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Online Oversampling for Sparsely Labeled
Imbalanced and Non-Stationary Data Streams
1st Łukasz Korycki
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond VA, USA
2nd Bartosz Krawczyk
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond VA, USA
Abstract—Learning from imbalanced data and data stream
mining are among most popular areas in contemporary machine
learning. There is a strong interplay between these domains, as
data streams are frequently characterized by skewed distribu-
tions. However, most of existing works focus on binary problems,
omitting significantly more challenging multi-class imbalanced
data. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for learning
from multi-class imbalanced data streams that simultaneously
tackles three major problems in this area: (i) changing imbalance
ratios among multiple classes; (ii) concept drift; and (iii) limited
access to ground truth. We use active learning combined with
streaming-based oversampling that uses both information about
current class ratios and classifier errors on each class to create
new instances in a meaningful way. Conducted experimental
study shows that our single-classifier framework is capable of
outperforming state-of-the-art ensembles dedicated to multi-class
imbalanced data streams in both fully supervised and sparsely
labeled learning scenarios.
Index Terms—active learning, data stream mining, imbalance,
dynamic ratio, concept drift, oversampling, online adaptation.
Contemporary data sources continuously generate ever-
growing amounts of information at high speed. This phe-
nomenon is known as data streams and can be defined as
a sequence <X1,X2, ..., Xn, ... >, in which each element
Xjis a set of instances (or a single instance in a case of
online learning) independent and randomly generated using a
stationary probability distribution.
Data streams evolve over time, changing their properties,
due to a phenomenon known as concept drift [7]. These char-
acteristics stimulated development of new machine learning
algorithms capable of handling such continuously arriving and
drifting data. Additionally, due to the potentially unbounded
size of data stream it is impossible to provide ground truth for
each new instance [21]. Therefore, in real-life scenarios we
must deal with scarcely labeled data streams, which will very
likely lead to underfitting, and use wisely the highly limited
access to class labels. One of the most popular solutions
is active learning that select instances for labeling, while
accounting for the presence of concept drift [15]. The problem
with using active learning alone is that for the highly limited
budgets all the selected instances may still not be enough to
ensure that dynamic boundaries will be updated effectively
and quickly enough.
Another learning difficulty that gathers increasing attention
from the data stream mining community is class imbalance
[12]. In the streaming context it poses new challenges, es-
pecially when combined with concept drift [20]. Here, the
proportions between classes change dynamically, as well as
class roles – minority may become a majority over time [12].
Although there exist a plethora of solutions for imbalanced
problems, adapting them to data streams and concept drift
is not straightforward. Ensemble approaches offer attractive
way to handle both streaming and imbalanced nature of data
and have been showed to obtain excellent performance in this
domain [13].
While there exist some works on handling imbalanced
data streams, they usually concentrate on binary problems
[9], [11], [20]. However, from the context of data streams
multi-class imbalanced problems are much more interesting,
as they occur when new classes emerge, old ones disappear, or
break into subconcepts [17]. They pose even bigger challenge,
as relationships among classes are not longer well-defined
and one cannot decompose them into binary subproblems
without losing valuable information [12]. There exist but few
algorithms dedicated to multi-class imbalanced data streams,
but they either focus on changing class ratios without drifts
[18], [19], or on handling concept drift with static class ratios
[14], [5]. However, in real-life problems these phenomena
occur simultaneously. Additionally, existing solutions assume
unrestricted access to class labels.
We propose a novel learning framework for multi-class data
streams that addresses all of the mentioned challenges: (i)
changing imbalance ratios among multiple classes; (ii) concept
drift; and (iii) limited access to ground truth. We use active
learning for selecting most valuable instances for labeling
and then use them to perform the multi-class oversampling.
However, we guide our selection and instance generation
procedures with a hybrid criterion that takes into account both
current class ratios and the classifier error on each class in-
dependently. This allows us to effectively tackle both concept
drift and class imbalance. At the same time, the fact that we
use the oversampling module, generating additional instances,
may be a solution to the underfitting after drifts regardless of
a class imbalance, so it potentially addresses the problem of
the limited budget simultaneously. Experimental study shows
that our approach, based only on a single classifier, can provide
sufficient solutions to the described problems, improving upon
both standard active learning and more sophisticated ensem-
bles, dedicated to learning from multi-class imbalanced data
streams or simply performing well in general cases.
A. Deceptive majority and budget constraints
The existing algorithms for multi-class imbalanced data
streams with dynamic class ratios do not take into account
two crucial aspects of learning from streaming sources. The
first one is that while they adapt to changes in class proportions
they do not provide any explicit mechanism to handle concept
drifts that are common in streams and may occur concurrently
with class ratio changes. Why is it important?
Let us consider a case in which we have a majority class
c1consisting of 80% of all instances and minority c2with
20% of incoming objects. Now, during some period of time
not only the ratios swap but also class concepts completely
change, which means that both c1and c2should now be
represented by new models. If an algorithm is based only
on class ratios, it oversamples only the minority class c1,
improving its adaptation, while for the entirely new majority
class c2, which also requires significant updates, we will rely
only on incoming instances. One may say that it is fine since
we balance learning and if c2turned into majority it does not
require additional instances. It is reasonable until we take into
consideration the second crucial facet of learning from data
streams – labeling budget constraints.
If a number of instances that can be used for updating is
significantly limited, then not only minority instances may
suffer from underfitting and require some amount of oversam-
pling, but also we may encounter a high error for the majority
classes. We call it a deceptive majority. Taking this fact into
account may not only help with modeling the majorities more
accurately, but also improve the minorities by excluding more
precisely the subspaces to which they not belong. We assume
that in such scenarios potential underfitting is more likely to
occur and impede learning more than overfitting.
B. Framework
In this paper, we present our algorithms that are able to
tackle all the mentioned problems emerging during learning
from imbalanced data streams. We designed an online wrapper
framework given in Algorithm 1.
Active learning. Our approach is, in fact a combination of
active learning and oversampling techniques. The former one
(QueryStrategy) is used to limit a number of labeling
requests for incoming instances xby asking only for valuable
ones given some criteria. If a current budget spending ˆ
not exceeds an available budget Band the method decides that
a new object should be labeled, we acquire a true class cfor
the instance and use it to update a classifier L. The available
budget Bis a fraction of instances that can be labeled. Since
streams are infinite by definition, we approximate the current
Algorithm 1: The framework for learning from imbal-
anced data streams on a budget.
Data: labeling budget B,QueryStrategy,
OversamplingStrategy, budget spending ˆ
b, generated
instances S, metrics M
Result: classifier Lat every iteration
Initialization: ˆ
receive incoming instance x;
if ˆ
b<Band QueryStrategy (x) = true then
request the true label cof instance x;
update labeling expenses ˆ
update classifier Lwith (x, c);
update class metrics M[c]
S←OversamplingStrategy (x,M[c]);
for i←1to len(S)do
update classifier Lwith (S[i], c);
until stream ends;
spending bwith ˆ
bas a ratio of labeled instances to all already
acquired. A few online strategies have been already proposed
that can be used in our framework [21]. They are usually
based on uncertainty, like RandVar or selective sampling,
however, to the best of our knowledge, there are no active
learning strategies for multi-class imbalanced streams with
dynamic ratios. We do not focus on this module in our work.
Instead we are going to show that problems with limited
budgets (underfitting) and class imbalance, while relying on
the active learning alone, can be effectively handled by adding
an additional module responsible for oversampling.
Oversampling. While the active learning approach is a step
forward to handle realistic streaming scenarios, it may still be
insufficient under strict budget constraints, when a very limited
number of instances is used. To handle this problem, we
propose an adaptation enhancement in a form of synthetically
generated instances. Since in this work we focus on skewed
data distributions, we use oversampling techniques for this
purpose. We generate additional instances Saccordingly to
a given OversamplingStrategy. It takes the labeled
instance xas a prototype and class metrics M[c]for the class
cthe instance belongs to. The oversampling strategy may
use different: (i) generation methods that defines how new
instances are created; (ii) balancing strategies that determines
how many instances are generated based on class metrics.
C. Generation methods
We specify two incremental generation methods that syn-
thesize additional instances S. They are rooted in the offline
oversampling domain.
Single Exposition (SE) – it is a fully online approach that
simply duplicates dtimes a given instance xthat is exposed
to the algorithm only once.
SMOTE (SM) – in this method we maintain a sliding window
Wof ωmax latest instances wthat represent current concepts.
Each class has its own window, so we keep ωmax already
received instances for each of them. New instances are gener-
ated using the SMOTE algorithm [4]. For a labeled instance
xwe find its knearest neighbors (belonging to the same class
c), generate synthetic instances using Algorithm 2 (the gap
is calculated using the uniform distribution U(0,1)) and then
duplicate them dtimes.
Algorithm 2: SMOTE single instance generation.
Data: new instance x, window instance w
Result: generated instance s
gap ← U (0,1);
for i←1to len(x)do
diff ←w[i]−x[i];
s[i]←x[i] + gap ∗dif f ;
return s
D. Balancing strategies
This module is responsible for balancing the learn-
ing process. In general, we want to use a function
d(mc) = dmaxγ(mc), where dmax is a maximal number of
duplications that can be created and γ(mc)is a balancing
function transforming metrics mcfor a class cinto a value
v∈ h0,1i.
Dynamic Class Ratio (DCR). The most straightforward ap-
proach is to generate dinstances in an negative relation to a
ratio λcfor a class c. While for binary problems we can apply
the ratios directly to get:
γ(mc) = γ(λ0/1)=1−λ0/1,(1)
it may not be reasonable to do the same for multi-class
problems, since for example, for balanced cases we would
unnecessarily oversample some of the classes. The easiest
approach is to perform oversampling relatively to the majority
class λmax [19]. Then for each class we can define the ratio as
c=λc/λmax, so we will try to oversample up to the largest
γ(mc) = γ(λ0
c) = γ(λc, λmax)=1−λc/λmax.(2)
Since we aim to solve not only multi-class but also dynamic
ratio problems, we need to apply adaptation mechanism to
the maintained class ratio values. We use the sliding window
approach in our algorithms. Although the presented method is
theoretically able to handle multi-class problems with dynamic
ratios, it still does not take into account the problem of the
deceptive majority (Sec. 2.1).
Dynamic Hybrid Ratio (DHR). A possible solution to the
problem is adding a concept drift detector and using its
indications to guide the class balancing. There are a few
existing online drift detectors (e.g., DDM [6]), which indicate
a change discretely (absent/present) based on registered errors.
Since we want to control the number of duplications in a
continuous way, we utilize a class-wise error calculated within
a sliding window. Different performance metrics can be used
for this purpose. In our case, we apply G-mean measure
gcthat is calculated in one-vs-all manner for each class c
separately [3].
For each incoming instance xwe combine both metrics –
the relative class ratio λ0
cand error (1 −gc)– using a simple
weighted sum:
γ(mc) = γ(λ0
c, gc) = αλ(1 −λ0
c) + αg(1 −gc),(3)
where αλ+αg= 1. Assuming that both coefficients are equal,
one can easily see that when one class is simply a stationary
majority (for example, λ0
c= 0.8and gc= 1.0), the strategy
will practically ignore this class regarding oversampling, how-
ever, if a majority class is drifting (class error is expected to
be high, for example, λ0
c= 0.8and gc= 0.1), the strategy
will maintain some level of oversampling for this class to help
a model adapt to a new class concept.
In our experimental study of learning from multi-class im-
balanced streams with evolving class ratios, concept changes
and under strict budget constraints we evaluate:
1) if our combination of active learning and oversampling
improves the former (E1),
2) if the hybrid balancing strategies outperform the simple
ratio-based approaches, as well as if one generation
method is better than another (E2),
3) if our single-classifier framework is competitive, in terms
of classification performance and time consumption, to
other solutions proposed for learning from multi-class im-
balanced data streams – MOOB/MUOB [19], as well as
to other state-of-the-art ensembles that are very efficient
in general cases.
A. Data stream benchmarks
To evaluate the given questions we utilized a set of 13
real benchmarks widely used in the data stream mining
domain. Most of them come from the UCI repository (Con-
nect4, Covertype, EEG, Gas, Poker) and Kaggle competitions
(Crimes, Olympic, Tags). The rest of them are very popular
in related publications. They are summarized in Tab. I.
TABLE I: Summary of the used data streams.
Name Instances Att Cls Dyn SC Drifts ∆
Activity 10 853 43 8 X4 1 0.89
Activity-Raw 1 048 570 3 6 X4 1 0.99
Connect4 67 557 42 3 - 3 2 0.84
Covertype 581 012 54 7 X4 1 0.97
Crimes 878 049 3 39 - 4 2 0.98
DJ30 138 166 8 30 - 4 2 0.99
EEG 14 980 14 2 X2 - -
Electricity 45 312 8 2 X2 1 0.98
Gas 13 910 128 6 X3 1 0.65
Olympic 271 116 7 4 - 3 2 0.95
Poker 829 201 10 10 X4 2 0.98
Sensor 2 219 804 5 57 X4 2 0.99
Tags 164 860 4 11 - 4 2 0.98
We decided to split our evaluation into two parts. The first
one is based on those real data streams that exhibit significant
variability of class ratios over time (Dynamic). Since all of
the presented data streams are supposed to consist of concept
drifts, we can safely assume that, in at least some cases the
class ratio dynamics occurs simultaneously with the concept
changes. We selected 8 of such data streams (Fig. 1, up to 4
classes are shown to preserve clarity).
To make sure that we evaluate our algorithms exactly
in the described cases, we generated additional 12 semi-
synthetic data streams, based on the real ones, using two
fully controlled modifications. Firstly, we assigned classes in
the streams to supersets (superclasses Ci), creating usually
highly imbalanced majority and minority concepts. Secondly,
we changed the assignments at some points to simulate class
ratio and concept drifts. For example, if in Activity-Raw
we assigned Walking and Jogging objects (about 70% of all
instances) to a superclass C1, and Standing objects (less than
5%) to C2, then during a drift we reverse the relation, so all
Walking and Jogging objects are C2now and all Standing
instances become C1. As a result, we simulate critical class
ratio changes (C1is about 5% and C2is 70% after the
change), as well as concept drifts, since both superclasses
are represented by different distributions of objects before
and after a change. The concept transitions were generated
analogously to the formula from MOA, using the sigmoid
f(t) = 1/(1 + e−s(t−t0)),(4)
where scontrols the duration of change and t0is a peak of
it. We created drifts of moderate lengths. All necessary details
regarding the generation process can be found in a repository 1.
In Tab. I we enclose a number of such changes (Drifts)
and the proportion of objects that change concepts due to
drifts (∆). Both the concept drifts and class ratio changes are
severe in almost all cases, therefore the generated data streams
represent the most difficult scenarios we can encounter. If we
also take into consideration the fact that, most likely, not all of
the class ratio changes in the real streams occur with concept
drifts at the same time, it is reasonable to say that, when
it comes to handling the described dynamics, the generated
streams are more challenging on average than the selected real
ones. Since obtained class ratios are dynamic, we enclosed
their values over time as an appendix in the repository.
B. Set-up
Below we present the set-up of our experiments. They can
be easily reproduced, using the environment available on the
given website.
Algorithms. To investigate if our combination of oversampling
and active learning improves the latter (E1), we collected
results for random AL-R (Random), AL-RV (RandVar) and
AL-S (Sampling) without instance generation. We evalu-
ated all combinations of our strategies SE-DCR,SE-DHR,
SM-DCR,SM-DHR to check if there are substantial differences
between generation and balancing strategies (E2). As an active
learning strategy for our framework we picked theoretically
universal AL-RV and Adaptive Hoeffding Tree (AHT) [1]
as a base learner, which is a state-of-the-art classifier in the
streaming data domain. Finally, we juxtaposed results for our
strategies with already published ensembles for multi-class
dynamic ratio streams – MOOB and MUOB (E3). In addition,
we compared them with other well-known ensembles: On-
line Bagging (OZABAG) [16], Leveraging Bagging (LB) [2],
Adaptive Random Forest (ARF) [8], Online Boosting using
ADWIN (OB-ADW) [16] and Dynamic Weighted Majority
(DWM) [10]. The ensembles used different versions of the
Hoeffding Tree, depending on their default settings. All of
them were connected with the AL-RV strategy for working
on a budget.
Budgets. The algorithms were evaluated on different bud-
gets, with a particular focus on realistic low ones,
B∈ {100%,50%,20%,10%,5%,1%,0.5%,0.1%}.
Configurations. We varied the size of windows for
SE and SM, depending on a budget, to make them
reactive to the limited number of labeled instances
ωmax ∈ {1000,500,200,100,50,10,10,10}. We set a fixed
maximum number of duplications dmax = 100, a fixed number
of nearest neighbors k= 10 for SM, as well as, equal
coefficients for the DHR strategies: αλ=αg= 0.5. For
the size of ensembles we chose 10 base learners (we have
not observed significant improvement for larger ensembles).
All the Hoeffding Trees used default settings. For AL-RV we
selected default θ= 0.01 as its variable threshold step.
Metrics. We collected classification efficacy and computing
performance for all classifiers. For the former, we used the
generalized multi-class form of G-mean, which is given as
√R1·R2·... ·Rn, where Riis a class-wise recall
and nis a number of classes [3]. It was calculated using the
prequential evaluation method. Bonferroni-Dunn ranking test
with significance level α= 0.05 was used to compare exam-
ined algorithms over multiple datasets. For the performance
of computations we registered update and classification time
per instance separately.
C. Results and discussion
We present the average results for all algorithms and data
streams under different budget constraints in Tab. II.
Improving active learning. The first observation is that our
framework was able to enhance results over simple active
learning strategies in all cases except for SM-DCR on B=
100%. For the real data streams, we can observe that the SM
strategies provide a steady increase of the improvements, com-
pared with the best active learning strategy for a given setting,
as budget constraints are being tightened from B= 100%
down to B= 0.5% (Fig. 2). It starts from about 1.1 for
SM-DHR and ends at more than 1.36 for the same strategy.
Results for the SE approaches exhibit the same trend for bud-
gets higher that B= 1%, with a slightly lower values between
approximately 1.09 and 1.29. Below the given budgets, SM and
SE still provide some gain, however, they are no longer able
to increase it. For the harder semi-synthetic streams the trend
0 500k 1m
0 5k 10k
0 200k 400k
0 5k 10k 15k
0 20k 40k
0 5k 10k
0 250k 500k 750k
0 1m 2m
Fig. 1: Dynamic class ratios for the used multi-class real data streams, each color represents a different class.
TABLE II: Average G-mean values calculated over all real
streams (top) and semi-synthetic streams (bottom) for different
algorithms given a budget.
REAL 100% 50% 20% 10% 5% 1% 0.5% 0.1%
AL-R 0.6415 0.6014 0.5586 0.4919 0.3966 0.3405 0.3237 0.2849
AL-RV 0.6158 0.5981 0.5327 0.4637 0.4531 0.3699 0.3175 0.2768
AL-S 0.6183 0.6034 0.5493 0.4775 0.4362 0.3802 0.3233 0.2702
SE-DCR 0.6983 0.7103 0.6580 0.6187 0.5724 0.4667 0.3741 0.3393
SE-DHR 0.7179 0.7250 0.6820 0.6282 0.5839 0.4561 0.3816 0.3318
SM-DCR 0.7048 0.7121 0.6625 0.6087 0.5706 0.4850 0.4313 0.3421
SM-DHR 0.7397 0.7395 0.6901 0.6459 0.5985 0.4980 0.4424 0.3534
MOOB 0.6441 0.6518 0.5756 0.5248 0.4880 0.3953 0.3619 0.3194
MUOB 0.2290 0.2191 0.2223 0.2165 0.2090 0.1774 0.2065 0.1622
OZABAG 0.6140 0.6150 0.5262 0.4852 0.4528 0.3984 0.3174 0.2757
LB 0.7404 0.7419 0.6946 0.6436 0.6064 0.4694 0.3461 0.2685
ARF 0.7597 0.7596 0.7001 0.6524 0.5977 0.4421 0.3453 0.2012
OB-ADW 0.6432 0.6324 0.5936 0.5538 0.5088 0.3886 0.3202 0.2498
DWM 0.7222 0.7223 0.6690 0.6181 0.5751 0.4254 0.3497 0.2866
SYNTH 100% 50% 20% 10% 5% 1% 0.5% 0.1%
AL-R 0.7229 0.6677 0.5970 0.5668 0.5088 0.3685 0.2992 0.2071
AL-RV 0.6628 0.6617 0.6047 0.5727 0.5108 0.3840 0.3079 0.1672
AL-S 0.6884 0.6713 0.6090 0.5642 0.5429 0.3882 0.2868 0.1593
SE-DCR 0.7399 0.7458 0.6973 0.6898 0.6645 0.5626 0.5434 0.4062
SE-DHR 0.7636 0.7758 0.7363 0.7144 0.6720 0.5707 0.5391 0.4330
SM-DCR 0.7198 0.7104 0.6713 0.6357 0.5954 0.5280 0.4967 0.4245
SM-DHR 0.7862 0.7938 0.7688 0.7439 0.7142 0.6359 0.5946 0.5019
MOOB 0.7369 0.7456 0.6743 0.6451 0.5922 0.4821 0.4256 0.3002
MUOB 0.4471 0.4208 0.4124 0.3895 0.3716 0.3318 0.2562 0.2444
OZABAG 0.6287 0.6262 0.5605 0.4999 0.4213 0.3208 0.2802 0.2226
LB 0.7936 0.7913 0.7312 0.6651 0.6123 0.4995 0.4264 0.2895
ARF 0.8183 0.8115 0.7603 0.7138 0.6683 0.5430 0.4644 0.3086
OB-ADW 0.7787 0.7614 0.7479 0.7115 0.6752 0.5718 0.5034 0.3603
DWM 0.7215 0.7195 0.6564 0.6459 0.6005 0.4606 0.4103 0.2656
is even more clear (Fig. 2). The improvements for the SM
strategies ranges from about 1.09 to more than 2.4 for DHR,
and from 1.02 to almost 2.1 for SE using the same generation
strategy. The most significant change can be observed after
we limit the number of labeled instances below 5%, when the
improvements become drastically higher. We suppose that the
difference between results for the real streams and the semi-
synthetic ones comes from the lower quality of the controlling
metrics maintained by our algorithms (windowed class ratios,
errors). It can be balanced by the difficulty of changes in a
stream (like in the semi-synthetic ones and probably some of
the real ones), when there is a higher chance that our approach
will be effectively utilized.
Regardless of the quality of improvements, they are caused
by the fact that the active learning strategies alone are not
able to update base learners sufficiently while learning from
extremely limited instances – single, sparsely labeled examples
introduce inadequate changes to models in terms of reaction
to skewed data distributions and severe concept drifts. Adding
properly controlled oversampling helps with maintaining suf-
ficiently balanced classifiers and prevents underfitting. The
fact that we are able to increase the enhancements for lower
budgets is particularly encouraging, since these are the most
realistic scenarios [21]. Results of ranking tests for all budgets
(Fig. 3 and 4) show the significance of the differences.
Hybrid over class ratio. When we look at different combi-
nations of our generation and balancing strategies (Tab. II),
we can conclude that methods based on DHR are generally
better than those using DCR. One can also notice that the
differences are more substantial for SM (up to about 0.04 for
the real streams and up to almost 0.12 for the semi-synthetic
ones) than for SE (up to 0.02-0.03 and 0.04, respectively), for
which they are on the brink of significance when averaged
over all examined budgets (Fig. 3 and 4). It may mean that
improvements for the very simple generation strategy are
harder to achieve.
The differences occur for both groups of data streams,
however, they are definitely more significant for the semi-
synthetic ones. The class ratio driven approaches are not the
best solutions that we can find if with the class ratio changes
come severe concept drifts. In such scenarios, especially when
a budget is limited, majority classes also need to be sufficiently
100 50 20 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
vs AL - REAL
100 50 20 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
100 50 20 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
Budget [%]
100 50 20 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
Budget [%]
Fig. 2: Ratios of the average G-mean for our algorithms (G) to results for the best (Gmax) active learning (left) and ensembles
(right) on given budgets.
handled by boosting the adaptation process with additionally
generated instances. The DHR strategies provide the additional
objects, based on the drift indicator – an error for a class. One
should also notice that even if we claim that the DHR approach
is more useful when data streams are characterized by more
severe simultaneous class ratio and concept changes, it almost
never performs worse than the DCR strategy, regardless of the
difficulty of drifts.
Generation methods. The observation that the gap between
DCR and DHR is more clear for SM than for SE is correlated
with the fact that the former works exquisitely well with DHR
and disappointingly with DCR, especially for moderate budgets
between B= 20% and B= 5%. In particular, it can be seen
for the semi-synthetic streams (Fig. 4). SE is more stable and
combines better with DCR, however, at the same time it does
not achieve as good results as SM with DHR. Eventually, we do
not distinguish any generation method as significantly better
than another.
3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 3: The Bonferroni-Dunn test over all examined budgets
for the real streams.
3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 4: The Bonferroni-Dunn test over all budgets for the semi-
synthetic streams.
Comparison with ensembles. Most importantly, although our
algorithms do not improve upon ensembles for high and very
high budgets above B= 20%, the relation between gain and
budget is similar as for the active learning strategies. In most
cases, except for the lowest budget for the real data stream,
we can observe that with decreasing budget our chances for
improvements increases (Fig. 2), which once again, is a very
important property, since smaller numbers of labeled instances
are more realistic.
Analogously to the results comparing our solutions with the
active learning, we can observe that improvements upon the
best ensembles on given budgets (usually LB or ARF) are much
more clear for the results obtained from more challenging
semi-synthetic streams. In particular, it can be noticed for
our the most efficient combination – SM-DHR – which was
better than any of the considered ensemble for the real streams
on very low budgets below B= 5% (from about 1.05 to
more than 1.2, Tab. II) and for the semi-synthetic streams
on low budgets below B= 20% (from 1.01 to nearly 1.4).
The rest of our strategies were at least competitive on budgets
lower than B= 10%. One should notice that SM-DHR once
again was resilient to very low budgets while compared to
other algorithms. As a result, SM-DHR turned out to be the
best algorithm overall (Fig. 3 and 4), outperforming all other
classifiers. Also, SM-DCR was very competitive for the real
streams (most likely due to the less severe concurrent class
ratio and concept changes) and SE-DHR for the semi-synthetic
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that in nearly all
cases with limited budget each of ours algorithms, except for
SM-DCR working on the semi-synthetic streams, was better
than MOOB and MUOB (Tab. II), which are considered state-
of-the-art algorithms for the problem of learning from multi-
class imbalanced data streams. In addition, one can notice that
the DCR-based combinations, which use the similar balancing
principle as MOOB, can also be better than the ensemble –
SE-DCR exhibits higher quality for budgets lower than 50%,
SM-DCR when less than 5% labeled instances are available.
It is most likely caused by the fact that our strategies tend
to generate much more additional instances than the bagging-
based algorithms, so they less likely suffer from underfitting,
like MUOB. Finally, the negative results for the undersampling
ensemble prove that using this technique while working with
highly limited budgets is not a reasonable approach.
The presented results show that our hybrid approach is ade-
quate to the presented challenging scenarios and that currently
available solutions can be meaningfully improved, especially
under realistic budget constraints.
Time consumption. In Tab. III we enclose the average total
running time per instance calculated over all data streams
(real and semi-synthetic), as well as we distinguish proportions
(bars in cells) of the time used for updates and classification.
Interestingly, while ensembles spends more time on classifica-
tion, our strategies use most of it for updates. Generally, there
is also a pattern of dominating updates on higher budgets for
all algorithms – it is probably caused by the nature of the
base learner used (Hoeffding Trees), which for more labeled
instances builds more complex structures that require more
time-consuming updates.
For high budgets above 10% we can segregate the solu-
tions into three groups – fast active learning methods and
MUOB (about 0.005-0.02 ms), moderate SE along with all
other ensembles (0.06-0.3 ms), and relatively very slow SM
strategies (0.48-1.11 ms). The performance of the last one is
caused mainly by the naive nearest neighbor search within
sliding window, which can be improved using a dedicated data
structure. On the other hand, one should also notice that the
differences significantly changes as budgets get lower – and
these are the scenarios to which we dedicate our methods.
It is worth noting that since all our strategies depends on the
number of classes (class ratio and error), we observed that the
total running time for the real data streams is higher on average
than for the semi-synthetic streams (larger numbers of classes).
TABLE III: The average total running time [ms] per instance
for all algorithms given a budget. Update time is blue, classi-
fication is red.
100% 50% 20% 10% 5% 1% 0.5% 0.1%
AL-R 0.0203 0.0104 0.008 0.0099 0.0061 0.0052 0.0042 0.0041
AL-RV 0.0107 0.0124 0.0101 0.0064 0.0056 0.0051 0.0049 0.0041
AL-S 0.0135 0.0127 0.0128 0.0063 0.0059 0.0045 0.0043 0.0041
SE-DCR 0.1741 0.1596 0.0788 0.0473 0.0275 0.0093 0.0067 0.0049
SE-DHR 0.1614 0.1485 0.0807 0.0486 0.0306 0.0111 0.0083 0.0055
SM-DCR 1.1116 1.0767 0.4873 0.2579 0.1457 0.039 0.0225 0.0089
SM-DHR 0.9837 0.9403 0.4716 0.2699 0.166 0.051 0.027 0.0102
MOOB 0.1329 0.1482 0.0919 0.0689 0.0655 0.0556 0.054 0.0521
MUOB 0.0194 0.0199 0.0221 0.0197 0.0167 0.0182 0.0149 0.0114
OZABAG 0.0764 0.0827 0.0633 0.0562 0.0526 0.0471 0.0464 0.0446
LB 0.1187 0.1235 0.0822 0.0672 0.0588 0.0476 0.0446 0.0459
ARF 0.0722 0.0638 0.0372 0.0276 0.0225 0.0171 0.0164 0.015
OB-ADW 0.3092 0.2153 0.1193 0.0584 0.0467 0.0386 0.0355 0.0279
DWM 0.0833 0.0764 0.0524 0.0368 0.0284 0.0259 0.0263 0.0239
100 50 20 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
100 50 20 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
Budget [%]
Fig. 5: Ratios of running time per instance for our algorithms
(t) to the results for ARF (tARF ). The update time is blue,
classification is red and the total time is green. Ratios for
DHR are in darker colors than for DCR.
In Fig. 5 we can observe how the ratios of the computation
time for our strategies to measurements for the best ensemble
–ARF (on average) – change with budget. We can clearly see
that as budget decreases the ratios decrease, in favor of our
methods. The SE approaches are competitive on the highest
budgets and become even faster than ARF, if less than 5%
labeled objects are available. The SM methods are more than 15
times slower than ARF on B= 50%, however, they smoothly
reduce the processing time (smaller windows, simpler AHT)
and become competitive for budgets below 5%. Furthermore,
for both generation methods we can see that the DCR strategies
are slightly faster than DHR (probably because the latter tend to
generate more instances). Finally, even if ratios for the update
time remains unfavourable in most cases, the overall time
reduces faster, since as the update time drops for all algorithms
the ensemble classification time starts dominating not only in
proportions (Tab. III) but also in absolute values, compared
with our single-classifier framework.
To conclude with, in our work we presented a single-
classifier framework addressing the problem of learning from
multi-class imbalanced data streams with dynamic class ratios
and concurrently drifting concepts. We analyzed our and
referential solutions under wide range of budgets for labeling,
including very strict constraints when even less than 1% of
labeled instances are available. The experimental results most
importantly show the following.
1) Combining active learning with oversampling improves
the former by preventing underfitting and equilibrating
adaptation between classes.
2) Hybrid ratio balancing strategies enhance simple ap-
proaches based on class ratio when dealing with con-
current ratio and concept changes.
3) Our single classifier framework using the best configura-
tion (SM-DHR) is able to outperform existing ensemble
solutions, which ignore the fact that concept changes may
occur simultaneously also for dominating classes, making
themselves susceptible to what we call the deceptive
4) Our solutions are competitive also in terms of running
time per instance.
Finally, we observe that the presented strategies exhibit their
primacy over active learning and the ensembles especially
when the number of labeled instances is critically low –
it reflects in both classification quality and computing per-
formance. We find it essential, since these are the most
realistic scenarios one can encounter. Taking into account both
metrics, we recommend using SE-DHR when relatively higher
budgets are available (above 5%) and SM-DHR for the highly
limited ones (below 5%). They provide the best quality-time
improvement ratio for the given ranges of budgets.
In our future works, we will consider providing more in-
depth analysis of used parameters (window sizes, numbers of
duplications, hybrid ratio weights) in the context of different
concept and ratio changes, including their severity. We may
also investigate other than G-mean measures for balancing
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