
Fertilizers and Pesticides: Their Impact on Soil Health and Environment

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The agricultural practices around the world are dependent upon extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides. These chemical formulations are being added to improve crop quality and meet the global food demand. Fertilizers and pesticides are also considered as critical farmland tools for food security. On the other hand, the inorganic fertilizers and pesticides have many undesirable aspects which cannot be overlooked. They have properties to remain in soil and environment for a long time and affect various biotic and abiotic factors. They have adverse effects on soil, microflora, other organisms, environment, and human health. These undesirable properties of fertilizers and pesticides have led to the search of another option, i.e., sustainable agriculture, which is attracting the farmers and gaining the attention. In this system, the use of harsh chemicals is avoided and other methods such as organic farming, biofertilizers, composting, and use of bio control agents etc. are adopted and that is sustainable agriculture. Keeping all these aspects in view, this chapter aims at discussing various impacts of fertilizers and pesticides on soil structure, composition and environment along with the various alternatives to inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, so that preventive measures can be taken to conserve the nature.

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... Pesticides and fertilizers are integral components of modern agriculture, applied to manage pests and enhance crop productivity (Baweja et al. 2020). In India, fertilizer consumption surged to 32.5 million metric tons (Mt) in 2020, marking a significant 95% increase since 2000, while pesticide usage increased by 37% to 0.450 Mt over the same period (FAO 2022). ...
... These parameters are interconnected and exert mutual influence. The prolonged and intensive application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the soil can have diverse effects on soil health (Prashar and Shah 2016;Baweja et al. 2020). Additionally, the burning of rice residue negatively affects soil health (Jain et al. 2018). ...
... A study by Guo et al. (2010) reported severe soil acidification and reduced productivity resulting from the excessive application of synthetic fertilizer. Soil acidification, caused by the release of acidic compounds during nutrient transformations, accelerates the breakdown of mineral-rich soil aggregates essential for drainage, leading to soil compaction (Baweja et al. 2020). Soil compaction poses numerous challenges including inadequate aeration, increased bulk density, reduced permeability, erosion, and runoff (Mari et al. 2008;Batey 2009). ...
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Agricultural intensification in the Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plain (NWIGP), a critical food bowl supporting millions of people, is leading to groundwater depletion and soil health degradation. This is primarily driven by conventional cultivation practices in the rice–wheat (RW) cropping system, which dominates over 85% of the IGP. Therefore, this study presents a systematic literature review of input management in the RW system, analyzes district-wise trends, outlines the current status, identifies problems, and proposes sustainable management options to achieve development goals. Our district-wise analysis estimates potential water savings from 20 to 60% by transitioning from flood to drip, sprinkler, laser land leveling, or conservation agriculture (CA). Alongside integrating water-saving technologies with CA, crop switching and recharge infrastructure enhancements are needed for groundwater sustainability. Furthermore, non-adherence with recommended fertilizer and pesticide practices, coupled with residue burning, adversely affects soil health and water quality. CA practices have demonstrated substantial benefits, including increased soil permeability (up to 51%), improved organic carbon content (up to 38%), higher nitrifying bacteria populations (up to 73%), enhanced dehydrogenase activities (up to 70%), and increased arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi populations (up to 56%). The detection of multiple fertilizers and pesticides in groundwater underscores the need for legislative measures and the promotion of sustainable farming practices similar to European Union strategies. Lastly, emphasis should be placed on fostering shifts in farmers’ perceptions toward optimizing input utilization. The policy implications of this study extend beyond the NWIGP region to the entire country, stressing the critical importance of proactive measures to increase environmental sustainability.
... Common sources and types of soil contaminants include: Chemicals and heavy metals released from manufacturing processes, mining operations, industrial spills, and waste disposal sites, such as lead (Pb), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Priyadarshanee et al., 2022). Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and animal manure applied to agricultural fields, contributing to soil pollution with pesticides residues, nitrate, phosphate, and microbial pathogens (Baweja et al., 2020). Improper disposal of solid waste, landfill leach ate, sewage sludge, and hazardous materials, leading to soil contamination with organic pollutants, heavy metals, and toxic substances. ...
... Urban runoff, road salts, atmospheric deposition, and construction activities introducing contaminants such as heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and road deicing agents into urban soils. Volcanic eruptions, weathering of minerals, erosion, and sedimentation contributing to soil contamination with naturally occurring substances such as radionuclides, asbestos, and trace elements (Baweja et al., 2020). ...
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It gives an insightful approach to the concept of pH, Acids and bases. The fundamental concept of acid and alkaline solutions, relationship between acids and bases, their pH of the various regions in the body, pH in disease and disorders and the application of pH in pharmacy, medicine and other fields.
... Common sources and types of soil contaminants include: Chemicals and heavy metals released from manufacturing processes, mining operations, industrial spills, and waste disposal sites, such as lead (Pb), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Priyadarshanee et al., 2022). Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and animal manure applied to agricultural fields, contributing to soil pollution with pesticides residues, nitrate, phosphate, and microbial pathogens (Baweja et al., 2020). Improper disposal of solid waste, landfill leach ate, sewage sludge, and hazardous materials, leading to soil contamination with organic pollutants, heavy metals, and toxic substances. ...
... Urban runoff, road salts, atmospheric deposition, and construction activities introducing contaminants such as heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and road deicing agents into urban soils. Volcanic eruptions, weathering of minerals, erosion, and sedimentation contributing to soil contamination with naturally occurring substances such as radionuclides, asbestos, and trace elements (Baweja et al., 2020). ...
The ability to speed up chemical processes without consuming itself is known as catalysis, and it is essential to many scientific and industrial uses. This chapter presents an in-depth analysis of catalysis, starting with an overview of its basic concepts and workings. It highlights significant discoveries and technical developments while examining the historical viewpoints and significant turning points that have defined the field. The principles of catalysis are explained, including surface chemistry, reaction kinetics, and the function of catalysts in increasing the rate of reaction and selectivity. The latest advancements in the study of materials, nanostructures, and customized surface functions that maximize catalytic performance are the main topics of discussion while examining recent advances in catalyst design. Computational method advances are investigated as essential instruments for catalyst design and discovery, utilizing quantum physics and simulations of molecules to forecast. Zeolites, metallic-organic frameworks (MOFs), and catalysts with one atom are examples of novel catalytic structures and materials that are explored for their special qualities and potential uses in a variety of sectors. The chapter explores catalysis for environmentally friendly chemistry, with a focus on ecologically friendly techniques, renewable feedstocks, and green catalytic processes. Applications of catalysts in energy conversion, such as fuel cells, photocatalysis, and hydrogen production, demonstrate how important catalysts are to the development of sustainable energy solutions. To address new areas like bio catalysis, artificial based on intelligence catalyst development, and dynamic catalytic systems, recent trends and potential futures in catalysis are examined. This comprehensive evaluation of catalysis's prospects and challenges—such as deactivation of catalysts, scalability, and economic viability—offers ideas on removing obstacles and promoting innovation in the sector.
... Common sources and types of soil contaminants include: Chemicals and heavy metals released from manufacturing processes, mining operations, industrial spills, and waste disposal sites, such as lead (Pb), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Priyadarshanee et al., 2022). Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and animal manure applied to agricultural fields, contributing to soil pollution with pesticides residues, nitrate, phosphate, and microbial pathogens (Baweja et al., 2020). Improper disposal of solid waste, landfill leach ate, sewage sludge, and hazardous materials, leading to soil contamination with organic pollutants, heavy metals, and toxic substances. ...
... Urban runoff, road salts, atmospheric deposition, and construction activities introducing contaminants such as heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and road deicing agents into urban soils. Volcanic eruptions, weathering of minerals, erosion, and sedimentation contributing to soil contamination with naturally occurring substances such as radionuclides, asbestos, and trace elements (Baweja et al., 2020). ...
... Common sources and types of soil contaminants include: Chemicals and heavy metals released from manufacturing processes, mining operations, industrial spills, and waste disposal sites, such as lead (Pb), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Priyadarshanee et al., 2022). Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and animal manure applied to agricultural fields, contributing to soil pollution with pesticides residues, nitrate, phosphate, and microbial pathogens (Baweja et al., 2020). Improper disposal of solid waste, landfill leach ate, sewage sludge, and hazardous materials, leading to soil contamination with organic pollutants, heavy metals, and toxic substances. ...
... Urban runoff, road salts, atmospheric deposition, and construction activities introducing contaminants such as heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and road deicing agents into urban soils. Volcanic eruptions, weathering of minerals, erosion, and sedimentation contributing to soil contamination with naturally occurring substances such as radionuclides, asbestos, and trace elements (Baweja et al., 2020). ...
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The chapter gives a comprehensive insight into medicinal chemistry and the treatment of diseases. It also give a breakdown of what drug design and development
... At the same time, climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, such as drought, heat, or heavy rainfall, which can greatly impact agricultural systems (Allan et al., 2021;Jägermeyr et al., 2021). On top of this, there is an urgent need to reduce the detrimental environmental impacts of crop production systems, through a reduction in synthetic inputs, such as mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides (Baweja et al., 2020;Thomas et al., 2020). It is thus crucial to design agricultural production systems that are at the same time equally or more performant, more stable, and less reliant on external inputs (Bommarco et al., 2013). ...
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In the current quest for a more sustainable, environment-friendly agriculture, variety mixtures are often suggested as a practical option to increase the stability of food production systems. Their effects on yield have been extensively researched, yet clear conclusions remain elusive, notably in terms of mechanistic processes and optimal variety combinations. Furthermore, in the case of wheat, yield is not the only component in the equation: grain quality is crucial for the bread value chain, yet the effects of variety mixtures on wheat quality and its stability have rarely been investigated. To that end, we conducted a multi-year, multi-site wheat variety mixture experiment investigating the role of variety mixtures on the performance and stability of five traits linked to grain yield and quality, and the mechanisms underlying these effects. Eight varieties were grown in pure stands and mixtures of 2 and 8 varieties, following a full diallel design. We considered the responses of grain yield, protein content, thousand kernel weight, hectoliter weight, and Zeleny sedimentation value. Results showed that mixtures generally outperformed pure stands in terms of global performance and stability for the 5 parameters. We particularly noticed an increase in quality stability and in Zeleny sedimentation value in mixtures, showing the potential of mixtures to improve crop quality. Moreover, we highlighted the important role of light interception for increased mixtures benefits. A more detailed investigation into individual mixture performances led us to some practical rules for optimal variety combinations: we advise combining varieties with similar heights and phenologies but different tillering abilities and yield potential. This study thus shows that variety mixtures represent a promising solution to sustainably increase the stability of wheat yield and quality. With practical recommendations, our results could benefit farmers but also processors and bakers, and promote the adoption of wheat variety mixtures.
... Immediate improvements in plant growth and yield can be achieved using inorganic fertilizers like urea, superphosphate and potassium chloride which contain readily available nutrients (Yahaya et al., 2023;Somvanshi et al., 2020). However, heavy dependence on such fertilizers in groundnut cultivation has consequences of soil degradation, decrease in microbial activity and environmental pollution caused by nutrient leaching and runoff (Baweja et al., 2020;Weight and Kelly, 1999). Meanwhile biofertilizers are made from natural sources including Rhizobium, Azospirillum and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria that are beneficial for soil health and environment friendly (Rabani et al., 2023;Singh et al., 2016). ...
Fertilizers are essential for agricultural success, significantly enhancing plant growth and productivity. However, the excessive use of chemical fertilizers can harm soil health and compromise long-term sustainability. Balancing the use of inorganic fertilizers with bio-fertilizers offers a promising alternative. This study, conducted over two years (2022 and 2023) at the Post Graduate Research Farm, M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, focused on groundnut cultivation. The experiment used a robust factorial randomized block design with three replications and twelve treatments. The treatments included four levels of inorganic fertilizers: F1 (0% RDF), F2 (50% RDF), F3 (100% RDF), and F4 (150% RDF), combined with three bio-fertilizer levels: B1 (Control), B2 (Rhizobium seed inoculation @ 2.4 kg/ha), and B3 (Rhizobium soil application @ 2 kg/ha). The findings revealed that optimal growth and yield were achieved with the application of 150% RDF combined with Rhizobium seed inoculation @ 2.4 kg/ha. This performance was comparable to the application of 100% RDF with the same Rhizobium inoculation. Consequently, this combined application stands as a viable recommendation for farmers in southern Odisha who aim to cultivate groundnut during the summer season, ensuring enhanced growth and productivity.
... Drought and salinity are major stress factors that pose a critical menace to sustainable agricultural production and global food security, leading to reduced yields in cereal crops, including wheat [2]. Currently, the utilization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for mitigating salt stress has gained significant importance [3,4]. PGPR, which are typically bacteria residing in the rhizosphere, are believed to interact with host plants through the secretion of signaling factors such as proteins, metabolites, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [5,6]. ...
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Staphylococcus warneri is a gram-positive mesophilic bacterium, resilient to extreme environmental conditions. To unravel its Osmotic Tolerance Response (OTR), we conducted proteomic and metabolomic analyses under drought (PEG) and salt (NaCl) stresses. Our findings revealed 1340 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) across all treatments. Interestingly, majority of these DEPs were part of common pathways activated by S. warneri. CPD1 in response to osmotic stress. Notably, the bacterial isolate exhibited increased expression of lysophospholipases associated with biofilm formation and protection from environmental stresses, transglycosylases involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis, and acetoin reductase linked to acetoin metabolism. The upregulation of global ion transporters, including ABC transporters, potassium ion transport, and glutamate transport, indicated the bacterium’s ability to maintain ionic balance under stress conditions. Protein–protein docking analysis revealed highest interactions with thioredoxin and alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase, highlighting their crucial roles in the mechanisms of osmotic stress tolerance in S. warneri CPD1. Metabolomic results demonstrated significant alterations in fatty acids and amino acids. In the greenhouse experiment, the bacterial isolate significantly enhanced wheat biomass, nutrient content, photosynthesis, and proline levels under stress conditions, making it a promising bacterial inoculant and biostimulant for improving crop productivity in challenging environments.
... Sustainable agriculture, which minimizes the use of harsh chemicals, has gained traction among farmers. This approach emphasizes methods like organic farming, biocontrol agents, and composting, offering a more environmentally friendly way to maintain agricultural productivity (Baweja et al. 2020). ...
Environmental stressors, including cytotoxic agents, pollutants, and toxicants, are critical factors driving apoptotic cell death, which plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of numerous diseases like respiratory distress, metabolic disorders, reproductive abnormalities, neurodegenerative diseases, and cardiovascular conditions. Organic chemicals such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and petroleum hydrocarbons, not only contribute to the progression of chronic diseases but also highlight the broader implications of environmental pollution on public health. The environmental challenge posed by plastics, microplastics, and endocrine disrupting chemicals, is a growing concern due to their persistent non-biodegradability and accumulation within ecosystems. The extensive application of pesticides in agriculture, coupled with the release of heavy metals from industrial activities, exacerbates environmental contamination and poses severe health risks to both humans and ecological systems. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as DDT, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) resist environmental degradation and have a propensity to bioaccumulate within the food chain. Pharmaceuticals from industrial effluents released into the environment and improper disposal practices represent an emerging threat to public health. It is crucial to understand the mechanisms by which pollutants exert their toxic effects, develop effective mitigation strategies, and influence policy decisions. Sustainable developmental goal 3 states good health and well-being and ensures a healthy life for all individuals. This issue exemplifies the broader impact of human-made pollutants on the environment and stresses, the urgent need for innovative strategies to mitigate their presence in natural habitats, and advance sustainable development goals to reduce pollution and safeguard both human health, aquatic health, and the environment. This study explores the mechanisms through which various toxicants, including cytotoxic agents, pollutants, and endocrine disruptors, induce apoptotic cell death, contributing to a wide range of diseases. The research highlights the pervasive nature of environmental pollution, from organic chemicals to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and emphasizes the urgent need for innovative strategies to mitigate their harmful effects. Understanding the mechanisms of pollution and developing effective solutions is crucial for promoting sustainable development and protecting public health.
... The main reason for the increase in pest and disease problems is monoculture farming (Putra et al. 2020;Buresh et al. 2021;Belete and Yadete 2023). The use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides poses a threat to the environment and agriculture cannot rely solely on them (Baweja, Kumar, and Kumar 2020;Tripathi et al. 2020). In addition, tillage leads to erosion (Klik and Rosner 2020), improper irrigation without adequate drainage leads to salinization (Singh 2021), nutrient depletion, and other factors are threatening the sustainability of agriculture (Hossain et al. 2020;Penuelas, Coello, and Sardans 2023). ...
Achieving sustainable development (SD) requires a holistic approach that bridges multiple disciplines. Although the current literature recognizes the critical role of interdisciplinary collaboration in comprehensively addressing global challenges across fields such as economics, business, environmental science, and social justice, there is still a significant gap in understanding how specific contributions from each discipline can be effectively combined to strengthen the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this paper, we examine the interconnected nature of the SDGs and the critical role of interdis-ciplinary collaboration in achieving them. Addressing complex challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation requires contributions from diverse fields, including biology, ecology, toxicology, chemistry, physics, mechanics, environmental engineering, architecture, and urban planning. The purpose of this paper is twofold (i) to explore the interconnected nature of the SDGs and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve them, and (ii) to highlight how contributions from different disciplines can enhance our ability to address the complex challenges associated with SD. We emphasize the integration of sustainable principles and innovative approaches as essential to fostering collaboration. Our findings suggest that inclusive, interdisciplinary strategies are critical for SD and underscore the urgent need for collective action across sectors to achieve the SDGs, strengthen global resilience, and drive innovation in SD. Adopting interdisciplinary efforts creates pathways for innovative, inclusive, and sustainable impacts that support a healthier planet and a resilient future for all.
... The presence of pesticides in the soil is a selective pressure to develop microorganisms that degrade these contaminants; however, it reduces beneficial microorganisms and thereby decrease soil health and fertility [76,77]. The presence of carbofuran and picloram and the experimental time influenced on the relative abundance of soil microbial communities at the genus level (Fig 2 and S5 Fig). ...
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Many countries widely use pesticides to increase crop productivity in agriculture. However, their excessive and indiscriminate use contaminates soil and other environments and affects edaphic microbial communities. We aimed to examine how the pesticides carbofuran and picloram affect the structure and functionality of soil microbiota using cultivation-independent methods. Total DNA was extracted from microcosms (treated or not with pesticides) for amplification and metabarcoding sequencing for bacteria (16S gene) and fungi (28S gene) using Illumina—MiSeq platform. Data analysis resulted in 6,772,547 valid reads from the sequencing, including 3,450,815 amplicon sequences from the V3-V4 regions of the 16S gene and 3,321,732 sequences from the 28S gene. A total of 118 archaea, 6,931 bacteria, and 1,673 fungi taxonomic operating units were annotated with 97% identity in 24 soil samples. The most abundant phyla were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Chloroflexi, Euryarchaeaota, and Ascomycota. The pesticides reduced the diversity and richness and altered the composition of soil microbial communities and the ecological interactions among them. Picloram exerted the strongest influence. Metabarcoding data analysis from soil microorganisms identified metabolic functions involved in resistance and degradation of contaminants, such as glutathione S-transferase. The results provided evidence that carbofuran and picloram shaped the soil microbial community. Future investigations are required to unravel the mechanisms by which soil microorganisms degrade pesticides.
... These constraints could potentially increase in the future and might pose a significant threat to the stability of agricultural crop production (Wheeler & Bruan, 2013). To produce sufficient food, synthetic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers have been traditionally used and became vital for agricultural production and crop protection against biotic and abiotic factors (Baweja et al., 2020). Conversely, complete reliance on chemical inputs to improve crop productivity can also jeopardize human health and compromise the environment (Sharma et al., 2019). ...
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Purpose: The study was conducted to evaluate growth, physiological, morphological and yield response of gem squash plants following soil drench application of different plant extracts. Research method: A pot experiment conducted in the glasshouse was laid out following complete randomized design (CRD), with five replications. Thirty healthy, similar-sized gem squash plants were grown and treated with different treatments (plant extracts).Treatments included: Ascophyllum nodosum extract (ANE), aloe vera leaf extract (ALvE), garlic bulb extract (GBE), ginger rhizome extract(GRE), moringa leaf extract (MLE) and the control (no application).Findings: The soil drench application of plant extracts, especially ANE and MLE, had the best growth response of gem squash plants compared with other treatments and the control. Plants treated with ANE and MLE produced a greater number of leaves and branches and simultaneously produced broader leaf area compared to other plant extracts and the control. ANE-treated plants produced the highest leaf chlorophyll concentration, followed by ALvE and MLE. All plant extracts, ANE, MLE, ALvE and GBE, significantly increased the total dry biomass, except GRE was not significantly different from the control. The yield parameters, viz. total fruit yield, fruit mass and fruit diameter, were positively affected by all treatments applied, although ANE- and MLE-treated plants yielded the largest number of fruit/plants, heaviest fruit and biggest fruit compared to other treatments. Research limitations: There were no limitations identified. Originality/Value: Although further studies on plant extracts usage are still required, this study highlight the potential of plant extracts, especially ANE and MLE, as a natural biostimulants to improve growth and yield attributes of gem squash has been demonstrated
... During the Green Revolution, pesticides were used more than necessary ( Table 1). As a result, biodiversity, soil health, and crop quality have been affected [5]. Pesticides are always spread through agriculture. ...
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Pesticides are chemical compounds or mixtures of hazardous substances that are used by humans to increase and protect crops from pests and control disease-carrying insects. Because of its wide use, it may be poisonous to helpful and non-targeting plants and animals. Spraying or spreading pesticides over whole fields of crops can cause runoff to transfer the chemicals into aquatic ecosystems, and wind can carry the chemicals to nearby grazing regions, farms, and populated areas, where they can endanger other animals. This review summarises recent studies on pesticide combination toxicity to aquatic biota and approaches used to anticipate toxic effects. When toxicants harm economically significant organisms that humans consume, the negative effects become more severe and can cause stress conditions, vital organ damage, biochemical damage as well as even the death of living things in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Pesticides are highly toxic to aquatic organisms such as snails, fish, etc. By producing excessive ROS, pesticides can cause severe biochemical and histological changes as well as neurological dysfunction in freshwater organisms. So, it is therefore easy to understand the attention of the public on these substances. Because aquatic organisms play a major part in the food chain. However, through the biomagnification process, the quantity of pesticides increases in the higher organisms through the food chain, which results play a terrific role in the higher organism’s body. So, it’s essential to comprehend the way that insecticides work on aquatic organisms. In this review article, we are focusing on the way that pesticides work, which will help in the system of biomonitoring.
... In contrast, there is not any registered data for collembola Folsomia candida, despite being an important soil arthropod that contributes to nutrient mobilization, promotion of decomposition processes, and other important ecological functions (Fountain and Hopkin, 2005). The negative impact of agrochemicals on the health and wellness of soil species leads to a loss of ecosystem functions performed by these organisms (e.g., carbon transformation, nutrient cycling, and soil structure maintenance), decreasing soil health and its economic value (Baweja et al., 2020;Kibblewhite et al., 2008). ...
... An essential challenge lies in the excessive use of agrochemicals, adversely affecting crop yields, soil fertility, as well as the environment (Jacquet et al., 2022). Identifying the problems and seeking eco-friendly solutions becomes crucial to counteract these losses (Baweja et al., 2020). In this regard, CW offer a cost-effective agricultural approach widely adopted in traditional and modern farming methods, including hydroponics (Mahesh et al. 2024) and organic gardening (Devasena & Sangeetha, 2022). ...
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The forecasted global population growth is poised to create a greater exigency for livestock-derived food production, leading to a significant waste generation from the industrial-scale livestock operations, which necessitates to develop sustainable waste management solutions. The heightened demand for livestock and dairy products has driven a surge in cow waste (CW) production. While CW is typically used as organic fertilizer or solid fuel, improper disposal poses potential environmental hazards. Anaerobic digestion and composting transform CW into valuable products, such as biofuels and organic fertilizers, with the potential for electricity and heat generation, biochar production, and advanced friction materials. The CW contains essential inorganic and organic compounds vital for plant functions, including lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, nitrogen, and minerals such as potassium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt, and manganese. Additionally, the rich microbial diversity in cow dung drives the production of bioenergy carriers like biomethane and biohydrogen, promoting cost-effective energy generation and environmental sustainability. This review employs bibliometric analysis to explore the latest trends in CW applications, with a particular focus on innovative applications such as cellulose extraction, biochar production, microbial fuel cells, and nanoparticle synthesis. It further evaluates the environmental impacts of these technologies and assesses their potential to advance sustainable and cleaner frontiers in the valorization of CW. Graphical Abstract
... The use of biocompatible carriers to slow the release of microorganisms and nutrients plays a role in improving the effectiveness of this system. It promotes better preservation of microorganisms in biofertilizer products because the nutrients that are released can be absorbed directly by plant roots (Baweja et al., 2020). ...
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Soil structure and fertility are two possible soil qualities that influence agricultural productivity. Soil conservation is critical for maintaining these qualities. Biological techniques in agriculture may help to maintain soil structure and fertility. Biofertilizers boost microbial populations in the root zone by fostering a robust rhizobacterial and mycorrhizal community that releases phosphorus and other nutrients, increasing root growth and allowing the crop to absorb more water and nutrients, hence minimising soil erosion risks. Organic systems enhance sustainability by improving soil, water, and air quality by increasing biodiversity. This trend will provide the best solution if the current short-to-medium and long-term environmental, socio-economic, and land management challenges can be carefully addressed. This shows that the evidence available retrospectively for the biofertilization of biofertilizers can contribute to conserving soil and to adapting to changing climatic conditions on a food-producing plateau. Moreover, potential adverse environmental impacts in the long run may also be reduced.
... Inorganic fertilizers have problems, though, and extensive research on their problems has shown that they are issues that should not be ignored (Craswell, 2021). Using inorganic fertilizers was the primary cause of most issues with harvested crops and some of the damage to our natural environment (Baweja et al., 2020). Chemical fertilizers are not biodegradable, and prolonged usage of Chemical fertilizers causes the soil to become acidic and accumulate toxic materials, which reduces the soil's fertility . ...
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In recent years, the increase due to the rise in the high yielding verities led to the high-rate application of chemicals and pesticides in the soil. These chemical fertilizers give great responses to the farmers on a short-term basis, but in the long term, they harm the soil and human health by interfering in the food chain. The use of biofertilizers is a very good alternative for crop production in a sustainable and environment-friendly manner. Numerous bacteria and fungi can be used as biofertilizers for making the essential nutrients available to the plants which are associated with the rhizosphere of different crops, either symbiotically or non-symbiotically. Zinc plays a vital role in crop growth and achieving a great yield among the various macro and micronutrients. Zinc is responsible for Auxin synthesis, chlorophyll formation, protein metabolism, carbohydrate fixation, disease and stress tolerance. Zn deficiency is a global issue that gradually lowers crop output and productivity. Using zinc solubilizing microorganisms is one of the most effective sustainable approaches to achieving higher yield and restoring soil productivity. These microorganisms solubilize the available zinc pool in the soil so plants can easily uptake zinc. Bacillus subtilis, Thiobacillus thioxidans, Rhizobium, Pantoea sp., Gluconacetobacter, Saccharomyces sp. and PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) are involved in zinc solubilizing process and boost the soluble zinc in the soil. Using zinc solubilizers can reduce the fertilizer requirement of the crop to about 25-50% in combination with inorganic zinc fertilizers, so it reduces overall fertilizer cost.
... For example, extensive agricultural Land use intensified the local biodiversity loss resulted from the excessive utilization of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is an evident that excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has negative effects on the biological elements (Baweja et al., 2020;Sharma et al., 2019). This study finding represents a testimony on how land use changes indirectly affect local biodiversity. ...
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This study investigated the changing land use patterns and their impacts on ecosystem in the Teesta River Basin of northwestern Bangladesh. Although anthropocentric land use patterns, including agricultural land use, settlements, built areas, and waterbody loss, have been increasing in the Nilphamari district, by negatively affecting local ecosystems, they have not been identified by prior research. Limitations of contemporary literature motivated me to work on this crucial ground in the Teesta River Basin in Northwestern Bangladesh. This study applied a mixed research approach to identify the study objectives. Firstly, the land use and land cover (LULC) changes which occurred between 2000 and 2020 were detected using satellite imagery and supervised classification method. In addition to the detection of LULC changes, the study explored the people’s perceptions and experiences about the ecosystem changes resulted from the LULC changes over the last 20 years, conducting stakeholders’ consultations and household surveys utilizing a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings indicated that waterbodies in Nilphamari district have significantly decreased from 378 km2 in 2000 to 181 km2 in 2020. In the same way, the vegetation coverage has reduced 187 km2 between the years 2000 and 2020. On the contrary, agricultural lands (croplands) have increased from 595 km2 to 905 km2 and settlements have increased from 81 km2 to 206 km2 between the years 2000 and 2020. From the chi-square test, it was found a significant association between ecosystem change and biodiversity loss. It was further identified that waterbody decreases have significant impacts on aquatic ecosystems. The results of this study also indicated that due to the introduction of foreign tree species, local and native species have been significantly decreasing over the time. This study emphasizes the non-anthropocentric and inclusive land use policy implications for protecting life on land and preserving the aquatic ecosystem in Bangladesh.
... Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has seriously threatened environmental health and food safety (Baweja et al., 2020). As a result, heavy metals accumulate in crop plants, severely threatening human health through food chains. ...
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The world is confronting numerous challenges, including global warming, health epidemics, and population growth, each presenting significant threats to the stability and sustainability of our planet's ecosystems. Such issues have collectively contributed to a reduction in agricultural productivity, corresponding with an increase in demand and costs of essential commodities. This critical situation requires more sustainable environmental, social, and technological solutions. Molecular hydrogen (H 2) has been suggested as a "green" solution for our energy needs and many health, agricultural, and food applications. H 2 supplementation in agriculture may represent a novel and low-carbon biotechnological strategy applicable to the abundant production of crops, vegetables, and fruits in agri-food chains. H 2 is a potential green alternative to conventional chemical fertilizers. The use of a hydrogen-rich water irrigation system may also provide other health-related advantages, i.e., decreasing the heavy metal accumulation in crops. By adopting a H 2 strategy, crop producers, food processors, and decision-makers can contribute to sustainable solutions in the face of global challenges such as climate change, communicable disease epidemics, and a growing population. The versatile applications of H₂ in agriculture and the wider food industry position it as a uniquely suitable approach to address today's significant challenges, potentially fostering better crop production and positively impacting the agri-food chain. The present review is timely in combining the latest knowledge about the potential applications of H 2 in the agriculture and food industry, from farm to fork.
... Currently, acidic soil is the most problematic issues in Malaysia due to the use of chemical fertilizers. Excessive use of chemical fertilisers can hinder plant growth and result in harvest products that contain elevated quantities of chemicals, which can lead to the development of numerous diseases [2]. Besides that, chemical fertilizers can also cause environmental problems like soil degradation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions [3]. ...
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This study was conducted to test the effectiveness of biochar rice husk as an alternative fertilizer for the growth of mustard greens. There are four treatments used in this experiment, where CK is the control, BRH10 is rice husk biochar with 10% mixing rate (w/w), BRH30 is rice husk biochar with 30% (w/w) mixing rate and BRH50 is rice husk biochar with 50%(w/w) mixing rate. There are two types of soil used in the study labelled as Soil A (silty loam soil) and Soil B (sandy clay loam). Several analyses have been done to identify the suitability of biochar to be used as soil fertilizer including determining functional groups, morphology, pH, elements, height and weight. The results of the study showed that the crop yield obtained for height and weight measurement in the BRH10 treatment is the best, which is 7.9 cm and 0.4477 g. Based on the results of soil pH, SEM analysis and elemental analysis, it showed that the biochar is suitable for the cultivation of mustard greens and showed the ability to increase soil fertility. In conclusion of this study is that the BRH10 treatment for soil B has a better effect on the growth of mustard green plants compared to soil A and other treatments. Therefore, this biochar rice husk is suitable as an alternative fertilizer but should be used in less quantities.
... Pesticides, a class of toxic substances, are deliberately introduced into the environment to control pests, including weeds, insects, fungi, and rodents. While the term often evokes images of insecticides, it encompasses herbicides, fungicides, and other substances used for pest management (Baweja et al., 2020) [2] . These chemicals are integral to modern farming practices, safeguarding crops from pests and diseases, and have significantly boosted economic potential by increasing food and fiber production (Bourguet & Guillemaud, 2016) [3] . ...
... We now recognize the detrimental effects of these inputs on soil health, the environment, and human well-being. Furthermore, these fertilizers are costly and inefficient, with a significant portion of nutrients becoming immobilized in the soil, rendering them unavailable for plant uptake [1]. ...
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The increasing need for sustainable agricultural practices, combined with the demand for enhanced crop productivity, has led to a growing interest in utilizing microorganisms for biocontrol of diseases and pests, as well as for growth promotion. In Brazilian agriculture, the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and plant growth-promoting fungi (PGPF) has become increasingly prevalent, with a corresponding rise in the number of registered microbial inoculants each year. PGPR and PGPF occupy diverse niches within the rhizosphere, playing a crucial role in soil nutrient cycling and influencing a wide range of plant physiological processes. This review examines the primary mechanisms employed by these microbial agents to promote growth, as well as the strategy of co-inoculation to enhance product efficacy. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the microbial inoculants currently available in Brazil, detailing the microorganisms accessible for major crops, and discuss the market’s prospects for the research and development of novel products in light of current challenges faced in the coming years.
... For example, a study of green fertilizer application in Maize production in sub-Saharan Africa, (Sileshi et al., 2009) indicated that green manure application indicated a significant increase in yield response. Egodawatta et al. (2012), Baweja et al. (2020), and Krasilnikov et al. (2022) advocated that green fertilizers such as manure are derived from natural sources the application of these eventually foster better soil organic matter, safeguard ecosystems and maintain soil quality. In a study of apple growers in China Wang et al. (2018) found that organic fertilizer significantly lowered the cost and maintain profitability. ...
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Introduction The potato holds the distinction of being the world’s largest non-cereal food crop and ensuring its sustainable production is imperative for global food security. Notably, China leads in both the planting area and output of potatoes globally, cementing its crucial role in the nation’s agricultural economy. A scientific assessment of the effectiveness of organic fertilizers on potato cultivation can significantly contribute to the promotion of sustainable agriculture. Methods This study utilizes a Propensity Score Matching (PSM) model and introduces a novel cost-efficiency approach to analyze and evaluate the production efficiency and economic impact of organic fertilizer application among 546 potato growers in Shandong. Results The research findings reveal the following: Firstly, compared to the control group without organic fertilizer application, it is evident that the use of organic fertilizers enhances production technology efficiency, labor productivity, land productivity, and net profit per unit by 3.6%, 1588.47 kg/person, 16346.77 kg/ha, and 16135.32 yuan/ha, respectively. Secondly, an examination of cost efficiency among growers with different production scales indicates that those with a planting scale of 0.667-1.333 hectares demonstrate relatively high production efficiency across multiple factors. Additionally, there is an observable inverted U-shaped trend in the relationship between planting scale and production efficiency. Thirdly, the continuous application of organic fertilizers proves advantageous in mitigating inefficiencies in investment techniques, leading to cost savings and efficiency improvements in potato cultivation. Discussion Consequently, it is recommended that the government and relevant departments enhance technical support, elevate professional training programs, and optimize the allocation of input factors. These measures aim to encourage farmers to adopt organic fertilizers, thereby promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
... Considerable health hazards are associated with this contamination of groundwater, an essential supply of drinking water. It is also impossible to overlook the detrimental effects of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides on soil, microbiota, organisms, and human health because they continue to exist in the environment (Srivastav 2020; Baweja et al. 2020). Diversification of commercial crops is essential to moving towards sustainable agricultural production. ...
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Phytoremediation is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional remediation technologies, notably for soil restoration and agricultural sustainability. This strategy makes use of marginal areas, incorporates biofortification processes, and expands crop alternatives. The ecological and economic benefits of phytoremediation are highlighted in this review. Native plant species provide cost-effective advantages and lower risks, while using invasive species to purify pollutants might be a potential solution to the dilemma of not removing them from the new habitat. Thus, strict management measures should be used to prevent the overgrowth of invasive species. The superior advantages of phytoremediation, including psychological and social improvements, make it a powerful tool for both successful cleanup and community well-being. Its ability to generate renewable biomass and adapt to a variety of uses strengthens its position in developing the bio-based economy. However, phytoremediation faces severe difficulties such as complex site circumstances and stakeholder doubts. Overcoming these challenges necessitates a comprehensive approach that balances economic viability, environmental protection, and community welfare. Incorporating regulatory standards such as ASTM and ISO demonstrates a commitment to long-term environmental sustainability, while also providing advice for unique nation-specific requirements. Finally, phytoremediation may contribute to a pleasant coexistence of human activity and the environment by navigating hurdles and embracing innovation.
... Économie et institutions (Fund, 2020), the COVID-19 contraction has led to a catastrophic hit to the global labour market. Due to economic shut downs refer to prohibiting employees from working on site, which aids in preventing the spread of COVID-19 by reducing airborne transmission (Baweja, et al., 2020 ;Omary, et al., 2020) Even though pandemic conditions led to massive investment in pharmaceutical industry infrastructure, millions of people are losing their jobs or facing reductions in their working hours. These detriments are exacerbated by the accelerating digital transformation of healthcare delivery. ...
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COVID-19 virus proved to be very contagious resulting in a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO), posing overall public health system and governance challenges. Amid the pandemic period and the unprecedented increase in healthcare demands, pharmacy services are an important mainstay to combat the COVID-19 virus pandemic. However, not all pharmacies have inventive and adaptive pharmacist practices, particularly pharmacists working in rural areas. In the present article, we observed how pharmaceutical swiftly acted response in to marketing during the COVID-19 period. The populations of focus were employees in marketing divisions with an emphasis on product sales. The data were obtained through in depth interviews and documentative observations. The findings showed, that the communication transition from offline to online is the emergent strategy followed by establishing and promoting remote pharmacy services. The information and suggestions offered in this manuscript could help in the restructuring of existing pharmacy services by governments, public health bodies, and policymakers in response to a pandemic.
... At the same time, climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, such as drought, heat, or heavy rainfall, which can greatly impact agricultural systems (IPCC, 2021;Jägermeyr et al., 2021). On top of this, there is an urgent need to reduce the detrimental environmental impacts of crop production systems, through a reduction in synthetic inputs, such as mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides (Baweja et al., 2020;Thomas et al., 2020). It is thus crucial to design agricultural production systems that are at the same time equally or more performant, more stable, and less reliant on external inputs (Bommarco et al., 2013). ...
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In the current quest for a more sustainable, environment-friendly agriculture, variety mixtures are often suggested as a practical option to increase the stability of food production systems. Their effects on yield have been extensively researched, yet clear conclusions remain elusive, notably in terms of mechanistic processes and optimal variety combinations. Furthermore, in the case of wheat, yield is not the only component in the equation: grain quality is crucial for the bread value chain, yet the effects of variety mixtures on wheat quality and its stability have rarely been investigated. To that end, we conducted a multi-year, multi-site wheat variety mixture experiment investigating the role of variety mixtures on the performance and stability of five traits linked to grain yield and quality, and the mechanisms underlying these effects. Eight varieties were grown in pure stands and 2-variety mixtures, following a full diallel design. We considered the responses of grain yield, protein content, thousand kernel weight, hectoliter weight, and Zeleny sedimentation value. Results showed that mixtures generally outperformed pure stands in terms of global performance and stability for the 5 parameters. We particularly noticed an increase in quality stability and in Zeleny sedimentation value in mixtures, showing the potential of mixtures to improve crop quality. Moreover, we highlighted the important role of light interception for increased mixtures benefits. A more detailed investigation into individual mixture performances led us to some practical rules for optimal variety combinations: we advise combining varieties with similar heights and phenologies but different tillering abilities and yield potential. This study thus shows that variety mixtures represent a promising solution to sustainably increase the stability of wheat yield and quality. With practical recommendations, our results could benefit farmers but also processors and bakers, and promote the adoption of wheat variety mixtures.
... The agricultural soil used for this study had long been used for experiments on various agricultural research projects employing larger amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which could be the most likely cause of the increased N and P in the agricultural soil. Findings from previous studies also concur with the present finding: long term and overapplication of chemical fertilizers or pesticides could increase soil N and P and other soil phyico-chemical properties (Baweja et al., 2020;Cui et al., 2020;Pahalvi et al., 2021). The concentrations of Ca (46.15 cmol kg −1 ), Na (0.21 cmol kg −1 ), and K (2.29 cmol kg −1 ) are, respectively, high, low, and very high (Hazelton & Murphy, 2016). ...
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The accumulation of heavy metals in soil and plant tissue is a serious concern since it impacts both soil quality and food safety. This study evaluated the accumulation of heavy metals and the food quality of lettuce as a result of the application of chemical fertilizer (CF) and bioslurry (BS). The treatments were CF (158 kg ha⁻¹ NPS and 200 kg ha⁻¹ urea), BS (5 ton ha⁻¹), and control with no fertilizer, laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Soil samples were analyzed for their physico‐chemical characteristics. The concentrations of 10 heavy metals (As, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, and Cr) in the agricultural soil, bioslurry, and lettuce tissue were determined. Both the BS and CF reduced the concentrations of most heavy metals in the agricultural soil, particularly As, Pb, and Cd. Only the mean concentration of Cd in the agricultural soils exceeded the threshold level set by WHO/FAO (2011) for agricultural soils. Similarly, the concentration of As, Pb, and Cd in lettuce tissue grown in BS‐treated soils and the concentration of As in agricultural soils surpassed the limit set for vegetables. Given the toxicities of As, Cd, and Pb, as well as the effect on food safety, human health, and the environment, it is unsafe to cultivate lettuce using either the agricultural soil or BS in the study area.
... For decades, farmers have relied heavily on the use of chemical-based fertilizers and pesticides that have resulted in the distribution of chemicals that are ultimately detrimental to human lives. These chemicals are not just poisonous upon consumption by humans but often exhibit adverse effects on soil microorganisms and the environment (Baweja et al., 2020). The modifications resulting from the spread of these chemicals can change the present plant-microbe interactions existing in the soil by modifying the biogeochemical cycles as well as microbial biology. ...
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Crop productivity may be significantly inhibited by factors, such as increased temperature, soil erosion, pathogen and pest attacks, and drought and salt stresses, mostly resulting from global climate change. However, microorganisms that are found in the rhizosphere can aid in the mobilization of essential soil nutrients, facilitate plant growth, and reduce abiotic and biotic stresses of plants. Soil microbes accomplish these beneficial functions via several mechanisms. Here, an elaborate description of the molecular mechanisms of plant growth-promotion by soil microbes and the potential of these organisms to be used as biofertilizers and biopesticides to improve plant health is provided. In addition, the possible revolution that could be realized by the synergism of these beneficial microbes with nanotechnology is discussed. While the use of biofertilizers to enhance plant growth has been demonstrated to be a beneficial phenomenon, this approach has often failed to yield the desired result in field applications. However, identifying microbial species with beneficial attributes and combining them with nanotechnology tools like nanoencapsulation and biosensors could lead to the formulation of important agriproducts (nanobiopesticides and nanobiofertilizers) that will ensure sustained delivery of the agriproducts and facilitate early detection and proper management of plant pests and diseases. It is anticipated that precision farming will improve agricultural sustainability by increasing crop production for the steadily increasing world population. Keywords: biofertilizers, secondary metabolites, nanoencapsulation, quorum sensing, volatile organic compounds, sustainable agriculture.
... In Vietnam, the Mekong Delta provides over 50% of the nation's overall output and over 90% of exported rice (Thuy 2021). However, excessive use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in rice farming has resulted in soil degradation, hardening, and pollution (Baweja et al. 2020). Therefore, new and safer solutions, such as the application of biofertilizers using beneficial bacteria, algae, fungi, and higher plants, to reduce chemical fertilizers and pesticides in rice cultivation have attracted attention in many countries (Ammar et al. 2023). ...
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Thi QVC, Minh NLK, Thuy NP, Tat TQ, Tran T. 2024. Characterization of endophytic bacteria isolated from wild rice plants in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Biodiversitas 25: 2576-2585. Endophytic bacteria bring many benefits to plants, such as stimulating plant growth and inhibiting many microbial pathogens that cause plant diseases. Hence, this investigation aimed to evaluate the association of endophytic bacteria with wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) that can fix nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus and produce indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Twelve-five bacterial strains were recovered from wild rice stems and roots collected from Vinh Long and Tien Giang provinces of the Mekong Delta. Among these strains, six had phosphorus solubilizing and seven had nitrogen-fixing activity. Strain BR3.5 fixed the highest nitrogen, i.e. ammonia (NH4 +) content of 0.109 ± 0.002 mg/L after eight-day incubation. However, the highest phosphorus solubilization was recorded in two isolates, RR3.7 and RR1.1, with clear zone diameters of 0.800 ± 0.020 mm and 0.800 ± 0.030 mm, respectively. In addition, bacterial strains could synthesize IAA, and BR2.5 produced the highest, i.e., 0.067 ± 0.002 μg/mL, IAA after eight-day incubation. Notably, strain BR3.5 exhibited multiple activities like nitrogen fixation (0.109 ± 0.002 mg/L), phosphorus solubilization (1.02 ± 0.002 mm), and IAA synthesis (0.056 ± 0.00 μg/mL). Strain BR3.5 was identified as Pantoea sp. based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing (92.69% similarity) together with morpho-physiological and biochemical characteristics. The findings indicate that strain BR3.5 may be used for the production of biofertilizers for rice farming.
This chapter explored the challenges and consequences of soil degradation in the Global South. Soil health and productivity are vital for food security, sustainable agriculture, and livelihoods. The chapter provides an overview of prevalent soil degradation types and their causes examines the impacts of soil degradation on agriculture, food production, and rural communities, as well as its link to water resources and biodiversity. Some case studies highlighting specific threats to soil in different parts of the Global South were provided as well as relevant policies, practices, and interventions for soil conservation, including existing regulations, sustainable land management, and technology. It also emphasized the importance of strengthening soil governance and capacity building. Opportunities for sustainable soil management were identified, such as the synergies between soil health and climate change mitigation. Agro-ecological approaches and regenerative agriculture were suggested as pathways for improvement. The chapter also emphasized the potential for international collaboration and partnerships. This chapter concludes by calling for urgent action to protect and restore soil resources through sustainable practices, strengthened governance, and increased capacity building. By recognizing the importance of soil health, the Global South can pave the way for a sustainable and resilient future.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a principal staple food, with significant production worldwide. In 2021, rice covered 161.77 million hectares globally, with India as the second-largest producer. For sustained output, rice (Oryza sativa L.), a major crop around the world, needs balanced fertilization. Overuse of fertilizers degrades the soil, requiring the use of bio stimulants as an alternative. This study evaluates AGMA Foliar (Kazuki Gold/Yoshi Gold) and AGMA Energy on rice cultivar IET 4786 (Satabdi) during the kharif season of 2021-22 at C-block farm, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia, and West Bengal. A randomized block design with seven treatments and three replications was used. Treatments included AGMA Kazuki Gold and Kazuki Energy applied at various stages. AGMA treatments significantly enhanced plant height, dry matter, grain count, and yield. Results indicated that T3 treatment (Kazuki Gold applied twice at 25-30 and 40-45 DAT) achieved the highest plant height (93.00 cm), dry matter (983.66 g m-²), grain count (180.05 grains panicle-1), and grain yield (5.26 t ha-1), with statistical significance confirmed by F-tests at 5% level. T6 treatment (AGMA Foliar (Kazuki Energy) showed comparable results. Chlorophyll content was also highest in T3. Control plots consistently showed the lowest values. The study emphasizes the effectiveness of AGMA Foliar bio stimulant applications, which significantly improve rice growth, yield, and nutrient efficiency. It highlights their potential as sustainable agricultural inputs and suggests optimal application stages for maximizing benefits.
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Sustainable agricultural practices are essential for nourishing an expanding global populace while lessening ecological harm. Utilizing nanomaterials derived from biopolymers presents a promising alternative to increase fertilizer effectiveness and reduce the potential environmental issues. These nanomaterials possess interesting physical and chemical characteristics, such as a high surface area, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. They can be mixed with various supplements such as growth stimulants and trace elements. By controlling the nutrient release, they help to mitigate leaching and volatilization, thus curbing environmental contamination. Moreover, they enhance soil fertility and nutrient accessibility, bolstering overall soil vitality and productivity. Serving as conveyors for growth stimulants and trace elements, they bolster plant growth, resilience to stressors, and resistance to diseases. The integration of nanomaterials derived from biopolymers holds significant potential for transforming fertilizer efficacy in agriculture, providing a sustainable and environmentally friendly strategy to optimize nutrient management, diminish environmental repercussions, and increase the crop yields.
Biochar (BC) amendment has been proposed as a promising strategy for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Conducting a metaanalysis to evaluate the impact of biochar on microbial genetic profile, community structure, and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) contents can aid in identifying key microbial groups involved in GHG production and consumption, and assessing the overall effectiveness of biochar in reducing GHG emissions. The present metaanalysis revealed that the addition of biochar resulted in a 22 % and 41 % reduction in pmoA and mcrA genes of methanogenic microorganisms, respectively. The mcrA/pmoA ratio significantly increased by 81 %. Gene abundances exhibited a positive response to biochar amendment, with increases observed in nifH, nirK, nirS, nosZ, and nosZ (nirS + nirK) genes by 13 %, 32 %, 37 %, 42 %, and 79 %, respectively. Moreover, biochar amendment influenced the microbial community structure accordingly. The concentration of PLFAs increased in response to BC treatment in the following order: A-bacteria (+49 %) < Fungi (+30 %) < Gram-pb (+21 %) < Gbacteria (+17 %) < Gram-nb (+11 %). These findings indicate that biochar amendment shapes the microbial community structure, further emphasizing its significance in enhancing soil fertility.
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Pesticides are biologically active compounds and their application may alter soil microbial communities and thus could possibly impact greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, this aspect of agricultural production is rarely studied at the field scale. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a 2 year field study growing maize (corn) under three pesticide application levels (none, medium, and high) in two agricultural practices: bare soil (conventional) and using cereal rye as a cover crop. In plots with no pesticide inputs, weeds were managed through hand removal weekly. We quantified GHG emissions, changes in soil labile carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and other typical growth parameters in the Iron Horse Farm, Georgia. Corn grain yields were within 93% of the estimated site yield potential, with yield significantly higher in 2021 than in 2022. Using a linear mixed model, including the data in both 2021 and 2022 for soil nutrients, soil temperature, soil moisture, agricultural practice, and pesticide levels as fixed effects and date and plot as random effects, soil surface carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes were statistically significantly associated with soil temperature and soil moisture. Soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were only associated with soil moisture. Soils in general served as a sink for methane (CH4) in all the agricultural practices and soil CH4 fluxes were also only associated with soil moisture. Three plots with a high soil C/N ratio with a visible presence of biochar resulted in several high CH4 flux events during the growing season. Soils from all plots were net sources of GHG and there were no significant differences in the amount of soil C sequestered between the plots. Our study shows that none of the variables we analyzed – yield, individual/net GHG emissions or the amount of C sequestered – in the two years of our experiment were impacted by the magnitude of pesticide application. However, this may change in a long-term experiment. Further research is also warranted to understand the underlying mechanism for high CH4 pulses, whether reactive oxygen species from the application of biochar might be the cause of large negative consequences on climate, depending on conditions.
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This study examines zinc (Zn) bioaccumulation in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) across different urban and rural zones of Meknes, Morocco, to evaluate its role as an indicator of environmental pollution. Fifty adult house sparrows were collected from five sites: an industrial zone (IZ), Meknes Town Centre (TC), Sidi Said Bus Station (SS), Fez-Meknes Main Road (MR), and a rural site (Ref). Zinc concentrations in the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, feathers, bones, lungs, and blood were measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results showed high zinc concentrations in the liver (111.43 ± 4.25 µg/g) and kidneys (56.68 ± 3.50 µg/g) of the industrial zone, and significant levels in the rural zone. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences between the sites. House sparrows proved to be effective bioindicators of zinc pollution, reflecting the variability of environmental contamination between urban and rural areas.
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This study examines the accumulation of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, and zinc) in the blood of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) across various urban habitats in Meknes, Morocco. Fifty adult sparrows were captured from five distinct sites, including industrial, high-traffic, and rural areas. Blood samples were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Results show significant variations in heavy metal concentrations depending on the site. The highest levels were found in the industrial zone, with lead (Pb) at 336.02 µg/L, cadmium (Cd) at 12.28 µg/L, and zinc (Zn) at 1736.09 µg/L. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and K-means clustering revealed three distinct pollution clusters: Cluster 0 (high Zn, low Pb and Cd), Cluster 1 (moderate levels of all metals), and Cluster 2 (high levels of all metals). These findings highlight the ecological and health risks associated with urban pollution and the value of house sparrows as effective bioindicators.
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A hydroponic experiment was conducted at the Precision and Automated Agriculture Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, University of Rajshahi, from April to August 2023. The objective was to investigate the morphological and physiological responses of maize to varying nitrogen sources and stress levels in hydroponic systems. The experiment comprised three nitrogen treatments: CN (100% chemical nitrogen as 2 mM NH4NO3), ON (100% organic nitrogen as 4 mM glycine), and LN (low nitrogen as 10% of 2 mM NH4NO3 chemical nitrogen solution). The popular maize variety NH7720 (marketed by Syngenta Bangladesh Limited) was used. The experiments followed a completely randomised design with three replications. The CN treatment consistently outperformed the ON and LN treatments in various growth-related parameters, including plant height (72.73 cm), leaf area (295.54 cm²), shoot dry weight (0.65 g/plant), total chlorophyll content (3.11 mg/g), and shoot (11.06%) and root (10.82%) protein content, indicating that adequate nitrogen treatment stimulated strong growth and development in maize plants. Conversely, the LN treatment exhibited a superior shoot-to-root ratio (85.43%), proline accumulation (188.01 µg/g), number of root tips (21.25), root length (31.65 cm), root network area (619.10 cm²), root diameter (5.63 mm), root volume (13944.71 mm³), and root surface area (3705.51 mm²). These results suggest that under nitrogen-deficient conditions, maize plants allocate resources to root development and stress tolerance mechanisms. The organic nitrogen (ON) treatment showed intermediate results, being statistically similar to both the CN and LN treatments across a range of characteristics, suggesting that organic nitrogen or glycine might be less effective than chemical nitrogen or ammonium nitrate in promoting optimal maize growth.
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Pesticide residues in soils and farmlands have long been an important concern in agricultural safety. In developing countries, ignorance and illiteracy among untutored farmers have greatly contributed to this issue, as several pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, etc.) can leave residues in the soil. The study was carried out in selected arable farms in Ogbomoso South Local Government Area of Oyo state to evaluate and determine the possibility of pesticide residues in the soils of farmers who are fond of using pesticides in crop production. Questionnaires were administered to farmers in the study area and soil samples were collected from some of the farms owned by farmers interviewed and found to have relevant pesticide usage history. Additionally, soil samples were collected from farms with no records of pesticide usage which served as control. Subsequently, these soil samples were then taken to the laboratory for analysis of pesticide residue. The average pH was 5.56 mg/kg for farmlands with pesticide usage and 5.63 mg/kg for those with no pesticide usage, respectively. The average level of metabolites of d-BHC, Chlorothalonil, Alachlor, Aldrin, Dacthal, Heptachlor epoxide, g-Chlordane, and Trans-nonachlor for arable lands where there was pesticide usage and where none were used were 32.41 mg/kg and 39.27 mg/kg, 0.62 mg/kg and 1.05 mg/kg, 1.39 mg/kg and 2.14 mg/kg, N.D and 1.5 mg/kg, 3.91 mg/kg and 10.65 mg/kg, 5.43 mg/kg and 7.62 mg/kg, 6.68 mg/kg and 7.47 mg/kg, and 4.78 mg/kg and 6.4 mg/kg, respectively. The results showed that pesticide usage left residues in the soil and the standard of measuring the amount (whether low or high) is still unavailable in the literature and most importantly for many herbicides in use within the study area. Since there is a leftover chemical residue in the soil, there is therefore the need for a quality assurance body to evaluate what is placed on the table of consumers from the markets and this is currently lacking in the food supply chain in Nigeria and if not in Africa. In conclusion, there is a need for public awareness and education among farmers to know the dangers inherent in the use of pesticides so that precautionary measures will be taken in the application of pesticides.
Pesticide contamination has become a global concern. Pesticides can sorb onto suspended particles and deposit into the sedimentary layers of aquatic environments, resulting in ecosystem degradation, pollution, and diseases. Pesticides impact the behavior of aquatic environments by contaminating organic matter in water, which serves as the primary food source for aquatic food webs. Pesticide residues can increase ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and sulfate in aquatic systems; thus, threatening ecological environment andhumanhealth. Several physical, chemical, and biological methodologies have been implemented to effectively remove pesticide traces from aquatic environments.The present review highlights the potential consequences of pesticide exposure on fish and humans, focusing on the (epi)genetic alterations affecting growth, behavior, and immune system. Mitigation strategies (e.g., bioremediation) toprevent/minimizethedetrimental impacts of pesticides are also discussed. This review aims to shedlight on the awareness in reducing the risk of water pollution for safe and sustainable pesticide management.
Climate change and high rice imports pose significant threats to local rice production, food security, and the livelihoods of rice farmers. This study examines the potential of climate-smart rice practices and technologies to enhance domestic production and adapt to environmental changes in major rice-producing municipalities within South Cotabato, Region 12, focusing on the clusters of Norala, Santo Niño, and Banga. Using surveys from 189 farmers and interviews with technical personnel, the study identified synchronous planting, alternate wetting and drying (AWD), and direct seeding as the most commonly adopted practices. Conversely, rainwater catchment facilities and Rice Crop Manager (RCM) technology had lower adoption rates. Cost and return analyses demonstrated increased yields and net income for farmers employing the most adopted practices. The findings suggest that higher adoption rates for climate-smart practices can be achieved through training programs, financial assistance, and community demonstrations. The study recommends collaboration between the Department of Agriculture and other stakeholders to enhance farmer awareness, develop agricultural education programs, and provide vocational training on sustainable practices to attract young farmers. Financial and technical support for farmers is also essential. Replicating the study in other regions and with different farmer groups will strengthen its findings. By empowering farmers to achieve higher yields, secure income, and environmental protection, climate-smart rice production offers a sustainable path toward national rice security.
Recently, there has been growing interest among scholars and industry professionals in understanding how agro‐food supply chains can shift from a linear to a circular model. This involves managing waste, recovering resources, and adopting sustainable practices. However, knowledge on circular economies in agro‐food supply chains is scattered, with limited comprehensive studies available. To address this gap, our study conducts a bibliometric and network analysis of 364 documents from the Scopus database. We identify influential authors, contributing countries and journals, and most cited documents. Additionally, we use network analysis to visualize connections between authors and keywords, providing insights into emerging trends and critical research areas. We also uncover important keywords and themes, laying a foundation for future research directions. Overall, our study offers a comprehensive overview, serving as a basis for further exploration in this field.
“Next-generation bioformulations” signify to cutting-edge techniques to formulate biological products or molecules in order to improve their transmission methods, stability, safety, and efficacy. Maintaining effectiveness, increasing shelf-life, and ensuring consistent efficacy all depend on the stability of the product. At each stage of product life, next-generation bioformulations minimize their environmental impact, use eco-friendly components, and prioritize sustainability. For the development of non-toxic, renewable, bio-based, and biodegradable production, practices of next-generation bioformulations are required. Metabolite-based formulations are a significant component of next-generation bioformulations. They frequently have beneficial qualities, biological benefits, which are obligatory for biochemical processes. Microbes and plants are among the fundamental natural sources of various metabolites. The development of metabolite-based formulations that have been designed to treat particular diseases or pathogens is aided by the identification of novel biological substance, which is only possible by the complete monitoring of metabolites within biological systems and advances in metabolomics. Metabolite based bioformulation protects and nourishes plants against various diseases and pathogens through various mechanisms like hormone regulation, nutritional enhancement, nitrogen fixation, formation of plant innate resistance.
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Root-fungal symbioses such as mycorrhizas and endophytes are key components of terrestrial ecosystems. Diverse in trophy habits (obligate, facultative or hemi-biotrophs) and symbiotic relations (from mutualism to parasitism), these associations also show great variability in their root colonization and nutritional strategies. Specialized interface structures such as arbuscules and Hartig nets are formed by certain associations while others are restricted to non-specialized intercellular or intracellular hyphae in roots. In either case, there are documented examples of active nutrient exchange, reinforcing the fact that specialized structures used to define specific mycorrhizal associations are not essential for reciprocal exchange of nutrients and plant growth promotion. In feremycorrhiza (with Austroboletus occidentalis and eucalypts), the fungal partner markedly enhances plant growth and nutrient acquisition without colonizing roots, emphasizing that a conventional focus on structural form of associations may have resulted in important functional components of rhizospheres being overlooked. In support of this viewpoint, mycobiome studies using the state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technologies have unearthed much more complexity in root-fungal relationships than those discovered using the traditional morphology-based approaches. In this review, we explore the existing literature and most recent findings surrounding structure, functioning, and ecology of root-fungal symbiosis, which highlight the fact that plant fitness can be altered by taxonomically/ecologically diverse fungal symbionts regardless of root colonization and interface specialization. Furthermore, transition from saprotrophy to biotrophy seems to be a common event that occurs in diverse fungal lineages (consisting of root endophytes, soil saprotrophs, wood decayers etc.), and which may be accompanied by development of specialized interface structures and/or mycorrhiza-like effects on plant growth and nutrition.
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Nutrient needs of plants can be met through a number of sources which include mineral fertilizers, organic manures, recycled wastes and by-products, biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF), natural minerals and to lesser extent nutrients recycled through irrigation waters, and precipitation. These supplement the soil nutrient reserves for nourishing the crops. Presently, soil management strategies are mainly dependent on inorganic chemical-based fertilizers, which caused a serious threat to human health and environment. The exploitation of beneficial microbes as a biofertilizer has become a paramount importance in agriculture for their potential role in food security and sustainable productivity. The eco-friendly approaches inspire a wide range of application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi, cyanobacteria, and many other useful microscopic organisms. The interactions of these beneficial microbes with environment determine crop health in natural agroecosystem by providing numerous services to crop plants, viz., soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, nutrient acquisition and recycling, weed control, water absorption, and biocontrol, thus enhancing soil fertility and maintaining soil heath in eco-friendly manner. Various complementing combinations of microbial inoculants for management of major nutrients such as N and phosphorus (P) are necessary for sustainable production. Biofertilizers also cut the cost of chemical fertilizers used in agriculture considerably. An estimated amount of US$ 1421–15,237 of chemical fertilizer in the form of urea per hectare per year can be substituted by biofertilizer. The present chapter highlights the broad canvas of biofertilizers that enhance N and P nutrition in varied crops with special reference to pulses in the form of several perspectives. The mode of action of these microorganisms within and the transformation of nutrients elucidated. In the Indian scenario, the use of biofertilizers faces various constraints, such as longevity, etc. that need to be overcome to achieve substantial fertilizer savings. One of the key issues that remain is the method of formulation of these biofertilizers. Some prospective solutions to tackle the issue are brought out in this chapter.
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Parasites (ectoparasites or endoparasites) are a major cause of diseases in man, his livestock and crops, leading to poor yield and great economic loss. To overcome some of the major limitations of chemical control methods such as rising resistance, environmental and health risks, and the adverse effect on non‐target organisms, biological control (biocontrol) is now at the forefront of parasite (pests) control. Biocontrol is now a core component of the integrated pest management. Biocontrol is defined as “the study and uses of parasites, predators and pathogens for the regulation of host (pest) densities”. Considerable successes have been achieved in the implementation of biocontrol strategies in the past. This chapter presents a review of the history of biocontrol, its advantages and disadvantages; the different types of biological control agents (BCAs) including predators, parasites (parasitoids) and pathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses and virus‐like particles, protozoa and nematodes); the effect of biocontrol on native biodiversity; a few case studies of the successful implementation of biocontrol methods and the challenges encountered with the implementation of biocontrol and future perspectives.
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Pesticides are substance or mixture of substance which differ in their physical, chemical and identical properties from one to other. Hence, they are classified based on these properties. Some pesticides are also categorized into various classes depending on the needs. Presently, three most popular classifications of pesticides which are widely used is classification based on the mode of entry, pesticide function and the pest organism they kill, the chemical composition of the pesticide. Based on toxicity of pesticides, WHO classified them into four classes: extremely dangerous, highly dangerous, moderately dangerous and slightly dangerous. Improper application of pesticides can cause severe harmful effect to living system and the environment. Most pesticides do not distinguish between pests and other similar incidental lifeform and kill them all. The toxicity of insecticides to an organism is usually expressed in terms of the LD50 (lethal dose 50 percent) and LC50 (50 percent lethal concentration).
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Seaweeds or marine macroalgae are rich in diverse compounds like lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, phytohormones, amino acids, osmoprotectants, antimicrobial compounds and minerals. Their potential for agricultural applications is used since antiquity, but recent demands of organic farming and organic food stimulated much the application of organic treatments like seaweed extracts in agriculture. The benefits of seaweeds application in agricultural field are numerous and diverse such as stimulation of seed germination, enhancement of health and growth of plants namely shoot and root elongation, improved water and nutrient uptake, frost and saline resistance, biocontrol and resistance toward phytopathogenic organisms, remediation of pollutants of contaminated soil and fertilization. In this review, scientific progress in this field was collected and critically assessed to lay grounds for further investigations and applications.
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Keeping in view, the challenges concerning agro-ecosystem and environment, the recent developments in biotechnology offers a more reliable approach to address the food security for future generations and also resolve the complex environmental problems. Several unique features of cyanobacteria such as oxygenic photosynthesis, high biomass yield, growth on non-arable lands and a wide variety of water sources (contaminated and polluted waters), generation of useful by-products and bio-fuels, enhancing the soil fertility and reducing green house gas emissions, have collectively offered these bio-agents as the precious bio-resource for sustainable development. Cyanobacterial biomass is the effective bio-fertilizer source to improve soil physico-chemical characteristics such as water-holding capacity and mineral nutrient status of the degraded lands. The unique characteristics of cyanobacteria include their ubiquity presence, short generation time and capability to fix the atmospheric N2. Similar to other prokaryotic bacteria, the cyanobacteria are increasingly applied as bio-inoculants for improving soil fertility and environmental quality. Genetically engineered cyanobacteria have been devised with the novel genes for the production of a number of bio-fuels such as bio-diesel, bio-hydrogen, bio-methane, synga, and therefore, open new avenues for the generation of bio-fuels in the economically sustainable manner. This review is an effort to enlist the valuable information about the qualities of cyanobacteria and their potential role in solving the agricultural and environmental problems for the future welfare of the planet.
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Soil health management is crucial for ensuring sustainable agricultural productions and maintenance of biodiversity. Fertilizers and pesticides are a necessary evil for industrial agriculture. Though, they continue to be critically important tools for global food security, their undesirable effects cannot be overlooked particularly when sustainable agriculture is the universal focus. Apart from a range of widely discussed and well-known adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on environment and human health they have also been held responsible for strongly influencing the microbial properties of soil.
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Significance Colonization of land by plants was a critical event for the emergence of extant ecosystems. The innovations that allowed the algal ancestor of land plants to succeed in such a transition remain unknown. Beneficial interaction with symbiotic fungi has been proposed as one of these innovations. Here we show that the genes required for this interaction appeared in a stepwise manner: Some evolved before the colonization of land by plants and others first appeared in land plants. We thus propose that the algal ancestor of land plants was preadapted for interaction with beneficial fungi and employed these gene networks to colonize land successfully.
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Current soil management strategies are mainly dependent on inorganic chemical-based fertilizers, which caused a serious threat to human health and environment. The exploitation of beneficial microbes as a biofertilizer has become paramount importance in agriculture sector for their potential role in food safety and sustainable crop production. The eco-friendly approaches inspire a wide range of application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi, cyanobacteria and many other useful microscopic organisms led to improved nutrient uptake, plant growth and plant tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress. The present review highlighted biofertilizers mediated crops functional traits such as plant growth and productivity, nutrient profile, plant defense and protection with special emphasis to its function to trigger various growth- and defense-related genes in signaling network of cellular pathways to cause cellular response and thereby crop improvement. The knowledge gained from the literature appraised herein will help us to understand the physiological bases of biofertlizers towards sustainable agriculture in reducing problems associated with the use of chemicals fertilizers.
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Seaweed extracts are used as nutrient supplements, biostimulants, or biofertilizers in agriculture and horticulture to increase plant growth and yield. In this study, we examined the effect of liquid seaweed extracts (LSEs) made from Ulva lactuca, Caulerpa sertularioides, Padina gymnospora, and Sargassum liebmannii as biostimulants on the germination and growth of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) under laboratory and greenhouse conditions using foliar and soil drench applications of LSEs. We assessed LSEs at different concentrations (0.2, 0.4, and 1.0 %) on germination parameters (percentage, index, mean time, energy, and seedling vigor index) and growth parameters (plumule length, radical length, shoot length, root length, fresh weight, and dry weight) of tomato seedlings. Our results indicate that seeds treated with LSEs of U. lactuca and P. gymnospora at lower concentrations (0.2 %) showed enhanced germination (better response in germination rate associated with lower mean germination time, high germination index and germination energy, and consequently greater seedling vigor and greater plumule and radicle length). Application as a soil drench was found to be more effective in influencing the height of the plant (up to 79 cm) than the foliar spray application (75 cm). Plants receiving LSEs of U. lactuca and P. gymnospora showed increased shoot length, root length, and weight. Furthermore, U. lactuca and P. gymnospora were found to be more successful and better candidates for developing effective biostimulants to improve the growth of tomato plants. This study provides important information on the identification and utilization of Mexican seaweed resources for agriculture and is the first study to report on the uses of these seaweeds as a source of liquid extracts as biostimulants in agriculture.
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Vermicomposting, a very efficient method of converting solid organic waste into an environmentally-friendly, useful and valuable resource, is an accelerated process that involves bio-oxidation and stabilization of the waste as a result of the interactions between some species of earthworms and microorganisms. Although microorganisms are the main agents for biochemical decomposition of organic matter, earthworms are critical in the process of vermicomposting. Complex interactions among the organic matter, microorganisms, earthworms and other soil invertebrates result in the fragmentation, bio-oxidation and stabilization of the organic matter.
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The rising demand for increased rice production by resource-poor farmers and concern for environmental degradation caused by heavy N fertilization in intensive agriculture has increased the interest in biological nitrogen fixation. A single technology—improved crop genotypes—has contributed the most to productivity increases in modern agriculture. The adoption of a new genotype by farmers is usually very high because no additional cost is involved, and existing cropping systems and soil and water management practices are not affected. Hence, a rice genotype having autonomous N2-fixing capability will be inherently advantageous and more suitable for wider adoption. To achieve N2 fixation in rice requires upstream research. Recent advances in the understanding of DNA sequences and gene function and the ability to introduce new genes into rice by transformation have created an excellent opportunity to investigate the possibilities of N2 fixation in rice.
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This paper reviews recent research on the processes involved in the yield advantage in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/maize (Zea mays L.), wheat/soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], faba bean (Vicia faba L.)/maize, peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)/maize and water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.)/maize intercropping. In wheat/maize and wheat/soybean intercropping systems, a significant yield increase of intercropped wheat over sole wheat was observed, which resulted from positive effects of the border row and inner rows of intercropped wheat. The border row effect was due to interspecific competition for nutrients as wheat had a higher competitive ability than either maize or soybean had. There was also compensatory growth, or a recovery process, of subordinate species such as maize and soybean, offsetting the impairment of early growth of the subordinate species. Finally, both dominant and subordinate species in intercropping obtain higher yields than that in corresponding sole wheat, maize or soybean. We summarized these processes as the `competition-recovery production principle'. We observed interspecific facilitation, where maize improves iron nutrition in intercropped peanut, faba bean enhances nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by intercropped maize, and chickpea facilitates P uptake by associated wheat from phytate-P. Furthermore, intercropping reduced the nitrate content in the soil profile as intercropping uses soil nutrients more efficiently than sole cropping.
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Intercropping, the agricultural practice of cultivating two or more crops in the same space at the same time, is an old and commonly used cropping practice which aims to match efficiently crop demands to the available growth resources and labor. The most common advantage of intercropping is the production of greater yield on a given piece of land by making more efficient use of the available growth resources using a mixture of crops of different rooting ability, canopy structure, height, and nutrient requirements based on the complementary utilization of growth resources by the component crops. Moreover, intercropping improves soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation with the use of legumes, increases soil conservation through greater ground cover than sole cropping, and provides better lodging resistance for crops susceptible to lodging than when grown in monoculture. Intercrops often reduce pest incidence and improve forage quality by increasing crude protein yield of forage. Intercropping provides insurance against crop failure or against unstable market prices for a given commodity, especially in areas subject to extreme weather conditions such as frost, drought, and flood. Thus, it offers greater financial stability than sole cropping, which makes the system particularly suitable for labor-intensive small farms. Besides, intercropping allows lower inputs through reduced fertilizer and pesticide requirements, thus minimizing environmental impacts of agriculture. However, intercropping has some disadvantages such as the selection of the appropriate crop species and the appropriate sowing densities, including extra work in preparing and planting the seed mixture and also extra work during crop management practices, including harvest. The selection of an appropriate intercropping system for each case is quite complex as the success of intercropping systems depend much on the interactions between the component species, the available management practices, and the environmental conditions. Plant breeding can contribute determinedly to increase of productivity of intercropping systems by investigating and exploiting the genetic variability to intercrop adaptation. This paper provides an overall view and evaluation of annual intercropping, summarizing its main advantages supported by a number of key examples from the literature which point out its great value in the context of sustainable agriculture.
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This study investigated yield advantage of intercropping systems and compared N, P and K uptake by wheat, maize, and soybean in two field experiments in Gansu province. At Baiyun site the field experiment compared two P levels (0 and 53 kg P ha−1), two planting densities for wheat and maize, and three cropping treatments (wheat/maize intercropping, sole wheat and sole maize). The design for the wheat/soybean intercropping experiment at Jingtan site was similar, except that fertilization rates were 0 and 33 kg P ha−1 without plant density treatment. Yield and nutrient acquisitions by intercropped wheat, maize and soybean were all significantly greater than for sole wheat, maize and soybean with the exception of K acquisition by maize. Intercropping advantages in yield (40–70% for wheat intercropped with maize and 28–30% for wheat intercropped with soybean) and in nutrient acquisition by wheat resulted from both the border- and inner-row effects. The relative contribution to increasing biomass was two-thirds from the border-row effect and one-third from the inner-row effect. Similar trends were noted for N, P and K accumulation. During the co-growth period, lasting for about 80 days from maize or soybean emergence to wheat harvesting, yield and nutrient acquisition by intercropped wheat increased significantly while those by maize or soybean intercropped with wheat decreased significantly. Aggressivities of wheat relative to either maize (0.26–1.63 of Awm) or soybean (0.35–0.95 of Aws) revealed the greater competitive ability of wheat than either maize or soybean. The nutrient competitive ratio, 1.09–7.54 for wheat relative to maize and 1.2–8.3 for wheat relative to soybean, showed that wheat had greater capability to acquire nutrients compared to soybean and maize. Comparison of overall N and K acquisition by intercropping with weighted means of those of sole cropping revealed interspecific facilitation in nutrient acquisition during co-growth.
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Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards
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Organic P comprises 30-80 % of the total P in most agricultural soils. It has been proven that chickpea facilitates P uptake from an organic P source by intercropped wheat. In this study, acid phosphatase excreted from chickpea roots is quantified and the contribution of acid phosphatase to the facilitation of P uptake by intercropped maize receiving phytate is examined. For the first experiment using hydroponics, maize (Zea mays 'Zhongdan No. 2') and chickpea (Cicer arietinum 'Sona') were grown in either the same or separate containers, and P was supplied as phytate, KH2PO4 at 0.25 mmol P L(-1), or not at all. The second experiment involved soil culture with three types of root separation between the two species: (1) plastic sheet, (2) nylon mesh, and (3) no barrier. Maize plants were grown in one compartment and chickpea in the other. Phosphorus was supplied as phytate, Ca(H2PO4)2 at 50 mg P kg(-1), or no P added. In the hydroponics study, the total P uptake by intercropped maize supplied with phytate was 2.1-fold greater than when it was grown as a monoculture. In the soil experiment, when supplied with phytate, total P uptake by maize with mesh barrier and without root barrier was 2.2 and 1.5 times, respectively, as much as that with solid barrier. In both experiments, roots of both maize and chickpea supplied with phytate and no P secreted more acid phosphatase than those with KH2PO4 or Ca(H2PO4)2. However, average acid phosphatase activity of chickpea roots supplied with phytate was 2-3-fold as much as maize. Soil acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of chickpea was also significantly higher than maize regardless of P sources. Chickpea can mobilize organic P in both hydroponic and soil cultures, leading to an interspecific facilitation in utilization of organic P in maize/chickpea intercropping.
As well as examining successful biological control programmes this book analyses why the majority of attempts fail. Off-target and other negative effects of biological control are also dealt with. Chapters contributed by leading international researchers and practitioners in all areas of biological control afford the book a breadth of coverage and depth of analysis not possible with a single author volume. Combined with the use of other experts to review chapters and editorial oversight to ensure thematic integrity of the volume, this book provides the most authoritative analysis of biological control published. Key aspects addressed include how success may be measured, how successful biological control has been to date and how may it be made more successful in the future. With extensive use of contemporary examples, photographs, figures and tables this book will be invaluable to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as being a `must' for all involved in making biological control successful.
Biofertilizer has been identified as an alternative to chemical fertilizer to increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable farming. The objective of this greenhouse study was to evaluate the effects of four biofertilizers containing an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus mosseae or Glomus intraradices) with or without N-fixer (Azotobacter chroococcum), P solubilizer (Bacillus megaterium) and K solubilizer (Bacillus mucilaginous) on soil properties and the growth of Zea mays. The application treatments included control (no fertilizer), chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer and two types of biofertilizer. The application of biofertilizer containing mycorrhizal fungus and three species of bacteria significantly increased the growth of Z. mays. The use of biofertilizer (G. mosseae and three bacterial species) resulted in the highest biomass and seedling height. This greenhouse study also indicated that half the amount of biofertilizer application had similar effects when compared with organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer treatments. Microbial inoculum not only increased the nutritional assimilation of plant (total N, P and K), but also improved soil properties, such as organic matter content and total N in soil. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) had a higher root infection rate in the presence of bacterial inoculation. By contrast, the AMF seemed to have an inhibiting effect on the P-solubilizing bacteria. The nutrient deficiency in soil resulted in a larger population of N-fixing bacteria and higher colonization of AMF.
Microbial communities play a pivotal role in the functioning of plants by influencing their physiology and development. While many members of the rhizosphere microbiome are beneficial to plant growth, also plant pathogenic microorganisms colonize the rhizosphere striving to break through the protective microbial shield and to overcome the innate plant defense mechanisms in order to cause disease. A third group of microorganisms that can be found in the rhizosphere are the true and opportunistic human pathogenic bacteria, which can be carried on or in plant tissue and may cause disease when introduced into debilitated humans. Although the importance of the rhizosphere microbiome for plant growth has been widely recognized, for the vast majority of rhizosphere microorganisms no knowledge exists. To enhance plant growth and health, it is essential to know who is present in the rhizosphere microbiome and what they are doing. Here, we review the main functions of rhizosphere microorganisms and how they impact on health and disease. We discuss the mechanisms involved in the multitrophic interactions and chemical dialogues that occur in the rhizosphere. Finally, we highlight several strategies to re-direct or re-shape the rhizosphere microbiome in favour of microbes that are beneficial to plant growth and health. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were intercropped and sole cropped to compare the effects of crop diversity on productivity and use of N sources on a soil with a high weed pressure. 15N enrichment techniques were used to determine the pea–barley–weed-N dynamics. The pea–barley intercrop yielded 4.6 t grain ha−1, which was significantly greater than the yields of pea and barley in sole cropping. Calculation of land equivalent ratios showed that plant growth factors were used from 25 to 38% more efficiently by the intercrop than by the sole crops. Barley sole crops accumulated 65 kg soil N ha−1 in aboveground plant parts, which was similar to 73 kg soil N ha−1 in the pea–barley intercrop and significantly greater than 15 kg soil N ha−1 in the pea sole crop. The weeds accumulated 57 kg soil N ha−1 in aboveground plant parts during the growing season in the pea sole crops. Intercropped barley accumulated 71 kg N ha−1. Pea relied on N2 fixation with 90–95% of aboveground N accumulation derived from N2 fixation independent of cropping system. Pea grown in intercrop with barley instead of sole crop had greater competitive ability towards weeds and soil inorganic N was consequently used for barley grain production instead of weed biomass. There was no indication of a greater inorganic N content after pea compared to barley or pea–barley. However, 46 days after emergence there was about 30 kg N ha−1 inorganic N more under the pea sole crop than under the other two crops. Such greater inorganic N levels during early growth phases was assumed to induce aggressive weed populations and interspecific competition. Pea–barley intercropping seems to be a promising practice of protein production in cropping systems with high weed pressures and low levels of available N.
For increasing land use efficiency and weed suppression intercropping plays a pivotal role. A field experiment was carried out on wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori and Paol)–chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) mono- and intercropping with various weeding (0, 1, or 2 hand-weeding operations) and row spacing (20- or 30-cm) treatments in the eastern plateau region of India over consecutive five winter seasons (1997/2001). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with eighteen treatments replicated thrice. Significant (P ≤ 0.05) differences were observed in yield and economics with and without weeding treatments. Chickpea yield was significantly reduced by wheat when intercropped. However, total productivity and land use efficiency were higher under the intercropping system as compared to monocrops of either species. There was a significant reduction in weed density and biomass for the intercropping system over both monocrops. Wheat facilitated an increase in nodule number and dry weight in chickpea under intercropping over monocrops, moreover, root length of chickpea was greater when intercropped. These findings suggest that intercropping wheat and chickpea increase total productivity per unit area, improve land use efficiency and suppress weeds, a menacing pest in crop production. Considering the experimental findings, wheat–chickpea (30 cm) with two weedings may be recommended for yield advantage, higher net income, more efficient utilization of resources, and weed suppression as a biological control in eastern plateau region of India.
Potential microorganisms for sustainable agriculture: a techno-commercial perspective. I. K. International
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Vermicomposting: earthworms enhance the work of microbes
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  • I Franke-Whittle
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Biofertilizers and biocontrol agents for organic farming
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