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Protective Foods to Develop Immunity of Individuals against COVID 19



Corona virus Infectious Disease (COVID-19) is a viral disease which causes common symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing and other symptoms like tiredness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, headache, diarrhea and severe vomiting. In case of older persons it causes worsened symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath, multi organ failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney injury and pneumonia. At present, there is no vaccine available to prevent COVID-19 and preventive measures as recommended by WHO and CDC can be taken up to reduce the risk of infection. The most potent anti-viral food items such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, acid lime, aonla, spinach, broccoli etc. must be included in ones diet to boost up the immune system and protect body against infectious diseases.
© 2020
Article History
Received in 05th May 2020
Received in revised form 15th May 2020
Accepted in nal form 16th May 2020
E-mail: biocapublica
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Protective Foods
to Develop Immu-
nity of Individuals
against COVID 19
L. C. De1* and Tulipa De2
1ICAR-NRC for Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim (737 106), India
2Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar,
West Bengal (736 165), India
L.C. De
COVID 19, Respiratory problems, Prevenve measures, An-
viral foods
How to cite this article?
De and De, 2020. Protective Foods to Develop Immunity
of Individuals against COVID 19. Research Today 2(5)
Spl.: 287-290.
Corresponding Author
Open Access
Arcle: RT0113
Corona virus Infecous Disease (COVID-19) is a viral
disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus.
It is an enveloped virus with a posive-sense single-
stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry,
wrapped in a icosahedral protein shell. This is one of the largest
among RNA viruses. They have club-shaped spikes that project
from their surface, which in electron micrographs create an
image reminiscent of the solar corona, from which their name
derives. At this me, there are no specic vaccines or curave
treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing
clinical trials evaluang potenal treatments in the global
level. World Health Organizaon has declared it a pandemic
and according to their report more than 35 lakhs people from
more than 200 countries got infected by COVID 19 which
causes death of more than 2 lakhs people.
Symptoms of corona virus disease 2019 may appear
two to 14 days aer exposure. This me aer exposure
and before having symptoms is called the incubaon
period. Common symptoms include fever, cough, shortness
of breath or diculty breathing and other symptoms can
include redness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell,
loss of taste, headache, diarrhea and severe voming. Some
people especially older persons may experience worsened
symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath, mul organ
failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney injury
and pneumonia.
Prevenve Measures
At present, there is no vaccine available to prevent COVID-19
and prevenve measures can be taken up to reduce the
Corona virus Infecous Disease (COVID-19) is a viral disease
which causes common symptoms including fever, cough,
shortness of breath or diculty breathing and other symptoms
like redness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste,
headache, diarrhea and severe voming. In case of older persons it
causes worsened symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath,
mul organ failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney
injury and pneumonia. At present, there is no vaccine available to
prevent COVID-19 and prevenve measures as recommended by
WHO and CDC can be taken up to reduce the risk of infecon. The
most potent anti-viral food items such as garlic, ginger, turmeric,
acid lime, aonla, spinach, broccoli etc. must be included in ones
diet to boost up the immune system and protect body against
infectious diseases.
Popular Article
Vol 2:5
© 2020
De and De , 2020
risk of infection. WHO and CDC have recommended the
following precauons for avoiding COVID-19:
Avoid large events and mass gatherings.
Avoid close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) with
anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
Stay home as much as possible and keep distance between
yourself and others if COVID-19 is spreading in your community,
especially if you have a higher risk of serious illness.
Wash your hands oen with soap and water for at least 20
seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanizer containing
at least 60% alcohol.
Cover your face with a cloth face covering or masks in
public spaces, such as the grocery store, vegetable or fruit
markets where it is dicult to avoid close contact with others,
especially if you’re in an area with ongoing community spread.
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a ssue
paper when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other
household items if you are sick.
Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily.
Stay home from work, school and public areas if you are sick,
unless you are going to get medical care. Avoid taking public
transportaon if you are sick.
Protecve An-viral Foods
While practicing hygiene are basic necessities it is
also important to improve the immune system
of an individual to function properly. The most
potent anti-viral food items that must be included in ones
diet to boost up the immune system and protect body
against infectious diseases are listed below.
Garlic (Allium savum): Garlic is used as avouring agent.
In China, young bulbs and in Russia, the shoots are pickled
and used as appezer (Plate 1). Garlic is reported to reduce
the risk of heart disease including high cholesterol, high
blood pressure and cancer. In modern medical science, garlic
is used for the treatment of intesnal worms, infecons,
digesve disorders and fungal infecons such as thrush. Garlic
containing the sulphur compounds diallyl disulde is believed
to be an-carcinogen. It is rich in ‘allicin’ a powerful an-bioc
and anfungal compound which help in enhancing immunity
of individuals. In addion, it contains also alliin, ajoene,
enzymes, vitamin B, minerals and avonoids.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric rhizome contains 5%
essenal oils and up to 7.3% curcumin, a polyphenol (Plate
2). It is used as food colouring component for curry and as
a preservave for food. Tradionally, it is used as a medical
herb due to its anoxidant, an-inammatory, anmutagenic,
anmicrobial, anbacterial and ancancer properes. It is
used in the treatment of stomachache, skin problems and
arthris. In China, it is used as analgesic and for colic, hepas,
ringworms and chest pain. Otherwise, it is ansepc for cuts,
burns and bruises and is used for strengthening overall energy
of the body.
Ginger (Zingiber ocinale): The oleoresin from the rhizomes
of ginger contains many bioactive components, such as
gingerol that is believed to exert a variety of remarkable
pharmacological and physiological acvies (Plate 3). Ginger
has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of
numerous ailments, such as colds, nausea, arthris, migraines,
hypertension, indigeson, u, pain, cancer, heart diseases and
overall sickness of the body.
Acid Lime (Citrus auranfolia): Limes are acidic in nature and
are rich source of vitamin C, citric acid, sugar, certain minerals
like calcium and phosphorus. Lime pericarp contains essenal
oil (7%) whose main constuents are citral limonene, beta
pinene and fenchone (15%). Other aromac compounds are
terpincol, basabolence and some terpenoids. Limes are used
for preparaon of refreshing drink, juice, cordial, avouring
food (Plate 4). The peels are used for extracon of essenal
oils. Juice is used for making of citric acid and cosmecs.
Essenal oils are extracted from the peel and are mainly used
in confeconery, pharmaceucals and toilet preparaons. It
develops the resistance of individuals to several diseases;
cures wound healing and increase the health of eyes. It
improves the maintenance of good denon and keeps away
toothache, dental caries, swollen gums, fragility of bones
and bleeding of the gums. Lime is vital in the treatment of
gastric disorders like indigeson, conspaon and pepc ulcer
(Ganguly, 2013).
Aonla / Amalaki / Amla / Indian Goose Berry (Emblica
ocinalis): Aonla is a nave deciduous fruing plant grown
in many states of India. Amla is the most concentrated form
of vitamin C (500-600mg/100g) found in the plant kingdom,
and the whole fruit has been found to have great anoxidant
properes (Plate 5). It also contains proteins and minerals like
calcium, phosphorus and iron. The high vitamin C content of
fruit makes its wide use in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used as a
rejuvenave to promote longevity, enhance digeson, treat
conspaon, reduce fever, purify the blood, reduce cough,
alleviate asthma, strengthen the heart, benet the eyes,
smulate hair growth, enliven the body, and enhance intellect.
In Ayurvedic poly-herbal formulaons, Amla is a common
constituent, and most notably is the primary ingredient
in Chyawanprash, triphala. It is used for making chutney,
murrabba, candies, pickles, powder, etc.
Lai Sag (Brassica juncea): It is also known as Indian
mustard, Chinese mustard, oriental mustard, leaf mustard,
or mustard green, is a species of mustard family of
Brassicaceae plants. It is originated from Central Asia
© 2020
with secondary centers in central and western China,
eastern India, Burma, and through Iran to the Near East.
The leaves are used in a range of folk medicines as
stimulants, diuretics and expectorants as well as a spice
(Plate 6). The major pungent chemical constuent of
such commercialized oils is allyl isothiocyanate is now
considered to be the most important cancer chemo-
preventive phytochemical with other potential health
benets. Brassica juncea is known to produce several other
classes of bioacve phyto-chemicals including glycosides,
avonoids, phenolic compounds, sterols and triterpene
alcohols, proteins and carbohydrates.
Vegetable Banana (Musa paradisiaca): It is an herbaceous
perennial tropical herb, 1-10m tall with large leaves of which
the overlapping bases so called pseudostem. Flowers develop
from the centre of the crown. Only female owers develop into
banana fruit. Banana is a rich source of energy, carbohydrate,
fat, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, K, P, Ca and
Fe. Used as a staple food in dierent countries. Green bananas
are used in cooking. Banana ower is a good an-oxidant and
cooked in soups and curries. Besides, ower cures infecon,
slows the aging process, promotes heart health, improves
digeson, promotes mental relaxaon, supports menstrual
health, regulates blood sugar and cures anaemia (Plate 7).
The juice extract from tender core is used to remove stones
from kidney, gall bladder and prostrate. Pseudostem juice
is a well-known remedy for urinary disorders, diarrhoea,
dysentery and atulence.
Local Garden Egg / Bier Brinjal (Solanum incanum) : It is a
nave to South Africa. It grows well in tropical climate. It is
a prickly shrub with broad ellipc leaves. Fruits are berries,
ovoid or subglobose (Plate 8). It grows well in tropical climate
under full sun. Fruits contain 1.4% protein, 0.7-1% fat, 5%
carbohydrate, 1.9% bre, 103mg/100g Ca and 45mg/100g
P. The berries are eaten raw or pickled. It is used against
sore throat, angina, stomach-ache, colic, headache, painful
menstruaon, liver pain, pleurisy, pneumonia and rheumasm
(Demisse and Guadie, 2016).
Pepino (Solanum muricatum): A nave to South America. It is
a branched perennial mini shrub, 1-1.5m tall with lanceolate
leaves. The fruits are rich in minerals and vitamin C, low in
starch and soluble sugars. These are used as cooked vegetables,
fresh fruit, fruit salad, delicious fruit juice, squash etc (Plate
9). It aids in liver disease, lowers blood pressure, helps
those that suer from strokes to heal faster, and promotes
cardiovascular health. Pepino can also help prevent cancer
and lower cholesterol. Besides, Pepino is an-inammatory
in acon helping to sooth away your aches and pains. Fruits
have lots of vitamin A, C, K and also B Vitamins, protein, plus
Fe and Cu, which are essenal for a healthy immune system
and Ca for bones, K which is needed for relaxing and lowering
blood pressure and Pepino is a good diurec.
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica): A nave to Europe. A
biennial cruciferous vegetable crop with compact growth
habit, 45cm tall bearing stalks and ower buds. The mass of
ower heads is usually surrounded by lavish leaves (Plate 10).
There are two types of broccoli, heading broccoli forms curd
like cauliower whereas sproung broccoli contains a group of
Plate 1: Garlic Plate 2: Turmeric Plate 3: Ginger
Plate 4: Acid lime Plate 5: Aonla Plate 6: Lai sag
Research Today 2020, 2(5) Spl.:287-290
© 2020
De and De , 2020
Plate 7: Banana ower Plate 8: Bier brinjal Plate 9: Pepino
Plate 10: Sproung broccoli Plate 11: Spinach Plate 12: Giloe
green immature buds and thick eshy ower stalk forming a
head. It is a cool season crop and a temperature of 15-20oC is
ideal for head formaon. The heads become ready for harvest
when its bud clusters are green and compact. Broccoli is rich
in vitamins C, K and A as well as dietary bre. It is high with
potent an-cancer properes such as diindolyl methane and
small amounts of selenium. The 3,3'-Diindolylmethane is a
potent modulator of the innate immune system with an-viral,
an-bacterial and an-cancer acvity (De and Bhaacharjee,
2010). Broccoli is used for cooked, soups and salad purposes.
It acids in protecon of aggressive prostate cancer and heart
Spinach (Spinacea oleracea): It is a very common green
leafy vegetable, nave to south-western Asia. Spinach is full
of vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E), minerals
(magnesium, manganese, iron, and calcium), folic acid and
protein (Plate 11). It is good for the digesve and urinary
system, helps to improve haemoglobin level, has digesve and
diurec properes. It improves appete and assimilaon of
nutrients, smulates digeson, and cures conspaon. Spinach
lowers cholesterol level in the body and gives protecon from
heart diseases. Spinach improves body immunity to ght
infecons. It is mild laxave and helps to clear bowel. Spinach
prevents bone loss in osteoporosis. It has an-inammatory
properes and gives relief in pain of arthris. Spinach is cooked
and eaten as vegetable. It is bier, pungent, and astringent.
Spinach has alterave, refrigerant, demulcent, diurec and
laxave acvies. It is good to eat spinach in the fever, cough,
intesnal tract disorders, haemorrhoids, anemia, vitamin
deciencies and conspaon.
Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia): This is a gregarious glabrous,
twinner grown well in tropical and subtropical climate (Plate
12). The stems are rich in bier substances, nosporine.
Other compounds include gilonin, gilosterol, gilenin, and
furanoditerpenes. It is a tonic and has alterave, diurec, and
aphrodisiac properes. It is a febrifuge useful in malarial and
chronic fever. It is also used a liver tonic. The plant is used in
general debility, loss of appete, fevers, urinary disorders,
diabetes, rheumasm, and dyspepsia. Fresh plant is more
ecacious than dried plant.
De, L.C., Bhaacharjee, S.K., 2010. ‘Handbook of Vegetable
Crops’, Published by Pointer Publisher, Jaipur, Rajasthan,
Dakone, D., Awoke, G., 2016. A review on ethnomedicinal use,
nutrional value, phytochemistry and pharmacological
characteriscs of Solanum incanum L. An important
medicinal plant. Internaonal Journal of Scienc and
Technology Research 5(6), 350-354.
Ganguly, S., 2013. Medicinal Properties of Lime and
its Traditional Food Value. Research Journal of
Pharmaceucal Sciences 2(4), 19-20.
... It also contains vitamin C (500-600mg/100g) and has high antioxidant properties. Hence, De and De (2020) emphasized that the aonla fruit reduces the effect of COVID-19 (De and De, 2020). ...
... It also contains vitamin C (500-600mg/100g) and has high antioxidant properties. Hence, De and De (2020) emphasized that the aonla fruit reduces the effect of COVID-19 (De and De, 2020). ...
... • A garlic plus honey mixture may enhance the immune system due to the presence of sulphur-containing proteins and polyphenols [101,136,137]. Solanum muricatum are all suggested to develop the immunity of individuals against COVID-19 [139]. • A. indica possesses significant anti-inflammatory and potent immunostimulant activity [140]. ...
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Objectives The recent emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic (caused by SARS-CoV-2) and the experience of its unprecedented alarming toll on humanity have shone a fresh spotlight on the weakness of global preparedness for pandemics, significant health inequalities, and the fragility of healthcare systems in certain regions of the world. It is imperative to identify effective drug treatments for COVID-19. Therefore, the objective of this review is to present a unique and contextualised collection of antiviral natural plants or remedies from the West African sub-region as existing or potential treatments for viral infections, including COVID-19, with emphasis on their mechanisms of action. Evidence acquisition Evidence was synthesised from the literature using appropriate keywords as search terms within scientific databases such as Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Results While some vaccines and small-molecule drugs are now available to combat COVID-19, access to these therapeutic entities in many countries is still quite limited. In addition, significant aspects of the symptomatology, pathophysiology and long-term prognosis of the infection yet remain unknown. The existing therapeutic armamentarium, therefore, requires significant expansion. There is evidence that natural products with antiviral effects have been used in successfully managing COVID-19 symptoms and could be developed as anti-COVID-19 agents which act through host- and virus-based molecular targets. Conclusion Natural products could be successfully exploited for treating viral infections/diseases, including COVID-19. Strengthening natural products research capacity in developing countries is, therefore, a key strategy for reducing health inequalities, improving global health, and enhancing preparedness for future pandemics. Graphical abstract
... antimutagenic, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anticancer properties.(29) One of the important ingredients found in curcumalonga are Curcumin, dihydrocurcumin, and hexahydrocurcumin. ...
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A highly pestilent Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome cov-2 virus brings about respiratory infections spread globally all around the world from Wuhan city, china at the end of December 2019. This pandemic became a threat to human era due to its high mortality rate and rapid transmission from human to human. Background: Global COVID-19 outbreak made a significant impact among people to improve their immune system in order to protect themselves from infection, by adapting different practices such as inculculating exercise habits, infusing nutritious foods and instilling the intake of regional herbs and spices. Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, awareness and practice of immune boosting foods among adults after first wave of SARS Cov-2 hits India. Methodology: A voluntary online survey was conducted among people on different age categories in Tamil Nadu, India. A questionnaire was structured and mailed to the participants. Results: A total of 200 responses have been recorded, in which sixty-eight percent of respondents were male and thirty-two percent of the respondents were female. Majority (Seventy-one percent) of the respondents are young adults between the age group 20 to 30. Sixty-eight percent of people have accepted the fact that consumption of fermented foods in the diet can improve the immune system. Since hand is the vehicle for the transmission of virus, ninety-two percent of the people are aware that washing hands with soap and running water or sanitizer (alcohol base) will kill the virus. Conclusion: The inconceivable fact that India is the leading and largest producer of many varieties of fruits and vegetables still, consumption of fruits and vegetables is very less among people of India. Value of fruits and vegetables consumption has been re-recognized during the times of COVID 19, which helps in combating the virus.
... This disease develops common symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing and other associated symptoms like tiredness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, headache, diarrhea and severe vomiting. In case of older persons, it causes worsened symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath, multi-organ failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney injury and pneumonia [1]. While practicing hygiene are basic necessities it is also important to improve the immune system of an individual to function and fight against virus properly. ...
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Adequate nutrients are required for all kinds of cells to develop immune systems in the body. Among edibles, seeds are enriched with proteins, healthy fats, dietary fibres and minerals such as magnesium potassium, calcium, iron and zinc and contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and vitamin E. Nuts have high calorific value, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fibres, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins E, B6, folic acid, niacin and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, phosphorus and potassium and less saturated fats and cholesterols. Among vitamins, A, C, E, D and B6; minerals including zinc, selenium and amino acids like glutamine play a vital role on developing immune systems in the body. Most of the indigenous fruits of India are underutilized and under-exploited and are rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients and has medicinal potential. As source of essential vitamins, micronutrients, protein, antioxidants and other phytonutrients, traditional vegetables, underutilized legume crops, spices, edible mushrooms and medicinal plants have the potential to play a major role in developing strategies to attain nutritional security. In the present review,
... This disease develops common symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing and other associated symptoms like tiredness, arches, chills, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, headache, diarrhea and severe vomiting. In case of older persons, it causes worsened symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath, multi-organ failure, respiratory failure, heart problems, acute kidney injury and pneumonia [1]. While practicing hygiene are basic necessities it is also important to improve the immune system of an individual to function and fight against virus properly. ...
Adequate nutrients are required for all kinds of cells to develop immune systems in the body. Among edibles, seeds are enriched with proteins, healthy fats, dietary fibres and minerals such as magnesium potassium, calcium, iron and zinc and contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and vitamin E. Nuts have high calorific value, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fibres, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins E, B6, folic acid, niacin and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, phosphorus and potassium and less saturated fats and cholesterols. Among vitamins, A, C, E, D and B6; minerals including zinc, selenium and amino acids like glutamine play a vital role on developing immune systems in the body. Most of the indigenous fruits of India are underutilized and under-exploited and are rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients and has medicinal potential. As source of essential vitamins, micronutrients, protein, antioxidants and other phytonutrients, traditional vegetables, underutilized legume crops, spices, edible mushrooms and medicinal plants have the potential to play a major role in developing strategies to attain nutritional security. In the present review,
... It has been documented that a ''well-fed'' immune system can help to defend against pathogenic organisms [13]. Anti-viral food items are recommended to boost the immune system and protect from the infectious COVID-19 [14]. ...
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In December 2019, a new coronavirus was discovered in China, sparking a serious pandemic of human acute respiratory syndrome which spread worldwide at a fast rate. Public health knowledge and awareness is required on food facts, nutrients and immune system for coronavirus prevention.The study designed to investigate COVID-19 impact on dietary intake, knowledge, habits, activities and lifestyle among the people in Taif City. Data collection was conducted from the 4thto the 29thof June 2020. A total of 312 respondents, aged from ≤ 12 to ≥ 65 years were involved in the survey.About81%of the respondents were with high education level (bachelor's degree or higher). Results show that the most frequent diseases in descending order of magnitude were obesity, dental problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, low immunity and colon problems. Data collected showed an increase in food intake frequency during the epidemic except for (4.44, 41.82,12.86, and 30.51 %), like fish, bread, pasta and fast food,respectively. Two hundred and eight (208)of the respondents preferred to use olive oil in their diet due to its several benefits. The majority of the respondents preferred star anise (124) followed by sagebrush (44) as herbal drinks in descending order, respectively. During the COVID-19 pandemic,the study population reported to eat more herbs such as garlic (169), ginger (152) and curcuma (103)to enhance the immune system. Multivitamin (66) and vitamin D intake were reported as the highest, while vitamin B Group and ascorbic acid recorded similar intakes values. Mineral supplement intake in descending order were reported as calcium (57), iron (37) zinc (29) and selenium (5). Around 119 of the respondents had no knowledge on the exact source of COVID-19, while 113 reported as an infection from a bat to humans. The respondents recognized the symptoms as fever (270) and shortness of breath (249). Observing social distance and hand washing were chosen by most respondents (301) as a way of preventing the infection. Two cases of smokers quit the smoking habit; a minor increase rate of training activity was reported; almost all of the respondents embraced the consumption of functional foods, oils, herbs, roots, colored fruits and vegetables and special supplements during COVID-19. Knowledge oncovid-19 had significant positive impact on the respondents’ healthy eating habits, physical exercise, water intake and reduced smoking. Findings recommended intensifying efforts in sensitizing the public to a better understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthening the immune system.
... A preliminary study found the in vitro inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 replication by the bovine lactoferrin enzyme in the VeroE6 and A549 cell lines [10]. Although it has not been demonstrated that milk has specific immunological benefits to avoid COVID-19, it is pointed out that the consumption of food with antiviral properties can contribute to the improvement of the immune system and have a positive effect on sick patients [11]. ...
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Since the end of 2019, the covid-19 is critically overhanging general health and called as pandemic by World Health Organization. Alternative approaches are very important for its control along with specific drugs for covid-19. Hence, the main objective of the present article is to provide an overview on the function of horticultural crops enriched with antioxidants as a possible alternative opportunity in combating the covid-19. Natural antioxidants such as vitamins, bioactive molecules, various polyphenols and some of micro nutrients have promising abilities for being used as antiviral agents. This promising feature is accompanied with its effect on decreasing the levels of ROS in infected cells, inhibiting replication of several strains of different viruses and preventing the proliferation of cancer cells. Results highlighted the anti-viral effects of different antioxidants which can be summarized in three groups; 1) polyphenols with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects; 2) vitamins with inhibitory effects on oxidation processes, preserving the epithelium and improving immune function in the elderly and 3) minerals effecting on the formation of antibodies and improving immune system. According to these comprehensive facts of the review, antioxidants propose promising goals for improving oxygenation rates and glutathione levels, decreasing sodium intake and blood pressure, strengthening immune response and prevention of the chronic human diseases.
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In a greenhouse we find multiple variables that have great impacts on crops, for this a CFD model is built to simulate microclimate distribution and obtain optimal climate control for the growth of the crop. Analyzes of solar heat gains, heat losses, and temperature and air distributions for each special moment provide a good guide for product selection. In the CFD simulation the greenhouse volume and wind speed will be obtained for an optimal temperature distribution. The time required for maintenance, the need for sensor calibration, natural deterioration, and unexpected failures will have to be taken into account. The analyzes show a comparison between various variations of the air flow velocity in 0.5 m / s, 1 m / s and 1.5 m / s in two different models of greenhouses, which we will obtain the optimal model for the development and elaboration of a greenhouse. Demonstrating the efficiency of CFD models for the design, simulation and application of greenhouses.
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African Indigenous Vegetables are assert to cope with climate variability beside their great potential as both food and medicine in Zimbabwe. They can be easily grown in drought prone areas with low rainfall as they are resistant to adverse environmental factors. Inimitable opportunities are offered through cultivation of AIVs to diversify farming systems so as to ensure food security and are cheap alternatives as compared to their expensive exotic counterparts. Alternative approaches to reduce escalating numbers of current Covid-19 patients and death is to introduce nutrient intervention through rediscovering of pride in agriculture through cultivation and commercialisation of AIVs in Zimbabwe. AIVs have great potential to improve immune response by supplementing dietary requirements (micronutrients) of an individual and can have a positive impact on COVID-19 outcome as they play a significant role in the immune system. AIVs have antifungal, acaricidal, antiviral, anticancer and act as immune stimulants. There is need for persuasive research based information, suitable national legislation and information campaigns on cultivation and consumption of AIVs in Zimbabwe.
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Pharmacological properties of medicinal plants and various natural products of plant origin lie in the chemical constituents they contain. In most cases, the principal aim of phytochemical analysis of plants and natural products is to detect, isolate, characterize and identify these chemical substances. This paper reviews scientific works carried out on the ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of Solanum incanum L. It was understood that various parts of this plant were traditionally used to treat various types of ailments. A study of literature reveals some notable pharmacological activities of the plant such as antimicrobial activity, antimalarial activity, the antinociceptive effects, antioxidative property, immunological effects and many more medicinal values. Various phytochemical analyses carried out on the plant also revealed the presence of vast array of phytocompounds which were medicinally important. Therefore, this paper was reviewed and provided some of the up to date scientific works carried out on this important traditional medicinal plant.
Medicinal Properties of Lime and its Traditional Food Value
  • S Ganguly
Ganguly, S., 2013. Medicinal Properties of Lime and its Traditional Food Value. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2(4), 19-20.