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Clinical trials on pain lowering effect of ginger: A narrative review



Ginger has a pain‐reducing effect and it can modulate pain through various mechanisms: inhibition of prostaglandins via the COX and LOX‐pathways, antioxidant activity, inibition of the transcription factor nf–kB, or acting as agonist of vanilloid nociceptor. This narrative review summarizes the last 10‐year of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), in which ginger was traditionally used as a pain reliever for dysmenorrhea, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), osteoarthritis (AO), chronic low back pain (CLBP), and migraine. Regarding dysmenorrhea, six eligible studies suggest a promising effect of oral ginger. As concerned with DOMS, the four eligible RCTs suggested a reduction of inflammation after oral and topical ginger administration. Regarding knee AO, nine RCTs agree in stating that oral and topical use of ginger seems to be effective against pain, while other did not find significant differences. One RCT considered the use of ginger in migraine and suggested its beneficial activity. Finally, one RCT evaluated the effects of Swedish massage with aromatic ginger oil on CLBP demonstrated a reduction in pain. The use of ginger for its pain lowering effect is safe and promising, even though more studies are needed to create a consensus about the dosage of ginger useful for long‐term therapy.
Clinical trials on pain lowering effect of ginger: A narrative
Mariangela Rondanelli
| Federica Fossari
| Viviana Vecchio
Clara Gasparri
| Gabriella Peroni
| Daniele Spadaccini
Antonella Riva
| Giovanna Petrangolini
| Giancarlo Iannello
Mara Nichetti
| Vittoria Infantino
| Simone Perna
IRCCS Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy
Department of Public Health, Experimental
and Forensic Medicine, University of Pavia,
Pavia, Italy
Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit, Azienda di
Servizi alla Persona Istituto Santa Margherita,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Research and Development Unit, Indena SpA,
Milan, Italy
General Management, Azienda di Servizi alla
Persona Istituto Santa Margherita, Pavia,
Department of Biomedical Science and
Human Oncology, University of Bari Aldo
Moro, Bari, Italy
Department of Biology, College of Science,
University of Bahrain, Zallaq, Bahrain
Vittoria Infantino, Department of Biomedical
Science and Human Oncology, University of
Bari, Azienda di Servizi alla Persona Istituto
Santa Margherita,Pavia, 27100 Italy.
Ginger has a pain-reducing effect and it can modulate pain through various mecha-
nisms: inhibition of prostaglandins via the COX and LOX-pathways, antioxidant activ-
ity, inibition of the transcription factor nfkB, or acting as agonist of vanilloid
nociceptor. This narrative review summarizes the last 10-year of randomized con-
trolled trials (RCTs), in which ginger was traditionally used as a pain reliever for dys-
menorrhea, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), osteoarthritis (AO), chronic low
back pain (CLBP), and migraine. Regarding dysmenorrhea, six eligible studies suggest
a promising effect of oral ginger. As concerned with DOMS, the four eligible RCTs
suggested a reduction of inflammation after oral and topical ginger administration.
Regarding knee AO, nine RCTs agree in stating that oral and topical use of ginger
seems to be effective against pain, while other did not find significant differences.
One RCT considered the use of ginger in migraine and suggested its beneficial activ-
ity. Finally, one RCT evaluated the effects of Swedish massage with aromatic ginger
oil on CLBP demonstrated a reduction in pain. The use of ginger for its pain lowering
effect is safe and promising, even though more studies are needed to create a con-
sensus about the dosage of ginger useful for long-term therapy.
chronic low back pain, dysmenorrhea, ginger, knee osteoarthritis, myalgia, pain
Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae family), commonly known
as ginger is a climbing perennial plant, indigenous to southeastern
Asia. Ginger extract is a mixture of many biologically active constitu-
ents (Grzanna, Lindmark, & Frondoza, 2005). These compounds are
numerous and vary depending on the place of origin and whether
the rhizomes are fresh or dry (Ali, Blunden, Tanira, &
Nemmar, 2008).
More than 400 chemical substances have been isolated and iden-
tified in ginger rhizomes extracts, and new ones are still being discov-
ered (Charles, Garg, & Kumar, 2000; Jolad, Lantz, Solyom, &
Chen, 2004; Ma, Jin, Yang, & Liu, 2004). At present, only a few of
them have been evaluated for their pharmacological properties
(Grzanna et al., 2005).
Carbohydrates, lipids, terpenes, and phenolic compounds are
between the ones that already have been identified (Peter, 2016;
Prasad & Tyagi, 2005). From the chemical point of view, isolated
Received: 28 August 2019 Revised: 8 April 2020 Accepted: 23 April 2020
DOI: 10.1002/ptr.6730
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Phytotherapy Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Phytotherapy Research. 2020;114. 1
zingiber's principles are categorized into pungent and flavoring com-
pounds. Pungent ones including gingerols, shogaols, zingerones,
gingerdiols, gingerdione, and paradols are known to play a major role
in various pharmacological actions (Jolad et al., 2004; Mashhadi
et al., 2013; Peter, 2016; Prasad & Tyagi, 2005).
Patients suffering from diseases associated with chronic inflam-
mation are turning to alternative compounds for relief of their symp-
toms or to take advantage of natural drug properties as prophylactic
treatments. A complex interplay of inflammatory cells and a large
range of chemical mediators are normally associated with the begin-
ning of the inflammatory response, recruiting, and activating other
immune cells to the site to subsequently solve it.
Several studies indicate that many different compounds in ginger
are active in lowering chronic inflammatory diseases' symptoms:
Inhibition of prostaglandins via COX and LOX pathways
The traditional use of ginger infusions to alleviate rheumatism and
arthritis have pushed researchers to investigate the anti-inflammatory
pathways of secondary metabolites of the plant (Baliga et al., 2011;
Zahedi, Fathiazad, Khaki, & Ahmadnejad, 2012). Some authors attributed
6-gingerol's anti-inflammatory activity to the inhibition of pro-
inflammatory cytokines and LPS-activated macrophages antigen presen-
tation (Setty & Sigal, 2005; Tripathi, Tripathi, Kashyap, & Singh, 2007).
Dugasani et al. demonstrated that shogaols and all gingerols
inhibit NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells in a dose-
dependent manner (Dugasani et al., 2010). Moreover, with their
experiments they showed that stimulation of RAW 264.7 cells with
LPS (1 g/ml) for 24 hr induced a dramatic increase in PGE2 produc-
tion, four times the basal level (Dugasani et al., 2010).
Antioxidant activity on free radical scavenging cascade
Zingiber officinale active ingredients like gingerols, shogaols,
zingerone, and so on exhibit antioxidant activity. Ginger inhibits an
enzyme, namely xanthine oxidase, which is mainly involved in the gen-
eration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Ahmad et al., 2015).
Inhibition of the transcription factor, nuclear NF-kB
Grzanna and his group demonstrated for the first time that ginger
inhibits the transcription factor nuclear NF-kB (Grzanna et al., 2005).
Nuclear NF-kB is the principal regulator of pro-inflammatory gene
expression. Activated NF-kB can be detected at sites of inflammation,
and a link among NF-kB activation, cytokine production, and inflam-
mation is now generally accepted.
6-gingerol displayed anti-inflammatory activity by decreasing
inducible NO synthase and TNF-αexpression through the suppression
of I-kBαphosphorylation, NF-kB nuclear activation, and PKC-αtrans-
location. The compound was also found to control TLR-mediated
inflammatory responses. It inhibited NF-kB activation and COX-2
expression by inhibiting the LPS-induced dimerization of TLR4 (Ahn,
Lee, & Youn, 2009).
Vanilloid nociceptor agonist
Vanilloid nociceptor agonists are known to be potent analgesics.
The moderate pungency of ginger has been attributed to the mixture
of gingerol derivatives in the oleoresin fraction of processed ginger.
Gingerols possess the vanillyl moiety which is considered important
for activation of the VR1 receptor expressed in nociceptive sensory
neurones (Dedov et al., 2002).
Dedov reported that gingerols act as agonists at vanilloid recep-
tors suggesting an additional mechanism by which ginger may reduce
inflammatory pain (Dedov et al., 2002). This finding has added
gingerols and zingerone to the list of vanilloid receptor agonists.
Moreover, the presence of VR1 receptors throughout the
brainstem (Mezey et al., 2000), where the nausea center is located,
may conceivably be associated in part with the common use of ginger
as antiemetic medicine (Dedov et al., 2002).
In summary, current evidence in vitro and in animal models dem-
onstrated that many different compounds of ginger have been shown
to posses antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities that may be
active in lowering chronic inflammatory disease symptoms, in
particular pain.
However, human studies that were carried out to assess whether
oral or topic ginger has a positive effect by reducing pain are not
numerous; furthermore, in these studies different dosages and
methods of administration were used, as well as disparate products'
formulations and different study designs.
Given this background, the aim of this narrative review was to
assess the state of the art randomized clinical trials on pain lowering
effect of ginger, considering the pathologies in which ginger is tradi-
tionally used in order to control pain, such as: dysmenorrhea, delayed
onset muscle soreness (DOMS), knee osteoarthritis, chronic low back
pain (CLBP), and migraine.
This narrative review was written after a PubMed and SCOPUS
research performed with these keywords: Ginger,”“painwith the
use of Boolean AND operator to establish the logical relation between
them. The research was conducted by four skilled operators from July
to September 2018 and followed Egger's criteria (Egger, Smith, &
Altman, 2001; Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman,, & PRISMA
Group, 2009). The research was time limited (from 2008 to 2018) and
restricted to English and humans randomized controlled trial (RCT).
The keywords were pain, ginger, primary dysmenorrhea, DOMS, knee
pain, osteoarthritis (AO), CLBP, and migraine. They were combined
with ANDto search related articles. Furthermore, we selected trials
with oral ginger used as a primary, sole or combined therapy and com-
pared with a placebo or active treatment in diseases. The analysis was
carried out in the form of a narrative review (Figure 1).
Standard datacoding tables were developed for extracting data
from individual trials, key characteristics, and the level of evidence of
each study (Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine - Levels of
Evidence (March 2009)CEBM,2009). The following data were
extracted: participant characteristics, sample size, form and dosage of
ginger, control group, assessment of adherence, outcome measures,
methods for statistical analysis, study findings, and adverse events
3.1 |Dysmenorrhea
This review summarizes evidence from six clinical trials
(687 patients) evaluating the efficacy of oral ginger use for dys-
menorrehea (Table 1). Among the six eligible studies, five were con-
ducted in Iran (Jenabi, 2013; Kashefi et al., 2014; Ozgoli, Goli, &
Simbar, 2009; Rahnama et al., 2012; Shirvani et al., 2017) and one
in India (Halder, 2012). Participants were either college or high
school students. Five of the six studies included only women with
moderate to severe symptoms (Jenabi, 2013; Kashefi et al., 2014;
Ozgoli, Goli, & Simbar, 2009; Rahnama et al., 2012). Five studies
specified the inclusion of women with primary dysmenorrhea only,
excluding women with secondary dysmenorrhea (Jenabi, 2013;
Kashefi et al., 2014; Ozgoli, Goli, & Moattar, 2009; Rahnama et al.,
2012; Shirvani et al., 2017); however, it is unclear how secondary
dysmenorrhea was defined/diagnosed. Across the studies, the sam-
ple sizes of the ginger group ranged from N=25 to N= 61. The
daily dose of powdered ginger ranged from 750 to 2,000 mg. The
most common duration and timing of ginger treatment was 3 days
(the first 3 days of menstruation) (Halder, 2012; Jenabi, 2013;
Ozgoli, Goli, & Simbar, 2009).
FIGURE 1 Flow chart of literature research [Colour figure can be viewed at]
TABLE 1 Summary of articles about effect of ginger on dysmenorrhea
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results
Rahnama, Montazeri,
Huseini, Kianbakht,
& Naseri, 2012
Double blind,
and parallel-group
study with balanced
randomization [1:1]
for the two groups.
one hundred twenty
female students living
in the dorms in Iran:
age (>18), were
randomly assigned to
two equal groups: (a)
ginger, (b) placebo
Zingiber officinale R.
rhizomes. Five
hundred milligram
ginger powder for
capsule and the others
were placebo
capsules, three times a
day in two different
treatment protocols.
Both treatment
protocols were given
at monthly intervals.
Ginger may be an
effective and safe
therapy for relieving
pain in women with
primary dysmenorrhea
if administered at the
onset and 3 days
earlier it needs
Level IB
Motahari-Tabari, &
Alipour, 2017
Randomized clinical trial One hundred
twenty-two female
students living in the
dorms in Iran: age
(21.62 ± 2.0), were
randomly allocated to
two interventional
groups: (a) ginger, (b)
mefenamic groups.
Zingiber officinal roscoe.
Two hundred fifty
milligram capsule of
ginger powder
(Zintoma): in the
mefenamic group
every 8 hr, and in the
ginger group every
6 hr from the onset of
menstruation until
pain relief lasted
2 cycles.
No significant difference
in pain severity was
found between ginger
and mefenamic.No
significant difference
in pain duration was
found between ginger
and mefenamic acid.
Level IB
Kashefi, Khajehei,
Alavinia, &
Asili, 2014
A placebo-controlled
randomized trial
One hundred fifty high
school students
(1518 age) in Iran,
were randomly
assigned to three
study groups. (a) zinc
sulfate (n= 48), (b)
ginger (n= 56), (c)
placebo (n= 46)
Ginger: The relative
capsules were filled
with 250 mg ginger
powder. The capsules
was filled with 220 mg
zinc sulfate, and the
placebo capsules were
filled with lactose.
The severity of pain was
significantly different
between, before, and
after the intervention
in both the ginger and
the zinc sulfate
Level IB
Compared with the
placebo receiving
group, participants
receiving ginger and
zinc sulfate reported
more alleviation of
pain during the
The severity of
dysmenorrhea was
not significantly
different among the
three groups before
the intervention.
Halder, 2012 Clinical trial Seventy-five nursing
students in India.
Participants were
divided into three
groups: experimental
group 1, experimental
group 2 and control
group again by lottery
method, 25 in each
The first experimental
group was
progressive muscle
relaxation exercise
once a day; the
second experimental
group was
administered ginger
powder 1 g per dose
twice a day with warm
water after meal.
Main outcome measures
were the severity of
selected symptoms of
dysmenorrhoea, which
were analysed using
Level IIA
Dysmenorrhea is characterized by low abdominal or pelvic pain
occurring before or during menstruation (Morrow &
Naumburg, 2009). Better management of dysmenorrhea may not only
improve women's quality of life, but also reduce their risk of develop-
ing future pain (Berkley & McAllister, 2011; Vincent et al., 2011). Dys-
menorrhea is conventionally treated with nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or oral contraceptive pills (OCPs)
(Dawood, 2006), the efficacy of which are supported by research evi-
dence (Wong, Farquhar, Roberts, & Proctor, 2009). However, NSAIDs
and OCPs have limitations: some women with dysmenorrhea do not
respond to NSAIDs or OCPs (with an estimated failure rate of >15%
for NSAIDs) (Dawood, 2006); some cannot use these medications
because of contraindications or adverse effects; some prefer not to
use any medications. Therefore, investigation of complementary alter-
native treatments for dysmenorrhea is warranted. Ginger is one of the
most commonly used natural products among women with dysmenor-
rhea. The exact mechanism of action of ginger in pain relief remains to
be elucidated; however, some evidence suggests that the constituents
of ginger have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (Ali
et al., 2008). Furthermore, preclinical research shows that ginger sup-
presses the synthesis of prostaglandin (through inhibition of
cyclooxygenase) and leukotrienes, which are involved in dysmenor-
rhea pathogenesis (Dawood, 2006; Committee on Herbal Medicinal
Products (HMPC), 2013).
The available data suggest a promising pattern of oral ginger
(750 to 2,000 mg for the first 3 days of menstruation) as a potentially
effective treatment for pain in dysmenorrhea. All RCTs agree in dem-
onstrating that ginger is more effective for pain relief than placebo,
and no significant difference was found between ginger and NSAIDs
(Halder, 2012; Jenabi, 2013; Kashefi et al., 2014; Ozgoli, Goli, &
Moattar, 2009; Rahnama et al., 2012). These findings, however, need
to be interpreted with caution due to the small number of studies,
poor methodological quality, and high heterogeneity across the trials.
Moreover, all of the included trials were conducted in Asia.
3.2 |Delayed onset muscle soreness
This review summarizes evidence from four randomized clinical trials
(194 subjects) evaluating the efficacy of oral or topic ginger use for
DOMS (Table 2). Three RCT suggested an effective reduction of
inflammation due to exercise-induced muscle damage after daily
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results
Pre-test post-test
control group design
was selected.
In treating symptoms of
ginger powder has
efficacy superior to
progressive muscle
Jenabi, 2013 Randomized clinical trial Seventy college students
in Iran, were allocated
to two groups: (a)
Ginger group (n= 35),
(b) Placebo group
(n= 34), aged
21.33 ± 1.16/
21.54 ± 1.78 years
Ginger versus placebo,
both in capsule form
for 3 days in first
menstruation cycles.
In the ginger group, 29
subjects reported an
improvement in
nausea symptoms,
compared with 16 in
the placebo group.
Ginger is effective in
minimising the pain
severity in primary
Level IB
Five hundred milligram
of it was filled in each
Ozgoli, Goli, &
Moattar, 2009
comparative clinical
One hundred fifty
college students (>18)
in Iran living in the
dorm, were allocated
to three groups: (a)
ginger, (b) mefenamic
acid, (c) ibuprofen.
Ginger powder versus
placebo: The ginger
group took 250 mg
capsules of ginger
rhizome powder four
times a day for 3 days
from the start of their
menstrual period.
Members of the other
groups received
250 mg mefenamic
acid or 400 mg
ibuprofen capsules,
respectively, on the
same protocol.
No significant difference
in pain severity was
found between ginger,
ibuprofen, and
mefenamic acid.
Level IIA
TABLE 2 Summary of articles about effect of ginger on DOMS
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results
Matsumura, Zavorsky, &
Smoliga, 2015
Double- blind, randomized
placebo-controlled trial.
Twenty Non-weight trained
partecipants allocated in two groups.
(a) Intervention group: n= 10 (5F,
5 M); aged 32 ± 9 years. (b) Placebo
group: N= 10 (5F, 5 M);
27 ± 5 years.
Zingiber officinale roscoe (4 g) once
daily for 5 days.
Four gram of ginger supplementation
may be used to accelerate recovery
of muscle strength following intense
exercise but does not influence
indicators of muscle damage
Level IB
et al., 2016
Double- blind, randomized
placebo-controlled trial.
Seventy-five healthy untrained
volunteers (47F, 28 M), aged
1860 years, allocated in three
groups. (a) 14% Plai cream: n=25
(15F, 10 M); aged 28.7 ± 13.7 years.
(b) 7% Plai cream: n= 25 (16F, 9 M);
aged 31.3 ± 16.7 years. (c) Placebo
group: n= 25 (16F, 9 M); aged
26.2 ± 12.0 years.
Zingiber cassumunar: 2 g of the cream
(strips of 5-cm long) were rubbed
into the quadriceps muscles for
5 min immediately following the
exercise and every 8 hr thereafter for
7 days in all groups.
Using 14% Plai cream over a 7-day
period substantially reduced muscle
soreness symptoms compared to 7%
Plai cream or a placebo cream.
Level IB
Black & O'Connor, 2008 Double blind crossover design Twenty-five participants (15F, 10 M)
aged 23.2 ± 4.2 years.
Six capsules, for a total of 2 g of ground
ginger or 2 g of flour (placebo),
administered 30 min before cycling
on an ergometer at an intensity of
60% of VO
enough to stimulate
mild to moderate quadreceps muscle
Ginger exhibited no hypoalgesic effect
on quadriceps pain intensity
compared with placebo.
Level IIA
Black, Herring, Hurley, &
O'Connor, 2010
Double- blind, randomized
placebo-controlled trial
Study 1: N= 34 allocated in two
groups: (a) Raw ginger: n= 17 (14F,
3 M), aged 21.1 ± 0.7 years. (b)
Placebo: n= 17 (14F, 3 M), aged
20.9 ± 0.6 years.
Six capsules, for a total of 2 g of raw or
heated ginger or 2 g of placebo, all
administered within 1 min, before
performing 18 eccentric actions of
the nondominant elbow flexors at an
intensity of 120% of their concentric
Raw and heat-treated ginger resulted in
similar pain reductions 24 hr after
eccentric exercise compared to
Level IB
Study 2: N= 40 allocated in two
groups: (a) Heated ginger: n=20
(13F, 7 M), aged 20.6 ± 0.6 years. (b)
Placebo: n= 17 (13F, 7 M), aged
21.4 ± 0.8 years.
consumption of 2 g of raw and heat-treated ginger (Black et al., 2010;
Manimmanakorn et al., 2016). A useful alternative seems to be the
topical administration of Zingiber cassumunar in 14% concentration
(Manimmanakorn et al., 2016). Finally, 4 g of ginger supplementation
is the suggested dose to be used to accelerate recovery of muscle
strength following intense exercise (Matsumura et al., 2015).
DOMS indicated by muscle pain and tenderness typically occurs
after a strenuous workout or undertaking unaccustomed exercise
(Gulick & Kimura, 1996). The underlying causes of DOMS are related
to exercise-induced muscle damage, including sarcomere disruption,
and the ensuing secondary inflammatory response
et al., 1995; Warren, Hayes, Lowe, Prior, & Armstrong, 1993). Inflam-
matory processes stimulate prostaglandin E2 release which sensitizes
type III and IV pain afferents, and leukotrienes to attract neutrophils,
which produce free radicals that further exacerbate muscle cell dam-
age (Connolly, Sayeres, & McHugh, 2003). DOMS after eccentric
exercise may result in reduction of muscle performance of athletes
(Cheung, Hume, & Maxwell, 2003). Numerous methods to prevent
and reduce DOMS have been suggested, including stretching exer-
cises, massage, and nutritional supplementation. Non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been used in an attempt to reduce
DOMS by reducing inflammation and pain and improving function.
Ginger and several of its constituents inhibit activity of COX-1
and COX-2, block leukotriene synthesis, and block the production of
interleukins and tumor necrosis factor alpha in activated macrophages
(Black et al., 2010). Thus, these antiinflammatory actions that may
help reduce inflammation, such as exercise-induced muscle damage,
are recognized as a product of participating in unfamiliar or strenuous
physical activity.
Given that ginger has antinflammatory and analgesic properties, it
follows that it may be used to reduce the damage and consequent
DOMS following high-intensity exercise. (Black et al., 2010; Black &
O'Connor, 2008).
3.3 |Knee osteoarthritis
This review summarizes evidence from nine randomized clinical trials
(964 patients) evaluating the efficacy of oral or topical ginger, sole or
in combination with other botanicals, use for knee OA (Table 3). The
three RCTs that considered the efficacy of oral ginger (powder supple-
mentation of 1 g/day) on pain in knee OA demonstrated that efficacy
of ginger on knee pain seemed not to have a unique position. Two
studies suggested that the use of ginger in subjects with knee pain
could decrease pain (Mozaffari-Khosravi et al., 2016; Naderi
et al., 2016) while other did not find significant differences (Naderi
et al., 2016; Niempoog et al., 2012). The two RCT that assessed the
efficacy of the topical use of ginger considered an aromatic essential
oil (1% Zingiber officinale and 0.5% Citrus sinesis) (Yip & Tam, 2008)
and 4% ginger gel (Niempoog et al., 2012) and agree in stating that
the topical use of ginger seems to have potential as an alternative
method for short-term knee pain relief. Finally, all the four studies that
considered the ginger supplementation in combination with other
botanicals agree in demonstrating that these combinations are effec-
tive in order to decrease knee pain (Chopra et al., 2013; Drozdov
et al., 2012; Nieman et al., 2013).
Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint disease characterized
by degeneration of cartilage, pain, inflammation, impaired mobility,
and dysfunction, especially in older populations (Heidari, 2011).
Current treatment for OA is palliative and is focused on pain relief
and improving mobility, including a combination of nonpharmacologic
and pharmacologic measures. However, when these therapeutic treat-
ments fail to improve symptoms, a variety of surgical interventions
can be used (Haghighi, Tavalaei, & Owlia, 2006). With respect to some
commonly-used treatments, such as NSAIDs, there is increasing con-
cern that long-term consumption may cause gastrointestinal bleeding
and cardiovascular risks, mainly hypertension and thrombotic events
(Dingle, 1999; Mamdani, 2005). Thus, an interest in research has been
conducted to find care treatments that have negligible adverse effects
while offering significant improvements in the symptoms (Zakeri
et al., 2011).
Ginger is thought to have anti-inflammatory effects and may
modulate the concentration and activity of inflammatory mediators in
OA (Ahmad et al., 2015).
Only one RCT, that considered the efficacy of oral ginger (powder
supplementation of 1 g/day) on pain in knee OA, did not find signifi-
cant changes (Niempoog et al., 2012). These difference in the results
between the study by Niempoog et al. and the study by Mozaffari-
Khosravi H, although the dosage used was the same (1 g/day), could
be due to numerous reasons: the type of administration (non-
encapsulated powder vs. encapsulated powder), the duration of treat-
ment (2 vs. 3 months), the parameters studied (symptoms and daily
activities vs. inflammatory cytokines), number of patients evaluated
(30 vs. 120 subjects) (Mozaffari-Khosravi et al., 2016; Niempoog
et al., 2012).
3.4 |Chronic low back pain
As shown in Table 4, one RCT was sourced using topical ginger. No
RCT studies were found regarding oral ginger supplementation and
pain in patients with low back pain.
CLBP is defined as a chronic condition of lower back pain lasting
for at least 3 months or longer (Andersson, 1999; Bogduk, 2004).
Non-pharmacologic interventions for CLBP are recommended when
patients do not show improvement with standard treatment (Deyo,
Mirza, & Martin, 2006).
Ginger has been used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic
for musculoskeletal pain (Altman & Marcussen, 2001;
Therkleson, 2010). Although CLBP predominantly affects older peo-
ple, only one study has specifically investigated the effects of Swedish
massage with aromatic ginger oil in order to evaluate if improve the
level of disability.
The objective of Sritoomma et al. was to investigate the effects
of Swedish massage with aromatic ginger oil (SMGO) on CLBP and
disability in older adults compared with traditional Thai massage
TABLE 3 Summary of articles about effect of ginger on knee AO
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results Evidence level
Zahmatkash & Vafaeenasab,
A double-blind randomized
controlled trial study.
Ninety-two participates with
the mean age of 52.2 (+/
12.4) years, allocated to two
groups: (a) Ginger, (b)
Ginger versus salicylate: 2 g of
topical ointment for three
times a day, applied with
massage for 1 min, for
6 weeks, twice a day.
Treatment group applied
herbal ointment and control
group used salicylate
It seems that using this herbal
combination is clinically
effective for patients
suffering from knee AO in
order to decrease their pain,
morning stiffness and limited
motion; its effect is
comparable with salicylate
ointment. The severity of pain
were measured using Visula
analog pain scale.
Level IB
Niempoog, Siriarchavatana, &
Kajsongkram, 2012
A double-blind, randomized,
controlled trial.
Fifty participates, male and
female, allocated to two
groups: (a) Treatment
(Plygersic) gel, (b) Diclofenac
Zingiber officinale Zingiber
cassumunar versus
diclofenac: The combination
of 4% ginger and plai extract
in a gel (Plygersic gel) as
compared with a 1% solution
of diclofenac sodium gel.
Both Plygersic gel and
diclofenac gel could
significantly improve knee
joint pain, symptoms, daily
activities, sports activities and
quality of life measured by
KOOS following 6 weeks of
treatment. In the ANOVA fo
repeated measures, there
were no differences in the
results between the Plygersic
and diclofenac gel groups.
Level IB
Gels were applied as 1 g
solution for four times a day
for 2 months
The efficacy of the drugs was
monitored by using KOOS
(knee injury and AO outcome
score) score.
Mozaffari-Khosravi, Naderi,
Dehghan, Nadjarzadeh, &
Fallah Huseini, 2016
A randomized double-blind
placebo-controlled trial
One hundred twenty
participates, aged
5070 years, allocated to two
groups: (a) Ginger group (GG),
(b) Placebo group (PG).
GG group: 500 mg of ginger
powder, while PG participants
received capsules filled with
500 mg starch.
At baseline proinflammatory
cytokine (TNF-alfa and IL-1 g)
concentrations did not differs
in the groups. At 3 months,
both cytokines decreased in
the GG relative to the PG
Level IB
Partecipants were treated twice
daily for 3 months.
The results of this study
indicate that ginger
supplementation may have a
promising benefits for knee
Naderi, Mozaffari-Khosravi,
Dehghan, Nadjarzadeh, &
Huseini, 2016
Double blind randomized
placebo controlled clinical
One hundred twenty patients
with moderate painful knee
OA, aged 5070 years, Male
Two capsules of 500 mg per
day for 3 months.
At the beginning of the study
there were no significant
difference between the two
groups in terms of C-reactive
Level IB
Capsules of ginger and placebo
look the same and contains
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results Evidence level
and female, allocated to two
groups: (a) Ginger, (b) Placebo
protein and nitric oxide. After
12 weeks the concentration
of these markers declined
more in the ginger group.
Ginger supplementation at
this dosage can reduce
inflammatory markers in
patients with knee AO
ginger and starch powder,
Niempoog et al., 2012 A double-blind randomized
controlled trial.
Sixty patients, allocated to two
groups: (a) Treatment group
(n= 30), (b) Placebo group,
aged 48.88 years (male);
49.09 years (female),
allocated to two groups: (a)
Ginger, (b) Placebo
Zingiber officinale (rhizome)
versus placebo: 500 mg
powered ginger in one
capsule, twice a day for
2 months vs the same looking
capsule of placebo twice a
The present study showed that
1 g per day of powdered
ginger could not relieve joint
pain and improve symptoms
and the quality of life during
8 weeks of treatment of AO
of the knee compared with
the placebo.
Level IB
Nieman et al., 2013 Placebo-controlled, randomized,
double-blind clinical trial.
One hundred men and women,
ages 5075 years with a
history of join pain
>3 months, allocated to two
groups: (a) Instaflex, (b)
InstaflexTM is a joint pain
supplement containing
glucosamine sulfate,
(MSM), white willow bark
extract (15% salicin), ginger
root concentrate, boswella
serrata extract (65% boswellic
acid), turmeric root extract,
cayenne, and hyaluronic acid
(4.0 mg).
Results from this support the
use of the Instaflex dietary
supplement in alleviating joint
pain severity in middle-aged
and older adults, with
mitigation of difficulty
performing daily activities
most apparent in subjects
with knee pain.
Level IB
Treatment: 1 gel capsule for
three times a day for 8 weeks
for INSTAFLEX and placebo.
Chopra et al., 2013 Randomized, double-blind,
parallel-efficacy, four-arm,
multicentre equivalence drug
Four hundred forty eligible
patients suffering from
symptomatic knee OA were
enrolled and monitored as per
protocol. Age > 55, four
groups: Ayurvedic groups
(two shunthi-guduchi
formulations, SGCG and
SGC), vs glucosamine sulfate
or celecoxib
Ayurvedic formulations SGCG
and SGC (without Boswelia
Serrata) are extracts of
Tinospora cordifolia
(73.33 mg), Zingiber officinale
(33.33 mg), Emblica officinalis
(166.66 mg), Boswellia serrata
(100 mg). Two capsules for
three times a day with palin
water after a meal or snack.
Ayurvedic drugs were found
equivalent to oral
glucosamine sulfate and
celecoxib in reducing knee
pain and improving knee
Level IB
Glucosamine sulphate (2 g daily)
and celecoxib (200 mg daily)
for 24 weeks.
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results Evidence level
Yip & Tam, 2008 Double-blind,
placebo-controlled clinical
Of the 59 participants enrolled
in this study, 53 (89.8%)
participants completed both
post 1-week and 4-week
follow-up. The majority of the
53 participants were women
(79%) and the mean age was
73.59 years old
(S.D. = 5.42 years). Their
mean knee joint pain history
was 9.71 years (S.D.
= 7.05 years). Partecipants
were allocated to groups: (a)
Intervention group (IG), (b)
Placebo control group (PG),
(c) Control group (CG).
Ginger oil versus orange oil:
Ginger essential oil (1% ginger
and 0.5% Citrus sinensis oil in
olive oil as the base lubricant)
and conventional treatment.
0.5% orange essential oil
(Citrus aurantium).
The intervention group reported
a reduction in knee pain
rating (at the 4-week
follow-up period. No
significant differences were
reported in mean change in
stiffness intensity for
betweengroup comparison at
thepost 1-week follow-up or
post 4-week follow-up.
Level IB
Sessions of 3035 min of aroma
massage on both lower imbs,
six times witin 23 weeks.
Drozdov, Kim, Tkachenko, &
Varvanina, 2012
Randomized clinical trial. Forty-three patients (35F, 8 M),
aged 55.13.1 years, with an
average disease duration of
7.11.3 years, were allocated
to two groups: (a) Ginger, (b)
The ginger group received a
specific ginger combination
daily (340 mg EV.EXT 35
Zingiber officinalis extract) for
4 weeks. The diclofenac
group received 100 mg
diclofenac daily for the same
period. Both groups also
received 1,000 mg
glucosamine daily.
The ginger group showed a
slight but significantly
decreased upper SODA pain
intensity by the 28th day of
treatment with p= .05. SODA
dyspepsia did not change
significantly during the
treatment and the dyspepsia
index remains the same with
p= .6. EGDS showed
significantly increased levels
of PGE1, PGE2, and PGF2a in
the stomach mucosa. The
diclofenac group showed
increased SODA pain and
dyspepsia values with a
corresponding significant
decrease of stomach mucosa
prostaglandins and general
negative stomach mucosa
Level IB
The ginger group with 21
patients (17F, 4 M) and. The
diclofenac group (positive
control) of 22 patients (18F,
(TTM). This study demonstrated that SMGO was more effective than
TTM in reducing pain and improving disability at short- and long-term
assessments. It's important to note that there might be a lack of meth-
odology in this study, because the difference might be due to the type
of massage not to the use of ginger. Moreover, it is not clear if the
benefit of low back pain is due to the massage and ability of the oper-
ator itself or the medical principle of ginger drug in the aromatic oil.
3.5 |Migraine
One single RCT (Cady et al., 2011) on humans could be considered as
the first effort to elucidate the use of ginger in this frequently dis-
abling disease that is present in a large slice of the adult population.
This multi-center RCT on feverfew/ginger use seems to suggest an
effective treatment to migraine.
Migraine is a complex neurological disease characterized by episodic
periods of disabling physiological dysfunction typically recurring over
decades of an individual's lifetime (Cady, Schreiber, & Farmer, 2004).
Treatment needs for migraine vary considerably from patient to
patient and indeed, from attack to attack for the same patient.
Pharmacologically, many over the counter and prescription products
are effective on treatment in acute migraine (Monteith &
Goadsby, 2011). Commonly employed acute treatments approved for
migraine can be classified as over the counter products, such as acet-
aminophen/aspirin/caffeine combination products and non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory medications (Wenzel, Sarvis, & Krause, 2003), and
prescription products, such as triptans and non-steroidal anti-
inflammatories (Ng-Mak, Hu, Chen, & Ma, 2008). Various opioid and
butalbital-containing analgesics are also commonly prescribed, but most
do not have Food and Drug Administration approval for migraine, and
are generally avoided by physicians because of their propensity to pro-
duce medication overuse headache (Bigal, Rapoport, Sheftell, Tepper, &
Lipton, 2004; Snow, Weiss, Wall, & Mottur-Pilson, 2002).
The main limitation of this review is represented by searching just
two databases and only English literature.
Current evidence in vitro and in animal models demonstrated that
many different compounds of ginger have been shown to posses
TABLE 4 Summary of articles about effect of ginger on migraine and low back pain
Author, year Study design Study population Type of intervention Results
Moyle, Cooke,
Randomized controlled
One hundred sixty-four
patients were screened;
140 were eligible, and
randomized to two
groups: (a) Swedish
massage with aromatic
ginger oil (SMGO)
(n= 70), (b) TTM
(n= 70). Female and
male, aged 60 years.
Aromatic ginger oil used
for Swedish massage in
SMGO group contains
10 ml of jojoba oil and
2% of aromatic ginger
oil for massaging.
Traditional Thai Total
sample massage (TTM).
Both SMGO and TTM led
to significant
improvements in pain
intensity (p< .05) and
disability (p< .05)
across the period of
assessments, indicating
immediate, short- and
long- term
effectiveness. SMGO
was more effective
than TTM in reducing
pain (p= .04) and
improving disability at
short- and long-term
assessments (p= .04).
Level IB
Cady et al., 2011 A double-blind
pilot study
Sixty patients, female and
male, aged 1260 years
with migraine, were
randomized allocated
3:1 into two groups: (a)
feverfew/ginger, (b)
Forty-five subjects for a
total of 208 attcks of
migraine over 1 month,
Were treated with
2 units dose
applications. If any
headache pain persists
at 1 hr, a second
treatment of 2 units
could be administred.
Sublingual formulation of
appears safe and
effective as a first-line
abortive treatment for
a population of
migraineurs who
frequently experience
mild headache prior to
the onset of moderate
to severe headache.
Level IIB
Fifteen subjects of the
placebo group treated
58 attacks with a
sublingual placebo
antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities that may be active
in lowering chronic inflammatory disease symptoms, in particular,
pain. This pain-reducing effect of ginger has been modulated
through various mechanisms: inibition of prostaglandins via the
COX and LOX-pathways, antioxidant activity, inibition of the
transcription factor nfkB,oractingasagonistofvanilloid
However, human studies that were carried out to assess whether
oral or topic ginger has a positive effect by reducing pain are not
numerous; furthermore, in these studies different dosages and
methods of administration were used, as well as different study
This narrative review summarizes the last 10-year of RCT, in
which ginger was traditionally used as a pain reliever for dysmenor-
rhea, DOMS, knee AO, CLBP, and migraine.
Regarding dysmenorrhea, six eligible studies suggest a prom-
ising effect of oral ginger. As concerns DOMS, the four eligible
RCTs suggested a reduction of inflammation after oral and topi-
cal ginger administration. Regarding knee AO, eight RCTs agree
in stating that oral and topical use of ginger seems to be effec-
tive against pain, while others did not find significant differences.
One RCT considered the use of ginger in migraine and suggested
its beneficial activity. Finally, one RCT evaluated the effects of
Swedish massage with aromatic ginger oil on CLBP demonstrated
The most of the included trials were conducted in Asia.
Pharmacogenetics and outcome expectancy regarding ginger inter-
vention could differ across cultures and ethnicities, and therefore, it is
necessary to confirm the promising effects in the worldwide
In conclusion, the use of ginger for its pain lowering effect is safe
and promising, even if more studies are needed to create a consensus
about the amount of ginger useful for long-term therapy. The positive
health benefits need to be interpreted with caution due to the small
number of studies, poor methodological quality, and high heterogene-
ity across the trials. Therefore, new studies, possibly multi-center RCT
in different continents, with an adequate number of patients and with
standardized ginger formulations, are necessary to confirm the results
of this review.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Gabriella Peroni
Daniele Spadaccini
Antonella Riva
Giovanna Petrangolini
Mara Nichetti
Vittoria Infantino
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How to cite this article: Rondanelli M, Fossari F, Vecchio V,
et al. Clinical trials on pain lowering effect of ginger: A
narrative review. Phytotherapy Research. 2020;114. https://
... It has been recognized in the scientific literature as a potential therapeutic agent owing to various metabolic pathways impact including but not limited to inhibition of COX (cyclooxygenase), LOX (lipoxygenases) and PG syntheses, antioxidant activity, inhibition of several cytokines and vanilloid nociceptor competitive agonism. [17][18][19][20][21] A recent review of clinical trials of ginger concluded that the use of ginger for its pain-lowering effect is safe and may have efficacy. 18 Moreover, both V. negundo and Z. officinale have a long history of safe consumption in traditional phytomedicine. ...
... [17][18][19][20][21] A recent review of clinical trials of ginger concluded that the use of ginger for its pain-lowering effect is safe and may have efficacy. 18 Moreover, both V. negundo and Z. officinale have a long history of safe consumption in traditional phytomedicine. ...
... 35 Several studies have reported the potential anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic activities of ginger in addressing musculoskeletal pain. 18 However, E-PR-01 serves as a unique combination of V. negundo and Z. officinale that not only helps ease chronic musculoskeletal discomforts but also appears to be efficacious at 200 mg for relieving exerciseinduced joint discomfort in physically active individuals. This reduction in the discomfort and improvement in the musculoskeletal health of individuals was also evident by examining the rescue medication usage (E-PR-01 HD and LD lower use than placebo; p=0.0138). ...
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Purpose The current study aimed to investigate the dose-response efficacy and safety of MuvzTM (E-PR-01, a blend of V. negundo and Z. officinale) in 400 mg (High-dose [HD]) and 200 mg (Low-dose [LD]) of daily dose in physically active adults in 90 days. Patients and Methods The study included 157 adults aged 40–60 having knee/low back joint discomfort. The primary outcome was an enhancement in the overall musculoskeletal health in 90 days. Secondary outcomes included assessing the joint discomfort following physical activity, range of motion, quality of life, and the consumption of rescue medication. Results E-PR-01 notably enhanced musculoskeletal health in a dose-dependent manner compared to placebo within 30 days (p<0.0001), with effects persisting through day 90 and demonstrated clinically significant difference by 13 and 10 units in the HD and LD groups, respectively. Joint discomfort reduced significantly in both the E-PR-01 groups by day 90 (p<0.0001). Furthermore, both doses of E-PR-01 improved the range of motion of the assessed joint (p<0.05) and enriched participants’ overall quality of life (p<0.05) at the end of the study. Conclusion The study finds E-PR-01 effective for improving overall joint health, with the higher dose showing greater efficacy. These findings align with the earlier studies of E-PR-01 for knee and low back discomfort.
... Ginger is one of the nonpharmacological ways to reduce labor pain (Choudhary et al., 2021). Ginger is a safe and effective painkiller because it stops prostaglandins through the COX and LOX pathways and modulates pain in various ways (Rondanelli et al., 2020). To improve the results of ginger therapy, ginger extraction is carried out and preparations are made in the form of transdermal patches (koyo). ...
... anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which can relax muscles, reduce inflammation and joint pain, and make you feel more relaxed (Rondanelli et al., 2020). To improve the outcome of the therapy and reduce side effects, ginger extract is made into a transdermal patch. ...
... One herbal remedy that can help reduce labor pain is ginger extraction (Rondanelli et al., 2020). Ginger oleoresins such as shogaol, gingerol, zingeron, and others have warm, spicy, bitter, and aromatic properties. ...
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One consequence of labor is pain, which can increase blood pressure, fetal heart rate, and maternal concentration. Mothers who are about to give birth can experience pain and discomfort due to uterine contractions, which begin the labor process. In most cases, pregnant women will experience pain during the labor process ((Utami & Putri, 2020)). Handling and monitoring labor pain during labor is very important because it determines whether pregnant women can go into labor normally or through medical procedures. Nonpharmacological methods can help reduce pain during labor. The purpose of this study is to find out how effective ginger transdermal patch (koyo ginger) is to reduce the intensity of labor pain in pregnant women during the first active phase at TPMB Mrs. K.B Pasuruan. This study uses the quantitative method of Quasy Experiment, with the design of one group pretest-posttest. Koyo ginger is attached to the area of the mother's body that is in pain. Before and after 20-30 minutes of gluing, the intensity of pain is measured. The respondents of this study are mothers in the active labor phase. The analysis test uses the T-Test test. The results of the analysis showed that the intensity of labor pain in pregnant women during the first active phase before and after the administration of koyo ginger was reduced, with a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. Most women who are about to give birth need labor pain treatment, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological (Thomson et al., 2019). Ginger is one of the nonpharmacological methods to reduce labor pain (Joharmi et al., 2022). Ginger lowers pain and stops prostaglandins in a variety of ways, making it a safe and effective painkiller (Rondanelli et al., 2020).
... Building on the concept of Qi, mind-body practices like Qigong (which typically combines coordinated movement, meditation, and breathing exercises) and Baduanjin (a specific form of Qigong with eight exercises) can play a notable role in integrative approaches for managing chronic pain. A review analyzing the use of Qigong found that external Qigong, which emphasizes coordinated movements, was most effective in producing statistically significant reductions in pain symptoms (4). While the current research on Qigong and Baduanjin shows some promise, it remains weak and requires further studies to definitively establish their efficacy (6). ...
This review examines the integration of traditional pharmacological methods with alternative and complementary therapies in chronic pain management. It delves into neurostimulation techniques, highlighting their clinical outcomes and biological bases. Acupuncture's role in modulating pain pathways is explored, illustrating its balance of tradition and clinical application. The paper also covers the pain-relieving potential of herbal medicine, emphasizing natural products' significance in pain relief. Additionally, it discusses the psychological and rehabilitative dimensions of pain through psychosocial therapy and counseling. The conclusion underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, integrating diverse therapies into conventional pain management to effectively treat chronic pain. This synthesis highlights the synergistic potential of combining traditional and innovative therapeutic modalities, offering a comprehensive guide for healthcare professionals in enhancing pain management practices.
... This submission is similar to the report by (Weinzierl, 1999 andDubey 2010) who reported the presence of antioxidant as a major factor influencing the shelf life and active period of botanical oil. Furthermore, the oil extract of ginger root has been reported to have a longer active period, ranging from 3 to 6 weeks (Rondanelli et al., 2020 and. ...
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Background Indian meal moth ( Plodia interpunctella ) is a significant pest infesting stored grains, particularly maize. Over time, synthetic insecticides have been employed to control insect. The residual effects posed on non-target organisms have called for replacement of synthetic insecticides with botanicals. This study therefore aimed at comparing the insecticidal consistency and oxidative stress invoked by dichlorvos (DDVP) and the oil extract of ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) on Indian meal moth infesting maize. Disinfested maize grains were treated with DDVP and ginger oil extract separately. Adults P. interpunctella were introduced to the treated grains daily using complete replacement method. The percentage mortality was calculated daily for 10 d. Furthermore, the oxidative stress caused by DDVP and ginger oil extract on the moth was evaluated by measuring the level of some oxidative stress biomarkers such as glutathione S-transferase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) activity in the exposed insects. Results Preliminary results indicated that both DDVP and ginger oil extract exhibited insecticidal properties against Indian meal moth infesting maize. However, the insecticidal (active) period of ginger oil extract was found to be longer than that of DDVP. Nevertheless, DDVP provoked greater oxidative stress in the exposed moth. Conclusions Ginger oil extract and DDVP show potential for controlling Indian meal moth infestations in stored maize. Yet, ginger oil offers a longer-lasting effect on pest suppression and control. Consequently, it could be a replacement or synergistic insecticide with DDVP to provide ecofriendly insecticide application.
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Introduction: Kashtartava (Dysmenorrhea) is a commonly reported menstrual disorder which affects the working ability and quality of life of the woman. Due to in discreet diet and lifestyle, young women are more liable to get afflicted with this disorder in present era. This trial was planned to evaluate the effect of Vishwadi Kwatha which is an unexplored formulation in the management of dysmenorrhoea. Materials and Methods: 18 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from the OPD of Prasutitantra & Streeroga, of the institution (3 drop outs). Oral administration of Vishwadi Kwatha in a dose of 40ml, twice a day, before meals was given for 1 month. The effect of therapy was assessed by change in the scores of assessment criteria including Visual Analogue Scale. Follow up was done for 1 month. Result: Statistically highly significant (p<0.001) results were obtained in both the duration (75.60 %) and severity (73.68% relief) of menstrual pain and also in associated symptoms like Aruchi(93.75% relief), and Bala-Bhramsha (91.17% relief).The mean VAS score of 7.467±1.407 before treatment was reduced to 2.333±0.9 after treatment. Discussion: Vishwadi Kwatha was mentioned in Shoola Prakarana of Bhaishajyaratnavali as Sadya Shoolahara. The formulation is having Vatanulomana, Dipana-Pachana, Artavajanana, Kaphahara, and Shrotoshodhana properties which will help the easy expulsion of properly formed Artava through the unobstructed channels by correcting the Vimarga Gati of Vayu. Conclusion: Oral administration of Vishwadi Kwatha was found to be effective in the management of Kashtartava and recommended for further research.
Despite the successes of conventional medicine, the search for optimal remedies for the treatment of osteoarthritis does not lose its relevance. Currently, new combination products are entering the market, combining well-studied pharmaceutical ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate with well-known and promising new nutraceutical components. Pharmaconutraceutical Theraflex Ultra refers to such drugs, and the possibilities of its effect on the symptoms and quality of life of patients are of great interest. To study the effect of Theraflex Ultra on clinical symptoms in comparison with the well-known drug Theraflex, an open randomized comparative observational study was organized at the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology. Currently, intermediate results have been obtained after 1 month of using Theraflex Ultra, which demonstrate pronounced benefit and relief of symptoms, improvement of quality of life.
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common and debilitating form of arthritis. Current therapies focus on pain relief and efforts to slow disease progression through a combination of drug and non-drug treatments. Bioactive compounds derived from plants show significant promise due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and tissue-protective properties. These natural compounds can help regulate the inflammatory processes and metabolic pathways involved in OA, thereby alleviating symptoms and potentially slowing disease progression. Investigating the efficacy of these natural agents in treating osteoarthritis addresses a growing demand for natural health solutions and creates new opportunities for managing this increasingly prevalent age-related condition. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the use of some bioactive compounds from plants in modulating the progression of osteoarthritis and alleviating associated pain.
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Objective: Unaccustomed and intense eccentric exercise is a common cause of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). There are multiple remedies for the treatment of DOMS, but its clinical and laboratory pieces of evidence are scarce. Currently, the treatments proposed for DOMS are numerous and include pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, stretching, massage, nutritional supplements, and other alternatives. To find a holistic treatment with effective pain relief and minimum side effects, complementary and alternative medicine, including herbal therapies, plays a main role. Methods: In this review, the existing published studies investigating the efficacy of herbal and natural supplementation therapies for the prevention or treatment of side effects, symptoms, and signs of DOMS are summarized. Results: Previous studies have documented the efficacy of herbal therapies to treat pain, inflammation, as well as laboratory and clinical side effects of DOMS. Conclusion: The use of herbs in DOMS seems safer and has lower side effects than pharmacotherapy. However, the potential for side effects and drug interactions should be considered.
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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have become increasingly important in health care. Clinicians read them to keep up to date with their field [1],[2], and they are often used as a starting point for developing clinical practice guidelines. Granting agencies may require a systematic review to ensure there is justification for further research [3], and some health care journals are moving in this direction [4]. As with all research, the value of a systematic review depends on what was done, what was found, and the clarity of reporting. As with other publications, the reporting quality of systematic reviews varies, limiting readers' ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of those reviews. Several early studies evaluated the quality of review reports. In 1987, Mulrow examined 50 review articles published in four leading medical journals in 1985 and 1986 and found that none met all eight explicit scientific criteria, such as a quality assessment of included studies [5]. In 1987, Sacks and colleagues [6] evaluated the adequacy of reporting of 83 meta-analyses on 23 characteristics in six domains. Reporting was generally poor; between one and 14 characteristics were adequately reported (mean = 7.7; standard deviation = 2.7). A 1996 update of this study found little improvement [7]. In 1996, to address the suboptimal reporting of meta-analyses, an international group developed a guidance called the QUOROM Statement (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analyses), which focused on the reporting of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials [8]. In this article, we summarize a revision of these guidelines, renamed PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses), which have been updated to address several conceptual and practical advances in the science of systematic reviews (Box 1). Box 1: Conceptual Issues in the Evolution from QUOROM to PRISMA Completing a Systematic Review Is an Iterative Process The conduct of a systematic review depends heavily on the scope and quality of included studies: thus systematic reviewers may need to modify their original review protocol during its conduct. Any systematic review reporting guideline should recommend that such changes can be reported and explained without suggesting that they are inappropriate. The PRISMA Statement (Items 5, 11, 16, and 23) acknowledges this iterative process. Aside from Cochrane reviews, all of which should have a protocol, only about 10% of systematic reviewers report working from a protocol [22]. Without a protocol that is publicly accessible, it is difficult to judge between appropriate and inappropriate modifications.
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Eccentric exercise continues to receive attention as a productive means of exercise. Coupled with this has been the heightened study of the damage that occurs in early stages of exposure to eccentric exercise. This is commonly referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To date, a sound and consistent treatment for DOMS has not been established. Although multiple practices exist for the treatment of DOMS, few have scientific support. Suggested treatments for DOMS are numerous and include pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, stretching, massage, nutritional supplements, and many more. DOMS is particularly prevalent in resistance training; hence, this article may be of particular interest to the coach, trainer, or physical therapist to aid in selection of efficient treatments. First, we briefly review eccentric exercise and its characteristics and then proceed to a scientific and systematic overview and evaluation of treatments for DOMS. We have classified treatments into 3 sections, namely, pharmacological, conventional rehabilitation approaches, and a third section that collectively evaluates multiple additional practiced treatments. Literature that addresses most directly the question regarding the effectiveness of a particular treatment has been selected. The reader will note that selected treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants appear to have a potential in the treatment of DOMS. Other conventional approaches, such as massage, ultrasound, and stretching appear less promising.
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Muscle soreness, a familiar phenomenon to most athletes, has been differentiated into 'acute' and 'delayed onset'. The etiology of acute muscle soreness has been attributed to ischemia and the accumulation of metabolic by-products. However, the etiology of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is not so clear. Six theories have been proposed: lactic acid, muscle spasm, torn tissue, connective tissue, enzyme efflux, and tissue fluid theories. The treatment of DOMS has also been investigated. Studies in which anti-inflammatory medications have been administered have yielded varying results based on the dosage and the time of administration. Submaximal concentric exercise may alleviate soreness but does not restore muscle function. Neither cryotherapy nor stretching abates the symptoms of DOMS. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation]Ins been shown to decrease soreness and increase range of motion, but the effect on the recovery of muscle function is unknown. Therefore, the treatment of DOMS remains an enigma.
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Humans have been using natural products for medicinal use for ages. Natural products of therapeutic importance are compounds derived from plants, animals, or any microorganism. Ginger is also one of the most commonly used condiments and a natural drug in vogue. It is a traditional medicine, having some active ingredients used for the treatment of numerous diseases. During recent research on ginger, various ingredients like zingerone, shogaol, and paradol have been obtained from it. Zingerone (4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone) is a nontoxic and inexpensive compound with varied pharmacological activities. It is the least pungent component of Zingiber officinale. Zingerone is absent in fresh ginger but cooking or heating transforms gingerol to zingerone. Zingerone closely related to vanillin from vanilla and eugenol from clove. Zingerone has potent anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antilipolytic, antidiarrhoeic, antispasmodic, and so forth properties. Besides, it displays the property of enhancing growth and immune stimulation. It behaves as appetite stimulant, anxiolytic, antithrombotic, radiation protective, and antimicrobial. Also, it inhibits the reactive nitrogen species which are important in causing Alzheimer’s disease and many other disorders. This review is written to shed light on the various pharmacological properties of zingerone and its role in alleviating numerous human and animal diseases.
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Gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, a cancer of different organs of the digestive system, is one of the most common cancers around the world. The incidence and death rate of some of these cancers are very high. Although a large variety of chemotherapeutic agents have been introduced since the last few decades to combat GI cancer, most of them are very expensive and have side effects. Therefore, the compounds derived from natural sources, which are considered to be safe and cost effective, are needed. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the most widely used natural products consumed as a spice and medicine for treating nausea, dysentery, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea, loss of appetite, infections, cough, and bronchitis. Experimental studies showed that ginger and its active components including 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol exert anticancer activities against GI cancer. The anticancer activity of ginger is attributed to its ability to modulate several signaling molecules like NF-κB, STAT3, MAPK, PI3K, ERK1/2, Akt, TNF-α, COX-2, cyclin D1, cdk, MMP-9, survivin, cIAP-1, XIAP, Bcl-2, caspases, and other cell growth regulatory proteins. In this review, the evidences for the chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic potential of ginger extract and its active components using in vitro, animal models, and patients have been described.
Background Dysmenorrhea is a common gynecologic problem. In some cases, non-medical treatments are considered to be more effective, with fewer side effects. Ginger and exercise are alternative treatments for dysmenorrhea, but in the present study they were not combined. Objective In this study, the effects of ginger and exercise on primary dysmenorrhea were compared. Design, setting, participants and interventions This randomized controlled trial was performed in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Two groups of female students were recruited by simple random allocation. In each group, 61 students with moderate to severe primary dysmenorrhea with regular menstrual cycles and without a history of regular exercise were assessed. The ginger group received 250 mg ginger capsules from the onset of menstruation. In the exercise group, belly and pelvic stretching exercises were performed for 10 min, 3 times per week. Main outcome measures Intensity of pain was assessed according to a visual analogue scale after the first and the second month. Results Exercise was significantly more effective than ginger for pain relief (31.57 ± 16.03 vs 38.19 ± 20.47, P = 0.02), severity of dysmenorrhea (63.9% vs 44.3% mild dysmenorrhea, P = 0.02) and decrease in menstrual duration (6.08 ± 1.22 vs 6.67 ± 1.24, P = 0.006), in the second cycle. Conclusion Stretching exercises, as a safe and low-cost treatment, are more effective than ginger for pain relief in primary dysmenorrhea. Trial registration The trial was registered in with No. 201203118822N2.
There is limited evidence that ginger powder consumption can relieve pain and inflammation due to specific anti-inflammatory phytochemical constitutents. This study investigates the effect of ginger supplementation on proinflammatory factors in participants (n = 120) of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled 3-month clinical trial investigating knee osteoarthritis. Patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups: the ginger group (GG) or the placebo group (PG). Administered daily for 3 months, participants in the GG intervention received capsules containing 500 mg of ginger powder, while PG participants received capsules filled with 500 mg starch. Serum samples collected at baseline and 3 months were analyzed for serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). At baseline, proinflammatory cytokine concentrations did not differ by group. However, at 3 months, both cytokines decreased in the GG relative to the PG. The results of this study indicate that ginger supplementation may have a promising benefits for knee osteoarthritis and may, therefore, may warrant further study.
Conference Paper
Abstract Plai (Zingiber cassumunar ROXB) is a popular herb in Asia used for relieving pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal disorders. There are currently two commercially available Plai creams on the market, a lower cost, but lower concentration cream (7%), and a more expensive but higher concentration brand (14%). Little is known about the effectiveness of either cream in the reduction of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Seventy-five untrained healthy volunteers performed 4 sets of 25 eccentric repetitions (100 total) of the dominant leg’s quadriceps muscle on an isokinetic dynamometry machine. Participants were then randomized into 3 groups; 14% Plai cream, 7% Plai cream and placebo cream. All groups immediately applied 2 grams of cream (strips of 5 cm long) and gently massaged this into the quadriceps muscles following the exercise and every 8 hours thereafter for 7 days. DOMS, muscle strength (MVC), muscle power (jump height), muscle swelling (thigh circumference), and muscle damage (creatine kinase) were measured pre and post eccentric exercise in all groups. Compared to the placebo cream the 14% Plai cream substantially reduced muscle soreness over the 7 days by -82% (95%CI = -155 to -6%, p = 0.03), but had similar muscle soreness relieving effects to 7% Plai cream (-34%, -96 to 27%, p = 0.2). Compared to the placebo cream the 7% Plai cream resulted in a small non-significant reduction in muscle soreness levels over the following 7 days (-40%, -116 to 36%, p = 0.3). Compared to placebo cream there was little effect of Plai cream (7% or 14%) on muscle strength, jump height, thigh circumference or creatine kinase concentration. In conclusion, using 14% Plai cream over a 7 day period substantially reduced DOMS compared to 7% Plai cream or a placebo cream. The 14% Plai cream is a useful alternative for the management of DOMS.