A Repagulo is an algorithm of representation of a set of things, being neither qualitative nor quantitative at the same time, but when it represents it becomes one, the other, or both at the same time. Then the set of things represented by the Repagulation take sense according to when they are represented, which is when in our reality they exist if they are measured or tend to be known, although
... [Show full abstract] in the Total reality they always exist as such. The Repagulation process allows to transmute what is represented from one reality to another or to change what is represented in the same repagulated reality, being things gravitons, for example, or also human beings if what is repagulated is society. There are no numerical laws or formal logic for Repagulation, it is only cognizable what is repagulated when we try to represent it in some way, but once things have been repagulated in our reality then all quantitative and qualitative mathematics become effective and necessary. That is why society must be studied following Repagular mathematics and provides results and inferences that can be used in the qualitative or quantitative studies that have been carried out for decades, but which have not been effective in isolating the subjective factor of interpretation, since we human beings are also part of the repagulated things. Needless to say that binary computation, even quantum computation, if it follows its present quantitative or qualitative development, will not be able to compute Repagulos or to infer general laws of Gravitonium that are useful and "real". In other words, other principles of computation are needed that are closer to how Man, as a Repagulated entity, performs them. In Physics there are particles and particles, models and models, theories and theories, and each and every one as a result of human thought have been and will be increasingly effective in studying and explaining from the quantum, through the universal, to the social, but understanding the underlying Repagular process in everything will generate more subjective knowledge with much more comprehensive and less limited material implications, as for example the speed of light as a limit in "our" reality, but it is so because the Repagular that represents "light" contains elements that predispose matter to be in this "black" universe that constitutes, let's say, 5% of the total "white" reality, as it is commented in "We are the Dark Energy and Matter". Also in the study of society we find similar limiting factors that induce it to have the so-called "crises" that are the result of bad quantitative and qualitative manipulations of the social process that is actually Repagulated, which implies that it depends on the social agent, whether person, company, country, organization, etc. that the desired outcome is achieved, as it happens with the