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Surgical Neurology International • 2020 • 11(127) | 1
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©2020 Published by Scientic Scholar on behalf of Surgical Neurology International
Image Report
Convexity meningioma associated with noncontiguous
dural arteriovenous stula
Marco Manzo, Pietro Ivo D’Urso
Department of Neurosurgery, Manchester Centre of Clinical Neurosciences, Salford, Manchester, UnitedKingdom.
E-mail: Marco Manzo-marcomanzo95@yahoo.it; *Pietro Ivo D’Urso-pietrivo@me.com
A 74-year-old woman presented with a 3 weeks history of tiredness associated with MRC
grade3/5 le-sided hemiparesis. Her medical history included ovarian and breast cancer 10years
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain demonstrated a rather large extra-axial tumor
causing mass eect and midline shi, with radiological characteristics suggestive of meningioma
[Figure1a and b]. e MRI did also demonstrate the presence of prominent and serpiginous
vessels over the right frontal polar convexity not directly related to the meningioma and extending
down to the cribriform fossa [Figure1c and d]. A subsequent digital subtraction angiography
(DSA) conrmed the presence of an anterior cranial fossa dural arteriovenous stula (DAVF)
[Figure1d-g]. e DAVF was a Borden type3 stula located in the right anterior cranial fossa
and supplied by right ethmoidal arteries from bilateral ophthalmic arteries, right distal internal
maxillary artery, and hypertrophied right anterior meningeal artery. e DAVF drained through
cortical veins into the super sagittal sinus and through supercial temporal veins into the vein of
A right frontal craniotomy was carried out, and the dural based tumor excised; the tumor was
fed by meningeal branches which were cauterized, and this signicantly reduced the blood
supply to the meningioma. Intracapsular debunking was then carried out with ultrasonic
Background: Concomitant dural arteriovenous stulas (DAVFs) and meningiomas have been rarely described.
DAVFs can be either continuous or at a distant location from the meningioma, with dierent pathophysiologic
mechanisms involved in each situation.
Case Description: We report the case of a 74-year-old woman presenting with le-sided hemiparesis secondary to
a large right convexity meningioma, associated with a noncontiguous Borden 3 DAVF. Both lesions were treated
surgically in the same setting. e patient improved aer surgery, and postoperative imaging showed complete
resection of the meningioma and absence of recurrence of the stula at 4years.
Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst case of concomitant surgical treatment of a meningioma
and noncontiguous DAVF.
Keywords: Dural arteriovenous stula, DAVF, Meningioma, Vascular malformations
Surgical Neurology International
Editor-in-Chief: Nancy E. Epstein, MD, Clinical Professor of Neurological Surgery, School of
Medicine, State U. of NY at Stony Brook.
SNI: Neurovascular
Kazuhiro Hongo, M.D.,
Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan
*Corresponding author:
Pietro Ivo D’Urso,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Manchester Centre of Clinical
Neurosciences, Stott Lane,
Salford-M68hd, Manchester,
Received : 15 March 2020
Accepted : 01 May 2020
Published : 23 May 2020
Quick Response Code:
Open Access
Manzo and D’Urso: Meningioma and dural arteriovenous stula
Surgical Neurology International • 2020 • 11(127) | 2
aspirator without signicant blood loss. e tumor was then
gently dissected from the surrounding brain following the
arachnoid plane and resected en bloc. Following the removal
of the meningioma, due to the natural brain relaxation, a
subfrontal approach was possible without any additional
brain retraction [Figure 2a]. e arterialized and ecstatic
vein appeared to correspond to the DAVF as judged on
angiography. e vein and its feeders were coagulated and
transected, achieving complete obliteration of the stula
e histology of the dural-based tumor was conrmed
to be consistent with a WHO Grade I meningothelial
Aer surgery, the patient gradually improved, and at
12months, the patient was neurologically intact and back to
her daily activities.
Postoperative MRI conrmed complete excision of the
meningioma, and a DSA obtained showed complete
obliteration of the stula [Figure3].
On clinical and radiological follow-up at 4years, the patient
had not experienced any recurrences.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst case of
concomitant excision of a meningioma and obliteration of an
associated noncontiguous DAVF.
Concomitant DAVFs and meningiomas have been
previously described, and indeed, DAVFs can be either
continuous or at a distant location from the meningioma,
with dierent pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in
each situation.[1-3]
In cases where DAVFs and meningiomas are contiguous or
nearby, if the stula drains into a dural sinus occluded by
the meningioma, the stula may form as a consequence of
venous hypertension. Instead, if meningiomas and DAVFs
are noncontiguous, venous hypertension may occur as a
result of occlusion of dural venous structures secondary
to the edema of global cerebral venous hypertension
due to meningioma hypervascularity or be secondary to
meningioma-induced hypercoagulable state causing dural
venous thrombosis.[3]
In our case, we postulate that both the edema and the
hypervascularity of the meningioma have perhaps played a
role in the formation of the DAVF.
e copresence of meningioma and DAVF poses some
treatment challenges. In principle, the symptomatic
Figure 1: A 74-year-old patient presented with le-sided weakness. Postcontrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance images (a and b) showed
a large right convexity meningioma. Signal voids were also noted in the right anterior cranial fossa, without direct continuity with the
meningioma (c and d). DSA showed a right anterior cranial fossa dural arteriovenous stula (DAVF) (e-g) supplied by right ethmoidal
arteries from bilateral ophthalmic arteries, right distal internal maxillary artery, and hypertrophied right anterior meningeal artery. e
DAVF drained into the super sagittal sinus and vein of Trolard.
Figure 2: Intraoperative images showing a prefrontal approach
to the DAVF (a) and an ecstatic draining vein related to the dural
arteriovenous stula (b).
Manzo and D’Urso: Meningioma and dural arteriovenous stula
Surgical Neurology International • 2020 • 11(127) | 3
lesion should be treated rst.[3] If the DAVF interferes
with the surgical approach for meningioma resection, the
DAVF should be treated rst. Simultaneous treatment of
meningioma and DAVF can be considered if the DAVF can
be safely approached, like in our case. On the other hand,
if the DAVF is distant from the tumor, the treatment of the
DAVF should be carried out independently.
Declaration of patient consent
Patient’s consent not required as patients identity is not
disclosed or compromised.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conicts of interest
ere are no conicts of interest.
1. Horinaka N, Nonaka Y, Nakayama T, Mori K, Wada R,
MaedaM. Dural arteriovenous stula of the transverse sinus
with concomitant ipsilateral meningioma. Acta Neurochir
(Wien) 2003;145:501-4.
2. Takemoto Y, Kawano T, Ohmori Y, Nakagawa T, Ohta K,
Kuroda J, et al. Dural arteriovenous stula associated with
intratumor hemorrhage. JClin Neurosci 2019;59:352-55.
3. Vellimana AK, Daniels DJ, Shah MN, Zipfel GJ, Lanzino G.
Dural arteriovenous stulas associated with benign meningeal
tumors. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2014;156:535-44.
How to cite this article: Manzo M, D’Urso PI. Convexity meningioma
associated with noncontiguous dural arteriovenous stula. Surg Neurol Int
Figure 3: Postoperatively, the patient improved neurologically.
Postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging showed complete
resection of the meningioma (a and b) and DSA complete
obliteration of the dural arteriovenous stula (c and d).