measured at the individual level. Tree growth rates are informative metrics about performance, however how it is measured provides different information on tree or community growth dynamics and structure and can alter the relationships or their strength with functional traits and individual phenotypes. Moreover, at the community level, trees can adjust their crown shapes and sizes to optimize canopy space utilization, and a high level of canopy packing can enhance the individual to community-level growth rate. In this study, we assessed the crown area of 1144 individual trees, a simple trait measured at the individual level, and the leaf mass per area (LMA), a common functional trait, to test trait-growth relationships, considering absolute and relative growth rate. The observed total photosynthetic mass (integrating crown area and LMA) positively explained absolute tree growth rates, interacting with tree height. As higher the trees, more intense was the effect. Importantly, this effect was not solely based on LMA or crown size. This implies that LMA’s predictive power could improve by integrating leaf-level traits with whole-plant allocation to leaf area. These variables, however, failed to predict the tree’s relative growth rates. Additionally, our study found that increased canopy packing levels raised the community-level growth rate within our plots. This overall community growth seems be facilitated by denser tree arrangements and efficient light interception in the forest due to the higher canopy packing level. We highlight the importance of considering crown area as a critical variable to be measured during floristic inventories and in studies focused on tree performance.
... The trait identity of a focal tree's neighbours, hereafter 'neighbour traits', may also influence the growth and δ 13 C of focal trees through their influence on biotic interactions (e.g. Fortunel et al. 2016;Trogisch et al. 2021;Yang et al. 2021). In this view, neighbour traits may alter water use and with this local soil water availability. ...
... Trait-based neighbourhood models have been used to understand tree growth, survival and community assembly (Uriarte et al. 2010;Kunstler et al. 2012;Yang et al. 2021), and in few cases to understand how focal tree traits modulate tree growth responses to species richness and climate (e.g. Fichtner et al. 2020). ...
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Mixed‐species forests are promoted as a forest management strategy for climate change adaptation, but whether they are more resistant to drought than monospecific forests remains contested. In particular, the trait‐based mechanisms driving the role of tree diversity under drought remain elusive. Using tree cores from a large‐scale biodiversity experiment, we investigated tree growth and physiological stress responses ( i.e. increase in wood carbon isotopic ratio; δ ¹³ C) to changes in climate‐induced water availability (wet to dry years) along gradients in neighbourhood tree species richness and drought‐tolerance traits. We hypothesized that neighbourhood species richness increases growth and decreases δ ¹³ C and that these relationships are modulated by the abiotic ( i.e. climatic conditions) and the biotic context. We characterised the biotic context using drought‐tolerance traits of focal trees and their neighbours. These traits are related to cavitation resistance versus resource acquisition and stomatal control. Tree growth increased with neighbourhood species richness. However, we did not observe a universal relief of water stress in species‐rich neighbourhoods. The effects of neighbourhood species richness and climate on growth and δ ¹³ C were modulated by the traits of focal trees and the traits of their neighbours. At either end of each drought‐tolerance gradient, species responded in opposing directions during dry and wet years. We show that species' drought‐tolerance traits can explain the strength and nature of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships in experimental tree communities experiencing drought. Mixing tree species can increase growth but may not universally relieve drought stress.
... Functional traits are thought to the strong predictors of plant performance, contributing to the understanding of the community structure and function (Ackerly 2003;Auger and Shipley 2013;Yang et al. 2020). Tree growth is a key component of community dynamics, and linking traits to performance is a goal to explore community ecology (Enquist et al. 2007;Poorter et al. 2008;Iida et al. 2014). ...
... Efficiency traits like leaf area should be used in conjunction with leaf number traits to calculate the total leaf area of an individual. This allows for a better association of plant traits with individual performance (Iida et al. 2014;He et al. 2019;Yang et al. 2020;Liu et al. 2021). This hypothesis was demonstrated when analyzing the relationship between relative growth rate and canopy area divided by traits (Fig. S5). ...
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To explore how traits determine demographic performance is an important goal of plant community ecology in explaining the assembly and dynamics of ecological communities. However, whether the prediction of individual-level trait data is more precise compared to species average trait data is questioned. Here, we analyzed the growth and trait data for 11 species collected from October 2018 to October 2020 in a temperate forest, Donglingshan, Beijing. To quantify the relationships between traits and growth rate, we conducted linear regression models at both the species and individual levels, as well as developed structural equation models at both levels. We found there was a clear difference in growth between the warm and cold seasons, with tree growth mainly concentrated in the warm season. Growth rate was positively correlated with the specific leaf area, while negatively correlated with leaf thickness and wood density without considering environmental information. Adding important contextual information in the analysis of species-level structural equation modeling, growth rates were positively correlated with specific leaf area and leaf thickness. However, in the individual-level, there was a negative correlation between growth rate and wood density. Our study showed that individual-level trait data have better predictions for individual growth than species-level data. When we use multiple traits and establish links between traits and tree size, we generated strong predictive relationships between traits and growth rates. Furthermore, our study highlighted that the importance of incorporating topographical factors and considering different seasons to assess the relationship between tree growth and functional traits.
... The selection of variables should conform to the characteristics of site, stand and trees in this area. The dependent variable of the model is the logarithm of the square diameter growth, and the independent variable of the model is the function of tree size, competition and site variables [28][29][30] . The model expression is as follows: ...
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Individual modelling is a foundational approach to study the natural forest growth and in this paper, we develop a serial distance-depended individual tree model for some species in natural forest which would provide prediction and characteristics for natural species. The data used to develop individual model for natural mixed forests were collected from 712 remeasured 10-year periodic permanent sample plots of in Baihe Forest Bureau of Changbai Mountains, northeast China. Based on analyzing relationship between diameter increment of individual trees with tree size, competitive status, and site condition and finding out the major independent variables, the growth models for individual trees of 15 species in the natural mixed forests, that have good predicting precision, and easily applicable, were developed using stepwise regression method. The individual growth model developed in this study can reflect the tree increment of 15 species and be generally well suited for simulating tree and stand growth for natural mixed forests in Changbai Mountains. The research results for individual trees growth model of each species showed that main variable to influence on diameter increment of individual trees for natural mixed forests were tree size (D) and then competition index. The site condition was not related with diameter increment. The natural logarithm of DBH (lnD) and square diameter (D²) were included in the predicting models of diameter increment for all 15 species. The diameter increment was directly proportional to tree diameter for each species. For the competitive indexes in growth model, the relative diameter (RD), canopy closure (P), and the ratio of diameter of subject tree with maximum diameter (DDM) were related to diameter increment and the stand density measures were not significantly influenced on diameter increment. As canopy closure increase, tree increment decreases. The site conditions were performance less of factors in increment predictions in the model.
... Some studies have also compared trait variation among various shrubs under different soil nutrient and moisture treatments (Nielsen et al., 2019). Moreover, increasing evidence suggests that intra-specific variation is a major contributor to trait variation (Violle et al., 2012;Bloomfield et al., 2018;Yang et al., 2021). Understanding the patterns of intra-specific trait variation and its influencing factors in shrubs is crucial for comprehensively elucidating plant responses to climate change Yu et al., 2019;Tenkanen et al., 2023). ...
... Also, we found a negative correlation between VPD and survival, which further suggested that seedlings may be subjected to severe drought stress during growing season. Recent studies have demonstrated that high VPD during growing season could trigger water loss from the leaves, which further decreased the photosynthesis and resulted in a reduced growth and survival [81,82]. It is noted that VPD in the growing season was approximately twice as high as in non-growing season, and we found a positive correlation between N.VPD and seedling survival, which supported the viewpoint that a increase in VPD at certain times of the year can increase plant growth performance [81]. ...
Functional traits are increasingly used to forecast the response of plant performance to abiotic and biotic conditions. However, it remains unclear how functional traits will mediate the complex responses of plants to interactive drivers in a rapidly changing world. Here, we collected 17-year monitoring data on seedlings of 28 locally coexisting species and 8 functional traits in a temperate forest, and built multi-level regression models to evaluate (1) whether seedling survival varied among species along the acquisitive-conservative strategy gradient, and which functional trait affected seedling survival; and (2) how survival of species with different functional strategies responded to negative density dependence (NDD) and climate variation. We found that species with an acquisitive strategy had higher seedling survival. Specifically, seedling survival was positively correlated with specific root length (SRL), specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf area (LA), but inversely correlated with leaf dry mass content (LDMC). Functional strategies along the acquisitive-conservative gradient showed no significant effects on survival response to conspecific and phylogenetic negative density dependence (CNDD and PNDD). Negative effects of heterospecific negative density dependence (HNDD) on seedling survival were weaker for species with higher LDMC, but stronger for seedlings with larger SRL. In addition, species with more conservative strategies had higher resistance to drought stress and freezing damage. For example, species with lower SRL and SLA, and higher LDMC had higher survival under severer seasonal drought. Also, heavier seeds and thicker roots enhanced freezing resistance, whereas higher SRL and LA intensified the negative effects of cold weather. Our study provides strong evidence that functional traits could widely mediate the effects of local biotic context and climatic variation on plant performance dynamics, and help to infer community assemblages and species coexistence in the context of a changing world.
... The neighbourhood crowding index used in this study accounts for trait differences between heterospecific tree neighbours and thus does not incorporate plasticity or intraspecific trait variation. Previous studies have described an important role of genetic and phenotypic variation on tree responses to environmental stress by buffering the impact of changing environments on individual performance (Schaberg et al., 2008;Yang et al., 2021). ...
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Studies of drivers shaping forest communities frequently include abiotic or biotic factors, while their interactive effects remain understudied. Here, we combined data on two prominent abiotic gradients, climatic moisture deficit and wildfire probability, along with tree functional neighbourhoods (i.e. trait differences of close neighbours) to assess variation in survival and growth of 56 tree species in the northwestern US. We asked two questions: (1) How does functional neighbourhood dissimilarity vary with environmental gradients? and (2) How do demographic rates of tree species in the northwestern United States vary with the interactive effects of environmental gradients and functional neighbourhood? We expected functional neighbourhoods to become more similar as environmental stress increased, due to a convergence of species towards an optimum stress tolerance strategy. We also predicted the interactive effects of abiotic and biotic factors on tree demography and high variation in species‐specific responses to these interactive effects due to divergent species life history strategies. Functional neighbourhoods defined by dissimilarities in stem conductivity, litter decomposition, resprouting ability and specific leaf area changed with climate, shifting to more diverse neighbourhoods as climatic moisture deficit and wildfire probability increased. Results supported interactive effects of the functional neighbourhood and climatic moisture deficit or wildfire probability on tree demography, but only when the identity of dominant species was considered. Species‐specific responses were highly variable in their direction and magnitude and often demonstrated opposing effects of climate and the functional neighbourhood and climatic moisture deficit on tree demography. Synthesis. Our findings show that climate and tree neighbourhood functional dissimilarity jointly impact tree demography; however, the effects are species‐specific. Results of this study highlight the need to consider the interactive effects of abiotic and biotic contexts and individual species responses to their environment to adequately understand tree persistence under current and future climate conditions.
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O bioma Cerrado abriga mais de 12.000 espécies vegetais nativas, distribuídas em 11 fitofisionomias, incluindo áreas campestres, savânicas e florestais. Essa diversidade de ambientes confere às plantas nativas traços funcionais específicos. Para investigar esses traços funcionais, realizou-se uma pesquisa na base de dados Web of Science, o que resultou no total de 1227 publicações, das quais 482 foram retidas para análise após a aplicação de critérios de filtragem. Foram empregados métodos de cienciometria para a obtenção de métricas de publicação e análise de conteúdo dos artigos. Observou-se que os traços funcionais mais frequentes nas publicações estão relacionados às temáticas como fenologia, fotossíntese, ocorrência de fogo, herbivoria, polinização, área foliar, carbono, capacidade de rebrota, concorrência, adaptações à seca, anatomia vegetal e dispersão de sementes. O número de publicações foi crescente durante o período analisado (1991-2022), principalmente a partir do ano 2011, com ao menos 20 artigos publicados anualmente. Os temas básicos de pesquisa foram Cerrado, mudança climática, ecologia do fogo e déficit hídrico, os temas motores incluíram assuntos relacionados, principalmente, à fotossíntese e mudança climática. Com base nas análises, observa-se que os traços funcionais podem ser classificados em demográficos, fenológicos, fisiológicos, morfológicos, morfofenológicos e morfofisiológicos. Apesar deste estudo ser abrangente, ressalta-se que o número de artigos publicados investigando os traços funcionais de plantas nativas do Cerrado é incipiente, principalmente diante das rápidas alterações de uso e cobertura da terra que ocorrem no bioma e que podem afetar significativamente a flora. São necessários mais estudos para gerar conhecimentos e preencher as lacunas em relação às respostas e adaptações das plantas do bioma às diferentes condições e limitações ambientais, principalmente em um cenário de mudança climática, alterações no uso do solo, fragmentação de habitats, invasão de ambientes naturais por espécies exóticas e contaminação por agroquímicos.
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Habitat loss and fragmentation result in significant landscape changes that ultimately affect plant diversity and add uncertainty to how natural areas will respond to future global change. This uncertainty is important given that the loss of biodiversity often includes losing key ecosystem functions. Few studies have explored the effects of landscape changes on plant functional diversity and evidence so far has shown far more pervasive effects than previously reported by species richness and composition studies. Here we present a review on the impact of habitat loss and fragmentation on (1) individual functional traits—related to persistence, dispersal and establishment—and (2) functional diversity. We also discuss current knowledge gaps and propose ways forward. From the literature review we found that studies have largely focused on dispersal traits, strongly impacted by habitat loss and fragmentation, while traits related to persistence were the least studied. Furthermore, most studies did not distinguish habitat loss from spatial fragmentation and were conducted at the plot or fragment-level, which taken together limits the ability to generalize the scale-dependency of landscape changes on plant functional diversity. For future work, we recommend (1) clearly distinguishing the effects of habitat loss from those of fragmentation, and (2) recognizing the scale-dependency of predicted responses when functional diversity varies in time and space. We conclude that a clear understanding of the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on functional diversity will improve predictions of the resiliency and resistance of plant communities to varying scales of disturbance.
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Survival rates of large trees determine forest biomass dynamics. Survival rates of small trees have been linked to mechanisms that maintain biodiversity across tropical forests. How species survival rates change with size offers insight into the links between biodiversity and ecosystem function across tropical forests. We tested patterns of size-dependent tree survival across the tropics using data from 1,781 species and over 2 million individuals to assess whether tropical forests can be characterized by size-dependent life-history survival strategies. We found that species were classifiable into four 'survival modes' that explain life-history variation that shapes carbon cycling and the relative abundance within forests. Frequently collected functional traits, such as wood density, leaf mass per area and seed mass, were not generally predictive of the survival modes of species. Mean annual temperature and cumulative water deficit predicted the proportion of biomass of survival modes, indicating important links between evolutionary strategies, climate and carbon cycling. The application of survival modes in demographic simulations predicted biomass change across forest sites. Our results reveal globally identifiable size-dependent survival strategies that differ across diverse systems in a consistent way. The abundance of survival modes and interaction with climate ultimately determine forest structure, carbon storage in biomass and future forest trajectories.
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This review summarizes current understanding of five key plant traits: seed mass, plant height, wood density, leaf mass per unit area and leaf size, emphasizing ways in which our understanding of large‐scale patterns in plant traits have improved over the last two decades. Notable advances include: (1) large‐seeded species have greater seed dispersal distances than do small‐seeded species, (2) leaf mass per unit area is not strongly or consistently related to plant traits outside the leaf economics spectrum, or to broad gradients in environmental conditions, and (3) fleshy fruit could not have first evolved for seed dispersal, as the first fleshy fruit appeared millions of years before the first potential seed dispersers. While quantifying large‐scale patterns in plant traits has yielded many important discoveries, it is clear that the next major leap in understanding will not come from simply including ever more variables in our analyses. I suggest that we build upon Harper's “Darwinian approach to plant ecology” and apply evolutionary ideas to large‐scale trait ecology. For example, quantifying trait impacts on lifetime fitness rather than on particular stages of plant regeneration can allow us to understand the coordination between seemingly disparate traits. I use this approach to bring seed mass and plant height together as integrated parts of a species’ life‐history spectrum. I then point out problems associated with the implicit assumption that selection acts on species’ mean trait values and show how considering the way selection acts can improve our understanding of the effects of climate on plant traits. A goal for the future is to quantify the full suite of biotic and abiotic factors that shape plant strategy in complex, real‐world situations. Synthesis . Enormous data availability and ever more powerful computational and statistical tools have given ecologists unprecedented power to quantify large‐scale patterns in plant ecology. However, there is a limit to how far big data alone can take us. The time is ripe for a new generation of hypotheses and ecological theory built on strong evolutionary foundations. Let the creativity begin!
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Occasional periods of drought are typical of most tropical forests, but climate change is increasing drought frequency and intensity in many areas across the globe, threatening the structure and function of these ecosystems. The effects of intermittent drought on tropical tree communities remain poorly understood and the potential impacts of intensified drought under future climatic conditions are even less well known. The response of forests to altered precipitation will be determined by the tolerances of different species to reduced water availability and the interactions among plants that alleviate or exacerbate the effects of drought. Here, we report the response of experimental monocultures and mixtures of tropical trees to simulated drought, which reveals a fundamental shift in the nature of interactions among species. Weaker competition for water in diverse communities allowed seedlings to maintain growth under drought while more intense competition among conspecifics inhibited growth under the same conditions. These results show that reduced competition for water among species in mixtures mediates community resistance to drought. The delayed onset of competition for water among species in more diverse neighbourhoods during drought has potential implications for the coexistence of species in tropical forests and the resilience of these systems to climate change.Reduced competition for water among species in mixed tropical plant communities mediates community resistance to drought: weaker competition permits growth maintenance in drought, whereas stronger competition inhibits it.
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Stomata play a significant role in the Earth's water and carbon cycles, by regulating gaseous exchanges between the plant and the atmosphere. Under drought conditions, stomatal control of transpiration has long been thought to be closely coordinated with the decrease in hydraulic capacity (hydraulic failure due to xylem embolism). We tested this hypothesis by coupling a meta-analysis of functional traits related to the stomatal response to drought and embolism resistance with simulations from a soil–plant hydraulic model. We report here a previously unreported phenomenon: the existence of an absolute limit by which stomata closure must occur to avoid rapid death in drought conditions. The water potential causing stomatal closure and the xylem pressure at the onset of embolism formation were equal for only a small number of species, and the difference between these two traits (i.e. safety margins) increased continuously with increasing embolism resistance. Our findings demonstrate the need to revise current views about the functional coordination between stomata and hydraulic traits and provide a mechanistic framework for modeling plant mortality under drought conditions.
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Tree neighbourhood modelling has significantly contributed to our understanding of the mechanisms structuring communities. Investigations into the impact of neighbouring crowding on tree performance have generally been conducted at local scales, missing important regional-scale context such as the suitability of the climate for each species. Favourable climates may enhance tree performance, but this may come at the cost of increased neighbourhood crowding and competition negatively impacting survival and growth. Through the synthesis of continental-scale forest inventory and trait datasets from the northeast USA and Puerto Rico we present an analytical approach that elucidates the important interactions between local competitive and regional climatic contexts. Our results show strong asymmetries in competitive interactions and significant niche differences that are dependent on habitat suitability. The strong interaction between local neighbourhood and regional climate highlights the need for models that consider the interaction between these two processes that have been previously ignored. © 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
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Understanding how climate affects tree growth is essential for assessing climate change impacts on forests but can be confounded by effects of competition, which strongly influences tree responses to climate. We characterized the joint influences of tree size, competition, and climate on diameter growth using hierarchical Bayesian methods applied to permanent sample plot data from the montane forests of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State, USA, which are mostly comprised of Abies amabilis Douglas ex Forbes, Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, and Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don. Individual growth was sensitive to climate under low but not high competition, likely because tree ability to increase growth under more favorable climates (generally greater energy availability) was constrained by competition, with important variation among species. Thus, climate change will likely increase individual growth most in uncrowded stands with lower competition. However, crowded stands have more and (or) larger trees, conferring greater capacity for aggregate absolute growth increases. Due to these contrasting effects, our models predicted that climate change will lead to greater stand-scale growth increases in stands with medium compared with low crowding but similar increases in stands with medium and high crowding. Thus, competition will mediate the impacts of climate change on individual- and stand-scale growth in important but complex ways.
Foundational to trait-based community ecology is the expectation that functional traits determine demographic outcomes. However, trait-demographic rate relationships are frequently weak, particularly in tree communities. The foundation of trait-based tree community ecology may, therefore, appear to be unstable. Here we argue that there are three core reasons why trait-demographic relationships are generally weak in tree communities. Specifically, important contextual information is frequently ignored, there is too much focus on species relative to individuals, and there are dimensions of tree function that are critical for determining tree demographic rates that are not captured by easily measured functional traits. Rather than being evidence that trait-based community ecology is fundamentally flawed, these issues elucidate a pathway towards a more robust research program.
Predicting the fate of tropical forests under a changing climate requires understanding species responses to climatic variability and extremes. Seedlings may be particularly vulnerable to climatic stress given low stored resources and undeveloped roots; they also portend the potential effects of climate change on future forest composition. Here we use data for ca. 50,000 tropical seedlings representing 25 woody species to assess (a) the effects of interannual variation in rainfall and solar radiation between 2007 and 2016 on seedling survival over 9 years in a subtropical forest; and (b) how spatial heterogeneity in three environmental factors–soil moisture, understory light, and conspecific neighborhood density– modulate these responses.