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Do stars in a spiral galaxy simulate 4-dimensional movement in a 3-dimensional space?

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Abstract and Figures

The stars in the spiral galaxies move in such a way that they increase their distance from the center of the black hole and make a mathematical series. We purpose a mathematical model for predicting the path of the stars in the spiral galaxies. The complex dimensional model is a novel mathematical series for illustrating the relationship between 4-dimensional movement in a 3-dimensional space. We show that arms of spiral galaxies are the path of movement of stars when they try to keep their distance from the center of the galaxy in a 4-dimensional movement.
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Do stars in a spiral galaxy simulate 4-dimensional movement in a 3-dimensional space?
Bahram Kalhor
, Farzaneh Mehrparvar1, Behnam Kalhor1
The stars in the spiral galaxies move in such a way that they increase their distance from the
center of the black hole and make a mathematical series. We purpose a mathematical model for
predicting the path of the stars in the spiral galaxies. The complex dimensional model is a novel
mathematical series for illustrating the relationship between 4-dimensional movement in a 3-
dimensional space. We show that arms of spiral galaxies are the path of movement of stars when
they try to keep their distance from the center of the galaxy in a 4-dimensional movement.
Keywords: Spiral galaxy, Complex dimensional model (CDM)
CDM series is a novel mathematical series for illustrating the relationship between the distance
of moving objects from their start point. In the CDM model distance of movement in each state
is equal to movement distance in the previous state while the direction of movement is
perpendicular to the line between the last state and the first state (or its image on the movement
surface). We describe a movement in which moving objects in each new state move in a new
direction which is perpendicular to the line between state zero and previous state (or its image on
the movement surface). In the CDM model distance of movement in all states are equal and the
angle between movement direction in each state and line between state zero (or its image on the
movement surface) and its previous state is 90 degree.
We can restrict the movement in a 2-dimensional space just in a certain surface which the path
would be approximately like the Fibonacci series, or let the moving object to move in multi-
dimensional space, or even combine them.
Series are used for describing changes of one starting quantity after adding new quantities one by
one [1]. One of the most popular types of time series models is State-space models (SSMs).
SSMs are a type of hierarchical model [2] that are used for predicting movement in a 2-
dimensional surface [3]. These models have been used for modeling population dynamics [4],
stock market prediction [5] and a wide variety of ecological systems. Also, time series models
have been used in Apollo's mission for correcting the path of a spacecraft toward the moon [6].
Despite the SSMs model, in which the state at time t depends only on the state at the previous
time t−1, sometimes we need to model a movement that the state at time t, depends on state at
Independent researcher form Alborz, IRAN
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the previous time t−1 and state at time t0. These new models could be useful in physics
especially when we try to model the path of a movement based on its start point and calculate the
distance of moving objects from their start point in the space-time series [7,8,9,10]. Finding out
the path of movement in multidimensional space-time for a certain moving object with a speed v
in an area with gravity g would be a good sample of these types of movement, such as movement
path of stars in the arms of spiral galaxies.
Although in mathematics we do not have any restriction for moving in upper dimensions, it
seems that because of some restrictions in physics, most of the real moving objects after
completing their path in a 3-dimensional world, continue their path in 2- dimensional surface.
In fact, for simulating our observable universe and galaxies, we suggest a complex movement
area which is a combination of a 3-dimensional movement at the first and continuing in a 2-
dimensional surface. In this case, moving objects save their moving rules, equal distance in each
state and new direction which are perpendicular to the line between state zero and previous state
(or its image on the movement surface).
Nowadays, Physicists are using a wide variety of series for modeling phenomena [11,12].
Although in mathematics, there is no limit for the number of dimensions in multi-dimensional
models, we are living in a 3-dimensional world while in some popular theory in physics such as
String theory and M theory we have 10 ,11 or even more dimensions [13,14,15].
The best examples of these shapes are spiral galaxies with a few numbers of arms. In the spiral
galaxies, the height is approximately 10% of its diameter [16, 17,18]. On the other hand, we
know that it is proven that the shape of the whole universe is approximately flat [19,20], then this
model would be a good model to explain this shape.
Investigating the MDM (Multi-Dimensional Model) movement path in our 3-dimensional world
is important while we have limited to move in a 3-dimensional space and establishing upper
dimensions not allowed. Basic questions are: What would be happened if the moving object
unable to continue its moving into the upper dimensions? Which direction would be chosen for
the next movement? What would be the final shape of the movement path? Is there any rule to
shows its distance to the start point?
The purpose of this paper is to represent a mathematical model for modeling the shape of spiral
galaxies and using novel CDM series for approximating the diameter of multi-dimensional spiral
galaxies or even the universe. On the other hand, according to the suggested mathematical
model, we show that there is a significant relationship between the height of galaxies and their
diameter. Meanwhile, we try to solve some unsolved physics questions based on one
mathematical model.
There are four rules:
1. In the multi-dimensional model, moving object in each state moves in a direction which
is perpendicular to all previous state directions while in 2- dimensional model moving
object in each state moves in a direction which is perpendicular to the line between state
zero and its previous state.
2. Distance and average speed of movement in all states are equal
3. In 2- dimensional model moving object uses left-hand or right-hand rule for choosing the
direction in all new states.
4. In complex-dimensional model which start point is not on the moving surface, we use the
image of it on the movement surface as the start point.
MDMs: Multi-Dimensional Model series
The first element of the MDM series is equal to zero and has been described by a point which
is shown in Fig.1(a). It shows that moving objects is at the start point and has not started its
movement, therefore the distance between moving objects and the start point is equal to zero.
The second element of the MDM series is equal to L.
make a one-dimensional line. Distance between the points nd is equal to L which is
the constant value that the moving object after reaching to it must change its direction, Fig.1(b).
After reaching to point , the moving object must choose right-hand or left-hand direction to
and move in a new direction, this rule would be permanent for the rest of the states. This
direction would have chosen according to rule number 3. After choosing a direction, we have a
2-dimensional surface that concludes the first three elements of MDM series Fig.1(c). Distance
between and calculate by the right triangle formula. 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
Fig.1. Schematic view of start point and first elements of MDM series
Fourth point is . The points , and make a right triangle and length of line is equal
to  . , , and are shown in a three-dimensional cube in Fig.2.
is Fifth point andmake a fifth-dimensional shape. Although imagine more
dimensions is hard, we can calculate the length of according to right angle .
Fig.2. A three-dimensional path of the movement in the Multi-dimensional model
If we continue these steps, the distance between the nth point from would be calculated by this
 
and the total MDM series expression would be:
 
    
TDMs: Two-dimensional model series
If we restrict moving objects to move in a 2-dimensional surface, the new direction could not be
perpendicular to all previous directions. In a 2-dimensional model, the new direction is
perpendicular to the line between and previous state. Also moving objects in the state three
and next states, have two options to choose, left-hand or right-hand direction. Regardless of what
direction has been chosen, the moving object must use the same rule in the next states. Fig.3
shows the path of movement on a 2-dimensional surface.
is start point
is location of state 2 which its distance from is L.
is 3rd state and in this path moving object has chosen left-hand direction and has continued in
the next states.
Fig.3. Two-dimensional path of movement in the TDM and CDM
At the 3rd state we have a right triangle.
As shown in Fig.4, if we continue these rules, the distance of moving object in the state n would
be calculated by this formula:
= 
and we have a mathematical series that is the same as the MDM series. TDM series expression
would be:
 
    
The similarity between MDMs and TDMs shows that moving object can continue its movement
in a 2-dimensional surface while saving its distance rules from previous state and start point at
the same time.
TDM Angles:
In the TDM movement, after 3rd state in each new state, we have a new right triangle. Angle of
 is equal to 󰇛
󰇜 󰇛
 ) Fig.1.f.
CDMs complex dimensional model series
The CDMs is a combination of one 3-dimensional and one 2-dimensional movement path. In
CDMs, moving objects at point in Fig.2 which is the end of state 4, end its MDMs movement
path and establish a new TDMs path. New TDMs movement surface is parallel to surface
Fig.4 and uses point as start point which is image of on the new surface Fig.4.
In fact, the complex dimensional model is a combination model of a 3-dimensional movement at
the first and continuing in a 2-dimensional surface. In CDMs, moving object tries to save its
distance rules from the start point and previous state like MDMs while it has prevented to
continue its movement in the upper dimensions.
The first four elements are the same first four elements in MDMs.
Also, the movement path in the first four states is the same as the movement path in MDM Fig.4.
At the point , moving object has been prevented to create new dimension then it has to choose
to stop moving or continue in a new path. Rules of continuing movement are having distance L
from the previous state and having the same distance from start point like MDMs. In this case,
the moving object starts its movement on a new surface which is parallel to the surface.
Point is out of the surface of and moving object cannot choose next direction by
drawing a line perpendicular to the line between and previous state like TDMs, thus it uses
point as start point which is image of on the new surface Fig (4) and choose movement
direction perpendicular to the line between and .
At this stage, we calculate the distance of and compare it by fifth element in the MDM
and is a right triangle, so
Fig.4. First 5 elements in the CDM and location of point
in right triangle Fig.5(a)
= L , hence
In right triangle Fig.5(b)
= , so
is the 5th element of the CMD series and is equal to the 5th element of the MDM
If moving object continues its direction perpendicular to line , in next right angle
and in right triangle 
is the 6th element of the CMD series and is equal to the 6th element of the MDM series.
Finally, we have obtained the CDM series formula which is the same as the MDM series formula
 
    
Fig.5. The distance of the 5th element from the start point in the CDM
Fig.6 and Fig.7 show right triangles from the latest state to points and and Fig.9 shows the
final path of movement in the CDM model.
Fig.6. The distance of the moving object from the point in the CDM
Fig.7. The distance of the moving object from the start point in the CDM
Fig.8. Path of movement in the CDM
CDM and spiral galaxies
It is proven that the speed of all galaxy's stars in spiral galaxies are almost equal. For instance,
the speed of stars in the Milky Way galaxy is between 210 to 240 kilometer per second. The
equal speed causes all stars to move the same distance in the same time duration. on the other
hand, most spiral galaxies have two major arms. Real pictures of galaxies have shown that the
start points of both arms are in the center of the galaxy while the first parts of both arms are in
reverse directions. Another important thing is the ratio of the height of spiral galaxies to their
diameter. Physicists have observed the central height of Milky Way galaxy, its approximately 12
thousand light-years while the diameter of the Milky Way is almost 100,000 light-years. Thus its
ratio is near 12 percent.
In the CDM, if we start two individual moving objects in two reverse directions with the same
speed, we will have a 3-dimensional shape like Fig.9. If we look at this shape from the top, we
see a 2-dimensional view of a path that is similar to the central map of spiral galaxies Fig.10.
We continued to calculate more elements of the CDM series (expanding arms), results would be
like Fig.11.
Fig.9. Three-dimensional path and their surfaces in the CDM in two reverse directions
Fig.10. Top view of Three-dimensional path in the CDM in two reverse directions
Fig.11. Top view of first 15 elements in the CDM (reverse directions)
If we continue the CDMs series to the first 64 elements, the distance of the 64th element from
the start point is 8L. In this case, the ratio of central height to diameter would be almost 12.5
In Fig.9 if the second object chooses the same direction as the first moving object in the
movement, then the height of shape would be half and after just 16 movements the ratio of
height to diameter would be 12.5% which is near the real ratio of Milky Way galaxy and the
surface CMD would be flatter.
Regardless of what physics’s rules cause the equal speed of stars in spiral galaxies, the CDMs
shows that the arms of spiral galaxies are the simulation of movement in upper dimensions in a
2-dimensional surface. CDM series provides a formula for predicting the next direction, next
distance from the center of the galaxy and the ratio of height to diameter. CDM explains the flat
shape of spiral galaxies and would be used for predicting its expansion ratio and describing flat
TDMs: Two-Dimensional Model series
CDMs: Complex Dimensional Model series
MDMs: Multi-Dimensional Model series
SSMs : State-space models series
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... using (21) and (22) E max ≅ cE rest (23) Although the aim of the Bertozzi's experiment was investigating the relativity mass, data of the experiment shows that the potential energy of the electron when its velocity is close to the speed of light is higher than estimated maximum energy in the relativistic energy-momentum equation. ...
... In the multi-dimensional energy-momentum, when the particle tries to start oscillating in a new dimension, sometimes it would be unlabeled to do it, hence starts a new path in the current dimensions and simulates its movement in the higher dimension. This issue is explained in the [23]. In this case, the particle omits one dimension and moves in parallel with it, hence particle needs too little energy to reach the speed of the light. ...
... On the other hand, according to the equation (23) in the multi-dimensional energy-momentum equation, at the end of each dimension, the total energy of the particles multiplied by the almost c. Hence, total energy of the two-dimensional particle is equal to cE rest and total energy of the three-dimensional particle is equal to c 2 E rest . ...
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The paper compares the multi-dimensional energy-momentum equation with the relativistic energy-momentum equation. We show that the relativistic energy-momentum equation is wrong and unable to explain the mass-energy equivalence in the multi-dimensional real space. Bertozzi's experiment is good evidence for showing the problem of the relativistic energy-momentum equation. Multi-dimensional energy-equation can explain the total energy of the particles in the Bertozzi's experiment and explain the relationship between the mass-energy formula of the particles in the n-dimensional spacetime.
... According to equations (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13), the energy of the 3-dimensional ray with the frequency f is equal to E 3 = fk(c 2 + c + 1) that is almost c times of the energy of the 2-dimensional ray E 2 = fk(c + 1) with the frequency f. Also, the mass of two rays in different dimensions with the frequency f are equal. ...
... After reaching the speed of light, giving more energy to the object causes that the object starts oscillating in a higher dimension that is perpendicular to all previous dimensions or simulates its distance to start point of the movement [7]. Hence, we can say that an ndimensional object with a velocity greater than zero, has completed its movement by the speed of light in the first n dimensions and oscillates in the (n+1)th dimension or tries to simulate it. ...
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The paper uses the quantum of the mass for obtaining the multidimensional mass-energy equation and compares it with the relativistic energy-momentum equation. We show that the mass and frequency of the particles depend on the counts of the quanta masses in the first dimension while the energy of the particles is equal to the counts of all quanta masses in all dimensions multiplied by k constant. The paper introduces the arrangement of the quanta masses in the multidimensional visual k boxes. The new multidimensional energy-momentum equation shows that by increasing the velocity, the energy of the particle increases, but its equation is different from the relativistic energy-momentum equation. Hence, the kinetic energy equation and total energy of the particles that are used in the past century are not correct.
... After reaching the speed of the light, particle oscillates in the new dimension or simulates it, where the new direction is perpendicular to previous dimensions [11]. Hence, regardless of choosing the real 4th dimension or time dimension as the 4th dimension, the particle tries to choose a path that is perpendicular to previous dimensions or simulate it. ...
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The paper investigates physical parameters and the path of the movement of the particles in the spacetime and shows that special relativity is incomplete. The special relativity does not explain the correct relationship between the energy and momentum in the spacetime, so then the energy-momentum equation is incorrect. We present the relationship between the momentum and potential energy in all dimensions in spacetime and compare the extracted equations with the mass-energy equivalence. The potential energy of the three-dimensional particles is good evidence of the correctness of the multi-dimensional energy-momentum equation. For covering these problems, we suggest a new principle law to explain the behavior of the particle, path of the movement, and the relationship between the physical parameters in the different dimensions.
... If we consider the energy and the momentum as two components, the energymomentum equation would be obtained [10]. Einstein has formulated special relativity by using the Lorentz transform that is the core of the Minkowski four-vectors [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. In the special relativity, Minkowski four-vectors has used for relating energy and momentum in 4-dimensional spacetime [24][25][26]. ...
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We use Generalized Minkowski spacetime and obtain a multi-dimensional energy equation in the spacetimes. We use potential energy and total energy as two components in the Makowski spacetime. We present a new multi-dimensional energy equation that relates the total energy of the multi-dimensional object to its rest mass. The multi-dimensional energy equation shows that at the speed of the light, the kinetic energy of the particle reaches the potential energy multiplied by the speed of the light. At the speed of the light, the kinetic energy will be converted to the potential energy, hence the potential energy in the higher dimension is c times of the potential energy in the previous dimension.
... Where v is the speed of the object. This equation would be useful for predicting the speed and path of stars in the galaxies [5] and the formation of the supermassive objects [6][7]. ...
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The paper introduces quantum Redshift. By using the quantum structure of the electromagnetic waves, we can describe the Redshift. Losing the quanta masses along the traveling in the space is the reason of the decreasing the frequency of the electromagnetic waves. Recursive quantum Redshift predict distance of the objects by calculating the z parameter of the waves since they have emitted. Non-recursive quantum Redshift is a fast and good approximation of the recursive quantum Redshift. The distances in the quantum Redshift is less than the distances in the accelerated expansion space theory. The paper provides z parameter of distances between zero and 12 billion light years.
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The Redshift of the electromagnetic waves is a powerful tool for calculating the distance of the objects in space and studying their behavior. However, physicists' misinterpretation of why Redshift occurs has led us to a misunderstanding of the most cosmological phenomena. The paper introduces Quantum Redshift (QR) by using the quantum structure of the electromagnetic waves (QSEW) In the Quantum Redshift, although the Planck constant is the smallest unit of three-dimensional energy, it is consisting of smaller units of one-dimensional energy. The maximum energy of each period of the electromagnetic waves is equal to the Planck constant hence, the capacity of each period is carrying 89875518173474223 one-dimensional quanta energy. However, in the QR, at the emitting time of the electromagnetic waves, their periods are not fully filled. On the other hand, they are interested in sharing quanta energies with each other to have fully filled periods. Sharing the quanta energies ofا some periods between other periods is the reason for destroying some periods and decreasing the frequency of the electromagnetic waves. Our other studies show Quantum Redshift can well explain the whole phenomenon of the universe, and real data support our theory. The quantum redshift rejects the big bang theory, expansion of space and dark energy. It predicts dark matters and describes CMB. The paper obtains the basic equation of the QR for use in future papers.
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The paper introduces the energy equation in a multi-dimensional spacetime. Firstly, we use a new relation between kinetic energy and potential energy. Secondly, we obtain total energy based on potential energy and kinetic energy. Thirdly, we present the relationship between the momentum and the kinetic energy, and Finally, we compare the proposed equation with the mass-energy and the energy-momentum equation.
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The paper presents the kinetic energy of the particles in the multi-dimensional spacetime. We have used multi-dimensional energy-momentum equation for obtaining a new kinetic energy equation. We introduce new relation between the potential energy and the kinetic energy in the multi-dimensional spacetime. Also, we present one-dimensional kinetic energy and compare it with Newtonian kinetic energy and relativistic kinetic energy. The advantage of the multi-dimensional kinetic energy equation is using at the higher speeds and quantum mechanics.
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State–space models (SSMs) are an important modeling framework for analyzing ecological time series. These hierarchical models are commonly used to model population dynamics, animal movement, and capture–recapture data, and are now increasingly being used to model other ecological processes. SSMs are popular because they are flexible and they model the natural variation in ecological processes separately from observation error. Their flexibility allows ecologists to model continuous, count, binary, and categorical data with linear or nonlinear processes that evolve in discrete or continuous time. Modeling the two sources of stochasticity separately allows researchers to differentiate between biological variation and imprecision in the sampling methodology, and generally provides better estimates of the ecological quantities of interest than if only one source of stochasticity is directly modeled. Since the introduction of SSMs, a broad range of fitting procedures have been proposed. However, the variety and complexity of these procedures can limit the ability of ecologists to formulate and fit their own SSMs. We provide the knowledge for ecologists to create SSMs that are robust to common, and often hidden, estimation problems, and the model selection and validation tools that can help them assess how well their models fit their data. We present a review of SSMs that will provide a strong foundation to ecologists interested in learning about SSMs, introduce new tools to veteran SSM users, and highlight promising research directions for statisticians interested in ecological applications. The review is accompanied by an in‐depth tutorial that demonstrates how SSMs can be fitted and validated in R. Together, the review and tutorial present an introduction to SSMs that will help ecologists to formulate, fit, and validate their models.
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The recent Planck Legacy 2018 release has confirmed the presence of an enhanced lensing amplitude in cosmic microwave background power spectra compared with that predicted in the standard Λ cold dark matter model, where Λ is the cosmological constant. A closed Universe can provide a physical explanation for this effect, with the Planck cosmic microwave background spectra now preferring a positive curvature at more than the 99% confidence level. Here, we further investigate the evidence for a closed Universe from Planck, showing that positive curvature naturally explains the anomalous lensing amplitude, and demonstrating that it also removes a well-known tension in the Planck dataset concerning the values of cosmological parameters derived at different angular scales. We show that since the Planck power spectra prefer a closed Universe, discordances higher than generally estimated arise for most of the local cosmological observables, including baryon acoustic oscillations. The assumption of a flat Universe could therefore mask a cosmological crisis where disparate observed properties of the Universe appear to be mutually inconsistent. Future measurements are needed to clarify whether the observed discordances are due to undetected systematics, or to new physics or simply are a statistical fluctuation. The standard cosmological model assumes a flat Universe, but some model inconsistencies appear when curvature is allowed, as supported by the latest Planck Legacy 2018 power spectra. Is it time to consider new physics?
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The graph edit distance (GED) measures the dissimilarity between two graphs as the minimal cost of a sequence of elementary operations transforming one graph into another. This measure is fundamental in many areas such as structural pattern recognition or classification. However, exactly computing GED is NP-hard. Among different classes of heuristic algorithms that were proposed to compute approximate solutions, local search based algorithms provide the tightest upper bounds for GED. In this paper, we present K-REFINE and RANDPOST. K-REFINE generalizes and improves an existing local search algorithm and performs particularly well on small graphs. RANDPOST is a general warm start framework that stochastically generates promising initial solutions to be used by any local search based GED algorithm. It is particularly efficient on large graphs. An extensive empirical evaluation demonstrates that both K-REFINE and RANDPOST perform excellently in practice.
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Fisheries science is concerned with the management and understanding of the raising and harvesting of fish. Fish stocks are assessed using biological and fisheries data with the goal of estimating either their total population or biomass. Stock assessment models also make it possible to predict how stocks will respond to varying levels of fishing pressure in the future. Such tools are essential with overfishing now reducing stocks and employment worldwide, with in turn many serious social, economic, and environmental implications. Increasingly, a state-space framework is being used in place of deterministic and standard parametric stock assessment models. These efforts have not only had considerable impact on fisheries management but have also advanced the supporting statistical theory and inference tools as well as the required software. An application of such techniques to the North Sea cod stock highlights what should be considered best practices for science-based fisheries management.
Conference Paper
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Traditionally, mathematics has been used as means for modeling aspects of the experienced world, and it is often taken as axiomatic that one can learn mathematics more effectively if one is able to apply what one already knows and can do. We illustrate how we can substantially deepen the connection with everyday experience by using mathematical functions to generate phenomena as well as model them. We first provide a framework for examining relations among simulations, notations and physical phenomena. We then illustrate with a 9th grade classroom episode how students' activity taps into their linguistic, kinesthetic and notational resources to deepen their engagement with important mathematical ideas.
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In this paper, the two-dimensional Bernoulli wavelets (BWs) with Ritz–Galerkin method are applied for the numerical solution of the time fractional diffusion-wave equation. In this way, a satisfier function which satisfies all the initial and boundary conditions is derived. The two-dimensional BWs and Ritz–Galerkin method with satisfier function are used to transform the problem under consideration into a linear system of algebraic equations. The proposed scheme is applied for numerical solution of some examples. It has high accuracy in computation that leads to obtaining the exact solutions in some cases.
Domestic garbage classification is required in many cities, however, optimal transportation of classified garbage has not been widely studied. Here, the optimal transportation of the classified domestic garbage from the waste transfer center to the garbage disposal station is considered. The locations of waste transfer centers, map distances between these waste transfer centers, different types of garbage disposal stations and the quantity of waste in different areas are used as key factors for constructing a weighted graph model. This study considers Nanshan District in Shenzhen, China as a case study. Solutions were obtained by applying the proposed model to the area using data from 2011. To achieve the decision goal of identifying feasible traveling distance and time for each trash truck, the number of routes considered for recyclable waste transportation was no less than 5; for non-recyclable waste transportation was no less than 2; and for harmful waste transportation was 4. The study provides an auxiliary management tool for optimal municipal solid waste disposal that improves the sustainability of the system.
The objective of this paper is to find periodic solutions of the circular Sitnikov problem by the multiple scales method which is used to remove the secular terms and find the periodic approximated solutions in closed forms. Comparisons among a numerical solution (NS), the first approximated solution (FA) and the second approximated solution (SA) via multiple scales method are investigated graphically under different initial conditions. We observe that the initial conditions play a vital role in the numerical and approximated solutions behaviour. The obtained motion is periodic, but the difference of its amplitude is directly proportional with the initial conditions. We prove that the obtained motion by the numerical or the second approximated solutions is a regular and periodic, when the infinitesimal body starts its motion from a nearer position to the common center of primaries. Otherwise when the start point distance of motion is far from this center, the numerical solution may not be represent a periodic motion for along time, while the second approximated solution may present a chaotic motion, however it is always periodic all time. But the obtained motion by the first approximated solution is periodic and has regularity in its periodicity all time. Finally we remark that the provided solutions by multiple scales methods reflect the true motion of the Sitnikov restricted three–body problem, and the second approximation has more accuracy than the first approximation. Moreover the solutions of multiple scales technique are more realistic than the numerical solution because there is always a warranty that the motion is periodic all time.
We document a new phenomenon in bond and equity markets that we call cross-asset time series momentum. Using data from 20 countries, we show that past bond market returns are positive predictors of future equity market returns and past equity market returns are negative predictors of future bond market returns. We use this predictability to construct a diversified cross-asset time series momentum portfolio that yields a Sharpe ratio 45% higher than a standard time series momentum portfolio. We present evidence that time series momentum and cross-asset time series momentum are driven by slow-moving capital in bond and equity markets.
Aim. The vertical halo scale height is a crucial parameter to understand the transport of cosmic-ray electrons (CRE) and their energy loss mechanisms in spiral galaxies. Until now, the radio scale height could only be determined for a few edge-on galaxies because of missing sensitivity at high resolution. Methods. We developed a sophisticated method for the scale height determination of edge-on galaxies. With this we determined the scale heights and radial scale lengths for a sample of 13 galaxies from the CHANG-ES radio continuum survey in two frequency bands. Results. The sample average values for the radio scale heights of the halo are 1.1 ± 0.3 kpc in C -band and 1.4 ± 0.7 kpc in L -band. From the frequency dependence analysis of the halo scale heights we found that the wind velocities (estimated using the adiabatic loss time) are above the escape velocity. We found that the halo scale heights increase linearly with the radio diameters. In order to exclude the diameter dependence, we defined a normalized scale height h˜ which is quite similar for all sample galaxies at both frequency bands and does not depend on the star formation rate or the magnetic field strength. However, h˜ shows a tight anticorrelation with the mass surface density. Conclusions. The sample galaxies with smaller scale lengths are more spherical in the radio emission, while those with larger scale lengths are flatter. The radio scale height depends mainly on the radio diameter of the galaxy. The sample galaxies are consistent with an escape-dominated radio halo with convective cosmic ray propagation, indicating that galactic winds are a widespread phenomenon in spiral galaxies. While a higher star formation rate or star formation surface density does not lead to a higher wind velocity, we found for the first time observational evidence of a gravitational deceleration of CRE outflow, e.g. a lowering of the wind velocity from the galactic disk.