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Article History
Received in 05th May 2020
Received in revised form 15th May 2020
Accepted in nal form 16th May 2020
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Protective Foods
to Develop Immu-
nity of Individuals
against COVID 19
L. C. De1* and Tulipa De2
1ICAR-NRC for Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim (737 106), India
2Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar,
West Bengal (736 165), India
L.C. De
COVID 19, Respiratory problems, Prevenve measures, An-
viral foods
How to cite this article?
De and De, 2020. Protective Foods to Develop Immunity
of Individuals against COVID 19. Research Today 2(5)
Spl.: 287-290.
Corresponding Author
Open Access
Arcle: RT0113
Corona virus Infecous Disease (COVID-19) is a viral
disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus.
It is an enveloped virus with a posive-sense single-
stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry,
wrapped in a icosahedral protein shell. This is one of the largest
among RNA viruses. They have club-shaped spikes that project
from their surface, which in electron micrographs create an
image reminiscent of the solar corona, from which their name
derives. At this me, there are no specic vaccines or curave
treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing
clinical trials evaluang potenal treatments in the global
level. World Health Organizaon has declared it a pandemic
and according to their report more than 35 lakhs people from
more than 200 countries got infected by COVID 19 which
causes death of more than 2 lakhs people.
Symptoms of corona virus disease 2019 may appear
two to 14 days aer exposure. This me aer exposure
and before having symptoms is called the incubaon
period. Common symptoms include fever, cough, shortness
of breath or diculty breathing and other symptoms can
include redness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell,
loss of taste, headache, diarrhea and severe voming. Some
people especially older persons may experience worsened
symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath, mul organ
failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney injury
and pneumonia.
Prevenve Measures
At present, there is no vaccine available to prevent COVID-19
and prevenve measures can be taken up to reduce the
Corona virus Infecous Disease (COVID-19) is a viral disease
which causes common symptoms including fever, cough,
shortness of breath or diculty breathing and other symptoms
like redness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste,
headache, diarrhea and severe voming. In case of older persons it
causes worsened symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath,
mul organ failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney
injury and pneumonia. At present, there is no vaccine available to
prevent COVID-19 and prevenve measures as recommended by
WHO and CDC can be taken up to reduce the risk of infecon. The
most potent anti-viral food items such as garlic, ginger, turmeric,
acid lime, aonla, spinach, broccoli etc. must be included in ones
diet to boost up the immune system and protect body against
infectious diseases.
Popular Article
Vol 2:5
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De and De , 2020
risk of infection. WHO and CDC have recommended the
following precauons for avoiding COVID-19:
• Avoid large events and mass gatherings.
• Avoid close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) with
anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
• Stay home as much as possible and keep distance between
yourself and others if COVID-19 is spreading in your community,
especially if you have a higher risk of serious illness.
• Wash your hands oen with soap and water for at least 20
seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanizer containing
at least 60% alcohol.
• Cover your face with a cloth face covering or masks in
public spaces, such as the grocery store, vegetable or fruit
markets where it is dicult to avoid close contact with others,
especially if you’re in an area with ongoing community spread.
• Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a ssue
paper when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other
household items if you are sick.
• Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily.
• Stay home from work, school and public areas if you are sick,
unless you are going to get medical care. Avoid taking public
transportaon if you are sick.
Protecve An-viral Foods
While practicing hygiene are basic necessities it is
also important to improve the immune system
of an individual to function properly. The most
potent anti-viral food items that must be included in ones
diet to boost up the immune system and protect body
against infectious diseases are listed below.
Garlic (Allium savum): Garlic is used as avouring agent.
In China, young bulbs and in Russia, the shoots are pickled
and used as appezer (Plate 1). Garlic is reported to reduce
the risk of heart disease including high cholesterol, high
blood pressure and cancer. In modern medical science, garlic
is used for the treatment of intesnal worms, infecons,
digesve disorders and fungal infecons such as thrush. Garlic
containing the sulphur compounds diallyl disulde is believed
to be an-carcinogen. It is rich in ‘allicin’ a powerful an-bioc
and anfungal compound which help in enhancing immunity
of individuals. In addion, it contains also alliin, ajoene,
enzymes, vitamin B, minerals and avonoids.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric rhizome contains 5%
essenal oils and up to 7.3% curcumin, a polyphenol (Plate
2). It is used as food colouring component for curry and as
a preservave for food. Tradionally, it is used as a medical
herb due to its anoxidant, an-inammatory, anmutagenic,
anmicrobial, anbacterial and ancancer properes. It is
used in the treatment of stomachache, skin problems and
arthris. In China, it is used as analgesic and for colic, hepas,
ringworms and chest pain. Otherwise, it is ansepc for cuts,
burns and bruises and is used for strengthening overall energy
of the body.
Ginger (Zingiber ocinale): The oleoresin from the rhizomes
of ginger contains many bioactive components, such as
gingerol that is believed to exert a variety of remarkable
pharmacological and physiological acvies (Plate 3). Ginger
has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of
numerous ailments, such as colds, nausea, arthris, migraines,
hypertension, indigeson, u, pain, cancer, heart diseases and
overall sickness of the body.
Acid Lime (Citrus auranfolia): Limes are acidic in nature and
are rich source of vitamin C, citric acid, sugar, certain minerals
like calcium and phosphorus. Lime pericarp contains essenal
oil (7%) whose main constuents are citral limonene, beta
pinene and fenchone (15%). Other aromac compounds are
terpincol, basabolence and some terpenoids. Limes are used
for preparaon of refreshing drink, juice, cordial, avouring
food (Plate 4). The peels are used for extracon of essenal
oils. Juice is used for making of citric acid and cosmecs.
Essenal oils are extracted from the peel and are mainly used
in confeconery, pharmaceucals and toilet preparaons. It
develops the resistance of individuals to several diseases;
cures wound healing and increase the health of eyes. It
improves the maintenance of good denon and keeps away
toothache, dental caries, swollen gums, fragility of bones
and bleeding of the gums. Lime is vital in the treatment of
gastric disorders like indigeson, conspaon and pepc ulcer
(Ganguly, 2013).
Aonla / Amalaki / Amla / Indian Goose Berry (Emblica
ocinalis): Aonla is a nave deciduous fruing plant grown
in many states of India. Amla is the most concentrated form
of vitamin C (500-600mg/100g) found in the plant kingdom,
and the whole fruit has been found to have great anoxidant
properes (Plate 5). It also contains proteins and minerals like
calcium, phosphorus and iron. The high vitamin C content of
fruit makes its wide use in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used as a
rejuvenave to promote longevity, enhance digeson, treat
conspaon, reduce fever, purify the blood, reduce cough,
alleviate asthma, strengthen the heart, benet the eyes,
smulate hair growth, enliven the body, and enhance intellect.
In Ayurvedic poly-herbal formulaons, Amla is a common
constituent, and most notably is the primary ingredient
in Chyawanprash, triphala. It is used for making chutney,
murrabba, candies, pickles, powder, etc.
Lai Sag (Brassica juncea): It is also known as Indian
mustard, Chinese mustard, oriental mustard, leaf mustard,
or mustard green, is a species of mustard family of
Brassicaceae plants. It is originated from Central Asia
© 2020
with secondary centers in central and western China,
eastern India, Burma, and through Iran to the Near East.
The leaves are used in a range of folk medicines as
stimulants, diuretics and expectorants as well as a spice
(Plate 6). The major pungent chemical constuent of
such commercialized oils is allyl isothiocyanate is now
considered to be the most important cancer chemo-
preventive phytochemical with other potential health
benets. Brassica juncea is known to produce several other
classes of bioacve phyto-chemicals including glycosides,
avonoids, phenolic compounds, sterols and triterpene
alcohols, proteins and carbohydrates.
Vegetable Banana (Musa paradisiaca): It is an herbaceous
perennial tropical herb, 1-10m tall with large leaves of which
the overlapping bases so called pseudostem. Flowers develop
from the centre of the crown. Only female owers develop into
banana fruit. Banana is a rich source of energy, carbohydrate,
fat, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, K, P, Ca and
Fe. Used as a staple food in dierent countries. Green bananas
are used in cooking. Banana ower is a good an-oxidant and
cooked in soups and curries. Besides, ower cures infecon,
slows the aging process, promotes heart health, improves
digeson, promotes mental relaxaon, supports menstrual
health, regulates blood sugar and cures anaemia (Plate 7).
The juice extract from tender core is used to remove stones
from kidney, gall bladder and prostrate. Pseudostem juice
is a well-known remedy for urinary disorders, diarrhoea,
dysentery and atulence.
Local Garden Egg / Bier Brinjal (Solanum incanum) : It is a
nave to South Africa. It grows well in tropical climate. It is
a prickly shrub with broad ellipc leaves. Fruits are berries,
ovoid or subglobose (Plate 8). It grows well in tropical climate
under full sun. Fruits contain 1.4% protein, 0.7-1% fat, 5%
carbohydrate, 1.9% bre, 103mg/100g Ca and 45mg/100g
P. The berries are eaten raw or pickled. It is used against
sore throat, angina, stomach-ache, colic, headache, painful
menstruaon, liver pain, pleurisy, pneumonia and rheumasm
(Demisse and Guadie, 2016).
Pepino (Solanum muricatum): A nave to South America. It is
a branched perennial mini shrub, 1-1.5m tall with lanceolate
leaves. The fruits are rich in minerals and vitamin C, low in
starch and soluble sugars. These are used as cooked vegetables,
fresh fruit, fruit salad, delicious fruit juice, squash etc (Plate
9). It aids in liver disease, lowers blood pressure, helps
those that suer from strokes to heal faster, and promotes
cardiovascular health. Pepino can also help prevent cancer
and lower cholesterol. Besides, Pepino is an-inammatory
in acon helping to sooth away your aches and pains. Fruits
have lots of vitamin A, C, K and also B Vitamins, protein, plus
Fe and Cu, which are essenal for a healthy immune system
and Ca for bones, K which is needed for relaxing and lowering
blood pressure and Pepino is a good diurec.
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica): A nave to Europe. A
biennial cruciferous vegetable crop with compact growth
habit, 45cm tall bearing stalks and ower buds. The mass of
ower heads is usually surrounded by lavish leaves (Plate 10).
There are two types of broccoli, heading broccoli forms curd
like cauliower whereas sproung broccoli contains a group of
Plate 1: Garlic Plate 2: Turmeric Plate 3: Ginger
Plate 4: Acid lime Plate 5: Aonla Plate 6: Lai sag
Research Today 2020, 2(5) Spl.:287-290
© 2020
De and De , 2020
Plate 7: Banana ower Plate 8: Bier brinjal Plate 9: Pepino
Plate 10: Sproung broccoli Plate 11: Spinach Plate 12: Giloe
green immature buds and thick eshy ower stalk forming a
head. It is a cool season crop and a temperature of 15-20oC is
ideal for head formaon. The heads become ready for harvest
when its bud clusters are green and compact. Broccoli is rich
in vitamins C, K and A as well as dietary bre. It is high with
potent an-cancer properes such as diindolyl methane and
small amounts of selenium. The 3,3'-Diindolylmethane is a
potent modulator of the innate immune system with an-viral,
an-bacterial and an-cancer acvity (De and Bhaacharjee,
2010). Broccoli is used for cooked, soups and salad purposes.
It acids in protecon of aggressive prostate cancer and heart
Spinach (Spinacea oleracea): It is a very common green
leafy vegetable, nave to south-western Asia. Spinach is full
of vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E), minerals
(magnesium, manganese, iron, and calcium), folic acid and
protein (Plate 11). It is good for the digesve and urinary
system, helps to improve haemoglobin level, has digesve and
diurec properes. It improves appete and assimilaon of
nutrients, smulates digeson, and cures conspaon. Spinach
lowers cholesterol level in the body and gives protecon from
heart diseases. Spinach improves body immunity to ght
infecons. It is mild laxave and helps to clear bowel. Spinach
prevents bone loss in osteoporosis. It has an-inammatory
properes and gives relief in pain of arthris. Spinach is cooked
and eaten as vegetable. It is bier, pungent, and astringent.
Spinach has alterave, refrigerant, demulcent, diurec and
laxave acvies. It is good to eat spinach in the fever, cough,
intesnal tract disorders, haemorrhoids, anemia, vitamin
deciencies and conspaon.
Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia): This is a gregarious glabrous,
twinner grown well in tropical and subtropical climate (Plate
12). The stems are rich in bier substances, nosporine.
Other compounds include gilonin, gilosterol, gilenin, and
furanoditerpenes. It is a tonic and has alterave, diurec, and
aphrodisiac properes. It is a febrifuge useful in malarial and
chronic fever. It is also used a liver tonic. The plant is used in
general debility, loss of appete, fevers, urinary disorders,
diabetes, rheumasm, and dyspepsia. Fresh plant is more
ecacious than dried plant.
De, L.C., Bhaacharjee, S.K., 2010. ‘Handbook of Vegetable
Crops’, Published by Pointer Publisher, Jaipur, Rajasthan,
Dakone, D., Awoke, G., 2016. A review on ethnomedicinal use,
nutrional value, phytochemistry and pharmacological
characteriscs of Solanum incanum L. An important
medicinal plant. Internaonal Journal of Scienc and
Technology Research 5(6), 350-354.
Ganguly, S., 2013. Medicinal Properties of Lime and
its Traditional Food Value. Research Journal of
Pharmaceucal Sciences 2(4), 19-20.