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The article explains the current state of aviation armament and equipment protection from missile attacks. The necessity of improvement and ways of prospective development for aircraft protection systems are considered in the work. The analysis of the directions for solving the problem of detecting a missile attack on an aircraft is performed. There has also been given a solid consideration for methods and means for detecting the launch and flight of a missile in the infrared and ultraviolet band of electromagnetic waves. The source of ultraviolet emission, in particular the additives of rocket fuel in the process of combustion, is considered. A brief description of the frequency bands of the spectrum of ultraviolet emission and their classification in accordance with the current regulations of Ukraine and the classification of the International Commission on Illumination (Fr.-CIE) is provided. Considerable attention is paid to the frequency band called "solar blind". The basic characteristics of the ultraviolet sensors of the Soviet and Russian production are given. A brief overview of the missile attack early warning stations of foreign production, mentioning the aircraft on which they are installed is performed. Operational characteristics’ features of these stations are described in a concise way. The specifications of early warning stations are also given. The necessity of close interaction of these stations with the means of countermeasures, with the prospect of full integration with the onboard aircraft defense complex is shown.

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... Summarizing the experience of armed conflicts that have occurred in the world in recent years convincingly shows that the greatest losses of the fleet of aerial vehicle and helicopters were caused by the use of guided missiles. These missiles belong to the «air-to-air» and «ground-to-air» classes, equipped with homing heads [4]. In this regard, the task of protecting aerial vehicle from damage by guided missiles is one of the most important for aviation. ...
... A new full-scale SED sample was designed (Fig. 3). The rotary gas-dynamic circuit of the SED, through which the exhaust gases of the engine are diverted, structurally consists of the main nodes: receiver (1); the front part of the contour (2); power belts (3,4); the rear part of the contour (5); seal (6). ...
... A seal made of heat-resistant rubber (6) is bolted to the front edge of the receiver (1). On the power belts (3,4), brackets for SED suspension are fixed with bolts on the fastening nodes. In the flow part of the gas-dynamic circuit, straightening blades are fixed by welding. ...
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The object of this study is the screen-exhaust device in the TV3-117 engine of the Mi-8MSB-B helicopter. To reduce visibility in the thermal range, a system of mixing hot engine exhaust gases with ambient air is used; this technique makes it possible to reduce the infrared radiation of engines. For this purpose, a new sample of screen-exhaust device was designed for testing. A thermal imaging survey of the helicopter was conducted. Three variants of thermal images were acquired: a helicopter without installation of a thermal visibility reduction system, a helicopter with standard exhaust shields installed, and a helicopter with newly developed shield exhaust devices installed. Based on the obtained experimental results, the characteristics of the intensity of infrared radiation were determined for three variants of research in the range of thermal waves of 3–5 μm. The study uses a comprehensive approach to solving the tasks, which includes a statistical analysis of known and promising ways to protect a helicopter from guided missiles with infrared homing heads based on reduced radiation forces and a theoretical method for calculating flow and temperature fields. The advantages of placing the section of the exhaust channel of the designed screen-exhaust device in the horizontal plane for complete shielding of infrared radiation in the lower hemisphere have been experimentally proven. The benefits of directing the flow of exhaust gases from the screen-exhaust device into the space above the helicopter propeller and dividing this flow into four separate flows were shown. The results of experimental research could be used to design new or improve existing screen-exhaust devices by the developers of military aviation
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