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Best Practice Pathology Collection in
V Pilbeam, L Ridoutt and T Badrick
Victoria Pilbeam
Human Capital Alliance (International) Pty Ltd
Potts Point, New South Wales, Australia.
Lee Ridoutt
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Tony Badrick
Faculty of Health Science and Medicine
Bond University
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
experiences supported by theoretical classroom
instruction delivered in-house or in o the job settings.
The study found a need to ensure a greater proportion
of the pathology collection workforce is appropriately
Conclusion: The most eective pathway to best practice
pathology collection requires strong policies that dene
how pathology samples are to be collected, stored and
transported and a pathology collection workforce that
is competent and presents to consumers with a credible
qualication and in a professional manner.
Abbreviations: CHF – Consumer Health Forum of
Australia; KIMMS – Key Incident Monitoring and
Management Systems; NAACLS – National Accrediting
Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences;
NACCHO – National Aboriginal Community Controlled
Health Organisation; NPAAC – National Pathology
Accreditation Advisory Council; RCPA – Royal College
of Pathology Australasia; RTO – Registered Training
Key words: pathology collection; phlebotomy; best
practice; training; competency.
Objectives: The specic objectives of the study were to
(a) identify current best practice in pathology specimen
collection and assess the extent to which Australian
pathology services currently satisfy best practice
standards; and (b) identify training and other strategies
that would mitigate any gaps between current and best
Methods: A total of 22 case studies were undertaken
with pathology collector employers from public, not
for prot and private pathology organisations and
across urban and rural locations and eight focus groups
with pathology collection services consumers were
conducted in December 2012 in four dierent cities.
Results: The preferred minimum qualication of
the majority of case study employers for pathology
collectors is the nationally recognised Certicate III in
Pathology. This qualication maps well to an accepted
international best practice guideline for pathology
collection competency standards but has some noted
deciencies identied which need to be rectied.
These particularly include competencies related to
communicating with consumers. The preferred way
of training for this qualication is largely through
structured and supervised on the job learning
Pathology tests are an essential part of the healthcare
system, used to aid medical practitioners in the diagnosis of
disease, assist in preventive health, acute care, management
of chronic conditions and more recently genetic research. [1]
In the nancial year 2012/2013 there were over 83 million
pathology tests conducted in Australia initiating a Medicare
benet. This required over 36 million separate pathology
specimen collections – ‘specimens’ including samples
of blood, tissue or body uid taken from patients – that
attracted a Medicare benet. [2] Additionally, signicant
pathology testing is undertaken in hospitals in the public
health sector.
50 Asia Pacic Journal of Health Management 2016; 11: 1
Best Practice Pathology Collection in Australia
Accuracy of pathology test results is paramount, and several
studies have found that in well-developed health systems
error rates are generally low (e.g. Dale and Novis [3] found an
average error rate of less than 0.5% across a sample of tests
analysed from the United States, Canada, Australia and South
Korea). In Australia, analysis of Key Incident Monitoring and
Management Systems (KIMMS) data from the Royal College
of Pathology Australasia (RCPA) for 2012 [RCPA, personal
communication] identies pathology errors for each quarter
from a large sample of pathology laboratories ranged from
only 1.38% to 1.56% of all pathology service episodes.
Notwithstanding the low error rate, in Australia this could
imply problems potentially with over one million tests.
Accordingly both industry and consumers continually press
for reduced rates of error.
There is a large amount of evidence from the literature
identifying the pre-analytical stage (where specimens are
collected and transported) as the area that contributes most
to errors that occur within pathology testing. [4,5,6] Plebani
[1] for instance states:
Most errors are due to pre-analytical factors (46–68.2% of
total errors), while a high error rate (18.5–47% of total errors)
has also been found in the post-analytical phase.
The majority of pre-analytical errors are attributed to
problems with pathology collectors’ skill and adherence
to procedures. [6] Some researchers [1,5] have argued that
skill deciencies are less prevalent in collection workers
supervised by the pathology laboratory when compared
with non-laboratory managed personnel (such as nurses
and doctors collecting specimens in inpatient and primary
care settings). This argument is supported by KIMMS data.
The need for possession of minimum competencies
for pathology specimen collection and handling, and
maintenance of those competencies to ensure ongoing
quality of service, has been identied by the National
Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC), [7]
and the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) [8] as
a high priority issue and an area where greater attention
to promoting best practice could lead to better patient
outcomes. This study aimed to better understand what
constituted best practice in pathology collection and how it
might be achieved in Australia.
The key source of data for this study was two sets of
qualitative data collection processes undertaken with
employers of pathology collectors (essentially pathology
laboratories) and with consumers of pathology collection
A total of 22 case studies were undertaken with pathology
collectors’ employers across public, not for prot and
private pathology organisations and across urban and rural
locations. The case study sample population slightly over-
represented the public sector (50%) and the not for prot
sector (18%) and under-represented the private sector (32%)
since one of the major private sector corporate entities
determined not to engage with the study. The employer
case studies collected data according to an agreed common
protocol detailed elsewhere. [9]
Each case study involved interviews with senior managers
(Pathology Collections Manager or Training Manager,
etc). The interviews were structured to discuss what
work pathology collectors were undertaking within
their organisations and to collect the following types of
documentation for further analysis:
• Positiondescriptionstoanalysetheroles,andrequired
skills and attributes of employed collectors;
• Proceduraldocumentationtogainanunderstanding
of current operating procedures and quality control
processes; and
• Trainingmanuals,trainingmatrixesandinduction
procedures to provide an understanding of in-house
training programs and ongoing assessment of
competency and continuing professional development
In some case study organisations certain documents were
not made available or not able to be removed from the
premises for further analysis as they were considered the
intellectual property of the employer organisations.
In addition to the employer case studies, eight focus
groups with pathology collection services consumers
were conducted in December 2012 in four dierent cities.
These groups were organised in conjunction with the CHF,
the Health Care Consumers Association (Australian Capital
Territory), Health Consumers (New South Wales), Health
Issues Centre (Victoria), Health Consumers (Queensland)
and the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
Organisation (NACCHO). Group participant numbers ranged
from two to 13. The aim of the focus group discussions
wasto collectdetailsontheexperiencesandexpectations
of consumers of pathology collection services in order
to identify the required competencies of collectors from
the consumer perspective. Focus group discussions were
guided by a schedule detailed elsewhere. [9]
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Best Practice Pathology Collection in Australia
Dened collection procedures
All of the case study employers studied had well developed
procedures manuals that carefully prescribed the
operations, in sequence, which needed to be completed
for a successful specimen collection. Analysis of collected
procedures manuals from case study employers found that
practice guidelines in Australian pathology laboratories
correlated well with international recommendations [10]
and prevailing practice in a range of comparable countries
including the United Kingdom, [11] [12] and the United
States. [13]
Pathology collector qualications
There is no mandatory requirement for pathology collectors
to have a particular qualication in Australia however the
laboratories that employ collectors are subject to guidelines
for laboratory accreditation by NPAAC. In practice this tends
to translate into a mixed workforce of formally qualied
and unqualied workers, the latter having been generally
developed to acceptable levels of competence through on-
the-job training.
The most widely recognised ‘entry level’ qualication by
employers was the nationally recognised Certicate III in
Pathology (course code HLT32612). All case study employers
interviewed accepted this qualication and accordingly
had been for some years attempting to gradually replace
registered nurses and any unqualied collection sta with
those holding the Certicate III qualication. Nevertheless,
most employers still had a signicant proportion of their
sta who did not hold a Certicate qualication III (ranging
from 20% to 50%) and most still had a small proportion of
registered nurses as pathology collection workers. Analysis
of 2006 ABS Population Census data similarly found that just
over one third of non-professional laboratory workers were
unqualied. [14]
In Victoria and South Australia the preferred entry level
qualication was the Certicate IV, although the Certicate
IV as it is currently structured diers little from the Certicate
III in technical competencies.
Current training for pathology collector qualications
There were four reasonably distinct approaches to training
pathology collectors identied through the employer case
studies. These approaches can be described as follows:
A. Completely ‘in-house’ – A pathology laboratory employer
becomes a registered training organisation (RTO) and
is delivering the Certicate III in Pathology entirely in-
house with employed trainers providing classroom based
B. Mostly ‘in-house’ – Similar to above, the pathology service
employer has taken control of most of the parameters
of training but not attempted to become a RTO and
hence needs to ‘partner’ with an appropriate RTO to have
trainees assessed and conferred their recognised (national)
C. External training and on-the-job – In this arrangement
the bulk of the training occurs in classroom or simulated
workplace settings within an RTO’s facilities. This is followed
by a period of structured on the job clinical practice
experience. The amount of time spent in clinical practice
variesbutmostcommonlywas fourweeks (approximately
140 hours). This training arrangement was most prevalent
in Victoria.
D. External only – All of the training is completed o the
job in the education institute’s training facilities, through
a combination of classroom-based theory and simulated
practicalexperience.Thistypeof approachwasseemingly
limitedexclusivelytoa smallnumber ofprivateRTOswith
accreditation to deliver the Certicate III.
A specic variation on approach ‘A’ is in West Australia where
the public sector provider Pathwest conducts a completely
in-house training program but this is not supported by an
RTO and does therefore not result in the conferring of a
recognised qualication (at least not nationally nor formally
In the interviews conducted with employers it was found
that there was generally a preference for type A and B
approaches above, with the majority of interviewees
identifying that the skill of pathology collectors was mainly
developed through their experience in the role.The more
skill achieved. Anecdotally, employers reported diculties
in employing individuals who had undertaken the Certicate
III through type D approaches as the course was delivered
over too brief a time period and with little to no practical
to gain employment.
Technical competence of individual pathology collectors
Despite general support for the Certicate III qualication
case study employers and consumers through the focus
group discussions identied a number of areas that were
not adequately covered through the current Certicate III
course including:
• Basiccomputerskills/useofoceequipment;
• Transportationofbloodspecimens;
52 Asia Pacic Journal of Health Management 2016; 11: 1
• Understandingandcommunicatingtoconsumersthe
legal requirements of request and consent forms (and
gathering patient history in relation to organisational
policy to support this);
• Customerservice–explainingprocedureandidentifying
special needs of patient, especially language and literacy
needs, i.e. nding best way of communicating with
• Teamwork/workingwithotherswithinaprofessional
health care team;
• Troubleshooting;and
• Abilitytoevaluateownscopeofpractice(limitations
of own skills) and act within that scope.
Regular consumers of pathology collection (especially
blood collection) services reported a perception that some
collectors possess better skills than others. Essentially,
consumers identied that technical competency concerns
were centred on the ability of pathology collectors to nd
and access a vein within three attempts and that consumers
were not bruised as a consequence of the procedure. It was
acknowledged that some medical conditions can make
accessing a vein dicult for collectors and only collectors
withsucient experience(regardlessoftheirqualication)
should be undertaking these types of collections. Similarly,
experiences from consumers regarding collections from
infants and children identied the need for experienced
and competent collectors in order to reduce the trauma of
the experience and the chance of consumers developing
Customer service competence of pathology collectors
Consumersdiscusseda rangeofexpectationsofpathology
collection services, especially around ‘customer service’
competencies of individual collectors. Regularly, consumers
reported they attended pathology collection services with
limited communication with the pathology collector about
what was occurring. One consumer summarised this well:
Most consumers want to be walked through a process, even
when they are likely to know what it is all about. I went three
times in one week to have blood drawn and was only ever asked
my name and date of birth. I was not given any information
about what was happening to me. Consumers feel collection
sta should treat them each time as if it is their rst visit and
explain the procedures. Too often no explanation is provided
and questions are never invited.
In addition, consumers often required information about
how the results would be processed and communicated
back to them and felt that this should form part of the
explanation of process along with an explanation of
billing and payment issues, particularly any out-of-pocket
Consumers noted in the consultations that patients might
lodge a complaint with a collection service if they are
dissatised with the way in which they were treated or
nerve damage from a blood collection procedure. However,
processes for lodging complaints were considered onerous
and likely to minimise the amount of actual complaints
The major themes from the focus group discussions are
similar to those elicited from consumers in the United States,
[15] where a large survey to measure patient satisfaction at
540 pathology collection organisations found three main
areas of quality and safety consumer concern:
• Characteristicsoftheorganisationoeringtheservice,
such as the facilities, ease of access, technology in use,
• Individualcharacteristicsoftheemployeesproviding
the service, such as their attitude, skill, responsiveness,
and ability to make decisions; and,
• Uniquecharacteristicsofeachpatient,suchastheir
and level of health.
A distinction emerged from this study between an
industry perspective (that is from pathology laboratories
themselves and associated industry bodies and professional
associations) and a consumer perspective (patients who are
having samples collected for testing) of pathology testing
services. The fundamental dierence between the industry
and consumer perspectives is manifest in their primary
focus in respect to quality and safety concerns.
In terms of industry’s quality and safety concern focus,
industryisprimarily (thoughnotexclusively)concentrated
on the quality of the pathology specimen to be tested.
Problems occurring during pathology collection processes
are identied in a number of ways. Most commonly a
specimen is rejected at the laboratory’s specimen reception
as it has been incorrectly labelled, contaminated, collected
into an inappropriate anti-coagulant, or the sample quality
is compromised, for example, haemolysed or clotted
samples. Consumers on the other hand primarily focus on
the safety and comfort of the patient, although they also
have an interest in the quality of the sample. This tends to
Best Practice Pathology Collection in Australia
Asia Pacic Journal of Health Management 2016; 11: 1 53
translate into a stronger emphasis on the competence of
the pathology collector. While both industry and consumers
consider the process, for consumers this is more about the
degree of condence and safety in the way the collector
relates to the patient than the quality of the sample obtained.
The dierences in perspective between employers and
consumers mean the dierent competencies of pathology
with excellent communication skills and a high customer
focus made not be as technically competent, but be seen
by the patient as a ‘better’ collector. Blood collection can
be stressful for patients and so the importance of good
customer and communication skills to reassure the patient
cannot be over-emphasised and is a core requirement in a
training program. Possessing a qualication is not always
well correlated with actual performance, however it can
be a way to reassure consumers that pathology collectors
are suciently competent. The CHF [8] and consumer focus
group discussions identied that consumers were concerned
that credentialing of pathology collectors is not mandatory.
Case study employers seemed as a whole to be responding
to market preferences and were focused on all pathology
collection sta possessing a qualication. This is reected
in trends in enrolment and completions statistics of the
Certicate III and IV Pathology courses obtained from the
National Centre for Vocational Education Research [personal
communication]. The growth in Certicate III enrolments
and course completions over the ve-year period 2008-2012
has been a signicant 6% per annum.
Parts of the Australian pathology collection workforce
can be considered highly competent by world standards.
The preferred qualication of industry, the Certicate III in
Pathology, maps reasonably well against the competency
guidelines of National Accrediting Agency for Clinical
Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), a United States-based
organisation which a literature search for this study revealed
to be world best practice. [16] The Certicate III in Pathology
is most similar to the NAACLS set of competencies than any
other set of comparable competency standards, covering
nearly all the main areas of competence in the NAACLS
standards at least to some degree. The areas of NAACLS
competence that the Certicate III arguably covers less
well are the theory elements relating to the anatomy and
physiology of body systems and pathologic conditions
associated with the body systems. Some of the non-technical
areas of competence identied in the benchmark NAACLS
standards, such as communication skills, condentiality,
professional behaviour and customer service skills generally,
are aorded more limited attention in the Certicate III
competencies. Case study employers and consumers in the
results of this study also identify these deciencies.
A signicant proportion of the workforce (estimated to be
between a third and a half) remains unqualied. Regulatory
reforms in relation to existing accreditation processes
(NPAAC Guidelines for Approved Pathology Collection
Centres (Third Edition 2013)) that take into account the
distribution of the pathology collection workforce in
regard to relevant possession of qualications need to be
Of even potentially greater concern is that a signicant
proportion of collections are undertaken by non-specialist
pathology collectors – general practitioners, practice
nurses, Aboriginal health workers, medical scientists, interns
and nurses in specic hospital wards and emergency
departments. Australian Institute of Health Innovation/
KIMMS data indicates this part of the collection workforce
contributes up to three times the haemolysis rates of
laboratory phlebotomists. (17) Management to reduce error
in pathology results from this source would need to consider
establishing minimum competence requirements for any
collection work (for instance competence in at least a single
unit of the Certicate III in Pathology qualication such
as ‘HLTPAT306C Perform blood collection’). Alternatively,
‘specialist’ pathology collection workers (who remain a
relatively low cost source of labour) could be more widely
deployed to ensure coverage especially in hospitals of
currently poorly covered services.
It is the conclusion of this study that the most eective
pathway to best practice pathology collection requires:
• Strongpoliciesandproceduresthatdenehow
pathology samples are to be collected, stored and
• Recognitionofthepatientasacustomerandinclusion
of customer service competencies in the core training
and ongoing assessment of collectors; and
• Apathologycollectionworkforcethatiscompetentand
presents to consumers with a credible qualication and
in a professional manner.
Many of the employers interviewed in the course of this
study concluded that increasingly improved training
was key to progressing towards best practice pathology
collection. They advocated universal adoption of the
Certicate III in Pathology as the minimum level of training
that is required as preparation for safe pathology collection
Best Practice Pathology Collection in Australia
54 Asia Pacic Journal of Health Management 2016; 11: 1
practice. A majority of pathology laboratories, both public
and private, were attempting to set this benchmark
unilaterally as the minimum for recruitment in their own
organisations, although there remain many unqualied
pathology collectors in pathology services.
In addition to the training of (specialist) pathology collectors,
other individuals who collect pathology specimens (nurses,
general practitioners, Aboriginal Health Workers, etc.) in lieu
of pathology collectors need to have received minimum
levels of training. A single unit of the Certicate III in Pathology
qualication — ‘HLTPAT306C Perform blood collection’ — is
considered sucient and there is no compelling reason why
training for this unit needed to be anything other than an
on-the-job, in-house training process.
Competing Interests
The authors declares that they have no competing interests.
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ISBN: 978-1-74138-432-1.
Best Practice Pathology Collection in Australia
Asia Pacic Journal of Health Management 2016; 11: 1 55