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Today, artificial intelligence is one of the emerging technologies which are capable of altering every aspect of our social interactions. In education, AI has begun producing new teaching and learning solutions that are now undergoing testing in different contexts. This paper will let the stakeholders in education sector to understand the extent to which AI will be used in the education and its perceived benefits. This paper provides examples of use of AI in education, particularly in developing countries like India wherein providing education to all is seen as one of the sustainable development goals. First, this paper provides an overview of AI to the reader. It was observed that AI has evolved from simple rule based systems to data-driven systems to context-driven systems that have advanced capabilities. Next, the paper talks an approach to putting AI into use in education to improve learning outcomes. Indeed as a new technology, AI when used in education will bring changes to 'learning experience' by having adjustable learning environment that creates 'personalized learning experience'. Finally, this paper presents some examples of use of AI technology in education sector aimed at improving learning experience and quality of learning.
64 The Management Accountant - May 2020
Today, articial intelligence is one of the emerging
technologies which are capable of altering every aspect
of our social interactions. In education, AI has begun
producing new teaching and learning solutions that are
now undergoing testing in different contexts. This paper
will let the stakeholders in education sector to understand
the extent to which AI will be used in the education and its
perceived benets. This paper provides examples of use of
AI in education, particularly in developing countries like
India wherein providing education to all is seen as one of
the sustainable development goals.
First, this paper provides an overview of AI to the
reader. It was observed that AI has evolved from simple
rule based systems to data-driven systems to context-
driven systems that have advanced capabilities. Next,
the paper talks an approach to putting AI into use in
education to improve learning outcomes. Indeed as a
new technology, AI when used in education will bring
changes to ‘learning experience’ by having adjustable
learning environment that creates ‘personalized learning
experience’. Finally, this paper presents some examples
of use of AI technology in education sector aimed at
improving learning experience and quality of learning.
CMA (Dr.) Ashok Panigrahi
Associate Professor
NMIMS University, Shirpur
Dr. Vijay Joshi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management
Studies & Research, Nagpur
EDUCATION May 2020 - The Management Accountant 65
GENERAL, UNESCO writes “In the eld of
education, AI is expected to have a signicant
impact, transforming the way teachers
work by offering new teaching aids. It could revolutionize
the way in which students learn through personalised
learning and through greater access to knowledge thus also
potentially facilitating more inclusive education. Clearly, the
possibilities are tremendous.” (UNESCO MGIEP, 2018) [1]
Traditional Education System limits Personalized
Recent research in neuroscience has demonstrated that
each brain is ‘wired uniquely’ and thus ‘learns differently’.
Our traditional education is ‘standard’ in nature and is focused
on curricula geared towards producing a workforce for mass
industrial deployment and have implemented the ‘one size
ts all’ approach (Singh and Jain, 2018) [2]. Unfortunately,
this has led to the following undesirable results:
Many individuals trained but unable to adapt to
changing job requirements.
Little consideration for natural talent, thereby killing
Little or no love for learning.
Unhappy, frustrated youth.
Consequently, the current education system nds itself
broken, insufcient and ineffective at meeting the demands
of the 21st century. The resurgence of Articial Intelligence
or AI, however, offers a ray of hope in achieving such a
‘personalised learning system’.
What in Articial Intelligence?
Singh and Jain (2018) [2] writes “The term Articial
Intelligence or AI was coined by John McCarthy in 1956,
two years after the untimely death of Alan Turing, who came
to be known as the father of AI. In 1950, at a time when
the rst general purpose computers were being built, Turing
was already grappling with the question “Can machines
think?” He developed a hypothetical machine, called a
Turing machine, for encrypting codes built to test and
denes Machine Intelligence and thus refers to computer
programs that exhibit human-like intelligence such as logical
reasoning, problem solving and learning”.
It may be noted that AI systems has evolved over the time
within the framework described above. A historical review
of the evolution of AI systems reveals that they appear to
have followed a different process – one that has been driven
by algorithm and technology development (Singh and Jain,
2018) [2].
Framework for Articial Intelligence
Singh and Jain (2018) [2] suggest following framework
for AI that comprises of following aspects. These are:
Perception – The ability to use sensory systems and
language to obtain information about the natural
Problem analysis – The ability to process the
information obtained above in order to identify a
problem, analyze it and provide a solution.
Abstract knowledge – The ability to abstract
knowledge from perception in one domain and apply
it to another.
Experiential learning – The ability to continually learn
from real-world data patterns and rene perception
and knowledge.
Articial Intelligence or AI provides predictions on new
scenarios based on learning from large volumes of historical
data. It is required to take a holistic look at a range of digital
transformation in the education sector. These are augmented
reality, virtual reality, videos and blockchain. AI and other
digital technologies should be used to help teachers in
imparting education (Sarkar, 2018) [3].
How AI can be put to use in education?
It is advised to have an approach of educating people
about use of AI by preparing people to work and live with AI
and then use AI in planning educational and training systems
(Luckin and Issroff, 2018) [4].
Source: (Luckin and Issroff, 2018) [4]
It may be noted that thoughtful design of AI framework to
education and training has the potential to provide signicant
benets to educators, learners, parents and the society. It is a
reason for great excitement and concerted intelligent effort.
Changes that AI technology will bring in the education
Indeed as a new technology, AI when used in education
will bring changes to the entire ‘learning’ experience’.
There are only a few things that forced transitions in the
global education industry to change and are as listed below
(Blaylock, 2019) [5]:
Adjustable Learning Environment
New Opportunities
Improved Efciency
AI-driven Education Platform
Articial intelligence, with such changes in the education
sector that enhances learning may be seen as one of the
emerging technologies.
66 The Management Accountant - May 2020
Views of Indian Industry Representatives on use of AI
in education
Articial intelligence is the sector with untapped potential.
Shobita Dhar provides some of the comments made by
representatives of some of the Indian organizations those are
working in the area ‘Use of AI in Education’. (See the table
Table 1: Opinions by representatives of some of the Indian
organizations those are working on ‘Use of AI in Education’
(Dhar, 2019) [6], (Dialani, 2019) [7]
Name of the
Opinions expressed by the
Organization Representative
Sameer Bora,
Executive VP,
Next Education
India Pvt. Ltd.
Adaptive assessments give very
accurate results. Based on these the
teacher can give individual feedback
to each child on what should be the
new learning path. Earlier, students
would get a general advice – ‘Good.
Can do better’. But AI allows
teachers to be more focused.
Solutions Pvt.
Remote Proctoring is the future
monitoring of exams. The technology
captures physical movements of the
candidate. If the candidate tries to
open a new window or an URL it
immediately sends an alert to the
remote invigilator. In the future
physical invigilation will be replaced
with digital invigilation.
Prashanth B.
R., Co-Founder,
Krackin and
Kiran G. R., Co-
Founder, Krackin
Algorithms replace mentors in
providing customized learning. AI
enables students to discover a unique
path of learning, customised to their
aspiration and capabilities. At present
it’s being used in 89 colleges, and by
300+ companies.
Sreedhar Narla,
ICET Solutions,
Mobile App making attendance
register redundant. Traditional
attendance takes about 10 minutes,
but this app can do the task in one
minute. The teacher takes a couple
of shots with her phone camera, the
images are processed in the cloud and
the attendance marked.
Zishaan Hayath,
Co-Founder and
CEO, Toppr
At Toppr, we use both AI and AI to
layout the learner’s characteristics
and inadequacies. Singular learning
rates and records are pondered. These
tests are planned to help a child’s
trust in zones they surpass desires
in and challenge them in areas they
don’t. This comprehensive technique
empowers children to remain
energized and spurred.
Source: (Dhar, 2019) [6], (Dialani, 2019) [7]
Finally, this paper will present some examples of use of AI
technology in education sector aimed at improving learning
experience and quality of learning.
Prominent Examples of Use of AI Technology in
An example of this is provided by Central Board of
Secondary Education – CBSE. It is said that CBSE Schools
to include AI, Python for Class 8 and 9 Students from 2020
(CBSE, 2019) [8].
Example of a curriculum for Standard 9 Student
Source: (CBSE, 2019) [8]
Other Examples of Use of AI Technology in Education
According to research organization Tracxn, it is observed
that in excess of 300 Indian new businesses use AI as their
core and invention in their organization. About one tenth
of them (11%) are belonging to ‘learning and teaching’
domain. This is a strong sign of organizations outside
of innovation and web based business using AI in their
products and services. While a conclusive goal is whole
customization, various applications and ventures are
helping us in transit. Coaching applications are adjusting
their exercise structures depending upon the execution of a
stand-out client prole. Expanded information crunching
is making trying an undeniably intuitive wonder in India.
(Dialani, 2019) [7]
There will be number of examples about use of AI in
education. Some of these are provided herewith. Please note
that this list is indicative only and is not exhaustive. (See the
table below). May 2020 - The Management Accountant 67
Table 3: Some of the examples about use of AI in education
Name of
Author Example and its description
(2018) [3]
AI offering help to teachers in imparting
education and can be used for predicting
student potential as well as chances of at-
risk students dropping out. This information
would be valuable for teachers in targeting
specic interventions for at-risk students.
The state of Andhra Pradesh had conducted
a pilot to predict drop-outs based on past
student scores and student backgrounds.
Dhar (2019)
Personalized Learning using adaptive
assessment software: Class VIII students of
Mount Zion School, Gangtok are writing
exams set by a machine. They get questions
customized to their pace of learning.
Machine-set question papers that use
AI: Next Education, an edtech company
in Hyderabad, developed an AI driven
assessment platform that is used by more
than 50 schools in India. This platform can
set papers within one minute and customize
questions to each student’s learning needs.
It also gives instantaneous results.
Exams at your doorstep: Remote Proctoring
is an AI platform that allows teachers to
remotely invigilate an online exam. This
means that students don’t need to physically
assemble in an exam hall to write their
paper but can do it from anywhere, even
from home. This reduces the logistical
burden of conducting and writing exams.
IIM, Rohtak used Remote Proctoring while
conducting its executive MBA entrance
exam this year.
Mobile App making attendance register
redundant: In some government-run schools
in Tamil Nadu, the attendance register was
replaced by a mobile app.
In order for AI based products to be contextualized,
commoditized, and available to wider, diverse audience, a
rich set of tooling, standards, and best practices are required.
The potential of personalised quality education, regardless
of geographical, socio-cultural and other afliations etc.., by
means of AI and Deep Learning, is recognised. However,
a sustained, coordinated effort to address them holistically,
from pedagogical to experiential to business to ethics
and governance angles, is required (Dhavala, 2018) [9].
Concerted efforts are needed to develop:
Data-rst platforms
Shared NLU (Natural language Understanding) and
AI infrastructure and
Agile processes to develop AI products.
These products should eventually be used to create
customised, relevant, engaging, explainable and governable
solutions for every learner.
It may be concluded that there exists several AI-based
products those are used in education sector at present. These
examples indicate that there is scope for using AI and other
emerging technologies supported with adequate research
and innovation.
The author is of the opinion that concentrated efforts are
required by all the stakeholders in ‘Education’ sector so as
to understand, accept and use AI based products beneting
them (as applicable).
1. UNESCO MGIEP. (2018). Articial Intelligence and
the Future of Education: Exploring how Articial
Intelligence can take Learning to a whole new level,
Published by United Nations Educational, Scientic and
Cultural Organization and Mahatama Gandhi Institute
of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development.
Available from:
pf0000366389. [Last accessed on 2020 March 18].
2. Singh Nandini Chatterjee and Jain Raunak. (2018).
Personalizing ‘Learning’ - Can AI Promise Customised
Education for ‘Humanity’. It is cited by (UNESCO MGIEP,
2018) [1].
3. Sarkar Avik Dr. (2018). Interview with Dr. Avik Sarkar,
Head – Data Analytics Cell at NITI Aayog, Govt. of India.
It is cited by (UNESCO MGIEP, 2018) [1].
4. Luckin Ross and Kim Issroff. (2018). Future of Education
and Skills 2030: Conceptual Learning Framework.
Education and AI: preparing for the future & AI, Attitudes
and Values. Eighth Informal Working Group (IWG)
Meeting, 29-31 October 2018, EDU/EDPC (2018) 45 /
ANN2. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development) Conference Centre, Paris, France.
5. Blaylock Jeff. (2019). The top ve changes that occur with
AI in Education, December 18, 2019. Available from:
occur-with-ai-in-education/. [Last accessed on 2020
March 18].
6. Dhar Shobita. (2019). Articial intelligence in classroom:
Is it reducing human interaction in learning? – Times
News Network, December 11, 2019. Available from:
articleshow/74650839.cms/. [Last accessed on 2020
March 18].
7. Dialani Priya. (2019). Use of AI and VR in the Indian
Education Sector, March 30, 2019. Available from: https://
education-sector/. [Last accessed on 2020 March 18].
8. CBSE. (2019). AI Integration Manual prepared by CBSE.
Articial Intelligence Integration across Subjects for CBSE
Curriculum. Available from:
[Last accessed on 2020 March 23].
9. Dhavala Soma. (2018). Articial Intelligence for
Education. It is cited by (UNESCO MGIEP, 2018) [1].
... La UNESCO ha articulado una visión que desafía los modelos educativos tradicionales, abogando por un cambio hacia enfoques centrados en el estudiante que combinen elementos digitales mientras fomentan habilidades cognitivas, socioemocionales y críticas (Luckin, 2018). En respuesta, las tecnologías de IA han diversificado sus aplicaciones en educación, desde recomendar recursos educativos abiertos (OER -Open Educative Resources) hasta monitorear las emociones de los estudiantes, utilizando sistemas inteligentes de tutoría e incluso automatizando la calificación de exámenes y la moderación de foros (Moturu & Nethi, 2023;Panigrahi, 2020;Russell & Norvig, 2021). Sin embargo, la integración efectiva de herramientas de IA en entornos educativos demanda que los educadores adquieran las habilidades y competencias necesarias para usar estas tecnologías de manera efectiva y contar con el compromiso de los estudiantes. ...
... Sin embargo, tanto docentes como estudiantes pueden mostrar resistencia a adoptar nuevas tecnologías y metodologías de IA, lo que puede afectar su aceptación y uso efectivo en la educación (Ayanwale et al., 2022;Panigrahi, 2020;Vostroknutov et al., 2021). Estos actores académicos necesitan adquirir nuevas habilidades y competencias mediante programas continuos de capacitación y desarrollo profesional. ...
... Al analizar vastos conjuntos de datos, los modelos predictivos pueden prever logros académicos futuros y la estabilidad emocional de los estudiantes, permitiendo a las instituciones implementar estrategias de apoyo específicas oportunas para mejorar la trayectoria educativa de los estudiantes (Alateyyat & Soltan, 2024).En términos de evaluación, las herramientas de IA agilizan y mejoran el proceso de calificación automatizada garantizando precisión, equidad y eficiencia, liberando tiempo para que los educadores se concentren en aspectos cualitativos de la enseñanza. Esto no solo acelera los ciclos de evaluación, sino que también proporciona retroalimentación rápida a los estudiantes, facilitando su mejora continua en su proceso de aprendizaje(Panigrahi, 2020).La IA mejora la comunicación dentro de las instituciones educativas a través de chatbots, facilitando transferencia de información eficiente y efectiva entre estudiantes, docentes y personal administrativo(Halaweh, 2023). Además, transforma la dinámica del aula al promover entornos de aprendizaje interactivos y colaborativos, como sistemas de retroalimentación en tiempo real y las aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom), fomentando la participación activa de los estudiantes y mejorando sus habilidades de resolución de problemas(Liang, 2020; Jiménez et al., 2023).La integración de tecnologías de IA en la educación en ingeniería tiene un gran potencial para optimizar los resultados educativos, personalizando las experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje, previendo el éxito estudiantil, mejorando la precisión de las evaluaciones y agilizando tareas administrativas, empoderando a educadores e instituciones para ofrecer una educación de alta calidad. ...
Conference Paper
La incorporación de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la educación de ingeniería electrónica es una tendencia emergente con el potencial de transformar los métodos tradicionales de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Los programas de ingeniería electrónica enfrentan el desafío de adaptar sus currículos a estas nuevas metodologías activas y tecnologías. La integración de herramientas de IA promete enriquecer la experiencia de aprendizaje y preparar a los estudiantes para un mercado laboral cada vez más tecnológico. Este estudio revisa y describe el uso e impacto de la IA en la formación de estudiantes de ingeniería electrónica, enfocándose en su influencia en el rendimiento académico y el desarrollo de competencias. Se analizan las relaciones entre el uso de herramientas de IA y diversos indicadores de éxito académico, considerando variables como la implementación de la IA, rendimiento académico, y nivel de habilidades adquiridas por los estudiantes. Además, se examinan factores como el acceso a la tecnología y la capacitación docente en IA. Se espera tener insumos para evaluar cómo la incorporación de la IA puede influir en la formación académica y profesional de los estudiantes de ingeniería electrónica. Los resultados podrían revelar el impacto positivo de la IA en el rendimiento académico y en el desarrollo de competencias clave para la empleabilidad. También se pretende identificar áreas de mejora en la implementación de herramientas de IA en los currículos y en la capacitación docente. Este estudio busca llenar el vacío existente en la literatura sobre el impacto y las perspectivas de la IA en la ingeniería electrónica. Los hallazgos podrían informar decisiones de política educativa y estrategias de enseñanza en la ingeniería, además de contribuir al avance del conocimiento en el uso efectivo de la IA en la educación en ingeniería en Colombia.
... As all fields from medicine to the industry have been reshaped by AI, English language learning and teaching has started to be revolutionized. To improve learning and its outcomes, AI is being operated in education more and more (Panigrahi, 2020;Negoiță and Popescu, 2023). This operation can vary from teaching to learning. ...
... Öğrenmeyi ve sonuçlarını iyileştirmek için YZ eğitimde giderek daha fazla kullanılmaktadır (Panigrahi, 2020;Negoiță ve Popescu, 2023). Bu kullanım, öğretmekten öğrenmeye kadar değişebilir. ...
Full-text available
Artificial intelligence has been transforming every field of life. It's critical to comprehend how artificial intelligence affects foreign language learning. Artificial intelligence can improve real-time feedback and individualized learning experiences, which may boost student motivation. The study assesses students' artificial intelligence literacy and English language learning motivation levels. Data were gathered through in-person surveys from 397 participants using the Artificial Intelligence Literacy and the English Language Learning Motivation Scales. The findings showed that English language learning motivation (65.02) and literacy in artificial intelligence (61.95) were above average. There were statistically significant positive correlations between total scores of English language learning motivation and artificial intelligence literacy (p < 0.01). These results imply that a greater motivation to learn English is related to a better level of artificial intelligence literacy. Also, incorporating artificial intelligence into language instruction can improve students' motivation and engagement. More research to examine other variables impacting this relationship is also needed. The results may offer insightful information to educators and legislators who seek to enhance artificial intelligence literacy and foreign language instruction in a quickly changing educational environment.
... With applications ranging from agriculture to space sciences, it is a transformative force in today's digital age (Duraipandian, 2022). It is reshaping education through personalized learning (Panigrahi, 2020). The potential for AI to outperform humans in complex tasks is a doubleedged sword with potential benefits in disease prevention and poverty alleviation, but it also poses ethical challenges (Poola, 2017). ...
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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of training on the integration of artificial intelligence into education given to pre-service teachers on their concerns about artificial intelligence and their views on the integration of artificial intelligence into education. In this study, sequential explanatory design, one of the mixed research designs, was preferred. In the quantitative part of the research, single group quasi-experimental research design was used. In the qualitative part of the study, a basic qualitative research design was used. In the experimental process, a four-week artificial intelligence training program was administered to pre-service teachers for three hours a week. The study group consisted of 195 pre-service teachers. Data were collected using the artificial intelligence anxiety scale and a semi-structured interview form. The data obtained were analyzed using t, MANCOVA, and content analysis methods, and the following results were obtained: The training on the integration of artificial intelligence into education decreased pre-service teachers’ anxiety in the learning dimension but increased their anxiety in other dimensions. The main sources of anxiety are inequality, ethics, privacy, and reliability, professional and social anxiety, unpredictable decisions and loss of control, technology use and adaptation difficulties, artificial intelligence addiction, and decreased creativity.
... Over the past few decades, significant advancements in information technology have led to increased innovations that effectively enhance various aspects of our daily lives. Education is one of the aspects influenced by technological advancements, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic breaking out in 2020 (Panigrahi, 2020). Moreover, advancements in information technology such as artificial intelligence, big data analysis, cloud computing, augmented reality, and virtual reality are already establishing their presence. ...
Full-text available
Education has experienced significant changes due to recent advances in information technology. Technological developments, such as Grammarly, are pivotal in enhancing language education, benefiting learners of English as a Second Language. This research's primary objective is to examine the impact of online ad exposure and reference groups on the adoption of Grammarly while considering trust as the mediating role. This research utilized a quantitative approach by surveying 120 higher-education students in Yogyakarta. The analysis technique used in this research is path analysis using the SmartPLS program. Based on hypothesis testing, online ad exposure and reference groups have a positive and significant impact on Grammarly adoption behavior, where trust takes the role of full mediation on the relationship between online ad exposure and adoption behavior. Meanwhile, trust serves as partial mediation in the relationship between reference groups and adoption behavior. Furthermore, the managerial implications the researcher can suggest for Grammarly are to improve the performance of the features offered further, where improvements to the feedback provided by Grammarly should be more contextual and relevant.
... Personalised learning, facilitated by AI, tailors educational experiences to individual student needs and preferences. This approach can significantly benefit pre-service teachers by providing customised learning content and feedback based on data analysis (Maghsudi et al., 2021;Panigrahi, 2020;Yuskovych-Zhukovska et al., 2022). Studies have investigated how pre-service teachers can utilise AI and other educational technologies to enhance their learning experiences inside and outside the classroom. ...
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This study examines the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, focusing on motivating pre-service teachers to utilise AI technologies. The research assesses factors influencing their motivation for AI learning and personalisation in higher education. Over 14 weeks, 180 pre-service teachers participated in a qualitative case study with quantitative content analysis. Results indicate a positive attitude towards AI use among these future educators. The study concludes that AI-enhanced learning can significantly improve teacher-student interactions through personalised feedback, learning guidance and collaborative experiences across various platforms. Findings suggest AI has the potential to enhance personalised learning by tailoring content to individual student needs, preferences and learning styles. Educational policies should encourage a balanced approach to AI implementation, recognising its benefits whilst maintaining human interaction. Although AI may reduce face-to-face engagement, striking a balance where it supports rather than replaces human interaction can strengthen teacher-student relationships. By providing detailed insights into students’ progress and challenges, AI can help teachers offer more targeted support and encouragement.
... 19 AI tutoring systems provide real-time analysis that enables targeted interventions and fosters student mastery. 20 With the increasing class sizes and school administrative demands, time management is a precious commodity for teachers. AI tutoring systems reduce teachers' burden by automating routine tasks such as lesson planning, grading, and progress tracking. ...
Full-text available
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. This approach has been adopted by many organizations, including schools, to facilitate the teaching and learning process. This development has raised varying opinions on the future of employment within all sectors, including the educational sector. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the perception of teachers toward the integration of AI tutoring-based systems into the school curriculum. A descriptive analysis of the quantitative design was used, and 320 teachers were purposely sampled from public secondary schools in Southwest, Nigeria. The data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that although teachers in public secondary schools in the southwest of Nigeria are aware of the positive impact of AI tutoring, 77% of the participants have a negative disposition towards the integration of an AI tutoring-based system into the school curriculum. The factors responsible for this high level of negative disposition include age, low level of education, fear of replacement and professional specialties of the teachers. Based on these findings, it was therefore recommended that teachers be sensitized on the importance of AI tutoring and that stakeholders should propagate the message of how it would promote the standard of education in the state. The study also recommended that educational policymakers integrate the use of artificial intelligence into the school curriculum by allocating the required resources to schools and organizing staff training on the use of AI without neglecting a befitting remuneration. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Teachers, Learning, Disposition, Perception
The application of artificial intelligence in the field of higher education provides an opportunity to offer personalized and effective learning. Through artificial intelligence, the curriculum can be tailored to meet the needs and abilities of students. AI can help identify weaknesses that need to be addressed and areas that should be improved. It contributes to enhancing the educational process in terms of efficiency and flexibility, as well as identifying previous mistakes. However, artificial intelligence cannot fully replace teachers but serves as a support to improve the learning process. The use of artificial intelligence can enhance the quality of education and foster a deeper understanding of the material by students. However, its effectiveness depends on proper usage and the need to integrate it with traditional educational technologies.
Full-text available
ABSRTACT The Artificial Intelligence brought about transformative changes across various sectors including education. This study examines the role of AI in sustainable development of higher education institutions with reference to bangalore city. as a current trend of technological innovation and academic excellence. This study examines benefits and challenges associated with AI implementation, including improved learning outcomes and the role of educators in this evolving landscape. This study employs quantitative research method such as the questionnaire method. This study investigates the effects of AI, applications and dependency on AI technology. The findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of the association between AI and education.
Artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a potent technology that holds the promise of revolutionizing education. This study seeks to thoroughly grasp students’ viewpoints on the utilization of AI in educational settings, aiming to gain insights into its role in education. It investigates students’ perspectives on the benefits, challenges, and expectations tied to the integration of AI into the learning process. The study is based on the analysis of survey responses collected from students across diverse academic backgrounds and educational levels at the University of Technology and Applied Science (UTAS). The findings indicated an overall positive perception of AI among students, who view it as beneficial for education. Despite this positivity, concerns about certain drawbacks persist. Consequently, it becomes crucial to implement measures that mitigate potential negative impacts while capitalizing on the advantages offered by AI in education.
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education: Exploring how Artificial Intelligence can take Learning to a whole new level, Published by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and Mahatama Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
  • Unesco Mgiep
UNESCO MGIEP. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education: Exploring how Artificial Intelligence can take Learning to a whole new level, Published by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and Mahatama Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development. Available from: pf0000366389. [Last accessed on 2020 March 18].
Learning' -Can AI Promise Customised Education for 'Humanity
  • Personalizing
Personalizing 'Learning' -Can AI Promise Customised Education for 'Humanity'. It is cited by (UNESCO MGIEP, 2018) [1].
Interview with Dr. Avik Sarkar, Head -Data Analytics Cell at NITI Aayog, Govt. of India. It is cited by
Sarkar Avik Dr. (2018). Interview with Dr. Avik Sarkar, Head -Data Analytics Cell at NITI Aayog, Govt. of India. It is cited by (UNESCO MGIEP, 2018) [1].
Future of Education and Skills 2030: Conceptual Learning Framework. Education and AI: preparing for the future & AI, Attitudes and Values
  • Luckin Ross
  • Kim Issroff
Luckin Ross and Kim Issroff. (2018). Future of Education and Skills 2030: Conceptual Learning Framework. Education and AI: preparing for the future & AI, Attitudes and Values. Eighth Informal Working Group (IWG) Meeting, 29-31 October 2018, EDU/EDPC (2018) 45 / ANN2. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Conference Centre, Paris, France.
The top five changes that occur with AI in Education
  • Jeff Blaylock
Blaylock Jeff. (2019). The top five changes that occur with AI in Education, December 18, 2019. Available from: [Last accessed on 2020 March 18].
Artificial intelligence in classroom: Is it reducing human interaction in learning? -Times News Network
  • Dhar Shobita
Dhar Shobita. (2019). Artificial intelligence in classroom: Is it reducing human interaction in learning? -Times News Network, December 11, 2019. Available from: articleshow/74650839.cms/. [Last accessed on 2020
Use of AI and VR in the Indian Education Sector
  • Dialani Priya
Dialani Priya. (2019). Use of AI and VR in the Indian Education Sector, March 30, 2019. Available from: https:// [Last accessed on 2020 March 18].
AI Integration Manual prepared by CBSE. Artificial Intelligence Integration across Subjects for CBSE Curriculum
  • Cbse
CBSE. (2019). AI Integration Manual prepared by CBSE. Artificial Intelligence Integration across Subjects for CBSE Curriculum. Available from: web_material/Curriculum20/AI_Integration_Manual.pdf/. [Last accessed on 2020 March 23].
Artificial Intelligence for Education
  • Dhavala Soma
Dhavala Soma. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for Education. It is cited by (UNESCO MGIEP, 2018) [1].