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k constant and energy

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We use the quantum of the mass and its equations to present a new formula that relates the energy of a massive object to its wavelength. We use the energy-mass equation of Einstein and the mass-frequency equation of the quantum of the mass. The new equation uses k constant, speed of the object, and wavelength of the object for calculating the energy of the object. The existing equation just relates the energy of a photon to its wavelength.
k constant and energy
Bahram Kalhor
, Farzaneh Mehrparvar1
We use the quantum of the mass and its equations to present a new formula that relates the energy
of a massive object to its wavelength. We use the energy-mass equation of Einstein and the mass-
frequency equation of the quantum of the mass. The new equation uses k constant, speed of the
object, and wavelength of the object for calculating the energy of the object. The existing equation
just relates the energy of a photon to its wavelength.
In quantum mechanics, one of the most
popular equations that relate the energy and
wavelength of the photon is given by:
  
Where E is the energy of the photon, h is the
Planck’s constant, c is the speed of the light
and  is the wavelength of the photon.
This equation is a combination of the
Planck’s formula [1] that relates the energy
of the photon to its frequency and public
equation that relates the speed of the particle
to its wavelength:
  or  
Where (nu) is the frequency of the photon
 
According to the definition of wave-particle
duality [2], we know that all particles have
their frequency. Also, according to the
quantum of the mass [3], the equation that
Independent researcher form Alborz, IRAN
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relates the mass of each particle to its
frequency is given by:
   (3)
Scientists believe that wavelength of the
massive object is too short, hence they use
equation (1) for investigating elementary
particles [4]. Now, our question is that it is
possible to change the speed of the light in the
equation (1) to the speed of the object and use
it to calculate the energy of the massive
particles based on their speed and
wavelength? We expect that formula would
be changed to:
  
Where v is the speed of the object. This
equation would be useful for predicting the
speed and path of stars in the galaxies [5] and
the formation of the supermassive objects [6-
Energy and wavelength equation of
massive objects
According to the energy-mass equation [8],
for each object:
   (5)
Where E is the energy of the mass, m is the
mass, and c is the speed of the light.
On the other hand, in the quantum of the mass
we have an equation that relates the mass of
the massive objects to their frequency:
   (6)
  
  
Where k is the quantum of the mass, and f is
the frequency of the mass.
Using equation (5) and (6)
  
 
  
(7) or
  
Second method
There are several methods for proving
equation (7) based on the k constant and its
related formula. According to the definition
of the k constant:
   or
also, the relation between wavelength and
mass is given by:
  
  
 
Using equation (8)
  
  
Equation (7) is the complete equation to
describe the energy of each particle based on
its wavelength and its speed. For instance,
equation (1) is a special case of the equation
(7) where v=c.
By using equations of the quantum of the
mass, we proved that we could calculate the
energy of all objects according to their
wavelength and speed. In astronomy,
wavelength and speed are observational
parameters, hence scientists can calculate
mass and energy of stars and supermassive
objects by using them.
On the other hand, in the quantum mechanics,
measuring speed and wavelength of the
elementary particles help to find out their
properties faster and with more precision.
Finally, using the quantum of the mass can
describe many unknown phenomena and
predict their behavior.
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... According to the definition of the k constant [4][5][6], the total mass of an object is an integer multiple of the quanta mass. Quanta mass is the mass that carries with a photon with frequency 1 Hz and the speed of light. ...
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The paper uses the quantum of the mass for obtaining the multidimensional mass-energy equation and compares it with the relativistic energy-momentum equation. We show that the mass and frequency of the particles depend on the counts of the quanta masses in the first dimension while the energy of the particles is equal to the counts of all quanta masses in all dimensions multiplied by k constant. The paper introduces the arrangement of the quanta masses in the multidimensional visual k boxes. The new multidimensional energy-momentum equation shows that by increasing the velocity, the energy of the particle increases, but its equation is different from the relativistic energy-momentum equation. Hence, the kinetic energy equation and total energy of the particles that are used in the past century are not correct.
... Also, there is a relativistic relation between the kinetic energy and momentum, where the total relativistic energy of the particle has been obtained from relativistic energy-momentum equation (E = √(mc 2 ) 2 + (pc) 2 ) [24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. Hence, the relativistic equation that physicists have been used for extracting the kinetic energy is given by: p=mv where p is the momentum. ...
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The paper compares the multi-dimensional energy-momentum equation with the relativistic energy-momentum equation. We show that the relativistic energy-momentum equation is wrong and unable to explain the mass-energy equivalence in the multi-dimensional real space. Bertozzi's experiment is good evidence for showing the problem of the relativistic energy-momentum equation. Multi-dimensional energy-equation can explain the total energy of the particles in the Bertozzi's experiment and explain the relationship between the mass-energy formula of the particles in the n-dimensional spacetime.
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The paper investigates physical parameters and the path of the movement of the particles in the spacetime and shows that special relativity is incomplete. The special relativity does not explain the correct relationship between the energy and momentum in the spacetime, so then the energy-momentum equation is incorrect. We present the relationship between the momentum and potential energy in all dimensions in spacetime and compare the extracted equations with the mass-energy equivalence. The potential energy of the three-dimensional particles is good evidence of the correctness of the multi-dimensional energy-momentum equation. For covering these problems, we suggest a new principle law to explain the behavior of the particle, path of the movement, and the relationship between the physical parameters in the different dimensions.
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The stars in the spiral galaxies move in such a way that they increase their distance from the center of the black hole and make a mathematical series. We purpose a mathematical model for predicting the path of the stars in the spiral galaxies. The complex dimensional model is a novel mathematical series for illustrating the relationship between 4-dimensional movement in a 3-dimensional space. We show that arms of spiral galaxies are the path of movement of stars when they try to keep their distance from the center of the galaxy in a 4-dimensional movement.
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Although matter and antimatter have equally produced in the universe, physicists cannot find much antimatter. The paper propose that the main part of the antimatter exists in the center of the black holes. A ring of the antimatter is covered by a ring of the electrons, while both rings have trapped in a strong electric field. The high-density ring of the antimatter makes a wall against the gamma-rays. Blocking the gamma-rays by a wall of the positrons makes a photon ring that would be a good sign for finding the exact location of the antimatter ring. Hence, the main part of the supermassive objects in space have made of antimatter.
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We use k constant for investigating the correctness of the equation of the wave-particle duality. We show that the equation of the wavelength of a massive object is not correct unless it moves in the speed of the light. According to the equations of the quantum of the mass, we rewrite the equation of the wave-particle duality.
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We present k constant as the quantum of the mass. The total mass of each object is an integer multiple of the k constant. The k constant relates frequency and the mass of a particle (m =). The smallest mass is equal to the mass carry by a photon with frequency 1 Hz. Also, we present quantum of the angular momentum and calculate its value. In the k constant definition, a photon is a virtual box. Each virtual box can carry an enormous number of quanta mass.
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We propose a new structure of a black hole based on the vacuum. In our theory, there is no massive mass at the center of the black hole and the source of gamma rays in the black hole is space energy. Positrons make a wall around the source of the gamma rays and make two jets. Contact between gamma rays and free positrons of the disk makes photon ring. Annihilation between electrons and positrons make glows on the jets. We use ETA's picture for showing electron symmetrical eruption.
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Although many methods have been designed for ranking universities, there is no suitable system that focuses on the ranking of countries based on the performance of their universities. The overall ranking of the universities in a region can indicate the growth of interests in science among the people of that land. This paper introduces a novel ranking mechanism based on the rankings of universities. Firstly, we introduce and discuss two new rankings of countries, based on the rank of their universities. Secondly, we create rankings of countries according to the selected method, based on the top 12000 universities in (January 2012) and compare rankings of countries in 4 editions (January 2012 to July 2013). Firstly, we introduce two new methods of ranking countries based on their university rankings, Weighted Ranking (WR) and Average Ranking (AR). Secondly, we discuss how the introduced ranking systems, perform in ranking countries based on the two years of data. Thirdly, we choose QS ( and as two different classification systems for comparing rankings of countries, based on the top 500 universities in these rankings. Results indicate that the methodology can be used to show the quality of the whole universities of each country used to compare rankings of countries in practice compare to other countries in the world.
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the correlation between content and traffic of 21,485 academic websites (universities and research institutes). The achieved result is used as an indicator which shows the performance of the websites for attracting more visitors. This inspires a best practice for developing new websites or promoting the traffic of the existing websites. At the first step, content of the site is divided into three major items which are: Size, Papers and Rich Files. Then, the Spearman correlation between traffic of the websites and these items are calculated for each country and for the world, respectively. At the next step, countries are ranked based on their correlations, also a new indicator is proposed from combining these three correlations of the countries. Results show that in most countries, correlation between traffic of the websites and Papers is less than correlations between traffic of the websites and Rich Files and Size.
Here we describe the methods employed for the analysis of digitized data produced by electron time-of-flight and gamma spectrometers that are part of the recently completed advanced positron beam system at the University of Texas at Arlington. The digitization of the data acquisition methods enabled the coincident measurement of the energies of the positron-induced electrons and the Doppler shifted annihilation gamma. Additionally, the digitization of data acquisition methods has led to the development of a multi-stop time-of-flight spectrometer. The digital analysis methods employed in the extraction of timing and energy information from the detector traces have resulted in (i) a digital time-of-flight spectrum of positron-induced secondary electrons utilizing signals from a micro-channel plate (MCP) electron detector and a high-purity germanium gamma detector (HPGe); (ii) a two-dimensional spectrum representing the correlation between the energy of the annihilation gamma and the times-of-flight of positron-induced secondary electrons; and (iii) the first spectra of positron-induced multiple secondary electrons. The digital analysis methods, when applied to positron annihilation-induced Auger electron spectroscopy (PAES), will be capable of providing the energy and momentum of the electron with which the positron annihilates. This information will allow the determination of the contribution of individual atomic orbital levels to the total Doppler broadening spectrum, and may contribute to the understanding of the interaction of positrons with novel two-dimensional materials. The digital multi-stop time-of-flight spectrometer is expected to aid in the quest to unravel the complex decay pathways associated with the Auger decay of annihilation-induced core holes.