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Thread Lift


Abstract and Figures

he use of bidirectional suture or barbed threads is a minimal invasive technique for facial rejuvenation ,capable of making the middle and lower thirds of the face firmer ,this method is not comparable of conventional facelift .with the development in aesthetic medicine and technology ,it is simple ,less invasive and rapid recovery ,it can meet the requirement of patient with minimal invasive facial rejuvenation and the optimum result will reach by combination therapy .
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Chapter 54: Thread lift
Shohreh Ghasemi 1 (BDS, MS oral Surgery ) , Mark Stevens2 ( DDS, MD ,OMFS ,Pediatric oral
maxillofacial surgery),facial plastic surgery ,Samir AboulHosn 3 (MD,OMFS,PHD)
1. Oral Surgery, UIC (Barcelona, Spain), educational alumni of state department of USA.
2. Chairman of the department of oral maxillofacial university of Augusta, Atlanta, USA
3. Professor of UIC (Barcelona, Spain), chief of oral maxillofacial Unit, Plato hospital, Barcelona
Corresponded Author: Shohreh
Tel: 001-954-3762412. 0034-664338317
Abstract : the use of bidirectional suture or barbed threads is a minimal invasive technique for facial
rejuvenation ,capable of making the middle and lower thirds of the face firmer ,this method is not
comparable of conventional facelift .with the development in aesthetic medicine and technology ,it is
simple ,less invasive and rapid recovery ,it can meet the requirement of patient with minimal invasive
facial rejuvenation and the optimum result will reach by combination therapy .
Key words: Aging face, facelift, minimal invasive surgery, rejuvenation, thread, silhouette
Senescence or biological aging is the gradual deterioration of functional Characteristics . Senescence
can also be referred to as cellular senescence of the whole organism . Cellular senescence leads to
decline the biological functions and decrease ability organism of the adopt to metabolic stress.
Aging of the face is a Three-Dimensional, (3-D) process which affects all tissue bone, muscles, adipose
tissue and skin. This 3-D aging process is multifactorial .the primary factors, are due to gravity , the laxity
and ptosis of subcutaneous tissues ,decrease collagen and hyaluronic acid , atrophy in combination with
migration and hypertrophy of adipose tissues and bone reabsorption. Moreover there is an overall lack in
elasticity .1,8
The bone and cartilaginous structures become more visible as the skin and subcutaneous tissues thin; the
texture of the skin is altered and convexities turn into concavities. This contributes to a depression in the
temporal, perioral and orbital areas; in addition, the nose, eyelids, lips and cheeks migrate inferiorly with
accompanied loss of bone. The result is seen by retraction of the chin and the lower third of the face .other
overt signs of aging are the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, skin pigment changes and modifications
in face proportions. Fat characterized the shape of the face and is responsible for the youthful appearance.
There is a marked facial outline shape change as we age this transformation is especially seen when
comparison of a young woman face taking an inverted isosceles triangle shape and turning it into more
trapezoid with time..9, 10.
The other signs of the aging, is hair color, with aging the hair follicle make less melanin ,this is the cause
of gray hair ,scalp hair often start graying at the temple and extends to the top of the scalp. Hair strands
become smaller and leave less pigment ,so the thick ,coarse hair of the young adult gradually alter to thin
,fine light colored hair many hair follicles stop producing new hair .2.9
Therefore, to counteract these facial changes, one must develop global rejuvenation plan based on a three-
dimensional approach .this approach is based on combination of many rejuvenating products. Material
and procedures. This can be accomplished use with the customized administration of botulinum toxin,
hyaluronic acid, and carefully placed bidirectional suspension sutures. Although there are common areas
Chapter 54: Thread lift
to all faces as it relates to the process of aging, each patient will have their own subjective perception of
their aging face .2, 10 (figure 54.1)
Figure54.1; Aging
In a young face this compartmentalization of the fat is not visible because of the widespread and well-
balanced distribution of the superficial and deep we age the fat tissue is redistributed ,the face loses
its fullness and “fat bags” begins to appear as a distinct and separate compartments .Simultaneously ,the
underlying bony structures and prominence become clearly visible ,the malar fat pad covers the malar
bony prominence in younger face .overtime these fat pads tends to slide inferiorly, revealing the inferior
orbital rim contributing to the formation of deeper nasolabial fold.14,16
For these individual, a thread lift may be a good alternative to more invasive procedures thread lifts have
emerged recently because of the high costs. Long recovery time of the standard face lift or rhytidectomy
.thread lift costs less and require less downtime .some surgeons promote the thread lift as a “lunch time
lift “or “weekend face lift”.it can be performed in about approximately one hour.6,
Thread lift amongst the spectrum of procedures for non-surgical facial rejuvenation
Today a wide variety of minimal surgical procedures and modalities for facial rejuvenation are available
the following are now wide spread: a.)Botulinum toxin. b.)Fillers c).Radio frequency d).Meso therapy
e)cosmetic camouflaging The thread lift provides an actual milder lift, and is a semi-invasive procedure
and it has milder result but less costly with less postoperative recovery ,less down time .11.19
Dynamic of thread lift
Barbs along the thread act as cogs to grasp, lift and suspend the facial muscle. The barbs open like an
umbrella to form a support structure that lifts the sagging tissue. (.19.13). This creates tension in the thread,
and the tension lifts the skin tissue. Collagen formation occurs around the threads and their cogs or barbs,
producing an increasing collagen bundles type 1, and 3.(17.19)
Classification of thread based on Direction:
A large number of worldwide companies have their own patents as to not only the design of the threads,
but also the minor variations of method of deploying them., there are two types of barbed threads which
are available. These are:
a. Bi-directional threads, with no anchoring points, inserted within a hollow needle and placed in
such a manner that the thread cannot move either way because of the two-way direction of barbs
Chapter 54: Thread lift
fixing it nicely. Examples are the APTOS threads, silhouette soft (Europe), Instalift (USA) . Mint
Lift (Hans Biomed Company- South Korea), spring thread (France), Happy lift (promo Italia .)
b. Uni - directional barbed threads, which are anchored at a higher level fixation point. Examples
are Surdev sutures(Bulgaria), Silhouette lift (USA),Nova threads (USA, Korea)
figure54.3: variation of thread
Classification based on biomaterial:
a. Poly Dioxane (PDO): are popular in aesthetic clinics in Korea ,that are absorbable between six to
twelve months
b. Poly lactic acid sutures(PLLA) : bidirectional cone that has used in orthopedics rods and screws
for bone fracture ,they are absorbable, acting on the deeper layers of the skin to produce collagen(
silhouette soft or Instalift ),spring thread
c. Poly Carproamide sutures: Serdev sutures that are absorbable in three years , and that were
used for face and body lifting.8.,10
Candidates for thread lift
Best candidates
Ideal candidates for thread lifts include people with minimal signs of ageing. Women between the ages 35
and 45 who have minimal sagging in jawline, or deep nasolabial fold. Thread lift candidates include those
who have had some relapse from a previous procedure such as a facelift or neck lift.
Ideal patients are also those who understand and accept the possibility of the risks and complications, the
ideal patients must understand the limitations of these threads, have realistic expectations.
Poor candidates
Poor candidates are those patients who have excessively sagging skin, advanced age and show very
limited improvement. patients who are obese, have heavy or, rugged skin will show little or no
improvement .Threads are strictly contraindication when patients have prior facial implants, and
permanent filler such as PMMA and silicone and or other non -absorbable filler.
The exclusion candidates are also who has multiple skin allergic reactions or infections, immunologically
compromising diseases like cancer/ HIV etc., systemic diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis, etc.
Universal technique for double needle thread lift:
Preoperative markings:
Chapter 54: Thread lift
*before positioning the suture, it is better to stimulate the desired result with the stretching of the face
with finger, this will help the physician to insert in correct position and good evaluation of the patient.*
1) insertion point: make a 5 point straight line 5 to 7 mm, apart from the upper portion of auricular helix
insertion (temporal area), the hair should be separated and trapped to not exposed to the approach area .at
this point you can estimate that how many threads you need .the number of threads depends on the
severity of skin laxity or sagging, usually up to four.
2) exit point: it depends on how many threads you need for insertion and also it to be able to direct the
tensile force in lowest part of the face (the first point 1-1.5 cm of nasolabial fold midpoint and 1.5 cm
from the labial Commissure, for the second point, it is necessary to draw a line and there should be 0.5 -1
cm apart from the first thread.
The midpoint or entry point must be equal distance from the two exit points .local anesthesia (2%
lidocaine hydrochloride with epinephrine hemi tartrate 1:200,000 ratio at the needle insertion and exit
point .after the disinfection of the face ,the clinician will need to create an entry point with 18G needle to
facilitate the insertion of threads with cone or barbed and to introduce the yarn and tunneling technique as
well as protect the tissue integrity. the first needle (23 G thread in Silhouette or 21 G needle in mint )was
inserted vertically and perpendicular to the face and then 5 to 7 mm with a reasonable degree the needle
will be pulled to the layer of subcutaneous tissue depth ,(in Asian that has much more thicker skin the
needle should be inserted deeper) .when reaching the exit point ,the needle or cannula is partially and
proximally removed . one it reached to the adipose tissue ,the needle will be converted to 90’ and parallel
to the skin was inserted we should pass the whole or the cones(4,6,8) to the exit point .then from the entry
point the rest of needle should be inserted by the same technique .then the suture needle cut and the tissue
is compressed till to reach the desirable ,we should upstand the patient at the frontal view ,check the
symmetry of the face and then cut the suture that has protruded from the skin of the patient .for cutting the
end of the suture ,it is better to press lightly and then cut to avoid any residual cone or node or barb to be
remained superficially that can lead to infection or tangle under the skin .
Chapter 54: Thread lift
We have two possible techniques for the thread insertion, straight or acute line angle, the straight angle is
suitable for malar region,
Figure 54.3: silhouette lift (Non absorbable), that is off label in Middle East, but still in Europe and USA
are demonstrating in patients.
Chapter 54: Thread lift
Figure 54.4: mint lift thread (easy double needle) figure 54.5: mint lift
Figure 54.6. Silhouette soft (8 cones) for eye brow : as it is illustrated, the thread were not cut.
1. Technical errors:
A: creation of hollow or dimpling at the entry point this usually resolved between the first and third
weeks, if the deformity remains the residual thread is pulled out the of superficial skin attachment point ,
or with the sub sectioning with needle 18G(.figure 54.7.c)
B: Pain and edema is a common experience: the use of NSAID helps reduced the pain and edema,
Chapter 54: Thread lift
a : b: figure54.7 (side effect ) c:
C: skin crease and irregularities: it will be disappeared in one to three weeks , if it still present, a low
pressure massage can help to release suspension of the cones or barbs under the superficial
Unforeseeable reaction:
A: Ecchymosis or hematoma: that will be disappeared in 14 days, ice pack for 24 hour is an essential and
arnica tablets or cream will help to relieve from it. (figure54.7.b)
B: infection is usually due to the poor disinfection, or poor approach of medical and esthetic history of
the patient, and due to the block of the cone or barb from the entry and exit point .the antibiotic therapy
oral and topically are important in the prevention of infections.
Post up instructions: Antibiotic both orally and topically are administrated for six to seven days,
NSAID are administrated to minimize pain and swelling after the thread lift is recommended, that no
further facial procedure be performed .procedure such as ,lasers,IPL, are contra-indicated massage for 15
days ,and (RF ) for six months, physical or vigorous exercise should be limited , sleep sure occur in
supine position ,.dental treatment should also be avoided for at least 15 days .
Conclusion : the personalized treatment ,that can be performed in all portions of the face ,the case
selection for this treatment is the most important ,the PLLA is famous and well known for production of
collagen type 1,3 . The result will be maximized over three month, thread lifts can last for 12-18 months.
The optimum result can be obtained when combination therapy like Botox, HA injection or mesotherapy
is used in combination with thread lift to improve facial esthetics.
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Clinical case reporting plays a vital role in sharing detailed patient narratives, providing insights into rare conditions, innovative treatments, and unexpected outcomes. However, existing reporting guidelines in aesthetic medicine fail to capture the specific nuances of procedures and outcomes in this field. The authors’ objectives were to develop comprehensive guidelines for Case REporting in Aesthetic Medicine (CREAM). The study employed a 3-phase consensus process, including a literature review, expert interviews, and a consensus meeting. A diverse group of 10 expert participants (Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Non-core specialists, Evidence based medicine expert and Research Scientist) in Phase I and 30 experienced Aesthetic practitioners in Phase II contributed to the research. Statistical analysis was conducted to assess agreement levels among participants and explore associations and variations within the data. The participants represented various specialties, genders, LGBTQ+ identities, and ethnic backgrounds. The research resulted in the development of the CREAM guidelines, consisting of a 16-item checklist. The guidelines covered essential aspects of case reporting, such as patient and practice information, procedure details, clinical assessment and outcomes, adverse events, and ethical considerations. Statistical analysis indicated a high level of consensus among participants, as well as significant associations between checklist items. CREAM guidelines represent a step toward enhancing transparency and standardization in case reporting in aesthetic medicine. Adhering to these guidelines will allow authors to contribute to a robust evidence base, prioritize patient safety, and drive advancements aesthetic medicine.
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Eyebrow elevation and reshaping are common concerns that we handle in everyday practice, and we have noticed that the trend is shifting from a medical concern to a cosmetic one. Several eyebrow lift methods are available, both invasive and non-surgical. The method of choice depends on several factors, such as patient expectations and beliefs, financial budget, acceptance of downtime and the available tools in the practice. In this article, we review the recent literature on non-surgical eyebrow lift methods to provide an overview of the current state of this field. We discuss seven different methods for eyebrow lift and reshaping, including botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, fractional radiofrequency, high-intensity focused ultrasound, thermo-mechanical ablation, lasers, and threads. Moreover, we provide practical insight into the procedure, injection techniques, expected results, and patient satisfaction rate.
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Rationale: Scars always related to functional limitations, cosmetic impairment, and social and emotional problems. Clinical improvements in scar characteristics after autologous fat grafting are well described. In this paper, we present an innovative approach to treat depressed scars. Patient concerns: We presented a 29-year-old woman with multiple depressed scars in the left upper arm and near the elbow joint after trauma in childhood. Diagnoses: The patient was diagnosed as having multiple depressed scars accompanied with retraction and pain. Interventions: We used small needle knife during fat grafting to treat the depressed scar. Vancouver Scar Scale was used to assess the effect. Outcomes: Aesthetic and functional improvements were observed. Resolution of pain and improvement in scar elasticity were objectively assessable. Improvement of both clinical evaluation and patient perception was obtained. Lessons: Use of small needle knife during fat grafting is a good alternative for the treatment of depressed scars.
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Background: With the evolution of facial rejuvenation methods, thread lifts have gained popularity among patients who seek cosmetic improvement. Absorbable wedge-shaped polydioxanone (PDO) sutures are currently available, and they are extremely popular in the aesthetic clinics in Korea. In case of midface and mandibular jowl lift, threads are most often inserted in an oblique manner with vectors of rejuvenation directed toward the temple. However, specific characteristics of skeletal anatomy should be considered when deciding which technique to use in Asians. Herein, the authors introduce a vertical lifting technique most suitable for Asians, in which short (6 cm in length), wedge-shaped PDO sutures are inserted vertically downward in the anterior malar and submalar areas. Objective: To describe a novel technique adopted to counteract the descent and laxity of the Asian face. The authors also aimed to assess the overall safety and efficacy of wedge-shaped PDO thread lift in facial rejuvenation. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on cases of facial laxity treated with vertical thread lifting. A total of 39 Korean patients were included. All participants underwent a single treatment session. The results were assessed objectively using serial photography and subjectively based on the patients' satisfaction scores. Complications were also recorded. Results: Most patients (89.7%) considered the results satisfactory. Consensus ratings by 2 independent dermatologists showed that the objective outcomes at the 6-month follow-up were largely categorized as very much improved (10.3%), much improved (43.6%), and improved (33.3%). The incidence of complications was low, and the complications were minor. Conclusion: Thread lifting with short, wedge-shaped PDO sutures is safe and effective for facial rejuvenation. The authors' vertical lifting technique has several advantages over the current approaches. First, the vectors directly oppose the vertical sagging of the face, which makes the technique highly efficient. The technique also carries a lower risk of accentuating the cheekbones, a feature which most Asians do not prefer.
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Since the advent of facelift surgery, there has been a progressive evolution in technique. Methods of dissection trended towards progressively aggressive surgery with deeper dissection for repositioning of ptotic facial tissues. In recent decades, the pendulum has swung towards more minimally invasive options. Likewise, there has been a shift in focus from repositioning alone to the addition of volumization for facial rejuvenation. The techniques in this article are reviewed in a chronologic fashion with a focus on historical development as well as brief discussion on efficacy in relation to the other existing options. There is currently no gold standard technique with a plethora of options with comparable efficacy. There is controversy over which approach is optimal and future research is needed to better delineate optimal treatment options, which may vary based on the patient.
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Unlabelled: Facial soft tissue lifting with subdermal sutures has a significant attraction for physician and patient alike. The case report describes a 48 year old woman who presented with pain and discomfort over the left cheek after a thread-lift procedure with anti-ptosis (APTOS) sutures performed 13 months previously. The clinical examination showed extrusion of the APTOS thread (Aptos, Moscow, Russia) accompanied by slight soft tissue tightness and tenderness along its course to the temporal area, indicating complete removal of the thread. A simple minimal access cranial suspension lift was performed with the patient under local anesthesia to remove the subdermal sutures together with autologous fat grafting to enhance the aesthetic result. At the 1 year follow-up visit, no complications were reported, and the patient was entirely satisfied with the final result. Level of evidence v: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .
Traditional rejuvenation techniques include chemical peels, rhytidectomy of the skin, laser resurfacing, injection of dermal fillers and neurotoxins, and invasive surgical procedures. Patients with brow ptosis, jowl formation, and deepening nasolabial folds currently seek antiaging procedures with no incisions and minimal downtime such as thread-lifting with barbed sutures. The present report describes a case in which polydioxanone threads were used to lift the lower third of a patient's face. Fillers were used to supplement the results achieved by the thread lift because often, when tissue has been lifted, volume deficits are revealed, which can be corrected with dermal fillers. The procedure was performed in less than 30 minutes and was well tolerated. Mild swelling at the insertion points and general treatment area resolved within 7 days without intervention. Bruising was not observed. The patient showed remarkable improvement 7 months after the procedure. J Drugs Dermatol. 2017;16(9):932-934. .
Introduction: The use of bidirectional barbed threads is a minimally invasive technique for facial rejuvenation, capable of making the middle and lower thirds of the face skin firmer. This study aims to report a series of cases using polydioxanone absorbable monofilament synthetic threads called Mint Lift™ (HansBiomed Corp. and HansBiomed Daeduk institute, Seoul, South Korea) in facial rejuvenation and remodeling. Method: We report 6 cases with mild to moderate sagging skin in the middle and lower third of the face treated with Mint Lift™. Four patients were female and two were males, an average age of 42.5 years. We perform the preoperative marking to indicate the two exit points of each hemiface, where the thread passes through the skin, according to the design desired for the patient. The threads were introduced into the upper portion of the auricular helix insertion (temporal region) anchored between the superficial and deep temporal fascia layers. After this, a cannula was inserted into the subcutaneous tissue for the passage and exit of the thread lines. The treatment did not interfere with patients' routine, was comfortable for most of them, and its application was safe. There was evident clinical improvement in the photographic records, mainly perceived in the patients. Conclusion: The procedure has proven to be safe, and an important improvement was evident in the immediate postoperative period. It is a relatively fast, well tolerated procedure that can be associated with other procedures and as an alternative to conventional plastic surgery. Serious complications were not observed after the application, and the effect was shown to be long-lasting during follow-up.
The thread lift is becoming an increasingly popular treatment within the field of aesthetic medicine. The procedure can be performed using polydioxanone (PDO) threads to lift, tighten and rejuvenate areas of sagging skin, and minimise fatty tissue. This allows for the non-surgical redefinition of facial contours and enhancement of skin integrity. Thread lifting with PDO can also provide certain aspects of the much sought after surgical facelift in a clinic setting. PDO threads aim to promote targeted lipolysis of fatty areas and neocollagenesis in sagging skin, as well as lift the treated areas. However, it is important to note that the extent of these enhancements varies between individuals, and can carry unwanted side effects. The author draws on his experience to discuss the importance of managing patient expectations pre and post PDO thread lifting, describe the treatment's mechanisms of action, and highlight important considerations for aesthetic practitioners who wish to pursue these treatments.
The evolution of barbed suture technologies and their application in the field of plastic surgery is now in its third decade. Much has been learned along the way. Initial excitement was often followed by disappointment as we learned more about the limited longevity of minimally invasive procedures and complications arising from various suture designs of the past. Some of the early designs, developed primarily for use in aesthetic facial procedures, included free-floating, bidirectionally barbed, nonabsorbable sutures; unidirectional barbed, nonabsorbable sutures; anchored, bidirectional, nonabsorbable double-threaded sutures; and a technology combining a nonabsorbable knotted thread and absorbable cones. More recently, a new, absorbable, unidirectional barbed suture design has become available. However, it should be noted that very limited data are available for any of the modified suture designs used in this field, and much of what has been published is based on the experience of a single user. The author has used the bidirectionally barbed Quill Knotless Tissue-Closure Device (Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), the most common barbed suture in both facial and other aesthetic plastic surgery procedures, with considerable success in various open aesthetic facial procedures, including suspension of the brow and midface, platysmaplasty, and lateral neck suspension. It is the author’s experience that completion of 1 to 2 cases with this technology is sufficient to achieve competency in the closure techniques discussed in this article and that time savings can be realized using this device in various breast and body contouring procedures, including mastopexy, reduction mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, bodylift, and brachioplasty.
The author provides a comprehensive overview of barbed suture technology, explaining the hypothesized underlying cellular mechanism. He then describes the procedure, including patient selection, materials, and technique.
Barbed suture lifting is a minimally invasive procedure for rejuvenation of the aging face. Few studies have examined its efficacy and associated risks. To evaluate the morbidity associated with this procedure and its long-term effects. A retrospective review of 29 cosmetic patients who underwent thread lifting was conducted. A chart review provided information on patient demographics, surgical technique, and postoperative course. Analysis demonstrated that adverse events occurred in 69% and early recurrence in 45% of the patients in the study group. The incidence remained high upon extraction of independent variables, including technique used, location of thread placement, and number of threads placed. Indications for performing minimally invasive cosmetic surgery include obtaining outcomes comparable with those of an established widely used criterion standard. The goal for new procedures should be to deliver predictable long-term results while providing less morbidity, less downtime, and greater patient satisfaction. The results of this study indicate that the barbed suture lift was unable to accomplish these goals. This study also reflects the importance of a critical review of the ever-expanding options available to aesthetic surgeons.