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Of Ciphers and Neurons – Detecting the Type of Ciphers Using Artificial Neural Networks

Of Ciphers and Neurons
Detecting the Type of Ciphers Using Artificial Neural Networks
Nils Kopal
University of Siegen, Germany
There are many (historical) unsolved ci-
phertexts from which we don’t know the
type of cipher which was used to encrypt
these. A first step each cryptanalyst does
is to try to identify their cipher types us-
ing different (statistical) methods. This
can be difficult, since a multitude of ci-
pher types exist. To help cryptanalysts,
we developed a first version of an artifi-
cial neural network that is right now able
to differentiate between five classical ci-
phers: simple monoalphabetic substitu-
tion, Vigen`
ere, Playfair, Hill, and transpo-
sition. The network is based on Google’s
TensorFlow library as well as Keras. This
paper presents the current progress in the
research of using such networks for detect-
ing the cipher type. We tried to classify all
ciphers of a new MysteryTwister C3 chal-
lenge called “Cipher ID” created by Stamp
in 2019. The network is able to classify
about 90% of the ciphertexts of the chal-
lenge correctly. Furthermore, the paper
presents the current state-of-the-art of ci-
pher type detection. Finally, we present
a method which shows that one can save
about 54% computation time for classifi-
cation of cipher types when using our arti-
ficial neural network instead of trying dif-
ferent solvers for all ciphertext messages
of Stamp’s challenge.
1 Introduction
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) experienced a
renaissance over the past years. Supported by the
development of easy-to-use software libraries, e.g.
TensorFlow and Keras, as well as the wide range
of new powerful hardware (especially graphic card
processors and application-specific integrated cir-
cuits). ANNs found usages in a broad set of dif-
ferent applications and research fields. Their main
purpose is fast filtering, classifying, and process-
ing of (mostly) non-linear data, e.g. image pro-
cessing, speech recognition, and language trans-
lation. Besides that, scientists were also able to
“teach” ANNs to play games or to create paintings
in the style of famous artists.
Inspired by the vast growth of ANNs, also cryp-
tologists started to use them for different crypto-
graphic and cryptanalytic problems. Examples are
the learning of complex cryptographic algorithms,
e.g. the Enigma machine, or the detection of the
type of cipher used for encrypting a specific ci-
In late 2019 Stamp published a challenge on the
MysteryTwister C3 (MTC3) website called “Ci-
pher ID”. The goal of the challenge is to assign
the type of cipher to each ciphertext out of a set
of 500 ciphertexts, while 5 different types of ci-
phers were used to encrypt these ciphertexts us-
ing random keys. Each cipher type was used ex-
actly 100 times and the different ciphertexts were
shuffled then. While the intention of the author
was to motivate people to start research in the field
of machine learning and cipher type detection, all
previous solvers solved the challenge by breaking
the ciphertexts using solvers for the 5 different ci-
pher types. Thus, after revealing the plaintext of
each cipher, the participants knew which type of
encryption algorithm was used.
We started to work on the cipher type detec-
tion problem in 2019 with the intention to de-
tect the ciphers’ types solely using ANNs. Ten-
sorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016) and Keras (Chol-
let, 2015) were used. TensorFlow is a free and
open-source data flow and math library devel-
oped by Google written in Python, C++, and
CUDA, and was publicly released in 2015. Keras
is a free and open-source library for developing
ANNs developed by Chollet and also written in
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
Python. In 2017 Google’s TensorFlow team de-
cided to support Keras in the TensorFlow core li-
brary. While working on the cipher type detection
problem, Stamp’s challenge was published. We
then adapted our code and tools to the require-
ments of the challenge. Therefore, in this paper,
we present our current progress of implementing
a cipher type detection ANN with the help of the
aforementioned libraries especially for the MTC3
challenge. At the time of writing this paper, we are
able to classify the type of ciphers of the afore-
mentioned challenge at a success rate of about
90%. Despite this relatively good detection rate
it is still not good enough to solve the challenge
on its own. Therefore, we also propose a first idea
of a detection (and solving) method for ciphertexts
with unknown cipher types.
The contributions and goals of this paper are:
1. First public ANN classifier for classical ci-
phers developed with TensorFlow and Keras.
2. Presentation of the basics of ANNs to the au-
dience of HistoCrypt, who are from differ-
ent research areas, e.g. history and linguistics
(but mostly no computers scientists).
3. Example Python code which can be used to
directly implement our methods in Tensor-
Flow and Keras.
4. Overview of the existing work in the field of
ANNs and cryptanalysis of classical/histori-
cal ciphers and cipher type detection.
5. Presentation of a first idea of a method which
does both, cipher type detection and solving
of classical ciphers.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents the related work in the field
of machine learning and cryptanalysis with a fo-
cus on ANNs. Section 3 shows the founda-
tion on which we created our methods. Here,
firstly we discuss ANNs in general. Secondly, we
briefly present TensorFlow as well as Keras. After
that, Section 4 presents our cipher type detection
approach based on the aforementioned libraries.
Then, Section 5 discusses our first ideas for a ci-
pher type detection and solving method. Finally,
Section 6 briefly concludes the paper and gives an
overview of planned future work with regards to
ANNs and cryptology.
2 Related Work
In this section, we present different papers and ar-
ticles, which deal with ANNs and cryptology. The
usage of ANNs in the paper ranges between the
emulation of ciphers, the detection of the cipher
type, and the recovering of cryptographic keys.
Also, there are papers where the authors worked
with other techniques to detect the cipher type.
1. Ibrahem (Khalel Ibrahem Al-Ubaidy, 2004)
presents two ideas: First, to determine the
key from a given plaintext-ciphertext pair. He
calls this the “cryptanalysis approach”. Sec-
ond, the emulation of an unknown cipher.
He calls this the “emulation approach”. He
used an ANN with two hidden layers in his
approach. For training his model he used
Levenberg-Marquardt (LM). He successfully
trains Vigen`
ere cipher as well as two different
stream ciphers (GEFFE and THRESHOLD,
which are both linear feedback shift regis-
2. Chandra (Chandra et al., 2007) present their
method of cipher type identification. They
created different ANNs which are able to dis-
tinguish between different modern ciphers,
e.g. RC6 and Serpent. Their ANN architec-
ture is comparable small, consisting only of
2 hidden layers, where each layer has at most
25 neurons. They used different techniques
to map from the ciphertext to 400 “input pat-
terns”, which they fed to their network.
3. Sivagurunathan (Sivagurunathan et al., 2010)
created an ANN with one hidden layer to
distinguish between Vigen`
ere cipher, Hill ci-
pher, and Playfair cipher. While their net-
work was able to detect Playfair ciphers with
an accuracy of 100%, the detection rate of Vi-
ere and Hill was between 69% and 85%,
depending on their test scenarios.
4. The BION classifiers from BION’s gadget
website1are browser-based classifiers, inte-
grated in two well working cipher type de-
tection methods built in JavaScript. The first
one works with random decision forests and
the second one is based on a multitude of
ANNs. The basic idea with the second clas-
sifier (ANN-based) is, that the different net-
works (different layers, activation functions,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
etc.) each have a “vote” for the cipher type.
In the end, the votes are shown, and the cor-
rect cipher type probably has the most votes.
The classifiers are able to detect the cipher
types defined by the American cryptogram
association (ACM).
5. Nuhn and Knight’s (Nuhn and Knight, 2014)
extensive work on cipher type detection used
a support vector machine based on the lib-
SVM toolkit (Chang and Lin, 2011). In their
work, they used 58 different features to suc-
cessfully classify 50 different cipher types
out of 56 cipher types specified by the Amer-
ican cryptogram association (ACA).
6. Greydanus (Greydanus, 2017) used recurrent
neural networks (RNN) to learn the Enigma.
An RNN has connections going from succes-
sive hidden layer neurons to neurons in pre-
ceding layers. He showed that an RNN with
a 3000-unit long short-term memory cell can
learn the decryption function of an Enigma
machine with three rotors, of a Vigen`
ere ci-
pher, and of a Vigen`
ere Autokey cipher. Fur-
thermore, he created an RNN network which
was able to recover keys (length one to six)
of Vigen`
ere and Vigen`
ere Autokey.
7. Focardi and Luccio (Focardi and Luccio,
2018) present their method of breaking Cae-
sar and Vigen`
ere ciphers with the help of neu-
ral networks. They used fairly simple neural
networks having only one hidden layer. They
were able to recover substitution keys with a
success rate of about 93%, where at most 2
mappings in the keys were wrong.
8. Abd (Abd and Al-Janabi, 2019) developed
three different classifiers based on neural net-
works. Their work is the closest related to
our work. Their idea is to create three classi-
fiers, each a single ANN, with different lev-
els (1, 2, and 3), where each level increases
the detection accuracy. The first level differ-
entiates between natural language, substitu-
tion ciphers, transposition ciphers, and com-
bined ciphers. Then, their second level dif-
ferentiates between monoalphabetic, polyal-
phabetic, and polygraphic. Their last level
differentiates between Playfair and different
Hill ciphers. They state that their success rate
is about 99.6%.
∗ ⋯
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... ...
Figure 1: A single neuron of an ANN with inputs,
outputs, bias, and activation function
3 Foundation
In this section, we describe the foundation used
for our detection method. First, we discuss the
ANN in general. Then, we give an introduction
to TensorFlow and Keras and show some example
Python code building an ANN.
3.1 Artificial Neural Network
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computing
models (organized as graphs) that are in principle
inspired by the human brain. The book “Make
your own neural network” from (Rashid, 2016)
gives a good introduction into ANNs. Differ-
ent neurons are connected via input and output
connections, providing signals, having different
weights assigned to them. A neuron itself contains
an activation function a, which fires the neuron’s
outputs based on the neuron’s input values. For
example, all the values of the input connections
are combined with their respective weight values.
Then, all resulting values are combined and a bias
value bis also added to the result. After that, an
activation function is computed using the result of
the combined values. Figure 1 depicts an exam-
ple of one neuron with different input connections,
a bias input connection, an activation function a,
and output connections. Usually, the value of the
bias input connection is set to 1.
A common practice in ANNs is to organize neu-
rons in so-called layers. The input data is given to
an input layer consisting of n different neurons.
The input layer is then connected to one or more
hidden layers. Finally, the last hidden layer is
connected to an output layer. Each neuron of the
previous layer is connected to each neuron of the
following layer. Figure 2 depicts an example of an
ANN with only a single hidden layer. In general,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
Input layer Hidden layer Output layer
Figure 2: An ANN with input, hidden, and output
when working with ANNs having several hidden
layers, researchers refer to the term of deep learn-
ing (Wartala, 2018).
The learning, in general, is performed by adapt-
ing the weights of the connections between the
neurons. There exist different methods for learn-
ing, e.g. supervised and unsupervised learning.
Here, we focus on supervised learning, which is
suited well for classification tasks. The input data
is given as a so called feature vector xfrom the
input space Xand the output is a label yfrom the
output space Y. A label, in general, clusters a set
of similar input values, i.e. each of the input val-
ues of the same cluster is mapped to the same la-
bel. The goal is to find a function f:XYthat
maps each element of the input space correctly to
the labels of the output space.
As a basic idea, the ANN’s connection weights
are initialized with random values. Then, a set of
data (inputs and desired labels) is feeded to the
network. While doing so, the actual output labels
as well as the desired labels are compared using a
loss function. Using back propagation the error
is propagated in the reverse order through the net-
work and the weight values are changed for each
neuron of each layer accordingly.
Different parameters and attributes of the ANN
and the learning process influence the success rate
of the learning: e.g. the quality and quantity of
the input data and labels, the number of hidden
layers of the ANN, the number of neurons of each
layer, the types of used activation functions of the
neurons, the used loss function, and the number of
times the input data is feeded to the network.
Usually, the input data and their respective la-
bels are divided into two different sets: training
data and test data. For the actual learning, the
training data is used. Then, to measure the qual-
ity of the ANN the test data is used. In the best
case, after training the ANN is able to classify the
test data correctly. In the worst case, the ANN
only learned the training data (perfectly), but fails
in classifying the test data. In this case, researcher
refer to the term overfitting.
3.2 TensorFlow and Keras
TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016) is a software li-
brary developed by Google and firstly released
in 2015. Its name is based on the term “ten-
sor”, which describes a mathematical function that
maps a specific number of input vectors to output
vectors, and on the term ”flow”, the idea of dif-
ferent tensors flowing as data streams through a
dataflow graph. Keras (Chollet, 2015) is an open-
source deep learning Python library and since
2017 also included in TensorFlow.
Working with TensorFlow and Keras (with
ANNs), in general, consists of the following five
1. Loading and preparing training and test data
2. Creating a model
3. Training the model
4. Testing and optimizing the model
5. Persisting the model
In the following, we describe the above steps
involved in the creation, training, and usage of a
Keras model. TensorFlow models work on multi-
dimensional Python numpy arrays.
Step 1) First, the data has to be loaded and then
split into a test and a training data set. In the fol-
lowing example, we split a data set of 5000 test
data and their according labels (each label corre-
sponds to one output class) into two disjunct sets
of training and test data and labels:
# d at a i s a s e t o f d a ta
# l a b e l s i s a s e t o f l a b e l s
# he re , we s p l i t b o th i n t o
# two d i f f e r e n t s e t s
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
t ra i n da t a = dat a [0 :4 5 00 ]
t ra in l ab e ls = la be ls [ 0: 45 00 ]
t es t d at a = da ta [ 45 00 :5 00 0]
t es t l ab el s = la be ls [ 45 00 :5 00 0]
Step 2) The second step is the creation of a
Keras model. TensorFlow and Keras offer dif-
ferent methods of creating a model. The easiest
method is to use the sequential model, which cre-
ates a multi-layered ANN. An example call of cre-
ating a simple ANN with an input layer, a single
hidden layer, and an output layer is the following:
# c r e a t e m od el :
m = k er a s. S eq u en ti al ( )
# c r e a t e a nd add i n p u t l a y e r :
m. a dd ( Fl at t en ( i np u t s ha p e =( 10 0 ,) ))
# c r e a t e a nd add h i dd e n l a y e r :
m. a dd ( De n se ( 100 ,
ac tiv ati on = ’ r el u ’,
u se b ia s = T ru e ))
# c r e a t e a nd add o u t p u t l a y e r :
m. a dd ( D en s e (5 ,
ac tiv ati on = ’ s of tm ax ’ ))
m. c omp il e ( optim ize r ="a da m ",
lo ss = ’ s p ar s e c a t eg o r i ca l
me t ri cs = [ ’a c cu ra cy ’ ])
The first call creates a sequential Keras model.
With the add-function, layers are added to the
model. We add an input layer with 100 neu-
rons (or features), a hidden layer with 100 neu-
rons, and an output layer with 5 neurons. Each
neuron of the next layer is automatically con-
nected to each neuron of the previous layer, as
shown in Figure 2. In this example, we classify
some data with 100 features into 5 different out-
put classes. Some remarks on the parameters:
the activation function of the hidden layer is set
to rectified linear unit (’relu’), wich is defined as
y=max(0,x). The activation function of the out-
put layer is set to ’softmax’, which is also known
as a normalized exponential function. It maps an
input vector to a probability distribution consist-
ing, in our case, of 5 different probabilities. Each
probability corresponds to one of five classes, in
which we classify the input vectors. The last
call is the actual creation of the model using the
compile-function. Different loss-functions, opti-
mizers, and metrics can be used. In our example
we use the ’sparse categorical crossentropy’ loss
function, and as a metric the accuracy. The Adam
optimizer is an algorithm for first-order gradient-
based optimization of stochastic objective func-
tions, based on adaptive estimates of lower-order
moments. (For details on Adam, see (Kingma and
Ba, 2014)).
Step 3) The next step is to train the newly cre-
ated model using the prepared test data and labels:
m. f it ( t ra i n d at a , tr ai n l ab e ls ,
ep o ch s =2 0,
b at ch s i ze = 32)
Calling the fit-function starts the training. In
our case we use the train data and train labels to
train the model. Epochs define how many times
the model should be trained using the data set. The
data is always given in a different ordering to the
model. The batch size is the amount of samples
which are feeded to the ANN in a single training
Step 4) After training, the test data is used for
testing the accuracy of the model:
# p r e d i c t t h e t e s t d at a
pr e di ct io n = m. pr ed ic t ( t es t d at a )
# we c ou n t t h e c o r r e c t p r e d i c t i o n s
co rre ct = 0 .0
# do t h e c o u n t i n g
fo r iin r an ge(0 , len( p re di ct io n )) :
if t e st l ab e ls [ i ] = =
np . argma x ( pr edi cti on [ i ]) :
co rre ct = c orr ec t + 1
pr int ( Co rre ct : , 10 0.0 cor rect /
le n( pr ed i ct io n ))
First, we call the predict function on the model
to predict labels of the test data. After that, to
check how accurate the prediction with the trained
model is, we count how many times the prediction
equals the correct label and calculate the correct-
ness as percentage value. In the end, we output the
value to the console.
Step 5) In the last step, we persist the model by
storing it in the hierarchical data format (.h5).
# s av e t h e mo de l t o t h e h ar d d r i v e
m. s av e ("mymo del . h5 " )
# d e l e t e t h e m ode l
de l m
# l oa d m ode l fr om h ar d d r i v e
m = lo ad m od e l (" m ymode l .h5 ")
After persisting the model, it can be deleted
from memory and later be loaded from the hard
drive using the ’load model’ function.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
4 Our Cipher Type Detection Approach
In this section, we present our cipher type detec-
tion approach. First, we give a short overview
of the MysteryTwister C3 challenge created by
Stamp. Then, we discuss the cipher ID prob-
lem as a classification problem. After that,
we present our cipher detection ANN in detail
(input/hidden/output-layers, features, training and
test data).
4.1 The MTC3 Cipher ID Challenge
MysteryTwister C3 (MTC3) is an online plat-
form for publishing cryptographic riddles (= chal-
lenges). In 2019, Stamp published a cipher type
detection challenge2on MTC3, named “Cipher ID
– Part 1”. The detection of the cipher type of an
unsolved ciphertext is a difficult problem, since a
multitude of different (classical as well as mod-
ern) ciphers exist. E.g. in the DECODE database
(Megyesi et al., 2019), there is a huge collection
of (historical) ciphertexts of which we don’t know
the (exact) type of cipher. Without knowing the
type, breaking of such texts is impossible. Thus, a
first cryptanalysis step is always to determine the
cipher type. Different metrics, like text frequency
analysis and the index of coincidence are helpful
tools and indicators for the type of the cipher.
The MTC3 challenge is based on the aforemen-
tioned problem of often not knowing the type of
ciphers of historic encrypted texts. The term “Ci-
pher ID” refers to the type of used algorithm, or
its “identifier”. In the challenge the participants
have to identify different ciphers that were used
for encryption of a given dataset of 500 cipher-
texts, where each is 100 characters long. The
goal is to determine the type of cipher used to en-
crypt each message. The following ciphers were
used exactlay 100 times each: simple monoalpha-
betic substitution cipher, Vigen´
ere cipher, colum-
nar transposition cipher, Playfair cipher, and the
Hill cipher. The English plaintexts are randomly
taken from the Brown University Standard Cor-
pus3. The set of provided ciphertexts is shuffled.
4.2 Cipher ID as a Classification Problem
The general idea is to treat the detection of the ci-
pher type as a classification problem. Each type of
3Brown University Standard Corpus of Present-Day
American English, available for download at http://www.
Figure 3: Ciphertexts (dots) in a multidimensional
feature space. Classified into three cipher classes
(red, green, blue)
cipher is regarded as a disjunct class, hence, there
is a monoalphabetic substitution class, a Vigen`
class, etc. Figure 3 depicts the general idea. In
the figure, two feature dimensions (A and B) are
shown. Based on the cipher‘s characteristics, fea-
tures have stronger or weaker influence on the out-
put. Examples for features are the frequency of the
letter ‘A’ or the index of coincidence. The colored
dots (red, green, and blue) represent different ci-
phertexts. The dots are surrounded by a line show-
ing the classes (or ciphers) each ciphertext belongs
With Stamp’s challenge, we have 5 different
classes, one for each cipher type. The ciphertexts’
features are given as input vectors to an ANN
which then classifies the text into one of the afore-
mentioned classes. As output, the ANN then re-
turns the ID of the detected cipher.
4.3 A Cipher ID Detection ANN
In the following we discuss the development of a
cipher ID detection ANN based on the steps intro-
duced in Section 3.2. Since it is a trivial step, we
omit the persisting step (Step 5):
Step 1: Loading/preparing training/test data
To train an ANN a sufficient amount of training
and test data is needed. In the case of the cipher
ID detection ANN, ciphertexts of the types which
should be detected are needed. Therefore, we first
implemented all 5 ciphers in Python. We also cre-
ated a Python script which extracts random texts
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
from a local copy of the Gutenberg library. Using
this script, we can create an arbitrary amount of
different (English) plaintexts of a specific length.
After extracting a sufficient amount of plaintexts
of length 100 each, we encrypted these with the
ciphers – always using randomly generated keys.
We created different sets of ciphertext files with
different amounts of ciphertexts for each cipher
(1000, 5 000, 50 000, 100 000, and 250 000). Thus,
the total amount of ciphertexts provided to the
ANN is a multiple of 5 of those numbers.
Since the ANN is not able to work on text di-
rectly, the data has to be transformed into a nu-
merical representation. Our first idea was to di-
rectly give each letter as a number to the network,
thus, having a feature vector of 100 float values.
As this lead to a poor performance of our network
we began experimenting with different other fea-
tures, i.e. statistical values of the ciphertext. The
next step shows our features and the overall ANN.
Step 2: Creating a model We experimented
with different features as input values as well as
with different amounts of hidden layers, widths
of hidden layers, activation functions, optimizers,
etc. We here now present the final ANN setup
which performed best in our tests.
We use the following features:
1 neuron: index of coincidence (unigrams)
1 neuron: index of coincidence (bigrams)
26 neurons: text frequency distribution of un-
676 neurons: text frequency distribution of
Thus, the ANN has an input layer consisting of
a total of 704 input neurons. After that, we create
5 hidden layers, where each layer has a total of
3·in put Size +out putSize=2
3704 +5=474
neurons. Since we have 5 classes of cipher types,
the output layer consists of five output neurons,
each one for a specific cipher type. In Python, we
created the network with the following code:
# s i z e s o f l a y e r s
in put Size = 704
ou tpu tSi ze = 5
hi dde nSi ze = 2 ( i nputS ize / 3 ) +
ou tpu tSi ze
# c r e a t e ANN m od el w i t h K er as
mo de l = ke ra s. S e qu en ti a l ()
# c r e a t e i n p u t l a y e r
mo del . ad d(ke ra s .la yers.Fl at ten (
i np u t s h ap e = ( in pu tS i ze ,) ))
# c r e a t e f i v e h i dd e n l a y e r s
fo r iin r an ge(0 , 5) :
mo del . ad d(ke ra s .la yers.Dens e(
(in t( hi dd e nS iz e )) ,
ac tiv ation = " relu" ,
u se b ia s = T ru e ))
# c r e a t e o u t p u t l a y e r
mo del . ad d(ke ra s .la yers.Dens e(
ou tp utS ize ,
ac tiv ati on = ’ s of tm ax ’ ))
The type of the hidden layer’s activation func-
tion is ’relu’ and the output layer’s activation func-
tion is ’softmax’ (see Section 3.1).
Step 3: Training the model We trained dif-
ferent configurations of our model with different
amounts of ciphertexts. We used different sizes of
training data sets and obtained the following re-
sults (output of our test program) with our best
T r ai ni n g d at a : 4 , 500 c i p h e r t e x t s
T es t d a t a : 500 c i p h e r t e x t s
Si mp le S u b s t i t u t i o n : 87%
V i g e n e r e : 75%
Colu mnar T r a n s p o s i t i o n : 100%
P l a y f a i r : 80%
H i l l : 32%
T o ta l c o r r e c t : 74%
T r ai ni n g d at a : 2 4 , 50 0 c i p h e r t e x t s
T es t d a t a : 500 c i p h e r t e x t s
Si mp le S u b s t i t u t i o n : 88%
V i g e n e r e : 54%
Colu mnar T r a n s p o s i t i o n : 100%
P l a y f a i r : 93%
H i l l : 64%
T o ta l c o r r e c t : 79%
T r a i n i n g d a t a : 2 4 9 , 5 00 c i p h e r t e x t s :
T es t d a t a : 500 c i p h e r t e x t s
Si mp le S u b s t i t u t i o n : 97%
V i g e n e r e : 63%
Colu mnar T r a n s p o s i t i o n : 100%
P l a y f a i r : 99%
H i l l : 70%
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
T o ta l c o r r e c t : 86%
T r ai ni n g d at a : 4 99 , 50 0 c i p h e r t e x t s :
T es t d a t a : 500 c i p h e r t e x t s
Si mp le S u b s t i t u t i o n : 99%
V i g e n e r e : 63%
Colu mnar T r a n s p o s i t i o n : 100%
P l a y f a i r : 97%
H i l l : 67%
T o ta l c o r r e c t : 87%
T ra in . d a ta : 1 , 249 , 50 0 c i p h e r t e x t s :
T es t d a t a : 500 c i p h e r t e x t s
Si mp le S u b s t i t u t i o n : 100%
V i g e n e r e : 69%
Colu mnar T r a n s p o s i t i o n : 100%
P l a y f a i r : 99%
H i l l : 78%
T o ta l c o r r e c t : 90%
The first two training runs were done in a few
minutes. The third test already took about an hour
on an AMD FX8350 with 8 cores. The last two
tests took several hours to run. Since there is a
problem with the CUDA support of TensorFlow
with the newest Nvidia driver in Microsoft Win-
dows, we could only work with the CPU and not
with the GPU, making the test runs quite slow.
During our tests, we saw that with increasing
the size of our training data, we could also increase
the quality of our detection ANN. Nevertheless,
the detection rate of the Vigen`
ere cipher and the
Hill cipher is too low (between 60% and 80%).
In our first experiment, ciphertexts encrypted with
the Hill cipher were only correctly detected by
32% and Vigen`
ere was only 75%. We assume,
that there is a problem for our ANN to differenti-
ate between those two ciphers, since their statisti-
cal values (text frequencies, index of coincidence)
are similar.
Step 4: Testing and optimizing the model For
optimizing our model (with respect to detection
performance), we tested other additional features
provided to the ANN. Those features are:
Text frequency distribution of trigrams
Contains double letters
Contains letter J
Chi square
Pattern repetitions
Auto correlation
The text frequencies of trigrams had no notice-
able influence on the detection rate, but made the
training phase much slower, since 263=17576
additional input neurons were needed. Also, an
equivalent number of neurons in the hidden layers
were needed. Thus, we removed the trigrams from
our experiment.
The ”Contains double letters” feature did also
have no influence. We additionally realized that
the double letters are also detected by the bigram
frequencies. Thus, we also removed this feature.
Same applies to the ”Contains letter J” feature.
The idea here was, that the Playfair cipher has
I=J, thus, there is no Jin the ciphertext.
The chi square feature also had no influence on
the detection rate.
With pattern repetitions, we aimed at giving the
network an “idea” of the repetitive character of Vi-
ere ciphertexts. Unfortunately it did not help to
increase the detection rate.
Entropy and auto correlation of the ciphertext
were also given as features. Also no influence on
the detection rate was realized.
Finally, we kept only index of coincidence on
unigrams and bigrams as well as letter frequencies
of unigrams and bigrams.
5 Cipher Type Detection and Solving
Method for Stamp’s Challenge
To actually solve Stamp’s challenge this method
brings together the following parts:
Cipher type detection ANN
Monoalphabetic substitution solver
ere solver
Transposition solver
Playfair solver
The method consists of the cipher type detection
ANN and of solvers for each cipher despite the
Hill cipher. The basic idea is the following: First,
the set of ciphers is classified by the cipher de-
tection ANN. After that, each cipher has been as-
signed a cipher ID. Since we know that only about
90% of the cipher types is classified correctly, we
have to check each cipher type for correctness, in
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
order to reach a overall classification correctness
of 100%. Thus, each ciphertext is then tested in a
first run using its corresponding solver, despite the
ciphertexts marked as Hill cipher. Hill cipher, es-
pecially in the case of a 4x4-matrix and ciphertext-
only is a hard to solve cipher.
After that, all ciphertexts that could be success-
fully solved using the solvers are marked as “cor-
rectly classified”. The remaining ciphertexts, that
could not be solved using the assigned cipher type,
are then tested using the three other solvers. In the
end, there should only be a set of 100 ciphertexts
(in the case of the Stamp challenge), which cannot
be solved with the four solvers. In that case, these
100 remaining ciphertexts must be encrypted by
the Hill cipher. Since there is no good solver avail-
able for Hill ciphers, which performs much better
than brute-force in the ciphertext-only case, this is
very time consuming or nearly impractical for the
Hill cipher.
Execution time for classification with addi-
tional help of solvers Let Sbe the time a sin-
gle solver needs to test a given ciphertext, and this
time is the same for all solvers. After Stime is
elapsed, the solver either produced a correct result
or we stop it, since we assume that the solver is
the wrong one for the specific ciphertext. In the
case that we do not use the cipher detection ANN,
we would need an overall of 4 ·500 ·S=2000 ·S
amount of time to test each ciphertext with 4 dif-
ferent solvers. If after executing all solvers exactly
100 unsolved ciphertexts remain, these are most
probably texts encrypted using the Hill cipher. In
that case, we solved Stamp’s challenge.
Now, lets assume that testing a ciphertext using
the ANN takes only a fraction of S, i.e. the clas-
sification time for a single ciphertext is Twhere
TS. In the real world, this is true since test-
ing the 500 ciphertexts using our ANN only takes
less than a second to be done. Generally, apply-
ing (testing) an ANN is much faster than train-
ing it. Since we know that the classification is
only correct by about 90%, we have to test each
ciphertext using the classified cipher type despite
those classified as Hill cipher-encrypted. Lets as-
sume that about 100 texts are classified as hill ci-
pher, thus about 400 ciphertexts remain to be ana-
lyzed. Since we know that 90% of those 400 texts
are already classified correctly, 10% of those texts
remain unsolved. These 10% plus the 100 hill-
cipher classified texts have now to be analyzed
using all 4 solvers (this can be further optimized
by only testing the remaining 10% with the three
unused solvers). This leads to the following total
amount of time needed for classification:
500 ·T+400 ·S+40 ·3·S+100 ·4·S
which is 920 ·Sis so small that it can be left out
of the calculation since TS. Thus, we have a to-
tal execution time saving of about 100%100% ·
2,000·S=54% for the classification of the cipher-
texts of Stamp’s challenge.
If we assume that a solver needs about one
minute to successfully solve a ciphertext, using all
solvers for testing would take about 2,000 min-
utes (about 33h). Using the ANN to reduce the
amount of needed solvers, this time would now
be 920 minutes (about 15h). Clearly, in the case
of the ANN the time for training the network has
also to be considered, which can also take several
hours. Nevertheless, this time is only needed once,
since the resulting ANN can be reused for classi-
fication tasks. The solvers could be executed in
parallel, which further reduces the overall elapsed
6 Conclusion
This paper shows the current progress of our work
in the area of artificial neural networks (ANN)
used to detect the cipher types of ciphertexts en-
crypted with five different classical ciphers: sim-
ple monoalphabetic substitution, columnar trans-
position, Vigen`
ere, Hill, and Playfair. For creation
and training of an ANN consisting of five hid-
den layers, we used Google’s TensorFlow library
and Keras. The goal of our initial research was to
solve Stamp’s challenge (see Section 4.1), which
required to determine the cipher type of 500 en-
crypted using the aforementioned five classical ci-
phers. The network was able to detect about 90%
of the ciphers correctly. Detection rates for Play-
fair and Hill were too low to solve the challenge
completely. Besides the creation of the ANN we
also proposed a method (see Section 4) for solv-
ing the challenge using the ANN as well as dif-
ferent solvers, e.g. from CrypTool 2 (Kopal et al.,
2014). Examples, how the solvers of CrypTool 2
can be used are shown in (Kopal, 2018). With the
method, described in Section 5, about 54% execu-
tion time could be saved for solving Stamp’s chal-
lenge. Another part of this paper is a survey of the
related work with respect to ANN and cryptanaly-
sis of classic ciphers (see Section 2) and an intro-
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
duction into the topic for the HistoCrypt audience
(see Section 3).
In future work, we want to extend our network
(e.g. by using different ANN architectures) and
method (e.g. by finding better features)in order
to detect more different and difficult cipher types.
We also want to use the methods in the DECRYPT
research project (Megyesi et al., 2020) to further
identify unkown types of several ciphers currently
stored in the DECODE database.
This work has been supported by the Swedish Re-
search Council, grant 2018-06074, DECRYPT –
Decryption of historical manuscripts.
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology, HistoCrypt 2020
... The underlying motivation is that the distinguishing accuracy can be increased by utilizing features obtained from several ciphertext pairs. The efficacy of the ND is pivotal for the success of neural-aided cryptanalysis [5], [9]. A neural network is considered a valid ND if it can achieve a distinguishing accuracy greater than 0.5 with randomly chosen ciphertext pairs. ...
... Even when a text-based key is utilized, the suggested DL-driven cryptanalysis can successfully breach the full rounds of Simon32/64 and Speck32/64. These findings suggest that DL technology may serve as a valuable instrument in the cryptanalysis of block ciphers, especially when the keyspace is confined Kopal et al. [9] built a preliminary version of an artificial neural network capable of distinguishing between five classic ciphers: basic monoalphabetic substitution, Vigenere, Playfair, Hill, and transposition. The network is built using Keras and Google's TensorFlow framework. ...
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The rapidly evolving landscape of cryptanalysis necessitates an urgent and detailed exploration of the high-degree non-linear functions that govern the relationships between plaintext, key, and encrypted text. Historically, the complexity of these functions has posed formidable challenges to cryptanalysis. However, the advent of deep learning, supported by advanced computational resources, has revolutionized the potential for analyzing encrypted data in its raw form. This is a crucial development, given that the core principle of cryptosystem design is to eliminate discernible patterns, thereby necessitating the analysis of unprocessed encrypted data. Despite its critical importance, the integration of machine learning, and specifically deep learning, into cryptanalysis has been relatively unexplored. Deep learning algorithms stand out from traditional machine learning approaches by directly processing raw data, thus eliminating the need for predefined feature selection or extraction. This research underscores the transformative role of neural networks in aiding cryptanalysts in pinpointing vulnerabilities in ciphers by training these networks with data that accentuates inherent weaknesses alongside corresponding encryption keys. Our study represents an investigation into the feasibility and effectiveness of employing machine learning, deep learning, and innovative random optimization techniques in cryptanalysis. Furthermore, it provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art advancements in this field over the past few years. The findings of this research are not only pivotal for the field of cryptanalysis but also hold significant implications for the broader realm of data security.
... In 2013, L. Lerman, S. F. Medeiros, G. Bontempi, and O. Markovitch proposed a Machine Learning approach to cryptanalysis against AES [5]. In 2020, Nils Kopal proposed a model for creating artificial neural networks that defines the type of classical encryption algorithms [6]. In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the use of artificial neural networks in cryptology. ...
... Kopal, N., In (2020, May) [14]: The proposed cryptanalysis in this research has developed an artificial Neural Network that is now able to recognize five classical ciphers: simple monoalphabetic substitution, Vigen'ere, Playfair, Hill, and transposition. The network is based on Google's TensorFlow library as well as Keras. ...
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With the development of high-speed network technologies, there has been a recent rise in the transfer of significant amounts of sensitive data across the Internet and other open channels. The data will be encrypted using the same key for both Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), with block cipher modes called cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Electronic CodeBook (ECB). Block ciphers are often used for secure data storage in fixed hard drives, portable devices, and safe network data transport. Therefore, to assess the security of the encryption method, it is necessary to become familiar with and evaluate the algorithms of cryptographic systems. Block cipher users need to be sure that the ciphers they employ are secure against various attacks. A Fully Connected Neural Network (FCNN) model was initially used to assess how well the models were classified. Then, all models, including encoder models, were assessed using True Positive (TP) measures for successful classification of the discovered encoder and False Positive (FP) measures for imprecise categorization. The accuracy value, retrieval, loss, precision value, and F1 score were then calculated using a confusion matrix to assess the model's efficacy (abbreviated as F1). ECB results with an accuracy of 85% and CBC results with an accuracy of 88% were produced, and the parameters of the FCNN model were tweaked to provide better results. These results helped to identify the encryption algorithm more precisely and evaluate it.
... Kopal, N., In (2020, May)[52]. The proposed to cryptanalysis in this research, where has been developing an artificial neural network that is now able to recognize between five classical ciphers: simple monoalphabetic substitution, Vigen`ere, Playfair, Hill, and transposition. ...
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In recent years, the development of high-speed network technology has resulted in the widespread use of the internet and other open channels for transmitting significant amounts of sensitive data. Now, storage devices are bigger, quicker, and less expensive. Block ciphers are often used for secure data network transport as well as safety data storage in fixed and portable hard drives. Cryptographic algorithms users must be satisfied that the block ciphers they are employing are resistant to various attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the encryption algorithm's strength by learning how to analyze the algorithms of cryptographic systems in order to protect data and its transmission over the internet. The implementation of weak encryption techniques; however, might make this intention pointless because it could be used to obtain unauthorized access to these sensitive datasets. The proposed work discovering cryptographic algorithms using deep learning techniques and categorizing cryptographic algorithms via feature extraction. The research combines block cipher modes with encryption algorithms such as Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple DES, and Blowfish with data encrypted using both the same or a different key in order to assess. At initial, the fully connected neural network (FCNN) model was utilized to diagnose encryption algorithms and assess the models' categorization. Then, using a confusion matrix measurement of True Positive (TP) for satisfactory classification of the detected encryption method and False Positive (FP) for the wrong classification, as all models were tested. The data will be encrypted and kept in a dictionary, with 80% of the data used for training and 20% of the data used for testing retrieved from the dataset's ciphertexts. The unlabeled dataset will be used to evaluate the model using a confusion matrix to identify the encryption algorithm after it has been trained and executed. Using a confusion matrix, the model's II effectiveness was calculated using the Precision, Recall, Loss, Accuracy, and F1- Score measures. Where the success rate of the proposed method appeared in using the same key, as the accuracy was 88%, while the accuracy of using a different key was 53% which indicates for detection complexity of determining the encryption algorithm where a different key was used for each encryption algorithm. The FCNN model's adjusted weights and learning based on large data in order to define and assess encryption algorithms more effectively and efficiently
This paper focuses on modern cipher types classification mechanism using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In case of ciphertext-only-attack, it is momentous to a cryptanalyst to recognize the cipher type first for further cryptanalysis work, usually when the messages are transmitted from an unknown source. In this research paper, two modern ciphers named as AES-128 and RC-4 have been considered for the classification problem. At first, a corpus is created. Messages from the corpus are encrypted using these two encryption algorithms, and the ciphertexts are recorded into punched tape. We have taken the images of punched tapes and put those images into the dataset. These images are provided to different pretrained CNN architecture models to train the network models. For the training purpose, we have used transfer learning method. The results obtained from two different CNN architectures such as ResNet50V2 and MobileNetV2 have been compared and plotted. The primary success of this research is that a very much complex problem is solved in a much simpler way. The experimental results prove the validity of our proposed work.KeywordsConvolutional neural networkCiphertextCryptanalysisAES-128RC-4
The identification of a cryptosystem has been a challenge for decades. This paper’s main objective is to identify the type of cryptosystem used to encrypt a particular text. We have explored the realm of machine learning to recognize a pattern among complex classical ciphertexts that generally have a simple representation in plaintext. We have modeled our objective as a sequence-to-sequence learning task that we have tried to solve using Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) and state-of-the-art Transformer models. With only a tiny dataset (130 k) consisting of ciphertexts and the corresponding cryptosystem used to encrypt the same, our model has shown a good accuracy of 96.72 % which proves a significantly steep learning curve compared to other sequence-to-sequence models. Here we show the enormous potential of these models and how they can perform even better if the barrier of resources and computation time is lifted.KeywordsMachine learning (ML)Cryptosystem identificationClassical ciphertext classificationConvolution neural networks (CNNs)Transformer models
Encryption is a very important aspect in the world of information technology and its importance has only kept on increasing as every year passes and with every new attack. In this paper, we selected two image encryption algorithms to obtain image ciphers that are strong enough to resist image cryptanalysis. The encryption effect of both the algorithm in terms of information entropy, sensitivity analysis and correlation analysis make the scheme secure. The objective of this work is to attack the combination of permutation and chaotic based encryption algorithms. The deep learning model was trained with these two ciphers. Given the encrypted images to the learned model, we were able to predict the testing accuracy up to 95%. The training accuracy was observed to be 99%.KeywordsChaotic encryptionPermutationCryptanalysisDeep learning
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Many historians and linguists are working individually and in an uncoordinated fashion on the identification and decryption of historical ciphers. This is a time-consuming process as they often work without access to automatic methods and processes that can accelerate the decipherment. At the same time, computer scientists and cryptologists are developing algorithms to decrypt various cipher types without having access to a large number of original ciphertexts. In this paper, we describe the DECRYPT project aiming at the creation of resources and tools for historical cryptology by bringing the expertise of various disciplines together for collecting data, exchanging methods for faster progress to transcribe, decrypt and contextualize historical encrypted manuscripts. We present our goals and work-in progress of a general approach for analyzing historical encrypted manuscripts using standardized methods and a new set of state-of-the-art tools. We release the data and tools as open-source hoping that all mentioned disciplines would benefit and contribute to the research infrastructure of historical cryptology.
Conference Paper
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The difficulty of solving classical ciphers varies between very easy and very hard. For example, monoalphabetic substitution ciphers can be solved easily by hand. More complex ciphers like the polyalphabetic Vigenère cipher, are harder to solve and the solution by hand takes much more time. Machine ciphers like the Enigma rotor machine, are nearly impossible to be solved only by hand. To support researchers, cryptanalysts, and historians analyzing ciphers, the open-source software CrypTool 2 (CT2) was implemented. It contains a broad set of tools and methods to automate the cryptanalysis of different (classical and modern) ciphers. In this paper, we present a step-by-step approach for analyzing classical ciphers and breaking these with the help of the tools in CT2. The primary goals of this paper are: (1) Introduce historians and non-computer scientists to classical encryption, (2) give an introduction to CT2, enabling them to break ciphers by their own, and (3) present our future plans for CT2 with respect to (automatic) cryptanalysis of classical ciphers. This paper does not describe the used analysis methods in detail, but gives the according references.
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In this paper, the capability of classifying the main types of classical ciphers systems is presented using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) starting from the simplest form of information (natural text) and ending with the more complex type of classical ciphers (periodic polyalphabetic system and polygraph system with four degrees of key order). The aim of this paper is to prove that all classical ciphers can be classified or identified depending on the degree of complexity of the ciphertext. This can be done by using three levels of classification. The obtained results showed that the proposed classifier can successfully classify the classical cipher systems. This is a clear success for the proposed classifier opening further research directions and can produce informative insights on the problem of identifying and classification of ciphertext produced by modern ciphers, which is an important activity in automated cryptanalysis.
Conference Paper
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Cryptography is important in the field of information security. Cryptography, the science of code making and code breaking, keeps the defense, business and financial transactions, safe from unwanted elements and terrorists. Covert communications are kept secure by using a secret code to encrypt sensitive information. In the new digital age, secrecy is paramount. Cryptosystem Identification is one of the challenging tasks in Crypt analysis. Statistical techniques have been widely used by researchers for cryptanalysis; however significant results have not been achieved so far. This work demonstrates how Artificial Neural Networks can be effectively used for Cryptosystem Identification by performing efficient transformations on the encrypted text.
Most of the time of a cryptanalyst is spent on finding the cipher technique used for encryption rather than the finding the key/ plaintext of the received cipher text. The Strength of the classical substitution cipher"s success lie on the variety of characters employed to represent a single character. More, the characters employed more the complexity. Thus, in order to reduce the work of the cryptanalyst, neural network based identification is done based on the features of the cipher methods. In this paper, classical substitution ciphers, namely, Playfair, Vigenère and Hill ciphers are considered. The features of the cipher methods under consideration were extracted and a backpropagation neural network was trained. The network was tested for random texts with random keys of various lengths. The cipher text size was fixed as 1Kb. The results so obtained were encouraging.
LIBSVM is a library for support vector machines (SVM). Its goal is to help users to easily use SVM as a tool. In this document, we present all its imple-mentation details. For the use of LIBSVM, the README file included in the package and the LIBSVM FAQ provide the information.
Tensorflow: A system for largescale machine learning
  • Martín Abadi
  • Paul Barham
  • Jianmin Chen
  • Zhifeng Chen
  • Andy Davis
  • Jeffrey Dean
  • Matthieu Devin
  • Sanjay Ghemawat
  • Geoffrey Irving
  • Michael Isard
Martín Abadi, Paul Barham, Jianmin Chen, Zhifeng Chen, Andy Davis, Jeffrey Dean, Matthieu Devin, Sanjay Ghemawat, Geoffrey Irving, Michael Isard, et al. 2016. Tensorflow: A system for largescale machine learning. In 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 16), pages 265-283.
Keras: Deep learning library for theano and tensorflow
  • François Chollet
François Chollet. 2015. Keras: Deep learning library for theano and tensorflow. URL:, 7(8):T1.
Neural Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers
  • Riccardo Focardi
  • L Flaminia
  • Luccio
Riccardo Focardi and Flaminia L Luccio. 2018. Neural Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers. In ICTCS, pages 104-115.