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S. Kumar1*, S. Hariprabha2, S. Kamalakannan3, R. Sudhagar4 and K. Sanjeevkumar5
1*,2,3&4Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002, India
5Depart. of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002, (TN) India.
An investigation was made in the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University to find out the
“Effect of panchagavya on germination and seedling growth of balsam”. The experiment was carried out in Factorial Completely
Randomized Design (FCRD) with six treatments and three replications. The seeds are soaked in 5 different concentrations (1-
5%) of panchagavya along with distilled water soaking in different time duration of 8, 16 and 24 hours. After the required
period of soaking the seeds are taken out and transferred to planting media. The media used in this study was soil, sand and
organic matter with the ratio of 1:1:1. Among the various concentration of panchagavya used, 2% with 24 hours soaking
showed maximum percentage of germination (86%), shoot length (14 cm) and root length (4 cm).
Impatiens balsamina, is a rainy season annual plant
growing to 20–75 cm tall, with a thick, but soft stem
commonly known as balsam, garden balsam, rose balsam,
touch-me-not or spotted snapweed and native to India
and Myanmar. It prefers partial shade and belongs to the
family Balsaminaceae. It covers a wide variety of forms
and tones. Balsam requires 60 to 70 days from sowing to
produce flowers, so an early start is essential. The flowers
bear double petals and come in an array of colours but
are partially hidden by large attractive leaves with
pronounced veins. Balsams come in white, red, orange,
violet and pink. Panchagavya means “mixture of five
products (cow dung, cow urine. Milk, ghee and curd) of
cow”. Of these, the three direct constituents are cow
dung, cow urine and milk and the two derived products
are curd and ghee. It has been used in traditional India
rituals throughout history. Panchahavya is also used as
fertilizer and pesticide in agricultural operations.
Panchagavya is an organic product recommended for
crop improvement in organic agriculture (Sangeetha and
Thevanathan, 2010). It is used as a foliar spray, soil
application along with irrigation, as well as seed treatment
(Natarajan, 2002). Panchagavya has resulted in positive
effect on growth and productivity of crops as reported
by Somasundaram et al., (2007). Therefore, the present
study was carried out with an objective to evaluate the
effect of different concentration of panchagavya on
germination, shoot and root length of balsam seedling.
Materials and method
The experiment entitled “Effect of panchagavya on
germination and seedling growth of balsam (Impatiens
balsamina)” was carried out in the Department of
Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai
University. The experiment was laid out in Factorial
Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) with six
treatments and three replications. The balsam seeds were
obtained from the private vendor at Sivapuri village near
Annamalainagar during the entire period of study. The
seeds are soaked in 5 different concentrations (1-5%) of
panchagavya along with control (distilled water soaking)
which is soaked in different time duration like 8, 16 and
24 hours. After the required period of soaking the seeds
are taken out and transferred to planting media. The media
used in this study was red soil, sand and organic matter
with the ratio of 1:1:1. Data on percentage of germination,
shoot length and root length were recorded in all
Plant Archives Vol. 20 Suppliment 1, 2020 pp. 3735-3737 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210
*Author for correspondence : E-mail:
Treatment Details
Factor 1:
T1 – Distilled water
T2 – 1% of panchagavya
T3 – 2% of panchagavya
T4 – 3% of panchagavya
T5 – 4% of panchagavya
T6 – 5% of panchagavya
Factor 2:
D1 – 8 hours
D2 – 16 hours
D3 – 24 hours
Results and discussion
The statistical analysis of data revealed that effect
of different concentration of panchagavya on the
germination of balsam were significant (table 1). Among
the various treatments of balsam seedling, T3 - 2%
panchagavya with 24 hours soaking was found to be the
best with 86% of germination followed by T3 and T5 with
16 hours soaking (73%). T1 with 8 hours soaking (0%)
and T2 with 24 hours soaking (0%) were found to have
the least germination percentage. Saritha et al. (2013)
revealed that panchagavya possess almost all the major
nutrients, micronutrients and growth hormones enhances
the metabolic activity of plants and supports better seed
The data presented in table 2 revealed that the
maximum shoot length of 14 cm was noticed with 2% of
panchagavya with 24 hours soaking (T3) which was
followed by T3 with the value of 11 cm with 8 hours
soaking and the least value of 5.7cm was observed with
4% of panchagavya (T5) with 16 hours soaking. The data
3736 S. Kumar et al.
presented in table 3 revealed that, among the various
treatment of balsam seedlings, 2% of panchagavya with
24 hours seed soaking (T3) was found to be the best with
a root length of 4 cm followed by 4% of panchagavya
with 24 hours soaking (3.2 cm). The least root length
was noticed with T1 with 8 and 16 seed soaking with the
value of 0 cm, 1.2 cm. The increase in shoot length and
root length may be due to the presence of plant growth
promoting substances produced by bacteria that are
present in panchagavya (Naik and Sreenivasa, 2009).
The results are in close conformity with the findings of
Srimathi et al. (2013) in Jatropha and Pungamia. Similar
results were found by Emily (2003) in Withania
somnifera (L) Dunal.
Microbes such as rhizobium, azotobacters,
azospirillum, phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, trichoderma
and pseudomonas present in panchagavya act as liquid
bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides. Sometimes shoot length
and root length were reduced with increasing concentration
levels and duration with organic fortification which might
Table 1: Effect of different concentration of panchagavya on
the germination of Impatiens balsamina
Trt. Concentration of Soaking duration Mean
No. panchagavya 8 16 24
hours hours hours
T1Distilled water 0% 13% 20% 10.78
T21% of panchagavya 66% 60% 0% 41.78
T32% of panchagavya 60% 73% 86% 72.33
T43% of panchagavya 60% 46% 66% 57.11
T54% of panchagavya 53% 73% 53% 59.00
T65% of panchagavya 53% 60% 60% 57.56
Factor S. Ed. (±) CD@5%
T 0.463 0.938
D 0.327 0.663
T × D 0.801 1.625
Table 2: Effect of different concentration of panchagavya on
the shoot length of Impatiens balsamina
Trt. Concentration of Soaking duration Mean
No. panchagavya 8 16 24
hours hours hours
T1Distilled water 0cm 6cm 6.3cm 4.22
T21% of panchagavya 6cm 8cm 0cm 4.87
T32% of panchagavya 11cm 7cm 14cm 10.47
T43% of panchagavya 8.5cm 6.5cm 9cm 8.03
T54% of panchagavya 9cm 5.7cm 7.4cm 7.29
T65% of panchagavya 9cm 6.4cm 8.2cm 7.90
Factor S. Ed. (±) CD@5%
T 0.154 0.311
D 0.109 0.220
T × D 0.266 0.539
Table 3: Effect of different concentration of panchagavya on
the root length of Impatiens balsamina
Trt. Concentration of Soaking duration Mean
No. panchagavya 8 16 24
hours hours hours
T1Distilled water 0cm 1.2cm 2cm 1.22
T21% of panchagavya 3cm 2.4cm 0cm 2.04
T32% of panchagavya 2.5cm 2.3cm 4cm 2.87
T43% of panchagavya 2cm 1.8cm 2.3cm 1.89
T54% of panchagavya 3cm 1.7cm 3.2cm 2.57
T65% of panchagavya 2cm 2cm 1.5cm 1.78
Factor S. Ed. (±) CD@5%
T 0.154 0.311
D 0.089 0.180
T × D 0.218 0.442
Effect of panchagavya on germination and seedling growth of balsam (Impatiens balsamina) 3737
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