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Put Strong Limits on All Proposed Theories so far Assessing Electrostatic Propulsion: Does a Charged High-Voltage Capacitor Produce Thrust?



Several claims appeared in the literature that a charged high-voltage capacitor produces thrust. This dates back to the so-called Biefeld-Brown effect that was later explained as a Corona-wind effect. However, part of the claim was that the capacitor still moves even if no ionization takes place and a dielectric is used. Recently, theories appeared supporting such an electrostatic propulsion-scheme. Here we describe an experimental-setup allowing to measure weight changes/forces of capacitors up to 10kV, eliminating important side-effects from high-voltages down to +/-0.3mg. No force was detected for a variety of configurations ruling out most theories by many orders of magnitude.
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Put Strong Limits on All Proposed Theories so far Assessing Electrostatic Propulsion: Does a
Charged High-Voltage Capacitor Produce Thrust?
M. Tajmar
and T. Schreiber
Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, 01307 Dresden, Germany
Several claims appeared in the literature that a charged high-voltage capacitor produces thrust. This
dates back to the so-called Biefeld-Brown effect that was later explained as a Corona-wind effect.
However, part of the claim was that the capacitor still moves even if no ionization takes place and a
dielectric is used. Recently, theories appeared supporting such an electrostatic propulsion-scheme.
Here we describe an experimental-setup allowing to measure weight changes/forces of capacitors up
to 10kV, eliminating important side-effects from high-voltages down to +/-0.3mg. No force was
detected for a variety of configurations ruling out most theories by many orders of magnitude.
Keywords: Biefeld-Brown effect, Anomalous forces
1. Introduction
Does a charged high-voltage capacitor produce thrust? This question was first raised nearly 100 years
ago in a patent [1] and follow-up paper [2] by T.T. Brown, which later became known as the Biefeld-
Brown effect. In this early work, a parallel plate or spherical high voltage capacitor with a dielectric
between the electrodes was observed to move towards its positive electrode while charged up to very
high voltages (up to 300 kV). The capacitor was placed on a torsion pendulum connected with thin
wires in order to observe the movement. It was claimed that the force depended on the applied voltage
and the mass of the dielectric. The applied current was only necessary to overcome the overall
leakages in order to maintain the applied voltage. This was further illustrated by showing that the
capacitor was put inside an insulating oil tank in order to limit any discharge effect or leakage. It was
claimed that this observation is a new electro-gravitational effect.
Brown later worked on larger models without oil insulation and observed high thrusts in ambient air
with or without dielectric isolation, observing that the effect increased, if the shape of the electrodes
were asymmetrical (e.g. flat cathode and wire anode) [3,4]. This became mainstream science known
as electrohydrodynamics (EHD), corona/ion wind propulsion or plasma actuators [5,6], an active field
of research up to the present day investigating alternative propulsion means for heavier-then-air
model-airplane propulsion [7] or micro-drones [8]. The explanation is rather simple: A corona
discharge drags ambient air molecules generating thrust. This seems to put the claim of a new electro-
gravitational effect at rest [6,9] at least for configurations with discharges in air.
Still, a few publications appeared with claims that there is a force in addition to the usual corona wind
effect which is only electrostatic in nature [1014], crucially linking it to the dielectric material between
the electrodes similar to Brown’s original observation. A recent paper also reports of an anomalous
force, if there is a discharge through the dielectric [15]. However, like Brown’s work, these claims lack
a proper setup to definitely rule out conventional explanations. In addition, theoretical models
appeared predicting such an electrostatic effect [12,13,1619]. If true, this could lead among many
other things to a novel space propulsion scheme which would be of high interest [20].
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Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Previously, we assessed claimed weight anomalies with permanently polarized dielectric materials
(electrets) finding a null-result within our resolution [21]. However, capacitors are better suited to
obtain drift-free measurements because the dielectric polarization can be turned on and off in a
controlled manner. In this paper, we want to review predictions for anomalous forces due to
electrostatic polarization of dielectrics and present an experimental setup that is well suited to
investigate such polarization-thrust claims, taking not only ion winds but also other high-voltage
induced side-effects into account. Finally, we will present a set of measurements targeting to evaluate
each of the claims to answer the question if a high voltage capacitor indeed generates an anomalous
force. This included standard parallel-plate capacitors that have symmetric or asymmetric electrodes,
a capacitor with an asymmetrical dielectric as well as a capacitor that allows a leakage current through
its dielectric (see Fig. 1).
2. Theoretical Predictions
Here we want to shortly review the models that have appeared recently, predicting an electrostatic
effect causing the self-acceleration of a dielectric when polarized. Although one would immediately
dismiss any such claims on the basis of energy and momentum conservation, self-acceleration is a
known consequence of an inertial dipole that has even been observed in the laboratory [22]. Inertial
dipoles may be created in an environment that generates a negative effective mass, which allows self-
acceleration without violating conservation rules [23]. Most of the models presented here do not
involve negative inertial effects, however, it would seem plausible that such a connection must exist if
any of the experimental claims turns out to be true.
The first model predicting an electrostatic self-acceleration effect has been proposed by Ivanov [16].
He argues that static electric or magnetic fields induce so-called Weyl-Majumdar-Papapetrou solutions
for the metric of spacetime that create effects many orders of magnitude larger than usually expected.
An electrostatic field is predicted to generate a gravitational field which accelerates the dielectric. The
generated force for a simple parallel-plate capacitor (see Fig. 1a) is given by
 
where G is Newton’s gravitational constant, and the vacuum and relative electric permittivity, m
the mass of the dielectric, d it’s thickness and V the applied voltage. An analogous relationship is also
predicted for magnetic fields. Musha proposed a similar equation with the addition that it is multiplied
with the atomic number Z [12]. His model includes an electro-gravitational coupling that indeed
assumes a gravitational dipole around the center of the atom that generates the self-acceleration
force. Also Zhu [17] arrived at a same relationship (without dielectric) based on the gravitational
redshift/blueshift and the law of conservation of energy. This remarkably simple Equ. (1) leads to
forces in the order of up to 10 µN (or an equivalent of 1 mg of mass change if put on a balance) for
standard high-voltage capacitors. This force is small enough that it may not have been clearly identified
Another model was proposed by Porcelli and dos Santos Filho [13,14], which is empirically based on
the Clausius-Mossotti relationship for the polarizability of dielectric materials as well as the similarity
to dielectrophoretic forces. It is given by
 
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
where E is the applied electric field and A is the area of the plate for a symmetrical parallel-plate
capacitor. For asymmetrical capacitors, this equation is modified to
 
where A1 is the area of the larger electrode and A2 the area of the smaller one. These equations are
expected to provide much larger forces up to several 1000s of µN (or equivalent several 100s of mg)
for typical high voltage capacitors, which should be detected rather easily.
The next model was recently proposed by Minotti [19], who derived his relationship as a consequence
of a scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Mbelek and Lachièze-Rey [18]. It is based on a
Kaluza-Klein-type 5D theory with an additional stabilizing scalar field of electromagnetic origin that is
minimally coupling to gravity. Following Minotti’s notation, the coupling constant is empirically found
by fitting temporal changes of the Earth’s magnetic field to the large error bar when comparing
different measurements of the gravitational constant. He proposed a force equation for a spherical
capacitor, which is only half-filled with a dielectric as shown in Fig. 1b, that is given by
  
 
where is the density of the dielectric material and a and b are the inner and outer radius of the
spherical capacitor respectively. However, Minotti forgot to include the relative permittivity of the
dielectric in his derivation (which leads to multiply Equ. (4) with
). Moreover, also here we can
simply use the case of a parallel-plate capacitor to arrive at a much simpler equation given by
  
With a coupling constant of   
, the predicted forces are right between Ivanov’s
and Porcelli and dos Santos Filho’s values with hundreds of µN (or equivalent tens of mg). Note that
Minotti re-evaluated Mbelek and Lachièze-Rey’s original theory and arrived at a 4 orders of magnitude
lower coupling constant than originally proposed [24]. It should also be noted that Mbelek claims to
have evidence for his original coupling constant by a recently published experiment [25]. The values
derived with Minotti’s latest constant should therefore be considered as a lower minimum value and
that even much higher forces could be observable.
The last claim we investigated is based on a discharge through a thin dielectric sheet [15]. The authors
say that their effect can by predicted by a modified inertia model based on Unruh radiation forming a
so-called Rindler horizon which is affecting the electron’s mass [26]. However, no actual force model
is shown that allows calculating thrust based on their experimental conditions. We digitized their plot
of measured force versus discharge power for various dielectric thicknesses and performed an
exponential fit (similar to the authors observation). We arrive at the following empirical relationship:
     
  
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
where P is the discharge power in mW, d the dielectric thickness in µm and F the force in µN. This
matches their observed forces well (R²=0.9996) leading to a deviation of only a few percent at the
thickness we will use for our test.
3. Experimental Setup
Most published measurements were done with commercial analytical balances; therefore, we chose
to follow a similar approach. The reliable measurement of small weight changes of a high voltage
capacitor on a balance causes many side-effects which can cause false readings. During our
experiments, the most important factors were:
1. Corona wind effects: Most papers do not disclose which high voltage cable was used to connect
the capacitor to the high voltage power supply, which was always next to the balance. If a thin
cable was used, probably not even isolated to reduce cable stiffness for high resolution weight
readings, air will get ionized around the wire causing a corona discharge. This will produce the well-
known EHD force that masks any anomalous effect. The origin of corona winds must not be limited
to the cable but also to the connection between the cable and the capacitor, which needs to be
protected properly. Sharp edges (e.g. due to soldering the end of the cable to the capacitor) create
much higher field strengths which can cause ionization even if (too thin) isolation tape is used.
2. High voltage induced mechanical stress: Wires under high voltage bend due to electrostatic forces.
This happens not only between different wires (e.g. the connection to the positive and negative
polarity) but also along a single wire itself. This can immediately cause false balance readings if the
cable is coming from an outside fixed power supply to the capacitor on the balance. But there is
even a more sophisticated error which we observed in our measurements: A slight bending of a
wire under high voltage causes a shift of the center of mass, which in turn can again lead to a
recorded weight change which may falsely be identified as a new effect.
3. Buoyancy: If a power supply is used on the balance, heat is generated depending on the generated
voltage. This can cause buoyancy and again false balance readings. Just imagine a box of
10x10x10 cm³. A change of 1°C in that volume causes a buoyancy force equivalent to 4 mg of mass.
Therefore, temperature stability is very important for reliable sub-mg readings.
4. Electromagnetic interactions with the environment: The experiment is surrounded by
electromagnetic fields which may influence the measurement such as the Earth’s magnetic field
or not properly shielded power supplies. An onboard power supply may e.g. create a magnetic
field if not properly shielded.
In addition, air movement and seismic noise must be taken into account to obtain high resolution. And
most important: The experiment must include some sort of null measurement where a zero reading
on the balance should occur even if the full high voltage is applied. If that is the case, typically most of
the important side-effects should be covered.
After many iterations, we arrived at the following setup as illustrated in Fig. 2:
The experiment was done inside a custom-built Faraday cage with a front door that can be closed
airtight. This large box sits on top of a massive granite table which is isolated to the ground with rubber
isolation pads. The overall setup therefore provides a good seismic isolation as well as protection from
air flow in addition to basic EMI shielding.
We used a Sartorius MSE1203S-100-DE analytical balance which has a maximum weight capacity of
1200 g with a custom enhanced resolution to 0.1 mg (standard is 1 mg). This was necessary as usual
0.1 mg balances have a too low maximum weight capability for all of our experiments. This balance
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
sits on top of a stable aluminum profile construction. It features a hook which allows to connect our
experiment from the bottom to a single point. This was essential to reduce side-effects from changes
due to center of mass shifts e.g. from bending cables or rotating the capacitors.
The experiment was done inside a lightweight box with a base of 150x150 mm and a height of 100 mm
which consisted of thin aluminum profiles on the edges for mechanical stability. The base plate was
0.5 mm thick and made from mu-metal and the sides are covered with 100 µm mu-metal foil. This cage
therefore shields both electric and lower-frequency magnetic fields due to the high magnetic
permeability of mu-metal. The connection to the hook is done with a three plastic cord suspension,
which can be adjusted in length using screws. A small tubular spirit level enables to properly orient the
The inside of the box consisted of two parts: an on-board high voltage power supply and a rotation rig
which allows to mount capacitors and change their orientation without opening and influencing the
experiment. We used an EMCO CB101 power supply which can generate up to 10 kV at 100 µA and
includes a voltage and current monitor signal. This compact and lightweight power supply was
wrapped inside a box made of thermal isolation foam in order to limit heat conduction from the power
supply to the ambient air which can cause buoyancy effects (see Fig. 2c). The temperature of the power
supply was monitored with a TI LM35 sensor. The rotation rig next to the power supply was made from
3D printed PLA parts. It features a small 28BYJ-48 stepper motor and a Megatron MAD12AH absolute
position encoder (see Fig. 2d) as well as a mounting structure for the capacitors. All electric
connections are going through a 16-pin Galinstan liquid-metal feedthrough as shown in Fig. 2e. This
allows to power and control all components inside the box with only low-voltage signals without any
mechanical influence. That is a huge advantage compared to all other experiments published so far
[1114]. One of the pin-connectors is used to externally ground the experiment box. All pins go through
a Sub-D pin connector through the outer box and are connected to a power supply, a LabJack T7 data
acquisition board and a unipolar stepper motor driver (Weedtech WTSMD-M).
A LabView software is executing the measurements. It runs pre-defined profiles with an off- and on-
period and different voltage settings. Several identical profiles can be signal-averaged in order to
improve the signal-to-noise ratio and get statistical significance. Moreover, the software can
automatically eliminate drifts by using a linear fit along the off-periods.
The balance was calibrated with a voice-coil (BEI Kimco LA05-05-000A), which was mounted in the
middle of the bottom of the experiment box as shown in Fig. 3a. This allows verifying if the liquid-metal
feedthroughs have any influence on the measurement down to our digital resolution of 0.1 mg. The
voice-coil itself was calibrated on a dedicated setup which verified its calibration constant of 0.758
µN/µA. A precise current, commanded with a Keithley 2450 SourceMeter, through the coil generated
a force, which we used to check the balance response. Fig. 3b shows the excellent linearity of the
balance between 0.1-10 mg (it was actually tested until 100 mg without any change). It was difficult to
mount the voice-coil such that both the magnet and the experiment box were perfectly aligned due to
the hanging mounting of the experiment box. Nevertheless, we measured a weight change on the
balance corresponding to 92% of the commanded force. Fig. 3c shows a representative measurement
of a commanded force of 10 µN and the balance response (equivalent to 1 mg). We see that the
balance only takes a few seconds to record that low change in weight. Our profile settings later on are
always much larger than that to ensure that there is enough time to record a weight change. We
conclude that our setup can reliably measure forces/weight changes with a precision down to the 0.1
mg resolution limit.
The complete setup then was verified by performing a null-measurement: Instead of a capacitor, a
high voltage resistor (EMCO V1G) was used instead. Because no dielectric polarization takes place
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
(ignoring capacity effects from the on-board high voltage power supply which is cover by this
measurement), no weight-change should be recorded if voltage is applied to the resistor only. The
measurement is shown in Fig. 4 with the weight changes for several voltage settings ranging from 2-
10 kV on the top and the normalized voltage signal that corresponds to the profile settings on the
bottom. All measurements are signal-averaged from 20 individual profiles and the voltage on/off-
period was set to 60 seconds each with a sampling rate of 1 Hz. We can see that most profiles are
within the +/- 0.1 mg range, which is the digital resolution/precision of our balance. Only the 10 kV
signal raises to a peak of 0.3 mg at the end of the profile, however the average along the profile is also
at the 0.1 mg resolution level. Taking a 3 approach, we can say that up to 10 kV, all signals averaged
along the on-period below 0.3 mg are noise. Our accuracy is therefore +/- 0.3 mg.
4. Capacitor Measurements
A summary of all tests performed with a description of the test items and a comparison to the
theoretical predictions is given in Table 1.
4.1 Symmetric Plate-Plate Capacitor with Ceramic Dielectric
In our first test, we used commercially available high voltage capacitors with a high permittivity ceramic
dielectric (Murata DHRB34A102MF1B). Two of them were mounted in a parallel configuration on the
rotation rig with their expected force showing in the same direction (+/- aligned). Next, we made
profile measurements up to 10 kV with the capacitor assembly pointing at different directions as
shown in Fig. 5, using an average of 10 profiles for each direction. A real force would have been easily
identified: At 0° a weight change would be recorded, at 180° the same value would have appeared
with a different sign, and at 90° and 270° no weight change would be visible. As shown in our
measurements, no such behavior is visible. All data is below our previously defined +/-0.3 mg
From the theoretical models, only Ivanov’s Equ. (1) predicts weight changes above our threshold with
mIvanov=2.4 mg, which is around one order of magnitude above our noise.
4.2 Symmetric Plate-Plate Capacitor with Teflon Dielectric
Next, we tested a self-assembled symmetric capacitor using Teflon as dielectric. According to the
theoretical models, this large difference in electric permittivity compared to the commercial ceramic
capacitor (r,Teflon=2.1 versus r,Ceramic=4500) should results in significant differences. The assembly of
the Teflon capacitor is shown in Fig. 6a-b. Copper plates with a thickness of 1 mm and a diameter of
40 mm were used as the electrodes and a Teflon plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm and a diameter of
50 mm was used as the dielectric. After attaching the connection wires with a silver-filled adhesive,
the whole capacitor was covered with Scotchweld 2216 B/A adhesive, which is an excellent isolator. In
addition, a urethane spray with an isolation of 80 kV/mm was applied several times as a second
isolation layer.
The same procedure as with the ceramic capacitor was executed with one single Teflon capacitor,
averaging 10 profiles for a voltage of 10 kV at different orientations as shown in Fig. 7. Also here, all
signals were below our resolution threshold of 0.3 mg. Porcelli’s and Minotti’s Equs. (2) and (5) for
symmetric capacitors predicted much higher forces, which should have resulted in mPorcelli=118.8 mg
for the case of Porcelli and mMinotti=11.8 mg for the case of Minotti. Porcelli’s model can be safely
ruled out with nearly three orders of magnitude above our noise. It should be noted that Porcelli and
dos Santos Filho used polystyrene (C8H8) for their symmetric capacitor, which has a similar relative
permittivity (r,C8H8=2.4-2.7) compared to Teflon (r,Teflon=2.1). However, they did not use this number
for their analysis but an even lower value of r=1.086 based on hydrogen atoms weakly bounded in the
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
styrene monomer. This doubles the prediction of the force and rules out their model even more.
Similarly, also Minotti’s prediction is two orders of magnitude above our noise which should have been
easily detectable.
4.3 Asymmetric Plate-Plate Capacitor with Teflon Dielectric
We now tried to investigate asymmetrically shaped capacitors, which according to Brown’s claim [3,4]
and Filho and Porcelli’s measurements and models [14] should produce even larger forces. The
capacitor was made similar to our Teflon capacitor before, but here we replaced one copper electrode
with a high-voltage cable having a conductor wire in the middle with 0.8 mm diameter that was
mounted directly through a hole in the middle of a second Teflon dielectric plate, which served as a
good alignment and could be easily mounted on top of the first dielectric plate (see Fig. 6c). The whole
assembly was then isolated with Scotchweld and urethane spray as before. No current was recorded
when charged up to high voltage indicating that the dielectric was not damaged from electric
breakdowns that can occur from sharper edges like our thin conductor electrode.
Fig. 8 shows the measurement done at 0° and 90° with 20 averaged profiles. No change is visible within
our 0.3 mg threshold. The Filho and Porcelli model predicted an astonishing mPorcelli=29.7 kg (the
whole experiment would have lifted off), which is again ruled out with even higher margin by this
4.4 Asymmetric Spherical Capacitor Half-Filled with Bee-Wax
Next, we tried to replicate the setup that was suggested in Minotti’s paper [19] with a spherical
capacitor that was half-filled with bee wax as a dielectric (see Fig. 1b). Our assembly is illustrated in
Fig. 9. It consists of two hollow spheres that could be disassembled into two halves. First, the bottom
half of the larger sphere with an inner diameter of 56 mm was filled with bee wax with the full second
sphere in the middle with an outer diameter of 30 mm. Then a 7 mm diameter hole was drilled through
the second half of the larger sphere and a high-voltage cable was connected from the outside towards
the inner sphere fixed again with silver-filled epoxy. Then the outer sphere was put together and sealed
with Kapton tape in the middle and a second electric connection to the outer surface was done. The
total weight of the finished spherical capacitor was 315 g.
The spherical capacitor was put into the experiment box with the high voltage cable pointing upwards
and the bee wax at the bottom half as illustrated in Fig. 1b. The measurement at 10 kV with 20
averaged profiles is shown in Fig. 10. Again, all data points are without our 0.3 mg resolution. According
to Minotti, a mMinotti=24.4 mg was predicted according to Equ. (4) (and a smaller mMinotti=7.5 mg if
one corrects for the missing
). This is nearly two orders of magnitude above our noise level.
4.5 Capacitor with Leakage Current
This was the most difficult experiment because the setup was poorly described and hard to replicate
(discharge always at 5 kV, cutting of electrode or using sandpaper on the cathode surface to facilitate
field emission) [15]. We decided to use 90 µm thick aluminum foil for the electrodes with a diameter
of 40 mm. The surface of one electrode was perforated several times with a needle for better electron
emission as shown in Fig. 11. A 90 µm thick polyethylene (PE) foil was used as a dielectric, which was
close to the ones used by Bhatt and Becker (13-80 µm thicknesses). After connection wires were again
fixed to the electrodes with silver-filled epoxy, the whole capacitor was isolated with Scotchweld
epoxy. This gave both electrical isolation and mechanical strength and thus allowed the capacitor to
retain its flat and plane shape.
For the experiments, a 100 MOhm resistor was put in series in order to limit the current and to protect
the high voltage power supply. We first tried to determine the voltage to emit a current of 10 µA,
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
which was the maximum current observed in the Bhatt and Becker experiments [15]. Initially, the
voltage went up to 4 kV until the discharge was triggered. However, later tests showed a reduced
discharge voltage down to 2.1 kV, indicating that the first discharge probably increased the leakage of
the dielectric through conduction paths. In order to not further damage the dielectric, we decided to
reduce the on/off-period to 30 s each and to an average of 5 profiles only. The results are shown in
Fig. 12 with the weight change on the top and the emitted current on the bottom, for anode
orientations pointing upwards, downwards and vertical (which should give a zero result). Also here,
we still do not measure signals above our noise threshold of 0.3 mg.
Using the extrapolation formula in Equ. (6), we estimate the predicted weight change as
mBhatt=6.8 mg, which is an order of magnitude above our noise level. However, there are some
differences in our setup and capacitor which may influence this result: The discharge voltage was lower
with 2.1 kV instead of 5 kV, the dielectric foil was bigger than the largest one’s used by Bhatt and
Becker (90 µm versus 80 µm) and the distance of the capacitor to the experimental box may be
different to the one of Bhatt and Becker which could influence the force as they observed force
blocking by bringing conductive materials close to their capacitor. Still, our null result is important for
comparison with a clean setup although it may not completely rule out the claim due to the exact
replica uncertainties.
We described a novel experimental setup that allows to measure weight changes of capacitors up to
10 kV using an analytical balance that eliminates all important side-effects triggered by working at high
voltages down to an accuracy of +/-0.3 mg with a precision of +/-0.1 mg. It features a thermally isolated
on-board high voltage power supply inside a mu-metal/Faraday cage powered by liquid-metal fed low-
voltage only-connection lines and a rotation rig, which allows to test capacitors at different
orientations without re-opening the experimental setup. This significantly improves the reliability of
such measurements contrary to previously reported results [1014] and allows for testing theoretical
predictions claiming forces for electrically polarized dielectrics with high accuracy [12,13,1619].
In general, all measurements showed no force or weight change within our resolution including
symmetric and asymmetric capacitors as well as capacitors with leakage currents. This allows to rule
out the models proposed by Porcelli and Filho [13,14] by close to three orders of magnitude and the
model by Minotti [19] by two orders of magnitude. As Minotti’s model is a consequence of the scalar-
tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Mbelek and Lachièze-Rey [18], it may put strong limits on
that theory as well.
The model by Ivanov and others [12,16,17] is ruled out by one order of magnitude, however this is
quite close to our resolution. Considering that some assumptions were used to derive the models,
further tests should be done at even higher resolution. Similarly, the force claim from Bhatt and Becker
[15] on leakage current capacitors is ruled out by an order of magnitude, but also here, the actual
experimental configuration leaves enough uncertainty that this should be re-checked with a higher
resolution. Nevertheless, important constraints can be made on these two claims based on our
Can we answer the question if a charged high-voltage capacitor produces thrust? So far, our answer
must be: No within our measurement accuracy. Some of the presented models (Ivanov [16], Bhatt
[15]) are worth to be pursued with better setups in the future. Our balance also allows testing for mass
changes and not only forces, which may arise from polarized dielectrics. Some theories point into such
a possibility, however without a clear prediction of the magnitude yet [27,28].
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
We gratefully acknowledge the support by the German National Space Agency DLR (Deutsches
Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik) by funding from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
and Energy (BMWi) by approval from German Parliament (50RS1704).
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Theory [1316,19]
Experiment (3)
Symmetric Capacitor (V=10 kV)
2xCeramic dielectric (Murata DHRB34A102MF1B):
2x1000 pF, m=2x5.8 g, , r=7.5 mm, d=7 mm
mIvanov=2.4 mg
mPorcelli=0.4 mg
mMinotti=8.6×10-6 mg
m<0.3 mg (all)
Teflon dielectric:
m=4.1 g,  , r=20 mm, d=1.5 mm
mIvanov=0.1 mg
mPorcelli=118.8 mg
mMinotti=11.8 mg
Asymmetric Capacitor (V=10 kV)
Teflon Dielectric:
 , r1=20 mm, r2=0.04 mm, d=1.5 mm
mPorcelli=29.7 kg
Spherical Capacitor with half-filled Wax dielectric:
 ,   g/cm³, a=15 mm, b=28 mm
mMinotti=24.4 mg
mMinotti=7.5 mg (with
 correction)
Capacitor with Leakage Current
Anode: 90 µm Al foil, r=20 mm
Cathode: 90 µm Al foil, r=20 mm, perforated
Dielectric: 90 µm PE foil
Discharge: 2100 V, 10 µA, P=21 mW
mBhatt7 mg (Extrapolation)
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Different Capacitor Configurations with Dielectric Permittivity (r), Electric Field (E),
Force (F), High Voltage (HV) as well as Radius a, b
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
a) Schematic Sketch
b) Picture of Experiment in Enclosure Box c) Inside of Experiment Box
d) Rotation Stage with HV Ceramic Capacitor e) Liquid-Metal Connection Pins
Balance Setup
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
a) Voice-Coil below Experiment Box
b) Balance Linearity c) Balance Response at 10 µN (=1 mg)
Balance Calibration
020 40 60 80 100
Delta Weight [mg]
Voice Coil Thrust [µN]
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Force [µN]
Time [s]
Voice-Coil Command
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Setup Verification
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Normalized Voltage [V]
Time [s]
2 kV
4 kV
6 kV
8 kV
10 kV
Delta Weight [mg]
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Weight Change of High Voltage Ceramic Capacitor
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Voltage [kV]
Time [s]
Delta Weight [mg]
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
a) Building Capacitor b) Symmetric Capacitor c) Asymmetric Capacitor
Teflon Capacitors
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Weight Change of Symmetric Teflon Capacitor
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Voltage [kV]
Time [s]
Delta Weight [mg]
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Weight Change of Asymmetric Teflon Capacitor
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Voltage [kV]
Time [s]
Delta Weight [mg]
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Spherical Capacitor with Wax Dielectric in Bottom Half
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Weight Change of Spherical Capacitor
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Voltage [kV]
Time [s]
Delta Weight [mg]
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Leakage Current Capacitor with Perforated Cathode
Journal of Electrostatics 107 (2020) 103477
Weight Change of Leakage Capacitor at 2100 V
020 40 60 80
Current [µA]
Time [s]
Anode Up
Anode Down
Delta Weight [mg]
... The test samples were mounted again in a closed box with thermal and electrostatic shielding as well as a battery-powered on-board high-voltage generator in order to reduce buoyancy or electromagnetic interactions as much as possible. Again, no anomalous forces were found down to around 3 µN ruling out not only other experimental claims but almost all of the proposed theories 10 . ...
... The predicted force on a simple parallel-plate capacitor is given by where G is Newton's gravitational constant, ε 0 and ε r the electric constant and electric permittivity respectively, m the dielectric's mass, d its thickness, ρ its density, A its area and V the applied voltage. For high-permittivities (high-k), Ivanov's root gravity theory suggests milli-gram weight changes for classical off-the-shelve capacitors that were ruled out by our earlier experiments (as well as a number of other theories and claims not discussed here) 10 , however, for low-permittivities (low-k) such as PTFE dielectrics, a weight change was predicted, which was below our previous resolution. ...
... Alignment of electric dipoles could therefore lead to changes in the sample's mass. Our earlier assessment showed no weight changes for regular capacitors within our resolution 10 . ...
Full-text available
Any means to control gravity like electromagnetism is currently out of reach by many orders of magnitude even under extreme laboratory conditions. Some often poorly executed experiments or pseudoscience theories appear from time to time claiming for example anomalous forces from capacitors that suggest a connection between the two fields. We developed novel and high resolution horizontal-, vertical- and rotation-balances that allow to test electric devices completely shielded and remotely controlled under high vacuum conditions to perform the first in-depth search for such a coupling using steady fields. Our testing included a variety of capacitors of different shapes and compositions as well as for the first-time solenoids and tunneling currents from Zener diodes and varistors. A comprehensive coupling-scheme table was used to test almost all combinations including capacitors and solenoids with permittivity and permeability gradients as well as capacitors and varistors within crossed magnetic fields. We also tested a crossed-coil producing helical magnetic field lines as well as interactions between a pair of shielded toroidal coils to look for proposed extensions to Maxwell’s equations. No anomalous forces or torques down to the nano-Newton or nano-Newton-Meter range were found providing new limits many orders of magnitude below previous assessments ruling out claims or theories and providing a basis for future research on the topic.
... Note: From (10) and (13), if has a simple physical interpretation as a field that accelerates any neutral mass then we have to take (13) into account as an opposite effect. The result is that a field of 1,000,000 volts over 1 mm distance will accelerate any neutral particle at 8.61 cm * sec -2 and with taking into account (13) it will be less, due to an opposite gravitational effect, see (14), will be reduced to 4.305 cm * sec -2 . ...
... where K is Newton's gravitational constant, Q is charge, A is area, is the dielectric layer's density and M is its mass and 0 is the permittivity of vacuum, is the relative dielectric constant, assuming ℶ = 1, g is the Earth surface acceleration. (14) is the result of = 0 = 0 ⇔ 0 = 4 4 0 where E is the classical intensity of the electric field. We saw: = √16 0 ℶ with ℶ = 1. ...
... It is sufficient to have a low frequency AC ripple from the DC power supply to churn the electrons on the plates such that not only a thin layer of the plates will be charged, also with an AC ripple, of typically 150 VAC for 20000 Volts DC, the induced gravitational field can no longer be considered static. Under such conditions (14) is no longer valid. ...
Research Proposal
Full-text available
Electro-gravitational research tests for: "Electro-gravity via geometric chronon field and on the origin of mass" / "Electrogravity: On a scalar field of time and electromagnetism" 1) Find out whether a neutral particle with 41.875 eV exists-prediction of electro-gravity. Could result in excess of 20.9376 eV photons. 2) Find out if positive charge generates gravity. Dark Matter effect should be significant in small positively ionized galaxies that collided with gas and dust clouds. Star formation should be poor due to close range electric repulsion, but Dark Matter effect should be high. 3) Find if the intergalactic free electrons exist in high concentrations where Dark Energy is discovered. 4) Find if the Earthquakes that appear 15 days after cosmic rays ionize the atmosphere can be explained by positive charge-based gravity / electro-gravity. 5) Find if Flyby Anomaly can be explained by charge-based gravity. 6) Perform the experiment in Fig 1.b in "Electro-gravity via geometric chronon field and on the origin of mass" / "Electrogravity: On a scalar field of time and electromagnetism". 7) Find if there is asymmetry in the decay of Bottom Quark and anti-Bottom quark and its relation to Muons.
... Therefore, the effect is disputed experimentally and theoretically. [14][15][16][17][18][19] Here, we present that, the gravitational effect of superconductor[2-5] could be understood and explained with the equations for the gravitational-electric-magnetic interaction. ...
... The gravitational effect of superconductor was reported [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] while it was disputed experimentally and theoretically. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Now, there has not been an accepted theoretical explanation for it. But, from our work, if Eq. (4) should be valid, for the superconductor, there is = 0, a very large ∆ should be produced. ...
... Therefore, a large gravitational effect may be produced in these experiments. [2,3,6,13] We noticed that, in 5 experiments [15][16][17][18][19] the null result was reported. But, the conditions, such as the value of the electric/magnetic field, in these experiments are different. ...
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Appling the controlling relative permittivity and permeability in the equations for the gravitational-magnetic-electric field interaction, a very large variation of the gravitational acceleration of the Earth by electric/magnetic field could be arrived at. This conclusion may be supported by some of the experiments for the gravitational effect of superconductor.
... Therefore, the effect is disputed experimentally and theoretically. [14][15][16][17][18][19] Here, we present that, the gravitational effect of superconductivity[2-5] could be understood and explained with the equations for the gravitational-electric-magnetic interaction. ...
... The gravitational effect of superconductivity was reported [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] while it was disputed experimentally and theoretically. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Now, there has not been an accepted theoretical explanation for it. But, from our work, if Eq. (4) should be valid, for the superconductivity, there is = 0, a very large ∆ should be produced. ...
... Therefore, a large gravitational effect may be produced in these experiments. [2,3,6,13] We noticed that, in 3 experiments [17][18][19] the null result was reported. But, the conditions, such as the value of the electric/magnetic field, in these are different. ...
Full-text available
Appling the controlling relative permittivity and permeability in the equations for the gravitational-magnetic-electric field interaction, a very large variation of the gravitational acceleration of the Earth by electric/magnetic field could be arrived at. This conclusion may be supported by some of the experiments for the gravitational effect of superconductivity.
... Therefore, the effect is disputed experimentally and theoretically. [14][15][16][17][18][19] Here, we present that, the gravitational effect of superconductivity[2-5] could be understood and explained with the equations for the gravitational-electric-magnetic interaction. ...
... The gravitational effect of superconductivity was reported [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] while it was disputed experimentally and theoretically. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Now, there has not been an accepted theoretical explanation for it. But, from our work, if Eq. (4) should be valid, for the superconductivity, there is = 0, a very large ∆ should be produced. ...
... Therefore, a large gravitational effect may be produced in these experiments. [2,3,6,13] We noticed that, in 3 experiments [17][18][19] the null result was reported. But, the conditions, such as the value of the electric/magnetic field, in these are different. ...
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Appling the controlling relative permittivity and permeability in the equations for the gravitational-magnetic-electric field interaction, a very large variation of the gravitational acceleration of the Earth by electric/magnetic field could be arrived at. This conclusion may be supported by some of the experiments for the gravitational effect of superconductivity.
... Martin Tajmar [18] used a capacitor of a relative dielectric constant 4500 and a Teflon [21] capacitor with radius 50 mm and Teflon thickness d=1.5 mm and 10,000 Volts. The highly dielectric capacitor weight loss is way below the experiment scale resolution 3 * 10 -4 grams due to division by 4500 of the charge which is 10 -5 per 1000Pf capacitance. ...
... (40), the remark after (40), (41) and (42) are also strong indicators that this research is on the right path. It will be wrong not to mention other findings which are straight forward from the method which had been presented in (16), (17), (18), (19) and the first interesting result (20). In this method, the Reeb class vector term was collapsed with the non-geodesic or accelerated time direction √| | and we saw the contraction The latter is to achieve a reduction of the curvature calculation from Lorentzian to Riemannian geometry. ...
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It is possible to describe a universal scalar field of time but not a universal coordinate of time and to attribute its non-geodesic alignment to the electromagnetic phenomena. A very surprising outcome is that not only mass generates gravity, but also electric charge does. Charge is, however, coupled to a non-geodesic vector field and thus is not totally equivalent to inertial mass. Only the entire "Energy-Momentum" tensor has a vanishing divergence. The model can be seen as misalignment of physically accessible events in an observer spacetime and of gravity as a controlling response by volumetric contraction of the observer spacetime in the direction where events bend or accelerate to. This non geodesic acceleration is described by a generalization of the Reeb vector. Misalignment of events can be described by 1, 2, and 3 such vectors. The paper presents a term with 4 vectors but does not discuss its physical meaning. The paper also discusses particle mass ratios and the Fine Structure Constant where added or subtracted area in relation to a disk does not involve a ratio 1/24 but 1/96 due to the physical meaning of the orientation of a space foliation which is perpendicular to a time-like vector and due to the orientation of a plane which is perpendicular to a time-like vector. These two orientations mean that only one side of a 3-dimensional foliation has a physical meaning and only one side of a sub-plane of that foliation has a physical meaning then (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/24_=1/96. Another interpretation of the factor 1/4 is the Bekenstein - Hawking entropy to area constant. An additional coefficient 4/{\pi} describes an acceleration field strength and has a compelling source in mainstream physics. Other two field strength coefficients are 95/96 and a critical value due to an imbalance equation between gravity and anti-gravity ~1.556198537190348396563877031439915299.
... The first one is a mechanical force (called after its discoverers, Biefeld-Brown force [2]) affecting the whole system of electrodes in the same direction, commonly observed on a device called "lifter", where a lightweight system of asymmetrical electrodes is able to lift itself against gravity [3]. The second one is an airflow generated around the electrodes with the opposite orientation to the direction of the force [4]. Since their discovery, many scientists have tried to use both phenomena in practical and also in somewhat unconventional applications, e.g., bladeless fans, air purifiers, ionic wind propulsion, reduction of drag on wings, electrospinning of nanofibers, flow control, and various military and space applications [5][6][7][8]. ...
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This paper is focused on the research of airflow generating through the use of high-voltage electrohydrodynamic devices. For this purpose, the authors built several electrohydrodynamic airflow generators with one point electrode and one tube electrode of varying dimensions and compared their efficiency in generating the airflow in order to find an optimal design. The character of the flow was also analyzed with the help of particle image velocimetry, and velocity vector maps and velocity profile were acquired. In addition, a possible practical cooling application was proposed and realized with positive results. Lastly, the products present in the generated airflow were tested for ozone and nitrogen oxides, which could have detrimental effects on human health and material integrity. In both cases, the concentration has been found to be below permissible limits.
... The ions are accelerated towards the larger grounded electrode and colliding with neutral particles of the surrounding air, thus creating airflow. The exact mechanism and its description are analysed in detail in [7,8]. ...
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While examining the airflow generated between the asymmetrical electrodes connected to high voltage, the authors investigated the possible limitations of the particle image velocimetry (PIV) method in the presence of strong electric fields. The tracer particles used in the PIV method in these conditions are affected by electromagnetic forces; therefore, it is necessary to determine whether these forces have any non-negligible negative influence on the measurement results. For this purpose, the authors theoretically analyzed all the possible forces and measured the generated airflow using PIV and constant temperature anemometry methods. The experimental and theoretical results clearly show the viability of the PIV measurement method even in these very specific conditions.
... However, all tests using this method so far like the ones from Shawyer [15][16][17], positioned the EMDrive on top of the balance. Tests performed by us with samples that can heat up show a significant difference if weighted above or below on a hook due to this effect [32]. Specifically, the EMDrive with its large volume usually made from copper or steel acting as a heat sink is very sensitive to this. ...
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The EMDrive is a proposed propellantless propulsion concept claiming to be many orders of magnitude more efficient than classical radiation pressure forces. It is based on microwaves, which are injected into a closed tapered cavity, producing a unidirectional thrust with values of at least 1 mN/kW. This was met with high scepticism going against basic conservation laws and classical mechanics. However, several tests and theories appeared in the literature supporting this concept. Measuring a thruster with a significant thermal and mechanical load as well as high electric currents, such as those required to operate a microwave amplifier, can create numerous artefacts that produce false-positive thrust values. After many iterations, we developed an inverted counterbalanced double pendulum thrust balance, where the thruster can be mounted on a bearing below its suspension point to eliminate most thermal drift effects. In addition, the EMDrive was self-powered by a battery-pack to remove undesired interactions due to feedthroughs. We found no thrust values within a wide frequency band including several resonance frequencies and different modes. Our data limit any anomalous thrust to below the force equivalent from classical radiation for a given amount of power. This provides strong limits to all proposed theories and rules out previous test results by at least two orders of magnitude.
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Biefeld-Brown effect (B-B effect for short) refers to the phenomenon that when a high voltage is applied to an asymmetric capacitor, the capacitor generates an additional force. In order to explore the influencing factors and series characteristics of the B-B effect of wire-plate asymmetric capacitors in atmospheric pressure, a set of experimental devices with adjustable parameters was designed. Based on this device, the effects of different wire-plate lengths, power supply types and electrode application modes on the thrust and efficiency of B-B effect are studied. At the same time, the optimal parameters are selected to study the series characteristics. The research shows that the thrust generated by B-B effect is directly proportional to the length of the wire plate. The thrust generated by applying positive emission voltage to the copper wire and grounding the aluminum plate is the largest, and the two-stage series connection can achieve multiple increase of the thrust, with better performance.
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Since the first aeroplane flight more than 100 years ago, aeroplanes have been propelled using moving surfaces such as propellers and turbines. Most have been powered by fossil-fuel combustion. Electroaerodynamics, in which electrical forces accelerate ions in a fluid1,2, has been proposed as an alternative method of propelling aeroplanes—without moving parts, nearly silently and without combustion emissions3, 4, 5–6. However, no aeroplane with such a solid-state propulsion system has yet flown. Here we demonstrate that a solid-state propulsion system can sustain powered flight, by designing and flying an electroaerodynamically propelled heavier-than-air aeroplane. We flew a fixed-wing aeroplane with a five-metre wingspan ten times and showed that it achieved steady-level flight. All batteries and power systems, including a specifically developed ultralight high-voltage (40-kilovolt) power converter, were carried on-board. We show that conventionally accepted limitations in thrust-to-power ratio and thrust density4,6,7, which were previously thought to make electroaerodynamics unfeasible as a method of aeroplane propulsion, are surmountable. We provide a proof of concept for electroaerodynamic aeroplane propulsion, opening up possibilities for aircraft and aerodynamic devices that are quieter, mechanically simpler and do not emit combustion emissions.
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From gravitational redshift/blueshift and the law of conservation of energy, we obtained equations, ∆g=√(fG/μ_0 ) B and ∆g=√(fGε_0 ) E, for the interaction between gravitational and magnetic/electric field. The variation of gravitational acceleration ∆g is determined with the gravitational redshift parameter ƒ and the magnetic flux density B or the electric field intensity E; G, μ_0 and ε_0 are gravitational, magnetic and electric constant. The equations show that the variation of the gravitational field could be measured. And, we found that, the energy density of the magnetic field is close to that of the gravitational one. It also indicates that a strong magnetic field could make the variation of the energy of gravitational field measurable. The equations should mean that not only we have a new way to understand gravity, but also we shall can manipulate the gravitational field as we did the electromagnetic one.
Propellantless propulsion is believed to be the best option for interstellar travel. However, photon rockets or solar sails have thrusts so low that maybe only nano-scaled spacecraft may reach the next star within our lifetime using very high-power laser beams. Since 2012, a dedicated breakthrough propulsion physics group was founded at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering at TU Dresden to investigate different concepts based on non-classical/revolutionary propulsion ideas that claim to be at least an order of magnitude more efficient in producing thrust compared to photon rockets. Most of these schemes rely on modifying the inertial mass, which in turn could lead to a new propellantless propulsion method. Our intention is to develop an excellent research infrastructure to test new ideas and measure thrusts and/or artefacts with high confidence to determine if a concept works and if it does how to scale it up. At present, we are focusing on two possible revolutionary concepts: The EMDrive and the Mach-Effect Thruster. The first concept uses microwaves in a truncated cone-shaped cavity that is claimed to produce thrust. Although it is not clear on which theoretical basis this can work, several experimental tests have been reported in the literature, which warrants a closer examination. We are building several models of different sizes to understand scaling laws and the interaction with the test environment. The second concept is theoretically much better understood and is believed to generate mass fluctuations in a piezo-crystal stack that creates non-zero time-averaged thrusts. Apart from theoretical models, we are testing and building several such thrusters in novel setups to further investigate their thrust capability. In addition, we are performing side-experiments to investigate other experimental areas that may be promising for revolutionary propulsion. To improve our testing capabilities, several cutting-edge thrust balances are under development to compare thrust measurements in different measurement setups to gain confidence and to identify experimental artefacts.
As was shown recently, the scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Mbelek and Lachièze-Rey allows for a possible explanation of the forces reported in asymmetric microwave cavities. We show here that the theory in its revised version predicts a much simpler way of producing thrust by electrostatic means. We here briefly present the equations and derivations indicating that a constant force is predicted for a spherical capacitor with an asymmetric mass distribution, kept at constant voltage. Apart form other practical implications, this particular prediction, and a complementary proposal in which the spherical capacitor takes the place of the large mass in a Cavendish-like experiment, provides an additional possibility of experimentally testing this particular scalar-tensor gravitational theory.
The Planck constant is one of the most important constants in nature, as it describes the world governed by quantum mechanics. However, it cannot be derived from other natural constants. We present a model from which it is possible to derive this constant without any free parameters. This is done utilizing the force between two oscillating electric dipoles described by an extension of Weber electrodynamics, based on a gravitational model by Assis. This leads not only to gravitational forces between the particles but also to a newly found Casimir-type attraction. We can use these forces to calculate the maximum point mass of this model which is equal to the Planck mass and derive the quantum of action. The result hints to a connection of quantum effects like the Casimir force and the Planck constant with gravitational ones and the origin of mass itself.
The scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Mbelek and Lachi\`{e}ze-Rey has been shown to lead to a possible explanation of the forces measured in asymmetric resonant microwave cavities. However, in the derivation of the equations from the action principle some inconsistencies were observed, like the need no to vary the electromagnetic invariant in a scalar source term. Also, the forces obtained were too high, in view of reconsideration of the experiments originally reported and of newly published results. In the present work the equations are re-derived using the full variation of the action, and also the constant of the theory re-evaluated employing the condition that no anomalous gravitational effects are produced by the earth's magnetic field. It is shown that the equations originally employed were correct, and that the newly evaluated constant gives the correct magnitude for the forces recently reported
In this work, we analyzed an anomalous effect verified from symmetrical capacitor devices, working in very high electric potentials. From the experimental measurements, we detected small variations of the device inertia that cannot be associated with known interactions, so that the raised force apparently has not been completely elucidated by current theories. We measured such variations within an accurate range, and we proposed that the experimental results can be explained by relations such as the Clausius‐Mossotti one, in order to quantify the dipole forces that appear in the devices. The values of the anomalous forces in the capacitors were calculated by means of the theoretical proposal and indicated a good agreement with our experimental measurements for 7 kV.
In this study, the authors analysed an anomalous force observed in asymmetric capacitors, working in high electric potentials. From a lot of experimental measurements performed in their asymmetric capacitor, they detected real variations of the device inertia. An empirical formula of the developed force according to Clausius–Mossotti relation explained the experimental results with good agreement, suggesting that the anomalous force can be related directly to the electric dipoles inside the capacitor dielectric. They could also explain why that force always points toward the small electrode when it is subjected to a convergent electric field. Such simple electrical propulsion systems could allow in the future the substitution of the fuel propulsion technology.