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Navigation System For Landing A Swarm Of Autonomous Drones On A Movable Surface


Abstract and Figures

The development of a navigation system for the landing of a swarm of drones on a movable surface is one of the major challenges in building a fully autonomous platform. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the behaviour of a swarm of ten drones under the mission of soft landing on a movable surface that has a linear speed with the effect of oscillations. This swarm, arranged in a leader\textendash follower hierarchical manner, has distributed control units based on Linear Quadratic Regulator control with integral action technique. Furthermore, to prevent drones from landing arbitrarily, the leader drone takes the feedback of translational coordinates from the movable surface and adjusts its position accordingly. Hence, each follower tracks the leader’s trail with offsets, taking collision avoidance into account. The design parameters of controllers are mapped in a way that the simulations demonstrate the feasibility and great potential of the proposed method.
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Anam Tahir1, a, Jari B¨oling2, b, Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan1, c, and Juha Plosila1, d
1Autonomous Systems Laboratory, Department of Future Technologies
2Laboratory of Process and Systems Engineering
1University of Turku, 2˚
Abo Akademi University
1,2Turku, Finland
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Distributed Control;
Leader–Follower Hierarchy; Soft Landing
The development of a navigation system for the land-
ing of a swarm of drones on a movable surface is one
of the major challenges in building a fully autonomous
platform. Hence, the purpose of this study is to in-
vestigate the behaviour of a swarm of ten drones un-
der the mission of soft landing on a movable surface
that has a linear speed with the effect of oscillations.
This swarm, arranged in a leader–follower hierarchical
manner, has distributed control units based on Linear
Quadratic Regulator control with integral action tech-
nique. Furthermore, to prevent drones from landing ar-
bitrarily, the leader drone takes the feedback of transla-
tional coordinates from the movable surface and adjusts
its position accordingly. Hence, each follower tracks
the leader’s trail with offsets, taking collision avoidance
into account. The design parameters of controllers are
mapped in a way that the simulations demonstrate the
feasibility and great potential of the proposed method.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones, are
increasingly getting attention in the aviation and mar-
itime industries with the evolution of drone technol-
ogy for both recreational and military grounds [1, 2].
These have innovative impacts in the areas of data col-
lection for inspection purposes and are capable of car-
rying out tasks in a variety of situational operations.
They can shape the future with potential benefits in the
fields such as security and surveillance, remote sensing,
search and rescue, elimination of human error, and au-
tonomous deliveries and shipping [3–6]. For example, in
2017, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
issued a contract to Martek, valued at 67M for the
usage of drones in European waters to provide assis-
tance with border control activities, pollution monitor-
ing, search and rescue tasks, and detection of illegal
trafficking (drugs and people) and fishing [7, 8].
The landing mechanism of UAVs is one of the chal-
lenging problems. An extensive survey based on vision-
based autonomous landing methods is elaborated in [9].
Based on the setup of the vision sensors, these methods
are divided into two main categories, i.e., onboard vi-
sion landing systems and on-ground vision systems. In
[10], a detailed review on control based landing tech-
niques (such as from basic nonlinear to intelligent, hy-
brid and robust control) along with GPS and vision-
based landing schemes is presented. A wide literature
is available related to vision-based autonomous land-
ing of UAVs [11–17]. For example, in [18], a vision-
based net recovery landing system is proposed for a
fixed-wing UAV that does not require a runway. Like-
wise in [19], the landing of a quadrotor on a mov-
ing platform is addressed. In [20], a real-time vision-
based landing algorithm for an autonomous helicopter
is implemented. An on-board behaviour-based con-
troller is used that is subdivided into hover, velocity,
and sonar sub-behaviours. Hovering control of the
helicopter is implemented using proportional control,
whereas velocity and sonar controllers are implemented
with proportional-integral control design. In [21], a
nonlinear proportional-integral type controller is pro-
posed for vertical take-off and landing of a quadcopter.
It exploits the vertical optical flow to facilitate hover
and land on a movable platform. In [22], to control a
quadcopter’s vertical take-off and landing on a moving
platform, the image-based visual servoing integrated
with the adaptive sliding mode controller is validated.
However, this approach requires the landing site to be
predetermined and therefore, it is not suitable for op-
erations in unknown terrain.
Due to the rising importance and research effort
put into autonomous vehicles and robots, there is
broad research on vision-based methods integrated
with/without control techniques for landing missions.
Hence, this paper focuses on the control design for land-
ing a swarm of drones on a movable surface, and the
vision-based approaches are of no interest in this work.
Communications of the ECMS, Volume 34, Issue 1,
Proceedings, ©ECMS Mike Steglich, Christian Mueller,
Gaby Neumann, Mathias Walther (Editors)
ISBN: 978-3-937436-68-5/978-3-937436-69-2(CD) ISSN 2522-2414
Landing safely, i.e., soft landing, is the key to suc-
cessful exploration of the assigned missions; in electro-
mechanical systems, the mitigation of the connected
effects of collision relies on the conversion of kinetic en-
ergy into heat or potential energy. An effective landing-
system design should minimize the acceleration act-
ing on the payload. In other words, the major chal-
lenges in autonomous landing are; (a) accurate place-
ments as much as possible on the landing platform, and
(b) the trajectory following in the presence of distur-
bances and uncertainties. Portions of this work have
been reported in the previous work [23]. However, for
present paper, there are additional contributions to face
these challenges. This paper addresses the problem
based on system modelling and testing of a swarm in a
leader–follower hierarchical formation, consisting of ten
drones, aiming at executing missions of soft landing on
an oscillating surface that can be a vessel or any sur-
face having oscillations. The distributed control units
of each quadcopter in the swarm are designed using an
Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) with integral action
technique that can handle a multivariable system.
This paper comprises of 6 sections. Section 1, in ad-
dition to introducing the topic, also dwells upon the
significance of the study as well as the works already
carried out in this particular domain. Section 2 dis-
cusses the elements of a swarm formation while Sec-
tion 3 elaborates the composition of swarm formation
of UAVs. Section 4 describes the proposed control de-
sign for soft landing, whereas Section 5 builds upon
the evaluation of the landing missions. Lastly, Section
6 presents the concluding remarks.
One of the most vital challenges in multi-agent sys-
tems is the formation control. It is defined as an or-
ganisation of a group of agents to maintain a formation
with a certain shape [6]. Three main components are
considered to solve any formation control problem, i.e.,
system architecture, its modelling, and strategies of for-
mation control [24].
System Architecture
The system architecture delivers the infrastructure
upon which formation control is implemented such as:
Heterogeneity vs. homogeneity: Heterogeneous
teams consist of either different apparatus or software,
whereas homogeneous teams comprise of similar mod-
ules of hardware or software.
Communication structures: The communication
structures in the swarm can be categorised w.r.t. range,
topology, and bandwidth.
Centralization vs. decentralization: In the central-
ized controlling approach, a single controller possesses
all the information required to get the desired control
objectives, whereas each agent has its own local control
mechanism and is completely autonomous in the deci-
sion process of decentralized control. Hybrid central-
ized/decentralized architectures, in turn, use central
planners to provide high-level control over autonomous
System Dynamics
The dynamics of each drone in the swarm is based
on the model of a quadcopter, i.e., a drone that has
four propellers and `is a length of the fixed pitch to
mechanically movable blades, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Kinematics of the quadcopter
The gravity gand the thrust Ti,i∈ {1,2,3,4}, of the
propellers are the main forces acting on the quadcopter.
In this model, the inertial reference is the earth shown
as (x, y, z) that is the origin of the reference frame. The
drone is assumed to be a rigid body that has the con-
stant mass symmetrically distributed with respect to
the planes (x, y), (y, z ), and (x, z). The orientation of
a quadcopter reference frame (x, y, z) with respect to
an inertial frame (x, y, z)0can be expressed mathemat-
ically in a state variable form [25], where translational
and angular accelerations are given by
˙vx=vzwy+vywzgsin θ
˙vy=vxwz+vzwx+gcos θsin φ
˙vz=vywx+vxwy+gcos θcos φT
(wywz(JzJy) + MxkwT
(wxwz(JxJz) + MykwT
respectively. The thrust produced by each propeller
Tiis translated into a total thrust T, and the reactive
torque Mi,i∈ {x, y, z}, is affecting the rotations along
the corresponding axis. Ji,i∈ {x, y, z }, is known as
the moment of inertia along the corresponding axis, and
Jmp is the moment of inertia of a motor with a pro-
peller. The velocities corresponding to Equations (1)
and (2) are
˙x=vxcos ψcos θ+vy(sin ψcos φ+ cos ψsin θ
sin φ) + vz(sin ψsin φ+ cos ψsin θcos φ)
˙y=vxsin ψcos θ+vy(cos ψcos φ+ sin ψsin θ
sin φ) + vz(cos ψsin φ+ sin ψsin θcos φ)
˙z=vxsin θvycos θsin φvzcos θcos φ
θ=wycos φwzsin φ
φ=wx+wysin φtan θ+wzcos φtan θ
sin φ
cos θ+wz
cos φ
cos θ
respectively. The Equations (1)–(4) represent the com-
plete nonlinear model of a quadcopter, composed of 12
states, 4 inputs, and 12 outputs. More precisely,
x=vxvyvzwxwywzθ φ ψ x y z T(5)
is the state or system vector,
u=T MxMyMzT(6)
is the input or control vector,
is the output (measured) vector. Furthermore, the per-
formance output
yp=x y z T(8)
is defined for future use.
Using standard linearization, that is cutting off a
Taylor series expansion after the first derivative, the
nonlinear dynamic equations can be converted into lin-
ear state-space equations. This yields,
˙x =hgθ gφ T
that can further written into the standard state space
˙x =Ax+Bu
where A,B,C, and Dare known as the state or system
matrix, input or control matrix, output (measured) ma-
trix, and feedthrough matrix respectively. Correspond-
ingly, x,u, and yare known as the state or system
vector, input or control vector, and output (measured)
vector as in Equations (5)–(7). The system parameters
are taken from [25] and illustrated in Table I. The lin-
ear model in Equation (10) is used to examine the land-
ing stability and controllability of the system as well as
to design an LQR with integral control. The system has
twelve eigenvalues at the origin, and all twelve states
are controllable.
TABLE I: System parameters
Symbol Quantity Value
ggravitational force 9.81 m/s2
`length of the fixed pitch
to mechanically movable
0.2 m
mmass of quadcopter 0.8 kg
Jmp moment of inertia of motor
with propeller
Jx, Jymoment of inertia w.r.t.
axis x, y
Jxmoment of inertia w.r.t.
axis z
kMT ratio of the reactive mo-
ment and thrust
0.1 m
Formation Control Schemes
A formation control scheme defines how a group of
robots can be controlled to form and to maintain the
desired formation. To control the formation of a drone
swarm, the recent studies generally classify the different
strategies into following main categories.
Leader–follower [26–28]: The leader seeks for some
group objectives, while the followers track the leader’s
coordinates with prescribed offsets.
Virtual structure [29–31]: A virtual moving structure
reflects the complete formation as a rigid body such
that the control design for a single agent is derived
by defining the virtual structure. It then translates
the movement of the virtual structure into the desired
movement of each agent. Furthermore, as an actual
leader is not needed, each virtual vacant pose can be
filled by any agent.
Behaviour-based [32–34]: each agent is assigned to
the process of actuation that is defined as several de-
sired behaviours. In each agent, to form the desired
shape of the swarm, the overall control is derived by
allocating different weights to behaviours.
The formation control schemes can be further cat-
egorised into position-, displacement-, distance-, and
angle-based in terms of the requirement on the sens-
ing capability and the interaction topology [35]. In
position-based control, each agent is able to sense its
own position in the formation that is defined by the
desired positions of the different agents with respect
to a global coordinate system. In contrast to this, in
displacement-based control, each agent is assumed to
sense its own as well as its neighbouring agents’ po-
sition in the formation that is defined by the desired
displacements between pairs of agents with respect to
the global coordinate system. Then again, in distance-
based control, the formation is defined by the desired
inter-agent distances that are actively controlled. Each
agent in the formation is expected to sense relative posi-
tions of their neighbouring agents with respect to their
own local coordinate systems. Likewise, the actively
controlled variable is the bearing between neighbours
in angle-based control, rather than the distance to each
of the neighbours.
Consider a hierarchical formation that has four lev-
els using ten quadcopters, as illustrated in Fig. 2. This
formation is based on a tightly coupled leader–follower
flying mechanism in which the leader is directly com-
municating with its followers by providing its position
references that are passed on to the followers [6,36].
Fig. 2: Organization of the considered swarm of drones
In Fig. 2, the swarm is responsible for tracking the
desired trajectories as well as for hovering at desired
positions for given time intervals. The straight arrows
show the direction in which coordinate variables are
shared. The leader’s trajectory is independent and de-
fines the formation’s trajectory. The trajectory of each
follower is defined based on the orientation and actions
of its respective leader. In terms of movement, each
follower is dependent on its respective leader’s move-
ment using a safe distance strategy that is denoted by
dα,β , where α, β ∈ {L,1–9}. Each follower is responsi-
ble for efficiently tracking the respective leader’s trajec-
tory, maintaining the distance between two respective
To address the research questions, consider a control
system that is liable for fine-tuning the movement of
each drone in a swarm while maintaining the desired
safe travel distance. Each drone is based on the similar
system dynamics, which is illustrated in Section 2. In
Fig. 3, a simple mechanism of feedback control system
is presented in which output is controlled using its mea-
surement as a feedback signal. This feedback signal is
compared with a reference signal to generate an error
signal which is filtered by a controller to produce the
system’s control input.
In a simple example illustrated in Fig. 4, the swarm
of drones aims to land on a vessel (or any type of mov-
Fig. 3: Transmission topology in swarm formation
able surface) that has continuous speed with oscilla-
tions. It is assumed that the data is available through
communication link on-board drones and vessel.
Fig. 4: Arrival of the swarm of drones for landing
In Fig. 4, the reference commands of a moving ves-
sel are continuously sent to the leader drone as a feed-
back (red arrow line), outlining a tracking phenomenon.
The local control unit of the leader then computes the
values under its vicinity and generates the force in
order to stabilize its landing movement (green arrow
line). This process continuous until the desired goal
is achieved. Since, the designed formation is based
on a leader–follower tightly coupled approach there-
fore, all the followers track their corresponding lead-
ers, which can minimize the overall computation time
of path planning, indicating the fast decision making
within the swarm. A filter block (see Appendix) is in-
cluded in the altitude of the leader drone to slow down
its speed on a close arrival by avoiding sudden hit on
the surface.
For the controlled movement of each quadcopter in
the swarm, the initial step is to construct a balanced
drone in the presence of uncertainties and external dis-
turbances with an adaptive computing platform. For
this study, a standard LQR with integral action tech-
nique has been adapted [36]. Based on the linear model
in Equation (10), LQR is a way of finding an optimal
full state feedback controller for each quadcopter. Fig.
5 shows the decision-making process of a drone that
is split into two feedback loops, i.e., inner and outer
loops. The inner loop is the full state feedback system
and the outer loop is responsible for the x,y, and z
positions, generating the thrust Tand the torques Mi.
Fig. 5: Block diagram of the control design
The control input uminimizes the quadratic cost
J(u) = Z
aQ˙xa+˙uTR˙u)dt (11)
where Qand Rare known as the weight matrices (see
Appendix), and uis given in Equation (6). The Qma-
trix is a positive semi-definite that defines the weights
for the states, whereas the Rmatrix is a positive def-
inite that indicates the weights of the control inputs.
The controller can be tuned by changing the entries in
the Qand Rmatrices to get the desired response. LQR
method returns the solution Sof the associated Riccati
(A)TS+SA SBR1(B)TS+Q= 0 (12)
for S=ST>0. The optimal gain matrix Kis derived
from Sas K=R1(B)TS. The four control inputs are
generated for thrust T,Mx(along x-axis i.e., roll φ),
My(along y-axis i.e., pitch θ), and Mz(along z-axis
i.e., yaw ψ) using state feedback law,
where e=ryp,r= [xryrzr]T,ypis given in
Equation (8), Kiis the integral gain, and Kpis the
state feedback gain.
The landing of the swarm of drones on a movable
surface (can be defined as a vessel) that has continuous
speed with oscillations, which is moving from south-
west to north-east, is considered with a smallest mar-
gin of error. The simplest model of a movable sur-
face Vis defined as a ramp function with a slope of
0.5t. The oscillations of a movable surface are defined
as sine wave with amplitude of 1m, and frequency of
0.1rad/sec. Since the swarm is arranged in a tightly
coupled leader–follower hierarchical formation, the ref-
erence signal of the leader drone is available to its im-
mediate follower(s). Thus, the followers track the out-
put of the leader with set distance. The initial time
t= 0s while the landing occurs at time t= 15s, are
set in the references of the leader drone. The refer-
ence positions of the leader drone are x=y= 2, and
z= 10 0 with step time t= 15s. The initial
launching position xof each drone is set to 7m away
from its respective neighbouring node(s), and the fur-
ther data for simulation is shown in Table II. Simula-
tions in Simulink®MATLAB are used for the evalu-
ation of the proposed method. In all simulations, the
sampling time tsof 0.01s is used for all the figures.
TABLE II: Initial positions (m) and offsets (m) of
drones used in simulation
Drones Symbol Initial Position
(x, y, z)
(x, y, z)
Leader L (0,0,10) –
Follower 1 f1 (7,0,10) (9,0,0)
Follower 2 f2 (7,0,10) (5,0,0)
Follower 3 f3 (14,0,10) (9,0,0)
Follower 4 f4 (21,0,10) (16,0,0)
Follower 5 f5 (28,0,10) (23,0,0)
Follower 6 f6 (14,0,10) (5,0,0)
Follower 7 f7 (21,0,10) (12,0,0)
Follower 8 f8 (35,0,10) (16,0,0)
Follower 9 f9 (28,0,10) (12,0,0)
The landing mechanism on a movable surface is
shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The orientation of the
surface is available as a feedback at the leader drone
that resulted in accurate landing with negligible errors.
Hence, each follower track the reference commands that
are defined by its respective leader and the pre-specified
formation. To avoid collisions in the swarm, there is a
gap of 7m in xpositions for all the drones with their
neighbouring peer(s). Therefore, it is evident that the
landing of all the drones is occurred in a straight line
with different xpositions. Furthermore, the total ki-
netic energy, KE, produced by the swarm due to its
motion versus the total stored potential energy, P E
is described in Fig. 6(c). Total energy possessed and
held in the swarm are calculated as KE = 0.5mv2and
P E =mgh respectively. These energies relate how
much work is conserved in the process of the swarm
The trajectory errors, {ex, ey, ez}, between the ori-
entation of the movable surface Vand the drones are
illustrated in Fig. 7(a), (b), and (c). The trajectory er-
ror ezis sometimes positive in Fig. 7(c) because zposi-
tion is different depending on yposition, and the drones
land at different positions and/or time instances.
This paper addressed one of the interesting chal-
lenges in employment of swarming drones, namely land-
ing softly/safely on a movable surface. More specifi-
cally, a setup is considered where a swarm of ten drones
in a hierarchical leader–follower formation aims at land-
(a) 3D view (b) top view (c) Sum of kinetic vs. potential energies,
the drones are moving with the ship after
Fig. 6: Landing placements of swarming drones
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 7: Trajectory errors between movable surface and corresponding drone
ing on a moving vessel that has a linear speed under
the effect of oscillations. In the proposed distributed
control system design, each drone in the swarm has a
local controller based on an LQR with integral action
technique that is an optimal control method providing
the smallest possible error to its input. To avoid any
collisions among drones in the swarm, a safe travel dis-
tance strategy using offsets is employed in the overall
system. In the considered scenario, each drone is al-
ready at a specific altitude and from there it lands. The
swarm is composed of tightly coupled agents, where
each drone in the swarm is directly communicating,
using shared coordinate variables, with its immediate
associate. Therefore, the leader of the swarm is respon-
sible for the execution of the path planning algorithm.
It takes the translational measurements of the movable
surface as a feedback in order to generate the landing
coordinates. It is evident from the simulation results
that the proposed system guarantees the convergence
of the desired landing missions on the movable surface
while minimizing the possibilities for landing errors.
The other key advantages of the proposed method are
its robustness and scalability. Furthermore, It is un-
derstandable from the graphs that the control strategy
permits the intuitive execution of an extensive variety
of the swarm behaviours.
Q= diag
Filter block Gr={Gxr, Gyr, Gzr}. For the leader
drone, Gxr=Gyr= 1, and Gzr= state-space model
in which A=1/12, B= 1/12, C= 1, D= 0,
and initial conditions = 10. For all the other drones,
Gr={Gxr, Gyr, Gzr}={1,1,1}
This work has been supported in part by the
Academy of Finland, project no. 314048.
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... While the prior developed systems investigated the landing of a single drone, a swarm landing presents an additional challenge for the real-time system. The concept of a UAV swarm docking was suggested by Tahir et al. [29]. ...
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Heterogeneous teams of mobile robots and UAVs are offering a substantial benefit in an autonomous exploration of the environment. Nevertheless, although joint exploration scenarios for such systems are widely discussed, they are still suffering from low adaptability to changes in external conditions and faults of swarm agents during the UAV docking. We propose a novel vision-based drone swarm docking system for robust landing on a moving platform when one of the agents lost its position signal. The proposed SwarmHawk system relies on vision-based detection for the mobile platform tracking and navigation of its agents. Each drone of the swarm carries an RGB camera and AprilTag3 QR-code marker on board. SwarmHawk can switch between two modes of operation, acting as a homogeneous swarm in case of global UAV localization or assigning leader drones to navigate its neighbors in case of a camera fault in one of the drones or global localization failure. Two experiments were performed to evaluate SwarmHawk's performance under the global and local localization with static and moving platforms. The experimental results revealed a sufficient accuracy in the swarm landing task on a static mobile platform (error of 4.2 cm in homogeneous formation and 1.9 cm in leader-follower formation) and on moving platform (error of 6.9 cm in homogeneous formation and 4.7 cm in leader-follower formation). Moreover, the drones showed a good landing on a platform moving along a complex trajectory (average error of 19.4 cm) in leader-follower formation. The proposed SwarmHawk technology can be potentially applied in various swarm scenarios, including complex environment exploration, inspection, and drone delivery.
... While previously developed systems have explored single drone landing, the case of multi-agent landing presents addi-tional challenges. The concept of swarm topology for docking was therefore proposed by Tahir et al. [24]. Leon-Blanko et al. [25] investigated the issue of a multi-drone team logistics, where a team of UAVs visits a set of points with a delivery truck acting as a docking station. ...
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The paper focuses on a heterogeneous swarm of drones to achieve a dynamic landing of formation on a moving robot. This challenging task was not yet achieved by scientists. The key technology is that instead of facilitating each agent of the swarm of drones with computer vision that considerably increases the payload and shortens the flight time, we propose to install only one camera on the leader drone. The follower drones receive the commands from the leader UAV and maintain a collision-free trajectory with the artificial potential field. The experimental results revealed a high accuracy of the swarm landing on a static mobile platform (RMSE of 4.48 cm). RMSE of swarm landing on the mobile platform moving with the maximum velocities of 1.0 m/s and 1.5 m/s equals 8.76 cm and 8.98 cm, respectively. The proposed SwarmHive technology will allow the time-saving landing of the swarm for further drone recharging. This will make it possible to achieve self-sustainable operation of a multi-agent robotic system for such scenarios as rescue operations, inspection and maintenance, autonomous warehouse inventory, cargo delivery, and etc.
... The weight matrices Q and R are given in the Appendix. More details are provided in our earlier work [21], [31], [32]. ...
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In this paper, the reconfiguration of swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles after simultaneous failures of multiple nodes is considered. The objectives of the post-failure reconfiguration are to provide collision avoidance and smooth energy-efficient movement. To incorporate such a mechanism, three different failure recovery algorithms are proposed namely thin plate spline, distance- and time-optimal algorithms. These methods are tested on six swarms, with two variations on failing nodes for each swarm. Simulation results of reconfiguration show that the execution of such algorithms maintains the desired formations with respect to avoiding collisions at run-time. Also, the results show the effectiveness concerning the distance travelled, kinetic energy, and energy efficiency. As expected, the distance-optimal algorithm gives the shortest movements, and the time-optimal algorithm gives the most energy-efficient movements. The thin plate spline is also found to be energy-efficient and has less computational cost than the other two proposed methods. Despite the suggested heuristics, these are combinatorial in nature and might be hard to use in practice. Furthermore, the use of the regularization parameter λ in thin plate spline is also investigated, and it is found that too large values on λ can lead to incorrect locations, including multiple nodes on the same location. In fact, it is found that using λ=0 worked well in all cases.
... A similar process can be carried out in the opposite direction. Paper [6] presents a solution to the problem of SUAV swarm landing on a surface moving at a linear velocity with an oscillation effect. A SUAV swarm has a hierarchical leader-follower structure. ...
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The distributed information-measurement and management landing system is proposed to ensure safe landing of a swarm of small unmanned aerial vehicles on a robotic platform. The requirements for the proposed landing system are developed and the system structure diagram is presented. It includes a distributed air traffic control and management system in the landing zone, a space-time unmanned aircraft holding area with an ordered toroidal structure, and a buffer landing zone. When a small unmanned aerial vehicle leaves a holding area for a landing line, it is recommended to use multiple access protocols. The paper specifies the combination of the main elements of the landing system structure diagram, the pattern and features of their functioning, and develops a generalized algorithm for managing a swarm of small unmanned aerial vehicles in the information-measurement and management landing system.
The integration of drone swarms in Industry 5.0 marks a significant advancement in industrial automation and optimization. This chapter explores the typical applications of drone swarms within Industry 5.0, emphasizing their transformative impact across various sectors. In manufacturing, drone swarms facilitate efficient inventory management, autonomous inspections, and streamlined logistics, enhancing operational efficiency and productivity. In agriculture, they enable precision farming practices through aerial imaging, crop monitoring, and targeted interventions. In construction, drone swarms play a crucial role in site mapping, progress monitoring, and safety inspections, revolutionizing project management and ensuring worker safety. Moreover, in transportation and logistics, drone swarms offer innovative solutions for last-mile delivery, warehouse management, and traffic monitoring, contributing to the seamless integration of Industry 5.0 principles.
Flight collision between unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in mid-air poses a potential risk to flight safety in low-altitude airspace. This article transforms the problem of collision avoidance between quadrotor UAVs into a trajectory-planning problem using optimal control algorithms, therefore achieving both robustness and efficiency. Specifically, the pseudospectral method is introduced to solve the raised optimal control problem, while the generated optimal trajectory is precisely followed by a feedback controller. It is worth noting that the contributions of this article also include the introduction of the normalized relative coordinate, so that UAVs can obtain collision-free trajectories more conveniently in real time. The collision-free trajectories for a classical scenario of collision avoidance between two UAVs are given in the simulation part by both solving the optimal control problem and querying the prior results. The scalability of the proposed method is also verified in the simulation part by solving a collision avoidance problem among multiple UAVs.
Swarm is a collective motion phenomenon whose dynamic mechanism and cooperation structure could be identified based on observations. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is a special artificial swarm with unique rules and structures. Therefore, corresponding identification methods need to be developed. One critical identification problem is distinguishing the swarm’s cooperation structure, which is usually clustered and grouped to achieve stability of behaviors and low communication cost. This paper proposes a framework of Overlay Network Integrated Time series clustering (ONIT) to identify the UAV swarm structures based on trajectories. The framework consists of Snapshot, Net Growth and Net Split. It can fuse with most distance functions in time series clustering, achieving high accuracy, update ability, and fault tolerance with various datasets. We create point-based and sliding window-based snapshots, allowing the framework compatible with more methods. In particular, the Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) correspondence in point-based snapshots shows the high scalability of the framework, and the Euclidean Distance (ED) correspondence shows that the framework can still significantly improve the accuracy while maintaining the simplicity of calculation. The test results show that the fused ONIT-clustering algorithms, especially the point-based ones, outperform original time series clustering methods separately in simulation datasets of UAV swarms and UCR repository by 28% and 27%. In summary, the proposed framework is a flexible and scalable time series clustering method that can solve various time series clustering problems especially the trajectory clustering of the UAV swarm and has great potential for general time series analysis.
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A key problem in cooperative robotics is the maintenance of a geometric configuration during movement. As a solution for this, a multi-layered and distributed control system is proposed for the swarm of drones in the formation of hierarchical levels based on the leader–follower approach. The complexity of developing a large system can be reduced in this way. To ensure the tracking performance and response time of the ensemble system, nonlinear and linear control designs are presented; (a) Sliding Mode Control connected with Proportional-Derivative controller and (b) Linear Quadratic Regular with integral action respectively. The safe travel distance strategy for collision avoidance is introduced and integrated into the control designs for maintaining the hierarchical states in the formation. Both designs provide a rapid adoption with respect to their settling time without introducing oscillations for the dynamic flight movement of vehicles in the cases of (a) nominal, (b) plant-model mismatch, and (c) external disturbance inputs. Also, the nominal settling time of the swarm is improved by 44% on average when using the nonlinear method as compared to the linear method. Furthermore, the proposed methods are fully distributed so that each UAV autonomously performs the feedback laws in order to achieve better modularity and scalability.
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The unmanned aerial vehicles or drones come in a great diversity depending upon the basic frameworks with their particular specifications. The purpose of this study is to analyse the core characteristics of the swarming drones and measure the public awareness levels with respect to these swarms. To achieve these goals, the functionality, problems, and importance of drones are highlighted. The results of an experimental survey from a bunch of academic population are also presented, which demonstrate that the swarms of drones are fundamental future agenda and will be adopted with the passage of time.
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This paper addresses the landing problem of a vertical take-off and landing vehicle, exemplified by a quadrotor, on a moving platform using image-based visual servo control. Observable features on a flat and textured target plane are exploited to derive a suitable control law. The target plane may be moving with bounded linear acceleration in any direction. For control purposes, the image of the centroid for a collection of landmarks is used as position measurement, whereas the translational optical flow is used as velocity measurement. The proposed control law guarantees convergence to the desired landing spot on the target plane, without estimating any parameter related to the unknown height, which is also guaranteed to remain strictly positive. Moreover, convergence is guaranteed even in the presence of bounded and possibly time-varying disturbances, resulting, for example, from the motion of the target plane, measurement errors, or wind-induced force disturbances. To improve performance, an estimator for unknown constant force disturbances is also included in the control law. Simulation and experimental results are provided to illustrate and assess the performance of the proposed controller.
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This paper investigates solutions for the fundamental yet challenging problem of autonomous landing of multirotor Unammaned Aerial Vehicles UAVs. In addition to landing on static targets, tracking and landing on a moving platform is addressed, as a solution to facilitate the deployment of the UAV. The paper presents the design of a new landing pad and its relative pose estimation. The fusion of inertial measurement with the estimated pose is considered to ensure a high sampling rate, and to increase the manoeuvrability of the vehicle. Two filters are designed to conduct the fusion, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and an Extended H∞ (EH∞). The extensive simulation and practical tests permitted identification of the challenges of the landing task. Adequate solutions to these challenges are proposed to lessen their impact on landing precision.
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Landing an aerial vehicle is a very challenging problem. Pilots spend numerous hours practicing touchdowns because of the risk involved during landing phase. Developing autonomous landing technologies have been an active area of research over the past decade. This paper presents a review of landing techniques ranging from GPS based landing to vision based landing techniques; from basic nonlinear to intelligent, hybrid and robust control. It is aimed at providing a broad perspective on the status of the landing control problem and controller design. The paper provides a comparison based on parameters such as type of the vehicle, assumptions made in the problem design, techniques used and efficacy of the algorithm in real world conditions.
The paper describes model and development of full control of a quadrotor aerial robot. The mathematical model of quadrotor is nonlinear system based on Newton law of motion of rigid body. Control system of the quadrotor is designed with help of state variable approach and also with help of corresponding physical approach which was inspired by the former one. The quality of the model and its control is tested by simulation and on a real flying model as well.
An enhanced search algorithm of a landing site on unknown terrain using stereo vision information for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle is developed. For the development, a quadrotor dynamic model, including nonlinear actuator dynamics, is constructed and guidance and control system is designed based on feedback linearization and linear quadratic tracker. Stereo vision sensor is used to acquire depth map information of the terrain and flatness information of the topography is obtained by extracting the edge of the depth map and performing Euclidean distance transform. Energy consumption of the quadrotor is also considered. The three measures of: 1) the depth; 2) the flatness; and 3) the energy consumption are combined to propose a performance index to determine the safe landing spot of the quadrotor. Numerical simulation is performed to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm and hardware system applicable to practical implementation is also included.
This article considers the distributed control of a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) investigating autonomous pattern formation and reconfigurability. A behaviour-based approach to formation control is considered with a velocity field control algorithm developed through bifurcating potential fields. This new approach extends previous research into pattern formation using potential field theory by considering the use of bifurcation theory as a means of reconfiguring a swarm pattern through a free parameter change. The advantage of this kind of system is that it is extremely robust to individual failures, is scalable, and also flexible. The potential field consists of a steering and repulsive term with the bifurcation of the steering potential resulting in a change of the swarm pattern. The repulsive potential ensures collision avoidance and an equally spaced final formation. The stability of the system is demonstrated to ensure that desired behaviours always occur, assuming that at large separation distances the repulsive potential can be neglected through a scale separation that exists between the steering and repulsive potential. The control laws developed are applied to a formation of ten UAVs using a velocity field tracking approach, where it is shown numerically that desired patterns can be formed safely ensuring collision avoidance.