The agricultural practices around the world are dependent upon extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides. These chemical formulations are being added to improve crop quality and meet the global food demand. Fertilizers and pesticides are also considered as critical farmland tools for food security. On the other hand, the inorganic fertilizers and pesticides have many undesirable aspects which cannot be overlooked. They have properties to remain in soil and environment for a long time and affect various biotic and abiotic factors. They have adverse effects on soil, microflora, other organisms, environment, and human health. These undesirable properties of fertilizers and pesticides have led to the search of another option, i.e., sustainable agriculture, which is attracting the farmers and gaining the attention. In this system, the use of harsh chemicals is avoided and other methods such as organic farming, biofertilizers, composting, and use of bio control agents etc. are adopted and that is sustainable agriculture. Keeping all these aspects in view, this chapter aims at discussing various impacts of fertilizers and pesticides on soil structure, composition and environment along with the various alternatives to inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, so that preventive measures can be taken to conserve the nature.